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Votive Shrine, Kilpauk English Liturgy Committee

4th Sunday of Advent 2017 B

Theme: Love
1st Read: 2 Samuel (7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16) | 2nd Read: Romans (16:25-27) Gospel: Luke (1:26-38)

General Introduction: - Do not read this line

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, the we shift our attention from John the Baptist to
Mary, the mother of Jesus. Pope Benedict gave a reflection on the importance of Mary.
He said that when Christ was born, every creature offered a sign of gratitude: the angels,
a hymn; the heavens, a star; the Magi, gifts; the earth, a cave. But, asked the Holy Father,
what about the human race? What do we have to offer God? Pope Benedict answered
simply: What we have to offer is the Virgin Mary herself. She shows what humanity can
achieve. For sure, we suffer from an inner division called original sin - and we have
many personal failings. But when we look at the Virgin Mother, we recognize the true
capacity of our human nature. To use a phrase from the Book of Judith, Mary is the
"greatest boast of our race." (15:9)."

Advent Wreath & Candle Introduction Pause before reading

Last Sunday we lit the candle of Hope, remembering the hope which comes in Christ,
the candle of Peace, remembering Gods dream of a peaceful world, and the candle of
Joy, remembering the Spirit within us who brings joy. (Light the 2 purple candles &
the Pink Candle). Today we light the fourth candle of Advent, the candle of Love.
Scripture tells us There is no fear in love, for perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4:18).
God created this world in love and this world will end in the love of God. Gods love
pervades all aspects of this life. From birth to death, pain to delight, strangers to lovers,
Gods love is there.
We light this candle in Love. (Light the last purple Candle)
On this day, we remember God is Love.
Votive Shrine, Kilpauk English Liturgy Committee

Introduction to the First Reading: - Do not read this line

Our first reading from 2 Samuel is chosen because it contains the prophecy that the
sovereignty of the House of David will last forever. This prophecy, the angel tells Mary,
will be fulfilled in the Son she is to conceive, who will be given the throne of his
ancestor, David, and will exercise a reign that will never end.

Introduction to the Second reading: - Do not read this line

The reading from St Paul, the concluding passage of Romans, calls us back to awareness
of the place of Marys response - and our personal responses - in a total plan shaped by
Gods gifts, and our carrying out of the tasks these gifts have brought.

Prayer of the Faithful For the Celebrant

Cel: At the termination of the Babylonian exile prophet Isaiah articulated his
sentiments in the form of a beautiful poem in which he thanked the Lord for
making him a messenger of the good tidings. That we too may sing Gods
praises for the marvels he works in our lives, let us thank him, saying,

Response: Lord, cloth us with the garments of salvation.

Prayer after Prayer of Faithful

Cel: God our Father, we thank you for this period of preparation for the
coming of your Son. As John the Baptist prepared the people to receive your
Son through his call to repentance, may our advent penance prepare us to
Votive Shrine, Kilpauk English Liturgy Committee

welcome your Son into our midst. We make this prayer through Christ our
Lord. AMEN.
Votive Shrine, Kilpauk English Liturgy Committee

Prayer of the Faithful For the Reader

Response: Lord, cloth us with the garments of salvation.

1. For the pope, the bishops and the clergy that as pastors of the Church they may
bring comfort and consolation to the people who are suffering, we pray to the
Lord. R/

2. For the broken hearted, that the failings and the disappointments in their lives may
not drive them to despair and hopelessness but to a firm trust in God who comes
to the rescue of those who call upon him, we pray to the Lord. R/

3. For the people serving their prison terms that in their isolation and denial of
freedom they may realize their mistakes and show eagerness to live honest and
sincere lives, we pray to the Lord. R/

4. For the priests, the religious and the laity who work in educational institutions that
they may inculcate in the young the values of healthy living, we pray to the Lord.
5. For all of us present in this Eucharistic assembly that the coming of Christ for
which we are preparing ourselves may strengthen our faith in the Lord Jesus, we
pray to the Lord. R/

Pray for community and personal needs

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