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David Little, Editor

Steve Schoonover, City Editor
Laura Urseny, Business Editor


Editorial Cartoonist’s take

County justified
in enforcing
marijuana laws
A law without punishment is just a sug-
gestion, and many who are accustomed to
ignoring Butte County’s medical marijuana
growing laws have viewed those regulations
as such. Maybe not anymore.
The Butte County Board of That’s why the supervi-
Supervisors, which has wres- sors had no qualms unan-
tled with the regulations for imously approving the lien
years, took a necessary step on the property in Oroville.
at Tuesday’s meeting of plac- As board Chairman Bill Con-
ing a lien on one property that nelly said succinctly, “It sends
failed to pay fees and penalties a message we are not messing
after being caught growing around.”
too much marijuana. That’s important because
Two other landowners nego- supervisors were told there
tiated settlements before a lien are seven more such liens on Your opinions
had to be filed. the agenda for the next meet-
There wasn’t much ques- ing, nine for the meeting af- City sold out its citizens Letter about ‘scumbags’ US should strive for
tion they were flaunting the ter that. The liens may en- for a cut of the action sounds like fascism peace in Syria, not war
law. They weren’t even close tice some landowners to set-
to the legally allowed cultiva- tle their fines, which is what The city manager’s trash Letter writer Gary Cooper Sadly, the United States,
tion area. In the worst case, two landowners did in front franchise deal has one prob- has been “studying the home- along with the world establish-
the property was allowed 150 of the supervisors Tuesday. lem City Council members don’t less issue.” Cooper has talked to ments that have guaranteed the
square feet of growing space, They negotiated settlements even seem to know about. That “many” and draws some conclu- destruction of the secular na-
based on the lot size, but to pay 25 percent of the penal- one is, they are buying us a pre- sions. Cooper breaks the home- tions of the Middle East (Iraq,
13,065 square feet of mari- ties due and the full adminis- mium tax increase. less into thirds: a third are Libya, Syria and more), are im-
juana was being grown. trative fees. A real tax increase would “mentally challenged,” a third mediately blaming the Syrian
Even the least egregious The action proves the coun- have to go to the city’s vot- are destitute but willing to government for recently attack-
case was egregious. Rules al- ty’s restrictions aren’t tooth- ers, and would be a fixed per- work, and a third are “drunks, ing its own people with nerve
lowed 150 square feet of grow- less. In fact, the growing ordi- centage added to the prices of druggies and basic scum- gas — a vile, horrendous crime.
ing space, but 9,000 square nance is working well. When most of what we purchase. The bags.” According to Cooper, Other more level-headed na-
feet was planted. growers are told they are out franchise deal skips the “go to the “scumbag” third should be tions are saying if Assad or-
Often the way it works is of compliance, more than half the voters” part. It tucks new banned from “public places.” dered this, it is a war crime,
that growers are found to of them fix the problem by re- money for the city into our gar- I’ve read many of Cooper’s and there are international
be out of compliance, given moving the plants. Still, hun- bage bills by handing our two letters and I always pegged him means to punish this crime.
a warning and then told to dreds of citations are issued. haulers competition-free mar- as a libertarian. I’m not fre- There must be a thorough in-
abate the problem — or make Hopefully, with the legal- kets in exchange for a cut of quently aligned with libertari- vestigation and adherence to
it disappear. If it’s close to har- ization of marijuana use by their profits, and takes the pre- anism, but I admire passionate international law.
vest, they’ll make it disappear all adults, along with the abil- caution of tying the revenues libertarian defenses of civil lib- It would be a cruel hoax on
by waiting for the optimum ity to grow it for personal use, to automatic increases in our erties. For example, the quaint the people of the world if the
time, cutting down the mari- large-scale commercial “med- trash bills. notion that under our magnif- United States, England, France
juana and selling it. ical marijuana” growing op- Those increases look to be icent Bill of Rights, a drunk is and the other NATO coun-
If it’s not close to harvest, erations will diminish. Those about double what we see now still a citizen — as much as I am tries who have brought such
some will let the fines stack growers may say 13,065 square (roughly 4 percent a year, vs. a citizen or Cooper is a citizen. deadly chaos to the Middle East
up, then harvest, then pay the feet of pot — about three bas- the 2 percent increases I see While Cooper’s “thirds” are were to go over the head of
fines with the profit. ketball courts of marijuana — in my bills for the last decade). arbitrary on their face, I’m not the United Nations and attack
The threat of a few thou- is for medical use. Maybe pa- They come by way of a serious- now quibbling with his num- Syria. The fate of the world’s
sand dollars in fines isn’t tients with recommendations sounding index (the federal wa- bers. Rather, I’m alarmed at his people should not be decided by
much of a deterrent to some- are taking some, but most of it ter/sewer/trash index) you’ve abandonment of a fundamental nations fueled from the wealth
body growing hundreds of is likely being sold. never heard of. Don’t feel bad, principle: We don’t break peo- of corporate interests that profit
marijuana plants. They can If there’s a good thing about I’m pretty sure neither had City ple into categories and insist so very much from war.
roll joints with $20 bills. the legalization of marijuana, Council a few months ago. some have no right to exist — as The last page of the NATO
As Supervisor Steve Lam- it’s that the black market So, our trash bills start in this case, where the homeless Security Investment Plan —
bert noted when voting for should be diminishing as more climbing, and the city shares with no access to public space 1993 says one of the reasons
the lien to recoup $52,000 people grow their own. Maybe. the new money with the two would therefore be allowed no NATO still exists after the fall
in penalties, fines are merely At least it puts an end to the companies. See how that could space at all. We don’t do this be- of the Soviet Union is to protect
“the cost of doing business” to worst of the marijuana prof- hurt us more than just putting cause it’s immoral and, from a allies’ “free market economies.”
some large-scale growers. iteers who carry on the cha- a plain ordinary tax increase libertarian point of view, it’s on The munitions industry is the
rade they are growing for pa- on the ballot? Did I say “could” the road to fascism. top money maker in the world’s
tients.. hurt us more? Try “will.” Actual The first act of every total- free market system. I’m sorry
Fines are Marijuana advocates tax increases don’t get shared itarian regime is to round-up Donald Trump has chosen to
merely pleaded for “sanity” in mari- with somebody else. “vagrants.” Setting aside issues side with the corporate and war
juana laws. They got their ver- Thank you, City Council. concerning our gross failure to interests, not the peace-making
“the cost sion of it with legalization. Finding a way to slip extra meet the needs of our most des- he advocated as candidate for
of doing Now we hope sanity is re- money out of our pockets, and titute, I suggest we might at president. Multinational Syrian
business” stored in neighborhoods, par- only keeping part of it for the least see our “scumbags” as ca- peace negotiations have been
to some ticularly foothill areas, where city, it’s creative. We’re getting naries in a societal coal mine. in place for months. Unfortu-
marijuana problems turned cheated aren’t we? Mr. Cooper, when they disap- nately, Trump hasn’t joined
large-scale some people’s lives upside — David P. Smith, Chico pear, might you be next? those efforts for peace.
growers. down. — Patrick Newman, Chico — Linda Furr, Chico

Foreign policy

With Syria attack, Trump pulls a surprise — on his voters

Belligerence is in the air in No, that doesn’t mean they re- campaigned day after day on a
Washington. President Don- veal exactly what they’re going Trump campaigned day after day on a platform of keeping the United
ald Trump is enjoying (ex- to do and when they’re going to States out of the mess in the Mid-
tremely rare) bi- do it. Trump said many times platform of keeping the United States out dle East. Trump often excoriated
partisan praise for on the campaign trail that he of the mess in the Middle East. Trump George W. Bush for the “big, fat
a cruise-missile would not telegraph his actions often excoriated George W. Bush for the mistake” of going to war in Iraq.
attack on Syria. to foreign adversaries. To do so, Now, Trump’s quick conver-
There’s tough talk he said, would be to give up the “big, fat mistake” of going to war in Iraq. sion to military action has left
from some Repub- critical element of surprise. some prominent supporters un-
licans about more. But leaders don’t surprise the happy — and warning of prob-
And even tougher voters with an out-of-the-blue Then the Post asked, “Would of president, as far as polling lems to come.
talk about Russia. act of war. In the case of Syria, you support or oppose addi- is concerned. Nevertheless, it’s At the same time, Trump is
North Korea, too. Trump moved so quickly, and tional U.S. air strikes against possible to conclude that sup- winning plaudits of those in his
Meanwhile, the public’s re- with such little effort at public the Syrian government at this port for more military action ap- party who tried hardest to de-
action is ... huh? For millions of persuasion beforehand, that he time?” Just 35 percent said sup- pears tenuous at best — unless feat him.
American voters, the two most maintained the element of sur- port, while 54 percent said op- Trump makes the effort to build No, that is probably not what
striking aspects of the U.S. ac- prise on his own voters. That’s pose. Again, Trump’s support public support. Trump voters in Pennsylva-
tion against Syria were 1) How not a good idea. was a little better, 39 percent, “He needs to realize that nia had in mind. If Trump has
quickly Trump moved, and 2) Indeed, the public reaction, among registered voters. there is a level of explanation changed his views from what he
How little he explained his ac- measured by early polls, is not Either way, the fact is, the that he needs to do, particularly said in the campaign, or even if
tions. optimistic for the president. Af- barest of majorities supports a when you’re about to put Amer- he has simply decided that Syria
Explaining — laying the ter the attack, Washington Post new president sending military ican lives potentially at risk, should be a one-time exception
groundwork, making a case — is pollsters asked, “Do you support forces into action for the first given that starting point of 60 to his general opposition to mil-
an essential part of presidential or oppose President Trump’s de- time as commander-in-chief. percent unfavorable,” Winston itary interventionism, he owes
leadership. That’s especially true cision to launch a missile strike “They are not good numbers,” says. voters all around the country
when what is involved is an act of on a Syrian air base in retalia- says Republican pollster David Trump’s no-explanations style more of an explanation than he
war. Leaders contemplating mil- tion for the Syrian government Winston. Winston points out is particularly bad for his polit- has given so far.
itary action prepare the public to using chemical weapons against that it is often hard to assess ical fortunes because, beyond
support that action. They explain civilians?” The result was 51 per- Trump’s poll results because he what he promised would be a Byron York is chief political
why it is needed. They explain cent support, 40 percent op- won the presidency with an un- quick, intense, and winning ef- correspondent for The
why it is in the national interest pose. Among registered voters, favorable rating of 60 percent — fort to destroy ISIS, he did not Washington Examiner. His
of the United States. Then they re- Trump’s support level was a bit that alone should tell everyone campaign on the idea of going syndicated column appears
peat the explanation. higher at 57 percent. that Trump is a different kind to war. Just the opposite; Trump each Friday.

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