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Estefany Lopez

Dr. Murphy
5. 15. 2015

Introduction Speech Outline

Purpose: to offer my peers insight into my literary worldview and introduce myself to them as a pair of
reading glasses.
1) Introduction
a) Teaser: Story about how I used to cry because I couldn’t read and my early beginnings as a
(1) Diary/early writings prop
ii) Explain how my early exposure to literature has shaped the way I interpret the world
(1) Meets new person character development
(2) Creating symbols and meaning out of ordinary, everyday exchanges
b) Thesis: The whole world is a large, complex book; and what am I within that world? A pair of
reading glasses.
c) Preview Statement: I know what you must be thinking: why reading glasses? Why not a
character, a reader, or a writer? To me, reading glasses represent studiousness, observation,
and clarity; three principles that are central to my being.
d) TRANSITION: First of all, (main point one)
2) Body
a) Main Point One: glasses seem to be a symbol for nerdiness, and I am beyond nerdy about
i) By nature, I have a very curious mind that I satisfy with literature.
(1) Great Gatsby prop
ii) My love of literary analysis and theory and my ultimate dream of college tenure.
iii) TRANSITION: As I analyze literature, I come to realize the importance of acuity; in order to
analyze effectively, observation is key.
b) Main Point Two: if there’s one thing I’ve ever known to be true about myself, it’s that I’m
extremely observant.
i) “Life is not a spectator sport” countered by “the unexamined life is not worth living”
ii) Not exactly an active participant; like reading glasses, I like to take it all in.
iii) TRANSITION: This desire to understand leads me to my next point; (main point three)
c) Main Point Three: I strive to not only observe the chaos around me, but also to clarify it the
same way reading glasses make text appear clearer.
i) World’s not always coherent
ii) Find clarity for myself and present it to others.
iii) TRANSITION: Literature is my passion. I am a pair of reading glasses because literature and I
go hand in hand.
3) Conclusion
a) Restate Main Points: Reading glasses represent my future in academia, my acute temperament,
and my desire for clarity.
b) Restate Thesis: As I’ve mentioned, the whole world is one complicated, messy, beautiful book.
And I am a reading glass placed beside it on the nightstand.
c) Clincher: My name is Estefany Lopez, and without literature I cease to exist.

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