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SUBJECT REVIEW SIGURNOST 57 (1) 25 - 34 (2015)

S. Oppong*


UDK 331.45/.48:614.8
RECEIVED: 2014-01-16
ACCEPTED: 2015-01-02

SUMMARY: The literature on risk perceptions and occupational accidents is replete with causal
descriptions which only show the relationship between the two variables. However, there is a
“black box” which needs to be illuminated as to the meditational process that links the two varia-
bles. To address this gap in the literature, this paper surveys both the theoretical (theories of risk
perception) and empirical (related studies) literature and concludes by proposing a process model,
so-named Risk Chain Process Model. The implications of this model for both research and practice
are discussed..

Key words: risk chain process model, risk perceptions, occupational safety

BACKGROUND an acknowledgement of a hazard’s capacity to

harm and an estimation of the probability of the
Employees’ and employers’ risk perception harm occurring.
is important in the workplace. This is because
perception of the occupational risk factors is In the practice of occupational health and
known to affect accident rates (Mearns & Flin, safety management, risk is often considered to
1996; Rundmo, 1996). Risk is conceptualized as have two components: severity and probability
a person’s probable exposure to loss, to harm or (Clemens & Simmons, 1998). When assessing
to damage (McGregor, 2006). Thus, it is a situati- risk for the purpose of guarding against it, risk
on or an event where something of human valu- assessments are often based on the probability
es (including humans themselves) is at stake and of a hazard occurring, and/or the severity of the
where the outcome is not known (Rosa, 2003). loss, which will result from the occurrence of the
Risk perception may, therefore, be considered hazard (Lehmann, Haight, & Michael, 2009). Si-
as the lens through which individuals view the milarly, Leiter and Cox (1992) also suggested a
objective risk. Others define it as an individual’s model for occupational risk assessment that con-
judgment of the likelihood that a loss or harm siders three major components: lethality, preva-
will occur, and the judgment about the seriou- lence and control. According to Leiter and Cox
sness of its likely consequences (Fischoff, Slovic, (1992), lethality is the amount of harm or injury
Lichtenstein, Read, & Combs, 1978). Cox and that a particular workplace hazard is expected to
Tait (1991) have also defined risk perception as inflict on a victim, whereas prevalence estimates
how frequently a particular hazard is expected
to inflict the injury. Control is defined by Leiter
*Seth Oppong, PhD (, Discipline of Hu- and Cox (1992) as the worker’s perception of his
man Resource Management, Sam Jonah School of Business, African
University College of Communication, P. O. Box LG 510, Legon,
or her own ability to cope with a given situation.
Accra, Ghana. This means that in practice risk assessments only

S. Oppong: Risk chain process model: linking risk ... SIGURNOST 57 (1) 25 - 34 (2015)

capture lethality (severity index) and prevalence risk-neutral, and risk-averse. This means that there
(likelihood index). Just as individuals make da- are some workers who seek risk while others avo-
ily judgments about what risks are acceptable to id risk, and others who are indifferent to risks. Em-
them outside of work, judgments are made by pirical studies suggest that age, gender, persona-
workers regarding what risks are acceptable in lity, parent’s risk preference, income level, marital
their workplaces. status, and educational level can all determine
risk preference of an individual (Hibbert, Lawren-
In a similar fashion, Lehmann et al (2009) ar- ce, & Prakash, 2008; Hyrshko, Luengo-Prado, &
gue that these risk judgments are often controlled Sørensen, 2011; Gallagher; 2005).
by two distinct factors – risk tolerance and risk
perception. Risk tolerance is the amount of risk Risk preference theory is consistent with
an individual is willing to take on. The limit of accident-proneness theory that suggests that few
risk is determined by the employer and that re- people suffer several accidents and such indivi-
flects the employer’s expectations. By specifying duals must have some characteristics that make
limits the employers partly define risk boundari- them more vulnerable to experiencing accident
es for the workers (Lehmann et al, 2009). (Raouf, 1998; Larsson, 1999, cited in Suutaniren,
2003). However, this theory is considered both
Risk perception differs from person to person scientifically and politically incorrect (Raouf,
even in the same situation, and risk preferences 1998; Larsson, 1999, cited in Suutarinen, 2003).
even differ by context for the same person (Yang, There is some empirical evidence in support of
2004; Hunter, 2002). An examination of risk to- the risk preference theory, at least in terms of the
lerance and risk perception in self-selected pilots link between risk-taking and personality. Ga-
found that an individual’s perception of risk is llagher (2005) examined the relationships among
negatively related to the individual’s tolerance the big five factors and risk-taking during war
for risk (Hunter, 2002). In other words, the lower and reported evidence for positive correlations
the hazard level a person believes is inherent in between risk-propensity and openness to expe-
a specific situation, the more willing that the per- rience, while negative correlations between risk-
son is likely to engage in risky behaviour related propensity and conscientiousness on one hand
to that hazard. Thus, one is likely to behave dan- and between risk-propensity and neuroticism on
gerously if he or she perceives an activity to be the other, were reported. Again, Miner (2002)
associated with lower risk. This has been corro- also concluded that extant empirical evidence
borated by Cordeiro (2002) in a matched case- provides support for the personality-accident
control study in a large metallurgical factory in relationship. His conclusion was that external
south-eastern Brazil. locus of control, extraversion, aggression, soci-
al maladjustment, general neurotic conditions,
specific neurotic conditions such as anxiety and
THEORIES OF RISK PERCEPTIONS depression, and impulsivity are all associated
strongly with higher accident rates.
Two theories about risk perception and their
implications for accident prevention will be discu- The implications of the risk preference theory
ssed. The theories are risk preference theory and for accident prevention lie in the recommendati-
risk homeostasis theory. Risk preference theory is ons for personnel selection and placement. The
related closely to the epidemiological theory of theory suggests that employers should not hire
accident causation. According to the risk prefe- risk-takers or risk-seekers because they are acci-
rence theory, people have a natural predispositi- dent-prone. However, given the scientific and
on towards risk that is determined by their perso- political incorrectness of the theory, employers
nality, experience, values and beliefs. This theory are encouraged to hire such persons but they
also proposes that people act often in accordance must place them in positions where great harm
with their preference (Deckop, Merriman, & Blau, would not result from their risky behaviours. Af-
2004; Escher, 2010; Kapp, 2007; Roth & Kroll, ter all, it takes both unsafe acts and unsafe con-
2007). Based on the internal disposition, three ca- ditions for accident to occur though unsafe acts
tegories of workers can be identified: risk-seeking, create unsafe conditions.

S. Oppong: Risk chain process model: linking risk ... SIGURNOST 57 (1) 25 - 34 (2015)

Risk homeostasis theory was originally deve- There are implications of this theory for acci-
loped by Gerald Wilde for studying driver beha- dent prevention. These include disguising the
viour. However, this theory has been expanded safety changes so that the workers do not reali-
to the analysis of workplace behaviour (Kapp, ze that some modifications have been made to
2007; Wilde, 1989). The theory proposes that the workplace or work procedures. Again, the
each human being has a target or bearable level theory implies that safety professionals should
of risk with which they are comfortable, and that attach negative consequences to unsafe beha-
when we encounter situations that cause variati- viour in the form of sanctions applied when ri-
on in risk we adjust our behaviour so as to move sky behaviours are engaged in, even if they do
to the level of risk with which we are comfor- not result in incidents or accident (Oppong,
table. The theory suggests that in situations in 2011). Lastly, safety professionals should educa-
which the risk is perceived as greater than our te workers so they realize the true “objective”
target level, we adjust our behaviour to lower the risk inherent in a particular situation and con-
risk, whereas in situations in which the risk is sequences of accidents. The purpose of such
perceived as lower than our target level, we are workplace risk education is to lower their target
likely to modify our behaviour to increase the level of risk. However, there is something that all
risk on condition that there is some other benefit safety professionals should recognize: often the
to increasing the risk such as saving time, saving risky behaviour does not immediately result in
money, looking good, becoming popular, and a dangerous occurrence and, as a result, there is
even being seen as “the brave man.” always a weak link between the risky behaviour
Hunter (2002) has found, among pilots, a ne- and the ultimate accident (Oppong, 2011). This
gative relationship between risk tolerance and view is consistent with the contingency trap pro-
risk perception such that an individual is likely posed by experimental psychologists. Chance
to behave dangerously if he or she perceives an (1994) has argued that the immediate, high-pro-
activity to be associated with lower risk. Howe- bability events have greater impact on behaviour
ver, it is worth noting that Lehmann et al (2009) than the remote, low-probability events. Often,
have indicated that the limit of risk tolerance (the accidents appear to be remote, low-probability
amount of risk an individual is willing to take on) events and constitute a less compelling reason
of workers is determined by the employer via for behaviour change by both management and
employer expectations. By specifying limits, the employees (Oppong, 2011).
employers partly define risk boundaries for the
workers. This means that the employer has the
capacity to define the range of acceptable risk EMPIRICAL LITERATURE REVIEW
that can compel the individual to redefine their
personal target level of risk. After all, what is in- Risk perception is hypothesized to be linked
spected is to be expected and what is ignored will to accidents. Sheehy and Chapman (1987) state
be neglected. Thus, once employers fail to reward that the link hypothesized between risk percepti-
risky behaviour, high tolerance for risk can be on and accident is a perceptual one, so that dis-
discouraged (Oppong, 2011). Safety professio- crepancies between subjective estimates of risk
nals are reported to express dislike towards risk and their “objective” counterparts leave people
homeostasis theory because safety recommenda- poorly prepared to detect and cope with poten-
tions following from the risk homeostasis theory tial hazards. Indeed, Bohm and Harris (2010)
suggest that any engineering and administrati- have reported there was a significant difference
ve changes or provision of personal protective between driver risk perception and measures of
equipment will be perceived as a decreased risk objective risk; they also reported that these dri-
for those who have high tolerance or threshold vers engaged in perceived high-risk behaviours.
for risk (Oppong, 2011). As a result, this theory Thus, it can be concluded that the larger the un-
suggests, individuals will adjust their behaviour derestimation of objective risk, the greater the
accordingly to increase risk; this implies that the probability that potentially dangerous situations
actual risk in the situation will remain intact. will become accident situations (Oppong, 2011).

S. Oppong: Risk chain process model: linking risk ... SIGURNOST 57 (1) 25 - 34 (2015)

While some researchers are of the view that willingness to accept other people’s opinions
risk perception can influence safety behaviour about reality. In terms of workplace safety, it can
(Barsky, Juster, Kimball, & Shapiro, 1997; Run- be said that employees may conform to work
dmo, 1996; Sheehy & Chapman, 1987), others team’s poor safety standards (e.g. cutting corners
are of the opinion that peer influence is a better to increase speed of work, risk-taking seen as dis-
predictor of safety behaviour than risk percepti- play of bravado, etc.) given the human need for
on. For instance, Walters (2009) concluded from affiliation (Oppong, 2011). However, newly hi-
a review of the literature that peer influence was a red employees may be more susceptible to both
better predictor of farmers’ use of personal protec- informational and normative social influence. To
tive equipment (PPE) than risk judgments. Specifi- the extent that safety behaviour is conceptualized
cally, she reported that PPE use was more greatly to include safety initiatives/participation (things
influenced by peer-related and farm-specific fac- workers do to create safe work environment for
tors than by farm workers’ perceptions of pestici- themselves and co-workers), it can be said that
de risk, their belief in the value of using PPE, or most safety researchers usually “take care of” peer
the amount of training they had received relating influence in studies in which they measure safety
to pesticides and their use. She added that indivi- behaviour.
duals who belonged to farm groups that believed
that other farms used protective equipment were Flin, Mearns, Fleming, and Gordon (1996),
more likely to wear PPE themselves. drawing on Rundmo’s (1996) research, predicted
that risk perception would be a causal factor of
To explain the peer influence proposition, Co- accident involvement. As expected, using a total
hen and Smetzer (2009, cited in Oppong, 2011) sample of 622 offshore workers, Flin et al (1996)
argue that bystander apathy resulting from diffusi- reported that risk perceptions directly influence
on of responsibility may be responsible for such accident. Similarly, Jahangiri, Mirzaei and Aan-
an occurrence. Bystander apathy is the tendency sari (2008) reported that there was a significant
for people not to offer help in an emergency when positive relationship between use of hearing
others are present while diffusion of responsibility protector and worker’s risk perception and also
is the tendency for people not to feel personally their knowledge about hearing protection. Aga-
responsible to take a needed action because they in, they found a statistically significant positive
think others are equally responsible and will do relationship between general attitude of workers
it. This is in agreement with Neal and Griffin’s to safety and risk perception. Jahangiri et al’s
(2006) suggestion that noncompliance with safety (2008) investigation was a cross-sectional study
procedures and refusal to participate in activities of 236 randomly selected workers in the Iranian
that enhance the safety of other people can create petrochemical industry whose work environment
the unsafe conditions that make it more likely that exposed them to a noise level of 85 dB. The ma-
someone else will be injured later on. jor limitation associated with their study is the
kind of analysis performed. Simple correlations
Oppong (2011) proposes another possible were computed; however, a multiple regression
explanation for peer influence. He argues that analysis could have been performed to determi-
co-workers exert social influence on individu- ne the amount of variance accounted for by, for
al employees to conform to group safety norms/ example, health information (knowledge about
standards. Conformity involves adjusting our be- hearing protection) and risk perception in the use
haviour or thinking to bring it into line with some of hearing protector among the employees.
group standard (Myers, 2001). This may result
due to two reasons: normative social influence However, a major strength associated with Ja-
and informational social influence. According to hangiri et al’s (2008) study is the fact that the evi-
Myers (2001), normative social influence occurs dence that general attitude of employees towards
as a result of a person’s desire to gain approval safety affects use of hearing protector could be
or avoid disapproval from a group to which he taken as indicative of evidence in support of a re-
or she belongs, while information social influence lationship between safety climate and risk percep-
refers to the influence that results from a person’s tion. Böhm and Brun (2008) stated that although

S. Oppong: Risk chain process model: linking risk ... SIGURNOST 57 (1) 25 - 34 (2015)

judgmental processes involved in risk perception person believes is inherent in a specific situation,
have traditionally been conceptualized as cogni- the more willingly will that person engage in risky
tive in nature, intuition and emotion also affect behaviour related to that hazard.
the processes. The fact is that attitude involves
emotions as well as cognitive processes, so it may Another possible inference from the FRA re-
be concluded with caution that employees’ own port is that safety climate can influence risk per-
attitude towards safety should, must and could be ceptions. This is because the involvement of FRA
an important aspect or precursor of organisational through the Human Factors Program of its Office
safety climate. of Research and Development, Union Pacific Ra-
ilroad (UP), the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi-
Another study of relevance is the Federal Ra- neers and Trainmen (BLET), and the United Tran-
ilroad Administration (FRA)’s study. FRA (2008) sportation Union (UTU) all creates an atmosphere
reported that their Changing At-risk Behaviour that makes safety a priority in the rail sector in
(CAB) programme being implemented at Union the U. S. Activities of such a high-power coalition
Pacific’s San Antonio Service Unit resulted in ste- communicate to the employees that safety is very
ady decline in risky behaviours among the wor- important to all the stakeholders. It is the view of
kers. Specifically, FRA (2008) concluded from an this paper that this could have resulted in changes
examination of a linear graphical representation in the safety climate of the workers at the UP’s San
of data collected by the workers themselves that Antonio Service Unit and, subsequently, this co-
risky behaviour has reduced from nearly 8% to ro- uld have resulted in reduction in risky behaviour
ughly 3% of all observed behaviour; this represen- by the workers. In effect, it can be inferred that
ted a decrease of over 60%. Though the report did there is a positive correlation between safety cli-
not specifically examine the relationship between mate and risk perception due to Hunter’s (2002)
risk perceptions and safety behaviour, a number proposed inverse relationship between risky be-
of inferences can be derived from it. For instance, haviour and risk perception. However, note that
FRA (2008) reported that their most recently acqu- no data were collected on safety climate.
ired worker data indicated a strong trend toward
increasing safe practices from month to month (r Further, Bohm and Harris (2010) also explo-
= 0.823, n = 21, p < 0.0001); 85% of the questi- red and found a relationship between risk per-
onnaire items for the observation showed a trend ception and risk-taking among construction site
toward increasing safety. The implication is that dumper drivers in the UK. They also reported that
as a result of CAB program, risky behaviour decre- the drivers’ risk perceptions were related to the
ased while safe practices increased. However, a “perceived dread” or danger associated with an
spurious relationship can be said to exit between accident rather than its likelihood of occurrence.
risky behaviour and safe practices, as the third- This suggests that the drivers cared more about
variable problem exists in this case; thus, CAB the degree of harm of the potential event or ac-
program accounts for the observed relationship tion. In a matched case-control study, Cordeiro
between risky behaviour and safe work practices. (2002) reported that employees who have suffered
occupational injuries have lower risk perceptions
Despite this shortcoming, this evidence can compared to their matched controls. Cordeiro’s
be taken to mean that there is a negative correla- (2002) finding suggests that lower risk perceptions
tion between risky behaviour and safe practices. among employees who have suffered occupatio-
In terms of risk perceptions, this evidence can nal injuries may have led to their involvement in
also mean that risk perception relates positively the accident in the first place. Together these stu-
to safety behaviour, so that the more accurate dies suggest that accurate risk perceptions will be
the risk judgment of a worker is, the more likely associated with lower accident frequency.
that the worker will comply with workplace sa-
fety regulations. This conclusion about the inver- Another area of research on risk perception
se relationship between risk perception and risky seems to focus more on the content of risk per-
behaviour stems from the conclusion reached by ception and its antecedents or correlates rather
Hunter (2002) that the lower the hazard level a than how it relates to employee outcomes such

S. Oppong: Risk chain process model: linking risk ... SIGURNOST 57 (1) 25 - 34 (2015)

as injury and health. For instance, Alexopou- TOWARDS THE DEVELOPMENT OF

los, EKavadi, Bakoyannis, and Papantonopoulos THE RISK CHAIN PROCESS MODEL
(2009) identified content (hazards) and assessed
the risk perception among bakery workers. In Ganzach, Ellis, Pazy, and Ricci-Siag (2008)
another study, Akinboro, Adejumo, Onibokun, identified and evaluated two models of risk per-
and Olowokere (2012), among other objectives, ception, namely: (1) the bottom-up model, and
sought to explore the effects of years of experien- (2) top-down model. According to Ganzach et al
ce on risk perception among healthcare workers (2008), the bottom-up model predicts that it is the
(HCWs) regarding occupational exposure to HIV perceived risk (perceived threat) and perceived
and AIDS. Akinboro et al (2012) reported a very return (perceived opportunities or pay-offs) asso-
high risk perception among the HCWs but found ciated with an event or action that determines its
low safety compliance behaviour in their pro- attractiveness to an individual. On the other hand,
fessional duties. Similarly, Osagbemi, La-Kadri, top-down model suggests that the overall attrac-
tiveness of a given action or event determines its
and Aderibigbe (2010) explored the perception
perceived risk and perceived return (Ganzach et
of occupational hazards, health problems and
al, 2008). However, their analysis only focused
use of safety measures among sawmill workers
on the operationalization of risk perception rather
in Ilorin (Nigeria). However, Osagbemi et al
than on how risk perception is logically linked
(2010) documented that there was low level of to industrial accidents. This suggests that there
awareness of various occupational hazards. The is an urgent need for a causal explanation as to
review of the research domain of risk perception why risk perception is indeed related to industrial
and occupational safety suggests that it is possi- accidents. Owing to this gap in the literature, a
ble to categorize the studies into two: (1) those process model that explains how and why faulty
that examine the link between risk perception risk perception leads to accidents is proposed and
and occupational accidents, and (2) those that discussed (see Figure 2) (Adapted from Oppong,
focus on the conceptualization of risk percepti- 2011). The process model assumes that there are
on itself and its antecedents. What is, therefore, four key events closely linked in a sequence: once
known is that the numerous studies that explore one event is set off it triggers the next event which
the link between risk perception and safety beha- sets off the other until the last event occurs. The
viour have largely been causal description of this risk chain is like a set of four dominos. Based on
relationship (see Figure 1). These studies hardly the available literature, the only logical conclu-
paid attention to the process through which risk sion that one can come to is that faulty risk per-
perceptions lead to occupational accidents. As a ceptions lead to human error which manifests in
result, the current study addresses this gap in the risky behaviour which leads to risk exposure or
literature by proposing a causal explanation that exposure to hazardous conditions. The risk expo-
links faulty risk perceptions to industrial acci- sure eventually results in injuries or accidents.
dents in the form of a process model. This paper This does not suggest that every risk exposure will
advances knowledge by expanding the model lead to accident, as accidents are low-frequency
that was previously referred to as Risk Chain Mo- events (Oppong, 2011). Faulty risk perceptions of-
ten lead to four critical errors: eyes-not-on-task(s),
del (Oppong, 2011).
mind-not-on-task(s), being in the line-of-fire, and
poor balance/grip.

Risk Black Research provides evidence in support of this

Perception Box perspective. For example, Rundmo (1992, cited
in Flin et al, 1996) showed that job stress and
perceived risk contributed significantly to injuri-
Figure 1. Black box of the link between risk perception es and errors. The importance of this model also
and accidents lies in the general agreement among safety rese-
Slika 1. Crna kutija povezanosti percepcije rizika i archers that human errors or factors constitute a
nesreća major cause of industrial accidents (Petrocelly &

S. Oppong: Risk chain process model: linking risk ... SIGURNOST 57 (1) 25 - 34 (2015)

Thumann, 2000). However, to assume that hu- Research and Practice Implications
man error is the only cause of industrial accident
is to assume that human actions are not constra- The model has two important implications
ined by the context within which such actions for the safety practitioners and researchers. First,
take place (Besnard & Hollnagel, 2012). Thus, it it can serve as a model for accident investigati-
is acknowledged in this paper that organizatio- on where the investigation commences with the
nal factors can affect individual risk perception. occurrence of the accident, working one’s way
As stated earlier, Lehmann et al (2009) have su- backwards to the point of the faulty risk per-
ggested that employers set the limit of risk that is ceptions, and understanding why the individu-
acceptable within the organization and that in- al underestimated the risk (Oppong, 2011). The
fluences the risk tolerance of the employees (the underlying causes will then be reasons for risk
amount of risk an individual is willing to take on). underestimation.
This suggests that employee’s risk perception is Secondly, the model also suggests that safety
constrained by the risk boundaries set by the em- interventions can be targeted at parts of the risk
ployer through its safety culture. chain (Oppong, 2011). For instance, eliminating
or minimizing the determinants of faulty risk
In addition, Krallis and Csontos (2014) repor-
perceptions (that is a second-level primary pre-
ted that work stress, group pressure, exposure and
vention) will reduce the occurrence of the faulty
control of risk, and workplace safety performance
risk perceptions, while targeting the link betwe-
(which reflects safety culture) are all correlates of
en faulty human error and risk exposure via er-
risk perception. Bohm and Harris (2010) also re-
gonomics and provision of personal protective
ported that risk-taking behaviour among construc-
equipments (designing out some of the risk from
tion site drivers is influenced by situational factors
work task and environment that is the first-level
such as site safety rules or the safety behaviour of
primary prevention) will minimize risk exposu-
other personnel on the site (group influence) and a
re. This gives room for pardonable mistakes and
culture that prioritizes production over safety. Na- assumes that “to err is human.” In this paper, er-
tional culture has also been implicated. Alexopou- gonomics is referred to as a first-level primary
los et al (2009) reported that national culture also prevention because it is the stage at which the
influences employee risk perception and attitudes objective risk can be estimated accurately and
towards safety in a study of Greek and English minimized through equipments redesign before
workers in a bakery. This model also acknowled- workers will use them and be exposed to the in-
ges that individual factors also influence risk per- herent danger.
ceptions. Individual factors that have been found
to influence risk perceptions include experience, Again, targeting the link between risk expo-
mood, memory, knowledge (Akinboro et al, 2012; sure and incidents/accidents will minimize the
Krallis & Csontos, 2014; Jahangiri et al, 2008). consequence of the accidents (that is the secon-

National Culture

Faulty Risk Human Error/Risky

Risk Exposure Incidents/Accidents
Perceptions Behaviour


Figure 2. Risk Chain Process Model

Slika 2. Procesni model lanca rizika

S. Oppong: Risk chain process model: linking risk ... SIGURNOST 57 (1) 25 - 34 (2015)

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SAŽETAK: Literatura o percepciji rizika i nesrećama na radu obiluje opisima uzroka nesreća koji
prikazuju samo odnos između tih dviju varijabli. Međutim, postoji tzv. ‘crna kutija’ koja bi treba-
la rasvijetliti misaoni proces, tj. misaonu vezu između dviju varijabli. Članak nastoji popuniti tu
prazninu u istraživanjima pregledom teorijske (teorije percepcije rizika) i empirijske (povezane
studije) literature, a u zaključku nudi jedan procesni model, nazvan procesni model lanca rizika.
Navode se implikacije modela na istraživanje i praksu.

Ključne riječi: procesni model lanca rizika, percepcije rizika, zaštita na radu

Pregledni rad
Primljeno: 16.1.2014.
Prihvaćeno: 2.1.2015.


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