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Formation of the nitrogen-fixing enzyme system in Azotobacter vinelandii


Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
Received January 30, 1967

The formation and activity of nitrogenasez in Azotobacrer vi~~elat~dii O P was examined using a
cell-free assay system. A lag period of about 30 min occurred between the exhaustion of the
combined nitrogen source and growth on N2. Cells grown o n ammonium acetate or potassium
nitrate had no detectable nitrogenase activity. Nitrogenase activity appeared in cells, grown
under a flowing gas phase of 20% 0 2 - 60% He. about 45 min after the exhaustion of ammonia.
Nitrogenase formation was inhibited in a closed system with an atmosphere containing 40% 0 2
but not by one containing 20% Or. Hydrogen did not inhibit enzyme formation. The question of
whether N2 is required for the formation of the enzyme could not be answered as this gas could
not be completely eliminated from the growth system. Chloramphenicol prevented the formation
of the enzyme and inhibited nitrogen fixation in whole cells, but had no effect on cell-Free enzyme
activity. A brief rise in turbidity which occurred during nitrogenase formation appeared to be
due to a color change in the cells from reddish brown to dark brown. Spectrophotometric exami-
nation of extracts from ammonia- and N2-grown cells did not reveal any components responsible
for this color difference, but this result may reflect only the presence of interfering substances in
the crude extract.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 14, 25 (1968)

Introduction nitrogen-could not be unequivocally demon-

strated. Also, the technique introduced by
Some 25 years ago, Burris, Phelps, and
Monod-the diauxie phenomenon-failed to
Wilson (1942) studied the formation of
~ r o v i d eclear-cut results.
"adaptive" enzymes concerned with the res-
In the meantime, however, several new
piration of carbon sources by the root nodule
agents of fixation have been discovered, and
bacteria and by Azotobncter vinelnndii. The
these do exhibit a definite diauxic .nrowth ,
results suggested that many of the enzyme
pattern when cultured in the presence of N2
systems were "adaptive" in the sense that
with limiting quantities of NH4+ (Pengra and
resting suspensions of the organism would
Wilson 1958; Proctor and Wilson 1961; Witz
oxidize a given carbon source at a higher rate
1964). Strandberg (1963) re-examined the
if the organism had been grown 011 the same
behavior of the azotobacter when it was grow-
source. ing on the two sources of nitrogen and ob-
The more interesting study of whether or
not the nitrogen fixing system in the azoto-
tained what amears . to be a definite diauxic
growth curve, but the period of lag was often
bacter is adaptive had to be postponed until
short and might readily have been missed in
the end of World War 11, but in the meantime the earlier work. The developnlent of a tech-
a much more critical tool for this purpose had
nique for preparing cell-free extracts that
been developed, the use of 15N2 as a tracer.
would fix N2 (Bulen, Burns, and LeComte
Wit11 this, we could readily demonstrate that 1964) provided a new tool for investigating
little, if any, fixation occurred in the presence
the formation of the responsible enzyme sys-
of NH4+ and that cells grown on N2 would
tein as will be described in this paper.
immediately assimilate added NH4+ without a
period of lag, but the reverse-immediate Materials and Methods
uptake of N2 on exhaustion of the con~bined Growth
Azotobncter virzelnndiiii O P was used throughout
1Present address : Northern Regional Laboratory, these studies. The organism was grown in a modified
United States Department of Agriculture, Peoria, Burk's nitrogen-free medium of the following compo-
Illinois. sition: KH2P04, 0.2 g; K2HP04, 0.8 g; MgS04.7H20,
zCLNitrogenase"is used in this paper and in the
following one by Mahl and Wilson in a n operational 0.2 g; CaCl2.2H70, 0.09 g; sucrose, 20 g; 1 ml of
sense as the enzyme system(s) that lead to the forma- Fe-Mo solntion (1 mg F e and 0.1 mg Molml); H20,
tion of NH3 in the assay. At least two protein fractions 1000 ml. T o prevent the formation of a precipitate
are now known to be involved in the complex. which would interfere with turbidity readings, the

phosphates in distilled water were prepared separately 100 pmoles/ml, prepared anaerobically with 0.2 M
from a solution containing the rest of the salts and cacodylate buffer, was added to the reaction mixture
sucrose. After they were autoclaved, the two solutions with a syringe.
wcre mixed. Unless otherwise noted, all cultures were T o start the reaction, 0.2 ml of the extract, contain-
grown at 30 "C on a rotary shaker. Routine transfers ing approximately 30 mg/ml protein, and kept under
and inocula were grown in 500-mI sidearm Erlenmeyer He, was added to the flasks. The flasks were shaken
flasks containing 100 n11 of medium. Larger cultures for 25 min on a reciprocal shaker at 30°C (approxi-
were grown in 2-1 Erlenmeyer flasks containing 1 1 of mately 200 oscillations/min). The rubber stoppers
medium, or in 15 1 of medium in a 5-gal carboy. The were removed and 1 ml of a saturated K2C03 solution
carboy was aerated using a large gas dispersion stone. added to stop the reaction and to evolve the ammonia
A 2Y0, lo%, 7.5% inoculum was used for the 100-ml, formed. The ammonia was trapped in a drop of 5 N
1-1, and 15-1 culturcs respectively. Growth was fol- H2S04 held on a glass rod supported by a rubber
lowed by measuring turbidity with a Klett-Summerson stopper. The stopper was inserted into the vessel as
pl~otoclectriccalorimeter with a 660 m p filter (1 K-S soon as the K2C03 was added. The flasks were shaken
unit = 0.002 O.D. unit). slowly for at least 90 min before analysis for ammonia.
Ammonium acetate and potassibm nitrate, which The glass rods were washed in 5.0 ml distilled H z 0
were used as combined nitrogen sources, were supplied and the ammonia determined by nesslerization. Trial
from stock solutions (20 nlg N/ml) sterilized by filtra- runs using 15N2 demonstrated that the ammonia
tion. Ammonia util~zationwas followed by spot test- being measured was produced from nitrogen fixation.
ing san~plesof the medium with Nesslcr's solution; In most experiments the phosphocreatine used was
KNO, utilization was determined by spot testing with prepared in our laboratory by the method of Ennor
diphenylamine-H2S04, a test that gives a positive (1957). As the a c t ~ a molecular
l weight varied because
reaction with nitrites as well. of a difference in crystalline forms of the preparations,
The effect of chloramphenicol on the formation of a standard level of 10.5 mg per flask (approximately
nitrogenase was examined and in some experiments 30 pmoles) was used.
this inhibitor was added to prevent protein synthesis Protein was determined by the method of Lowry
during the harvesting procedure. Chloramphenicol et al. (1951).
(Parke Davis and Co., Detroit, Michigan) was pre-
pared in a stock solution containing 100 pg chloram- Results and Discussion
phenicol per milliliter.
Induction oj' Nitrogenase
Etiz.vme Activity Figure 1, taken from Strandberg (1963),
Aftcr 16-18 hours growth, the cultures were har-
vested at 0-5 "C in an International refrigerated centri-
shows a typical growth curve of Azotobacter
fuge at 2000 r.p.m. for 30 min. The cells were washed vinelandii OP when supplied limited combined
once or twice with 3 0 4 0 ml of cold 0.025 M phos- nitrogen. The period of lag is relatively short,
phate bbffer, p H 7.0, centrifuged at 8000 X g for 5 30 to 60 min depending on the rate of growth.
min and the pellet weighed. They were then resus- However, if combined nitrogen is added, an
pended in the same buffer at a ratio of 3 ml of buffer
per gram of cell paste. The cells in this suspension immediate resumption of growth occurs a t
were broken in a precooled (5 "C) French pressure the same rate as before the supply of com-
cell (American Instrument Co., Jnc., Silver Spring, bined nitrogen was exhausted (Fig. 1B). The
Maryland), then centrifuged at 10 000 X g for 10 min. short lag period results in few critical points,
The resulting supernatant fraction containing from
25 to 35 mg protein per milliliter was assayed for
but the ability to de~nonstratesuch a lag in
activity by a modification of the method of Bulen et al. repeated trials supports the view that it is
(19650). Extracts prepared in this manner had a p H real. Nevertheless, the recognition that turbid-
of about 6.8 and were free from whole cells when ity measurements are not always reliable for
examined microscopically. detection of small increases in growth, espe-
Assays were made in 2C-ml serum bottles fitted
with rubber serum stoppers. One-milliliter reaction cially when the conditions change. e.g., source
mixtures were used containing 10.5 mg creatine phos- of nitrogen, led us to the conclusion pre-
phate or approximately 30 pmoles, 0.2 mg phospho- viously mentioned: that the diauxie phenom-
creatine kinase, 5 pmoles adenosine triphosphate, 5 enon fails to provide clear-cut results.
pmoles MgCl2.6Hz0, and 20 pmoles sodium hydro-
sulfite (dithionite). The creatine phosphate, phospho-
Assays for nitrogenase (Fig. 2) furnished
creatinc kinase, and adenosine triphosphate were pre- more convincing support for the conclusion
pared in 44 m M cacodylate buffer, pH 7.0. Three- that the observed lag does exist and represents
tenths of a n~illiliterof this solution was added to each a diauxic pattern of growth. In this experi-
flask, along with 0.05 ml of a MgCI2.6H20 (100 ment, the ammonia supply was exhausted a t
pmoles/ml) solution and 0.25 ml cacodylate buffer
(0.2 M, pH 7.0). The flasks were evacuated and flushed 12.25 h, and definite nitrogenase activity was
four times with helium and finally filled with N2. TWO- not detected until 13.5 h although the turbid-
tenths of a milliliter of a dithionite solution containing ity had started to increase before that time.

The generation time of carboy-grown cultures grow the organisms in the absence of N2 t o
is generally longer than that of a culture in a determine whether the substrate is required
shake flask, probably because of insufficient for the formation of nitrogenase. Initial
oxygen. Also, although the cultures were kept attempts t o grow the organisms in a closed
at 30 "C, the high rate of aeration caused a system were ui~successfulbecause of the prob-
slight cooling to 28 "C. The slower rate of lem of supplying adequate oxygen t o obtain
growth probably accounts for the longer utilization of the ammonia. This problem was
period required for the detection of nitroge- later solved by supplying tank 0 2 directly t o
nase activity. the growth flask, which allowed utilization of
Although it is evident that nitrogenase is enough ammonia t o get a final yield of cells
absent in extracts from cells grown on ainmo- (more than 1 gram) t o break and assay for
nia in the presence of N2, it is necessary t o activity. A flowing gas mixture of 2075 0 2
(30 cc /min) and 800,; He (120 cc /min) per-
mitted coillplete utilization of from 40-75 ,ug
N / m l in 7-12 hours. The cultures reached
turbidities of from 90-150 K-S units depend-
ing on the amount of ammoilia added and
how much remained in the inocula, which
were grown in a closed system of 40% 0 2 -
6076 He.
Cells grown in this manner were assayed
for cell-free nitrogellase activity at different

KT S Specific activity
unlts P

0 4 8 12 16
8 10 12 14 16
T i m e (hours)
TIME (h)
FIG.1. Growth pattern of Azotobacter vinelnndii in
presence of limited quantity of NH4'-N. @ Cells were FIG. 2. Growth curve and formation of nitrogenase
grown on ammonium acetate (20 pg/ml) in an atmos- in Azotobacter vinelanrlii OP. The culture was grown
phere of 20y0 0 2 - 80% H?. 0 Cells were grown on in heavily aerated, 15-liter Burk's medium containing
ammonium acetate (20 pg/ml) in an atmosphere of 87 p g N/ml as ammonium acetate. One-liter samples
20% 0 2 - 20% N2 - 60% He. A. Arrow indicates were harvested at intervals and assayed for cell-free
cells transferred to an atmosphere of 20% 0 2 - 20% nitrogen-fixing activity as described in Methods.
N2 - 60% He after exhaustion of NH4+. B. Arrow During harvesting and washing, the cells were exposed
indicates that cells were kept in same gas mixture but to 5 pg/ml chloramphenicol. The unit of specific
additional ammonium supplied. activity is nanomoles N2 fixed /mg protein per min.

TABLE I During growth in a flowing system, a contin-

Nitrogen fixation by cell-free extracts of Azotobacter uous supply of this contaminating nitrogen
vinela~ldiiOP g o w n on ammonium acetate would be made available. A closed system was
Specific activity,
even worse, because it is the oxygen that is
Time after nanomoles Nz used; as additional oxygen is added to replace
exhaustion of fixed /mg it, the N2 contaminant remains in the flask
Experiment NH4+ protein per min and increases in concentration throughout the
1 0 hours 0 experiment.
2 0.75 hours 0.75 To circumvent this problem, an attempt
3 2.25 hours 5.15
was made to produce oxygen of a higher
NOTE:One-liter cultures were grown on 75 ,tg N/ml as amrno-
nium acetate under a flowing gas phase of 20' 0 2 . 80% He. At purity by electrolysis. Even though not all of
the time of harvest, 10 ~ g / r n chloramphen~col
l was added to the
culture. The cells were harvested at 0-5 "C. The cells were washed the N2 could be eliminated, sufficiently low
once in cold C.015 M phosphate buffer, p H 7.0, before being levels of N2 might be obtained so that at least
an idea of the minimum level of N2 resulting
times after exhausting their ammonia supply. in the formation of nitrogenase might be
Table I shows that no activity was present at determined. Oxygen, generated from alkaline
the time when the ammonia was exhausted, water (25% KOH) by electrolysis at a rate of
but activity was detected 45 min later and was 20 cc/min, was used to grow cultures of A.
high after 2.25 hours. vinelnndii OP at room temperature. It was
Other experiments were made in a closed necessary to use tank He or H2 as the carrier
system by connecting a tank of 0 2 to the gases (180 cc/min), as the electrolytic appa-
growth flask fitted with a mercury manom- ratus would not generate sufficient H2 or 0 2
eter. When 0 2 was required, as indicated by to maintain an adequate gas flow.
a measurable vacuum on the manometer, As in the experiments with tank oxygen,
oxygen was added to atn~osphericpressure. nitrogenase was again formed with electro-
Although complete utilization of aminonia lytically produced oxygen. Gas chroinato-
was obtained, no nitrogenase was formed in graphic analysis of the gases by the inethod of
the presence of 40% 0 2 and 60y0 He or H2. Szulczewski and Higuchi (1957) using a silica
When the level of 0 2 was lowered to 20%, gel column at dry ice - ethanol temperatures
enzyme formation did occur. Apparently, the for separation, indicated about as much N2
high oxygen level inhibited the formation of was present in the electrolytically prepared 0 2
the enzyme. Significantly, hydrogen did not as in the tank 0 2 . Control analysis on tank H2
inhibit the formation of nitrogenase even at a showed very small 0 2 and N2 peaks, indicat-
concentration of 800/,, which would com- ing that our method of sample collecting was
pletely inhibit nitrogen fixation. sufficiently free from air contamination. The
The results of the experiments with flowing supplier quoted values of O2 and N2 impurities
and closed gas systems indicated that nitroge- of 5 and 25 p.p.m. respectively in tank hydro-
nase was forming in the apparent absence of gen. Whether the N2 may have been due to
N2. This would suggest that nitrogenase is not some uncontrolled air contamination in the
an inducible enzyme, but that its synthesis is electrolytic system is not known, but what-
repressed by the presence of its product, ever the source of nitrogen, its level was
ammonia. We were spared drawing this pos- consistent, eliminating the possibility of ran-
sibly erroneous conclusion by checking the dom air contamination of samples. Its pres-
composition of the gases used. The supplier ence also led to the conclusion that the ques-
(Badger Welding Supply, Madison) gave the tion of whether N2 is required as an inducer
level of N2 in 0 2 (National Cylinder Gas, for nitrogenase may be difficult to answer
Chicago), He (Bureau of Mines, Amarillo, with the aerobic azotobacter. However, a s
Texas), and Hz (National Cylinder Gas, will be described in a second paper, Mahl and
Chicago) as 100, 15, 25 p.p.m. respectively. Wilson (1968) have found definite evidence
The level of nitrogen present in these gases, for the requirement of N2 for the formation
especially in the oxygen, could be sufficient to of ilitrogenase in the facultative anaerobe,
serve as an inducer for the nitrogenase. Klebsiella pneunzoniae.

In the course of these experiments, we con- This apparent laclc of any distinguishable
sistently observed a rise of 5-7 Klett units in difference probably arises for a number of
the culture during the period of nitrogenase reasons. The high concentration of protein
formation. After this rise the culture would and other components could be masking the
again maintain a steady turbidity reading as particular component being sought: however,
long as the He-O2 (or H2-02) gas mixture was the difference is visible with the naked eye.
supplied. On admittance of air, the turbidity There could also be a difference in quantity
would increase rapidly without a noticeable of the component between the two types of
lag. Because small increases in turbidity do cells. Jones and Redfearn (1966) have suc-
not necessarily indicate growth, total nitrogen ceeded in separating red and green electron
determinations were made after the ammonia transport particles from A . vinelandii which
was exhausted. The nlaximunl gain was about differ in cytochrome content and enzyme
3 pg N/ml, just at the level of significance by activity. It would be of interest to determine
the method used. It appears that a pN2 of the if nitrogen fixation is associated with either
order of 0.0001 atm in the gases may be of these particles.
sufficient to cause the formation of the The eventual purification of nitrogenase, a
enzyme, but not enough to allow nitrogen project of considerable interest in a number
fixation to occur by the enzyme that has a of laboratories at the present time, may help
KN?of at least 0.01 atm (Wilson et al. 1942). to solve this problem. Purification should
It is probable, however, that this rise in enable one to determine if this color difference
turbidity is an optical artifact which is caused is associated with the nitrogen-fixing system
and whether any distinguishable spectral
by the change in color of the cells during the
properties are associated with any particular
formation of nitrogenase. Cells and extracts
component (See Bulen et al. 19653).
of A. vitzelatzdii grown on combined nitrogen
Finally, it was observed that the formation
are reddish brown whereas those of N2-grown
of the enzyme was materially reduced in the
cultures are dark brown. When the organism presence of 25 pg/ml of chloran~phenicoland
was switched from one source of nitrogen to completely suppressed by 75 pg/ml. However,
the other, the change in color could be as much as 100 pg/ml chloramphenicol had
observed. This color difference is of particular no effect on the specific activity of the enzyme
interest because it could arise from compo- in cell-free extracts. With cell suspensions
nents associated with nitrogen-fixing activity. taken from the exponential phase, an expo-
No difference in the spectra of extracts from sure of 2 h to 10 pg/ml in an atmosphere
cells grown on NH4+ and those grown on N2, containing 30.4 atom yo excess 15N2resulted
however, could be observed. The crude in a decrease in the uptake of 15N2from 0.977
extracts were centrifuged at 35 000 X g for 1 11 to 0.288 atom O/, excess (Strandberg 1963).
and spectrophotometric examination made in One possible explanation of this inhibition is
a Cary Model 15 recording spectrophotom- that chlorampl~enicolprevents the utilization
eter (Applied Physics Corp., Monrovia, of ammonia, which builds up and inhibits
Calif.). Spectra from both types of cells had fixation of N2.
sharp peaks at 521 and 550 mp with shoulders Effect of Combined Nitrogetz on Activity of
at 530 and 559 mp. Broad peaks were present Nitrogenase
around 510-515 mp, 590-600mp, and 630 Various levels of ammonia and nitrate were
mp. Cytochromes a2, a l , and bl are associated added to extracts of nitrogen-fixing cells.
with absorption bands at 630 mp, 590 mp, Neither nitrate nor ammonia had an appre-
and 560 inp (Smith 1954). Cytochromes c4 ciable effect on cell-free nitrogenase activity
and c5 exhibit a single peak at 552 m p at levels up to 40 pg N/ml, i.e., in excess of
(Tissikres and Burris 1956). Difference spectra the level of ammonia produced by the
on oxidized and reduced extracts gave spectra enzyme. In another experiment, NH4+-N
similar to that obtained by Bruemmer et al. (150 pg N/ml) was added to a 15-liter cul-
(1957) with A . vinelandii 0. Again, no differ- ture actively fixing nitrogen. Samples were
ence between the extracts was observed. removed periodically, the cells harvested,

doubling of total protein while the total

amount of enzvme remained the same. The
much more rapid disappearance of the enzyme
could be due to the degradation of the
enzvme since. when cells were shaken in air.
at room temperature, the specific activity fell
from 5.7 to 0.2 in 4 h (about one generation
time under the conditions of the experiment
in Fig. 3). In an extract, the specific activity
dropped from 7.2 to 2.6 ill 3 h.

Supported in part by National Science
Foundation grant GB-483 and National
Institutes of Health USPHS grant AI-1417-11.


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