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CHAPTER IV BIDDING TEMPLATES ‘Template 1 APPLICATION FOR BIDDING ! Date: (Date of signing application for bidding) Name of bidding package: (Name Package according to Bid Announcement) Name of project: ... (Name project) Bid invitation Letter No. 1... so vs sn-n( In case of limited tendering) Attention to: ____ (full name and address of Vietsovpetro) After studying the Invitation for Bid and the documents for amendment of the Invitation for Bid {insert the code of the amendment documents, if any] that we have received, we [insert the name of the bidder] commit to execute [name of Bidding package] as required by the Invitation for Bid at the total amount of [specify in number, in words, and currency of bid proposal}? and the summary of bidding price. ‘Time for contract implementation: .. package)” ‘We commit: (Total time to perform all work required in Bidding 1. We participate as a main Bidder in only this bidding proposal. 2, We are notin liquidation process or concluded bankruptcy, insolvency as stipulated by Law. 3. We do not violate the regllation on ensuring competitive bidding, 4. We do not engage in any types of corruption, bribery, collusion with other bidders, interference or other violations of Bidding Regulation when participating inthis bidding package 5. We confirm thatthe information declared in the Bid proposal i tre and accurate, 1 our bidding proposal is accepted, we will provide guarantee for contract implementation in accordance with the ITB 38 of Invitation for Bid. ‘Our bid proposal shall be valid for a period of __* days, ym date___month__year® Legitimate representative of the bidder ® (Specify name, ttle, sign and stamp) Notes: “Application for bidding must be filled with suficient and accurate information of Vietsovpetro, Bidder, he validlty’s period of Bid proposal, signed and stamped by legitimate representative ofthe bidder ° Bid prices in Application for bidding must be specific ced, indicated by numbers, words and in accordance with ‘oral bidding prices mentioned in pric list. Bidders are required not to propose different bidding prices or conditions ‘hat put Vietsovpetro in disadvantage. In case of multiple pars, dhe Belder must specify the bidding price of each part and total Bidding price ofall parts that bidder participates, "Time for contract implementation in Application for bidding must be in accordance with Technical proposal and completion schedule in the Bid proposal “The validiy period of Bid proposal shall be counted ftom the date of bld elasing time to the last date of validity period as stipulated in invitation for Bid. From the time of Bid Closing Tine until 24:00 of the date which has the Bid sive AER ESR PHONG THANH THA BAG’ XAG, NHAN BAN GOC_ br * Insert the Bid Closing Time as sipuated in 19)

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