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Assigns Weights to Utility

Function for Each Criterion

Lecture 5
" Weights assigned to each criterion
{ }
wi | i = 1, 2,..., m Usually > 0
" Evaluation matrix of criteria I for
!Relatedto Multi- Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT)
!Incorporated into the SMART approach (W. " each alternative j fi ( a j )
Edwards, “How to Use Multiattribute Utility " Define utility function for each
Measurement for Social Decision Making, IEEE " criterion—e.g., linear is popular choice
Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, SMC - 7, 326- 340, 1977)
U i  fi (a j )  = α i + βi ⋅ fi (a j )

1 2

Illustrative Example in
Maximize Utility Floodplain Management
m " Peaks Branch watershed within Dallas
∑ wi ⋅U i [ fi (a j )] city limits
i =1 " Present channel designed for 5 yr
" Assumes monotonicity flood only—improve for 100 yr flood
" Utility independence " Formulation of alternative flood-
prevention measures to address
" Risk neutrality
# Technical details
" Most common method—but probably
# Community preferences
" the weakest # Protection to life and property
3 4

Multiple Criteria Multiple Criteria (cont.)

" Flood Protection " Neighborhood Acceptance

# Open channel vs. closed conduit # Social and aesthetic preferences
# Paved channels vs. grass- covered " Relocations (people and structures)
" Neighborhood Improvement # Encounter disapproval
# More business and commerce " Project and Maintenance Costs
# Multiple uses " Legal Aspects
# Increase property values # Structural and nonstructural changes
# Possible litigation

5 6

Management Alternatives (cont.) Management Alternatives (cont.)
1. No Action 5. Basic Greenway
# No corrective measures # Widening of main branch, additional-
2. Purchase of the Floodplain right- of- way
# every structure inundated by 100 yr 6. Concrete Channel
flood purchased and cleared # Detention storage and pump station
3. Park Greenway—North 7. Bypass Conduit
# 2 lakes, hike and bike trails, widen 8. Purchase and Redevelopment of
channels Floodplain
4. Park Greenway--South • Combines 2 and 3
7 8

design for Park

Example of Weighted Average Method--Evaluation of Alternative Plans for Floodplain Management
[from Multiobjective Decision Analysis with Engineering and Business Applications , by A. Goicoechea, D. Hansen, and L. Duckstein, Wiley, 1982]
Buy the Park Green- Park Green- Basic Concrete Bypass Buy/Redevelop
Factors Used No Action Floodplain way--North way--South Greenway Channel Conduit Floodplain
in Evaluation Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Alternative 5 Alternative 6 Alternative 7 Alternative 8
1. Flood protection Bad Good Good Good Fair Excellent Fair Very Good
2. Multiple use of floodway Fair Very Good Good Good Fair Poor Fair Excellent
3. Enhancement of property values Bad Good Very Good Excellent Fair Fair Fair Good
4. Aesthetic value Bad Fair Very Good Excellent Good Poor Fair Good
5. Relative neighborhood improvement Bad Fair Very Good Excellent Good Fair Fair Good
6. Number of family relocations 0 800 237 419 164 69 30 604
7. Project cost (millions) $0 $12 $9.3 $10.9 $7.7 $5.6 $12.3 $16.3
8. Maintenance cost (thousands) $12 $0 $41 $41 $41 $16 $0 $41
9. Ease of phased construction Excellent Very Good Fair Fair Fair Poor Bad Good
10. Legal obstacles Poor Poor Very Good Good Good Fair Excellent Bad
Evaluation Matrix for Floodplain Management Example
No Action Buy the Floodplain Park Greenway Park Greenway
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 North Alternative 3 South Alternative 4
Factors Considered in Rating Combined Rating Combined Rating Combined Rating Combined
Selecting a Design (1 to 8) Rating (1 to 8) Rating (1 to 8) Rating (1 to 8) Rating
(1 to 10)
1. Flood protection 10 1 10 6 60 5 50 6 60
2. Multiple use of floodway 7 3 21 7 49 5 35 6 42
3. Enhancement of property values 3 1 3 5 15 7 21 8 24
4. Aesthetic value 5 1 5 4 20 7 35 8 40
5. Relative neighborhood improvement 6 1 6 2 12 7 42 8 48
6. Number of family relocations 8 8.0 64 1.0 8 5.9 47.2 4.3 34.4
7. Project cost 9 8.0 72 2.8 25.2 4.0 36 3.3 29.7
8. Maintenance cost 4 6.0 24 8.0 32 1.0 4 1.0 4
9. Ease of phased construction 2 8 16 7 14 4 8 4 8
10. Legal obstacles 1 2 2 2 2 7 7 6 6
Total Desirability Rating 223 237.2 285.2 296.1
Ranking 8 6 2 1
Basic Greenway Concrete Channel Bypass Conduit
Alternative 5 Alternative 6 Alternative 7
Alternative 8
Factors Considered in Rating Combined Rating Combined Rating Combined Rating Combined
Selecting a Design (1 to 8) Rating (1 to 8) Rating (1 to 8) Rating (1 to 8) Rating
(1 to 10)
1. Flood protection 10 4 40 8 80 4 40 7 70
2. Multiple use of floodway 7 4 28 2 14 3 21 8 56
3. Enhancement of property values 3 4 12 3 9 3 9 6 18
4. Aesthetic value 5 5 25 2 10 3 15 6 30
5. Relative neighborhood improvement 6 5 30 4 24 4 24 6 36
6. Number of family relocations 8 6.6 52.8 7.4 59.2 7.7 61.6 2.7 21.6
7. Project cost (millions) 9 4.7 42.3 5.6 50.4 2.7 24.3 1.0 9
8. Maintenance cost (thousands) 4 1.0 4 5.3 21.2 8.0 32 1.0 4
9. Ease of phased construction 2 3 6 2 4 1 2 6 12
10. Legal obstacles 1 5 5 4 4 8 8 1 1
Total Desirability Rating 245.1 275.8 236.9 257.6
Ranking 5 3 7 4

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