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Musical Vocabulary Lesson Plan #7 Review Activity (MM/DD/17)

Materials: Computer, Pencils, copies of modified music from lesson #4. Trombone.
Standards Addressed:
Standard #2: Playing Instruments alone and with others.
Standard #4: Composing and arranging music within specific.
Standard #5: Reading and notating music.
Standard #6: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
Vocabulary: Andante, Allegro, Presto, Ritardando, Accelerando, Staccato, Tenuto, Sforzando,
Marcato, Leggiero, Pesante, Secco, Cantabile, Espressivo, Legato.
Lesson Goals:
With instructor, students will review all terminology.
Students will accurately add style terms to a pre-composed piece of music.
Students will be able to accurately associate symbol to meaning with articulation
Students will be able to associate tempo vocabulary with practical ranges of tempos
As ensemble(s), students will execute the skills necessary to read music with the added
articulation, tempo, and style symbols/terms.
1. Test Review (15 Mins)
a. Instructor will open the class to any questions about any terminology/symbols.
Instructor will use instruments/ensemble to demonstrate terms, as well as the
PowerPoint slides to visually reinforce concepts.
2. Group Composition Activity Part 2
a. In groups of 3 or 4 - chosen by the students from Lesson #4, students will add
style terms to a pre-composed piece of music, already modified by students from
Lesson #4. Provided by the instructor.
b. Students will be given 40 minutes to add the terms, play the modified music, and
assess the modified music with guided questions presented by the instructor.
c. Limitations are (Including Limitations from Lesson #4):
i. Every note must be labeled with an articulation.
ii. Must use at least three of the four articulations ( staccato, tenuto,
sforzando, and marcato)
iii. must use at least three of the five tempo terms (andante, allegro, presto,
ritardando, accelerando)
iv. Groups will present the modified melody while the rest of the class assess
terms/articulations used.
d. Instructor will offer to play modified melodies for the groups as he/she monitors
the class by walking around observing groups.
e. Following 40 mins, Groups will present their modified melodies to the rest of the
ensemble. Instructor will play with each group.
i. Question the rest of the ensemble each groups presentation.
1. What tempo terms did they use?
2. What articulation terms did they use?
3. What style terms did they use?
3. Remind Students of test taking place tomorrow. They will need their laptops to complete
the test.

Below is the score for the composition activity.

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