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Pesticides in the Environment


After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

• Describe how pesticide applications can affect the environment.
• Explain how to prevent pesticide drift, runoff, and movement to
nontarget areas.
• Identify sensitive areas that could be harmed by pesticides.
• Discuss how to prevent pesticide residue accumulation
associated with mixing, loading, and equipment washing.
• State when to adjust or delay an application to minimize
environmental impact and maximize effectiveness.

A pplicators and the public share

concerns about how pesticides may
harm the environment. Initially, hazards
effects (such as contamination of ground-
water or toxicity to birds or aquatic
organisms) as reasons for restriction. To
to humans were the primary reason the register new pesticides, EPA requires
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency manufacturers to submit extensive envi-
(EPA) decided to classify a pesticide as a ronmental tests. The agency also reviews
restricted-use product. Now, more and environmental effects when reevaluating
more pesticide labels list environmental existing pesticide registrations.


T he environment comprises every-

thing that is around us. It includes
not only the natural elements that the
that pesticide affects the environment.
Applicators must ask three questions:

word “environment” usually brings to • Where will the pesticide go after

mind but also people, the manufactured it leaves its container or appli-
parts of our world, and the indoor areas cation equipment?
in which we live and work.
The environment is air, soil, water, • What effects could this pesticide
plants, animals, houses, restaurants, have on those nontarget sites it
office buildings, factories, and all may reach?
that they contain. Anyone who uses a
pesticide—indoors or outdoors, in a • W hat can I do to minimize
city or on a farm—must consider how harmful effects?

T o understand how pesticides move

in the environment, you must
first understand certain physical and
Adsorption is the process whereby
a pesticide binds to soil particles.
chemical characteristics of pesticides Adsorption occurs because of an
and how they determine a pesticide’s attraction between the chemical and
interaction with the environment. soil particles. Typically, oil-soluble
These characteristics are solubility, pesticides are more attracted than
adsorption, persistence, and volatility. water-soluble pesticides to clay particles
and organic matter in soil. Also, pes-
ticide molecules with a positive charge
Solubility is a measure of the ability are tightly adsorbed to negatively
of a pesticide to dissolve in a solvent, charged soil particles. A pesticide that
usually water. Pesticides that are highly adsorbs to soil particles is less likely
soluble in water dissolve easily. These than one that does not adsorb tightly to
products are more likely than less- soil to move from the spray site.
soluble pesticides to move with water in
surface runoff or through the soil. Persistence
Persistence is the ability of a pes-
ticide to remain present and active in
its original form for an extended period
before breaking down. A chemical’s
Chemical persistence is described in terms of its
degradation “half-life”: a comparative measure of
the time needed for the chemical to
break down (degrade). The longer the
half-life, the more persistent the pes-
ticide. The pesticide that remains in the
environment after an application or spill
is called residue. Sometimes residue is
desirable because it provides long-term
pest control and reduces the need for
repeated applications. However, some
persistent pesticides can harm sensitive
plants or animals, including humans.
Therefore, it is especially important
to prevent persistent pesticides from
moving offsite through improper han-
dling, application, drift, leaching, or
OSU Pesticides and Groundwater Contamination

Besides presenting a hazard to

persons and nontarget animals entering
a treated area, the application of per-
sistent pesticides may produce illegal
Microbial degradation
Chemical degradation residues on rotational food or feed
crops. To protect consumers, there
are legal limits on how much residue
may remain on products sold for food
or feed. Check the label for statements
about the persistence of the pesticide
and for replanting restrictions. The rate
of pesticide breakdown relates to the
Figure 7.1 persistence of the pesticide.
Breakdown of pesticides in the environment.

Pesticide Breakdown • Photodegradation —the break-
Several processes break down pes- down of chemicals in reaction to
ticide compounds into simpler and often sunlight.
less toxic chemicals. Some pesticides Water and temperature both affect
break down very rapidly—in a matter of the breakdown of pesticides. Warm,
days or even hours. Others linger in the wet conditions can increase the speed
environment for a year or more. of pesticide breakdown; cool, dry
Pesticides are broken down or conditions slow down the degradation
degraded by the following processes process.
(Figure 7.1):
• Chemical degradation —t he
breakdown of chemicals that do Volatility is the tendency of a pes-
not involve living organisms, ticide to turn into a gas or vapor. Some
usually by a chemical reaction pesticides are more volatile than others.
with water. The chance of volatilization increases
as temperatures and wind increase.
• Microbial action —the break- Volatility is also more likely under
down of chemicals by soil conditions of low relative humidity
microorganisms, such as fungi because evaporation increases in drier
or bacteria. conditions.


P esticides may move from the tar-

geted application site in several ways:
in air, in water, attached to soil particles,
• Too much rainwater or irrigation
water moves pesticide through the
soil offsite or into groundwater.
and on or in objects (see Figure 7.2).
• Highly water-soluble or per-
Movement in Air sistent pesticides are used.
Pesticide movement away from Runoff water in an outdoor envi-
the application site by wind or air cur- ronment may move into drainage
rents is called drift . People who mix, systems, streams, ponds, or other
load, and apply pesticides outdoors are surface water, where the pesticides can
usually aware of how easily pesticides travel great distances. Pesticides that
may drift offsite. Those who handle leach downward through the soil may
pesticides indoors may not realize how reach groundwater.
readily some pesticides move offsite in In an indoor environment, water
the air currents created by ventilation containing pesticides can flow into floor
systems and by forced-air heating and drains and contaminate water systems.
cooling systems. Pesticides may travel A careless act, such as dumping a pes-
offsite as spray droplets, vapors, dusts or ticide or rinsate down a sink or toilet,
solid particles, and even on blowing soil may contaminate an entire sewage or
particles. water-treatment facility.
Some pesticides can leach indoors.
Movement in Water In a greenhouse, for example, pesticides
Most pesticide movement in water may leach through the soil or other
is either by surface movement off the planting medium and contaminate
treated site (runoff ) or by downward other greenhouse surfaces.
movement through the soil (leaching). Look for special instructions on
Runoff and leaching may occur when: the label that warn of pesticide hazards
caused by the movement of pesticides in
• Too much pesticide is applied or water. Sometimes labels require buffers
spilled onto a surface. or setbacks from water and wells.




Evaporation/Volatilization Pesticide Drift

Adapted from University of Illinois General Standards manual

Surface run
Soil surface off /
sio Runoff
Degradation Plant

Root zone uptake (absorption)


Water table Surface water

Figure 7.2
Movement of pesticides in the environment.

Movement on or in handlers bring or wear home contami-

Objects, Plants, or Animals nated personal protective equipment,
Pesticides can also move away from work clothing, or other items, pesticide
the application site when they are on residues may rub off on carpeting, fur-
or in objects or organisms that move niture, and laundry items and onto pets
(or are moved) offsite. When pesticide and people.


S tudies have shown that a sizable

percentage of pesticides may never
reach the intended target site because
You can avoid most spray drift
problems by paying close attention to
spray droplet size, wind direction, and wind
of drift. Significant drift can damage speed. Large spray droplets are less likely
or contaminate sensitive crops, poison to drift than smaller ones. Selecting the
bees, pose health risks to humans and proper nozzle and pressure is important
animals, and contaminate soil and to reduce drift. High pressure and
water in adjacent areas. It is impossible nozzles with smaller orifices (openings)
to eliminate drift, but it is possible to produce small droplets likely to drift.
reduce it to a tolerable level. Conversely, large nozzle orifices and
low pressures produce larger droplets.
Spray Drift
Spray drift refers to the off-target Classification of Droplet Size
movement of a pesticide during a liquid Nozzles produce a range of
application. This is the result of small droplet sizes, known as the droplet size
spray droplets traveling offsite on air spectrum. Regardless of the type of
currents. Spray drift occurs more fre- nozzle used, a percentage of droplets
quently than vapor drift or particle created by a nozzle will be small enough
(dust) drift. to drift. Modern nozzle designs are
excellent options because they reduce their target. These droplets become
the amount of droplets prone to drift very small and light and may move
during an application. offsite. Modern drift control additives
A droplet size classification system will decrease drift potential without
can help describe the droplet sizes dramatically shifting the droplets to
produced by a nozzle. This standard a larger size. Remember, however, to
(S-572.1—Spray Nozzle Classification always follow the label directions about
by Droplet Size), established by the using a spray adjuvant intended to min-
A merican Societ y of Agricultural imize drift. Some drift control additives
and Biological Engineers, classifies may actually increase the drift potential
nozzles into eight categories (see of an applied tank mix. Also be aware
Table 7.1). Using these categories, you that large spray droplets may reduce
can select a nozzle, orifice size, and coverage, resulting in less pest control.
operating pressure that produce a label- Wind speed and direction are
recommended droplet size spectrum. the most important environmental
Consult the label for the droplet size factors influencing spray drift. Labels
specifications that may be in place for a may indicate maximum and minimum
particular application. wind speeds for application. Except in
the case of temperature inversions (see
Other Factors below), the early morning and evening
The thickness of the liquid also are often the best times to apply pesti-
affects droplet size. As the thickness cides. This is because windy conditions
increases, so does droplet size, thus are more likely to occur around midday,
reducing the chance of off-target when the temperature near the ground
movement. Fine spray droplets may increases. This causes hot air to rise
begin to evaporate before reaching quickly and mix rapidly with the cooler

Table 7.1
ASABE STANDARD S-572.1a Spray Droplet Spectrum

Categoryb Symbol Color Codec

Extra Fine (XF) Purple

Very Fine (VF) Red
Fine (F) Orange
Medium (M) Yellow
Coarse (C) Blue
Very Coarse (VC) Green
Extra Course (XC) White
Ultra Coarse (UC) Black
a Revised 2009. This standard defines droplet spectrum categories for the classification of spray
nozzles relative to the specified reference fan nozzle. The purpose of classification is to provide
the nozzle user with droplet size information primarily to indicate off-site spray drift potential
and secondarily for application efficacy.
b Please refer to product label for specific guidelines on a droplet spectrum category required for
a given application scenario.
c Nozzle manufacturers will provide information necessary to place their nozzle types into a
droplet spectrum category based at least on orifice size and pressure. The color code is also


air above it, favoring drift. The best To reduce drift indoors, pest
time to spray is when spray droplets control operators must consider the air
move slowly upward in the absence of circulation patterns inside buildings.
windy or inversion conditions. Turn fans and air conditioners off and
Low relative humidit y and/or close vents where necessary to prevent
high temperatures also can increase pesticides from drifting to other parts
the potential for spray drift. Under of the building. Use low-volatile or
these conditions, the evaporation rate nonvolatile pesticides and low-pressure
of water increases, resulting in smaller treatments to reduce indoor pesticide
spray droplets that drift more easily. drift.
Avoid spraying during these times.
The height at which the pesticide is Temperature Inversions
released above the ground or target may Applications made under low-wind
also affect drift. Applications that use conditions can sometimes produce
large droplets close to the ground often more extensive drift than under high
produce little drift. Aerial spraying and winds. Drift that occurs over long dis-
tall tree spraying, on the other hand, tances (more than a mile) is most often
are more likely to produce spray drift the result of applications made during
because they intersect large distances a temperature inversion (under stable
of air far from the ground. Drift from atmospheric conditions).
boom sprayers can be reduced by low- A temperature inversion exists
ering the boom height to within 20 to when the air at ground level is cooler
24 inches of the target crop. than the air above it. Under these
Decrease outdoor drift by: conditions, the air is considered stable
because there is little or no vertical air
• Spraying when the wind speed is
movement. Almost all air movement
between 3 and 10 miles per hour.
during an inversion is sideways (lateral).
• Spraying downwind from sen- This causes a high concentration of
sitive areas, such as residential small spray droplets to be suspended in
proper t ies, schools, crops, this layer of cool air near the ground.
waterways, or beehives. These droplets can then be carried
long distances, especially if wind speeds
• Using proper nozzles and pres-
increase. When the spray droplets settle
out, they may still be concentrated
• Using drift control additives (if enough to cause damage or harm.
appropriate). Inversions may occur at any time
of the day and at any height above the
• Lowering boom height.
ground. However, they most often
• Leaving an untreated border develop during the early evening hours
or buffer area in the downwind as the ground temperature begins to
target area. cool and the warm air has already risen.

Figure 7.3 Adapted from U. of C. The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides

Dispersion of
smoke particles Cool air Warm air
under normal
and inversion

Warm air
Cool air

Normal Condition– Inversion Condition–

Smoke rises and disperses Smoke concentrates

Inversion conditions intensify during 90
the night and may persist until mid-
morning, when the ground has warmed 80
enough to start the vertical mixing of Wind
air (i.e., the wind starts to blow). This Drift 70
causes a dilution and separation of sus-
pended spray droplets. Consequently, Vapor
applications made during early evening,
night, or morning hours under seem-
ingly ideal conditions may result in
highly damaging drift that can move
long distances. This is especially true
if the humidity is high. Such movement
could occur up to one to three hours
after the application. Non-Target
You can recognize these stable air Sensitive Crop
conditions (inversions) by observing the
movement of dust or smoke. If dust or
smoke rises little from its source and tures are at or above 85ºF. Remember Figure 7.4
tends to hang in the air, an inversion to check label precautions for product- Vapor drift of pesticides
may be present or developing (see Figure specific concerns about vapor drift. is more likely as heat
7.3). Another way to detecting inver- and wind increase and
sions is to place one thermometer at Particle Drift (Dust Drift)
the relative humidity
ground level and a second thermometer decreases.
high above the ground. Then compare Par t i c l e drif t refer s to t he
the difference in temperature. If the movement of solid particles from the
temperature at ground level is below target area in the air during or just after
that found at the elevated thermometer, an application. These solid particles
a temperature inversion exists. Do not may include pesticides formulated as
apply pesticides under such conditions. dust or soil particles to which pesti-
cides are attached. Some pesticides can
Vapor Drift remain active on soil particles long after
Vapor drift refers to the movement
they are applied. If particles are blown
of pesticides as gaseous vapors from the off the target site, sensitive areas may be
target area. Some pesticides are volatile: contaminated or damaged. To prevent
they change readily from a solid or particle drift from outdoor pesticide
liquid form into a gas under the right applications from entering nearby
conditions. This usually occurs in hot buildings, be sure to close all windows
weather. Pesticides that have volatilized and vents. Turn off all circulating fans,
into a vapor or gas may drift farther and forced-air heating systems, and air-
for a longer time than they would have conditioning units.
as spray droplets. Only those pesticides For indoor pesticide applications,
that are able to volatilize are susceptible reduce particle drift by turning off
to vapor drift. As air temperatures fans, forced-air heating systems, and
increase, the likelihood that these other air-circulating equipment. Check
pesticides will volatilize and drift also pesticide labels for statements related to
increases. these concerns.
Whenever possible, choose a pes-
ticide formulated as a low-volatility Applicator Responsibility
product. Do not apply volatile pesti- As an applicator, you are legally
cides on hot days. Some products may responsible for any damages result-
even volatilize several hours after appli- ing from the off-target movement of
cation, so beware if high temperatures pesticides. Assess the vulnerability
are predicted for later in the day (Figure of neighboring properties and those
7.4). Many product labels advise against areas downwind of the application site.
applying these products when tempera- Evaluate weather conditions for tem-


perature inversions, wind direction, application equipment to reduce spray
and wind speed before making the drift. Consider using low-volatile for-
all-important decision about whether mulations or adding a drift control
to spray. You may have to adjust your agent or thickener to help minimize
drift. (For further discussion on equip-
ment designed to minimize drift, see
Chapter 11, Pesticide Application
Procedures.) A good drift management
program includes a combination of all
drift reducing techniques available for a
University of California Statewide IPM Porgram

particular application.
If you apply pesticides indoors, you
are also responsible for preventing drift.
Ensure that:
• Pesticides do not move beyond
the target site.
• A ll people and animals are
kept out of the treatment area
according to label instructions.
Particle drift in a field.

S urface water or groundwater con-

tamination results from either
point-source or nonpoint-source pol-
Nonpoint-source pollution comes
from a widespread area. An example
is the movement of pesticides into
lution (see Figure 7.5). Nonpoint-source streams or groundwater after broadcast
pollution from pesticide applications is applications to large agricultural fields,
usually blamed for pesticide contami- rights-of-way, or turf areas.
nation of the outdoor environment.
However, studies show that water Pesticide Contamination
contamination may also result from of Surface Water
point-source pollution. Surface water is often a source of
Point-source pollution comes from drinking water. Therefore, pesticide
a specific, identifiable location, such as: contamination of surface water (such
• A pesticide spill entering a storm as ditches, streams, rivers, ponds, and
sewer. lakes) is a health concern. Pesticides that
move in runoff water or with eroded
• Back-siphoning of pesticides into sediment may contaminate plants and
water supplies. animals located downslope and reach
sources of surface water.
• Contaminated surface water
Factors af fect ing r unof f and
entering sinkholes.
erosion rates include slope, vegetative
• Repeated spilling of pesticides at cover, soil characteristics, volume
mixing and loading sites. and rate of water moving downslope,
temperature, and rainfall amount and
• Careless spilling of wash water at intensity. These factors influence how
equipment cleanup sites. much water runs off and how much
• Improper handling of spills and moves into the soil (infiltration). In
leaks at storage sites. urban areas, runoff may occur on hard
surfaces when granules are left on side-
• Improper disposal of containers, walks and streets.
rinsate from containers, and Runoff is a potential problem for
excess pesticides. most outdoor application sites. In areas
Adapted from U. of C. The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides

stream sink hole

pesticide soil pesticide


Non-point-source Pollution Point-source Pollution

treated with any type of pesticide, it is Leaching Figure 7.5

critical that runoff does not carry the Non-point-source
Some pesticides reach groundwater pollution comes from a
pesticide into water sources or other by moving through the soil in a process widespread area, while
vulnerable areas. called leaching. A pesticide that leaches point-source pollution
Generally, runoff risk is greatest into groundwater must move down comes from a specific,
when heavy rains immediately follow through the soil in water and resist identifiable location.
pesticide applications or when the binding to soil particles and breaking
ground is saturated or frozen. Although dow n into nontox ic compou nds.
surface waters are most likely to be con- Pesticides that have high solubility,
taminated by runoff, groundwater may low adsorption, and/or are persistent
also be affected when surface streams are more likely to leach. They typically
connect with shallow groundwater. have a label statement describing these
concerns. A pesticide that adsorbs or
Pesticide Contamination binds itself strongly to soil particles will
of Groundwater not leach as easily. Besides the charac-
Groundwater provides 70% of teristics of the pesticide, soil properties
the water used for public and private and environmental conditions also
water supplies, irrigation, and industry. affect whether and to what extent a pes-
Like surface water, groundwater must ticide will leach.
be protected from contamination.
Once groundwater is contaminated, Soil Properties
correcting the problem is difficult or Four soil properties affect a pes-
even impossible. Groundwater is found ticide’s potential for leaching: texture
underground in cracks in the bedrock and structure, organic matter, depth to
and in the spaces between soil particles, groundwater, and geology.
gravel, and rocks. It is the source of
water for wells and springs. Texture and Structure
The layer of soil, sand, gravel, or Soil texture is the relative pro-
fractured bedrock in which all available portions of sand, silt, and clay-sized
spaces are filled with water is the satu- particles. Percolating water moves
rated zone . The boundary between faster in sandy soils. Sand also has
the saturated zone and the overlying fewer binding sites available for the
unsaturated rock and soil is known as adsorption of dissolved chemicals
the water table. The overall geologic than do clay or silt soils. Though
formation from which groundwater sandy soils are more prone to pes-
can be drawn is called an aquifer (see ticide movement, leaching may also
Figure 7.6). occur in clay or silt soils.
Adapted from Penn State Pesticide Education Manual

Water table Unsaturated zone

Surface water
Gravel Saturated zone

Fractured bedrock


Figure 7.6
Where groundwater
Soil structure is the shape or pesticides. Pesticides held in the root zone
occurs. arrangement of soil particles. It plays are less likely to leach into groundwater
a big role in determining the size and and may be taken up by plants.
shape of the pores through which water
moves. Small amounts of pesticides may Depth to Groundwater
also move through soil cracks, worm Areas with a shallow water table
holes, and root channels. These features have a greater chance for ground-
are called macropores. water contamination because less soil
is available to act as a filter. There are
Organic Matter fewer opportunities for pesticide deg-
Organic matter consists of decaying radation or adsorption. When using
plant material. The higher the soil organic pesticides in areas where the ground-
matter content, the greater the ability of water is close to the surface, choose a
the soil to hold both water and adsorbed product with a low leaching potential.

Table 7.2 Soil Properties

(affects movement (measures volume of (measures speed of
of water particles) water and soil’s ability water’s downward
to adsorb pesticides) movement)

low organic content= high
soil particle coarse faster water flow and permeability
(sand) little adsorption of (fast flow)
sandy soil (large pores) pesticides

high organic content=

higher water retention low
smooth permeability
and greater adsorption
(clay, silt) (slow flow)
of pesticides

clay soil (small pores)

OSU Pesticides and Groundwater Contamination

Take extra precautions during mixing, important factor. Highly permeable
application, and cleanup. materials (such as gravel deposits)
allow water and dissolved pesticides to
Geology move freely downward to groundwater.
The permeability of the geologic Layers of clay, which are much less
layers lying between the surface of the permeable, can inhibit and slow the
soil and the groundwater is also an downward movement of water.



T o help prevent surface water and

groundwater contamination, EPA
requires all pesticide products labeled
• If a pesticide is necessary, choose
the least toxic product that will
do the job.
for outdoor uses to include the fol-
lowing environmental hazard statement • Calibrate pesticide application
on the label: equipment regularly.

“Do not apply directly to water, • Use spot treatments or band

or to areas where surface water is applications, if possible, to
present, or to intertidal areas below the reduce pesticide use.
mean high water mark. Do not con-
taminate water supplies when cleaning Identify Vulnerable Areas
equipment or disposing of equipment The presence of sandy soil, sink-
wash waters.” holes, wells, streams, ponds, and shallow
groundwater increases the chance of
Pesticides that could contaminate groundwater contamination. Never
groundwater must bear groundwater dispose of empty pesticide containers
warning statements on their labels. in sinkholes, or dump or rinse sprayers
W hen such statements appear on into or near sinkholes (see Chapter 10,
product labels, choose pesticides appro- Planning the Pesticide Application).
priate for use in sandy soils or where Also take care to avoid contaminating
extra precautions are needed to reduce drainage ditches and other potential
the risk of water contamination. sources of runoff to streams and
You can minimize the risk of point- waterways. Never clean tanks or inten-
or nonpoint-source contamination by tionally discharge water from a tank of
following best management practices any vehicle into a street, along a road, or
(BMPs). BMPs are effective, com- into a storm drain.
monsense procedures that emphasize
proper mixing, loading, application, and Do Not Mix and Load
disposal of pesticides. Following BMPs Near Water
reduces the chance that pesticides will
harm the environment. Mix and load as far as possible (at
least 50 feet) from wells, lakes, streams,
Use Integrated Pest rivers, and storm drains. When pos-
sible, do so at the application site.
Management Principles
Consider using a sealed permanent or
Apply pesticides only when and portable mixing and loading pad to
where necessary, and only in amounts prevent seepage into soil.
adequate to control pests. Use non-
chemical control methods whenever Keep Pesticides Away
possible. When using pesticides: from Wells
• Determine the type of pest, the Do not store or mix pesticides
density of the pest population, around wells. Poorly constructed or
and the proper control method. improperly capped or abandoned wells
may allow surface water containing pes- pesticides and slow runoff water. This
ticides and other contaminants direct allows more runoff water to infiltrate
entry into groundwater. Note that wells the soil. Leaving untreated grass strips
are sometimes located in or near treated next to streams, ponds, and other
fields and other application sites. sensitive areas can trap much of the pes-
ticide running off of treated areas.
Avoid Back-siphoning
Back-siphoning is the reverse flow Time Pesticide
of liquids into a fill hose. It sucks tank Applications According
contents (including pesticides) back into to the Weather Forecast
the water supply. Back-siphoning starts Pesticides are most susceptible to
with a reduction in water runoff from heavy rains or irrigation
pressure and can draw
M.J. Weaver, Virginia Tech Pesticide Programs

during the first several hours after

very large quantities of application. Do not apply to saturated or
pesticide directly into frozen ground. To avoid overspraying
the water source. This an area and causing drift, check the
happens when the end pesticide label for application precau-
of the water hose is tions or restrictions during windy
allowed to extend below conditions. Wind speed, temperature,
the surface of the spray and humidity all affect the off-target
mixture when filling a movement of pesticides.
spray tank. The simplest
way to prevent backflow Select Products Wisely
is to maintain an air gap
Maintain an air gap between the discharge end of the water Whenever possible, use pesticides
between the discharge supply line and the pesticide solution that are less likely to leach. Read labels
end of the water supply
in the spray tank. An air gap prevents for such warnings.
line and the spray tank
contamination of the hose and keeps
to prevent backflow of Handle Pesticides Safely
pesticides. pesticides from back-siphoning into the
water source if a drop or loss of water Follow these guidelines to prevent
pressure occurs. Keep the air gap at surface water or groundwater contami-
least twice the diameter of the nation:
discharge pipe. Another method • Immediately contain and control
to prevent back-siphoning is to pesticide spills.
use a backflow prevention device
or check valve (see Chapter 10). • Check application equipment
regularly for leaks or damage.
Improve Land Use
Ed Crow, Maryland Department of Agriculture

and Application • Mix and load pesticides away

from water sources.
Terraces and conservation • After the pesticide application is
tillage practices can reduce complete, follow label directions
water runoff and soil erosion. for proper equipment cleanup
Ideally, growers should leave as and container disposal.
much plant residue as possible on • After applying granular pesti-
the soil surface to lessen erosion. cides, sweep or blow any granules
Where conservation tillage is from sidewalks, driveways, or
not possible, decrease runoff patios onto the treatment area.
potential by incorporating a low
Use an anti-backflow
device (check valve) to
concentration of the pesticide into the Whenever possible, clean sprayers
prevent back-siphoning. soil. In ornamental plantings, consider at the application site at a safe distance
using mulches to reduce water runoff from wells, ponds, streams, and storm
and soil erosion. drains. Spray the rinsate on the treated
Grass buf fer st rips are ver y area or on another site listed on the pes-
effective in reducing pesticide runoff ticide label, or use in the next tank mix.
because they trap sediment containing Be sure not to exceed label rates.

Scott Bauer, USDA ARS

T o avoid harming the environment,
you must be aware of sensitive areas,
nontarget plants and animals (especially
precautions to avoid treating
the sensitive area. Leaving an
untreated buffer zone around a
endangered species), and damaging sensitive area is a practical way to
effects on habitat. avoid contaminating it.
In still other instances, the sen-
Sensitive Areas sitive area may be near a site used for
mixing and loading, storage, disposal, Sensitive area—
In addition to water sources, sen- apiary.
or equipment washing. Be very careful
sitive areas include sites where living
to avoid contaminating the sensitive
things could easily be injured by a pes-
area. Check the label for statements
ticide. Outdoor sensitive areas include:
that alert you to special restrictions
• School grounds, playgrounds, around sensitive areas.
and recreational areas.
Pesticide Effects on

• Habitats of endangered species. Nontarget Organisms
• Apiaries ( honey bee sites), Pesticides may affect non-
wildlife refuges, and parks. target organisms directly, causing
immediate injury. Or they may
• Areas where domestic animals produce long-term consequences
and livestock are kept. through environmental pollution. Sensitive area—
Pesticides may build up in the bodies wildlife habitat.
• Ornamental plantings, public
of animals or in the soil. For example,
gardens, and sensitive food or
if you use the same mixing and loading
feed crops.
site or equipment cleaning site over a
Indoor sensitive areas include long period, pesticides are likely to
places where: accumulate in the soil. When this

C. Randall, MSU
occurs, plants and animals that
• People live, work, shop, or are come into contact with the soil
cared for (such as hospitals and may be harmed. The following
daycare centers). sections discuss the effects of pes-
ticides on nontarget plants; bees
• Food or feed is processed, pre- and other beneficial insects; and
pared, stored, or served. fish, wildlife, and livestock.
• Domestic or confined animals Nontarget Plants Sensitive area—
live, eat, or are otherwise cared playground.
Nearly all pesticides can cause
plant injury (phytotoxicity) due to
• Ornamental or other sensitive chemical exposure, particularly if
plants are grown or maintained applied at too high a rate, at the
(such as in malls and buildings). wrong time, or under unfavorable
Department of Agriculture
Edward Crow, Maryland

e nv i r o n me nt a l c o nd it io n s .
Sometimes pesticides must be Phytotoxicity can occur on any
deliberately applied to a sensitive area part of a plant—roots, stems,
to control a regulated pest (such as mos- leaves, flowers, or fruits. Most
quito abatement or gypsy moth forest phytotoxic injury is due to herbi-
treatments). Only well-trained appli- cides. Although damage to crops
cators should perform these applications. or other nearby plants is primarily
At other times, the sensitive caused by drift, it may sometimes be a
area may be part of a larger target consequence of surface runoff and root Avoid pesticide effects
site. Whenever possible, take special uptake. on non-target plants.


Bees and Other Beneficial Insects • Do not apply insecticides to
Be side s m a k i ng hone y a nd crops in bloom.
beeswax, bees pollinate many fruit, • Apply insecticides in the evening
nut, seed, vegetable, and field crops. or at night when bees are not
You must be aware of bee activity when foraging. (Early morning appli-
planning pesticide applications. There cation may protect honey bees,
has been increasing concern about the but wild bees forage at or before
decline of bee colonies and the role dawn.)
pesticides may play. Preventing bee loss
is the joint responsibility of the appli- • Do not apply insecticides when
cator, the grower, and the beekeeper. weeds or other plants around the
Bees may travel as far as 3 miles from treatment site are in bloom.
their hive to find blooming flowers.
Bee hazard icon on labels Before applying pesticides labeled as • Do not allow the pesticide to
indicate use restrictions. toxic to bees, notify beekeepers in the drift onto attractive habitat,
area so they can protect or move their natural areas, or beehives.
bee colonies. Some states have laws
requiring notification and registries for • Choose the least hazardous
beekeepers. insecticide, formulation, and
Bees and other insect pollinators application method.
may be exposed to pesticides through
Pesticides can harm other ben-
different routes, including:
eficial insects in addition to bees. These
1. Direct contact during foliar beneficials may be valuable allies in
applications. keeping pest populations below dam-
aging levels. A pesticide application
2. Contact with residues on plant often harms the beneficial insect popu-
surfaces after applications. lation as much as the target pest. So do
not spray when beneficial insects are in
3. Drift from the application into the target area unless it is unavoidable.
the hive entrance. Alternatively, choose a product that
does not harm beneficials.
4. Ingestion of residues in nectar,
pollen, or guttation water (dew) Fish, Wildlife, and Livestock
when the pesticide is applied
Pesticides can harm all kinds of
as a seed treatment, soil or tree
animals. Most injuries occur from the
injection, or foliar application.

direct effects of acute poisoning. Fish

Insecticides are generally kills often result from water pollution
toxic to bees, but some are more by a pesticide. Insecticides are the most
hazardous than others. Herbicides likely cause, especially when small
are unlikely to harm bees directly. ponds or streams are under conditions
Fungicides do not appear to affect adult of low water flow or volume.
Avoid spraying when bees bees but may affect larval development. Bird kills resulting from pesticide
are actively foraging. Tank mixing insecticides and fungicides exposure may happen in a number
may create a mixture that is more toxic of ways. Birds may: ingest pesticide
to bees than either product used alone. granules, baits, or treated seeds; be
Minimize bee kills from insec- exposed directly to sprays; consume
ticide poisoning by following a few treated crops or drink contaminated
basic principles: water; or feed on pesticide-contami-
nated insects and other prey. Granular
• Pay careful attention to pesticide or pelleted formulations are a par-
labels. For each application site, ticular concern because birds and other
look for the bee hazard icon in animals often mistake them for food.
the “Directions for Use” section Liquid formulations may be safer when
for specific use restrictions and birds and other wildlife are in or near
instructions to protect bees and the treated area. Remove pet dishes
other pollinators. from spray areas. Place baits properly so
they are inaccessible to pets, birds, and The less obvious effects resulting
other wildlife. from long-term exposure to pesticides
Animals may also be harmed when are a major concern. For example, certain
they eat plants or animals carrying pesticides have been banned because of
pesticide residues. Predatory birds or fish and bird kills and the reproductive
mammals feeding on animals killed failures of several bird species.
by pesticides are a special concern. The most important source of
Pesticide residues remaining on or livestock pesticide poisoning has been
in the bodies of the dead animal may through contaminated feed, forage, and
harm predators. This is called sec- drinking water. Contamination often
ondary poisoning. Check the pesticide occurs as a result of improper or care-
label for statements about secondary less transportation, storage, handling,
poisoning. application, or disposal of pesticides.


C ertain plants and animals have

been identified as endangered or
threatened species. Be very careful not
become endangered. The
reasons for a species’ decline
are usually complex, and
to harm these populations. Because thus recovery is difficult.
all living things are part of a complex, A major problem for most
delicately balanced network, removing wildlife is the destruction
a single species may set off a chain of habitat, usually the result
reaction that affects many other species. of industrial, agricultural,
The full significance of extinction is residential, or recreational
not always readily apparent, and the development.
long-term effects are often difficult to Each state is respon-
predict. sible for implementing the

Craig Koppie, USFWS

An endangered species is one on federal Endangered Species
the brink of extinction throughout Protect ion Prog ram in
all or a significant part of its range. cooperation with EPA to
A threatened species is one likely to protect endangered and
threatened species from the
harmful effects of pesticides.
Under this program, pesticide products Pesticides can be harmful
that might harm an endangered spe- to all kinds of animals.
cies carry a label statement instructing
applicators to consult a county bulletin
to determine if they must take any
special precautionary measures when
using the product. EPA develops these
bulletins, which identify precautionary
measures required in each county where
one or more pesticides could affect
an endangered or threatened species.
Precautionary measures may include
buffer strips, reduced application rates,
and timing restrictions. Or an applica-
tor might be prohibited from using the
pesticide within the identified habitat
altogether. Check with your state, tribe,
or territory department of agriculture;
Consulting a county bulletin is necessary local Extension Service; or the EPA
for pesticides that might adversely affect website ( to find out the
endangered species. status of available county bulletins.

A n important part of using pesti-

cides legally and responsibly is
considering where the pesticide may
Pesticides that enter groundwater
and surface water are hazardous to
aquatic organisms, plants, and wildlife.
end up once it leaves the container Therefore, you should implement best
and whether it might harm or damage management practices to prevent runoff
nontarget sites, plants, or animals. By and leaching of pesticides.
applying pesticides at the right time, Sensitive areas include places such
in the right place, and with the proper as schools, playgrounds, endangered
application technique, you can greatly species’ habitats, and ornamental
reduce—or even prevent—drift, runoff, plantings. Nontarget organisms include
and leaching. plants, bees and other beneficial insects,
fish, wildlife, and livestock. Because
of the greater risk of injury to people,
plants, and animals, you must know
when and how to properly apply pesti-
cides in or near such areas.
Always check the label for state-
ments on endangered and threatened
species. You may need to consult a
county bulletin that details the proce-
dures for protecting them. It is your
Jim Reid, USFWS responsibility not only to follow label
Endangered directions but also to use the best man-
species need to agement practices that present the least
be protected
risk to the environment while achieving
from pesticides.
effective pest control.

Review Questions

CHAPTER 7:  Pesticides in the Environment

Write the answers to the following questions, and then check your answers with those in Appendix A.

1.  W hich property of a pesticide would make it 5. Which best management practice will help
more likely to move in surface water runoff? prevent contamination of surface water and
groundwater by pesticides?
A. High solubility.
B. High adsorption. A. Using pesticides that are highly water-
C. High volatility. soluble.
B. Following IPM principles.
2.  W hich statement about movement of pesti- C. Selecting persistent pesticides.
cides from the application site is true?
6. Which two factors are most important in
A. Drift is seldom an issue with indoor
avoiding vapor drift?
B. Runoff and erosion are sources of surface A. Droplet size and wind speed.
water contamination by pesticides. B. Air stability and temperature.
C. Leaching is the main way that pesticides C. Temperature and pesticide volatility.
move great distances.
7.  Which statement about sensitive areas is true?
3. Which is an example of nonpoint-source
A. Do not spray a larger target site if it
contamination of groundwater?
contains a sensitive area.
A. Back-siphoning of pesticide spills at a B. Pesticide labels may list special precautions
wellhead. around sensitive areas.
B. Leaching from a pesticide mixing area. C. Endangered species’ habitats are not
C. Pesticides that dissolve and leach through considered sensitive areas.
soil after it rains.
8.  W hich statement about protecting bees from
4. Under which conditions are pesticides more pesticide injury is true?
likely to leach through soil?
A. Use foliar applications when possible.
A. Heavy clay soil, high in organic matter. B. Spray crops when they are in bloom.
B. Sandy soil, high in organic matter. C. Apply insecticides in the evening or at
C. Sandy soil, low in organic matter. night.



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