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Davis 1

Luke Davis

WRT 1020

Dr. Shea

Journal Entry #1

One of the methods for writing analytically I learned this week was the semiotic
method. It begins with semiotic decoding, which is consisted of reading signs like letters or
numbers. But in more depth, we find it in our day to day brain functionality by our ability to
read social cues such as interpreting what your classmate m eans by wearing a certain shirt.
The first step in writing an essay using the semiotic method for the VW Beetle would consist
of me building a thesis by the historical surveying and contextualization (Adolf Hitlers
response to the Model T), the comparative associations and analytic distinctions (hippie
rebellion during an American era of postwar prosperity), and the drawing of interpretive
conclusions (the VW Beetle is a normal day-to-day car). Everything is connected to some
form of meaning beyond the common surface level appearance, whether that be numbers,
letters, words, mythology, shirts, or a Volkswagen Beetle. Social reality is a human construct.
The meaning of a sign isnt found in itself but in its relationship to other signs within the
system it belongs to. Before you can interpret a sign, you have to interpret the system to
which it belongs; this is the semiotic method.

The overarching message of chapter one of Writing Analytically was asking so what?
questions, making the implicit explicit. We are learning to infer the implications from our
observations in what we read and keep reformulating our so what? questions and
generating explanations to help make our writing more analytical and improve our chances of
succeeding in college and beyond.

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