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Divine Unity Principles

1. There is One Power:

There is one Creative Power (Being, Beingness, God, Spirit, Life, the Divine, Buddha Nature) which pulsates at the
heart of all religions and transcends the specific, culturally-based beliefs and doctrines of any particular religion.
Regardless of what name we use to describe this power, the power remains the same and the name merely
transforms our perspective of this power.

2. The Kingdom is within:

This Energy/Power/Being is within--at the very core of--each of us. It is the core or foundation of our being. It is the
root and fruit of all creation, of all things. The power of the universe is available to every person who chooses to live
in and through harmony creatively expressing the Divine. We have our existence in and through the Energy that
sustains, permeates and exceeds the Universe as we know it. This energy is innate to each of us.

3. I am an individualized expression of the Divine:

Each of us is an individualized expression of the One Life that exists in all things. Each of us is a drop in the ocean
of Divine Energy which some call Buddha Nature and others call God and others Goddess. We are each individually
expressing the Creative Energy which is the root of all things.

4. My thoughts and beliefs give specific form to Spirit:

Our own personal mind (consisting of our personal beliefs and thoughts) is what gives form to the Divine within us.
The essence of Being within us is shaped, for better or worse, by our beliefs and thoughts, many of which we are not
consciously aware. At any moment, we may choose to become aware of these beliefs and thus aware of how they
are shaping the essence of our Being.

5. The principle at the basis of our lives is the Law of Cause and Effect:
Ideas create physical reality due to the operation of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, sometimes referred to
simply as the "Law." Our thoughts and beliefs (are the root Cause which) manifest in the physical world in the form
of our particular life circumstances (Effect). Many Spiritual teachers have taught about this Law. Perhaps the most
concise definition of it was when Jesus said, "It is done unto you as you believe."

6. We are endowed with free will and thus can embody DivineUnity by choosing Compassion:
People are endowed with free will. Each of us is free to choose experiences of freedom or bondage, abundance or
lack, joy or misery -- according to the thoughts and beliefs we hold. We are free to embark upon the path of
Responsibility and Compassion or to ignore the truth of the Divine Law of Love and to consequently suffer
accordingly. As we realize our DivineUnity, we become aware that each moment is pregnant with possibility of
healing and love and through this the manifestation of harmony and joy.

7. Evil is not a separate force but a misuse of the Law:

Evil is not a power separate from the Divine but is simply a misuse of the Law of Cause and Effect caused by a
failure to realize and embody DivineUnity. Those who are doing evil deeds are doing so through the holding of false
beliefs or delusions which give rise to actions that are not rooted in compassion. This produces results that are
destructive and in contrast to harmony and love which is the deepest nature of the Divine. We are obligated to
lovingly assist other beings in perceiving their DivineUnity so that they will not continue misusing the Law of Cause
and Effect.

8. Changing my thinking, changes my life:

Changing our thinking, which is rooted in our beliefs, will bring about a change in our experience. This is the key
principle of DivineUnity and perhaps best summarized by Ernest Holmes' statement: "Change your thinking, change
your life."
9. There are Tools which enable us to transform our consciousness by enabling us to direct our respective
mindstreams. There are Seven Tools of Transformation which can be used to enable us to transform our thinking
and thereby our lives and the world we live in.

These tools are: i) The Word ii) Journaling; iii) Goal Setting/Planning; iv) Contemplation; v) Affirmative Prayer
(sometimes called Spiritual Mind Treatment); vi) Meditation; vii) Visualization:

i) In the beginning is The Word. Right Speech might also be called compassionate communication. Incorporated
within the tool of Right Speech is the tool of affirmation which is the principle that all that we say or communicate
is a powerful cause in our lives. Thus it is important for us to use positive loving speech that is constructive and

ii) Journaling is the second tool. It is simple to understand and to begin to apply. Journaling enables us to chart the
progression of our consciousness. In combination with The Word, this tool enables us to bring dynamic evolution to
our consciousness and thus our lives.

iii) Goal Setting & Planning enable us to direct the progress of our consciousness and to choose what we wish to
manifest in our lives and to set up the conditions to manifest our wishes whether we wish for deeper compassion,
better health, a more balanced environment. This is an important tool in our progressive and volitional

iv) Contemplation is the act of taking external things into our consciousness and using our interaction with those
things to raise our consciousness. Listening to music, looking at art, watching movies, reading books are all acts of

v) Affirmative Prayer/Spiritual Mind Treatment is a deliberate and focused way of using the Creative power of
Spirit that dwells within to change our life circumstances. Consistently affirming the highest good with respect to a
problem will inevitably bring about a change for the better (according to the Law of Cause and Effect).

vi) Meditation enables us to align our minds with the universal Mind / Energy / Buddha Nature / God / Goddess /
Beingness so that we work together in harmony in a process that is sometimes called "co-creation" with the Divine.
Meditation is a key to achieving this alignment, and thus is an important regular spiritual practice.

vii) Visualization is the directed use of the imagination, or the act of seeing the result before it happens. It is a
powerful tool that assists us in achievement.

10. All these principles assist us in realizing our DivineUnity which although always present may not be realized
because of 'obscurations or delusions'. Individual Realization of DivineUnity can be recognized by a person's
compassionate action and being a consistent, positive presence. Although each person is responsible for his or her
own personal spiritual evolution, we are also collectively responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a
peaceful and prosperous ecologically balanced planet which is rooted in commonly understood laws that are fair and
equally applied and rooted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The word: “In the Beginning there was the word…..”

In DivineUnity, we begin with "The Word". Words are very powerful. A person on the spiritual path is aware of
this keenly. Words are like seeds that are planted and grow into bushes, trees, or weeds and thorns. Beautiful
seeds that are positive and loving will yield loving and positive results but seeds that are bitter will yield bitter

Right Speech is an important tool in personal development.

Just as the way we think affects the way we speak, the way we speak affects the way we think. In fact much has
been written in the field of cognitive psychology about "self talk" and how this affects our self esteem and our
interactions with others. Being mindful of our speech can have a wonderful effect on all our relationships and most
importantly upon ourselves.

An affirmation can be any statement, act, or symbolic gesture that affirms the best reality that you intend to create.
Through the process of affirmation we "act as if" our highest aspirations were already a reality, thus affirming it as
our reality and manifesting it in our lives. Here are some links to affirmations for various situations below: I invite
you to use them.

We must remind ourselves that our words are prophecies that we fulfill. A great teacher once said: "It is done unto
you as you believe." Thus by using affirmations to declare a new and better path, by putting aside our doubts and
fears and acting as if our desired goal were already a reality, we bring that reality into existence.

Too many times people will declare a reality that is not pleasant and begin to live it.

Like the woman who was always saying: "Oh what a pain in the neck." When I first met her she was suffering from
terrible neck pain and had been to osteopaths md's and massage therapists. She was deeply unhappy and in pain. I
pointed out to her that her language was creating her reality. She retrained her speech and her problem 'miraculously'

But I know it was not a miracle, it was just the power of Right Speech.

Journaling : “As it is written, so let it be done..”

The journal is a very powerful tool which assists us in recording our perceptions. The Journal, as the name implies,
leads us on journey which helps us to reveal our true selves. We are not simply recording our experiences as in a
diary. With a Journal, we are going beyond simply recording what "happens" in our lives to a process of
transformation into our highest concept of ourselves. Your journal helps you to discover your higher purpose and
from the raw stuff of being to create the person you truly wish to be. By combining the tool of journaling with the
other tools, we will reveal the essence of our being is love, life and laughter.

Often we may ask questions of ourselves in our journal and as we scribe on, answer these questions, in fact often
more than once.

We take a flexible approach to our journals which means we include pictures that we find, or make, sketches,
articles from magazines and books, quotes from people in our lives or historical figures. When we go to our Spiritual
Centers or as we read books we add the various bits of wonderful knowledge that assists us in our Spiritual

Journaling is a way of tracking the development of our consciousness. This enables us to not only record our journey
but also to write down our Goals and our Plans on how to reach those goals.
The best thing to focus on is yourself. Write down what you want to change about yourself affirmatively in the
present tense. For example: " I am developing deeper wisdom, deeper compassion, the ability to make important
decisions easily. These type of things will result in changes in yourself which will lead to major changes in your life.

We may find wonderful insights in films or watching TV, or through surfing the web.

The important thing is that we are able to express ourselves and allow for the journal to be part of our journey
revealing our path and empowering us to see ourselves more clearly and make choices that are more empowering.
Some people keep their journals on the web. These are called weblogs or blogs. They demonstrate a fearlessness
about revealing their inner journey, but this is not essential to the process. Most people will keep their journals in a
book. In fact in our Binding Journalism class, you will learn to bind your own journal.

Our goal is personal discovery and positive transformation knowing that

" as we change our minds, we change our lives."

Your journal is a special thing for you, so your choice is important in the sense that it is your journal and your
personal expression. In our class on Journaling the Journey, writers will come to the web site and go to the daily
contemplation page and write about that days contemplation and what that idea brings up in them. The depth of your
writing is not as important as the process and putting pen to paper, or fingers to the keyboard.

Daily contemplation of ideas found in books or websites such as this one enable the spiritual journalist to reflect and
transform, then to express that evolution through the journal. This will empower with positive thinking and feeling
as we use this process to elevate our consciousness, thus the term New Thought has added meaning. Our journals are
a process of reflection and renewal and should include our goals, wishes, desires and hopes as this will help us to
develop a practical spiritually based plan to reach those goals. Our journals are our maps, which will enables us to
reach our destinations. Our maps will have stopping off places on our journey to our final destiny. Thus we will
develop immediate, mid-range and long term goals which can be easily observed and measured. Thus your journal
will include the tool of Goal Setting/Planning.

Goal Setting / Planning: Dreams become goals when placed in your journal
Goal Setting & Planning empowers us to Live Our Lives in the Way We Wish

By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, we can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. We can
observe progress in what might previously have seemed and endless toil. By setting goals, we will also raise our
self-confidence, as we recognize our ability and competence in achieving the goals that we have set. The process of
achieving goals and seeing our achievements gives us confidence that we will be able to achieve higher and more
difficult goals.

Goals are set on a number of different levels:

First, we decide what we want to do with our lives and what large-scale goals we want to achieve. Then we break
these down into the smaller and smaller targets that we must hit so that we reach our lifetime goals. Finally, once we
have our plan, we start working towards achieving it.

Goal setting is a process of personal planning. By setting goals on a routine basis we decide what we want to
achieve, and then move step-by-step using our plans to achieve our goals. The process of setting goals and targets
allows us to choose where we want to go in life. By knowing precisely what we want to achieve, we know what we
have to concentrate on to do it. We also know what is merely a distraction.

Goal setting is an important technique used by top-level athletes, business-people and achievers in all fields. It gives
us long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses our acquisition of knowledge and helps is to organize our

Goal Setting & Planning empowers us to Live Our Lives in the Way We Wish

By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, we can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. We can
observe progress in what might previously have seemed an endless toil. By setting goals then using plans to reach
those goals, we will raise our self-confidence. The process of achieving goals and seeing our achievements gives us
confidence that we will be able to achieve higher and more difficult goals. Thus it follows that we should begin with
goals that are "realistic" in the sense that if we create unachievable goals we could become discouraged.

seeing our achievements gives us confidence

I once knew a minister who often joked sarcastically thinking it was very humorous but members of his
congregation did not. After many years of good service his board was happy to convince him it was time for him to
move on. Even the last time I was visiting him, he was still doing it. He exclaimed: "I'll be damned!" This is not a
very good example of Right Speech. I was visiting him with a spiritual man who was interested in creating a
partnership with this minister to do some very positive work but this changed his mind. He no longer wanted to
partner with the minister. All because of a bad habit of speech.

Starting to Set Personal Goals

It starts with our lifetime goals, and then works through a series of lower level plans culminating in a daily to-do list.
By setting up this structure of plans we can break even the biggest life goal down into a number of small tasks that
we need to do each day to reach the lifetime goals.

Contemplation: “That which you contemplate you become.”

It is wise to choose well what we are contemplating upon. We can also think deeply on a subject and that is deep
contemplation. In contrast to meditation which is stilling the thoughts and through this stillness becoming aware of
the unity of all things, contemplation is the act of focusing on a particular idea and becoming one with it and using
this idea as a vehicle for understanding. Reading spiritual/religious texts, taking in nature, listening to music are all
acts of contemplation. You can pick a piece of text from a spiritual book and work with it over a period of time
using the text as a guide to looking at the world.

In contrast to meditation which is stilling the thoughts and through this stillness becoming aware of the unity of all
things, contemplation is the act of focusing on a particular idea and becoming one with it and using this idea as a
vehicle for spiritual transformation.

Reading spiritual/religious texts, taking in nature, listening to music are all acts of contemplation.

Contemplation means regarding mentally a single object, image, idea so that the knowledge about the object, image
or idea may arise naturally in the mind by force of the concentration.

within a flower we can find all the meaning of the universe

In contemplation, one takes an object or principle, and focuses upon it. You concentrate on the object of
contemplation, until you become one with it. Images & trains of ideas & thoughts concerning what you are
contemplating, come to your mind, revealing its true nature. Contemplation is a great tool for discovering truth.
Mathematicians & theoretical physicists regularly employ contemplation in their researches with great success.

Therefore we are wise to be aware of what we are reading, watching and listening to. Awareness is extremely
important. If we consistently "practice the presence" then we will see more and more positive results in our lives. All
that we take into our consciousness is a contemplation of sorts. Thus it is wise to choose well what we are
contemplating upon.

con·tem·pla·tion n.

1. The act or state of contemplating.

2. Thoughtful observation or study.

3. Meditation on spiritual matters, especially as a form of devotion.

4. Intention or expectation: sought further information in contemplation of a career change.

Visualization: A powerful tool for better results

Visualization is a favorite tool of the megastar basketball player Michael Jordan. It is used by countless successful
people in the world. It is used by most people unconsciously and thus creates randomly instead of intelligently. Once
we begin consciously directing and using this tool it becomes a powerful tool to enable us to achieve better results
and create better lives.

Visualization is the act of directed imagination. Seeing the results of your actions prior to taking action. In the case
of Michael Jordan, he would visualize the basketball going through the hoop and thus his mind and body were
united in the goal and the results can be seen for themselves.

How do you get a handle on your unconscious? You develop a spiritual practice and include the tool of

Visualization is a powerful tool which enables us to transform ourselves and the lives we are leading. It assists us in
bringing about quantuum leaps in consciousness and when applied with compassion for ourselves and joyful
acceptance of transformation our lives and the lives we interact with become better.

With a little practice, you can cause wonderful to manifest in your life. Visualization is a way of using your mind to
manifest things. Everyone is already using Visualization in their lives but the majority of people are not using it
consciously with purpose. People who tell themselves that they are unlucky, unloved, unattractive, or unable to do
things create that reality and begin to live it. This can happen unconsciously and usually does. In contrast to this,
people who think they are fortunate, loved, beautiful/handsome begin to create this reality for themselves.

Quantuum Physics teaches us that there are amazing and wonderful natural forces at work in the Universe which
enable causation to bring about changes that appear to be far from the original cause. This is sometimes referred to
as the Butterfly Effect which is described as a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon which results in a rain in

Such amazing concepts are increasingly becoming accepted in our lives. In fact, in the 1920's when Nona Brooks
and other writers envisioned a world where you could turn on a nob on the wall and get various music channels or
moving pictures, many people laughed at them. Today we have radio in cars and motion pictures delivered via You

Too many times people will declare a reality that is not pleasant and begin to live it.

Begin by writing down the things you want to happen in your life. Then develop some "touchstones" to bring these
things into your mind as regular thoughts. This will create a positive energy about whatever it is that you are
constantly touching on in your mind. This energy will begin to push out the negative energy and soon your new
positive reality will begin manifesting.

There are some important principles to remember when practicing this tool. First of all, you should not direct the
tool at other people, particularly in a negative way. If you begin attempting to manipulate others using this tool, it
will often bounce back on you and result in problems in your life. This is because you are interacting with energies
outside of yourself that are in the compass of other people's control. Thus you cannot predict the outcome. It is wise
to simply focus on your own life and not attempt to apply this tool to anyone else's reality.

But I know it was not a miracle, it was just the power of Right Speech.

When you are ready to begin practicing this tool, you begin by:

Deciding what you want and writing it down in your Journal.

The best thing to focus on is yourself. Write down what you want to change about yourself. Deeper Wisdom, deeper
compassion, the ability to make important decisions easily. These type of things will result in changes in yourself
which will lead to major changes in your life. Do you want better health? Visualize yourself having better health and
doing the things that bring about better health. Remember the tool of Goal Setting / Planning. You will be writing
down what you want in your life and then developing a vision of having that life. Start with "easier" goals, then you
can work up to "harder" ones.

Next, begin picturing the idea or object exactly as you want it to be. See yourself in the situation, using the object as
if you already possessed it. Make sure you see this very clearly. You might also draw the scene to reinforce the idea,
although, this is not strictly necessary.

Once you've got the picture in your head, think of it often. Not only when you are relaxing or meditating, but
throughout the day as well. This is the process of sending that positive energy out into the universe. Remember the
old saying "You reap what you sow"? Well, you're "sowing" when you think of what you want. The more positive
energy you send out, the more you will get back.

Lastly, BELIEVE that you are in the situation you want to be in, that you have the object that you need and it will
manifest. Let go of contrary negative beliefs as they will work against your gaols. Negative energies and lack of
clarity will counteract what you're trying to achieve. Develop an "attitude of gratitude" giving thanks for what you
are envisioning in your life. As things manifest and your beautiful vision becomes your life, continue this attitude,
giving thanks all the time.

The term affirmation is usually associated with a positive verbal statement that is made about some goal that we are
trying to reach, or some experience we desire to manifest in our lives. Some say that the act of affirmation is an act
of faith. It can be an act of faith but it is definitely using the power of your speech to reprogram your mind and
through this to transform your life.

Affirmative Prayer: Prayer that get results

In DivineUnity, we teach that the best way to pray is the practice called Affirmative Prayer. It is the way that
Yeshua (Jesus) demonstrated how to pray and till recently it was only taught to priests. A five step process, each
step has a name:

1. Recognition,

2. Unification,

3. Realization,

4. Thanksgiving,

5. Release

This does not mean that other ways of prayer are wrong, it is just that we have learned that Affirmative Prayer is
prayer that gets results.

When used in conjunction with the other tools, you will develop a Spiritual Practice that enables you to be fully
aware of your DivineUnity.

Affirmative Prayer has 5 Steps

Step 1 - Recognition

--this step is where we are recognizing that GreatSpirit/God/Good is flowing through everything and always here. It
is only our perspective that keeps us from knowing this truth.

Step 2 - Unification

--this step is where we are recognizing that because Great Spirit/God/Good flows through everything, then it flows
through each person always and is flowing through me right now.

Step 3 - Realization

- -this step is where one is realizing that since God/Great Spirit/Good is flowing through everything, and through me
all the time, that I must only realize the truth that I am one with whatever good I am asking for and in that
knowledge it will manifest in my life for highest good.

Step 4 - Thanksgiving

--at this point it is very important to feel gratitude. This is considered one of the most important steps. The feeling of
gratitude and thanksgiving is essential. Feel this thanksgiving deeply and feel the beauty of the fact that what you
are asking for will manifest. Have faith in this and express this faith through gratitude.

Step 5 - Release
--at this point you are releasing your word into the hands of God/Great Spirit or what physicists call the Unified
Field of First Cause knowing that all that you have asked for that is good will manfest. You have planted the seeds
and they will manifest according to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect because "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."

5 Steps to Success

Pray entered Middle English as preyen, prayen,and preien around 1290, recorded in The early South-English
Legendary I. 112/200: And preide is fader wel ȝerne, in the sense of "to ask earnestly." The next recorded use in
1300 is simply "to pray." The word came to English from Old French preier, "to request" (first seen in La Séquence
de Ste. Eulalie, ca. 880) In modern French prier, "to pray," the stem-vowel is leveled under that of the stem-stressed
forms, il prie, etc. The origin of the word before this time is less certain. Compare the Italian Pregare, "to ask" or
more rarely "pray for something" and Spanish preguntar, "ask." Wikipedia

There are a variety of approaches to understanding prayer:

The belief that the finite can actually communicate with the infinite;

The belief that the infinite is interested in communicating with the finite;

The belief that prayer is intended to inculcate certain attitudes in the one who prays, rather than to influence the

The belief that prayer is intended to train a person to focus on the Divine through philosophy and intellectual

The belief that prayer is intended to enable a person to gain a direct experience of the Divine;

The belief that prayer is intended to affect the very fabric of reality as we perceive it;

The belief that prayer is a catalyst for change in one's self and/or one's circumstances, or likewise those of third
party beneficiaries.

The belief that the Divine desires and appreciates prayer

The act of prayer is attested in written sources as early as 5000 years ago.

The term affirmation is usually associated with a positive verbal statement that is made about some goal that we are
trying to reach, or some experience we desire to manifest in our lives. Some say that the act of affirmation is an act
of faith. It can be an act of faith but it is definitely using the power of your speech to reprogram your mind and
through this to transform your life.

How did Jesus/Jesua Pray?

Various spiritual traditions offer differing devotional acts. There are schedules of prayer, morning and evening, 4
times a day, 5 times and continuous. Prayers said over meals, over babies, over the dying and the dead. Some people
bow their heads and fold their hands, others dance, twirl and whirl. A common tradition throughout the world is
chanting which goes into the territory of meditation. Quakers and others have silent prayer. Some pray according to
standardized rituals and liturgies, while others prefer on the spot spontaneity & extemporaneous prayers. Still others,
combine the two. In DivineUnity we focus upon the way that Jesus/Yesua prayed which is called Affirmative

Affirmative Prayer can also be called Spiritual Mind Treatment

Below is an Affirmative Prayer. As you can see it has 5 steps. Each of these five steps has a function in bringing the
person who is praying into understanding of his or her unity with Great Spirit/God/Good. (If you wish, one may use
the term First Cause, when sharing with friends who are following Buddha Dharmas. You may also explain it to
them using the terms God or Goddess, Christ or any term that describes God/Good which is the force that permeates

Read it through and following it will be an explanation.

1.Great Spirit is Everything. Great Spirit flows though everything, Great Spirit is now in the beginning and always.
We are one in Great Spirit.

2. Great Spirit flows through me, I am one with Great Spirit. Great Spirit flows though me now and always I know
unity with all things as Great Spirit flows through me now and always.

3 I open up accept and receive wisdom, beauty, love and harmony into my life, I open up accept and receive deep
joy, happiness and love into my life and open up to my transformation to deep understanding and Enlightenment for
the benefit of all living beings.

4. I give thanks for this, I give deep, heartfelt, loving thanks for this and with utmost gratitude

5. I release this into the hands of Great Spirit, knowing that it is so and so it is.

There are many types of Prayer but experience demonstrates that 5 step Affirmative Prayer gets results.

Meditation: Meditation is as natural as breathing

Meditation is the process of withdrawing attention from externals, including physical and mental processes, and
consciously focusing one's attention. One can focus on breath or on a mandala or use a mantra for focus. There are
many types of meditation, various techniques or practices. Meditation normally involves concentrating on an object,
such as a your breath, a candle, a sound or word, or a mandala which is pattern. Through the practice of meditation,
one will be able to diminish the clutter of random thoughts that are constantly moving through the mind. Most
importantly, your attachment to these thoughts, and your identification with them, progressively become less.

I once knew a minister who often joked sarcastically thinking it was very humorous but members of his
congregation did not. After many years of good service his board was happy to convince him it was time for him to
move on. Even the last time I was visiting him, he was still doing it. He exclaimed: "I'll be damned!" This is not a
very good example of Right Speech. I was visiting him with a spiritual man who was interested in creating a
partnership with this minister to do some very positive work but this changed his mind. He no longer wanted to
partner with the minister. All because of a bad habit of speech.

There are many types of meditation. Breathing meditation is said to be the mother of all meditations, yet this does
not mean that one must believe that it is the only type of meditation or that you must master it. There is a type of
meditation just for you and you will know it when you find it. So it is wise to try many forms and this way you will
find the one that is right for you.

The important thing is to find the meditation that works for you.

My favorite type of meditation is 'mantric meditation' which is done by reciting a mantra. A mantra is a phrase
either from sanskrit or from a holy text such as the bible or something that is positive that you make up. But I know
it was not a miracle, it was just the power of Right Speech.
The most common physiological effects of meditation are reduced blood pressure, lower pulse rate, decreased
metabolic rate and changes in the concentration of serum levels of various substances.

The benefits of regular meditation have been widely reported in a variety of news sources.. These can include stress
reduction, strengthening of the body's immune system, better organized thought processes, improved powers of
concentration, enhanced powers of memory, refinement and enlivening of the nervous system, awakening of
regenerative energies, slowing of biologic aging processes, and orderly functioning of the body's organs, glands, and

Because of the above, regular meditation practice is now increasingly recommended by many physicians and health
centers as a pleasant way for patients/clients to be increase their well-being. While the side-benefits can be
welcomed and enjoyed, the primary purpose of meditation practice is to elicit clear states of consciousness and to
facilitate progressive, authentic spiritual growth.

There are a few recommended guidelines for meditation:

It should be done every day, preferably at the same time and if possible in the same place. It is best done in the
morning, immediately upon waking. Regardless of the time you choose to practice it is best done before a meal
rather than after a meal. Find a quiet spot and sit with your spine straight and vertical.

It is ok to use a chair.

Below is a basic procedure that is easy to learn and practice:

1. Practice the procedure on a daily basis for at least 20 or 30 minutes. If you are a beginner it is fine if you feel
ready to conclude your meditation after 10 or 15 minutes. You will feel more comfortable with longer periods as
you progress in your practice.

2. Sit upright in a comfortable chair. It is all right to sit cross-legged if this is more convenient. Hold your head up,
and focus your attention, concentrating on something to take your attention beyond the random thought activity that
is usually going on in our minds. You can focus your attention using a solid object, a picture or mandala, a mantra,
your breath or a tape of a guided visualization.

Typical objects of concentration include a candle flame, plant or blossom. Some people use pictures, such as
mandalas, which are symmetrical paintings that help to induce positive states of consciousness. Some people might
use a picture of a spiritual teacher. . Mantras are words/sounds which have a flowing, meditative quality and may be
repeated out loud or inwardly. Perhaps the most common focus of meditation is the breath.

3. Inhale and exhale once or twice to relax. Remain still for a few moments until you feel centered. Be aware of your
natural breathing rhythm. Now focus on your object of concentration.

4. Let your breath flow naturally and begin to bring your attention to the object of your concentration. Do not be
upset if your mind wanders, just bring your attention back to the object again and again. Eventually you will master
your mind and be able to focus and concentrate on the object for longer and longer periods of time.

5. In mantric meditation begin chanting your mantra. It can be a chosen word, such as Love, Peace, God, or any
pleasant word that is agreeable to you, or you can use a traditional mantra such as " Om Mani Pedme Hung" or "
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo." Chant your mantra and if you find your attention wandering refocus you attention on the
mantra. Allow for the feeling that the sound of the chosen word is blossoming in your mind or your field of
awareness. Continue your chant, without effort and without anxiety about results. Remember if your attention
wanders, just acknowledge this mentally and bring your focus back to your mantra or if you are using a different
object of focus then back to that.
5. You will eventually experience a state of conscious, calm awareness. You may continue your chant or be quiet
and bring your session to a natural conclusion.

The above procedure is suitable for anyone to practice. For relaxation purposes, it can be completed in
approximately 20 minutes. This is the simple mantra meditation routine. A mantra (from Sanskrit manas, mind,
thinking principal; tra, to protect and take beyond) serves as a focusing device to keep attention removed from
involvement with random thoughts and emotional states. When breathing is slow and refined, and when thoughts
and emotions are calmed, clear states of awareness are naturally experienced. The influence of meditative calmness
on the mind and body nurtures the positive effects.

For best results, meditate daily for 20 minutes once or twice a day. Mornings and evenings are recommended. Do
this for at least 6 weeks daily before evaluating the results. At left is a basic outline of a meditation practice.

Meditation is considered an essential tool for spiritual development. When you are using this tool and the tool of
Affirmative Prayer, you will find that by sitting in meditation and then upon emerging doing ones prayers will
enhance your results greatly. The action of meditation allows for one to experience deep unity and then entering into
the Affirmative Prayer is natural and powerful.

As stated on the main meditation page, meditation is the process of withdrawing attention from externals, including
physical and mental processes, and consciously focusing one's attention.

There is no "right" meditation technique for everybody. Some techniques work better for certain people while other
techniques work better for other people. The important thing is to find what works for you.

As you acquire proficiency in your chosen meditation practice, you may wish to extend your sessions. This will
bring practical and powerful results in your life as your mind is able to relax and you are thus able to better focus
your attention.. You will become more capable of bringing calm awareness into all aspects of your life in a
consistent and potent manner.

The above procedure is suitable for anyone to practice. For relaxation purposes, it can be completed in
approximately 20 minutes. This is the simple mantra meditation routine. A mantra (from Sanskrit manas, mind,
thinking principal; tra, to protect and take beyond) serves as a focusing device to keep attention removed from
involvement with random thoughts and emotional states. When breathing is slow and refined, and when thoughts
and emotions are calmed, clear states of awareness are naturally experienced. The influence of meditative calmness
on the mind and body nurtures the positive effects.

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