You are on page 1of 20

Lesson 1

SolidWorks Basics and the

User Interface

l lpon SUCC\!~sful COillpkllllll orthl~ h.:SSOil, you \\ill he able to :

Describe lhe key charactenst ics or a l"cature-hased. para met ne ..,ohd
motk h.:r
D1stmgutsh bct\\ccn '>kctchcd and appltcd li.:aturc~ .

ldcnu l"y the pnndpal components nf' the ~ohdWorks user intcrlltcc.
I \pl:.lm lum dill"crent dimcnswmng mcthodologic;. ~omcy
difl"crcnt dc:-.1gn imcnh.

Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2013
SolldWorks Basics and the User Interlace

What is the ~ol1dWmks m~chan1cal d~-.1gn auwnulli()f1 ...on\\nr~ 1!-. ajcoture-ha.wd,

SolidWorks paramctric solid modclill,:! th~s1gn tool\\ h1ch takes ad\anLag~ orth~
Software? cas) to lea m Windn\\ s graphical user mtcrlltce. You can crcm.: Jullr
as.lmuttll'c' 3D solid 1111H.leb "ith or" 1thout cwl\tiWIII\ '' htlc utihtlng
awomat1c or user dclim:d rdat1ons tn capture de., ign illfl!lll
rhe ltalici/Cd term~ Ill th.: prC\ ious paragraph mean :
Fe ature-based
Just as an ass.:mbl) 1~ made up ul a nu mher or 1ndiv 1tlual p1.:c.: parts, a
l.,ol1dWorks model 1s also made up or mdh 1dual constnucnt clcmcm....
lhc"l' elcmenh arl' calkd fi:atur.:;..
\Vhl'n you cr.:ate a mmld ll'lllg the <\oltdWorks soliwarl', you \\Ork
with intclligl'nt. l'a~y to understand geometric feature ... such as hoss~s.
cuh. hcllc..,, ril:b. lilll'h. chamfers. and drnlls. \-, thl' li:aturcs arc crl'atl'd
they arc appl1cd d1n:ctl} to th~ '' ork pi~Cl'
h.~aturcs can be classilicd ~ts 1.'1thcr sketched or appltcd.
"'kctched I caturcs. Based upon a 2() sketch. General!) that-.ketch
I'> trmsfonned mto a solid h) e'tru-.ion. rota lion. "'' ccpmg or
Applied I eaturcs Created dtn:ctl) on the solid modl'l. I illets and
ch:~mlcr-. ar~
c'-<tmpks of this type of l'caturl'.
I h.: l.,oltt.lWmb soli\\;tn: graphical!) shows )OUlhc katur.:-bused
~tructurc of your modl'l 111 a sp~.:ctal wtndo\.\ calkd the
I calurcManagerR destgntr~.:c. ll1e I .:atur.:Manager dcstgn trc.: nnt on!)
-.hlm" you th.: sequencl' 111 '"htch th.: li.:aturc-, 1\erc crcut.:d, it g1' .:s you
1!:'1') a~.:ccss to all the lllllll'rlytng associated tnformatton. You \\Ill kum
morl' abuut th.: rcalureManager design tree throughout this course.
Io tllu:-.tratc th.: concept of l'caturl'-
hascd moddmg, consider the part
sho'' 11 at the right

lhts part can be 'l'-ualltcd as a

collection of se\ era I di lli:re11t
1\!lllllrC~ Sllll1l' of\\ htch add
matcnal. like thl' C) lmdncal hus....
and some'' luch r.:mm c matl'nal.
like the hltnd hole

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 1
SoltdWorl<s Basics and rhe User lnrertace

11 \\<:''ere In map the mdh iduall~aturc ... tothe1r com:spondmg.ll!>ting

m the I caturdvlanagcr dcs1gn tree. 1t would look like thi~:

I he dunens1ons and relations used to create a li:aturc arc caplllrcd and
slnrt:d 111 the nmdd lh1s not only enables ynu to capture your design
inll:nt. it abo cnabh:-. you to qllld.l:r and casil:r make changes to the
Dm mg D1men.,1nns: rhc...e arc the dlmcn'>Wih u-.ed '"hen creating
a 1\:ature rhe) mdudc the dlmcn'>mns as-.oc1ntcd "ith the sk~:tch
g~:nmetry. a~ "ell ,,, tho..,e assocwtcd '' ith the feature itself A
.,impk c\ample nlthi.., \\Ould he ,t l~aturc like a cylmJncal boss.
I" he tllamcter of thl h1hs 1.., controlled h) the dwmcter of thl.'
sketched circle. I he hc1ght of the boss 1., controlled h) the depth to
"h1ch that ell-de "as l!\truded "hen the feature" as made
Rdallons: J'he-.c mdudc -.uch m formation as paralk!J..,m. tangency.
and conccntncuy lllstonc:tlly, tlw, type ormlimnatinn ha-. been
eonHnun1cateJ on dnl\\ mgs '1;1 feature control ... ymbols. B)
C<lptunng thts 1nthe sketch. olid'.l.llrks enable' you to full~
capture your des1gn mlent up front. 111 the model.
Solid Modeling
\ soiiJ mudd 1s the most eompktc type ul gcomctne 111
lAD sy-.tcms. lt contams all the" ire frame and .. urlilcl! gcom~:lry
ncccs~ar) lo full) dcscnbc the edges and lltccs o l tltc model. In addillll!l
to till' glomctnc 111rnrmati1m. 11 hth the informatiOn called topology that
relates the gcometr) together \n c\ample of tnpolog) \Hluld he" h1ch
l~tccs (sur laces) meet tll "hi eh edge (cun c) This mtell1gence makes
opcratinns such a lilletmg as cas~ as ,.,cleellng an edge and ..,pec1l) 111g a
raJ1u ....

Lesson 1 SolidWork s 201 3
SolldWorlts Basics and the User Interface

Fully Associative
A Sol id \\ orks mndd 1:. full> a~soc1at I\ e to the dm'' mgs and
a),semhlies that r.:li:rence 11 . Changes to the model arc <IUtomaticall)
rclkcted 111 the assocwted dr:l\'>lllgs anu assemblies I iJ...e'' 1se, you can
make changes 111 the collie'- I or the Jra'' mg or asscmhl) and kn1m that
those chang..:s "d l he rctkctcd ha~:J... in the model.
(Jcomctric rdationsh1ps .. uch as parallel. pcrpend1t:ular. hnritontal.
'ert1cal. concentne, and <:omddent arc just <;ome llt' the constraints
surportcd in ~olidWo rJ...s . In uddllinn. equation" can he used to
establish math..:matical relationship:-. among r;1ramctcr... B> using
l!OJbtramts ami cquatillllS, ) llll can guarantcc that tlcs1gn Cllll<:cpt~"> sud1
as through hole:_.. or equal radi1 arc capturcd and mamtu1m:d.
Design Intent
l hc linalnahcitcd tCnll i'> dcslgn Ill tent. Thi ... ~LihJCLl is \\llrth) or its
n\\ n ~ection. ns ti1llm\ s
Design Intent In order ll> w ..e a paramctnc muddcr liJ...e ~ohd\\wJ...s dlic1cntl). you
must co1ls1dcr the design mtent bcli1re mndchng. Iks1gn mh:nt 1s )'Ollr
plan as to ho\\ the mod cl "hnuld hch;l\ c \\hen 11 1s changed. l'he '' U) m
"h1ch the model 1s created gm ems 11\l\\ 1t "dl he chang~:d . Se\ era I
l'allors contnhutc to ho\\ you capture d1.:'i1gn mtcnt
Automatic (sketch) Relations
Based on hn\\ gc(llllell') 1s sketched, these rclatwns can pnn 1dc
l:Ommun geometric relationship~ between objcch su~:h <I~ purallel.
pcrpcmhcular. hontontLII, and 'crtical.
Used to relate dimensiOih algchraicall) , the)' pnl\ ale illl c\lcmal W:t)'
to h)rc~: change ....
Added Relations
1\ddcd to the modc.:l as tl i-.. created, rclatmns prm 1de another \\<1) to
connect related gcumc.:tr). ~ome cmnmon rclm1ons arc eonccntnc.
tangent, Cllllll'ld..:nt. and collmear.
Dimens ioning
I he \\a) in \\hich a sJ..etch Is dimcnswncd \\Ill ha\e an nnpactuponus
dc..,1gn intent Add d1mens1ons 111 a "ay th.ll rct1ects ho\\ ynu "ould
liJ..e to change them.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 1
Sol idWorl(s Basics a nd the User Interlace

Examples of C.,om~ C.\ .ampks or tli ll'lrcnt tlc-.tgn mtent m a skctch arc -,hlm n helm\ .
Design Intent
1\ sketch tl1mcnsmncd hl-..e thts \\ ill 1-..eep
the holes 20mm from each end rcgardks-.
or hO\\ thl' ()\ erall plate \\ IUth, 1OOmm,
1s ch.mged.


Baschnc dtmcn-.tons hl-..c thts \\tll 1-..Cl.'P

the holes posllmn~tl rdath e to the kfi
edg.~ or the plate. !he posit l lll1~ or the
holes arc not ,tlll.:ctctl h~ change:- in the
ll\ crall \\ idth or the plate

Dimens1oning from the edge and fiom tOO---i

ccntcr to ccmcr" tll mam tam the distance
het\\ ccn the hole ccntcrs and allo\\ it to
he changed that ''a~

How Features Dc:-.ign 111tent 1-. .tlll:ctctl h} more than JU'>t

Affect Design llll\\ a sketch 1!-. dimem.umcd. l he choice or
Intent rea tun:~ JIH.l the modd mg methodolog)' arc
also 1111portant. for e\.amplc, consider the
cas-.: nf a simple steppcd shall as sho\\ n at
the nght. There arc .,e,cral ways n pan l1!-..e
thts could he built and each "ay crcntes a
part that 1s geometrical l)' 1dentical.
The "Layer Cake" rhc layer cake approach build-. the pan nne piece at a tinw. addmg each
Approach layer. ur li.!atun:. onto the prc\ 1ous unc. hkc thi-..

Changmg the thickness or one l,t) er ha-. a npph.: clll.:ct, chang ing thl.'
f1lhlt l!ll1 of all th-.: othl.'r layer-. that \\ l're creall.'d aficr 11.

Lesson 1 SolidWo rks 201 3
SolidWorlts Basics ond the User Interface

The " Potter's rh~ pott~.:r's \\h~cl approach huilth the ptlrl u~
Wheel" Approach a ~mgle. re\ oh ell feature. 1\ 'mgle -.!-.etch
repr.:sentmg. thl' cross ..,c.:tion indut.lcs all the
informauon anti t.lm1cnsions neccs~ar) to mak.:
thl' part as one f~aturc. While this approach
may se~m 't:r) dlku.:nt, ha\ mg all th~.: t.les1gn
mlormat1on cont:tinl't.l "ithin a singk I~:Hun.:
lim1ts lle\1h1ht)- and can make ch:mges ''' k"anl.
The Manufacturi ng rhe manulilctllnng appwach ltl moddmg 111 1 1111.:~ the "ay the part
Approach \Hluld h~ manutllcturetl. I or <:\ample, 1rtlm. stepped shaft \\as turned
on a lath.:' ) ou \\ ould start \\ llh a pi~ce or har ..,toe!-. and r<.:lllll\ 1.!
llhllenal usmg. a ...eri.:s or cuts.

File References "'ol it.I\Vorks cr.:att:s lil~.:s that ar.: compound documents that contn1n
.:kments lnun ntht:r lik~. hie rdi?r.:nn:;, arc creatt:t.l b) hnkmg. tiles
rathl'r than Juph.:aung m formation 111 multiple lilcs.
Rel~rl'IH.:.:d liks do not h:l\c to he stor.:d \\ nh the dm:umt:nt that
reli:renct:s them. In must prat:t~e.:a l applicatHlll". tht: rt:li:renc~:t.l
documt:nts nn: .,wred 111 mulup l ~: locat mns on the computer or net\\ ork.
SohdWork~ pro\IU.:s Sl'\Craltools to t.letcrminc tlw reti:rences that
C\ISt antlthc1r locatwn.
Object linking and In the \\.' indo\\~ cm mmmcnt. intimnauon ...haring hct\\ct:n file~ can he
Embedding (OLE) hantlled t:Hher b~ ltnkmg or cmheddmg tht: mt(mnatmn.
1he main d11li:rt:m:c~ bet" t:t:n lt nked object~ anti cmhctllkd objects arc
"her~ tht: data 1s storct.l and IHm you uptlatt: the tlata n tkr you plact: tt
111 tht: tle~t i natwn lile.

Linked Objects Wh.:n an object i... linkctl. inlimnation IS urtlat~:J on ly irthe ~ource lilc
is mot.I J!it:t.l. I mJ.. cd data is ston:tlmthc llnun:e tile. !he t.le~tinaunn lilc
.,lorcs unl;. the lm:ation nr tlw source ti le (an C\tcrnal rd~rcncc). anti it
displays a rcpre~entallon or the hnk.t:tl t.lmn.
I 1s <ll~o uscl"ul "hen ynu want to mcludc ml(mmlllon that 11-
mamtaincd mtl~:rt:ndcntl). such as data collccteJ b) a dill~n.:nt
Embedded Objects When you cmhcd an object. infi1rmation in th~: t.le-.tinat lon tile t.Jt,esn't
change it you modify the "nurce li le. Emht:dt.lcd ohject" hccon11.' part or
the tlc ...tlnatwn tile and. on et: Inserted. art: llll longer part or the suurcc
li le.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 1
SolidWorlcs Basics and the User Interface

File Reference I he 111:.111) d1 Jli:n.:11t type~ ol C'<ll.:rnal rcli:rcncc~ created b} SolidWorJ..~

Example arc slllm 11 111 the li1llo\\ mg graphic. l;)omc olthc rcl"crcncc~ can he
l111kcu or cmhcudcd

Dru\\ ing ~~


Library Feature Insert Part

Lesson 1 SolldWorks 2013
So/ldWorlcs B asics and the User Interface

Opening Files Stll!d\Norks I\ a RAM-rc<,ldcnt CAD sy.,tem. Whene\ er a tile 1~

optned, IllS coricd from liS storage locatiOn(() the comrutcr's Random
1\cccs:-. Memory nr RAM. \11 changes tolhe file an: mode to the cory
10 RAM and only \\rlllen back LO the tlngmallilcs during a Save

Fixed Disk

Computer Memory lo better understand ''here li lcs arc red and '' h1ch copy ut' the li le
\\t'arc \\urking on, 1l1s 1mpor1antto dlllcrcnllatc hct\\ccn the t\\O mam
tyres of' computer memory.
Random A ccess RamJum \ccc-,:-. Memory (RAf\.1) 1s the \Oiallk memory oftht
Memory computer. f h1s lllCI11llr) Oil f) store., informatiOn\\ hen the computer 1-.
operating. \\!hen th~ compuh:r 1s turned olT. any mformatmn 111 R \ f\1 j..,
Fixed Memory I 1\cd mcmm') 1s all the norl-\ o latllc memory. l"lw. mcludcs the
computer hard dm c. lloppy disk .... ttp di..,ks and (.'[).., l'i\ed memory
lll'lds its inf(mnattun C\ t'l1 "hen the computer 1s not running.

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 1
SolidWorks Basics and the User Interlace

The SolidWorks rhl.! <;jolu.l\\nr"-~ us~.:r llllerlac~.: is u ll<lll\e WindO\\ s interface. and i.l'i
User Interface such he ha\~.:-. 111 the ::.a me mann~.:r a;. nth er \v mdows upphcallons. Snm~.:
ofth~.: more 1mportunt a'>pech of the mterlacc ar~.: identilicd hckl\\ .

\6)...._. ......

t: -""'''"""~"<''""'
~ "'-l
~ "-!
~ ......J
~. Origin

.... . . (-
Q ~l>!!\10<

o -~
' '
1 l

Unselectable At lime-. you \\Ill nmic~.:

commands. 11:ons. and menu1)pllons that are
Icons gra} ~.:d out and uns~.:h.:ctahle
Thi-. 1s hecaus~.: }llU may not he" orkmg 111
the proper environment to access those opt1ons. I or example. if you arc
wor"-mg 111 a "htch (Edit Sketch mode). you ha\ e full accc.,s lOa lithe
shh:h toob. I hmc\l.!r. you cannot select the 1wns such a-. lillct or
chamf~r on the reaturcs tab of the { ommandManagcr. Th1s dcs1gn
hdp-. the mc\pericnccd hy limitmg the cho1ccs to only tho:-.e that
.1re .1pprnpnatc
To Pre-select or A., a rule, the ...,olaiW<,r"-s soli\\ are does not require you to pre-sclect
Not? objc~.:~ ... bcftH"l' opening a menu or lhalog ho\. lnr c\ample, 1fyou \\ant
to add '>111111.' tilh:h to the edges ol')our model. you ha\e complete
frecd1H11 )OU c.m :-.dect the edges fir.,t and thcn click the Fillet wnl or
you can die"- the Fillet wnl and then select the edge-.. I he cho1ce 1s
) our-..

Lesson 1 SolldWo rks 2013
Sollc/Worl<s Bas1cs and the User Interface

Heads-up View l he Heads-up View tnolhar 1:> a e:,. ~ q ~- [J.

Tool bar tr:msparcnt toolbar that contams man)
common 'IC\\ man 1pula11on commam.h..
vlan) or the ICons ( -.uch ..IS the Hide/Show
Items 1con 'ohmvn) arc Flyout Tool button:o.
thll cnntum other optwns. l"hesc !lyouts
contain a small J1m n arrtm l<l access
the other

Pull-down Menus The Pull-dm\ n menu ... pru\ 1J e access ll\ many or the commands that
the ~oltd~orb snllware otli.:r:-. rlm11 ll\ er the nght l11cing urro\\ t1)
acce:-s the menus. ChcJ.. the pushpm tu keep the menus open.

\\then a menu item has a nght-pointing

ttrl"\1\\ hi-e th1s: t"""' . it mca1h
that tha.. 1s a sub-menu assocmtcd '' nh that
When a menu Item IS rol lo\\cd b) d hpses
hJ..c th1s "~.!> ...... ,... 11 mean., that the
npt1on opens <.1 dialog bo\ '' 1th add1tiona l


'->- ,_
cho1cc., ur mlimnatll)ll 0..,.
J. c-....... s.,.......

~ ftDutW'liJPo.m'
~ ,'9...

_,. Wdd._,

SolidWorks 201 3 lesson 1
SolidWorks Basics and the User Interlace

Customizing \\ hen the Customize Menu item ~~ sclectcu. !\'*M ( trlllt

Pull-down Menus each item appear-.\\ llh a check bo\. <.lcanng Se""!! C.'"

the check bo\ rcmo' cs the as..,ocmtcu 111:m Qo>flltV

from the menu. LJ91" and (MNta1;







( tf311'tot fN'd

Keyboard Some menu it..:ms md1catc a k..:yhounl shurtcut lik..: tlus:

Shortcuts Solid\\ orb conform~ to standard \\ indtm.., coil\ cnt1ons for ~uch
shnrtcuts a~ Ctri+O li)r File, Open: Ctri+S for File, Save: Ctri+Z fc.11
Edit, Undo and -.o on. In ;~ddllmn.) ou cun cuslc.llllltc \oliu\\urb b~
cr~Hmg your U\\ n short cub.

Quick Tips Quic k Tips are part of thc on-line

help syst..:m. Th~:y ask"\\ hat" ould
you like to do'.'" and pro\ 1de l) plc<.~ I ~~ ~ """""""
uns\\ cr.., bascd on the current ta..,k. 0 Oto! mort lr'Wn
Clicking an answer highlight~ the 11 err.,,. lhr':!! m tm m
1con reqUired w perform that ta~k. ,., CW!u!w:r:;t"k tqn IlD
D' Edt., rmtmJune.

""'*'... ~ ~~~
Toggle Ou1ck Tips _ . /

Lesson 1 SolldWorks 2013
So/idW01 ks Basics and the User Interface

Featu reM a nag er The leatureMnnagcr design tree is a unique part of the Solid Works
Design Tree sol1ware that 'isually di!-.plays all the lcntures in a part or assembly. As
lcaturcs are created they are added to the I catureManager d<.!S1gn tree.
As a result, the FeatureMnnager dcs1gn tree represents the
chronological sequence of modcling opera!Ions. The
design tree also allows access to the editing of the features (objects}
that it contains.
FeatureManager Des1gn Tree

P~ DimXpertManager

.I -- __:\"''""'"''" Show
" ' AOOOAAI1 (l)doull)
ll:!J s.n-.
lil - .....
t: Moo..... """ fj>Kif!Od
Q F,....
~ l"''
~ ...,..
t Ong.n
a ~bV .....
fl F>Idl
fl ro1n2
li! SJ.dll
& Rob
tl C)llo<t
f:l -
fl foldS
~ !( c ........-

Show and Hide Many fcatureManagcr ncms (icons and loldcrs) arc hidden by default.
FeatureManager In the image above. only l\\O li.llder-; (Sensors and Annotations) are
Items shown.
Click Tools, Options. System Options. and FeatureManager to
control their\ isibility using one of the three settings explained bclmv.

"....... ..- . liJt - -

~ a-;,.-
~- '
~ t.,.... .......,.
~a~ -
- .' I.'"""
li!S..I- .- .
f;:j r-. ill"""" .....
fiiF....- e . .:.1 ~

r_ .. .
Automatic - ll1dc th.: 1tcm \\hen 11 is .:mpt).
Hide - Jlidc the item aL all times.
Show Show the item ar alltinh.s.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 1
SolidWorks Basics and !he User lntorlace

Using the I he CommandManager is (I set or n:ons drv ideo llllO tabs that arc
Command geared towards srecrlic ta-.J..s. I or c\amrle. the part' crsion has -.~.:cral
Manager tab~ w Jcecss eomnMnd-. related to li:aturcs. sketches. and -.o on.

-- .:. --..-
~ ~ - .---
- e~-.- Q.f. -
b--- -011
I-.. ! ~...,lt-I~!OBot-.m!

Note l'he Commandl\1ana!!cr can he Jrsplayed '' ith or'' llhout tc\t on the
huuons. These rmages o.,ho\\ the Use Large Buttons with Text optron.
Adding and I he dclault settings sho\\ li\1: I~N ~~l~~-~====~~~~
Command Manager tabs l{lr a part
lilc. Others can be.: added or
rCillll\ ed by nght-cheJ..rng on <Ill)
., h .......
-;- Sbich

tab anti clicking or clearing the tab MoldToak

hy name. O.UMog<"-
fhl.'rc arc diffc.:rent-.1.'1.., of tahs lor Gr.-.
B f.lonl(poot
part. asscmbl) and dr<m mg lilcs. -..roo~o
~ orf>UPfodud

Multiple Monitor SolrtiWorks can take adnmtugc or mu luplc monitor d i spluy~ to sp:rn
Displays monrtors and to move documen t " rndow-. or menu~ to a dilli:n:nt
Spanning Monitors Click Span Displays t'u on the top bar or the Solid Works" tndm' to
stretch the drsplay across both rnon rt1lr~ .

Lesson 1 SolidWorks 201 3
SolldWorlls Bastes and tho User Interface

Fitting to a Monitor Fit to Left Display nr Fit to Right Display " on th~
Cli~:l-.. ~ither
top bar {ll a document to lit 11 to the lell nr nght mon twr

L~ J
Tip I'he (. nmnHJndl\ l .mag~r or Prupcrt} "-1JnJI!O:r lJn he drag~o:d and on the top. "'de or ouhtdc of the ~nltu\\o rl-...., '' tllll(m nr 10 a
PropertyManager \.lan) '.nlu.l\\ tlrb cnmnwnu' ar~ e\el'lltcd through the
Prnpert} \1anago:r. lho: Prorert) \ huwg~r m.eupie~ th~ ...a me ~ero:en
po~iti1m a' th~ I euturo:~ l anagcr dc,ign tree and rerlao:~s 11 "h~n 11 j., m


~ Open and
Close 1con

Group Box
Open and acuve

Group Box
Closed and mactve

'I h~ 111p nm of' bull nth o:olll;lln' th~ ,t, OK. Cancel ,md Preview
lkhw. the top nm of' butwn' tr~ on~ m more Group Boxes that
cnntam ro: l.ttcd optt\111,. I ht:) can h~ npo:m:d (e\p;,uukd) or elo..,~d
( etlllap,cd) ;tnd Ill mJn) l'<t":" made , tell\~ or maclt\ e

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 1
SolldWorks Basics and the User Interface

Task Pane I h~ Task Pane \\ muo" C<llllams the SolidWorks Forum

SolidWorks Resources .J . Design Library d . File Explorer
Search .a , View Palette , Appearances, Scenes, and Decals ~

and Custom Properties - uptwns The" mdo'' appears on th~ nght

h~ ddimlt hut 11 can hemmed and ro.:~11~d 11 can he 11po.:ned 'closed.
tacked or mo' ed rrom Hs del~tull positiOn on the ~de o l thc

GtttaQ ltarl.-d
Q ..

~a~ U os~
,_.,, ""'


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t "' '--"' Ot-o.,...onoo~Jhttce
.. Repart. hU ....

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(A)ffont (A) TOO

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3 1Beta1 .. ~bl

~:~~ -

.. ........
filtafl . . lloy


SDidW\. 'Y """"

Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2013
Sol/dWorlrs Basics and the User Interface

Opening Labs with You can opcn partJ> and al!l-Cmhhcs re4turcd
the Design Library lor lab c\erctses u~mg the dcstgn library.
\dd the cla~s liJc.., to the dcst gn llbrnry ~u- ...
U t......OI
usmg thi~ proccourc. e::E!::I
.Q . . -
Open thc Task Pane ,1110 the Design , t;J ~
Cl id, Add File Location 4
<;clcet the Essentials lt)ldcr uscd l(lr
the clasl-t lilcs. 11 should be found under
the SolidWorks Training Files folder.
Click OK.

Double-dtek th~o: teon of the part <lr asscmbl) tn tho.: Design Library nr
orag uno orop ll Ill tO the ( iraphics i\rca tonpo.:n it.
Search lhc Search optton can be used to lino Files and Models on your
sy ...tcm b) searching !or any parlofthe name (requtres Wind~ms
Dcsklllp S~.:urch o.:ngmd. or to lind mformatmn from SolidWorks Help.
the Kmm lcdgo.: Bas~.:, Community I orum or Commands. Search w.. ing
lhts proccourc:
( hoose \\ htch type of s~arch you Wllltld Jtke tO 00.
rype ,t name or parual name mto the Search -=-----'T':'""...
b11\ ano click the search tcon IEJ.
lor Knowledge Base and Community
Forum llcarches. you will need to login to
your account

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 1
SolldWorlt.s Basics and the User Interlace

Mouse Buttons lhc kll. right and nmldk mousL' huunns ha\c di~unct n11:an1ng~ 111
<.;ol id Works.
()elect objects such a ... gcnmctr). menu ... bullon~. and nhjcds in till
I d..:s1gn tr..:c
Activates a contc\t scns1tl\ c shorh.:ut menu. I he ~:on tents olthc menu
ddlcr dcp~.:ndmg on "hat nhJcct the cursor 1s over. lhe:-.e menu., abu
n.:prcselll shortcuts to frcqucnlly used commands.

Note \t thc top of th..: Shortcut Menu is thc Context

Toolbar ll con lams some of thc most cnmmonl}
ti'-Cd commands 111 1cnn llmn.
Bdm' 1t ~~ thc puii-Jo\\ n mcnu. It ~:on lam' other
command ... that arc availablc in the ~:nntL'\l or the
sdct:tion. in thts c:-.amplc a lace.


*'X c...._r......
..., _ _ _ _ _--1

Dyn:umcall} rotate" pans or tooms <1 part nr asscmhly. Path a dra\\ ing.
System Feedback I c!.!tlhack 1s prm ttled h) a symb,,l attached to the
cursor nrrm' tndll:<lllllg "hat you an: sekctlllg or V..:rtc\
\\hat the !>}'>lem ts cxpccting you to sl.!kcl. As thc
cursor llnab a..:ro's the model. lcedhad, "ill come Fug.:
Ill lhl.' l(mn of S) mho Is. ndmg ne\t tu the cur...or
The illustration at the right ... ll!l\\ ... '>OI11e nr thl.' I a~o:l.'
...ymhob. 'crte\. cdg..:. fac..: am.! d1mcn,tun

Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2013
SolldWorlt.s Basics and the User Interlace

Options I ocatcc.J on the Tools menu. the Options dialog ho\ enable!> you to
cttstollll/e the C.,olidWnrb so1iware to rellcct !>Uch things as your
company\ dralling st:mc.Jards il" \\ell a-. your inc.Ji, ic.Jual prcli.:rences
and "urJ.. cm 1ronment

Tip l -;e the -.carch har in the upper nght of the.: Options dialog bo\ In find
sy~t..:m opt1ons and c.Jocum..:nt prop..:rt1..:s. lypc the lahcl of the ch..:ck
h{l\. radio button. nr other option to locOJie the page" h..:rc the option

o.._, ,, - ....--t(tltt..... - .1

Au ~hll
I \.loo_,..._

' Cob> J,...,.
~ d<h
.. Cl'u!lltln.Moactan~f"'*'e
./LJwtyt'--- bclmm:llnl

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Oooplty!Sc! t ....
.-tn;llitl~IMU,-"!a. ...._,

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fNiilr fe~ta.t~

.I f:Nd~P1 H!Mr
WhMetaMIIftiJ~ llltcnDt.
T-h c.....,.,,~ ~ )
Hclf' YfiDidtl oolbol
J,,.,.._..,.... flmiar~-jW"'t

DIMbllr ad6111:11Nf .......,.t Cllf'lf91U\~tmlilll

l*"h ~...,.ltltSoldWollb w~
l 'ollbot"-
1 ... ~ l rton/Wf n'lln-'}i
- - Custom<r [ W _ I M _ l P7ogr>m
~ .... ~~Ci~Clrt~Mtlr!~~ .nirQy:ut.gtle:sCD ~twb "WJUafiOn

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 1
SolldWorl<s B asics and th e User Interlace

Customization You ha\e SO.:\ emll.:-.d~ or l.:ll~lllmi nllllln . fhcy .m.::

System options
!he opt1on~ g.roupcu umkr the h..:aumg System Options <~re ~;l\co on
your") stem a nu allcct ..:' ~:ry document you open m your <.;oliuWorb
sc-.s1on <.;y~tcm sett mg), allll\\ you to control a nu cu;,tomuc) our" ork
ell\ mmmcnt. I or ..::-.ample, you might like ''orking '' uh colorcu
'1c\\ port background. I don 1. ~mcc th1s I'> a :-.ystl' lll -..cuing, pans or
a ... scmhl ics opened on ) llUr systo..m \\oulu ha'~.: a colorcu ' le\\ port The
'ame file-.. opened on my 'Y~tcm \\lluld not.
Document properties
1 hcse scttmgs arc applied to the md1\ idual document. Ior c\amplc.
units. dralimg standaru~. and matcnnl prupcrtle'> (dcns1ty) Jrc nil
document settmgs. lhey arc '-<1\cd \\ ith the document and do not
l'hangc. regard ii.!SS of \\hO~C ~}'>tem the document 1-.. Opl.!ned on.
I or more informalwn ah1111t the option" -..l'ttmgs that arc 111 th1s
cour-..c, rdcr to Optum.\ S<'flmgs on page 496 in the i\ppend1x.
Document templates
Document tem pla tes arc prc-uclincd uocumenls that \\ere set up" ith
ccrtam sp.:n lk '>Cttmgs. I or c\amplc. youmtght want t\\ll d11lcr.:nt
template-. I(Jr purl..,. One" ith l.ngli-..h sett lllgl> ... uch a~ i\NS I drulimg
-.tandard-. anu mch units. and one "llh met ne settings ~uch a~
millimctcrs un 11~ and ISO drnl\mg -.wnuards. You can '>Cl up a~ mull)
di llcrcnt uocument tcmpl.ue-. <h you nceu. lhc.:y can be organu.:d mto
d11lcrent fo lu.:r'> for easy acc.:s-. \\hen opl..'nlllg ne\\ docum.:nts. You
can create document templates fi1r pan-.. as'>cmhltcs. and dr;m mgs.
f or more detailed 1nstruL11uns on htm wncat.: document templates.
rclcr to /Jocumenl's tlfl page 496 111 the 1\rpcntlt\.
Mun) tunes the propcnic-. ofun ind1\ 1ouul obJCd c:.~n hl' chang..:u or
cdncu I or c\ampl.:. you can change the uci~IUit ot~play ol a d1mcns1on
to supprc"" one or both c\tcnslon Iincs. or you can chunge the color of a

Lesson 1 SolldWorks 2013
SolidWorks 8as1cs and tho User Interface


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