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APUSH: The Gilded Age 1877-1910

In this unit we will continue our discussion of the tension between groups by exploring
the rapid transformation of the United States during the late 1800s. As a result of
industrialization and westward expansion different groups in American society
continuously found themselves at odds. As railroads and industry grew so did the wallets
of America’s top businessmen, which led to tensions between big business and workers.
As a result of new opportunity in the west and industry, immigrants flooded into Ellis
Island creating the largest wave of immigration the United States has ever seen. In
reaction to the increased number of immigrants, anti-immigrant sentiments also rose. An
increase in urban populations led to poor living conditions and unprecedented levels of
poverty and squalor. As a result of these tensions, corruption and poverty, ordinary
citizens began to speak up and help those who were less fortunate. These Americans
became known as progressives and their work would influence major legislation and
policies in attempts to improve American society. The late 1800s was an incredibly
dynamic time whose ramifications will be felt well into the 20th Century.

Objectives: SWBAT
 Classify and draw connections between the major themes, events, groups of the
late 1800s
 Evaluate the effects of westward expansion, industrialization and urbanization
during the late 1800s
 Synthesize evidence into a persuasive DBQ

Essential Questions
 How did changes in technology, politics and society change and shape the United
States in the late 19th century?
 How successful was organized labor in improving the position of workers?

 2 DBQ
 Unit Exam

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9/19 9/20 9/21 9/22 9/23
Intro Unit Lecture:
Structure of Big Socratic Labor Unions Images of life
HW: Business Seminar in the city
648-655 HW: 663-671
HW: read HW: 656-663 HW: 672-677
Gospel of
Wealth and
other primary
9/26 9/27 9/28 9/29 9/30

Coney Island Discussion DBQ Prep DBQ College Fair

DBQ prep
Rd. Zinn or HW: Grade a
Primary Source DBQ or read
10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7

Lecture: Labor unrest STRIKE! DBQ Prep DBQ Prep

Machine and populism
politics Cross of Gold HW: Rd. Zinn
HW: 684-693
10/10 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/14

Columbus Day DBQ on labor Review Unit Exam Theme Team

HW: Study for

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