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Protoplasma (1994) 183: 62- 66

9 Springer-Verlag 1994
Printed in Austria

Comparative study of the response of Azotobacter vinelandii

and Acetobacter diaeotrophicus to changes in pH

R. H. Burris*

Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

Received March 3, 1994

Accepted July 29, 1994

Dedicated to the memoryof ProfessorJohn G. Torrey

Summary.Curves were established for the p H response of respiration activity in the rhizosphere of sugarcane was consid-
on eleven snbstrates by Azotobacter vinelandii and Acetobacter dia- erably greater than around the roots of a number of
zotrophicus. With every substrate the optimal pH for A. diazotro- other plants. Cavalcante and D6bereiner (1988) re-
phicus was lower than for A. vinelandii.The optimal hydrogenion
concentration for A. diazotrophicus was 5 fold to 365 fold greater ported the isolation of "A new acid-tolerant nitrogen-
than for A. vinelandiidependingupon the substrate. In general, A. fixing bacterium associated with sugarcane." They
diazotrophicus supports respiration overa widerpH range than does found that the organism was predominantly in the su-
A. vinelandii. garcane tissue rather than in the rhizosphere. It grew
Keywords:Aeetobacter; Azotobacter; pH; Respiration; Substrates. in 30% sucrose, established a pH below 3, and growth
and fixation of N 2 occurred at this acidity. They pro-
posed the name Saccharobacter nitrocaptans, and in a
In general, biological N 2 fixation occurs best near neu- footnote suggested a change to Acetobacter nitrocap-
trality and is minimal below pH 5. An examination of tans; the accepted name now is Acetobacter diazotro-
the literature indicates that media suggested for free- phicus (Gillis eta1. 1989). Growth and N2 fixation at
living Nz-fixers usually are adjusted to a pH near 7. this very low pH is in marked contrast to other N2-
For example: Azotobacter spp. pH 7.3 (Newton et al., fixing microorganisms.
1953); Frankia spp. pH6.4 (Callaham etal. 1978), We have compared how the oxidation of various sub-
methanogenic bacteria pH 7.6 (Belay et al. 1984) pH 6.7 strates by Azotobacter vineIandii (a free-living bacter-
(Murray and Zinder 1984); Desulfovibrio spp. pH7.6 ium that grows rapidly and fixes N 2 vigorously) and
(Postgate and Kent 1985); family Rhodospirillaceae A. diazotrophicus varies with the pH. The optimal hy-
pH 6.8 (Madigan et al. 1984); Klebsiella pneumoniae drogen ion concentration for 02 uptake on various
pH 7.0 (Bachhuber et al. 1976); Rhizobium legumino- substrates by A. diazotrophicus ranges from 6 to 365
sarum pH 7.0 (DeSmedt and DeLey 1977); Azospirillum times that for A. vinelandii. The peak pH region and
halopraeferens pHS.5 (Reinhold etal. 1987); Azospi- overall pH region of activity for A. diazotrophicus tend
rillum amazonense pH6.8 (Falk etal. 1985); Bacillus to be broader than for A. vinelandii.
polymyxa pH 7.7 (Hino and Wilson 1958). In contrast,
Materials and methods
Cojho et al. (1993) suggest a pH of 5.5 for growth of
Acetobacter diazotrophicus. Cultures of A. vinelandii and A. diazotrophicus were aerated in a
500 x 60 m m test tube at 30 ~ Air was admitted through a sintered
D6bereiner et al. (1972) observed that the nitrogenase
glass sparger. A. vinelandii was grown on Burk's medium (Newton
et al. 1953; p H 7.3) and A. diazotrophicus was grown on A D medium
* Correspondence and reprints: Department of Biochemistry,Uni- which consisted of the salts of Burk's medium with 3 mg Fe and
versityof Wisconsin-Madison,420 HenryMall,Madison,W153706- 1 m g Mo per liter plus 20 g sucrose. To this was added per liter 14 mg
1569, U.S.A. N as (NH4)2SO4, 2 g MES [2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid],
R. H. Burris: Response of Azotobacter vinelandii and Acetobacter diazotrophicus to changes in pH 63

1 g malic acid, 0.1 g Difco yeast extract; pH was adjusted to 6.5 with 100f / ~ ]
NaOH solution. Cultures of the bacteria were harvested at approx- ,oo V
imately the end of log phase by centrifugation, and then they were 4_ 80
resuspended in water, resedimented and resuspended in water for ~ 6 0 [ e/ ~ // 1 60 60
use. They were stored a t 5 ~ and were aerated before use.
Uptake of 02 was measured with a Gilson differential respirometer
~ 40I / 1 // J ~ 40
at 30 ~ (Umbreit etal. 1964). The respirometer vessels contained rv 2 0 ~
0.5mi cell suspension, 0.5ml 0.3M phosphate-buffer of the appro- 02 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10

o: ~176176
priate pH and 0.5 ml of 0.02 M substrate. The center well had 0. l ml pH pH pH
20% KOH and a filter paper wick to increase surface for absorbing Sucrose Glucose Fructose
COz. Phosphate buffers were used throughout to avoid introducing
effects that would result from changing the buffer ions. When the 100 ~- ~'_'N~
reaction components were mixed, the pH was altered from the buffer ~ 80
pH. The linearity of the curves for 02 uptake indicated that the pH o 60
changed little during the course of the measurements. Immediately ~ 40
after the measurements were completed (measurements usually were
taken for 40 to 150 rain to establish suitable curves), the contents of ~" 20
the respirometer vessels were removed and the pH was measured 0 -
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
with a glass electrode; this terminal pH was plotted against relative pH pH pH
rate of 02 uptake to yield the curves shown. The most rapid uptake Ethanol Propanot Glycerol
was given the value of 100 and the other rates were plotted relative
Fig.2. Respiration of Azotobacter vinelandii ( 9 and Acetobacter
to it.
diazotrophieus ( 0 ) on various sugars and alcohols in response to
various pHs. Data are expressed relative to 100 for the highest activity
Figure 1, showing a representative run, indicated the
linearity of 02 uptake by A. diazotrophicus with sucrose as the substrate. The buffer pHs and final pHs are
listed, and the relative rates are plotted against the final
(6.00) pHs in the inset curve. The responses of respiratory
6.02 activity of A. vinelandii and A. diazotrophicus with
oo k o~o~..,, 17.o8)
| / (5.00) 0'7.08 changing pH are shown in Fig. 2 and 3, and the ap-
80 L / 5.16 ~_ (7.60) 9
120 60 w 7.40 6.02 proximate pH optima on the various substrates are
indicated in Table 1.

lO0 20~ /~2.68) (8.30_)\ / / Sugars

m 2.60 8133 * y Each sugar was oxidized most effectively at a higher
" 2 ?.4o
80 ~ / pH by A. vinelandii than by A. diazotrophicus. The
oxidation is measurable over a wider pH range (usually
~L about 2 pH units wider) with A. diazotrophicus than
e, 60
with A. vinelandii. The curves above the optimal pH
are quite similar, but respiration of sucrose is supported
40 at a distinctly lower pH by A. diazotrophicus than by
A. vinelandii. The curves for glucose are not greatly
different from those for sucrose except that the optimal
range for A. diazotrophicus is broad and extends over
8.33 greater than 2 pH units. Fructose again is similar with
0 rO ~ ~ 2.50
2T0 40 60 80 100
F ~
an optimal pH for A. vinelandii at pH 6 to 6.8 and for
Minutes A. diazotrophicus near 5.0. At pH 3.0 the rate of res-
piration by A. diazotrophicus still is about 30% of its
Fig. 1. Effect of pH on the respiration of sucrose by Acetobaeter
diazotrophicus. Inset Rate plots derived from the slopes of the curves; maximum rate, but respiration is very limited for A.
indicated are the pH of the buffer used (in parentheses) and the pH vinelandii at pH 4.6.
of the reaction mixture at the end of the run as measured with a
glass electrode and plotted on the figure. When the cells, buffer and Alcohols
substrate are mixed the pH changes, but there is little subsequent
change in pH during the run as indicated by the linearity of the Ethanol supports rapid respiration. For A. vinelandii
uptake of 02 pH 6.9 appears optimal, whereas for A. diazotrophicus
64 R . H . Burris: Response of Azotobacter vinelandii and Acetobacter diazotrophicus to changes in pH

Table 1. Optimal pHs for respiration and rates of respiration on various substrates by Azotobacter vinelandii
and Aeetobaeter diazotrophieus, and differences in hydrogen ion concentrations at these optimal pHs

Substrate A. diazotrophicus A. vinelandii Fold

difference [H + ]
pH Q02 (N) = pH Q02 (N)

Sucrose 6.0 577 7.0 1114 10

Glucose 5.3 1311 7.0 364 80
Fructose 5.0 197 6.4 1242 13
Ethanol 4.4 393 6.9 886 365
Propanol 4.1 315 6.7 945 175
Glycerol 5.0 170 6.9 102 49
Formate 6.1 66 7.6 38 15
Acetate 5.7 79 6.3 2076 6
Pyruvate 5.2 92 6.8 1924 23
Lactate 5.2 144 6.2 2227 10
Succinate 3.8 131 5.4 87 49

= Qo2 (N), gl 02 uptake/(h x mg N) at optimal pH

the optimal pH is near 4.4. Thus the optima are at 100 100p ~ 7 100F

drastically different hydrogen ion concentrations, the z 8o
hydrogen ion concentration optimal for A. diazotro- >0 60
phicus being about 365 times that for A. vinelandii. With ~ 40 40 I 40=
propanol the optimal pHs are somewhat lower than
a: 20
for ethanol, but the differences in the optimal hydrogen 0
ion concentrations between organisms again are dras- 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
~H pH pH
tically different (about 175 fold).

Formate Acetate Succinate
Glycerol is not metabolized very rapidly by either or-
ganism, but there is a difference in optimal pHs of 100 100[- /~'b~
about 1.9 units, or a difference of about 49 fold in ~ 8o
hydrogen ion concentration. Glycerol was metabolized ~ 6o fi0
at a pH as low as 2.5 by A. diazotrophicus, but no "~ ~0 40
activity by A. vinelandii was observed at pH 4.7. rv 20 2
0 v

4 6 8 10 2 4 10
pH ~H
Organic acids Pyruvate Lactate
Figure 3 indicates the pH responses on organic acids. Fig. 3. Respiration of Azotobacter vinelandii (O) and Acetobacter
The optimal pH for oxidation of formate by A. dia- diazotrophicus (Q) on various organic acids in response to various
zotrophicus was near 6.1, and good activity remained pHs. Data are expressed relative to 100 for the highest activity
at pH 5.1. In contrast to the sharp optimum for A.
diazotrophicus on formate, A. vinelandii exhibited a
rather broad optimum between pH 6.6 and 8.6.
The difference between organisms on acetate was less creased to pH 8. The optimal value was near 5.4. A.
marked than that on most substrates; the optimal value diazotrophicus had optimal oxidation near pH 3.8 and
was near pH 6.3 for A. vinelandii and 5.7 for A. dia- did not show the rise exhibited by A. vinelandii at high
zotrophicus, i.e., a difference of about 6 fold in hydro- pH. The spread was 1.6 pH units between optimal aci-
gen ion concentration. The upper limits for oxidation tivities for the two organisms.
were similar for the two organisms. The spread between optima of 1.6 units on pyruvate
A. vinelandiiexhibited an unusual response to succinate was similar to the spread on succinate, but the curves
oxidation with varying pH. Oxidation reached a min- were quite different. Among the substrates tested, only
imum near pH 6.3 and then rose as the pH was in- succinate showed a double peak in response to pH
R. H. Burris: Response of Azotobacter vinelandiialld Acetobacter diazotrophicusto changes in pH 65

changes. Again on pyruvate A. diazotrophicus sup- statistical variation was small, but there was no de-
ported active respiration over a greater range of p H monstrable benefit from inoculation with A. lipoferum
than did A. vinelandii. The shapes of the curves from (unpubl. data). The responses are reminiscent of those
their optimal p H to high pHs were quite different. observed from inoculation with a free-living organism
Lactate with a spread of the optimum from 5.0-5.4 for such as A. vinelandii. The organism fixes N2 vigorously
A. diazotrophicus and with a peak at p H 6.2 for A. when supplied a suitable source of energy in the lab-
vinelandii exhibited one of the narrowest differences oratory, but in the field available sources of energy are
among the substrates tested. The shapes of the curves limiting. The situation in surgarcane perhaps is unique
on lactate were similar, and the overall range of activ- in that energy from the sucrose within the plant is
ities on lactate did not differ as greatly between or- abundant, and A. diazotrophicus is well adapted to
ganisms as with most of the substrates. tolerate the high osmotic pressure and low p H that it
We also compared activities on malate, citrate and encounters. Given these conditions, fixation may be
propionate, but they were metabolized so poorly by 150 kg N/hectare rather than the usual 1-2 kg/hectare
one or both organisms that the curves for these sub- contributed by free-living diazotrophs in the soil.
strates were not definitive. The use of dissolved oxygen Comparison of p H curves for A. vinelandii and A. dia-
by the organisms on several of the substrates was cross- zotrophicus indicates that A. diazotrophicus usually can
checked with a Clark electrode. The data are not shown, metabolize a variety of substrates at about as high a
but they verified the results obtained with the Gilson limiting p H as A. vinelandii. However, it can oxidize
respirometer. the substrates over a wider p H range, and differences
are dramatic at low pHs. When we examined the p H
optimal for each organism, the optimal p H value was
Discussion lower for A. diazotrophicus than for A. vinelandii on
Acetobacter diazotrophicus shows a remarkable ability every substrate tested. In some cases the optimal hy-
to grow and fix N 2 at a very low p H and at very high drogen ion concentration was as much as 365 times as
osmotic pressure. Cavalcante and D6bereiner (1988) great for A. diazotrophicus as for A. vinelandii.
have found that it grows and fixes N2 in 30% sucrose. When tests have been made for the comparative rates
Thus, it is adapted to growth inside the sugarcane plant. of oxidation of various substrates by an organism, it
As the growth of sugarcane extends over a long period has been customary to compare them at a single p H
and cane produces a massive amount of plant material, rather than at the p H optimal for each substrate. Our
the contribution of A. diazotrophicus can be of great tests show differences in rates of respiration relative to
importance in support of growth. The studies of Bod- glucose and other substrates between the two means
dey et al. (1990) in Brazil have indicated that A. dia- of comparison. However, the results do not alter our
zotrophicus fixes up to 150 kg N/hectare in association general conclusions regarding comparisons of A. dia-
with sugar cane during a growing season. This is com- zotrophicus and A. vinelandii, and the data are not
parable to fixation in highly effective legume symbioses. shown.
The production of alcohol for fuel in Brazil is de-
pendent upon an abundant supply of low-cost sugar
from cane, and cane commonly is grown on low-ni-
trogen soils in Brazil. This work was supported by the College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Department of En-
In m a n y field experiments the benefit derived by the
ergy grant DE-FG02-87ER13707.
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66 R . H . Burris: Response of Azotobacter vinelandii and Acetobacter diazotrophieus to changes in pH

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