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1.4.1. WHAT IS GIS?

The term Geographic (or Geographical) Information System dates back to mid sixties
and seems to be rooted in two separate applications, one in Canada and the
other in the United States: (a) Management of the mapped information collected
for the Canada Land Inventory and obtaining estimates of the area of land available
for certain types of uses; and (2) accessing the many different types of data
from large volumes of information for analysis and presentation of the results in
map format (Coppock and Rhind, 1991) for use by the large scale transportation
models in the United States. Nearly 30 years later, perhaps the same justifications
can be advanced for the use of GIS in hydrology, and environmental and water
GIS is a general-purpose computer-based technology for handling geographical
data in digital form. It is designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze and
display diverse sets of spatial or geo-referenced data. They contain both geometry
data (coordinates and topological information) and attribute data (i.e.,
describing the properties of geometrical objects such as points, lines and areas).
Goodchild (1993) states that the GIS technology has the ability to perform a
of tasks some of which are: (1) preprocessing of data from large stores into a
form suitable for analysis exemplified by reformatting, change of projection, res4
v.P. Singh and M. Fiorentino
ampling, and generalization; (2) supporting analysis and modeling: forms of
calibration of models, forecasting, and prediction; and (3) postprocessing of
results through reformatting, tabulation, report generation, and mapping. According
to Mark and Gould (1991), in any operation involving GIS, the user defines the
requirement and interacts with the system through a ''user-friendly'' intuitive
that makes use of such contemporary concepts as graphic icons and desktop
A computer database is a finite, discrete store, whereas a geographical reality may
be quite complex. For example, soil variables are inherently complex. The complex
reality has to be converted into a finite number of database records or objects
through the process of discretization. This process is referred to as geographical
data modeling. Objects may be points, lines, or areas and may also be descriptive
attributes. For instance, precipitation is sampled by precipitation gages which are
point objects. Precipitation at these gages are object attributes.
Two types of geographical data models are distinguished in the GIS technology:
(1) field models, and (2) object models. A field model represents the spatial
variation of a single variable by a collection of discrete objects. A field may be
with a variable measured on either continuous or discrete scales. A spatial
database may comprise many such fields. Goodchild (1993) discusses 6 field models
that are commonly used in GIS:
(1) Irregular point sampling: The database contains a set of triples (x, y, z)
point values of the variable at a finite set of irregularly spaced locations.
An example is precipitation measurement.
(2) Regular point sampling: The sampling points are regularly arrayed on a
square or rectangular grid. This is similar to (1) except for regular spacing
of measurement location. An example is a Digital Elevation Model (OEM).
(3) Contours: The database contains a set oflines, each represented by an ordered
set of (x, y) pairs and an associated z value. The points in each set are assumed
connected linearly. Examples are digitized contour data, and isohyetal
map data.
(4) Polygons: The area is divided into a set of polygons such that every location
falls into one polygon. Each polygon possesses a value that the variable is assumed
to have for all locations within the polygon. The boundaries are defined
by an ordered set of (x, y) pairs. Examples are the soil, the Thiessen polygons,
(5) Cell grid: The area is divided into regular grid cells as, for example, a
difference grid. Each cell contains a value and the variable is assumed to have
value for all locations within the cell. An example is remotely sensed imagery.
(6) Triangular net: The area is divided into irregular triangles. The value of the
variable is specified at each triangle vertex and is assumed to vary linearly
Hydrologic Modeling with GIS 5
over the triangle. An example is the Triangular Irregular Network (TIN)
model of elevation (Weibel and Heller, 1991).
Models (2) and (5) are frequently referred to as "raster" models and models (1),
(3), (4), and (6) are "vector" models (Peuquet 1984, Goodchild 1993). Models (1),
(2), and (3) yield the point definition of the value of the variable, whereas
(4), (5), and (6) explicitly yield the areal definition of the value of the
Thus, models (1), (2), and (3) must be supplemented by a spatial interpolation
model to make them more general. In practice, model (6) is employed for elevation
data. Models (1) and (3) are frequently encountered in hydrology. Models (4),
(5), and (6) are for data storage and analysis. Sometimes the distinction between
point samples and area averages is not important. Then, models (2) and (4) become
indistinguishable. Through GIS it is possible to convert between different
data models.
Object models characterize objects as points, lines, or areas. These are employed
in cases where the objects are defined a priori, rather than as part of the
modeling process. For example, the object, the Mississippi river, has an identity
of its own which is independent of any discretization. In some implementations
no distinction is made in the database between object and field models. For
a set of lines may represent contours of piezometric head (field model) or
geological formation (object model), each consisting of an ordered sets of (x, y)
pairs and associated attributes.
Object models are commonly employed to represent man-made facilities, such
as drainage pipes, channels, canals, highways, etc. which are naturally represented
as linear objects. These models can capture aspect of human experience. For
example, the concept of a "dam" may be important in building a database for
and economic development forcing the database designer to represent it
as a geographical object. At present, hydrologic data modeling is dominated by
the field view and its spatially continuous variables, but the object view is
important in interpreting and reasoning geographical distributions.
Both field and object models are models of two dimensional variation. However,
in hydrologic environments variables and parameters such as flow, elevation,
width, roughness, slope, etc. may vary continuously over a watershed, and are
well represented as homogeneous attributes of subwatersheds or channel reaches.
These variables represent a class of geographical information continuously varying
over the one dimensional space of a 2 dimensional watershed. The GIS technology
needs to provide representation in this form.
The most successful applications of GIS can be identified in four areas: (1)
(2) data preprocessing, (3) modeling, and (4) policy formulation. GIS includes
the capabilities of digital cartography in its input and output subsystem plus
much more capabilities for storing and handling relationship between entities, and
6 Y.P. Singh and M. Fiorentino
representing entities with multiple attributes. GIS can handle digital
of continuous variables in numerous ways.
GIS can act as a data manager or data integrator. It includes facilities for input
and output of data in different formats, ability to extract information in a user
friendly window, scale and projection change, and resampling. In many applications,
GIS is used to preprocess data, or make maps of input data or model outputs.
However, models can be calibrated and run directly in GIS, using the GIS commands
and language by matching the GIS data model with the hydrologic model.
The data model must satisfy the needs of the hydrologic model.
The GIS technology has the capability to postprocess the model results, i.e.,
translate the results of distributed hydrologic modeling into a water resources
policy. This translation may involve aggregation of results by administrative
transformation of results consistent with social and economic data for comparison
and correlation, displaying the results in a sensible manner, and I or development
of alternative scenarios.
Goodchild (1993) lists the following most essential features the GIS should
have to support environmental modeling: (1) Support for efficient methods of data
input, (2) support for alternative data models, (3) ability to compute
between objects based on geometry and handle attributes of pairs of objects, (4)
ability to carry out a range of standard geometric operations, (5) ability to
new objects on request, (6) ability to assign new attributes to objects based on
existing attributes and complex arithmetic and logical rules, and (7) support for
transfer of data to and from analytic and modeling packages. Clearly it would be
difficult to design a single GIS system integrating all of these support features
it may perhaps not be even desirable. However, it should provide appropriate
between different software components to act in union.
1.5. Hydrologic Modeling with GIS
Hydrologic models that lack a spatial component have no use for GIS. However,
concern for resource management, and environmental quality requires application
of distributed models. One characteristic of distributed-parameter models is
that they are data intensive. Multiple data types such as hydrometeorology,
land use, soils, geology, streamfiows, etc. are commonly required. Many of
these data are often used to identify a hydrologic unit, because application of
models requires partitioning of the watershed into homogeneous units. This often
proves to be cumbersome. Therefore, a spatial data analysis and manipulation tool
is desirable and that tool is GIS. Furthermore, the use of computers in hydrologic
modeling has become so widespread that the marriage between hydrology and GIS
should be a logical step.
The early users of GIS in hydrology were municipalities and water distribution
authorities and companies (Wallis, 1988). For example, the United Kingdom's
Thames Water Authority (TWA) uses GIS for keeping an up-to-date inventory of
Hydrologic Modeling with GIS 7
the existing water supply network maintaining demographic and economic databases,
planning, assessing flood and pollution damage, and real-time on-line forecasting.
The Connecticut Natural Resource Center in the United States is another
example. Its database contains the statewide complete, updated set of the USGS
digital line graph file for the USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle maps, and map layers
displaying soil type, watershed boundary, 100 and 500 years flood plain zones.
and underground geology, land use, individual plot ownership, water quantity
and quality information for both surface and groundwater, tax assessor's records
growth and change etc.
Zhang et al. (1990) and Schultz (1993) presented overviews of hydrologic
modeling with GIS, and De Vantier and Feldman (1993) reviewed GIS applications
in hydrologic modeling, with particular reference to rainfall-runoff models,
management and forecasting, erosion prediction and control, water quality
prediction and control, and drainage utility implementation. Wallis (1988) reviewed
the GIS hydrology interface and commented on its future outlook. The integration
of GIS with hydrologic model is increasingly facilitating their design,
calibration, modification, and comparison. A short review of hydrologic modeling
with GIS is in order.
Shih (1990) applied satellite data and GIS for estimation of rainfall in Florida.
Eleven convective clouds that encompassed 26 raingages were analyzed, where
the cell size with raster format in the GIS was 48 km2� He found high correlation
between the rainfall estimated from satellite data and the rainfall observed on the
ground and concluded that the satellite data would be useful in monitoring rainfall
in an area having no raingage. Barrett (1993) presented an application of GIS in
the Nile hydrometerorological forecast system in Egypt. A customized GIS was
developed to show political boundaries, rivers, terrain elevation, and gaging
and was employed to develop hydrologic parameters for the basin and for
multiple display features (maps and graphics).
Meyer et al. (1993) coupled a GIS package with a physically based, spatially
urban watershed model for storm-water management in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The GIS was used for preprocessing information for the model, and postprocessing
the model output in order to examine consequences of various storm-water
management strategies. Shea et al. (1993) integrated a GIS with hydrologic and
hydraulic models for developing a drainage management plan for Polk County,.
Florida. This area is undergoing rapid urbanization, resulting in rapid changes in
land-use patterns. They examined different growth scenarios and their inpact. They
were also able to identify areas where the growth would be detrimental to localized
flooding, bridges, and other structures, and to local surface water quality.
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Perhaps the greatest application of GIS in hydrology has been in the area of
modeling. This is understandable because the computer models of watershed
hydrology are highly data intensive and GIS is a natural technology to process
volumes of data. Schumann (1993) discussed development of conceptual
models and estimation of their parameters with the aid of GIS. Schultz
(1994) reported on meso-scale modeling of runoff and water balances using remote
sensing and other GIS data. Neumann et al. (1990) discussed a GIS as data base for
distributed hydrological models and Wolfe (1992) presented a GIS-assisted input
data set development for a finite-element storm hydrograph model. Wolfe noted
that the input data set development procedure provided an efficient way for
alternate land use and management scenarios in Florida. By integrating
hydrologic modeling with GIS, Ross and Tara (1993) obtained increased detail in
evaluation, minimized user subjectivity in parameter selection, and reduced costs
of analysis due to significant time savings.
Warwick and Haness (1994) noted that the growing presence of detailed spatial
information owing to GIS would assuredly foster continued development and
of more complex hydrologic models. In developing watershed models
for two Sierra Nevada basins Jeton and Smith (1993) found that the GIS was an
objective, efficient methodology for characterizing a watershed and for delineating
hydrologic response units.
Bhaskar et al. (1992) employed GIS for estimating parameters of a hydrologic
model WAHS (Singh and Aminian, 1985) for 12 watersheds in eastern Kentucky.
In a similar vein, Mitchell et al. (1993) validated the agricultural nonpoint
(AGNPS) model by use of a GIS for predicting runoff and sediment delivery from
small watersheds of mild topography. The integration of AGNPS with GIS facilitated
development of input data, operation of the model, and interpretation of the
results. Neumann and Schultz (1989) quantified the effect of catchment
with use of GIS and a hydrological model. The influence of seasonally varying
vegetation status on flood flows and the effect of land use changes over the
years on runoff were investigated. Shih and Jordan (1993) assessed soil moisture
by investigating Landsat data with GIS.
Chairat and Delleur (1993) coupled a GIS-GRASS with a physically-based hydrologic
model TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirby, 1979) to predict peak flows and to
quantify the effects of digital elevation model resolutions and contour lengths on
the predicted peak flows. Muzik and Pomeroy (1990) coupled a GIS with a flood
prediction software package based on the unit hydrograph theory for prediction
of design flood hydrographs for selected watersheds in Alberta's Rocky Mountain
foothills. In a similar vein, Hill et al. (1987) employed a GIS to prepare a
data base for flood prediction using WAHS (Singh and Aminian, 1985) in
the Amite River basin in Louisiana.
Hydrologic Modeling with GIS 9
There is increasing trend for use of GIS in groundwater hydrology. Hudak et
al.(1993) applied GIS to groundwater monitoring network design by examining
spatial relationships between candidate sampling sites and aquifer zones
to contamination. They demonstrated the role of GIS in a ranking approach
to network design through application to a landfill. Hinaman (1993) employed a
GIS to assemble input data sets for the USGS' MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbaugh,
1988). He noted that the ability to change large sets of spatial data quickly
and accurately with GIS enhanced the model-calibration process. In a similar vein,
Orzol and McGrath (1993) modified MODFLOW so it could read and write files
used by a GIS. Richards et al. (1993) integrated GIS with MODFLOW for groundwater
resource assessment of the Floridian Aquifer in Santa Rosa County in Florida.
They used GIS for model calibration as well. Raaza et al. (1993) integrated
GIS in groundwater applications using numerical modeling techniques to the Sand
and Gravel Aquifer in Escambia County, Florida. The GIS integration of spatial
topology, data attributes, and specialized tools provided an ideal environment for
development of a digital model.
Flockhart et al. (1193) employed GIS for groundwater protection planning in
Wellfleet and Hadley in Massachusetts, and Cortland County in New York. Baker
(1993) used a GIS to develop an automated procedure for identifying the primary
aquifers supplying groundwater to individual wells in eastern Arkansas. The
River Valley alluvial aquifer was identified as the primary aquifer for
23,500 wells. Lackaff et al. (1993) developed and implemented a GIS-based
source inventory over the Spokane Aquifer in Spokane County, Washington.
Their study demonstrated the usefulness of GIS technology in the development,
management, maintenance, and analysis of vast quantities of data associated
with a local wellhead protection program. Along a similar line, Baker et al. (1993)
coupled a GIS with the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
(RIDEM) groundwater protection strategy to delineate wellhead protection areas
and prepare their maps. These would then be used as the basis for wellhead
planning required under the Rhode Island protection program.
Robinson and Ragan (1993) developed a GIS to support regional scale assessment
of the spatial distribution of uncontrolled nonpoint source pollution, including
phosphorus, zinc, lead, BOD and sediment. The GIS was linked to a model
developed by the Northern Virginia Planning District Commission to simulate the
consequences of additional development or alternate management strategies for a
37000 acre area in the Montgomery County in Maryland. Along similar lines, Tim
et al. (1992) coupled two water quality computer simulation models with a GIS to
delineate critical areas of nonpoint source pollution at the watershed level. These
models estimated soil erosion, sediment yield, and phosphorus loading from the
10 Y.P. Singh and M. Fiorentino
Nominal Creek watershed located in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Ventura and
Kim (1993) employed GIS in the assessment of urban nonpoint source pollution
and the development of a pollution control strategy. He et al. (1993) integrated
and a computer model to evaluate the impacts of agricultural runoff on water
Management scenarios were explored to minimize sedimentation and nutrient
loading, and these included variations in crop cover, tillage methods, and other
management practices. Heatwole and Shanholtz (1991) employed GIS to
produce maps and corresponding tables of facilities ranked by animal waste
index for seven counties in Virginia. These rankings could be used to target
pollution potential. Kalkoff (1993) determined the relation between stream quality
and geology in the Roberts Creek watershed in Clayton County, Iowa, using a GIS.
He found a weak but statistically significant relation between water temperature,
pH, and nitrogen concentration in Roberts Creek and underlying geology during
base flow conditions. De Roo et al. (1989) estimated soil erosion by coupling a GIS
with the model ANSWERS (Beasley and Huggins, 1982).
Leipnik et al. (1993) discussed issues related to implementation of GIS for water
resources planning and management: initial decision to use a GIS; system selection,
installation, and training, and up-to-date base development and production
generation. They alerted to the critical choices to be made about each issue.
McKinney et al. (1993) presented an expert GIS for Texas water planning, and
showed its application to the existing water supply system for the Corpus Christi
area in Texas. Battaglin et al. (1993) applied a GIS to assess water resources
to changes in climate in the Gunnison River basin. Juracek and Kenny (1993)
presented an overview of the USGS' use of GIS technology to assist in the
and analysis of water use in Kansas. Griner (1993) developed a water supply
protection model using the Southwest Florida Water Management District's GIS.
He developed maps showing groundwater supply suitability, protection areas for
surface-water supply, protection areas for major public supply wells,
to ground-water contamination, and recharge to the Floridian Aquifer. These
were also combined into a final map to prioritize protection areas for water
Djokic and Maidment (1993) discussed the types of problems suitable for GISwater
network analyses.
1.6. Outlook for the Future
To reflect on the future of hydrologic modeling is nothing less than risky.
we share our opinion here. In the future, hydrologic modeling will be more
global, more distributed, and more sophisticated. It will avail of the potential of
remote sensing and satellite technology, GIS, computer graphics, and artificial
The models will be usable by those not trained in hydrology and interpretation
of model results will not tax the ability of the user. They will be simple
Hydrologic Modeling with GIS 11
to use and explicitly state as to how good they are or where and under what
they should be used. The ultimate driving force for the models will be the
user. The models will compete with each other and those which do not survive the
competition will vanish. In a sense, the free market will determine the suitability
of models. With such models, better informed decisions about the environment we
live in will, hopefully, be made. The public will be better able to appreciate the
of hydrology in their lives and this, in tum, may further strengthen hydrology as a
science and as a profession. At the moment, it is weak in both areas.

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