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Clinical Endocrinology (1995) 42,95-99

Case report

Pseudo-phaeochromocytoma after multiple drug

interactions involving the selective monoamine oxidase
inhibitor selegiline

H. Lefebvre, C. Noblet*, N. Moore* and L. M. Wolf unpredictable, have limited the therapeutic use of these
Departments of Endocrinology and 'Pharmacology, MAOIs. During the last decade, the synthesis of new
Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Rouen, France inhibitors, selective for one of the two forms of the MAO,
(Received 18 April 1994; returned for revision 6 June 1994;
caused renewed interest in MAOIs. Because of their
finally revised 24 June 1994; accepted 19 July 1994) selectivity, these compounds seem to be relatively free of
sigmficant drug interactions (Strolin Benedetti & Dorstert,
1985; Dingemanse, 1993). Selegiline is a selective inhibitor of
Summary MAO-B (MAOI-B) employed as an adjunct in the treatment
A patlent presented wlth paroxysmal hypertenrlon and of Parkinson's disease (Knoll et al., 1978; Golbe, 1988). As
typical cllnlml features of phaeochromocytoma, but with dopamine is catabolized by MAO-B, selegihne allows the use
a normal adrenal computed tomographic scan and much of lower doses of L-dopa. It was originally postulated that
hlgher plasma noradrenaline than adrenaline concenba- selegiline would not induce hypertensivecrisis in association
tlonr. Urlnary vanlllylmandelk acld concentratlons were with tyramine or sympathomimetic agents since adrenaline,
only moderately elevated. Thls syndrome probably arose noradrenaline and the other related amines involved are
as a consequence of an interaction belwean the mono- mainly inactivated by MAO-A (Fowler & Callingham, 1978).
amlne oxldase lnhlbltor seleglllne, the sympathomlmetk In fact, only one case report has mentioned a tyramine
agent ephedrlne, and a trlcycllc antldepressant The reaction during selegiline treatmenti (McGrath et al., 1989).
mechanlsm of the interaction Is thought to be related to The concurrent administration 08 selegiline and sympatho-
Increased sympathetlc release of noradrenailne by mimetics or tricyclic antidepressants might in theory be
ephedrlne, lnhlbltlon of catabolism by seleglllne, and reasonable. However, the selectivity of selegdine for MAO-B
lnhlbltlon of reuptake of noradrenallne by the trlcyclk. is partial and observed only at low concentrations (Golbe,
Although newer selectlve monoamlne oxldaro Inhibitors 1988; Sandler er al., 1980). At therapeutic doses (from 5 to
are considered to be safer than earller non-seeledlve 10mg/day), selepsline may inhibit both isoforms of MA0 and
Inhlbltors, they can also contribute to drug lntersctlons the risk of hypertensive crisis with drug or tyramine ingestion
mlmkklng phaeochromocytoma. may be not negligible, at least in patients who are unusually
sensitive to selegiline's effkcts (Sunderland et al., 1985;
McGrath er al., 1989). To illustrate this, we report a
Phaeochromocytomas are associated with paroxysmal
patient, treated with selegiline, ephedrine (a sympathomi-
hypertension and symptoms (tachycardia, headache,
metic agent) and maprotiline (a tricyclic antidepressant), who
sweating) that reflect the effects of catecholamine excess.
developed clinical features suggestive of an extremely active
Similar clinical features can also be produced by interactions
secreting phaeochromocytoma. The diagnosis of pseudo-
between non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors
phaeochromocytoma was based on plasma catecholamine
(MAOIs) and sympathomimetic agents or food-derived
concentrations and uneventful recovery after the treatments
amines (Blackwell & Simon, 1988; Baldessarini, 1990). The
were stopped.
earlier MAOIs are non-selective in that they irreversibly
inactivate both isoenzymes (A and B) of monoamine oxidase
(MAO) (Pare, 1985). The resulting inhibition of biogenic
Case history
amine metabolism, especially when combined with drugs
increasing release or decreasing recapture of the amines, may A 57-year-old Caucasian man was hospitalized for
be responsible for severe hypertension or serotonin syn- evaluation of paroxysmal hypertensive crises. The patient
dromes (Baldessarini, 1990). These interactions, often had a history of Parkinson's disease, depression and chronic
bronchitis with bronchospasm treated long term with
Correspondence:Dr H. Lefebvre, Clinique MCdicale et
Endocrinologique, CHU de Rouen, HBpital de Bois-Guillaume,
selegiline 10mg, levodopa 300 mg plus carbidopa 30 mg,
147, avenue du Marichal Juin, BP 100,76233 Bois-Guillaume lisuride 0.5 mg, maprotiline 75 mg, and since 1990 also with
Cedex, France. theophylline 180mg plus ephedrine 32mg, all daily.

96 H . Lefebvre e t a / . Clinical Endocrinology (1995) 42

Tabla 1 Biochemical results on admission

Plasma assays Urinary assays

NA A Renin Aldo NA A M VMA

(nmol/l) (nmol/l) (ng.1) @mol/l) (nmol/day) (nmol/l) (nmol/day) (pmol/day)

Normal values
15-3.3 0.3-0.9 7-19 40-405 <SO0 <lo0 <SO00 < 40
Patient values
15.1 0.95 39 1313 NM NM NM 48

Biochemical results on NA, noradrenaline; A, adrenaline; Aldo, aldosterone; M, metane-

phrines; VMA, vanillylmandelic acid; NM, not measurable.

Hypertension was diagnosed a few months after the vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) was only moderately elevated
introduction of the latter treatment and controlled with (48 pmollday; normal values < 40). Supine plasma renin
nicardipine 100mg/day. Two weeks before admission, the and aldosterone were also increased (Table 1). CT scan of
doses of theophylline and ephedrine were increased to 270 the adrenals was normal.
and 48 mg/day, respectively. Hypertensive crises appeared The results of all the tests, and the potential interaction
within 2 days of this adjustment. On admission to hospital, risk of the patients treatment, led us to suspect that the
examination revealed episodes of intense vasoconstriction, disorder was drug induced. All the treatments were stopped
confusion, abdominal pain, sweating, hypertension up to and the hypertensive crises were controlled by intravenous
300/150mmHg and tachycardia (110 per min). Electro- nicardipine. No further attacks occurred and plasma
encephalography, performed during a crisis associated with catecholamine levels returned to normal within 3 weeks
confusion, showed no sign of epilepsy. Hypertensive (Fig. 1). The patient recovered uneventfully and has had no
encephalopathy was excluded by a normal cerebral CT symptoms since. All catecholamine, renin and aldosterone
scan. A diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma was considered assays remain normal.
and endocrine evaluation was performed. Plasma and urine
catecholamineswere assayed using high performance liquid
chromatography coupled to electrochemical detection Dlscusslon
(HPLC-ECD). We observed a dramatic increase in plasma The clinical features of our patient were compatible with the
noradrenaline contrasting with near normal adrenaline presence of a phaeochromocytoma.During the hypertensive
(15.1 and 0.95 nmol/l, respectively; normal values < 3.3 crises, the vasoconstriction was probably severe enough to
and c 0.9). Urinary catecholamines and metanephrines cause cerebral ischaemia, as previously described in
were not evaluable because of drug interferences. Urinary phaeochromocytoma (Lefebvre et al., 1992), resulting in
mental confusion and/or sluggishness. However, the patient
*Or I had been taking selegiline, a selective inhibitor of the MAO-
2 I t B, associated with maprotiline (a tricyclic antidepressant)
and ephedrine (a sympathomimetic agent) which are known
to cause hypertension in combination with non-selective
MAOIs (Baldessarini, 1990). Furthermore, hypertensive
crises appeared after the dose of ephedrine was increased.
No new paroxysm occurred after the drugs were stopped.
The diagnosis of a drug related pseudo-phaeochromo-
cytoma was also supported by the following observations:

(i) plasma catecholamines returned to normal after the
drugs were stopped; (ii) the CT scan of the adrenals was
Time (days) normal; (iii) in addition, the very low plasma adrenaline/
noradrenaline ratio (0.06) was more in favour of sym-
Fig. 1 Plasma 0, noradrenaline and adrenaline levels after
cessation of treatments (arrow). The upper limits of normal pathetic presynaptic release rather than adrenomedullary
ranges are indicated by dashed tines. secretion of catecholamines. In phaeochromocytoma, this
Clinical Endocrinology (1995) 42 Drug-induced pseudo-phaeochromocytoma 97

ratio is usually around 0.25, though a lower ratio does not

exclude the disease (Plouin et al., 1991). The increased
plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations were likely to
be consequences of the activation of the renin-angiotensin
axis by the catecholamine excess and/or ephedrine as
previously reported (Keeton & Campbell, 1980). Urinary E P ~
assays of catecholamines and their metabolites did not
contribute to the diagnosis since the presence of ephedrine
was responsible for interferences in the HPLC-ECD
analysis, as is well known. In addition, VMA was near
normal, probably because of inhibition of catecholamine
oxidation by selegiline.
Although selegiline is thought to have a low propensity
for producing drug interactions, a series of recent reports
dNorodrenoline - MA0

have described selegiline/fluoxetine,selegiline/pethidineand

selegiline/food-derived tyramine interactions resulting
in severe pseudo-phaeochromocytomas or serotonin
syndromes (McGrath et al., 1989; Suchowersky & de
Vries, 1990; Zornberg et al., 1991; Jermain et al., 1992;
Montastruc et al., 1993). Similar drug interactions were
observed with two selective MAOI-A, toloxatone and
moclobemide (Dingemanse, 1993; Freeman, 1993; Lefebvre
et al., 1993; Neuvonen et al., 1993; Spigset & Mjorndal,
Considering the pharmacological properties of the drugs
taken by the patient, the following mechanism can be Hypertension
proposed for their interaction. The powerful sympatho-
mimetic ephedrine probably stimulated the release of FIg. 2 Putative mechanism of the drug interaction. Ephedrine
enhances the release of noradrenaline (NA) from sympathetic
noradrenaline from sympathetic endings through an nerve endings. Re-uptake and degradation of NA are inhibited by
activation of presynaptic 8-2 receptors (Nedergaard & maprotiline and selegiline, respectively. The resulting increase in
Abrahamsen, 1990). In addition, the degradation and plasma NA levels is responsible for a pseudo-
re-uptake of the released noradrenaline were inhibited by phaeochromocytoma syndrome which is further aggravated by
selegiline and maprotiline respectively, leading to the the direct sympathomimeticeffect of ephedrine.
dramatic increase in plasma noradrenaline concentrations.
Ephedrinemay have further contributed to vasoconstriction this situation, since the oxidative catabolism of catechola-
(Fig. 2). mines is inhibited by the MAOI. New selective MAOIs,
In conclusion, we have described a severe drug induced, sympathomimetics and tricyclic antidepressants should be
pseudo-phaeochromocytoma after selegiline/ephedrine/ given together only with extreme caution.
maprotiline interaction. Considering the multiple drugs
taken by the patient, an interaction should perhaps have References
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Drug interactions mimicking phaeochromocytoma

D. J. M. Reynolds Lefebvre and colleagues (1994) report a complex drug

University Department of Clinical Pharmacology, interaction which resulted in paroxysmal hypertension and
RadcliffeInfirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 W E , U K with features suggesting phaeochromocytoma. The patient
was receiving the monoamine oxidase type B inhibitor
Adverse drug interactions may cause arterial hypertension selegiline, the tetracyclic antidepressant maprotiline, the
by means of direct or indirect augmentation of the pressor sympathomimetic ephedrine, levodopa with carbidopa,
effects of noradrenaline. This can occur through a variety theophylline, and the dopamine agonist lisuride. The
of peripheral and central mechanisms, for example, by trigger to the development of hypertension appears to
increasing noradrenaline synthesis, blocking its degrada- have been the introduction of ephedrine for the treatment of
tion, stimulating release, inhibiting reuptake and mimicking bronchospasm. Ephedrine is a non-selective adrenoceptor
its effects at adrenergic receptors. The best known example stimulant with direct and indirect sympathomimeticactions.
is the hypertensive reaction associated with the use of non- Its lack of selectivity coupled with the availability of more
selective monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant drugs selective B2 receptor agonists has rendered it almost
in combination with indirect sympathomimetic agents such redundant. The combination of drugs used in this patient
as dietary tyramine (Asatoor et al., 1963) or ephedrine. carried a high risk for provoking cardiac arrhythmias and

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