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Useful Applications of Photogrammetric

The potential applications of photogrammetry are almost limitless as shown in Fig.2.1. The
largest coastal mapping application of photogrammetry is shoreline mapping in support of nautical
charting. Engineers rely on large-scale topographic maps for all types of planning and
construction. Modern topographic maps are invariably produced by photogrammetry. Almost all
phases of modern highway design, location, construction, and maintenance are conducted wholly
or in part by photogrammetry. Engineers also depend on photogrammetric solutions to such
problems as the measurement of structural deformations, wave shapes, sedimentation in channels,
and vehicular movements. Hydrologists depend on the photogrammetric analysis of slopes, ground
coverage, watershed areas, and snow depths in order to determine runoff quantities for water
supply studies. Urban and regional planners depend on aerial images and topographic maps for
land use studies and city planning. Land surveyors employ aerial photographs and
photogrammetric methods in varying degree of complexity. Planning for surveys, the
identification and location of boundary lines and corners, and identification of vegetation and soil
types can be performed by examination and interpretation of imagery.
The collection of diverse types of geospatial information into a database that is used in a GIS is
performed by photogrammetric systems. Products derived from various photogrammetric
processing system fall into two broad categories: image products and point and vector products.

- Coastal Mapping
- Topographic Surveying and Mapping
- Disaster Surveys
- Construction of City/Terrain Models
- Environmental and Resources Surveys
- Archeological Surveys
- Computer Graphics/Visualizations/Virtual Reality
- Industrial Measurements
- Robot Eyes (Robot Vision)
- Production of Many Kinds of Geospatial Information for GIS
- etc.

Fig.2.1 Various apprications of photogrammetry

In the following sections, typical products and applications of photogrammetric systems are

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(1) Earthquake Damage Assessment Survey using a Digital Orthophoto Mosaic
Fig.2.2 shows an orthophotomap(photomosaic) overlaid by a topographic map of Kozu-
Island used for an earthquake damage assessment survey after Izu Earthquake. About 30 aerial
photographs are ortho-rectified using 50 m DEM and mosaicked to produce a photomap(Fig.5.40,
Chapter 5). Areas of landslide are easily interpreted using stereo photos and mapped on the
map-overlaid orthophoto (Fig.2.2(a)) and to produce the final landslide map(Fig.2.2(b)).
"Tsunami" is very critical at some coastal area in the world. Fig.2.3 show an aerial photo taken
just after tsunami attack which caused by a strong earthquake. Photogrammetric and laser mapping
data are currently used not only for damage assessment, but also for making "Tsunami Hazard
Map" of an area for disaster prevention.

Area A

5 km

(a) Ortho photo mosaic. About 70 Photos were taken and orthophoto were mosaicked to survey
damages and landslides after a big earthquake. (Kozu Island)

(b) Orthophoto and topographic map overlaid(Area A) (c) Landslide map measured on aerial
photos(Area A)
Fig. 2.2 Orthophotmap used for an earthquake damage assessment survey of Kozu-Island.

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Fig.2.3 Aerial photo taken just after the Okushiri Tsunami(1993)
(2) Coastal Fishery resources GIS
A coastal fishery resources GIS is developed for managing coastal fishery resources such as
Kelp, Seaweeds, Shellfish, etc. An orthophoto is used as one of basemaps in the GIS as shown in

Fig.2.4 Display of a coastal fishery resources management GIS

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(3) Topographic Maps for City Planning
City and regional planners use 1:2,500 scale topographic maps for their engineering projects.
Fig.2.5 shows an example of photogrammetrically produced topographic map.

Fig.2.5 Photogrametrically produced topographic map used for a city planning GIS

(4) DEMs and orthophotos for Numerical Engineering Simulations

Civil engineers make flood hazard maps using a numerical flood simulation based on accurate
DEM(Digital Elevation Model) data. Fig.2.6(a) shows a color coded DEM data and results of the
numerical simulations are shown in Fig.2.6(b). The simulated flood maps are produced at certain
time interval and an animation display can be produced.
Point of overflow
lower elevation

higher elevation

(a) DEM for flood simulation analysis (b) Results of flood simulation analyses.
Fig.2.6 Flood simulation analysis using DEM data.

Another example of engineering uses of DEMs and an orthophotos is debris flow analysis.
Fig.2.7 shows results of the debris flow analyses displayed on topographic maps and
three-dimensional scene. In the numerical simulations, the debris flows are simulated with and
without earthdams (Fig 2.7(a)right and left, respectively) using DEM. Fig.2.7(b) shows the
simulation result without earthdams for protecting the debris flow.
Results of slope analyses using DEM are shown in Fig.2.8.

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(a) Results of Debris flow simulations (b) Three-dimensional display of simulation
results using DEM and orthophoto data
Fig.2.7 Uses of topographic maps, DEM, and orthophoto for debris simulation analyses

Fig.2.8 Results of slope analyses using DEM data.

(5) 3D City Modeling

Photogrammetry is often used to generate 3D representations of objects. Three-dimensional
models of cities have variety of applications. Telecommunication planners uses urban models to
simulate the propagation of radio waves fro the determination of optimal transmitter locations.
Highly detailed visual models are increasingly used for city planning, tourism, and training
purposes. Urban models are valuable tools for architects and planners, because these 3D models
allow them to better understand the relationships between proposed developments and the
surrounding areas and to better present the plan to the general public. Figs.2.9 and 2.10 show

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examples of 3D modeling developed using DEMs and orthophotos from photogrammetry, and
partially using airborne laser scanner data in the case of Fig.2.10.

Fig.2.9 A perspective view of 3D model derived from DEM and orthophoto

Fig.2.10 3D city model constructed from photogrammetric and laser scanner data.

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