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An Essay on Actual Experience

Self is a house of cards built by thought. The cards are thoughts

themselves; assumptions about Actual Experience and conceptual
frameworks built on top of it.

Self is a lattice of vines that has grown over Actual Experience. We

spend so little time actually with AE. Check it out.

Does AE know of a self? Does AE “know” anything, or is it beyond all of

this useless rumination?

Actual experience is.

What are some of the most important questions you can ask yourself?

Is the separate self real when there is no thought?

What philosophy am I entertaining right now?


On Awareness of Awareness = see all as consciousness (see what is is

naturally luminous and free from self/other and all other concepts.

Awareness of Awareness is not a strange practice of bifurcating reality

into perceiver and perceived. It is a very subtle shift, in my experience.
It is about seeing the unity of appearances and awareness, and resting
in the isness of appearance-awareness rather than the stories and
concepts about appearance-awareness.

There are two paths, one, of seeing everything as consciousness

(seeing that everything that exists is made up of nothing other than
the knowing of it) and the other of seeing everything as appearance
(seeing that you don’t exist but reality rolls on of it’s own accord). They
both point to this reality, so they both work. But the point is to focus on
Actual Experience, remain silent, and simply be what already naturally
is arising in each and every moment.


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