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Francesco Combatti



December 3, 2017

Climate Change

Humanity take for granted that they have mother earth. For the past years, we have taken

more from the planet, that we have given back. This topic is to inform the readers that climate

change is an issue that is happening in this instance. If humankind does not do something about

this problem, there could be severe consequences. Climate change impacts all the population; it

doesn't matter if somebody is contributing to the problem or not. It is essential to expand awareness

so that more and more human beings can add to the solution. First, it is crucial to understand the

problem, what causes it, and the consequences.

Studies have shown that climate change is increasing year after year. Oceans are getting

warmer; hurricanes form rapidly, huge deforestations occur, and more. "But now, progress appears

to be faltering. Smog has gotten worse for the second straight year, even though emissions are on

the decline." (Barboza) This quotation refers to that the smog in California is getting worse,

although pollutant emissions have declined still is not enough to solve the problem. It shows that

there needs to be more attention placed on the issue of climate disaster, the ones that should be

putting all their emphasis in this are the governments. Not only the smog in California has been an

issue because of climate change, but also the wildfires that have been on for almost a month now.!

These wildfires have made a lot of people evacuate their homes and leave to a safer place. Not

only California is an example of the issue, but Texas also suffered a major flow this year because

a hurricane that hit unexpectedly. People cannot control these natural disasters; however, they can
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be avoided. "Many species, including humans, struggle to survive when temperatures rise too

high. But even small increases can affect animals, causing subtle changes in physiology or

behavior that alter how they fare." (Wilcox 1) This quotation is from a study about the change of

behavior of bearded dragons. Humans and animals struggle when they don't have a normal climate

or environmental conditions. Climate change has a great impact on our lives. When the problem

develops further, there is going to be a major scale impact on the health of the population and all

the species around the world. Al the normal human beings are set to support certain temperatures.

If it gets too hot, people start dying because they cant handle it. If the temperatures get too cold,

besides from all the cold gear that people could wear, it will not be enough to fight the frostbite

and hypothermia. "In consequence, the voices arguing that the current rapid acceleration of climate

warming is man-made and that urgent action needs to be taken to counter the phenomenon are

often rendered ineffective by those whose incomes and fortunes depend on downplaying the

threat." (Steadman 1) This quotation is an essential segment of an article that shows climate change

from several views. The people who often argue about that environmental health is declining are

usually the people that will not help to address the issue. There is a great fortune in the industries

that have a significant contribution to the disaster of climate change, for example; oil companies.

So, is not convenient for these companies to cease their activities because they are making a lot of

money from their pollutant activities. Besides, almost every time these oil companies are supported

by the governments because the companies riches are so high that it helps the economy from that

specific country. The ideal goal is to switch to clean renewable energy, but theories have said that

the government along with oil companies have to sabotage these efforts to make a switch.

However, these past few years there has been an increase in electric and hybrid cars, along with

advances in clean solar energy.

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Humanity is the first contributor to the problem of climate change. In the last few years,

there have been meetings between countries to talk about this issue. However, if solutions are

wanted, there needs to be more action coming from all the people. "Preparing for and adapting to

climate change is also an opportunity for healthcare systems to reexamine both their ability to

remain resilient in a disaster and their role in mitigating climate-related disease burdens by

reducing emissions that contribute to climate change." (Benjamin 1) There are a lot of things that

are NOT being done by companies, government, etc. In this case, it is the healthcare system.

Healthcare companies need to emphasize to help the people affected by climate disasters like

hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and more. They need to charge a smaller amount of money to

those affected by these disasters. Instead, they remain at full charge and those people who have

lost everything because a natural disaster will not be able to pay medical attention. "and tracked

how dirty energy money in politics affect the policies around climate change." (Greenpeace) Dirty

money that comes from politics affects laws and actions that are made to prevent climate change.

If an action, law, movement, is not of convenience to the government. They will place money

between what is right, that is addressing something that is affecting the environment, and what the

government wants. It is not new that the politics are always involved in something bad, and a lot

of times they are pushing away regulations to help to solve climate change. Take for example the

current president of the U.S. Donald Trump. He said that climate change is a hoax, and removed a

lot of laws that preserved the nature. All humankind will soon need to deal with greater

consequences if everyone keeps seeing their benefits before saving the earth. "Large numbers of

Americans are interested in learning more about climate change, yet the supply of educational

outreach is not keeping up with public demand for information." (Perkins 4) Americans,

Europeans, Asians, doesn't matter the nationality. Is in the interest of everyone to know what is
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happening, because this affects all equally. In the quotation before it says that the demand for

information about climate change is not being fulfilled. There need to be commercials, informative

movements, posters, anything that says something about the issue so people can be informed.

However, the ones with the power to report all the population about climate disaster are the

government and the news. The news on one part shows once in a while natural disasters that occur.

The states, on the other hand, are not making a minimal effort to inform their citizens about the

consequences of climate change. So, the question is why something as threating as climate change

is not receiving daily coverage, and why things lesser critical like sports are receiving it?

The consequences of climate change are impacting lives. A significant number of people

has been affected by the effects of climate change (natural disasters, and more). "Property owners

sued St. Johns County for private property taking because the Atlantic Ocean was impacting the

only road access to their homes and the county had been unable to keep the road in an equivalent

condition" (Deady 3) Civilization is starting to see the damages because of environmental

health. The quotation shows that some civilians are unable to get to their homes because the

Atlantic OCEAN is impacting their road home. This only one of the many consequences there

could be, wildfires will start burning houses down, floods will submerge and damage properties,

hurricanes will destroy everything on its way. The infrastructures will not be able to adapt to such

changes. Even if the best architects come together they will not be able to make a structure that

holds the push of a tsunami, a shake of an earthquake, or a pull of a hurricane "As temperatures

rise, so too will sea levels. Globally, the sea level has risen about 20 centimeters since the

beginning of the 20th century and more than 5 centimeters in the last twenty years" (Steadman

3) Ocean rise is happening, and not because the ocean it's making its own decision of becoming

more prominent. It is because the poles are melting because of the rising temperatures. The poles
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are significant quantities of frozen water that have been there since the creation of the earth, and

they are meant to stay frozen. Melting poles are not only impacting the lives of people across the

planet, but also the wildlife living in the poles. Polar bears are starting to become extinct because

they lack of land to live in, and without land to live it is harder to get food. Take for example the

city of Miami Beach, that created a unique sewer system to prevent floods. But until when it is

going to be able to hold a significant and constant flood. Another example is the city of Venice,

Italy. When it comes a particular moment of the year, a significant part of the town goes

underwater. Citizens of Venice put tables on the floors so that they can walk, and stores pull up a

little wall so that the waters dont come in. But how long they will be able to hold it if the ocean

is rising more and more every year.?

This image shows a polar bear standing on a small piece of ice. The small part of ice was

supposed to be a big land of ice. This

picture shows a consequence of

climate change that is that the polar

bear will have to swim more to get to

proper land, burning then more

calories, and because of the lack of

appropriate hunting they get skinner

and eventually die. Polar bears are

dying at a faster rate since last year,

and finally, they will enter to a risk of

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In conclusion, climate change is a situation that cannot wait longer to be addressed. There

are not enough people that know about the issue, and this needs to change. Humanity needs to be

aware of the case and put all the effort they can to help to the solution of the changing climate. It

is the jobs of the governments to inform their citizens and create programs for climate awareness.

After all, the government is the one with more power that can accomplish the task to aware all the

people. There needs to be a drastic change in how we live our daily lives. The population needs to

start switching to alternative energy methods, and fabrics need to begin reducing their pollution

emissions. All that matter is where we live. We live on planet earth, that is why we need to conserve

it and take care of it.

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Works Cited

Barboza, Tony. Southern California smog worsens for second straight year despite reduced

emissions. Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 15 Nov. 2017,

Benjamin, Georges C. Shelter in the Storm: Health Care Systems and Climate Change.EBSCO

Host, Milbank Quarterly., Mar. 2016,



Deady, Erin L. Why the Law of Climate Change Matters: From Paris to a Local Government

Near You. EBSCO Host, Florida Bar Journal, 1 Nov. 2017,

Greenpeace USA,

Perkins, David. Most Americans Want to Learn More about Climate Change. EBSCO Host,

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, June 2017,


Steadman, Hugh. Climate Change or Climate Catastrophe? EBSCO Host, July 2017,


Weems, Caitlin. Reframing Climate Change for Environmental Health. EBSCO Host, Journal

of Environmental Health, Apr. 2017,
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Wilcox, Christie. Bearded Dragons Are Dumber Because of Climate Change. National

Geographic, National Geographic Society, 21 Nov. 2017,

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