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DW #4: This is over chapter two, chapter seven, and other things.

It is due on 9/13 by 500

PM. You are to turn it in as a word document on Blackboard.

Cite five of your sources using the appropriate style. List the style you are using (e.g., APA,
MLA, Chicago, etc.).

Look at the following sample annotated bibliography entries. Using the new comment section
under review, label the places where you see (1) summaries, and (2) evaluation.

Campbell-Jamison, F., Worrall, L., & Cooper, C. (2001). Downsizing in Britain and its effects

on survivors and their organizations. Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal,

14(1), 35-58. Retrieved June 11, 2008, from PsycINFO database.

This paper, written by Fiona Campbell-Jamison, Les Worrall, and Cary Cooper, was Commented [ALC1]: Summary

published in Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal. This journal article

takes a different approach and look at the issue of unemployment. Instead of studying the

effects that unemployment has on the individuals that are unemployed, this study

examines the effects downsizing has on employees that remain and are not dismissed

from the job. It takes a look at how unemployment affects the remaining individual

employees and the organization as a whole. There are two goals the authors aimed to

prove. The first goal is that unemployment does effect, as the paper calls them,

survivors and their mental health. The second is that downsizing is damaging to the

organization. The study found that after a company downsized, the survivors felt guilty,

betrayed, and isolated. They also experienced strong feelings of remorse and negative

attitudes toward their coworkers. One last response they had was that they produced less.

As for long-term effects, the study found that these individuals had greater job insecurity

after downsizing than before. Those who had a strong feeling of job insecurity tend to

leave the company. The organization as a whole also suffered. Many lost friends due to

the downsizing, causing the morale to decrease and the work atmosphere to become very
bitter and angry towards management. Following the article, there are many charts and

graphs to help illustrate these reactions more clearly. One table shows the different stages

the survivors went through starting from when they first found out about the downsizing,

the emotions they experienced during the process, and the effects it had individually and

to the organization. This article is very thorough at trying to state and explain this study. Commented [ALC2]: Evaluation

The graphs do not seem redundant and confusing, as many other articles seem to do.

Kemp, N. & Mercer, A. (1983). Unemployment, disability and rehabilitation centres and their

effects on mental health. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 56, 37-48.

This article, written by Nigel J. Kemp and Annie Mercer, was taken from the Journal of Commented [ALC3]: Summary

Occupational Psychology. The authors state that they feel unemployment has a negative

effect on individual well-being. In this article, a study of unemployed individuals,

disabled unemployed individuals, and unemployed individuals in rehabilitation centers is

discussed. There are many charts and graphs along with an extensive discussion to help

prove the authors claim that there is a link between unemployment, disability, and

rehabilitation centers and their effect on mental health. The study discovered that

unemployed individuals and disabled unemployed individuals experience both have poor

states of mental health. This study discovered, however, that if both types of people were

placed in a rehabilitation center, their mental health improved greatly. There was not a

significant difference in the poor state of mental health between an individual that is just

unemployed and an individual that is disabled and unemployed. Also, there is not a

significant difference in the improvement in the mental health of both types of

individuals once they were placed in rehabilitation centers. No matter what the age, sex,

physical abilities, and mental capacities of these individuals, they all showed signs of

improvement in mental health once going through the different programs at the centers.
The charts, graphs, and data in this article will help me to prove my point that Commented [ALC4]: Evaluation

unemployment does have a very large and significant effect on the mental well-being of

individuals. While I did not find everything to help prove the authors point clearly, I

believe that there is enough information and data given to help me make a solid and

credible argument.

Saunders, P. (2002). The direct and indirect effects of unemployment on poverty and inequality.

Social Policy Research Centre, 118, 1-31.

This paper, written by Peter Saunders, takes an idea and develops it further. The author Commented [ALC5]: Summary

states in his introduction that the idea of a correlation between unemployment and

poverty was first established by an economist named Fred Gruen. Saunders takes Gruens

original ideas and expands upon them in this paper. With the economy in the current state

that it is, unemployment is becoming a problem. Because jobs are difficult to find quickly

and easily, many people are experiencing poverty related to being unemployed for so

long. The problem of unemployment and poverty relates to many countries, not just the

United States. The author discusses this and uses a chart to help illustrate the idea that

poverty caused by unemployment occurs in many countries. Saunders also states that

even if people are able to find part-time work, it is the full-time work that keeps them

from falling below the poverty line. The majority of his paper is full of graphs and charts

that compare unemployment to age, gender, nationality, education, and many other

individual characteristics. While this author makes some very good points to help link

together the idea of unemployment and poverty, he also counter-argues this idea. He

states that in some countries, poverty is established on an individual basis. That is, one

member of the household may be unemployed causing him to look as though he is living
in poverty. In reality, however, that mans spouse may have job that is good enough to

support the family and keep them above the poverty line. Since poverty is established on

an individual basis, though, the spouses income does not apply nor account for the man.

He is still regarded as living in poverty even though that is not the reality of his situation.

In conclusion, Saunders (2002) states, Unemployment is a bad thing. It is bad for the

economy and for society, for unemployed people themselves, for their families and for

the communities in which they live (25). Saunders uses the point-counterpoint method

all throughout his paper. I believe this will be extremely helpful for me when I establish Commented [ALC6]: Evaluation

my counterpoint arguments. Also, Saunders uses multiple charts and diagrams, far more than any
other article I found. After seeing some of his charts, it

has sparked the idea in me to possibly include one in my paper in order to effectively

state and support my claims. This paper is very credible. It is also an academic source. It

was published by an academic source, gives information on the authors credibility, and

even gives information on how to contact the author. The paper is peer-reviewed. Also, it

begins with an abstract. Finally, the paper ends with the authors list of three and a half

pages of references including the data sources he used in order to compile his charts and

APA Citations:

Gibbons, A.C. (1983). Rhythm responses in emotionally disturbed children with differing needs
for external structure. Music Therapy, Vol. 3(1), 94-102. doi: 10.1093/mt/3.1.94

Batysheva, T.T., Boiko, E.A., Gunchenko, M.M., & Ivanchuk, E.V. (2017). The potential of
music therapy in neurology using multiple sclerosis as an example. Neuroscience and
Behavioral Physiology, Vol. 47(5), 570-572. doi: 10.1007/s11055-017-0437-8

Magee, W.L., & Stewart, L. (2015) The challenges and benefits of a genuine partnership
between music therapy and neuroscience: a dialog between scientist and
therapist. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9:223. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00223

Vogl, J., Heine, A.M., Steinhoff, N., Weiss, K. & Tucek G. (2015) Neuroscientific and
neuroanthropological perspectives in music therapy research and practice with patients
with disorders of consciousness. Front. Neurosci. 9, 273. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00273

Srkm, T., Altenmller, E., Rodrguez-Fornells, A. & Peretz I. (2016) Editorial: Music, brain,
and rehabilitation: Emerging therapeutic applications and potential neural
mechanisms. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 10:103. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00103

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