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‘ esa Sed Det come vigsarkiver - The Danie Salensi Renive — Seve. Gesandéskapet | Xsnctonlnepel av 35S 85 Werelninger om den pulitiste winiclling AqAu 4922, Rik; Verdenkeigen ~ Repperter Lea Smyrnn now ASA @ marks AGA 6 Consult Fayal’ Sinyene “ Danemach. cotions from the 4ipist: in the saell toans situated cn the ccast of this this ccculatioa te avit their hearths and hoes .- 43 thé vayay Greats clung hoxever to their 2 fields it ras decided to tate zore active stecs .- The ation of Thracian 4 Yacedonian gave the local aathorities the cocortonity for sore haras: res. A vroclazation xas issued that in order te house the acubadjirs, onze roca out of everg three in the dyellinzs belonging to the rayah Grests sas to be given to thea ; further the local Authorities s2re to see to the execation of this order - a The results are easily comprehensible. nable to live with their guests., the Greek rayab began to eaigrate, selling thei proverty for what they could get for it and seeking new lands for their exertions ., but the orocess nas naturally 2 slow one as in a land shere the peasant has little money {t was natorally difficalt to realise proverty from one day te another .~ ‘The local authorities then determined to activate, aatters and nore {avertous orders sere seat from head quarters .~ As 2 direct conseouence of these orders trouble broke out at Adraayt :, on the coast just.cpposite the northern rart of Hitglene .- After oven hints that it nould be advisable for then to leave the clece:, menaces that they xould be done to death yore resorted to, and finally the threats began to take shave in the aurder of villagers returning from their Cields and the saylaying of tornsaen A reign of terror aas institoted and the panic fled as tast as they could to the neighbouring island strickea Gr: of Aitvlene .- Soon the sevement spread to deer :,dilissexeuy :, Maick., Pergesos and Sona , Arsed bands cf Bashibozuss attacked the vecole residing therein:, lifted their cattle., drove thea from their fhe details cf shat tock clace barroving -,xomen ware cavished , some of thea dying frou the rece seduced , ill-tesataeat © . ebildeen at the breast rere shot or cut dena vith theis jot content aith driving the rayahs out, the: dlcod-thiests of a “so called Constitutional Governsent * then attacked tre srocerty of foreigners driving cut their eaploy: lifting theie cattle ; end looting their taras.. In answer to com plaints aade to the Authorities the reply was * let foreigners go acd boy faras in toeir own lands * .~ From Fergagos the bands advanced to Dikili dri- ving out the recole and looting the town., then:, dividing tore sone bands tect the direction of Menemen and others nent south tonaris Phoces .- In tae Yenemen district the villages of Ali-Agha avd Gerentieur vartly sacked after having been looted:, the affrighted indebitants fleeing in al) directions - At Serekieay., a village in the saze district ., the people detersiaed to resist and a fierce fight took place lasting trom 81/2 at till about one ofclock in the morminz when the villagers? azcniticn having failed 2 hand to hand struggle 133 sterols fougnt i: which aost of the defenders, mho were by far the . after baving hercically feagbt for their lives ainority., f and for the tencse of their nomen .— the fex suévivors mbo escaned sought refuge in Jenenen which the bands thea thresteaed., bot as this torn is one of sone 20,000 inhesitants they dared not ovenly attack it, but satis- fied theselves sith shocting the inbabitants who straved out of its near neizbbourhcod.- fhe inhabitants thereupon decided to leave it but before so doing } cerhacs hoving against hope., they determined to send anay their vives and daughters .- Cn the 13th. Inst: sone 700 xcaea acd aboot 3 te intention of 4C0 children caz2 ts thepatlaay station vith tl teking train for Sayena but by orders of Sovernneat no tickets acald be given then $ the train passed aithout stovoing .- that follored are ia: fhe scene scribable ., the the tears and screazs of the somen., the cries of the children , attempts of the rex to commander the train :, all proved froitless The gendarmerie cn duty drove thea back and with black despair in their hearts the7 sadly turned once acre toxards the hones they bad et ailes further down at the village of Ouloujat the abendoned . 4 bashibozouts drove avay all the cattle belonging to Greeks end orde- ted the inbabiteats , on threat of death, to leave the vlace; The unfortonate villagers ere only too ready to comply nit these ar- bitrary’ orders bat cnce again:, by order of the Wali:, the station aaster nas forbiiize to deliver tickets & trains passed without stepping .- Afraid to retora they lay baddled for tzo days ani oights in the aeighboarhood of the station, vainly calling to the passengers ia the through trains to get assistance seat thea .= I shall take the liberty of continuing a7 . 38 scon as sone reliable carticulars: trom the one to band .- ill-fated auarter veensbile , I remain, Yours Excellency ’s obedient servant ei Cansulat Fayal Gingene “ Danemach Journal No. 75 - 25t, Juss 1314 ederaztns then! wy “I beg furtner-te renort as follons~: In continuation of my despatch of the 19thjIost, The bands of ‘basbibozoaks who bed gone ‘south of Menenen after lcoting-all-the villages on their-way attacked Phocea on the ight of the 12th, June cn'three sides and ably asatsted by No. 8 the-Cretans mhc acc at thesalt deocts soon turned it into’ shambles i- Quoting from the words of 'an°eye witness “aithin | a quarter of an beur efter the assault had begun every boat in the place nas fol} cf seople trying to get anay and shen no wore beats could be bad the inasditants sought refuge on the little oeninsula on which the li yonea lying deed ce the shore . dew many were ‘illed I could nct say bat trying to get iato 2 house cf wbich the door stood ajar I san tac other dead bodies Iying:in the'entrance hall : Every shop in the place 2s looted and the gocds that could not be carried avay were wantonly destroyed :” Although neas ses received To Bis Excellency ar. C. 6. Yandel G. W's, Minister Resident coNSTANDTHOPLE e stands . I sen eleven todies of ren and in Soyena that snore at first sect secret Paces: abl: bad dre i it sas oaly tro days after thet a Preach steaa tog on its say to Netaronia coas7ei the news of the disaster .- Seeing a vast ooaber of pecple g2thered on the erozontory and raring signals of distress the peccle co tae tug ut inte Phecea tcot cf? sore 700 half starved wetohes and ccoveyed thea te Mitylen: The authorities in that place then sent boats aca traascerted the remaining 5/6000 Phoceans tc that island. At the present day the plece is quits abandonned: by the Greek eleaeat .:- Conteancranecusly with these auriercus attacks upon ths toms $ villages néth of Suyrna-a noverent to expel the Greek ponaletion on the Kara Bcurnoa pentusola vas set on foots. 4 lot of 600 Mcubadjir families aere ‘landed at Kato-Panayia', or to give it its official nase Asseri=Tcbiftlix:, abo bores and took rossession cf their drove the villagers ont of the! houses and gecds, leaving the'righttal eaners to seet focd and a roct abere best they ccald’.- Another lot were landed at Chesné and aarcbed to Alstsata the {nbabitants of which zere forced by goveronent officials te abendon thetrbeases and’preverty in'favcor of the-nen ccuers .~ The loss to these vocr pecole vil] te xell ccosidered thet Alatsata x25 9 tovn of scze § isrstocd an 15.000 inhebitents, 2ine tenths cf ebon were Greets and that 2 single Grask is net too: found there to-day. The nezt step vas to drive out the people cf Chesaé and the vsval threats sere made vito the result that:, prefer- ring te'leave of their onz free-nill rather then oe driven anay :,cot of 13,000 Greets atout thirty aen those business prevents their leaving renain , the rest ‘having sought refoge in Chics or Sancs.~ As the expoleion froa the places abcve named did | lear the Bara Bcoracu peninsula 2ad the bay of not horerer quil S43) Sayrna’, of tte Srsex elerent:, the attentica cf the auttorit! Ovalix , Silisean , Sato, Yourl2 , Oniftlix. Bere again threats rere attered seea to have ianediate effect , ed to. The panic aad ill-teeatae: the exception of tre iatabitants of Yourla sought relief ty flying ere collected at one acnent :, aitboot to beng Island s2272 3500 and aithout focd.. foanks to the energy of tas 1, Me. &alayzev , 780 bas proved biaself 2 naz, r provisions mere sent and finally these victias the Greek is Frou computations asde:, vetaeen 70-30.000 persons have bes expelled . Apart ‘the lossta the people driven cot, ahich ancunts tc about £ 2.000.000 :, the loss to the coustry is irreparable . The inbabitants ofthe aaritize parts cf the proviace nere., vith: the excaotion of the iohabitants of Aivai-, 2 acd herd serkicg class . This province as is well~snonn is pecolated there ere bundreds of ailes over which the plough bas rot pasaed. There a2 nc necessity therefore to ferce then out in order to ave way for others . To drive thea cut is to deprive the couat: of the benefit zceruing to'it from their rork., to reduce the culti- reveaue:, to increase t fo turn nom to the mission of the Minister cf. the Interior .+ Inmediately on his arrival in this province 0 put a stoo to the sovesent that had been ineuga- jaat Gey tri: ander bis susvices..- Be nent fron tomo te tcan making 'srzeches tc the podlic vrenisioz then fall redress'and-pertect security -; ‘and abile this farce mas zcing on'nc one dared to go oat of “bis -bouse at nigbt or te his fields oy day without veing shot at or mercilessly ill- gine as exanoles, at Tiret:, Zudenish and and driven back by the Baindir tae Sreus are ovenly toycotte attempt tc gc to their tobacco plantations bashioczocts waza tae and viaes At Menemen no greek who values bis lite dare go out of the precizzts of the toro and the sage may be told ith equal truth of Magazsiz , Arar’, Soma end Pergancs . In the dara Sournca peninsula ell tae cattle has deen lifted by goverosent officials and the rovbery tas deen wade in oven day and in presence cf Zuropeans Tc add one more ect to this pitiable farce the Imperial Goverazent applied for delegates to shew civilised Burcpe that the wort of restitoticn ts sincerely carried on and it-is-nom orevenading these gentlesen’in motor cars & special traine, giving ‘them good dinners ‘and fine mines :, bile the victias of its atroci— ties are begged their dread or living ca the charity eked oat to then . What these reoresentatives of the Great Powers will bave'to te tell I unex uct bot :, in any-case:, one thing is absolutely certain that ‘whatever ‘their revort is the tyrannous measures aill-not-cezse, | thought! vay be carried cn less ofenly:, as the coamanicaticn cf tne Grand Vizier to the Azerican Companies here conclusively preves. his cozmarication te the Sinzer Co. at Seyrns the Onited Consul 3eneral Ycrten says that “be is instructed oy is Asoassador tc inform it that he bas obtained the promise cf the Grand Vizier that for to months ‘the greek eaployees will nct be aolested but that at the expiration of that time they aust be replaced *,~ This conmoniaaé is nore elocusat than any nerds of nine .- ¥ an Your Excellency’s nest obedient serva) cece le Cansulat Reyal’ Orayene tote. day 1518 é Danemark Jho - 40 = fo. 12 Sir. in continuation of ay respects of 12th. ult, I com heve the teaour to report as follons : The local situation , to ell cutsard appearances :, has not changed in the last montis . Perfect seourity reigns and no one is norried or ennoyed in ac? s2¥ . Soteitustandiag that Seyrna is alnost daily visited by asrorlenes which etdearour to cast boads on the fortified scots of the vicisity , ths subjects of tte belligerent posers seen indeed to enjoy sceciel orotection fros the Local Autionities and rost notably fros tte Governor - General of this Vilayet , dis Hxcellsncy Rebi S27 , 2nd it vocld look 2s if the covers that be, are honoured guests, which under to make the: feel that tl fa z004 volizy .- the circuastene. kavoy ibertise , tais country i 2d to persone: rizete fesl very serisuely the strain of the ser :- firos and even gore of ths banks have been de. ‘igny of the sonvelled to reduce the pey of their ctaffs .- ind themselves out of zork oy the closure 20. Teousends of ert. cel leney. ag. C, 6, Mendel Mis Hajecty's Minister Resident SONSTARELNOELE 80. cle have s littl: by little teen spent.- Tse seviags ta 2 atrigultarers 237 obtsia vo souey to xork tasic oleatations, so tas tevit & riser ecoos will aztucelly 2 saall .- a LLy reduc 3 cf sowsuaication, the vort of Sayrue cy tas furkish Goverment, , the suzll cort of Vsurla , situated at « te covigation & as from Segrna’, #2 cost jwall covt iz connected with the town by a cheussse running ide the seashore , treffic up to 2 certain extent aas kept rectical closure nos of this eaall oort too throuzh going , out t aubery) deing leii oy the belligerent caval forces on a great many articles declerei 23 contracnd of war hevs increased to aluost fenine-orices the cost thereof . Owing to these new aeasures ped calling at Vourle .- oxs on the one hand and spsculetion on the other of goods still existing on the market from ses of retroleum exist eni this is doled Again mbile tke woney in circulation is as he prices of foodstuffs rising , ef living aore 2nd sors difficult zat dexand the ispesition of nen texes ‘the, burthen .— iio tax rue to tell only one balf of the T the Noratoriua las have relieved tas strain rectheless the outlook is very derk .- 411 those :, and they esa ee counted oy thousands tho could leave this vlece bave scuzbt a3" fields elseaters especially in Greecs , but though the exodus kes been great, inecauch as orly cutjects of foreign neutral covers rere alloned aot al to a, th ihe relis® comeittees bave also done zcod rock aug are linited , the scocs of their nork is bet while their besrly iuoreest ived that It is in Cset ezrnestly to &. aetly for if this state of atfzire contiouss for the next three ov four eontas stervation will face the peoole. - I an Your Excellency’ wwost obedient Mtn Lag Ve

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