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Emmer Green Primary School

Termly Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Spring 2018

English Mathematics Science

Text genres:
 Sentence work – conjunctions
 Number and place value including  Identify how sounds are made, associating
 Non-fiction work will be based around building non-
negative numbers and comparing some of them with something vibrating
chronological reports on the topic ‘Dragonology’
increasingly larger numbers  Recognise that vibrations from sounds
 Instruction writing – including looking at imperative
 Continue to develop addition, travel through a medium to the ear
verbs, adverbs and punctuation such as semi-colons.
subtraction, division and multiplication  Find patterns between the pitch of a sound
Spelling, punctuation and grammar
methods and features of the object that produced it
 Tenses – past, present and future – simple and
 Fractions and decimals: fractions of  Find patterns between the volume of a
progressive, common homophones, determiners,
amounts, recognising equivalent fractions sound and the strength of the vibrations
prefixes and suffixes and using a and an correctly
and decimals and rounding decimals that produced it
You can help your child by:
 Converting units of measurement  Recognise that sounds get fainter as the
 Regular reading (at least twice weekly) and
 Comparing shapes and their properties distance from the sound source increases
questioning what they have read to check
 Statistics: interpreting time graphs, line
graphs and timetables Useful Websites:
 Weekly spellings and reviewing common exception
 Problem solving and applying in a range of
words ocesses/sound/read/1/
You can help your child by: 5_6/sound_hearing.shtml
Topic—History / Geography  Supporting them with their homework
 Practising their multiplication and
division tables regularly up to 12x12
 Solving real life problems involving
Ancient Egyptians Our Egyptian topic dress up day will
shopping, money, measures and time
 Learning about important figures in the Egyptian be on Friday 2nd February

Animals Year 4 Music Performance

 Habitats of animals Thursday 22nd March
 Climates and environments around the world and At 7pm
where/why animals live there
Emmer Green Primary School
Termly Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Spring 2018

Computing Religious Education Personal Social and Health Education

We are musicians Islam  Develop respect for diversity and our ability
 Create, edit and refine a music track using  Exploring Islamic ‘Rites of Passage’ and to co-operate
music composition software Islamic traditions  Understand key social skills of being a good
Christianity friend
 Exploring what Christians believe about how  Focus on anger – revisiting triggers for anger
life should be lived as well as considering solutions
 Understanding the importance of the bible
in Christianity

Art and DT Physical Education Modern Foreign Language (French)

 Explore artists who create abstract art  Learning short dance sequences which use
 Counting in multiples of 10
 Understand the use of colour, shape and different shapes made with the body
 Writing short sentences using an adjective
space within abstraction  To move in time with music listening
 Reading and understanding a story in
 To design and create a piece of abstract art carefully to the beat
using paint to express a feeling  To develop hand eye coordination skills in
 Talking and writing about sports that we
Patterns in nature racquet games
play using ‘jouer’ and ‘faire’
 Study patterns found in nature  Apply racquet skills to game situations,
 Discussing healthy and unhealthy food
 Investigate stencilling and print-making such as in tennis
 Explore ways of combining and organising
shapes, colours and patterns

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