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Alternative flow:

1. The user enter email/number which is already in use.

System display error message Please use a different email/number.
2. If internet is disconnected
System display error message Please check your internet connection and try

Use case 2:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User can login into application.


Internet should be available.

Application should be open.

User should be registered first.

Post condition:

User should be login to the application successfully.

Basic flow:

1. User click on the login option.

2. System display the login form.

3. User fill the user name and password and click the submit option.
4. System redirect the user to the dashboard.

Alternative flow:

1. The user enter the user name/password is wrong.

System display error message Please enter a valid username and password.

2. If internet is disconnected
System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 3:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User can view the profile.


Internet should be available.

User should be login.

Post condition:

User should be view the profile successfully.

Basic flow:

1. User click on the profile option.

2. System show the profile.

Alternative flow:
If internet is disconnected.

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 4:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User can update the user profile.


Internet should be available.

User should be login to the application.

Post condition:

User should update the profile successfully.

Basic flow:

1. User click on the user profile option.

2. System displays the user profile form.

3. User change profile picture/name and click on the save option.

4. System display the message Profile update successfully.

Alternative flow:

1. User upload the picture is too large/small.

System display the error message The picture size too large/small.

2. The picture format is not valid.

System display the error message The picture format is not valid.

If internet is disconnected.

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 5:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User can change the password.


Internet should be available.

User should be login.

Current password must be remembered.

Post condition:

User should change the password successfully.

Basic flow:

1. User click on the setting option.

2. System display the list of option.

3. User click on the change password option.

4. System displays the change password form.

5. User enters the current password and enter the new password and enter the retype password
and click on the save option.

6. System display the message You have change password successfully.

Alternative flow:

1. User enter the current password which is wrong.

System display the error message You enter the wrong password.

2. User enter the new password is too small.

System display the error message The new password is too small.

3. Retype password and new password are not match.

System display the error message The retype password missed match.

If internet is disconnected

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 6:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User can recover the password.


Internet should be available.

User must register first.

User must remember the user email/number.

Post condition:

User should recovered the password successfully.

Basic flow:

1. User click on the forget option.

2. System display the forget password form.

3. User enter the user login email/number and click the submit option.

4. System display the message The new password sent to your email/number.

Alternative flow:

User enter the email/number is not registered.

System display the message You enter the email/number is not registered.

If internet is disconnected

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 7:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User can search by typing any product name.


Internet should be available.

Application should be open.

Post condition:

User should search the product successfully.

Basic flow:

1. User click on the search option.

2. System display the search bar option.

3. User type the song name and click the search option.

4. System search the product and display to the user.

Alternative flow:

product is not available in database.

System display the message product is not available.

If internet is disconnected

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 8:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User should chat their buyer and seller users thorugh chat option.


Internet should be available

Application should be open

Must be login first

Post condition:

user should chat with buyer and seller successfully

Basic flow:

User message the other user through

User click the chat button

User type the message &

User click the send option

System send the message to other end user

Alternative flow:

Never chat if not be login

If internet is disconnected.

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 9:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User can bid on the purchasing products if any one posted on bidding product option.

Internet should be available

Application should be open

Must be login first

Post condition:

At the end of this use case user should bidding on product successfully

Basic flow:

User open the related product who want to bid

User click the bid button

User type the bidding amount &

User click the confirm option

System respond to bid on this product

Alternative flow:

Never bidding if not be login

If internet is disconnected.

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 10:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



Seller and retailer can sell our product on installment.


Internet should be available

Application should be open

Must be login first

Post condition:

At the end of this use case user should posted product on installment procedure

Basic flow:

User open their profile

User click the upload product on installment option

User type installment procedure &

User click the submit

System generated respond and installemt product will be display

Alternative flow:

If internet is disconnected.

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Never upload installment product if not be login

Use case 11:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:


User can sell product .


Internet should be available

Application should be open

Must be login first

Post condition:

At the end of this use case user should sell our product successfully

Basic flow:

User open profile

User click Add post button

User enter related description our product

User click the posted option

System respond and product will be display on front page

Alternative flow:

Never sell our product if not be login

If internet is disconnected.

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

Use case 12:

Use Case Name:

UC_ Delete Products

Primary Actor:



User can delete our product ad.


Internet should be available.

User should be login.

Post condition:

User should delete our product successfully.

Basic flow:

1. User click on the my ads option.

2. System display all ads who posted .

3. User click on delete option then ad/product delete successfully.

Alternative flow:

If internet is disconnected

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.
Use case 13:

Use Case Name:


Primary Actor:



User can logout.


Internet should be available.

User should be login.

Post condition:

User should be logout successfully.

Basic flow:

4. User click on the logout option.

5. System display the message You have successfully logout.

Alternative flow:

If internet is disconnected

System display error message Please check your internet connection and try again.

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