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Original Article

Kangaroo Mother Care in Very Low Birth Weight Infants

K. Ramanathan, V.K. Paul, A.K. Deorari, U. Taneja and G. George

Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

Abstract. Objective : This study was conducted (i) to study through a randomized control trial the effect of Kangaroo Mother
Care (KMC) on breast feeding rates, weigh t gain and length of hospitalization of very low birth neonates and (ii) to assess the
acceptability of Kangaroo Mother Care by nurses and mothers. Methods : Babies whose birth weight was less than 1500
Grams were included in the study once they were stable. The effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on breast feeding rates, weight
gain and length of hospitalization of very low birth weight neonates was studied through a randomized control trial in 28
neonates. The Kangaroo group (n=14) was subjected to Kangaroo Mother Care of at least 4 hours per day in not more than
3 sittings. The babies received Kangaroo Care after shifting out from NICU and at home. The control group (n=14) received
only standard care (incubator or open care system). Attitude of mothers and nurses towards KMC was assessed on Day 3
_+1 and on day 7 + 1 after starting Kangaroo Care in a questionnaire using Likert's scale. Results : The results of the clinical
trial reveal that the neonates in the KMC group demonstrated better weight gain after the first week of life (15.9 + 4.5 gm/day
vs. 10.6 + 4.5 gm/day in the KMC group and control group respectively p<0.05) and earlier hospital discharge (27.2 + 7 vs.
34.6 + 7 days in KMC and control group respectively, p<0.05). The number of mothers exclusively breastfeeding their babies
at 6 week follow-up was double in the KMC group than in the control group (12/14 vs. 6/14) (p< 0.05). Conclusion : KMC
managed babies had better weight gain, earlier hospital discharge and, more impressively, higher exclusive breast-feeding
rates. KMC is an excellent adjunct to the routine preterm care in a nursery. [Indian J Pediatr 2001; 68 (11) 9 1019-1023]

Key words : Kangaroo Mother Care; Low birth weight infants; Breast feeding

Edgar Rey and Hector Martinez developed Kangaroo positive findings in this study make it a case for gathering
Mother Care (KMC) in Columbia as a substitute for more experience in other centers in the country as a
incubators in the care of the low birth weight infants. 1 prelude to a wider dissemination. The present study was
Kangaroo Mother Care is defined as early, prolonged and envisaged as a step in that direction. This simple method,
continuous skin-to-skin contact between the mother and if found suitable and culturally acceptable, may prove as
the low birth weight infant both in hospital and after a new primary modality which can be incorporated into
discharge, with exclusive breastfeeding and proper follow the essential newborn care package of the 'Reproductive
up. 1 In this method the diaper clad infant is placed and Child Health Programme.
upright between the mothers' breasts. Kangaroo Mother
Care does not need expensive and sophisticated MATERIALS AND METHODS
equipment, and for its simplicity it can be applied almost
everywhere, including peripheral maternity units of very Babies whose birth weight was less than 1500 gm were
low income countries. Published findings from different included in the study once their cardiopulmonary status
countries demonstrate that Kangaroo Mother Care was stable, they were tolerating enteral feeds and
promotes stable heart rates, respiratory rates, oxygen maintaining temperature in the thermoneutral
saturation, and thermoregulation in infants.2-7Moreover environment. Babies whose mothers were unable to come
the physical closeness has the potential to help parents to the nursery because of illness or disability were
grow in their attachment and move through their grief excluded from the study. Informed consent was obtained
following the birth of the sick premature infant.8 from all the mothers participating in the study. In a
Experience with Kangaroo Mother Care is limited in previous study at AIIMS it was found that 30% of mothers
South Asia. There is insufficient data in our own country of nursery graduate very low birth weight (VLBW)babies
regarding the acceptability of Kangaroo Care to the were exclusively breastfeed at 6 weeks of age
mothers and health staff, early discharge policies and (unpublished data). At 80% power of detecting tripling of
long-term outcomes. A feasibility s t u d y from this proportion to 90% (at p<0.05) required 12 subjects in
Ahmedabad, India, has shown encouraging results. 9 The each group. In our study 14 neonates were enrolled each
in both experimental and control group. The babies were
Reprintrequests : Dr. V.K.Paul,AdditionalProfessor,Department randomized using a table of random numbers to receive
of Pediatrics, All India Institute of MedicalSciences,New Delhi- either Kangaroo Mother Care along with standard care or
110029. Fax : 91-11-6862663, E-mail :

Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 68---November, 2001 1019

Ramanathan et al

s t a n d a r d care alone. The K a n g a r o o g r o u p (n=14) was home/confidence to look after the baby, gaining weight
subjected to Kangaroo Mother Care of at least 4 hours per adequately, no overt illness, no intravenous medications
d a y in not m o r e than 3 sittings. During Kangaroo Care and essentially on exclusive breast feeds.
each mother wore a cover g o w n and sat in an inclined Acceptability was defined as the positive attitude of
chair. The b a b y w a s p o s i t i o n e d inside her dress a n d the mothers and nurses towards KMC. Acceptability was
b e t w e e n the breasts. The g o w n s c o v e r e d the infant's assessed b y a questionnaire incorporating Likert scale.
t r u n k a n d extremities, b u t not the h e a d , w h i c h w a s Mothers' attitude towards KMC was assessed on day 3 +
covered with a cap. The mother was encouraged to hold 1 and on day 7 + 1 after starting Kangaroo Care using a
her baby in this position whenever she came to visit her questionnaire, which contained 10 items. Nurses' attitude
baby. The baby was nursed in warmer / incubator for the towards Kangaroo Care was assessed similarly using a
rest of the time. The babies received Kangaroo Care after questionnaire, which contained 11 items.
shifting out from NICU and at home. Statistical analysis w a s d o n e u s i n g stata6, statistix
The b a b i e s in the c o n t r o l g r o u p (n=14) r e c e i v e d 4,and epi info 6 computer programs. Two-sample t-test,
standard care. This consisted of care under w a r m e r or in Wilcoxon Test and Fisher's Exact Test were used to test
the incubator. Mothers were allowed to visit the babies the significance b e t w e e n the t w o groups. Analysis of
and touch and handle them. They also contributed to Covariance was used to c o m p u t e adjusted m e a n s and
their care b y feeding t h e m w i t h s p o o n a n d c h a n g i n g s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n s for the o u t c o m e v a r i a b l e s after
napkins. adjusting for the confounding variables. Students t-test
Breast feeding guidelines were followed for both the w a s used to c o m p a r e the adjusted m e a n s in KMC vs.
g r o u p s and lactational counseling was e m p h a s i z e d to control group.
ensure breast milk feeding. Nurses assisted the mothers
of both groups in positioning and attachment. They also RESULTS
assisted in expression of breast milk for spoon feeding.
W e i g h i n g of the b a b i e s w a s d o n e o n c e a d a y on a During the course of the study, 33 babies fulfilled the
w e i g h i n g scale w i t h s e n s i t i v i t y of l g . Babies w e r e criteria for enrollment. Five of these babies w e r e not
provided vitamin and mineral supplements on the same enrolled because they were either due for early discharge
pattern as per nursery protocols. (n=3) or the m o t h e r s could not carry out KMC due to
Maternal and neonatal characteristics and their illness (n=2). A total of 28 babies were r a n d o m l y
c o m p l i c a t i o n s w e r e p r o s p e c t i v e l y r e c o r d e d . Breast a s s i g n e d to r e c e i v e either K a n g a r o o C a r e (n=14) or
f e e d i n g r a t e s w e r e c a l c u l a t e d b a s e d on the h i s t o r y standard care (n=14). Table I shows the characteristics of
obtained from the mothers at 6 weeks follow-up. Weight the infants at birth. None of the mothers allocated to the
gain velocity was calculated as mean weight gain per day Kangaroo Care group refused to participate. There was no
each week. The babies were discharged once they meet significant difference in birth weight, gestationa] age, sex
the criteria of weight greater than 1400 grn, gestation over and A p g a r scores birth. But the neonates in the KMC
34 weeks, only on enteral feeds, mother's readiness to go group required positive pressure ventilation, CPAP and

TABLE1. Baseline Characteristics of the Newborn Infants at Birth

Characteristic KMC Group Control Group

(n=14) (n=14)
Male/Female 9/5 9/5
Birth weight (G)
Mean _+S.D. 1219 + 186.4 1270.9 + 170.4
Gestational age (weeks)
Median 30.4 30.9
Range 28.8 -34.1 29 - 33.3
AGA: SGA 10:4 12:2
Neonatal problems (no. of infants)*
Respiratory Distress 8 4
Treatment (hours)
(Mean + S.D.)
Oxygen* 43.7 + 83.0 22.5 + 42.6
Nasal CPAP* 32.0 _+75.0 9.7 + 19.4
IPPV* 19.2 _+37.6 27 + 8.5
Phototherapy 73.9 + 39.0 62.2 _+22.8
KMC = Kangaroo Mother Care; AGA = Appropriate for dates; SGA = Small for dates; CPAP = Continuous positive airway pressure; IPPV
= Intermittent positive pressure ventilation

1020 Indian Joumal of Pediatrics, Volume 68---November, 2001

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