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REPORT CONTAINING RECOMMEND- ATIONS OF THE IRC REGIONAL WORKSHOPS ON HIGHWAY SAFETY Fit Putlisiod in November, 1984 (The ight of Pein ond Tension ae Reserve) roREWoRD. 1 is unfortunate that the acedent eats ia our county is fone ofthe habest inthe world Italo rater diturbing that he etenlage of Tata aceients de alo nreasing sendy ond so Stands ot more’ than 15 pet cent at compared to TO per coat only desade back. Over 20000 lives are lot every year ot ‘our roads bssides injures 10 thousinds of people and huge fonomie tases in terms of damage to vehicles and property ‘The neod for ensuring seater safty on ovr highways. by thet fore, Othe wines importance, The Indian Roads Congress have been deeply concerned with the subject of Highway Safty ta pursuance ef « detion fhe Council in thelr 850 meting held at Hyderabad on the ed January 1976 the Indian. Ronde Congress organised Work Shops on ‘Tighway ‘Safety in six segions of the couoty, 8 Chancionn, “Teivandrum, Lucknow, Bombay, “Caleta an Gasahinagr With a view to eve intracon between the vsious isiplines necessary for tackling problems of hghay ‘ale ‘pecilists rom other walks of ifs sich a adminseto planners, profesor, pole and transport oflets and sceutit apart ome Highway engineers, were invited to prticipate these workshops Anuosber of wef suggestions were thrown pin these workshops hich are now being brought out in the form of & Specht Pebliatin, Kk. San New Detté cor Gea ad Dog & Abo Noventbe, 1984 Serta te Go Sesion 1 mn 1 a 2a. 2A Sesion 3 aa 3a 36 38, 39, CONTENTS Introduction Accent Causative Factors Highway Safety Workshops Organised bythe Inga Roads Congress Soope ofthis Publication ‘Consolidated Summary of Recommen- ations ofthe IRC Highway Safety Workeops Organised st Chances, Trivandeun, Laeknow, Bombay, Caleta and Ganchinaase Engnesring Measures Improve Road Safety “Teale Enforcement Trafie Eduaton Asident Investigation [Explanatory Notes Rosd Contin and Tele Safety ‘Geometric Design for Improved Safty Rad Intersections Roadside Developmen, Roadsige ‘Hizards und Road Apperienances oud Surface Characteristics “Tale Regulation and Conteot Asident Recording end Analysis forcement age Appendix Stundards, Codor and Manuals ofthe tod Rgds Congress which contain Guidsins Relais to Trae Salty LIST OF TABLES. Tbe Ne Li, Groth ofRegtered Metor Vehicles in Ins 12, Growth of Roa and Rail Trae a India 14. Road Accidente in dia 14 Accident Rats ina Few Selected Cities io India 1S. Rats of Rou Accidents in « Few Sleted Counts 1.6. Estimated Cost of Road Accidents in India 2. fest af Frequeney of Imersctions on Acsient Rate 22. Parameters to be Considered for Reducing the Ineny of Vehicule Confits 3... Check Lis of Points to be Looked ito fom Safety Anglia the Depa of Ttersectons Sak Speed Limits Pressed in the Motor Vohieis Ach 159 4S, Speed Limits Recommended for Diferent Types ofWVehiees in Urban Areas 5.6, Compation of Accdeat Rates of Road Sestins Garying Unfors Trae 4.3. Comparison of Accident Rats of Read Sections Cantying Diferent Trafic Inieases 48, Poosble Cases of Predominant ‘Type of Acident 39, Remedial Mearores Suggested for Different ‘Type of Caliion Pose s o ry 7 % fe a Fa ua au, Ba a RI a0, 321 aa. 3 aaa 338 ust OF riouReS, Effect of Rosd Parunstert on Accidet Rate Some of the Safety robiens Aring Horontat Curves CCorcctions to Vertical Profle or Improved Safe, Sketches Mustang Good and fag AlignPent Co-rdination Treatnent at Typical Cases of Pavement Wiening Traffe Safety Problems Relating to Shoulders, Side Diane for Hill Roads Embankment Slopes for Trai Safey Preblens of Visilly long and Across the Ron Criteria for Messing Sight Distance Vehicuan Confte a Intersections Confit Points at Type otersections CChunvelscon for Separating Conflicts ‘ane for Redvelng Confit Area Satisfactory and Unsatactory Design of CContraing Entry Speed of Right Twenng ‘Treatacnt at Branching Pot of Byepasis to Avoid Madirection 1 Through Trae Minimum Sight Tenge st Uncontrolled Minion Sight Triangle at PeivityTtersetion Typieal Croveecton for Highway Sections Approaching Cities/Towns . ‘Transtion st Bridge Approaches Common Desins of Ganed-Rals ‘Typleat GuardeReil Treatment a Bdge Approaches [Aangenents for Trae when « Cros-Draiase Seuctare isto Be Reconstructed Pavement Mackings at Road Intersections Method of Masking No-Pssing Zone on Sumit Carve Pose 6 a a 5s Ss ” e 6s 6 n % % n % * Rene Shun Menace Cate nda Bisnterseiryy fonts a6d Ren Coste New Ded Ecavmeitim LRG ep k Hahway Auto. Idan AAC mations Gi Ene ca Minty of Shp & Ps. tave et ee of Pols, Got, Daan Di, Sabembaterjaagesy goer ota (Che tne) PWD iar Drama er Sra Ce Pann KS. Lomviratam Chief nner et, Tai Nada Sexe Soh peg Eaten, Mat Darna Ph ‘Ssreny othe Gono Gans B&C Dee tn Fezeinchntomsionny 16 te Gon of esac BL Rae: Ma wes. ane Sey 0 he Govt, of Masia) DLO Saat Pais Pes Engrg Cage, Chan me DLS! hit Eger Ret, Pad PV. BER. he Ean 8 RAB De an (hier exe, Lgho USioe Nem los! Sarena Tie ‘epee ne a ecw eG. Make Bre dar ren Healy Rie ite Coe eee Miawary of Shipping & sir RSsdets eels a oa, Re SA Introduction 1 Introduction 1 1.1, The rapid soineconomis development taking place Jn the county since Tadependence has brought in its wake a laege expansion of the transportation system. OF the avaiable modes of transport fond transport, because of is easy aval Ine, exit, in operation, adapabiity to individual neve, door to door service and reliability, bas become iereusinaly Dopslar and ts share io the total transportation Load bes been ei increasing. Over the past 30 years, the umber of epi fered motor vehicles as inereased. by 14 times, the eeght tenflo by. 46 timer and. pastenpr tac by 5 times as cou be seen fom Tables 1. and 12. Actording to be projections ofthe Nations! Transport Polis’ Commitee, the mechanised road teeneport ie posed to handle freight and. passenger walle of the frder of 183 bilion tonne kan and- 800" illon passenger km {especialy ty the tura of the century. Ia svstion like thi, ‘Ris ecoming increasingly Importaat 10 easure that all posse ‘ble measures are taken for making road teansport safe and ‘reestowing, (909 Now) ee a srnoovente Iwsnonucrion 5 7 L \ Te | Meare) ict rie wate os = E Conca ms8st akg ie & as ain ose ‘neg es to as sap we Cr on ie By nee (ice sg 7 SS " yb sccoont for about 30 pr set of he otal cides fo the coun GS bn soul be eon om" Table cea the tps poor a, % & ecco of mt ices curt cy pedesans 0 pet cnt and eins 7 pet cnt If ae rag 1.2, Accident Seema ‘The phenomenal gronth of road transport has brovght atone wit tthe serous problem of traffe accidents. There fav been an increasing tend ip the oumber of rood asides fr vets caval ftom year to year, ‘Over the Tse 20 years, fhe nummer oF neckents bus gone up by 18 tne, che mmber Filed by 4d tines andthe umber fjued 82.5 thoes as inde fated in Table 13, On aa average, over 40D reported road aostsots fake. place every day feading 40 aboot 70 persone being killed tnd 400 injured, Beside this, a slcable umber of actions, row of bor atsre po unreported each da. LA. A fusther anges of the data revels certain spect fis featres of toad aides the country. The Ave metropol- faa cides of Bombay, Banglore, Caleuta, Detki and Madras Inetopoian cites alone are considered, the. propotion of Eevoplian ten the propestion of pedee sn od et erat ae och ihe, Fa a erat moor eb as heen fovad fo be responsible for abst 50 Er cont fhe accidents while he corresponding ures rest ‘f pedestrians and eytnte are about per con sa per ovat ress spectively Another revealing feetare is that anjery of the fe fcidens re due to fut of drivers oF beayy veces. Nine oe Fant seien “Set “0 @s Gis ‘ rwrnonvcrton ao uae 1 escent a ee Saree Me jas 3s oes ie 3 oe Sie Sia ington sa ae "age at mnt develops counts, the 1. Compared fo some of the develop te uml sr Scent in nino abst erm ay be 1, TEMES fate of it subs of may eile, bs th see cage, For camps, ithe each Ae oe aes pe 10,00 vein canged between 2 eae a ke Tapa, U.K, and USA. whe te 2 eens sight asipicued nati 5. Looking cast of Ind eas whe thee wer only 205 Stale pet from ances Wife coms, the Agure wir 8s igh a 16 1 ats mater af serous concur dee Te gti, | Neat, Se ai | et Ivxnonvenon 1 1S. The high ond prowing accent cate ia the county snd the consequent fom to ie and. property have a serious in fact-on the national economy. A etal analysis of road act ope cost ecenly completed a4 a pat of the Road User Cost Stody in India® showed thatthe overall cost of roud acidents ‘the county during the year 1978 amounted to Rs. 2367 tll, based onan exited cost of Re 48,08 per fatal aeident find Rs 29,810 por accident leading to serous injures see Tale. 6 ‘This works ont 10 rovghly 033 per cent ofthe GDP. If under tepoting of nesident asst and Hated demand on ‘lain Te ‘penals are ‘akon into account, the actual ecldeat cost would bench higher. This is 4 serious matter which the country ‘anil afford to meses. “Tae 6 Gham Con o# Rowe AciRETE 9K (97) a fron [ir [Risto | suai | = 1 et Dl PA Bat at ond Use Cn Sady eda! Reo, Vo. VY Cent! Read Rech 1.6, Accident Casative Faetors “Road cident do nol jos happen but are cate” is & omen sche io the ates of trate safety. Thu, i acigents re ‘used by sms agents, sucly they coud be idenied an appro: rate remedial) measures developed and implemented for theit revetion tothe extent Feasible and for the reduction of the il ‘ects and tran of the accents sil happening. Au brought out nal of the data on acidets i the county exinp- Tif tne Grterof the motor vehicle ithe single major factor responsible for whe acideut, This must be the result of bis Injudgement, of his Tnntotvenee to poteive the station ‘head becuse of i poor reeves, ftp, experience or Beng Sinder the ioduence of vntoxicants, There are, however, other Taste. which contribute Uiretly or fndiveciy a the acldets, Thee ae (eet ans 17. Hf coud factor fe analyed, it may be seen that it has several ramifeatons, Fist B the panning ofthe rond it felon to the land ase ples, and here the town 40d County planters bave an ftpotant ole to play. Second is the" guvatrle design ofthe rond and provion of ste pave Ineo srsing fr sfe movement of vbr ish il nde. he purvow of highway engineers. Third the provision of sable ite guianot and control sytem ke sigs signals pavement fuavkags 408 dlieators which concern uafle englses. and Tae managemeat speci, Fourth % the landscaping ofthe {oud envronmeat and proviaon of restog cts for vebile Gress so that they are Kop ale while driving and hin apect ‘iooked ater by landscaping engineer and erect. LS. As egads the vehicle, ts fitness or roudvorthinss is mest important fom teal safety angle. Control over. its fitness ands conformity. wih the Teg provisions is exercised by trtaeprt ofits and the pote. 1.9, The road vier group caa be broadly classed into thes categories namely. the pedestaas, the drivers of nos. motored vebiies and the divers of motored vehicles. The fat to catogories are not governed by any specie tafe seg Tavons and generally river of slow hice do not fel oblc feito. degute any formal knowledge OF the tafe ruler and ‘egulaton For the. groups of people, concerted fort war ned inedocating them ofthe corre behaviour on the road, nf on thir edecetonits and mass media havea vial rele Irrooucni ° bly. As rpards the drivers of motor vehicles ti & question of Adherence fo he stringent Teasing procedures prestibed by Jaw and enforcement authorities responsible for the diag ules and repulations. “Here, lcesing authorities and he police 1.10, Thus, the problem of talc safety cannot be looked 1 in iotaon But aa system requirig tation at several ous and involving non by several sisipline, JUL, lphway Safety Workshops Organise by the Indian eas Congres Trafic sccidents having grown into setous dimensions as brought out earier, the Indian Roads Congiess the aatonal body! of highway engioers, has been foking ito this protien wi daepconcsee aad has Bren aking «series of actions om the refesional ont diected towards brngag an awareness amongst pollicis, acminsuators, engineers and other concerned Athories, developing teommendations and measures on acer “ene prevetion, and" diemfostion of knowledge in the ASL, ‘Av patel dicusion on “Highvay Safety Through Engineering “Techniques” as orgnied suring the Anoual Sesion of the Congres eld at Madeas in Desember, 1970, Another panel slvctsion on highway safety was held et Ansar in Jasuary, 1982, However the major thtston the subject was made wid fe oxginistion of a series of inter-ieplinary Highway Safety Workshops ia dierent parts ofthe county. Sie such Worshors were held, the fst at Chandigarh in January 1977 the secoud St Teivandeu ia October, 197 the thi at Lacknow in Nove: Imber 1978 the Tousth-at Bombay in December, 199 the AN CCateuta in November, 1990 and the sixth at Gandhinagar (Gujarat) in September-Octeber, 1982. “The most important Feature of these workshops was the active ptcpaction of he opeciing ofits 204 specie of the various inipines com faseted wih tafe operation and tafe vafety such the polos {eansport and liceasng ofc, town pass, research workers And highway engineers, The idea was that the alety poblews ‘which requis attention and action of the various departments find organisations should be iscussed in all ta fase that SMfesive and workable solitons could be evolved for deat pplication. As envisaged, these Workihops generated very usee Tu dscusion, anda number of important. recommendations fibing therefvom have been stclated amongst the Sate Gover heute and other concerned authoies fom tie to time. 1.12, Seope ofthis Poblnton ‘This Publication & inlet ded to serve as ceadyeeference bok for gullanoe of adminsrators, engineer. and other official, tnbo are concerned with tafe safety and ip tb implementation of The. tafe safety programmes. Seen 2 ves the consoliated Simmer) of the recommendations of shes Highway Safty ‘Workshops organised by the Indian Roads Congres. Some of the recommendations are sltexplanatory in nature and can be Iiplementea diet, For many ober, explanatory notes have boon, inladed in Sesion 3 of this publication for roving etniled. dsusson of the related aspects and guidelines on the facto implementation of he corrective meases.. This Section Ine bsen prepared (rom the current Kaowledge on the subject td fom what i considered as good engnering practi. As the tperiencegroms this section would need (0 Be reviewed and ‘updated in the years to come. Summary of " Recommendations 2 Summary of Recommen- dations 2 2.1. Eninerig Measures t Improve Road Safety 1, Road geometries (9 Uniform design standards recommended by the Taian Ronis Congress for plasning and deiging the sigo- rent of ude shoald he adopted (G Wile designing the alignment, tbs inthe horizontal ant vortsal dzeetont should be avoided, hernia furvet provided with as lange rad ay feasible and the ligament both inthe vertial and horizontal directions fully eowrdinated ao as fo provide cuibetalyplees Ing probe with builen say (iy Nocessay sight distance as appropriate othe sation should be provided at horizonalvertical curves aad st Iternsetions. Avalality ofthe required sight itance should. be" periodically checked for removal of alt bition, (69) On existing rons, losaionssuctions having substandard cometres suchas barrow pavement, inadequate sight Sisience, sharp curvature, ets. should be idenied and effecting steps taken for thls retiestion, Besides spot lprovemeats of the defective Toes, a thoroegh study’ these should ‘be made while faking vp major improvements tothe rordjpavement, andthe coreedon ofthe geometie defences shovld be made a8 prt of the projet al 212, Road intersect 0) Inthe design of road intersections, adequate care shoul ‘etaken to mininise the numberof sont points for Increasing ty, (As Snum intersections ere generally sfer than darn Suma oF RICONBEND TIONS Intersections, hil laying new roads wil be desirable {to denign the raed aetrrk ia such a vay that the ier fetons by and lage, Wil hve the arms (Gi) Whorever «ew so xb the intersections withthe ‘hing onde should be propely designed and excovted Sha poe of the ne rod pejet tang, inl considera: tion te rfc lw sequiemets, iv tsndspovded hin ts neretn ae and i> (0) fre shoutd be suitably painted and jo rural areas they Thue eof he oun pe «ogg mei nl re we 213, ra ie cagrordmeoe Sermsey oF ReconmeoaTions 5 (i) Pedestrian cronsings shouldbe made adequately conspe ‘ous through the provision of zebra otosngs prefer: ‘bly wit ashing Beacons Such erostings nets schools should bo given sos stenton. (0) On busy coads having Reavy wave of pees tle oss the road) pedstanonderpuesoverbsdges “should be provided. sen DAA. ‘Separate tracks for slow moving vehicles (@ Cyete trate on portant urban rots should be septe~ ted fiom other fas tate by providing spaces spel ‘racksfanes.” These trackjlanes sboulé be continous bd should be mainte in good onder OH Glee shold be property created ants (Gi Separate tracks For other slow vehicle shouldbe provi ed wherever possible, and so warranted 2.5. a set rls © Laptyen of sponte. eign czonmented tye indo Cage RSE ta ways and IRC: 70-1977 for urban roads) should be provided at plc-up bu tops onal busy ronds (® Properly plansed bos txainals should be provided in the ks at suitable locations i) The bus termioals should be planned in an integrated Paver lee io"new ty Yo demande stb passengers. ® 216. Medians (9 Physical separation of opposing trafic stream grea factiees"educton ‘of nein Forth purpose meds sould be povided ere appopie possible, ne (0 fee es ig rig em Fn Seana oF RECOMMENDATIONS ip Median openings shoold be provided judiciously keeping in view the problem of read suey (ee IRC: 621976 Fe yuidenoe om accerscontzl and median openings). 2.7. Shosders () Shoulders oF udeguate width and_ suitable specications fhould be provided and properly minsined to ensre oath ow of ae. (i tn black cotton soil areas hard shoulders at east on ‘ain highways to start With shouldbe provided. 2.18, benef nds Side slopes ot embanknets shld sl be very step as (© Shee wrios aces re ely to cur Gee TRC Se ito fr glance on ese slope, Ci) At hazardous fstlons etch approaches 10 nro Suge igh cates gorda sate Asan shouldbe proved for beter set 219, Spet-benkers Speed breakers of the seep hump type now being pro= lied on some of the roads are dangerous and should Te done aay with 2.160, Bldgs and oles @ Approaches to bridges and culvert shouldbe laid out Chveluly so that these could smd Join the roadway ‘a the trot. do The with of bridges upto 30m length should preferably be kept eat width of oadway as the sudden reduce tion inthe with of Bridge Tends fo ale azar il) Wherever widening of single lane to twoviane oariage way. undertaken, the wideningrecoastrcton of Ihvtow culvert eal ofall formation width should be Tnataacusly ten op. or this purpose, i would. be preferable to nciode the provision for culverts inthe timate for wideniog of roedIuef. Homever, wherever Serouany oF ReconsenaTions ” Ins Is oot posible, bold warning sgn bones on both Sides of rarrow culverts should be stalled 2.1611, Rendall grade crossing Unmanned sonal grade croigs shoud be provided with automate si ual signs sch tte ane Seeloged bythe DSO ofthe Ratnaye. Seok devs would aces heey aes place, od level indiatrs lod lve ndiators shouldbe inaled and rnintines at all submersibie bridges and causeways for providing adequate Information tothe road uses a stch cations 23, Repu of rads (© Prompt maintenance under condition of food and land- slide shouldbe planaed i advance wad adequate cain rnent and personnel made aval 2a, (H Repairs to roads in urban aren shouldbe cetied out ‘uring the non peak hour, (iy Repsc to potholes, shoulder dcop, es. caused during siny sean should be done vom ater the rainy sean otha minimum inconvenience f caused to trate ‘The financing procedures to meet the cost of such repirs should be streamlined by the State Governmenty, $0 that these repairs can be atended to without delay. ats Povion of sre rade wih contled asses to te are ond shold be povided to eat the rebecton oF umeros rood nesiom ond teeby incense ‘ay ie IRC 62% or kone on seve on me 21.15. Skiddngisnace characteris (@ Rond pavements on borleantl curves and intrsstons ae subject fo ange centrifugal fore, and vehicles on seh sections are prone to skidding. Alo skidding can becur doe 10 poling of asgeteaer and at loatons Where bleeding’ of bitmen shows up due to the ue of Suman oF Revostenoastons rcesve bitumen, Sach locations shouldbe identified nd necessary meamorer sah a provision of skidpeo0f ‘facing shouldbe taken. Guldance inthis regard can be bad from the IRC Highway Reseasch Board State- OfAM Report on “Pavement. Slippeiness and SKid Resistance" i Skid—prone locations yet to be corrected. should be hotled tothe motorste by posing Spproprints varcing Sens. 2.16, ‘Taf contol devices (i Trafic contol devices sich as sins, signals and road ratkings ofthe required standards should be employed to regulate and contra the tafe to promos greater Steg Gee IRC: GPI997 for ee signs ad IRC: 35- 1970 for road marines) ( Datinetor of scent design and preferably of fleets five type shouldbe used wherever necessary Ia soch 3 Ivsnner tht thee exo side che raMe efiiently ee TRC 9-198). {iy Suited soneoldevies must be wade avaliable to the tforement authorities for the prpose of beer cone Strate on rod fr temporary diversions. (Ge) Warning signs ond deviess should be isaled well in ‘vance at both ends ofthe road secon under repair fnnpoverent in order to reduce aint tks. (0) Warning sgn sould be leat wile at ight alto. (i) Atall haar oetions eects should be provided for warming the rood Wier of possible hazard. (9 The estimates oF the peojste should Include he got of snaalton of tafe onto! devices, Lo) The coat af ros markings should form a part of rat onions: gre (ix) Al ites and Ste Highway Departments should have a ‘oad Sisw workshop, Senna oF Reconstexpartons » ot tees Where as it desirable to save trees if they are safety Inazard, sich tees should be removed. Moreover tes should be Dulated in. white colour upto a height of 125m above the ground swith 300 on mide band In back Ctous to war the Toners oftheir presence. 2118, mination of surprise ee [As ures posible surprise lements shouldbe removed from the rons, and contruction of permanentsemipermanent sre tresses, css within the zoud land boundaries Tor other tha rend porposcs shuld he completely discourape. 22. Teale Enfreement 2.21. Sped iit Speed limit ia mixed tac consiton shou be jon imposed and adequately enforced at Joeations where high speed teal is zardows. ‘The sped lint shoul be appropriate 0 the situation and be nerived ut sera sly ofthe Utibution ofthe speed of vehicle, 22.2. Parking regulation (© The proviion of puking space rquied for public build- ings ike chema theates shoul be electvely enforced ‘Grenvoring beter tafe managenicnt and cote ( Otrsteeet parking facies should. be provided atthe fringes of ental basness distects ofeach ey to prevent ‘ndsceinnate parking. of vehicles on the congested (Gi) Location of moter vehicle repair workshops showld be propery ‘planed and regulated and the locations Shout form integral par ofthe 20m plane (9) Atoctofand other check posts, laybyer for trucks Shoold be provided (0) On surat highways, track plrks and rest areas host bs provided a autabe locations. (6 Track eemioals with adegoate capacity andinfastruture shoutd be provided at stable lottions in the stew, Suna 0 RECOsDLENDATIONS “These cam be developed with the Francia psstisiaton ‘tine tack owners sod booking agence 225, Wels ad dimensions of ves Gp The Motor Vehicles Act bas rsemly been amended 10 Tease Tor nifonappeation of the regulations Pevidng, matinum. week. and. dmesios of oad he! thee provision are. abo icles TRO! 34988. Thee sould be enon ste (i) Canying ot tong rod ad oversize loud is hazardous SSu"tnouts te sey convled. Such fonds shoutd wre to peered only in specially desined Merits proved wah neceary ey ears 224, Vebiee code i) Uniform vehi code should be wosked out and enfor~ (Ra ational lve to ensure Better safety of vices. ‘Fas document should give de importance to quality Gt various parte and also che safety fates. (ap Sea bets should be_ made a compulsory fkment in fratengercartand the diver andthe fontseat passe [ovsamould be made to wear thes whe i motion. ay Stow-moving vein iading 9s fenced hn fot a ivy atacand ther plc nr veces mt ary ‘ ? enece ‘signs to be installed in front and rear on the een te. Srtratdown sss taro te oe tae about he obtaton 22.5, Hwee of vee (There shouldbe periodic inspection by the ceteris uthoriyy of mechanic) condition of all type of aut Mob on the roads and unfit ehies shouldbe Rept off he vue. { Automoites,patouary publi service vehicles shout SouaBieted ws suepirs spot eels Tor ronéewortiness fb ensre ther proper mechanical Hes Suamany oF Reconesparions a (89 Tei eing hols ented tte repre Iden ‘ein iat oe of orrodng Secu ge = (i) Hectic Gestion indinors shoxld be made Sompsiory or all motor see clang etre oon ising sto (0) Ont thot bs whish are completly sou allowed fo be used as schoo! buses feult fe (09 Satay apes of eye iabav sped that of beakiog stem, sbould Be proveds 2.26. Visi at night () For beter visibity 2 nig, veat sad front of rues and ‘Stes pg at phon should bs pated. bt (© For ter vii he utara tol be pained (0 Avante mes be hen ene pope foci for enhancing biy 22.7. Dal tyes “The we of bald yes leads talc hazards and there ‘sod be eee, patsy fr Sommers 228, Use ofkenets by scot steal cyleoped divers and sides tas been made compaloy oaly few Ste "Sock éafreement shouldbe done nthe nang Ste asa Use of hemes 229. Licensing of ves () The divers shouldbe subjected to rigorous writen and Insfldjonroed. test for ascertaining. thei driving ably besides phys Snes snd yrycholgal eon tiny. “init edacatina!stindars for dekens Should ato Be preseribed ers Suseunny OF RECOMMENDATIONS heany vehicle drives. Maxim hours of work for pyolcslonal drivers should also be enforced (Gi) eis sesonmmended tht lcences with espeet to all vivre should carry a photograph of the diver for Suickideniication. Ste lcenoe should always be ‘hited om person by all drivers, wile driving (iv) A atonal regiter of éeivers to whom scenes for Giving. heavy vehicles have been stad, should be ‘nalnained vo that no driver ean gta Hence fom eny tiber Sats one the sane a Be eaceled or Inpou “Bo bythe authority In anther State. (0) Bach driver shoud cary wih him an identi oard ving the paola stoh ab name and address ofthe fentot kin and biological data of the peo. sich as Sond group, hess factor, chronic dees, heart cond tion, drug allergies, le to enble quick and wea uous medical treatment i tines of emergency 2.210, Driving bom Driving howe shouldbe restrited co oid fatigue, 2.2.1, Pout for eae oleces {i Exemplary punishment shold be given to repeated tea oences ip Spot punishment system iauoduced ia Bombay should be staded for vinblity and) may Be adopted in other ls ge wel found sual iy Separate trae mobie courts composed of magieats with working Knowledge of the automobile and sucient Uviing experience shouldbe st wp inal te ee for promptly dealing withthe trie wlato, since prompt [Sion wl have beter impact or vats 22:12, Bnfocement personne! (i) With ever increasing tai on roads there 62 need 0 Slrengthen the snfoccoment staf ang alo fo tan theo Alequately. "The mber of mobile coer or tec Ssamuany of Recoustenoarions » fences shoud abe eegmented fer he ped di posal of traffic violation cases, ae (Theres sho need w getaseitane 10 poze by sei “up other agencies like trafic wardens, 2 * (Gi Pie offers in mettopottan ces could also be emp weed to elect nes on the spt for minor violations ‘ths arrangement bas been found to be very efetve fe making the rons vars bie byte lw and vege 2.213. qsgment (© Availabilty of leest teafle control and measoring cuupment en ee prergue toned cece enforcement. For thi purpose wile equipnens, ‘dar spesdometers, brake efficiency meters ct shoud ‘be made available to the ‘snforcement. authori (i As drunken diving bas proved tobe & major source of fen sscdenty blood alcohol meters Tike breath ‘analyers should be made available for enforcement (Gi) Adequate number of weighing machines and portable ‘weigh beidge should be made avaiable to sherk one me ible to check over (0) Latest rac contol equipment with closed circuit 7, ; losed iret Automatic trafic controllers, ets. should be lnoduced ip naj metropolitan sites ins gradual manace, (0 Tandy host be else at eur itr als ov ll Important rural highways. Hightay pees ould ‘be Tasted on atin Bghwaye gy at ‘towld be avalale 10 remove elites lave teeient or Sale, * 22.14 Uniformly enforcement As ft 38 posible, the enforcement of tafe repeat the agenylagencie handling enforcement should bef eens, ‘pater throughovt the cout peek tre! 4 Suamany oF RECOMMENDATIONS 212.15, Motor vee act and rte () The Motor Vehicle Act shold be revised to saver bot fast and slow moving tal ad aso pedestrians. i Motor Vehicle Rules sould be made uniform i all the States ofthe county (Gi) Besides maximum puaishmest at prescribed in the current Act, miaimum punhment so required to be Supulated therein 22:16, Hoardags an ebbon development There shovld be strict contol on the display of adv Usements along the cond, spel at nesections (ee TRC: 46-1972 for guidance in his ropa). 4 There shovld be eflectve and speedy removal of noroachment of road land and footpath Gi) Ceateal legislation for prevention of ribbon devclopinent find rsioval of encroachments shouldbe espedite, Powers shouldbe given tote Eagineeing. sa for the removal ofensreechmens 2.3, ‘Trae Rdeaton 28s, aad safety propaganda (0 All ategoris of road were including pedstins shou fe made t understand the Importance of rod safety though avaiable medi such a nwepapers, radio and television LW) Mingtey of lformation an Broadcasting, Government of Yedia should bring out a series of fins on roud See. 252. ‘Trallng of ders Heavy vehicle drives shouldbe subjected tothorough train ing before sue of licences and also dugg tee servie period 233. Deng shoo! Fontioning of driving schools should be regulted provide for prope tain by competent personnel, Sunny oF Recontenoxsions 8 (i Property equipped diving schools should be instituted for eectng beter traling of drivers. It would be very beipfuif'sfewr model schools are set up. by the Government, 254. Safety education o ciliren (@ Children shouldbe educated onthe need for road safety ty ineoduelng this af a subject of stody inthe ere cst. (Essay and panting. competitions should be conducted for children to make fous safely programme more poms, (ti) Expenditure 9 be incurred on edvcation campaigns should come under Plan provisions. (0) Too tuning parks suitably planned and adequately cauipped should be provides in ales to wala cilren ‘nthe proper toad user behaviour. 285, Courtesy to pedestals ‘Apart from engineering nd enforcement measures, intensive caueaton of drivers to extend courtesy to pedestrins should be 2.36, "Tae ening lasses ‘ral tainig eases may be ram by speal workers fr the purpose of edveatng the road were, Sich classes may be made Somputtory for those coming minor vations. 28:7 Rnd safety eneation cll ond safety edvttion cell shouldbe formed in each cy ad should be manstd by competent pesoas 25:8 Qualty improvement programe Personael manning vatovs traf sufty and ec education cells should by sen for fefesher courses rom tne to tne. 2.39, Mighway safety code aod deving anal Uniforo highway safety code and driving manual shouldbe 2% Sumaxy or Ravonmcunitons prepered forthe country and road users must be familia: With the provisions made is these cose 28:10. Seminars and safety campngns (@ Pesiodieal seminars and group dicosons shouldbe he Wherein experts in dierent fells of tafe and tans poration could highlight te ingorance of rord safety {nd measures for achieving the sane (i Alltypes of rond uses shouldbe covered in the safety ‘campaigns inorder to ensure Beer efety oa soa, (iy ANT Toca authors, patclarly eve and education Suthoie shouldbe involved in cond suey srpaisn, 24, Accident Investigation 24.1. Accent epeting (0 The Accident Reporting foss A 1 4 eylved by the Indian Rosds Congres (tee IRC 253-1983) shotid te sed by all the States for ieoording and teporting Accent data. "Tis wil fines Meatication of the [problems and the required solaton thereof (i The Poti staf shouldbe tne in lng these forms In an abjecive manner, and inthe storage, analysis ted fetival ofthe ifort (Gp There shoul bea system of checking he ledsp forms for compatiliy and completeness ona ample bas (i) Data fall ucidens including minor ones should be sallete. (0) Forfa scents, reporting shouldbe comprehensive ‘evolving all dieipines and oases asat be ivesgaed depth 2.4.2. Inestigatlon (0 Investiating police oficial should be given tcining a the latest methods of siete acsilet iavestigtion 4nd such ofl should be ndegoaely equipped. (@) Uprtoviate techniques should be empoyed for analysing fhe socent data ih the Hen of ening neat, Sunny oF Reconntsnosttons n prone spois and working out priority oviented improves 24.3. Specials invention atl accidents should be investigated jointly by apie fiom all concerned delle to make suitable. recommendation, ‘The Teale Engineering Cells should oo-ordioate this work 2.44. Aceen sneha Urban areas tog more vulnerable 0 oad accidents the smechani of ecient sch ares should be studied in oar 2.5. Acide bureaus Separate acident bureaus should be set gp in each Site to eet prope collection, compton and analyis fsciden data. These bureaus shuld. work in close Ton withthe Teale Engncsrng Cs (i) These bureaus should include specitins ike arate engines, enforcement ofl, medal experts, experts Infovensi scence, economists, satan and seta workers 25, General Recommendations 2.5.1. ‘Teale enacting el 6) Teale engincering cells manned by speciality in the ‘ald shoutd be ereted in al state PLW.D.' for effective spn of roads, and road fies with adequate cmphasis on safety. There should lso be tec giecrog cell athe Roads Wing ofthe Union Minty for Shipping aad Transport to stedy probes in 2 far they relate to National Highways. (i) Jnall metropolitan eles, there should be & propely Sled Trafhe Cell having all displines, Ler tae polis highway engineers, dctos, town planner, tafe Iianagers et Such a” cell should be. adequately ‘awipped to reac theaosieot sites, provide fa id fouhe injned and remove them to Boop remove * Susman oF Rizosesoamions the involved vehicles fom the road pavenot, eeoed accident “etl and then. soalyse for improvements ruled, et. Gi) For proper manning of the above oil the staf of the State PLW.D's and” Muoiipattee!CXy Corporations Should ‘be encouraged and even sponsored by. these ‘fgunsitins to attend coeres of lng duration i rte soginecting and. tafe planning fered. by various Unieesies and isitlioos in Tn, 2.5.2. Comprebesive tae abd transportation planing ( Comprehensive trafic and transportation. planning should be undevtaken fn all ets to. electively Tore the anticipated future trafic and to design the teased trae faites Tor the fstere design year to carers ‘maximum sly. AC the same tne, mmcdate improve, ‘ment plas fr optimising the cnt felts Pesos Safe and efficient movement should be planned ta itera pat ofthe 'ong tert clans sod inplemented om poor basis (i) Decentraliaton of aelvies and desongestion from the central busses ditits should be underta to reduce the tale congestion nthe chic (Gi) For medium seed tis, tac operation plans ice sing tafe engnsrng improvements fo lca the capaciy ad trale repsaton sod contol means {o"eavire vale and eficent ovement should epare () Schooiolees should sot be allowed to be opened alone heavy Walcked Toa. As regards coca Sshoolcofeges opening lato bighwagn, neeaenh flies ke footever_bridgjebeays” and aan, {fle cool memures should be roids (0) Foe improving eficency and safety of movemeat of heany frac, aces-ontroled high speed expesewayy should be provided on heavily teffcked sections “of teat routes the county, Sonmney oF Rsconnen tions » 2.83. Singuering of working Stagtcrng of working bows should be considered In order to reduce the congestion at peak hour 2.54 United trasaportaton authority In mstropotian cies, ued transportation authority showtd be created to plan, exeente and mtn roads and tae impo ements. Such an” authoriy should. employ” interaisciptnary Saf so that-aspests such at regulation and conta gould also be tackled in comprehensive manner 2.55. Munltpal services Cuts ars made in ronds io urban ares to lay pipes, cables which are not properly repalted. A cenralied cntl should be exercied In granting permission for any road euling and fo ensure that these cute Are rpaied properly witht an ds 2.56. Medial care (© A good umber of cond fate sould be averted by timely medical atetion. Efforts thould be made {© propery equip and operate such mesial care unite ‘nal es and on important highways, (AIL hospitals should be made to attend to sesdent tases. ‘The medicolegal problem should ‘be Tooked Into and tackle (i) Para medial forces should be formed from within the publi, polite and other orpenitins inorder to event adequate pest-esident care to acldent vine, 2.5.7. Safety benevolant fond A safety benevolat fond for aecideat vets should be raised fom the pie and should. Be properly supplemented by the Goverament 2.58. Tunis for toad safety measures (©) There sa ned fr allocating more funds for carrying ut roed sey measures 2 Suey oF Rrconseroa oe 4) A nowlapting, Central Rood Safety Fond on Ties Sinilar te the Central Road Fund shouldbe fatuted atthe Centre for earring out toud safety progsames 2.59. National rnd safety comet (0 To tackle the road safety problem atthe Natonat level in a stsained and balsnced muaner, a National Rad Safety Counel shoul be coasted se the centre svi adequate financial ond tautrypovons, (Atop level Coordination Commites consting of fepesenative of plies tramport, road) mance, snssical and ether departments shod be st op in ach Stte under the chairmanship of State Chit Sear tary for Tooking into the highway’ stety problem nthe Sits Explanatory Notes St 3 Explanatory Notes - sad Tate Safety 1.141 Tis generally aoceptd tht road accidents do not jot Inppeo, bt are caused, The eausaive factors maybe the road, the diver, "the vehicle, other road urere and the environment, eer singly" collectively, Tho evaluation of the contribution oft Individual factors to a acide safc, nd quite often i fhe casest_md the quickest way to conclade that the eosent ris caused by the driver, who, as is expected should have instantaneously reacted tothe change inthe ether elmets ofthe fntie compler and adjusted It muanoryvie correspondingly {o sompensate forthe changes. Thi is one remon. thet he avilable. stnoes on ronda cidents in the country aibute a. majority of the acidents to faut of divers. This oto say that all divers are etrely.failess, ‘There are cares of deivig under the In fuence of intonicins, of drivers with oor sensory reexes and diving sklle who normally should fot bave been permed to dive, or acrogant drivers not abiing by the tafe cotes or driving recklessly for sheer thrill cae where the drivers should be held solely responsible forthe wcident, However, thers can be maay other chic where situations a allowed fo exit onthe today which are conducive for drivers, fo commit mistakes, eg., presence of 4 sharp curve following ‘long tangent section, poor Hebting, hidden ip in the prot sudden narrowing of the roadway because ofs cosedainage steectre in an otherwise wide fond, or aspects dracting ot ‘weakening the attention of the drivers and oteating 8 delsioe ‘oon ofteate condition, et Si. Road Con 3.12. Ti above stuations may not by themselves const: tate the base cause of accidents, bat by the cinination of rach "nfivouabiérondnay featores an by creating sae Giving cond ion, trafic safety can be improved considerably. In other words, “the "road design shoald rater bo to. asst dice plined drivers nd to make their work easier so that thor the least posit of their making mistake than to fore thea to M Bertaxsvony Noves change thsit condiion of diving to get over unfavourable road (eaters, 3.13. Valuable data on the effest of the various road pisamctis on accident rte relating 10 roads in India have now ‘become avalabe fromthe Read User Cast Say coupled by the Central Read Research Inthut ia ealaboraton wih. the Ministry oF Shipping & Transport aod the ‘World Bank. The Anta pertain to" two studies, one on 1118 ki lent of Bomb Pune "toad (tvolane backtopped highway traversing platy rolling end Willy terralos, and carrying ADT of 4747 vee), 1 he other on 8 roves in diferent part of the covatry (cove ting a good range of the variables. Repression equations have ‘een developed lating the accent aie othe dferent geome atlables, The more generalied equations eried fom the Second aady have been AR(D) = 09134 + 0osisRF + 055609 — 0.222 + 0001177 QADT (Rt = 0766)... .«1) ARC) = 02178 oconssACV 40.4126) — 93447W ++ 0.001274 QADT (RE = 0.7)... 2) ‘Where AR (1) = Accdeat ate per km per aamutn RE = Rie and fall a metre per km CV = Average horizotl cuzvatren degrees J = Nomber of junctions per kan W = Pavement width in metres QADT = Average tafe volun in vebistesiday There equations can be used for predicting the ascdeat rate of| ‘toad seston or for comparing the assent potemales ef = fumber of alleratves having diferest geometric and trafbe features bound by the same lime as thor ued in developing tere equations, "These, however, cannot be sed for miso level fnalyis for example, whet will happen to the accdeat sale ‘hen a sharp curve of radio 100 m fe fatened fo 350m For getag @ broad appreciation ofthe significance ofthe Exniawatony Noss os verlous road parameters on the accident rate, the above two equations have been wed to plot she diagram in Fig... For plo i a : i . i Pee | BS aes es | es A : i ceca ee | corer an Sem @ meer Eva oe mente Ti 31, tet ore prmateron evident ‘ren end Ut Co Sy a) eurteo oF 407 (oy 36 Exruautony Notes ling these diagrams, basic road having the following feetares have teen sete eaten 7 fi Const eek a ‘To stody the eet of one feature, value fr tht feature is varied bile those of others aze kept constant. The diagrams nee by themselves celcxpunatry. 32, Geometic Design for improved Safty 32.1 To this para, the following aspects of road design induencing trafic safety are discs (Rood crseeriens ond (i Sint dete ‘These aspects which geacaty fall under geometric design should tb reparded as integral pact of road design vet om the ial constriction of the. road. For ensng roads, the. appeonch shouldbe to identify the detets ad delienscs tnd tate apo. ‘rate rennedial action in a systematic meaner, Where the Core Teatve action expected to be delyed, te presse of the Gefcieney shouts ‘be soled to the motoring public ehrougy propa signs, 52.2, Rend alignment General (2) The alignment of a road predstermines the path taken by a vehicle Ja moving fom one pot to the other aad comprtes the elements of horizontal curve for electing changes Jn lection and grade for nesting the diferences in elevation, These cements are determined on the basis of the Gesien spect snd the type of terrain traversed, From sfey angle the Cor should bet design and develop the alignment in such a way that it lke a res owing ribbon ued to the natural tpoetephy ad unfolding the deren eatares ofthe rad und the landacere {0 the drivers suficiendy ia advance so tat hei leas ntgaed Bustanatony Noses a and his interests are hep alive onthe coudways ahead, In other words, the alignment affording plensaot driving and devoid of surprise elements vil aot tx the driver to make him commit mists, and this i conducke to safe diving. Considerations eeling enon in thi egnnd are icased hee a wader Uniformity indesign (2) Tho alignment should follow eniform design standards Driver got conditioned by the road on which they ave traveling and from pas experince they expect certain things ahead, For sample, a chiver on a good allanment wil expect fit and fee- ‘owing curves and in ete am iolated sharp carve is presenti ‘ill be a surprise clement whic wil prove to be move dangerous than s curve of same radius a generally poor aligntent Cont sioaey in rosd alignment i therfore, an lmportantpre-rogdsite for taiosafety. In places where ebonge in andnrd Ty unavold. ble, stoh as where a ill zoad emerges ow tthe plains Sestble to etext the same. gradually by providing aceite Sections of gradutly ncreasiog standards il the road ese get sjested tothe new conditions. AC unavoidable locations Baving Sharp changss in standards safety canbe improved by providing adequate warning about the same through instalation of relevant ‘wariogwgns and posting of pee lint restrictions, orzonat crves @) Horizont curves are generally stociated with Accident rates. The acident rate nfvenced not oly bythe sbarpess (ccvatire) of the “curves But alao bythe frequency of their occurrence. Sharper the curve, greter i te proven {> accidents. A'roedsecton with an. hoated sharp curve bas beater accident rate than one with more aumber of curve: ‘The cident rate shoots Up with Increasing curvature of folate (§)_ Rpzard at horizontal carves aries because of several factors acting sngulely or im combination. Important amongst he andthe actions that could. be contidered for inproving safety ate brie eiented Below © 3 Exruanarory Notes sles ben dase cca ea (At ve, 4 eile jt ocean fen iy of hehoeads one casting spect tnd the Sarena ‘tei sepecivation perianal eae ‘ean fpr ent or Ps sal so and Bi ee td 10 reat to tomanobnn hy ah ne Brad con bet oa mannan noel Os” An a a yee fre et Sesion thy minder (6 Tepobem ofandgut vay mya om te ide of SEER Reena et Sa (5) Some ofthe safety problems ariting at hortzontl curves are itlosuated in Fg 9, Long tangent sete tangent sections exceeding 3 kin in length should { syoided a fara posible.” Such secon make cater ct, in the line of the oud appear nearer and comegucnay ct ycholsill feling in the diver to sped. up thus coctne ¢ Enzardotssieaion Vertical protie } (P) Toe most inporat featar of vertical profile afetng safety is the availability of adequate sight dhawnee ees Exeuasatony Nores » (0) un ein ge eigen resem te) wy waren ina erty pr ane (erp cess ee fo it (0 Spent meaty wt rae Sei ay eS an LL nin Te Free conen reson ie mes he yiaatenee! Te 32. Sone tiny probens weg a bron cree “0 BxrLawatony Nomes Saainceting practice requires that the summit curves should be \sslgned to provide the needed sight distance (ale sopping saat fisanes bein the absolute minimus, while the valley even shegld be dssgnd for headlight distance seguied foc ule ditng dots hours of darkness (se para 3.24 for mote detail). The a factors afetog suey are a) the rate of grae: (8) the agine rade, and (0) the fequency of grade changes. The Ait tne Thstors inlusncs the extent of speed diferata! butwten, vets and cars travelliog upgrade since speed of tucks more afeered by grades excesding 3 pr cent. Accident yale incrome. and te ‘aplcly reduces as the speed diferent cieace, Whose the pce dierent i expected to be more than. about 25 Wish a ‘wolane highways, it wil be deinble to provide scenic climbing fane in the upgrade direction, pareulanly where we Proportion of trucks js high. Some athe’ probes” areace ie Yertcl profile and the manner of thsie soreecton ave eee inFig 2 igoment Co-ordination (8) A dviver gets a theceinensional view of the coud head in the landscape and, thereone, from aogles. of fay cat roving confidence in diving, the horizontal allgeat aod he ‘seal profieshosld be coordinated to provide Tor tetheelig pleasing view of the road besides fll formation on the featrcs (ps and downs, direstionebunges, etc) of the toad ahead As ‘lgament not so coordinated and which presents « warped spoon ance or conccale inpovtant features of toe toad thend ery judsmest accident, Some ofthe plies © Teh oees den ere md pn, trons wamivaly eal cone on ase ee Aap, Fig. 3.4. Mustrates some typieal ener of good aad bad lig ment coordntin, 8 2 Exruanarany Nore [Bxruasanony Nore: ised by the Tadian Roads. Congrese which ll cases. However, th pots equicing alety "34, Stace aa ood nd dca Bxruanarony Noms cot ee a al eget oo Bee oa ae nc 15. Thine Bertaxatony Norts “6 rainenace ero, Gute ells atl: ard mesram ther iui meal ane he of (Mla mpeg andy on igh ame ry Sosa apg in sppoung Ulett reece nee Tt ee ty semaine mei phn aloe ne an he ah een can ect ‘neh tondenions ‘te sh, Guetona ieee of tale ren a ati Reo dom eh Medians shouldbe highly visible both during day and at vig from safety "comderations For hi. perpess, rredian kerb and. surface area in-between should: be provided with an effective contrat in colour a tex The muaber of medias oping a inporast factor ectng safety, the higher the number ef openings pet wo length the higher inthe acide rte, Medan pene inp, said generally be ind to Iretns ih pric toad, andthe diane betwen succoite {hes should ‘ot be le than 750 for rural highways an 0 on for ua sera Se ey osc el ce (ony diner embark dope tat sie Ste” of thal roa ny” xatdestons IRE SETS "ssomends se daps 8 rowenta mbt « Exruavatony Noms 324 Sight astance fm sods. The rond must provide fr sulfcien sont sae hich a diver cam contol is webil, or come toe tne king an obstcle on the roadway, of safe complet en SOU Of overtaking slower vb bout ling as cry Tec fe the opps le. IRC 46916 capac we sen sigh ances and leys down minimum aaaderds fee st sien speeds, 2), Otsteuction to sight or reduced visbiliy arises ia. two Gee) slong the alignment where there b bstak nthe ereks line, and Gi in the tater diecton along ide cries ver dof obtractos like wal, et pes, bulking nt fares hgh firm cops, These cases ate lamented sg ese i characte "by seco ups an dowon spree folowing the natural ground surface whieh oreo ae South of pote sovld be avoided.” Sins oa ey Srseh ssn nel den dip which merge wht coins of the road wien viewed fom dance seals te On valley curves visibility i nota problem during dey tine, Bot for night travel the design must esi tha the reno ‘illuminated by vehicle headliphts for suctent lent ee the vehicle to brake ta top, if neceungy 9), Onthe inside of horizontal curves, visibly can be improved by cuting back the obtrectinstalght logesng the ‘cht of hedges, replacing solid compound wale by see tense srl, cating back th hil lps or benching ws conered spat ony Noms 2 Bvamry sew (@)_AT summrr conve, ~ oer $b. ay vatuey conve (C) AT INSIDE OF HORIZONTAL CURVE sonmit cree overap, the tne stint be ovrthe ep ote ces bu ones and fut ny ft onde, Desgh nach ca soal rove Brseguved si in vertalection along the for requved sist dtaace. both in cn ale ‘pavement and Boraosalsvction onthe nie ofthe Fie. 3.10 tostates the itera fom ee orenent of sight covalser cure 33, Mond Intersections sau ons 40 gentry accepted tht coed nercsons are 4 jor use of cident Sty bth forte county aad alae Sin ht eu oned fallend sens ca a eet sections. The recent say of acidents on Bomay Pe Ree (4.4 and ona numberof other bias condusea ee a of the Road User Cost Sudy showed he the poses of {Scton i bihly since wna aecldent canine cn Tabs ‘Ml. highlights hs fact making wee a the eaten ast Bomnkay-Pone Rove He Saunier General peu of acedets at iter Exruanarony Norrs st eA) =F yan = ore mo ee Cv ~ Avrge rst cate nee on 5.22, Facts ffcting safety at intersections (i). Safty st an nterseation resus from the opeation of & complex sitom of variables. Quite oflen, a acident akes PBS cause of the interaction oft number of contelbuting_ variables, ‘To have an objective study of accidents and for finding the approp- tise remedial meauces tf nesteary to Wendy the varsbles Spd the posible contribution ofeach variable. The variables ea te grouped under two Brod headings, namely, human variables and physical variables, Han vcs (2) The bshaviour of road wer follows a three-phase pro cess of perception, devon and aston. ‘These phases sot only fuceeed eachother Bot are sino coneurret. A fault a one of tore ofthese paves ofen foretell the occurence of acient ek aries when wrong actions sre performed ether Beene of 2 Bertavatony Nowts incorrest or incomplete information leing fo wroag_decivons, or \weons decom in spe of proper information implying corte, adgment 2) For diving correctly at intersections, the drivers mst pecehe certain ese formation sch as: () the eed fo hangs jn speed, choice of lane/rovte across he terseclon aoa ‘and antipation’about posible spproash of eer teal wars (@ the tac control devices seting out guidanee oF reaslaton boul sped, tuning, et; (i) tafe on the other approuch rons overing the types ad thei positions with rerard to the nc. ‘ection avea and fo himsll, th peed, the lanes rote the eter oad ser wll ue and signals given by other road wsers concerns ing slowing down, stoping oF tuning (i) the poston and peed ofthe rond user himself; aod (8) speci ‘sicunstnces such ot slippery pavement diversion, et, (2) Generally, the wal qunaity of iformaton that can te picked up or absorbed bya rond wir in agian peiod of tine Tinted. The chances of osining complete iaforaton deeeases wien a station becomes completed, suck ss in sical road stanton with various Kinds of tafe crossing pecestans and humerous tcufic signs. Besides th, there could be external Situations imposed by objects abscucing vnbiy, or decreased viii Beease of inefsient lighting, or elas the avers attention being diverted by itlevant information lke sévertse- Imens hop window duplay, ea. instances ye not far Io aech ere fntercctions overload the driver mh information With te fest that deversdsepardsipoicnt formation such. ay warm (©, Another importan actor safety a ntersstion is the fami of the stration, Generally. chances of a road Uist ssng the crucial information or underestimating the ska are ffeater for those who are new or uname with Toca siteaions UUnuer-estimaton of rk may also ose when funiastuton bas changed and if this station i inconepicuous and not ler ote Exeuanatony Nore s Physea variables (6) Basicaty, hazard at an interection arcs asa cel of Sonft betneen tno or more efi streams, or between vohsle fand other road users, or between vehicles In the tke sree Several physical actors influence the type and ntenty of the ons, A clear understandiag ofthe diferent types of conics therefor, ese! not only for safety evaluation of a) ioe, ‘sston but also for developing approprite temedil measures The types of confit and inoenceon tae safety are Scared ln pera 333, (2) important physical varlales nduensing hazards a inter- seetions ean be grouped under the following ead. heas niacin Sa rere eae =e, + artes a Seco Gare (9 vay + ale diaae aval wii te lt (oy tatte + ay tnd mind sate of ae: (00 Trl cm he pete tn sna 88 poement pa smog (© The physical variable coumerted above act either singly {rn combiation. How thse act on softy at natictont ney ‘what measures can be, taken improve the safety sitetes nt ddscusedin pore 3.34, s Euransony Notes 33.3 Talc conbicts at ntrsee (ly Movement ofa vehicle slong or across an intersection rca aribly involves a confit. The conics are of varied iMpes and the nonce of olson produced by them aze 50 \Ufctene The aterpt in any safety improvement programme Shou therefore be nok ony # reduce. the umber of coats ‘Baie conve move inteasecomBsts ito ones of minor nature. Janoutd be understood that pot possible to remove all con- fists snce sven interchanges have mergingldvergng coos, and anme cases (eg slverlen? desig) weaving confi (@) The diferent types of veicalar contits at am inter section at ilustated in Fig 3.0. alongwith te possible types of ‘Sion produoed by cach of these. OF thee, Confit arhing ‘Sormerging diverging or wenving manoeuvres can be comide- Pld beatiminor nature (ince the resulting colision i not of ‘Sows pe) whe Ghose from sealght roving and ight uring Movement ave of sore revius type. Compared to straight Refine, Teh tornag movements are more potential for serows atte Sine the vehicles wil have to take a fonger curved. path ‘shin the intceston area, have to Took for potettiy config ihe ina accion, and ate involved in renter ‘aumber of ehhics Inher paths A closer atenton and necessary provisions seein ooning movements ae therefore important for improved ‘Shug at mtersections. Table 3.2. beings ot the parameters to be ‘Sislered for edueing the intensity of vehicular cones. (0) The munbor of cons points at am inteseetion aren iets wat safety, te larger the number of confit points pear Nie propaiity of collision, Fg. 3.12. brings out the nomnber ad egps of contcts st ypiealFtersetions. This highlights the Bin hac having inteesstions with fever les oF making oF= oF Flore otthe cresing.roade one-way cam drstally reduce the omit pons for improved safety. (4) The occurence of confit points at cose sequence as shown in Fig. 12 (a) stots hazardous sitotion of serous nature, SO nieun atts prychotorcll allet the capaiis and judge Ment of ative, The aren com, ie the space available i Exeuanaroey Nows ss oo se Exetanavony Noss the lateral diction for earying out @_ manocwne, sf more than sete Gan add forthe dimensions to the problem. A diver SeScuiay a manocuvre ads speed and posion in anti BEE faroular path fora poten contig vehicle, and seesala ater hast lange area to mancenvee, the eatealtions Sei ormer wil gt seriway upset, and this may result 8 aoe essen. om sect soge therefore, ls eseatial not see aeceate te posible contcts But also to redace the poten aa eee arc Th. cane achieve through chavaclsation. ta coed tuted fo Fig. 33 (tod) wk the progressive Th po ncaa cT>inersecion, Even where tae volumes, do sevcop ty channctsion, tbe pripe can be applied to reduc woe nipctonalintvestion 3 for obviating the possible aa pechises, Such case are at oblique inlesectios of ASEEESL Sin major cond as stated n Fg 3.13 4.34 Messe fr improved safety a itersectons (i), Rk of accidents at ftersetions canbe reduced and cneie sequences minimised by taking stable ebginestng Mie gcuned In the following pararapis, While some rime new intrestins oer apply 4 oth new and xk APD ate wl be a Bood pease to examine the design coe wana check Ti w sample of which J sggeted ‘Table 33. 12) Jathe development of oad network (oF an area, due | atten) skeutd be pt tothe following pot from trae Safety sgt i The woadsin the network sould follow a learchicl ‘Rites win espect to fonction that peor of ach | Palette intersection could be understood and stably Me Ged fr byway of sattoducing “GIVE WAY" oF MTom syns for trae entering the inerestion om nino rads (i The sumber of ntactions sould be reduced tothe Tea isinnns On ural highway, the intersections ERSEty "aot be spaced. closer than 730m. On aban | revlon the corresponding msi ditance should Be ‘a0 t ExrLavarony Noms ! nce et ae SS DSS ee See JIN =— SN, Fi 2.0 (4106 Chamciton fr eparting conti bannclisation for separt o Exnanssony Norss 6 ronamain nue (i. Ditace om adn nteecios )Comporihy wih vols Cueto! deaton (a) Soho ppc route. (i) Type oem utes oat {i> roofing tetas (0) Voi in dign (9, Owl vy (i) Conese oh anges 4 Laon | (0 ember ofconS on and pouty of tig ee (6) Scperuon otis its (i) Convo maj coal pots it miner one (i Tamed (0) Sarat supe of cenelag ans (3) “ype kt nde omnes) (suing eae ce a Whe Bnd (kd Psenc a o Sucoal tas ara (Gan ofapoach am (© ie (i) Selena tsi eacoes (i) vec tg 1 advent ne () Laine Exetaazony Nos o (ii) Having more of “T* intersections which have fewsr number of confit points in place of ay. intersection, ‘Chace ofp of ntertetion ©) Avarity of designs ace posible fiom simple layouts having only ef toring curves to complex channeled layouts ‘ot rotary, oF signal conta. Exch type ie appropiate t path ‘ola station of tafe and eavionmental parancter. A Wiens ‘hoi may mean congestion and delsy at one. endo coaison tnd inconvenionce_ onthe her, nd this means grease pronsness to acidens. For example, @ signal controlled Junction on, Tightly traficked road” or an lated signal ot ftaryon high Speed highway willbe a cause tor ‘noremsing the nccdeat tte, Also, a:compies. channeled layout should be avoided anit rural tlh Intersetion geometry (4). Geometric features nce the location and dieton of the jnterscing ars, the lesion, se and shape of channeling islands the crning radian, te, Some. of theqsatfictry and unsatisfactory geometric design featres at intesection are is trated in Figs 34, (5) Vety fen the fnterscton aren flaged out to assom= rmodate the diferent manoeuvres and channeling islands. The “angle offering to su the approsc speedy he dsinenton of the thor channels abt Fom the appronches in lgicl sequence ate Fnnportant. "Leaving. a Targe anmarkod aren st the junction Wil cause wavering of vehicles and ‘nerene aceidet potential, No ttf sland should come onthe norma vehicle pty and wed should be of sufclent sic (minim 6 nara) and thei fees [inten ‘black and. white ands to make them adequately (6) The i eurning curves ould fallow th path ofthe fer rear wheel and. should’ not be so sharp ar to cause the trning ‘eh to enerench on the lanes intended fr other veces Ths an be athsved by providing. Zeentred or Scented compound curves. For highspeed roral highways tke National Highways, Deented designs of 17.25 mand 20-30 m (wih Tet inflaton anes) have bron stceessuly ned in many last @ xrtaxarony Now va qo Zn Va et a €) Coming the ty sped of et nag ess oth eee in sign tte sole Fi st {eve ci hang 04 1 ston i 315, Cotting entry pet fe mi vet Exrtasarory Noves « (8) Prope retest atthe branching points of byepasses of ‘major hawaye is very innportant from saty angle, The seton ‘byepenedshovld Savarbly Be flexed and) subordinated to the ‘yepers co tht the fs through tee on the major hahay is Bot hsb inthe hyepasted abandoned ron. Fi. 3.16 dst Menthe ease (@) Acceleration and deceleration lans are ntended to avoid acceleration or deceleration by he entering and leaving Vebiles {aking place on the laner meant for through tac. These should be povided osly where at least one of the roads high speed Fighway, and hove are at least 200 ening veisies per hour. On Jowcvoume intesectiony if proviéed, thes lanes il ly serve folncesre the snenndering area for vehicle and add tothe fuzards. ‘However, the righ torsing pocket lane carved out of the sedan hae been fovnd te very” ust a redaing the acs ent rate G0 A major factor afecting. suey at intersections is he ‘sity or ight dstnse.” There are two considerations which fre importnt tothe driver athe approscher an intersection First inthe overall ist. of the janction layout to provide the Ariver witha wear pctore ofthe type of intersection, the fetes ‘rovided forthe vertom movements the. pretence of channeling Biands and. other tafe control device. Poor alignments oat produce “hidden, ltersecdons with erroneous vsual impressions Thich say led Yo incorrect desson by the wer (41) Locations with aight alignment and neartevel grades aco te best for lntrsctions, Lactions on long ad fat valley curves have superior overall visibity, but the down grades should fot be seepur than percent to eae vhils fo aeelerat, Locations atop of sum curves have por visit bot have fie advantage of oduted speds of appronching veeles, At ‘ich locations, rotaries ate preferable” However, locations on titer side of summit curve wil prove to be highly dangeror, ‘Where sch sition cannot be avoided the jonetons should be Irene a distance egal to atleast the sie topping set distance i Y Exrtavarony Notes ‘vay from the sumit and where the grade the fates! and not espe thao 2 yor cen, (12) The second improtnt requirement tarde sfe nego sion ‘of en intersection ir the right triangle viblty. Aer & river becomes aware of approaching a nterection, be nt be able to observe and comprehend the speed and diction of apo ching rae hs ight and inf. The diver must be able tose fuller stance along the rose road 0 allow hin to judge i he fan mae cossng by sitaly" aden the speed Or he mst ~_ (13) There are two. specie condone that are relevant to nium sieht ranges "These are SEE Spied coal y TOF or WE Wa Sight dtane requirements in both these cases are Alostated in Figs 3.17 and 318 Vive ~ S800 SPEED oF on Bits we Manone vent “ Exmaxarory Noms sare) — 24 Ronde Developments, Roadside Havards and Road Apporcenanees Mi, Ribbon deelopmen 1) Ribbon development along highways Le. development creommereal buses and rein acy on liter sie of thchinray. lose tothe road boundaries pnerates et fos) CCamcandthcows_ vp pedestrian and slow-moving taf om to {he hphway realdagin cruecvon movements cen fo Mactan, dato fo Sere oftvouph fey al eng ‘to utter confusion and serious hazard. Encroachment of rosé Ieodcnometies even te sondway arn by hawkers, vendor en peu shop and parking oF track an her shee on the 048 ey rr tng pers a rier dinenson oe problem. The Wohtc‘spartcveriy cat ond highly baardou t seen: of Etoweys appenching”wajr chien and towns. TH spect haha poser Sta pon 342 Bertawatony Nores @ 2) Measure forthe provention of ribbon development alone highaye cused at fength a IRC. Spec Publication No. 11974 ‘Ribbon Development Along Highways and is Peeve ‘lon’ Some of the measret whih ean pay quick dividends (6 Constin of pra see sab forsee le 6 Sei oa a ay : an aint te Fn 868 oer es se ‘oy Pope ten far spe on Ta ie pak 345) ein (i Conetig the bein apd eaieey of ng son in mind ee ohonll coir 9th pe dems commend init i09 ype Designer Chace Bar 5.4.2. ‘Hipboay sections approaching cies abl towns (4) Steins of highways approaching ches and towns ae ‘more vulnerable to ibbon devslopment. and. encroachment. ‘This & for the reson that sich locations generates fot of Bos eS ih vehicle, drivers and passengers comviog from Jon Aistnees. The local devslopments drastlly reduce the free posse of vehicles, and such aations wil provs to be highiy Hazatdous fr drivers who il then have been driving at Nich speeds onthe era seins ofthe high. @) For such sections, besides taking action on the pre ventgn of ibbon developeent, moval of encroachmens, le. 5 housed in para tly the rondvayieelf should be sutbly ‘widened and provided with safely measures. (ike pedestrian Crossings and rang bars). The widening treatment will Aepend onthe available rgh-f-nay, the proportion and typeof Toc aie Fiz 3.19, shows af typical srosesetions long 6 Exmiavatony Nowss ga Se sno mpste te are te Exruansvory Notes ° ite sugstins on eit application. Thete my be taken for auidanee only, and voay Be adjusted according to ate needs 8nd avaiable riht-otway. Inthe design ofthe rain caringewey, serves rond, cycle track and fetpat, guidance. can be hed iow IRC8.1983 “Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads in Pia 24.3. Appronches te bigs (0) The present practice in Tada ie to curtail the shoulders a all bridge strictures except culvert,” However, thee humerous Toctions om the highways. where bridges do at have ‘¥en the widths equal tthe flanking road earageway Q)A motorist driving along an open highway (presence o shouldsts and ahsence of lateral obtrtions gies him con ence to drive fst and even ang the crepe E€ae), She hn suddenty ects wih abridge srture (aboence of Shouioe and presence of lateral obstructions lke herbs and parapets) has co adjust his speed and lateral postion qui, as obeys he may collide with the. Kesb or parapet or other proteeding rmembers of the sirocture. ‘The situation becomes more srtiet and highly harardous ithe bridge roadway is natow ad there ‘aresdy vobile on i, False to comprehend the ohana, and mate adjosimens is postion and seed hes quite often on the cause of serious aceldene including tripping of vehicles nee the water course below. Some of the messes Tor aveldee such cial sitesi re ‘rpg a ot a hs i he (6) Proving se vanions to te onde wher te wid ‘4. hve compan eect” rend bt tog e ‘il eit oleae (ronda wo MBE i i a fae oat ae dae Teepe a Ru ie Saeed et ee ee 70 Exruaxatony Nores eh ane Ron = wo wae (oy Ie st of sao png faa aig Se 3044 Ravay lve erssags “Thotc are a large suber ofralway level crossings along ‘the highways inthe Contry. and 8 good propoton of these are Mtn Mnmanned. "While the phased peopramme of converting si che ommanned crowing ip to tanned ones and the hell Bxruanarony Nores ” lealicked ones into overbigessubways should be accelerated, All posible measores should be taken for Improving, safety at {he Grossing Sil exiting at level The meaires should fncade 1 Movin ade vty nding ace oe (iy Provion of warp se tating arose mamag as lo Soden ROAD 01 ede of ae Re Sa 18) ovo of te xo Si ne hats Suenos mbt at eae by (© aneies wit DID “bandas for Randall 34.5. eke bueteps (1) Bus system & an important meess of transportation ‘oth ‘in the vurat end. urban areas inthe county. People a ‘ming the ronds near the us stops i cominon sight, Bests Fiske adsng ovt of passengers aliahting or boarding « moving bus which con be contoled only through ips, there cam be olker factors causing serious ascgents at Bas sop Those say be asa seul (© Vahty cated by sanding eben, and & trogh ele ait fr sling lh os psa ie tay dn ar hsm tarry (ye stop lente too ear and pceeg a8 interesien, and be et ot having se ase io mens wih hea aes (2) For aolding these harard, certain tasuces as necste ‘ary bath in the design and operation of but stops: Important mong these ase (6 Mere are wo way een busty ney euvieg co son ith pine temainarsa a Be ed 2 sSxnuanarory Noms so nea rine om eg tar elthie nt yey aed ath te nd ‘hethne' hie see eon eae Te 34.6 Avene ee Rosie wees hve bees tao complement of al okt coud nate nia gwen te ous. Plmad. with 28 ‘peat on bdo pds dain rai A Ren nceped sea part of the Toads However, i sre neta as motored traf, esto sos tothe roxy Laetitia bar Experience shows Gat ae one ge fone at = mim dtnce of 1012 th oes Mate enters tee fae 10 prove recovery ae from Sand oeite esoning of the fond. This clsrace tera We tng esol Beadle. for all new conde ce ede ire shoalé be phased osramme (OF er See alan win te cletrane area Sith tie ye Fe eect beyond toe lewance rove, ist proty plana M pou be for ee fling along evs of hotont rem els are ore. prone top of the rondvay st aun in stove on nade of curves obxractng sb. tae ea ta remain sould be pelted white colour fora ren cose roadway lvl Wah 300 mm idle Band se toa oud wer ofthe pen For eter an etl an be preferable Bron hei Ce apse URS etectised ape, de or pa. S47 llometre some, sign posts and wy poles 1) Poona omete sone sin pest iy pole sane rang to ond seen Veh sig of he Exeuawavony Nones a ‘aringeway may sik thom resulting in ecient 2). Kitomote stones on embanked rods should be Hed at the oie of the rosdnay outside the shoulder bn specly erected platform. In cvting thy shoud be fied. clear of the shoulder Sind the side dain. For more dtals, reference may be made IRC: 81980, )_ For road signs, the minimum lateral clearance from carriageway ede shovld be 600 mm fr ketbed roads and 2 for ‘akorbed roads (tata para 3.64) (For aly poles, the clearances should be as per ARC 321963. 348. Goardrlts () Guardrail ze uted where vehicles acidontally leaving ‘he roadway” would be subjected to conigeable danger or where ‘here ave abrupt changes la soadway widhs ax at approaches 10 budge, or for protecting the components of rubway eros lke pies and abvaents Located isthe proximity of the travelled svayr "The porpowe to reaain and redirect out-of | anal " Exruawarony Nones ‘son shouldbe joined to the main carriageway wih smooth transc tion Kesping a view the grade and vabityrequiemens- 4 Another importa requirement fom safety ungl is that af the end. of ny's wor, all the constuction equipment Should bs parked ouside the main roadway. IPR Is wot posi be, they shovld be. parked a the extreme edge ofthe shoulders tnd provided with rod lamps on both sides durin the hours of 5. ond Surface Charetrses 354. General “Th two important atibutes of road surface characterises asfecting tae safety ave the sing quality and skid vesstance. ‘The rding quality tle to the surfs evenness of the pavement ‘which in conjuction withthe charctriics ofthe veel. and the Sualiy of driving datermines the riding. comfort. SME resistance {the fstioal force developed at the tyre pavement interface ‘uhen a freon Beng prevented fom rotting, sds on the pave Ineot surface Longitedial ston is needed for acceleration tnd deceleration wheeeas lateral fstion Becomes important while ‘eqotating horizontal curves, 352. Riding quality (Riding quality has 9 diet dnpact on tai sfety in the ene hat an neven surface or toad With poor riding quality sures onde jerks and vibrations and ths Teads to early fight tthe drier and fapais bis judgment mancewrabiy, all Tend His to hnardovs stations (2) Riding qualiy of « road pavement cam be asesed by a number way. These are (0 Sasi sae yee Se (8) Ment face raflte r a aelt e 980 ‘nunc te econ moe g a's ts xruavarony Nores » (2) Surface unevenness ofa pavement toa great extent Jnduenced by the unevenness bull ina the ie of ensue. Tes, therefore, important that ll cares taken about surface ‘regularity atthe tine of constrocton|econstruction. For guidance in ths teprd, reference may be made to. IRC: SP! 161977 ‘Surface Breness of Highway Pavenens? which lays down the norms and makes suggestions on thee achievement 283. Skid rstanee (2) Skid resistance has not been a major factor for roads in the country in view of the predominant we of open graded surfcings and tclatvely lover tpeeds. However, thi spect Js gaining importance @ view ofthe progressive use’ of smoother ‘facings and the development of high speed higheys, (2) dentition of potenti sic spots can be made in numberof ways. Some of thes are (0 entice of ig ee sot ind i (i Miter peopontian asset drag wt west inne ag (9 Blsding anon ues ba ah i se (9) Hocaaiacarer on ben allel oad povided with ape Seas come, es yan ano (@)_ Measures for corretng the slick spots include the prove sion of hidepeoa sarin, cretion to superlevtion at oreo: lal cures, send Blowing of bleeding worse, ete. For more etl, reference may be made to LRLC. Highway Resasch Board Special Report No. 21976 'Staleofthe Art Pavement Sippecnest ad Skid Heaton 36 Tralle Regulation and Control Gs. Genet (1) Teate epulaion is eoncorned wih matters relating t0 0 Exreausrony Noms the contol of vebiles, divers and other rond ser and the Inanner of tsi sing the rond space In od he tae is mixed In character, andthe spectrum ofvebils range fiom fast moving yonenger caret slow moving animal cas, hand ease. cach Competing forthe avaible road space. Well thoughout repela- tlon sod. contol meatus are terefore of paramount importance fovthesafeand efiient movement of vsbies and pedesians having diferent physica and sped characteris. (2), Trafic regulation and control measures ean be Gest ith under three road heads, nasely (i Eisen sar and Talcott die For best rests, iis important that al these measures should complement and ropplement one anther, nd shoul be backed by steve enforcement 562, Lepatve measures (1) India, the Motor Vebcies Act 1939 as amended from time {odie along wi the les legions provide the basis for ‘equlating vehicles drivers, and teffe movement. Under these, ‘dequate provisone have. been nade f0 contol and manage ‘chil tae through traf laws covering diferent aspects such {eimensions and weights of vehiles sped iis, resretlons on fhe twe of certain vehicles om speced routes, parkingplaces, tea gs, te. Some of these rearores are dicused. In the folowing paragraphs Regulation of peed (2) Inposton of sped limit powerfol tool in trafic egolation and safety, and the general experience has ben that brings dowa the number of those who drive at high speeds and Fedocesaceident rate. Regulation of speed my be warranted in ‘he folowing stations (0) Insta res,bau fhe mined ai, to ten ime ‘nea ae pderan fons, orisarcare eet ‘ii sc ra nae xruanarony Noses 8 (A varity of factor influence the value of speed init to applied Important smone these see (0 Rami pat of tna, she. Sh prcenile cued_of iene, ht din, se ie ga eis es ome Fone nd naar of aan point he prsnc of bol ‘beac eosin re est (oy Temi volume ad ad nature of alle ako goer he (The sped limits suggested in the Motor Vehleles Act for sual res are reproduced in Table 3.4. The speed limits recom mended by the Indian Reads Congress (IRC : 201977 “Guidetines fn. Regulation and Control of Mine Tra in Urban Areas) fr “ppiaton fo mined fae conditions orb treat are given in Table 3.5, (5) Posting of speed limit alone ie not just scent, and there shosld be srt enforcement. A-varety of equipment ike hoscope. and radar speed meter are availble for detecting speed Violation, ad these have besome popular with the enforcement 6) Regulation of motorised vehicles covers the elowing aspets 2 Exniaxatony Noms 0 se anaes aden staat nen 0 tbe ve ° porary Exvtawarony Notes 8 (i) Seong a so ec (Liking ree On some or hes aspects, State Governments are emipowes inake rules forffectveenfreement 4 to Regulation coueeeing the diver ©) Reaulations conceroing the driver a8 provided fa the Motor Vehisis Act cover te fllowing aspects ‘The peesent regulations ate adequate to ensure physial fia and diving abiity onthe pact of the driver, but whet cri is the str enforesment. ‘The drivers are eapeced not to rhe ina rash and scgligent manoet atid Tare fo ebserve tis Ie deemed to bo an offence. Dsiving under the infoence of igor drugs and cving when menaly ot physaly vn are aKo punisatie fens Regain of nonmtorsed rac 8) Cyctts conse a large mamber smongst those diving 8 non-otoriss vehicle in wrban areas. By and large no lence Js required tse a bisgele, andthe eyelite donot fel obliged fo asguire any formal knowledge of trae rules und regulations ‘The reste thats Jarge avrvber of dcrdents ove, been aking place in the city rets which can be stibuted tothe elie not having proper rae serge or the bytes not fied. with the nesestacy safety cquipment ie bell, ight, refetor or brake. For émoriassnooth and ste ow ofeycie tafe under mised tac ondons sx obtining on our roads, the following oles could considered for enforcement © ymin cary oe Sgt be re ih nd 4 xruawatony Nores () As regards bané-plled and anmatdrawn cars, the following regulators, iP enfored, would be useful fom safety angle (Mohini te png feces on by rnde ta are ‘eglartons of pestis (10) Tnucban areas, a substantial aumber of faalies in accidents pertain to. pedestns, Tt is, therefore, Important fegulat the movement of pedestrians for which pupost enforce ‘nent of he ftlowing maybe help «0 in nin or rian wa he the (4) They be mae ot heads by ay open oe or cons be romited te ee rad ny ee Probing catan types of rei on cera roads Ls docing the (1), Most of the problems of congestion aris during ek hours andi willbe worth coasigesing the prohibition of the vehicles which create the mapumum congestion. This how eruanatony Notes 8s fer willbe succesfl only where a stable alierative route Wavalbie. The measures can be 1 Ping eg hry ome end som mong Parking repation (12) The phenomenal growth of motor vehi én towns sad cites has brought ito sharp focus he problem of parking ‘A vehicle packed onthe road ocoupee some road space ed could otherwise hase been ured by a moving vehicle and ley ‘causes obstruction to wsbiliy which t parteulety creat Intersections Safety, comfort and ‘convesience el road agers emand a propee and efectie eegulaton of parking (13) The packing problem which & becoming acute partie caey ia the CBD ates am be looked at fom tno svelee ‘As regueds the Gat aspect, the measures include contol onthe construction of multstoreyed commercial and ce compas Sinema hall ten which generate huge. pking dem aed Intng on” providing thitowa parking sper, Guidance oo the need for parking spuces for ferent typeof bulings conte tad from IRC: SP: 121973 Tentave Retommencaton on te Pet ‘ion of Parking Spaces for Urban Area Site beset r Supply-demand "poston of psrking spaces outa te waeathS periodically by parking survey, and furtber auguestaton is the form of oftateet packing spaces, mulstoreyedpekin tntanes ete. shoud te thought oe eke 4) Foc the eective sistion of the avalluble parking spaces with trafic sey in view, the flloniog reguaions ne normally posed: te xeuanatony Noxts (i eatin ftw bw worn sing he 6) Desie af hing pce alone heady eget cr 56.3. Yaginerng menses (Engineering. measures of teal ogulation include scpepiton of tafe by thelr operational character, provision ‘ol sutable eis fr the vafe movement and crossing of pede= Sinn and eels, measures for safe abd. quick movemeat of Seles, ete. Some of these are dscussed inthe Tllowing Seareaton of tate (Movement of mixed trac jn the same steam causes Ivison between vehisles of diferent operiional characteris, and reduces the speed and eaptiy. Further, in x mised stream, Iolo vebleles are subject fo frequent sopatirt or deceleration “tccleration operations resulting in. wastage of fuel and intense ‘tmospherie poiulion. All chs can ‘be obatd by segregating the sow moving vehicles om the fast moving ones.” Sesregaon fin be fected by providing separate caragewas, atleast 5.8m ‘vide, for slow walle. The acual erosssetion to be adoped Wil depend the available land wigth. Where Tend is ited, XE wil be_ worthwhile to combine the space for bcyles, other Howevshicles and local trac into single carsogeway om cach ‘ide with separse Ienes for st moving through trate stead fof common carsageway forall. Fp-18, shows afew typeal ‘Sroreselions efletng wae sopregaton @) Adoption of oneoray sytem of sect operation for eatin with Tage volumes of mized ac on terow sete Exreanatony Norts " as proved tobe sucesfa in any eases, One-way sset_ system Fesuks in Better ulllation ‘of the avaiable stcet Improved safely becasse of reduced conte at inttsetiony, elimination of head-on collisions und heapht ase fFom oncoming. vehicles. igher operating speeds for vehicle, ad folves leat coco pated co fher alternatives. Ths system i tineaty sulted Where {sino pttern of roads exits, ant for ater eaves sould be ca ese only whsre parallel street adequate capacity ae availabe at intervals sot exceeding 200 m nd tis posible to merge the ‘oo one-way sees at a suitable point ito twoeway sce Provision for though trae passing through les (4) In ies and towns alling in the route of through highways lke the National Hishway, 4 major safety problee reatedbeciuse ofthe throvgh Waffe moving onthe congested ‘rban strss, There are twa waye of acing thi problem serve canis fooipib ley ro tha the through ‘ae can Dow mnie ewe pl ny whe en nk (©) Costing tyes or tbe rh, In either case, it wil be desirable to eatry out an esbromie aa sys Tor chooxing the bet aernatve, acter commercial tate (9) Many ofthe busy ate roude in the heart of cites) towns are dated with wershowsen wholesale markets and ae, ‘ell establishments where Iondinglualosding of goods ovstue tes an important aetviy. In the absence af say ly-byen te lescks park on the main carriageway Tor long perods ther nsrping the preclous space of the moving tfc Fert, the unlondes goods and those waite to be loaded ars staked on he footpaths tended for pedestians. All hr contbutes to serious congestion, confosion ‘and tale Bold-apt lating to hardous Situations Some of the messes for obviating these pableos 6 Reig hing ts on Gg i ine oo ing al ie poeta woo ie ws Exmuasatony Noms hie neon aes of ela Biyee ae (6) Inthe recent pas there hasbeen a phenomenal growth oF bicjle trae in and” around cies and cons, and eyes oontate one ofthe mor groups of accident vistims. The move ‘nent of eles on the main cztageway along withthe fst trae (Josssie trate confit at ntereeon swell s along parrow Edneeted arcs Some af the soiton for alleviating the sit OREM Ricomoented aie oe Dena Sonasion af ck bein Forme epee ora pase Petia wate iy Pederians consis the sngle Inge grup of ach dent Qaina in viban ares, This forthe fecha he tc james ae neening leaps and bounds and tat 8 Peer groprton of tem ne so falar with he ale Seba Plans Apt from edbeaon and efrcemea, ee ceing ments wl eMiiy Delp in Inprovng Sie aay a pedesias (@) Te requirement of pedi ar fet apace for want san new an carmared em ermine ero) Tene uoPs Red ott of aden with proved nih yi ges tnd tape, af wonders art or ey ent provide ae pase fr pedenuanr along the cera em om ing on tthe man eee: ead a jem pave goelings oa te design O orp Aixmuawarony Notes ” unde dire stations. Whete the streets ae narcow aad the pedestan flows are hey 8 to comnerclshoppang ei Wil beadvanascostoerene thse fr the enews: Wee Pedestrians or aden preints (9) For the sate crossing of toads by pedestrians, all impor tant fntersctons shoal provide for pedestrian. crosewait, Besides ts, pedestrian erowting should also be provided at Toet- tions which pevertepesestian traf such at hema, schoo, tte. The crossings shouldbe visible for adeguate dstnes. rom tithe side and” provided with "Zebra" taskings and podestean ‘cowsing sans so chat the diver ofan approaching vehi will be ered about the pedestrians crossing the toads The cone walk fa also Be nade prininent by providing eshing beacons (10) Crosing ofa bury and wide arterial road by & lege umber of pedesteians may necesita the provision of pedestien fotevays or overpasses. Such felis are eapcosive snd should| therefore, be provided oaly wie there i sfc jutieation for the same, The justicaion ould’ be the combined eect of pedestrian accidents, and delay to both vehicular afc and Pedestiane. When sich felts are. constructed, i ill be Assivable to pos policemen st thes locaios teat to gue the pedesteans to ros he road ony tough thet and wot otherwise, (11) Provision of ailing bares a the footpath edges wit te het in preventing pedestisns fom piling nto the main carlagenay, pavticlaly on Bary roede ad fntersections ‘They neo help in preventing pedestrians fom crossing the Toad it thee Wl and Tore them to cross onl at pre-eterined apd well nat. fied crossevals. "The rallies should be of aesthetically pleasing ‘esign und should not be too Tow to peri easy costar. 5.6: Teale contol devices (). A trae contol device is any sigs, signal, marking o# devin placed or erected forthe porpote of regulating, wating oe siding eae. Basi egultemenls of tale contol deve are » Hxruanarony Nuns The baie eguioments ae achieved by appropiate deen, acinent, iuatenance condition, vb, and niformiy Read sete Gh A ond sign isa device moved ona fixe oF & portable soppost to sieyin the fv af eymbols andor eserpiona, warm ing diveston or gidence to trafic. Rogd sans have a profound Inflence on cond saty. Ita bee often found that posting of "Sn appropeit sign has improved afetyat am sceldent-rone spt (6). The Ninth Schedule of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1989 has bem amended to inode the neem of symbole sins ‘confor with the international sizes, Complete deta ofthe News incuding.quidlies on ‘Beir erection are contaited ip IRE: 611977 “Coe of Practice for Road Sins. The new System ff siga should Become fully opcaionl by Hest June, 1985. For hhew roads, the somplee sign system shouldbe planned atthe Union stage and nntalled before opening the roaés to tafe On rating. soads, a carful survey abosld be doe to aes the ‘eguremcns and the gos shold be fatale. and) maotined 39 food condition withoyt lw of tine. On rural bghways and unit fads, Ineeasing. wre of refestrised sigs should be made for limpeovedvibiity ae ight. Tt db sso mprtant to educate the Toad oe of the new system of signs and the messige given by ‘hm for sotyreseniton and compliance. (§) Rous Sians are classed Into vee categories given elon Inform For rman ad ua of od ae. So far tne safety is concerned, manditory signe are the vost snort flowed By calionay sas, while iformatory Exruanarony News ¥ sian although not disctly connect with safety, provide wsful Fnformation forthe voad weer, It shouldbe understood that a throng or wronsy paced sips ir more dangerous than sin a (8) Wis very mpostant that the road wer is able to reo rise the signs satya in ime. These should be placed on the Tef hang side ofthe road fn pljrlliog terrain and onthe valley Side ofthe voat inl, Care should also be taken that these are hot placed in such @ way at to obsteuct vbieular traf. On Terbed vous, the edge ofign shouldbe alleas Dem sway” OM the eg of the Kerb wheres on unkerbed roads the edge ofthe Signs ahould beat a dhtance of 2m fom the edge of he caclage (6) The signe shouldbe propery oriented forthe drivers to se them a proper time, On horontl curve, the signs should be placed aright angler to he line of travel ofthe approaching fas On paces, 8 dsseble oe the sign forward or baske trard to improve the vowing angle Tene sigma () Trae signals fal under two broad categories, namely, fined time signals and vebileactunted signals. The Indian Roads Congress Io the. proces of faalsingdetied guidelines on the ‘Sxgn and lstalation of ed tine trae signas. (8) Taf signas are eminently sited for control of tafe satiniacction on fas rales! eran roads, Where a number Sr inal fal onthe sume roa, al these should be syochronised for aay movement of though tae without ds (9). Teale sgnals should be inataled only where they are snarcanteds ‘Thr tue abou be avoided on highspeed Righways inthe proxy of pranasnced down grades Read markings (0) Road markings ar ines pateras and words applied con the cavragemay 0: Kes, ont objects within or adjacent the Shetageway for conto, farming, suidance or information of road- eee pecans of thee poston i the normal eld of attention 2 Lexmuanarony Notes tnd vu focus, they serve a avery elective messin conveying the iended menage to the divers without siverig thee tention from the toadway. Detaled guelines os the design nd app tation of toad markings are contained IRC 351990 "Cote of Practice for Road Maines (ith Pins’ (11) From safety angi, the most crcl losaions for appl cation of pavement merkingy are at inersstions, ad at sum curves “with Tinted ssibiy for marking no-ptsing res Tramps ofthese are stated ie Figs. 324, and 325. respes tively (12) The road markings should e pevadivally renewed 10 ait thir functional isc oad delieaors (13) The tle of dlinestors is 0. provide visual assistance to divers about alignment ofthe road sen, especialy a sh Delinetors are sassiied nde thre type 0 Raton ected i ashe, towne acne Yo he carapace Be Rice ase amen rcv mc 0 Ober hu de ade or datas on the design and placerat of ond deinetors, reference may be made 10 IRC "T1981 "Recommended. Pastis for Roud Deiat" 5. Aceident Recording and Ais 34. Genera ‘Accidents are incidents om the rod involving damage to ‘property, injuries © people, oF 1 of ie, ors combination fa ese. Accents have been buppeaing and ill cntinue. 10 happen long at there movement one road but elo Sontrn af he peopl as well arb concerace autores toe Exmuavarony Non a TFs gerne ne ees wo = Sas i — (o gw coe tng a ay Re mal Ue a ecome 2TA Foun Une tom sheceet sis ee ration rn cen com Oman (oe ntensecron > Bertasavony Noms [Exezanarony Norrs 95 fo reduce the number of acidoats, and even if they happen, hos {ores thirntensity andthe resting trauma. Thi ale for & ‘leat understanding ato why the acedents happen, how they Inppe. the parameters invaved alonith thi elatve cones tion ee, and wi require propery recorded. aciden infermaton| {5 fst sep inthe analyse. The ianportaae of aceurate accident information and its objective analyie in aay tse safely pro tramme ele atthe mero or the mcr lve, theelore, nett no Special emphasis. Te should alo he. borne” Ia mind” thatthe errectest or appropriateness of aay remedist measure derived fiom acsient analysis wt to «great depres, depend on the conrecness and earmpstones ofthe aclden information. Ta vi ofthe vouminovs dha tobe proceed, ie will be advantageous {or the authorities concerned with acident analyst to makes of computer felt, 472, Aeidet resenting (In Ine the Patie ate primarily responsible for record- | ing soa aesienis.” Details of individual road ascents ate ‘eeotded by them on Road Accident Form Ac which was org ally troduced in 195%." On the basis af Form Al, the. Poles | prepares smmary of road acidents occurring during the year | Inthe Road Accident Form-4Theve summaries are subeeguenty || tise bythe State and Central Stata! Calls to develop overall (2) Hoowevse the information emeastiag from these Forme have nt been complete or auficien to make «scene analy forthe cause of the accident To improve the statin, the Indian Roads Congress has fnaled revieed Forms A-1 aad 4 | widla view to collecting sore specie and. cetalled information, | vide me? s1602 Road" Accident Forms As] and 4. These forms ified in properly, provide the ‘eceisary” information on | Relies ein and tar insted inthe ace the comcricandsurfice Fates of the toad, envitonmental parse | eter atthe tne ofthe aside, ee. Yor flitting parametc analy. ‘The format of he Forms has been designed to Taifate computer processias. For ensring progr fling of theie forms, the IRC hts puesto organi twining ens for police personnel fm alenia base 9% Exreawatony Nove: 5.73. secon analysis (A aajor objective of acide analyst i to discern the ‘actors that have been responsible for the accident and. thet selative eoniTbtiono that appropriate cortesting tion cou be taken Q) The analysis wil depend om the puspoe for which te rade, and the quality and completeness of the dts. Geseraly, ‘he analysis done fr any ofthe Following purpose (0 Rese eisai pli eons th arts, (Heteronotia end Spot inprovemen niet. Analysis for a administrative ad poy parposes (2) Here, the analysis nay befor the flowing purposes: (Reig ane on he isn dom yes a et comrng Sr aso" er 08 papain o TNE aes Reig der noomonSreas ‘Sproat eqns eed sas hype oe dma (i) For planing deco ofa eto ea 0 ‘Soin meal oting to mee ane, eae ‘nics For spurge he seus be the Iyer ese pots (ea pean eel) tle cc ot at sed fr ‘ud ney rah a xrtanarory Nores o” Avalnsis or detention of aaron oud setonsocations (@ The sain objective of thi analysis Is to Identiy and Toonts oud setions or locations which have shown 10 be more prone to aecigone thn others, The iden that once sich = onsflocetions are identi, further detaled studies including spot inspections ould be made (ond out the enuses of necdents tnd the defiiencies in the rousway for evolving. approprat: femedinlneasres, The analysis an be on the fines of one oF rote ofthe flowing ‘Scan ening ent ur rai Be tena of es Perk Thcctopefe tube tthe nee (i Compan facet tr of 0 tone he nt er Se dren cases aon oat rae pt io T T ‘RedState oofesh | aes | Renae i & Exruavsrory Notes ‘ney i sap wh rrr ana cs ‘eit cewenraion “Asem se ap to eee 5200 showing wens opm Ear Ain trait tr tan are or ra ess ay fee ‘leon S08 in 2540 i cognates he) a itoring leat yw or Spot (9), The objective inthis phase isto anslye for the major overeat of Necaedous loetons satis of accidents for evalviag appropiate cortctie messes taleadyientied Hazardous scetonscenions The oleehe ‘rooedre wil be helt the analy 1 gate pent et ay weet cima A td oe a hp dann ureter segea care Getfigaanoow Teed oe fed abe penny of es See ae ta asa Ste Bxmanarony Nores ” | beeen Pobre ane © Raita mee a sone tar onus EE re Sake te Siocems aes eftaana ta bat © Beanie aks en on ae eee — a SEES inareen © satonvin ows pie eta tote ~ ‘Show of sed oe where pose Soest 7 ee Sees eats aia 10 Lexnuanarony Noms ican iment. Sih ay ea lyf ety he rel menace cad South oh 28.1, General (1). Statics of road accidents inthe county clearly bring cout that in majority of he eases, homan flute hasbeen the mai Enuse. This human fice may be de to ignorance careesnes, ‘Tognrightcallowrnes or lndiferent atiude. For corecting the Sitsion in this crucial area, edveation and propaganda or any Ioeasre to insulate a Better Toad sense isthe minds of fed ‘re have a ial rle to lay @) The objective of education concerning roed tafe should be to press upon the wind of allroad wses the complexities of Iogermday tao andthe dangers underlying the simple proces GP ipoving fran one place to anothot. Obviously diferent pes ff coud iets require eileen types of instructions and guidance though the buske displine and an understanding of he rghts and privileges of other road users should be common. But one thing Teecriie tht the sorter «person begat his edoeation in if he tester road usr he wil peove wo bein future. The Best way bean educating a person therefore is ia the. beginning itll Lc ithe peasy schol level sem the mind of the eit inpresttouble, and whatever dsiline or attede is imbibed at That ne il fat he or hs ie 3.82. Edaction o the eles (), Bausaton of children should stet fom the primary ‘asses, Tht ext books souls contain a chapter of two om the flss oe the road an! te cvrect methods of eesing nd wag flog the sects Coloured susratians depicting both the eorest Exeuanarory Noms 1 snd wrongethods besides aving lasting impression wil seat the cunsty 1 know why a petcular method ight of wroog Ths may be supplemented by showlng them oocalonlly show Sims covering various aspects of taf probleme and acide (2) As the ehileen grow up, they shoud be encouraged 10 et themselves envlled im the Schoo! Safety Pattols wherein They wil be required to take teinig in. coutelling trafic at alous intersections and pedesian crosigs with he help of ‘ratie plice. This wll help ther c come at pip withthe ra tis of the wai problems, and. these will leave an indelible mack ow thee personalities. ©) Another very eflective method to teach the ehldren bout tafe problems te the trafic Talning. Park, Thi perk imate the tafe conditions on the roads aad the ehilen ars Fequired tg om one pont 1 aether on their cycles of other enveyance. On the wy, all sors of tual condos such at Fighe tors, ef turns, ees are met with and the child Is required to: mogotaie them ging proper signals. ot, as pe les and Cenvestons The instructor watches the competent, and. tacks fe alloted wih the winners geting aeslamations aad pre In the way, ne fe eombined with education, and very soon the eile acquire profeney in tafe rules and vegulalins (4) As a part of the national ele ia the wale education of ciléen, the Indian Roads Congress wil thor be Brlaging fut two publications, one an illurtrated bookiet on Road Safty For Chiron, nd the other on “Guidance t teachers involved in road safety education” 38.3. duction of adults otber than deters of motor vehicles ‘This group includes pedestrians, cyclts and driers of ronmotarked yehcis. The diflealty with this group fe that there are no sdeguste laws to regulate them, and by and larg they are ignorant of the exiting Walle rues and regulation, ‘They also require no lose to. make theit presence on the roads. Wha segue i that they should be educated aboot the tua ols and replations, these way of ict sing the roud Tseltes and hater road behaviour. Road safety propaginds we Exruawrony Nous trough ass media (6e pare 3.5) can pay a vit cole hin 2d. dvention of adliscdrvrs of motor veces (D_ Drivers of motor vehicles, whether ight or heavy, or alest they are expected ta Kaow ihe tes and ieee ons pestnis to taf. Their problem general Wao, Somelines rumkennest and lack af respect fos the, hie neg safety of more volneable. people ike pedestrians and tine Many secidens ca be volded ifthe Rotoris were ee tas, {uous and were tuned the aut of “defensive drveg het tg wits 9 ery watchol eye on the mites that ray be ene likely wo Be commited by theater road ure, Reais ‘ilo His desirable ha every aspirant fr tining once. chet bs regard to undergo taining in a esol dive rine ‘school andthe tstrastor should Inctete ia hit, Secret of adopling an atitode of defensive diving andextsadine ey courtesy to other coud users, It wll ao be ep fe log oct thing schools ate set-up by the Goveroment ts rectal fxample fr oer, {2 Among the drivers of motaied vehicles, divers of woe hese (owr eels, cones and mopeds) cont the peor ulnerable section “because of thelr fstaniy suai eee ase Impact.” Some studies have shown tha this group ot dive BM ines more vulnerable to fatal aiden tan 4 tee ‘ny other mode of conveyance, and aio that alos all desde ave svt ofthe severe injury secidents are cased ty Ijurte es ne head and face. This category of rosd vies shoul theory, ducted about thei geeter vulnerbiliy andthe nese, oF thele easing suet helmets oo. Exrunarony Nones 103 saverementsit-bebween popula programmes ia ral.¥. wil igo have a better Impact ean oath larger bode of pape, Sitar, short fis onthe tagedy of road aesdents wf the partkipation ‘of welrkuown personaly fromthe sow baiers fan bermnde and shown'n cae balls and iccvison for gretet inpacton the poole 3.9, Enforcement 419.1. Enforcement of tafe tows and ceguatons has to over a wide spectrum of people wil diferent backgrounds et nd forbes reits the methods adopted shoud not only stents ‘eterrent to violators or potential violators of rae lews. But aio attempt rise the lve! of otenary empties among the rome wets. To achieve this objective, the eat mass of road wers ‘should be made Co belive that he tails are scasonable. and intended for the overall welfare ofthe sci and that i ete of {heir breakage, court action wil be prompt and seit in adequate fad uniform penalties, je, lh nor etceen an cot ttre ls with the tafe police, The mere presence, of the policemen ces people to behave fot beter wy. The enforces tment measures adopted by the police should be of two Kings, (0 punkine menres tas a8 alse, as and poo ‘separ the ponte mesures he potion should be ik {nde ponshen unform Tavern te stove uh ee Sap Sf able curs whlch have prone tobe yer) eh in Ded ‘ew sts ee 3.9.. Among the non-puntve ations, the following anor tive ones which are being adopted in sone sis can haves pole Soi gaan eS ai emer aaa 106 Bemtanarony Notes These are some ofthe examples which bow Bow police enforce ‘ment can te based upon persuation rather thm ot fee and be more purpoet then imposition of es | Beruanarony Newss 105, nc: 818 Dien & Weis of aod Dosen Veil 1, Goose ent Rn ates oo for Le nd Layout of Rond- IRC :60% Remand Paice for St Dane on Rat fae oe ET Come Dee Safe for Rul (Soe-ut) sme smam ype De a DoS 106 IMC: shoe MS a hn te ssn Sa ae Imes ue NS Sate oe IC:SP1S194 Rom Dennen ag bay ‘ete Relation an Cnt ‘Emionmenia Comierton It Pleaing aod Design of Hiway ia ind Bxreawarony Norts ‘he initia deat of this publication vas prepared by She XK. Aturashalam, Deputy Seerary (Research), Tndian Roads Conger, This was lteriaiaed. by him in conslation with De. Ns. Srinivasan, Coovenor of the Tra Engineering, Com puitee, The approval othe Tvalle Engiesring Commitee was binned theouth cieation ‘The Indien Ronds Congress thanks the Governments of Haryana, Kerata, Uttar Pradesh, Mabarashts, West Bengal and Gujarat for hosting the Reslonal Workshops and all the engineers, Sint nd expert from various other disciplines for theit activ favGipation in hese Workshops and der valuable contibuons

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