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Dillon Bryant

Miss Skirtich
English 12 World Literature

Fear In “Macbeth”

In the story Macbeth there are many themes One of them is fear. The way that Shakespeare

shows fear in “Macbeth is the the prophecies, The Death of King Duncan, Finally through the

death of Banquo.

In act four scene 1 the witches were telling macbeth his future and want will happen to

him, Some of these apparitions made him sacred for what could happen to him. A quote from

this scene is “Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss

me. Enough”(Act 4 Scene 1) In this quote the witches told him to keep an eye on Macduff and

make sure you kill him when you get the chance. This had also sacred Macbeth due the witches

also telling him early that Macduff want born from a women scared macbeth due to them also

telling him that no man born from women would kill him. Another quote from this section is

“Horrible sight! Now I see ’tis true; For the blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me And points

at them for his”. (Act 4 Scene 1) In this scene Macbeth has feared that Banquo's kids would be

kings one day which in the apparition of the future has been. Now that i have should you the fear

from the prophecies i will now show you the fear in The death of king duncan.

In the first part of the story macbeth they killed king duncan in order for macbeth to become

the new king as he and his wife Lady Macbeth wanted. A Quote from this scene is “We will

proceed no further in this business he hath honored me of late, and i have bought golden opinions

from all sort of people” (Act 1 Scene 7) In this Scene Macbeth doesn't want to kill duncan

anymore due to what duncan had done for him, also the fact that duncan was a very nice person.
A final quote from this section is “and if we shall fail”(Act one scene 7) In this quote you can tell

how scared he is to kill duncan also for the fact if the fail then they themselves will be executed.

In addition to Fear in the death of Banquo there's fear in the death of Banquo.

In the scene during and after the death of banquo there are things that had happened that

showed fear a quote from this is “To make them kids, the seeds of Banquo” (Act 3 Scene 2) In

this Quote macbeth talks About how Banquo's kids will still be kids after Fleance has escaped

which scares Macbeth. The final Quote from the death of Banquo is “Yes, and a brave one, who

dares to look at something that would frighten the devil.”(Act 3 Scene 4) in this scene Macbeth

sees the Ghost of Banquo which scares Macbeth which makes him say a whole bunch of things

thinking he is talking the the Ghost of Banquo

Shakespeare Demonstrates Fear in “Macbeth” through the prophecies, The death of Duncan, And

the Death of Banquo

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