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Purpose: To assess animal housing facilities and management of their animals

Method: visit to the animal facility and review relevant documentation and reports. Use one assessment form per each facility. This should be
used alongside assessment of ANIMAL-BASED ASSESSMENT
Audit Information:
Institution name: PT Biofarma Auditor: Grup C1 Gelombang I PPDH
Corresponding person: Esdinawan Carakantara Satrija Date: 8 August - 3 September 2016
Previous audit -

General Information:
Are facilities centrally managed? √
Are there SOPs for maintenance and √ SOP and recording system available and
management of animal facilities? tightly implemented.
Hospitals SOPs? Adequate of welfare?
Do all staff/students know it?
Appropriate hygiene practice and sterile √ Daily cleaning of the breeding room and
techniques/facilities available bedding change.
What are the records available? √ Breeding records, Booking records,
(including room/facilities booking Population records are available.
history?) are they systematically
Number of animals the facility is √ 40.000 mice capacity with current
capable of holding? Number of animals population of 20.000.
coming through per year?
Complains handling process? None
(complaints about vets, students,
animals, etc)
Response to previous assessment Not assessed yet.
finding? Any compliance issues? How
were they dealt with?
Information provided to vets/trainers on
what does/doesn`t need AEC/IACUC
approval accurate?
Check monitoring, emergency and out √
of hours procedures and responsibilities


1.1. Nutrition i. Suitable diet (species, age, stage, √ Large size specially made hard food
intervention level) pellet. Given daily according to age
ii. Food storage (cool, vermin-proof) and weight.
iii. Supplements, if needed (e.g. Vit C and E
requirements for guinea pigs)
iv. Feeding consideration for
handicapped/young animals
v. Format and presentation appropriate (e.g.
foraging needs, enrichment, adequate
fibre levels)
1.2. Water i. Potable and available at all times √ Ad libitum water from a glass bottle
ii. Flooding prevented, dry areas only with a leakproof nipple
iii. Supplements if needed- e.g. Vit C water
provision-non-copper water delivery
iv. Water containers appropriate/robust
(separate to those used for enrichment-ie,
2. Animal i. Min-space √ Plastic box with mesh lid. Cleaned
enclusores ii. Compatible with known animals needs every day.
iii. Durable, comfortable, good repair,
escape proof
iv. Cleanliness
v. Animals rooms/yards/stable clean, tidy,
vermin-proof, in good repair to facilitate
effective cleaning

Room secure to ovoid escape

Floor clean:
 trip hazards
 places for escaped animals to hide
2.1.Materials and i. Safe and non-tocix, comfortable, √ Medium size dried chopped wood
Design withstand cleaning agents bedding. Dust free. Changed
ii. Easy monitoring enabled everyday. Plastic cage relatively safe
iii. Nesting box and material for breeding and easy to clean.
iv. If wire, solid mat also
v. If wood, not treated, not sharp,
vi. Vectors of diseases controlled
vii. Restraint facilities-yard, crush cages
suitable and safe
2.2.Space i. Adequate space and stocking density for √ Relatively spacious cage (floor area
requirements exercise, social stability or single of 600 cm2) for 5 adult mice (1 male
animals, breed, age, growth stage and 4 female). Checked daily. When
 Breeding mice pair- 300 cm2 per too crowded (e.g. newborn mices
pair grows to adolescent size – half of
 Upright posture for M, R, adult), the new mices quickly
Rabbits relocated to new cages).
ii. Adequate area for separate rest and
iii. Note confinement structures-crates,
cages, and measurements, time held
iv. If barn held, any outdoor exercise areas?

2.3.Social i. Social housing for social species, √ Social housing implemented.

requirements justification if not?
ii. Mitigation of isolation or deprivation-eg
enrichment, suitable human contact,
iii. Check max time isolated

2.4.Bedding and i. Bedding material provided and √ Medium size dried chopped wood
nesting and appropriate bedding. Dust free. Changed
furniture ii. Nesting material for breeding animals everyday.
iii. Materials-safe, absorbent, low allergic,
free from contaminants and vermin
iv. Animal bedding appropriately changed
so animals kept dry, comfortable, clean
v. Retreat areas for mothers and young, if

2.5. Special i. Animals with special requirements √ Albino mice stain BALB-C, DDY,
requirements present, identified? A, and SLC.
ii. Note if albino, immunocompromised
(nude mice etc), post- surgery, disease, or
drug affected
iii. Provision of cage `enrichment` if barrier
requirements (eg. IVCs, social isolation)
iv. Biosecurity (zoonotic disease, NHP)

Animals able to perform species-specific

activities including sufficient exercise and
3.1. Temperature i. Room temperature recording-daily, max √ Temperature kept at 22 – 24 °C and
and humidity & min Room temperature alarm humidity at 50 – 70 %.
ii. Special condition for very aged, young
thermoregulatory impaired animals-
clearly displayed?
iii. Shade/shelter available for outdoor
iv. Humidity within acceptable range (40-
70% for lab species)- note to respiratory
3.2. Ventilation and i. Draught free, fresh or conditioned air in √
Air quality rooms (approx.. 10-20 ACH) or
individually ventilated cages (IVC)
ii. Room-Instantaneous nor average
ammonia concentration < 25 ppm
iii. Smallest unit animal housing-
Instantaneous nor average ammonia
concentration < 25 ppm. NB consider
temperature, RH. (note-
recommendations for rabbits)
iv. Ventilation systems regulatory
serviced, alarms tested
3.3. Noise No excessive noise (no minimum standards) √
3.4. Light i. Max light intensity at 1 m is 350 lux, √ Indirect lightning (the cages placed
except albino animals (light meter) within metal shelves so that they do
ii. Opportunity to withdraw to lower not exposed directly to the light).
intensities-tunnels, darkned Daily light period 9 h, dark period
areas/nesting box etc 15 h.
iii. Periods of daily light and dark provide-
iv. Access to daylight for non-human
v. Suitability to the species (nocturnal

3.5. Emergency i. Able to detect smoke/fire, power √ SOP and recording system available
plans & Alarm interruption, or breakdown of essential and tightly implemented. Massive
systems systems (ventilation, temp control etc- culling plan for outbreak and total
especially IVCs, plants desinfection of room in case of
(chillers/broilers), electronic disease.
ii. Emergencies plan in place? (eg. Battery
backup or generators, emergency
contact to engineer etc)
iii. Alarm tested regularly, notifying
correct people
iv. Essential service backup tested
regurlarly (generator switchover, chiller
v. Fuel present for generator, UPS
(uninterrupted power supply) for alarm
vi. Disease outbreak? (e.g. rabies) have

4.1. Behavioural i. Animal able to perform species specific √ Burrowing, socializing between
requirements activities including opportunity for individuals in the cage, natural
sufficient exercise (note approx. 10- breeding.
promote for phenotype reporting)
ii. Provision of nest boxes if intend to
breed breeding animals
iii. Monitoring for abnormal behaviour,
stereotypies & effects (during
experimental protocols)
4.2. Environmental i. Items or management to facilitate √ Simple thick sawdust bedding for
`enrichment`/co normal behaviours provides? burrowing.
mplexity ii. Above provision-save, practical and
actually fulfil animal needs?

5. Maintenance and i. Animals Room- clean, tidy, vermin √ Not fully vermin proof, especially in
Hygiene proof, in good repair to pacilatate dirty corridor. Wild rat occasionally
ffective cleaning wander around that area.
ii. Animal Bedding appropriately changed
so animals kept dry, comfortable, clean
Other-check livestock yards, races, crush etc
6. Handling and i. Training provision or access for animal √ Only basic handling (the unit only
Basic house personnel lecturers and breed laboratory animals, not using
Procedures investigators for component handling, them).
basic procedures and AEC approved
procedures as required. Training
ii. Procedures appropriate for age and state
animals NB-note I retro-orbital
bleeding without GA, using animals for
Abs production, can promote
saphenous, facial bleeding, ear notch,
buccal cell genotyping, refinements
7. Health i. Appropriate animal health monitoring √ Daily check by employee (one
Monitoring program (nb also appropriate for annual employee only handles one breeding
interpretation of disease/death room). Decision making by the head
assessment). Use of sentinels should be of laboratory animal breeding.
covered by AEC/IACUC approval
ii. Appropriate animal health policy
iii. approved procedure for prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of disease and
for quarantine
iv. Appropriate health monitoring re
negative impact project activities
v. Appropriate biosecurity/biohazard
containment (nb also adiation, GM,
infectious disease etc)

8. Transportation i-v. Check SOP for domestic/internal and √ SOP and recording system available
external transportation plus check transport and tightly implemented.
container/vehicles where possible-nb
specially for local transport
if no SOP- any suitable guidelines followed?
Other-care transport of pregnant animals
(refer to Farm codes for guidance)
9. Euthanasia i. Are the general principles of the national √ CO2 chamber for euthanasia.
legislation (as minimum) and/or
internationally recognized standards (e.g.
from World Animal protection) adopted in
the euthanasia method/policy?

- Humane method-see nb
- Competent person
- Quiet, clean, isolated environment
and death confirmed
- Appropriate euthanasia or care for
dependent neonates
- Appropriate method for
developmental stage and
confirmation of death prior to

Note any unacceptable methods

10. Monitoring and i. System of recording of animal breeding √ SOP and recording system available
Record implemented? Nb. SOPs- are they and tightly implemented.
regularly reviewed by the AEC?
ii. 4 year retention of animal record
iii. Records and SOPs readily accessible
for audit
iv. Project monitoring responsibilities
recorded- ie. Who monitored note on
monitoring sheet

 Special care need
 Experimental vs stock animals
 Responsible researcher/AEC/IACUC
approval number
 Emergency contacts (per room or

Purpose: To assess the welfare of animals within a housing facility or while in use of a procedure/teaching
Method: animals are assessed directly during a visit/observation. Assessment of animals in housing facility should be done with assessment of
THE HOUSING AND MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT. Animals-based measurement should be consideration at all levels, and
resource-based assessment taken when animal-based measures are inadequate.
Experience/knowledge of specific-species requirement may be needed for thorough assessment

General Information


Are animal’s welfare constantly First assessment trial. Previously, only
assessed? How? cross checking of SOP regulation.
Numbers of animals and species Mice : approx. 20.000 total in this


Principles Obtained
1. Good i. Absence of prolonged hunger Ad libitum feed and water, no sign of
Feeding ii. Absence of prolonged thirst prolonged thirst and hunger.
2. Good i. Comfort around resting Comfortable sawdust bedding. Room
Housing ii. Thermal comfort teperature and humidity constantly kept at
iii. Ease movement 20 – 24 °C and 70 – 75%. Cages for mice (5
adult mices each) have floor area of 600 cm2
3. Good i. Absence of injuries Injured or sick mices are culled/euthanized
Health ii. Absence of disease each day to prevent spread of diseases and
iii. Absence of pain induced by cannibalization by fellow mices. Euthanasia
management procedures is done using CO2 gas.
4. Appropriate i. Expression of social The mices can express their natural
Behaviour behaviours behaviour and socialize freely. Relax
ii. Expression of other behaviours behaviour towards their human keeper.
(natural behaviours)
iii. Good human-animal
iv. Positive emotional state
(qualitative behavioural

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