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GA.,OCT.8, 1925 NO.2


FOR AUDITO-A number of G. S. C. W. Girls
COPIESOF ' September 24, the Senior De- fiiR.R. J. GUINN, ATLANTA,
On c::
MADE will leave on Oct. 6 to attend the THISEDITION gree Class assembled at the Mansion MAKES ADDRESS.
W, C. T. U. Convention at -Macon. This dignified group . was called to
The destruction, by fire 1 of the Each year this college has a large This issue of the Colonnade marks order by their last year's president, The thil'ty-fomth formal opening
administration building la-st Decem~ deleg·ation to the state convention, the second edition of a college paper Frances Hinton, who explained tlrn of the Georgia State College for
in the history of the Georgia State object of the meteing. The roll Women took place at eight-thirtyr
her has caused the college to work and this time aU four classes are
represented. College for Women, the first edition was called and a few names were Wednesday morning, September-16,
under a great disadvantage. It has appearing on Ju]y_ 2.0, 1925, at the added to it. The meeting was then when the students and faculty as-
been greatly handicapped since ten Many noted women will be pres- regular £ession of Summer School. turned over to Dr. Parks. At his sembled in the Methodist church, for
ent. Among them is Mrs. Mary Har- h
class rooms, several studios, adminis- ris Armour, a forceful speaker who Although for many years t ere was reqi1Est, the members of the class the first chapel exereises. Approxi- '
trative offices, and the auditorium has car1;ied · the fight against liquor an annual supported by the college, who had been out teaching told mately one thousand students wer,e
this is the first publication of its something of their work. In his mo~t present 1 together with the entire fac-
wer~ destroyed. The fact that this tl·affic the length and breadth of the
ldnd. chai;ming manner, Dr, Parks gave a ulty and a num her of visitors.
college suffered for the lack of room country. Mrs, Mable Walker Wille- S d h I
tu ents ave ong ·e t e nee
f It h d
very informal and inspiring· talk After the devotional led by DI".
before the 'fire, added more' to the
brandt, assistant attorn·e.y general of d d • f ct· • h' h
an es1re or a news e 1t10n w IC, about self-government and college Emory, pastor of the Methodist
' the United States is expected to be h Id d I · I · t t
terrible disast"1'. s ou ea wit 1 campus m eres s, .:.tandards, This was followed by an church, Dr. Parks cordfoUy welcom-
Present Mrs, Willebrandt has com- Th' d · t' II f Ifill d
1a yc Au e
h1s , es1re " par intermission during which delicious ed both old and new gll'ls to the
Dul.1·ng tlie Jast meeting of the plete charge of that section of the
w en m 19
23 ti y w
le , . , , spon- punch was served. colleg·e. Mr. R, J. Guinn 1 noted edu-
legislature, Dr, Par s as te I d f or as- department of justice which has sore d T riang · Ie d Th oug.h ts, A b.1• The group was again called to or- cator of Atlanta, congratulated the
charge of. the direction and dismissal th! h' h t· d f
s'ist~nce. He readily found the en- mon Y paper Y, 1c con mue or der and the election of officers took members· of the student body on .their
of cases violating the liquor laws. d h' h · t
tire group in sympat hY Wl'th t h e coJ• Mrs. Nellie C. Burger 1 pi.'esident of two I tyears,
d t an b w I 1c y was given o 1>lace. Frances Hinton 1 of Greene- admission to such a famous institu-
Jege, and appropt'iations for $195,000 W. C. T. U. of Missoul'i, will be a t 1eL s u en s· y dt 1e fl 't , t ville, was· re-elected president, She tion. Hon. Miller S. Bell, secretary-
ast 8 prmg, e nt e s eps were \s worthy of this honor and respo.ri- treasurer of the Board of Trustees,
t d Th . un, was to bu'1ld noted speaker. Mrs. Maud B. Per- k f th bl' h t f I
were vo e • ts s ta ·en or e esta 1s men o a co - sibility ood hn· tnlk was procf extended a welcon'e iTIbchn.lf of the
a ne wclass room bu1 mg an 'Id' d t o .kins, general secretary of Young I egc newspaper, b • •
egmmng w1 'th a enough for her sincerity, Anna Eliz. members of the Board. Dr. E. A.
Th t People's Branch in National W, C. f ~ b bl' h d
replace the auditorium. e sena e our-page paper, ~.,., e p.u 1s c abeth Branch of Augusta was re- Tigner also a member of the Board,
1 1
was almost unanimous in this 111atter1 T. U, ·is scheduled to address th e twice a m'?nt~, and with a subscrip- elected vice-president; Mary Joyce: expressed his pleasure ID attending
_ , · Conventiori, t' f f fif t t
only one vote being agamst 1t. 10n ee o ty cen s a sernes er. Banks, of Milledgeville, secl'etary; the opening of the college.
Plans had already ·been made for With Anna Elizabeth Branch as The purpose of the fee is to secure and Daisy Daniel, of Rome, treasur- T-.,.·oof the new faculty members
the erection 0 ~ the new building and delegation leader 1 the following G. funds for the improvement of the er, These girls were wisely chosen were then intreduced. Dr. Webber,
the work upon it was i·ushed when S, C. girls will attend the convan- publieation, for they are all capable, outstanding head of the Education department,
the funds became available. tion: D?r?thy Roberts 1 Elizabeth Because of the n~mber and beauty girls and represent different typ<;;!smade a short talk giving as his phi-
'Id' 1
h' h Ross L1lhan Torrance, Sarah Con- of the columns which are so charac- in the class. The meeting was the!l losophy of life: "Doing the right
The new class room bu1 mg, w ic
. . I t'
JI N SI •1· · St v· · ·
. na y, an appy, 11 mme owe, 1r- ter1st1c of t is campus, i' e o on-
h' ,.h C J
adjourned thing first." Prof. Wynne, head of
is so rapidly nearing comp e 10n1 is . , A Id A , L · G db'· · ·
situated at the rear of Atk mson . an d gmm 1'110 , nme aur1e o ee, nade has been· chosen . . as . the name . , me t a g a ·n, the English department, formerly a
Las t T ues d ay th e c a~s
1 1
P k !, II b
_ .,... er s :J.a s, e wee t n both dormito- Catherine
,.. . Bugley 1 Frances Lawrence, for the
t b • • t· news ed1tt°i11f th' which 11· strives The class president talked to the Geo1·gian1 declared that he was only
, ·. ries. There _isto be a porch, the roo_f ,:..hz~beth H.ea1:n, Do;o_Chy;.
·~~.,:;'S?,.':1,;it~~~1li~f.\:r.;·<,].'1Ji·~~-'1··U:,":P~autk·· ... 11~·:!!'f'.Y,:·;,!i,r:":-~
'·· "''·.·
~'~~:e~1~,;~--1~~e,.;~ ,:,!~:
·-...t.,...~·:-•,. 1-" vl! .. v t.u
ernment and the ·secretary read

an old friend who had. come hon,P..
• - • ,._, • ' ••• -,

·\vere> .b'egtiri···'·Weilrte·sa,ay-:.
"_' •' • • •• • "• •• C•'

-JfiP::~1' ,-,~
-:··.'-=·):'-_-- ~~i:f,'\~·,. ,....·-.~. ·. ,,.,_,. ti.:, ·,·n and -Ellen McKee, Mtss Oma Good- Colonnade, then boost those that are ·]ic'.... of privilewes of which Dr Park~ ·afternoon. One of the most prompt
··': fu 1·, 1arge co1umns. vu·ec Y . •- · , t , · b , . b .· . "'~ e • · :s
-' C · t'
on ~nue on
d last pllge rnn .will chaperone the group.
? .1.0 ow Y P acmg you1 su scup- ,
hon today.
11 1 Continued on last page organizations in the histciry of the·
college was. realized with n p;reat ma-
jority of student!: following u reg-u-


Who' were those sophomores and WO who· have been at G..S.. C. W. [EMBERS
~01·ma'tseniors, J>esides cabinet mem- · for three, Years feel that we realize For the first time the college cur- The Literary Guild held its first
,hers and ineiubership committee, who just exactly what each. new girl has riculum includes a course in Jour- meeting fo~ th_is year at seven
~ere on our campus a whole to look forward to, and we hope that nalism, which to members of o'clock 1 Friday eve~~ng, Sept, 25, G. S. r W, regretted the loss· ~f
'day b.efore school op,e.ned this fall? we may have a share in ,making all .classes. Under the direction of Miss Croweil,· who is the advisor of some of b ..... f8.culty members this
Why were they here? What Could your dreams of ·c0llege life come the club, acted as chairman. yea? 1_but s~e :~ to be. greatly c~n"-
·' ey ftil.d .to keep them busy for a
.,th. true. We hope to share in making Prof, Wynne, it 111eets th ree times ,,.ratulated be<~-~~e ,of the strong
doy if there were no classes your college 'daYs on our campus the a week. It is inten d ed primar1'IY not The constitutio_n was read· explain- members
which hav~ been added.
_to attend? Those· were Sophomore happiest, most profitable, and most to make writers but to instill clear ing that those eligible for member- Among these new r~cruits is Prof •.
·Commission gills who had returned successful in your life. ideas of thinking and writing; to. ship must either be juniors or sen- w. T. Wynne, .who ·succeeds Dr,' Hol-
earlY, alo'ng with othe1• i,y,, workers, Knowing what, G, S. C. W. has help its students think straigh.t and iors, majo1·ing or minoring in Eng- liday as Prof. of' English. Prof.
They came to help meet the gills, meant to us and what it can mean . lish. Wynne "is a G.e-orgian Who graduated"
l'. esp_eciallythe freshmen, ns they came to you, O Freshnlan .Class, the Senior write clearly. It is deSigned to do After everyone had entered their from EITl0ry and has taken post--
...;.,.-··' up ·fro.-mthe-:trainS, .and to perfoi·m Degree Cla'Ss welcomes you ·to our .three things: train students funda- names on the membership roll, the ·r.-raduate work at Peabody and Co-,
f· · \ any little 'tasks they could find to college· h0me •. , - . mentally ,interested i_njournalism, to following officers were ele~ted: Mar- Iumbia Unive1·sities. He liolds the
>· make the dOrmitorie'S more home-like FRANCES HINTON, take positions on the college ..papel'; thn H€11dricks, president; Mary Lee Master's Degree, and for a number·~
I, f~r the first night. Didn''t you .~ave President .Junio1•., '25, to help students who expect to make Andei·son, · secretary-treasurer; and of :years has been a veTy prominent
\: a good feeling deep, deep dowri in .. journalislll a professio·n; to inCrease· Margue1·ite Mitcham, chairman of the educator in Tennessee.
r you whe_n you came i~ and fourid The Sophomore Class· is happy to the efficiency of those who · take it social committee. Another who comes to uS verr
n nd
:,' your bed ah•eady made up and your welcome yOu a tl' to exte to you by helping them learn the value of · Before the adjoumment of the highly endol'sed is· Dr. George H: ..
th nd th
room arrariged nicely? .You can e sple id fellowShip at eharac- clarity and directness in speech and me:,eting, it was suggested that an Webbet•, P1;of. of Education, He·.,
guess wh0 h~lped do it: And then terizes our in itution. Otir, intere st writing;· to give news value to the amendment be made to the constitu- taught fo1me1·l:v at Winthrop Col'."·
there were about twen·ty freshmen si pet·hap~ increO:sed a nd made more exp1-ession of their thoughts, tion, permitting any upper classman, lege, S. C., and· Susquahannnh Uni:..
who ha·d come early to take entrance th
sympa etic because it seems only a Those who have attained to high ~o desiring, to become a membe1• of ve1·sity in Pennsylvania,
eXamiilatipns. J\Jst sui:,p0ae ther had few weeks.-SinCe vie too were Fresh- positions in any profession today are the Guild. The vote was unanimous- Miss Myrtle Williams, associate
been here all alone that- first night; men a · experfenCinif the th rills of those 'Vho have added to their ef- Jy can•ied and this provision was Prof, of French and Spanish, holds
they might have been ready to go Continued. on ·last page ficiency by learning the importance made, ., . the Master's Degree fi-om Columbia: .
home on the first' tJ.•ain the next of news value.. Possible subjects for study and and · 8 diploma from a college in
SCHEDU.LE FOR OCT. 5,11 'd d h
morning. The collego graduate niust know discussion wv._e cons1 ere , t e nov- France.
Maybe you would like to know Y. W. c·:A.Cabinet Moetin1 at something more th:an text books; he el and short \'}:tory being the favor- Prof. of Geography, -Miss Emma
just a little bit about Sophcimore 2 P. M. musi know how to use this eft'octively. ites. Dietrich, was formerly head of the.-·
Commission. Last spring about :a Monday; Sophomore Commi1•· If one learns the rules of cle81'·think- After the business meeting, a so- Geogra(lhy Department at the State,
month before sehool closed, twenty- iion .meotin1 ~t 3 P, M.~ 'ing and writing she 'Should have cial h·our was greatly enjoyed. Teachers' College at Fa1•mville, Va.
eight girls were cho·sen by th~ fresh- Tuesday; Fre,hm.:~ Hikin1 ·something that will help her sell her She holds the Maste1•'s Degree from!'
man class to be on commission. With Club. Committee meetin1 at 'I ,natural talents, enhanced- by a. col- [l'"'!"'______ ._ _____ "'I obe~·lin College in Ohio,
Miss Goodson, our efficient secretary, P. Ml. ,. . ;leg~ educati0n, to advahtag'e on a SEND-, THIS EDITION OF THE A former student and extension-·
nnd RosRbel Burch, undergraduate Wedne1llla,s Chapel, all· cla1se1. -market 'where the· deniand ..for espe- workei• of thie college, Mi~s , ·Eurii
represt,ntative, to work with them, Thursday; Mid-week Haper at ci&lly trained w0rkers'ts g'1~8aleSt. COLONNADE TO THE ~OME Belle._Boltor: .comes to us as Prof:·.
these girls. were to serve for one 7P u ,· ,. · ,:·. . ,, -' ' ,\'t)i::•,. · 1 k h
' ,... ·· of Psychology, She has ta en t eJ
year. Realizing that more eft'ective ·.Fridah Literary 7 P, 0
Haven' a friend ,ir·-two ,who .FOLKS. LET THEM REAi> Master's Degree at Pea)>ody,
work could be accomplished if ey .M. ' would be a Colon~ade ·subsclei~r If ,. . Miss Lilias lllyrick has retumetf.{o
Continued from fi1•stpage Sailirdtrr Senior Hildn1 Club ·· . , ABOUT' YOUR COLLEGE EX. . . .
· , M s_h.e_kn_e
w o.f th•., exis\~..n••.,,of su,ch a,· the Chemistry,Depart111,ent; after~
were organized, oft'icers were •lec·1ed. 1, 3o P.,. •. . I dh t PERIENCES. , c,eiving her., Master's Deg1,ee .lit. Co-
The oft'icers chosen were: Cornelia· Sunurr Ve1pero at 7· p, ,M. p~per? Why. not en er {~"i
cofy ,. • '., •'.. ,.Continued on, last page
' co.~tinµe,d.
Oil 1astpa~·e·
..''~,. ,_ l ' • " • • '·- ',. •.t l!,..~.#-"'
,etr~le· ' ,.. IIi,;...
... _ ... _.,.,.,,~,~'.,~{'.----- ii,i-,, .• • ,. '. '
' '
' ...
WATCH;WORD AT C. S, C. W. '' ,.,.'..·, ,:., '·' '. ', ,;_:. '

Nctus ·-:-
i _., ''
BUREAU OF INFORMATION Thinga 1 Saw and He·ard ; While ; .
'•'; 0 a ; - ' '' .. 1 '·' :· _.__
The COicifltla'a'eis striving to be a
Fearfully! .the Freshmen of many , College Paper/ T(;P Be Exchange Cabinet Memb'e;s Attend. definite medium of inte11est between
( FOr the Freshni.en) Wal.ting for a Petition to be Sf1nod ' + ~
In the Regiatrar'a Office, colleges board the· train for their Medium nlumnae and the pres'ent student
~nna Elizabeth Drane h ......................................................... . ....Editor•it-1•Chh?f. nne "'irl twrneO. on September the I
schools, Mournfully t'he young .sports
I The summer brought its regu\nr body, For this reason each edition
'lft.~ePth tnw:ird Milledgeville feefr,p
Aftar being to:kl by one of the i For a number of years there has :ot14d3 of' visits and house parties, will contain news concerning girls
Hazel Hogan, l\brguerite Jackson, Ellen McKee ............ Associate Edltor-.1 caress their beautifully oiled locks, JI .. ~ CABINET AND COMMISSION STUDENT BODY developing on the G. S. C.W. bllt th€!' summer of 1925 · saw the who have graduo.ted from G. S. C.
· k
Irrnc Laml:i_n, Martha Hmdr1c s -··································· ·· ~
''<'1'V imnOl'tant. Her one nmbitil):n )ftlCe assistants to wait for five min•
Eusi"e"s Manaie1•:-; ......,; tn helo the new girls over thi> 1tes, I sat on one of the benches dreading
is destiried
the time
soon to
of separation
be upon
f .. thM.t
campus a great need ·for a college :lrSt house party put on by the "Y"
cabinet. It was held at Joycliffe,
The news in this issue deals chiefly
with the more recent graduates, but
"lv-:tacles thnt were sure to confront ;,nd began to observe the ebb and · ' On Satu1·day; September 3, each publication. Now that the time has
. - Circulation Manag:=r;.;
Kathleen Monts, Gypper Yourna::.~ ···························· f,~,,,. flow of the girls in brown.
Carefully they rehearse speeches 1
member of the faculty received the The thrill that comes once in a come, in the progre!IS of the college, sev.E'n
on the
miles from
It beg·an
in the future, membe1·s of every
will receive merition.
Until the Atlanta terminal WllS planmd· for the nortoriou& Rat Courts following Mlvitation.: year-the annual hike! The entire a paper is being launched. It is the class
-Margtirct H~g:1~0\"ter ···································--··················-···· Exc1umge Editm: In the first ~rowd was a homesick purpose of The Colonnade to reflect eleventh until the afternoo 1F1 of Sep-
The staff urges your cooperation
""nchzd there was no need for in- about which they have much. uwhen· Monday rolls around, campus was in a state of delight
.T • • •••••••••••••••••• Alumnae Editor formation, There the Freshmen Freshman · whO couldn't understand the character of the college, How- tember fourtenth, when all had t.o in this matter.
Fra11ces I:i.urr1s ··············-·-··························· ·· · · If you at·e still in town j when Dr. Parks announced at lunch- ever it could not survive if no need tu'rtl their sun-burned · faces once
were easily recognized by the new- why Ma1·y Jones had been allowed
Remorsefully, the flappers picture
"Delighted would be the buneh
• • •
.Lucet~a LawrellCe ···························································-············ Joke Edito:· themrnlves with pi.g-tnils projecting eon Monday, October 5, that we existed or if it failed to fulfill that moi·e "Milledgevi!leward." But these Waynesboro, Ga., is to have sev-
,, 0 ss of the tiniform and most con- to s~bstitute Ft·en~h for DomeitiC To have you in fo1• lunch. faces were smilh:g· and hapr; be-
Mr. W, T. Wynne --·--·----------------
............................. Faculty Advisor vinciuO'ly by the way in which th~y
..----------- d h ,t1't1'011fllnd in au directions from the heads'that By 'bunch' we wish to imply;
should assemble at four o'clock 1 in need. The Colonnade shall endeavor eral G. S. C. alumnae as faculty
,.. Sdence an t e same P ... c'a,usti the cabinet girb, with Miss
wore their ties. Incidentally, that are usuallY so exqttisitely, marcetlEd. Cabinet and Commission 'Y.'" front of Terrell Hall, _to start on the to do thb j it shall iitrive to become members for the coming year. They
was the Rrst chan~e auoervised by by the "Freshie" had hen .turned a means of bringing about a closer Goodson, haal accomplish~d the aims are Josephne Sibley, '24 of Augusta;
The gu'ests ·assembled in the par- Annual Hike, Everybody was on
THE STAFF EXPRESSES APPRECIATION. thfl Bureau of Information. down when presented to the Regis- Oh, awful is the fate of the Fresh- association of the Alumnae, with they had in viEw when they went Helen Stembridge, '23 and '25, of
Kl1·sof Terrell Hall and were ushered time, in line, full of pEp, ready ~o
The next thing was to assure fond trar. Afte1· a detailed explanation men! each other, with the student body, out to Joyclitre. Waynesboro; Julia Bowen, '24, of
hear the · f hnd brnn n.1ade about the difference t othe dining room by members of hike. The faculty, matrons, and en- This was not an ordinary house-
,The sails are set-,ve're launching out-can't y~u almost 11arents that Mary was t o be m sa f But no rule is a rule 1•.dthout an the faculty, and the various college Wayrn~sboro j Mary Hatcher, '23 of
Cabinet and Commission. The din- tire student body, were invited as party for you see it had more than
"!!.'!'Ids,that ~he wouldn't stnrve, and h1 accerdited schools and A2 schools Waynesboro j Gene Lansdell, '24 of
he staff .wishes l'ight here at the beginnmg of the voyage to ing room was beautifully decorated guests of Dr. Parks.
-splash, T f h voyage to that everything possible would b e the ll'ttle Freshman -left the office exception and in this case G. S. C. The success of the Colonnade b one aim, that of having a good time. Harlem; Mohala Butts, of Benua
splash! ThC stJff wishes right herz at the beginning o t e dorie to prevent homesickness. but I thought to myself, "What a W, is that exception. No Rat Courts to carry out the color scih-emeof blue In groups of two's the long line foretold but with the support of such Added to this general aim of a few Vista.
and white, uy" colors. The tables
-thusiasm. One mother had hea1·d that h2:· fair example of convincing a woman .are held the1·e, No ridiculous pa-
were arranged in the shape of two
:if uniform girls marched. J u.=it-,1t loyal Alumnae its future is an estab- days packed full of fun, were the • • •
• that to succeed each of us must help support ·.;his daughter's trunk wouldn't b~ safely 1gainst her will." I saw plainly that rades take place that would bring the ·edge of town, the fun bega11. /dl lished fact. It is not necessary more serious desires to become bet- Lavinia Tyler, '23, A. B.125, is at~
Because you 1·eaI1ze ' . triangles, each table having as a cen•
- l d e your bit early. This enthu~iasm will be a dynanne lnn,nPd on Atkinson third floor with- ~he Freshmnn Wctsoi the "same opin· embarrassment to ev'en the boldest .;1.long the way, there were sub-stn~ however, to say the greater the sup- ter acquainted and to plan the work tending Columbia University.
tral decoration, a vase of pink roses. tions attended by degree seniors and
proJect, you 1ave on
influence in enlisting the entire student body to help.
n 11t the owner's A.ssi 8 ~~nce. Sh,, •..,, .. ion iitill." of the b6ld. No pranks are played
Ferns on pedestals were placed at in• student as~istants, who served dain-
port the more worth while the paper. for the "Y" for the coming year. • • •
:_ntroduced to the Atkinson derrick Th.e next inte1·Esting person was that might prove to be dangerous as School spirit and asrnciations, You see both of these will be bene- Lila Mills has moved from Col!ins
Of cou1·Ee you and I want a college ne\'tspaper, and we've ~vanted one and w@ntawa'.lt comfortfd. . \ -, tervals about the room.
a girl who proves that in spite of well as funny, And yet there is just ties, There w~re juicy pears, choc~ never end with such a connect- ficial to the student body. The Cab- to Miami, Fla., where she is con~
. ure've been waiting to be able to have one that we could Another was ecneciallv an:xiM,~ the effo1•ts spent on some high school as much life and pep in the old girls ~-- -l__ A delightful three-course luncheon olate bars, g1•apes, crackers, jaw need
...._,__ ing link as a good college paper. inet girls have been banded togeth- nected with the Cushm:~n Private
for a 1ong t 1me. n l' Wis served by members of the so- breakus, chocolate kisses, fun, and
ange with friends from other colleges, and we rea me ~lmt her daughter be made to take 3tudents as· rnon as they are away of· G. S. C. as can be found in -imy er with a spirit of sistership with n School.
.send h ome an d exch cial committee. The menu was as laughter all along the way until HThe
-that this means all must work together. , . . t
her tr,nic, ,l'egularly. from the protecting wing of the high group of students, anywhere, but all
follows: Meadow" was reached. When we ·
INTERCOLLEGIATE common purpose of offering their
best in the services of the ''Y" By
•• •
A third confidentially asked to be tchool Eng'llsh 'teacher they drift their energy-tho' directed toward ' Evelyn Northcutt is a member of
Let's make this a glorious beg~nning, that will develop mto some~k1~g ' Fruit Cocktail ~ot there there was more fun than Brenau students, after a period planning the work that is to be done the Domestic Science faculty
,iotified if lur daughter tried to back to their formEr mannet· of the Freshman-goes toward making of
RemembEr this is your paper and we wa~t it ~o elope. speech: -This girl' came in and--in·'a' tbcm haJ)py rather than· frightened Olives Pickles Celery eVEr-walking across the Oconee ·riv- of several years, have again insti- /)efore hand difficulties were fore-
-Lefter ,dth each issue. Winston-Salem, N. C. Dorothy Mil-
Chicken Salad . Sliced Tomatoes Er, pla-ying in the rnnd, talking, sit- tuted for "the Sunday evening pro- se·en, and swept away, and greater
a~co_mplish your ideals. Between Atlanfo and Macon, a very earnest way asked if her Sum• or embarrasied. ~er is also teaching music there.
Cheese Balls
tl.cket disan_"·eared an·d a frantic me1· School records from the Univer-
" W'th ·._The. judge:;i' stands are crowded Sandwiches
ting, ~inging, and playing. grftm, the lo_Wering
When we were all rested we found sunset ... TheY' march out · singing sidered,
of the flag at possibilities appeared and were con-
• • •
search brought it to light, nestlin."' ,., :;ity of .Georgia· "ha:d came.1 t- 1 out by Information Booths. In the Colene Reed of Symrna, has ac-
t Ice Cream Cake our line again and were served de-
Ail1erica." fl'Om a· circle around the Questions vital to the life of every
A BEGINNING. co~fortably between a ham sand. a kio ly smile d th a was a moS a place of the judge stands a girl weBr- cepted a position in the high school
Mis-sMary Hyman- sang two solos. licious cookies and iced drinks-then fl8g' pole, and st8nd at attention as girl on the campus, were presented
wich and a chicken-wing in a lunch laugh the assistant replied, "'l'hey of bur home town.
b have not come."-. ing a Big Sister Arm Band on the Music was rendered throughout the to the weiner stand where each girl the bugle sounds retreat
September 14th! the beginnil;g of another school year! The beginning ox, d h b dormitory ·steps other Big Sjsters

meal by Miss Harlow Thompson.

and -Mle and disc.ussed. A realization of the • • •
Also a. suit-case was misplaced and I liave often hear t a I ecause" meet the new girls, -take charge of was given a couple of rolls and wein• flag is lowered. needs of the student body was Willie Mae Carmichael, '25 of
·of a year of ·o·pportunitie~. How far that year seems to carry_ us on the
,,•hen fo-und, it very solidly reposed Mr. Scott was a- "man of a11 tra d es their bags, and help them find their et'S, a glass of· iced punch. After • "' • broi1ght about by this _frank, open Syrna is teaching in the AtTanta
·.:,h , 1· l'f · n·o,s i't held J'oy or sorrow1 Both; so take them cheerfully ,,po11 the ·agent's b1·and ne,,• hat. No that the general- College Public con· Y. W. ENTERTAl!iS,. this we were given apples, a~d ice North Georgia Agricultural Col~ exchange of ideas, and a determinn- school system,
htg \\ayo 1 c. .f · " rooms. These have been made cheer-
· D · it hold sa,tisfaction or discontent1 Sat1s action, tt 11,urdet· reported. lege, after having elected a new pres- tion was foutld to meet these needs. • • •
ns t 11ey cpme. oes . ., sidered his office a· place where any- f
ul by "Y" worker's Who have dress• WITH RADIO PARTY cream.
.)'~U are deter~ined to have it so, Will it ~nally ~ring s~ccess or fat ure.
1 So many drains wet·e made upon thing may be found or loft and any As niglit fell we gather:: d on the i'dent, is swiftly regaining the.ground Joycliffe, you know, lives up to it:. Rome, Ga., ha;, as faculty mem-
ed thcm up with linen sent on ahead
the knowledge of this traveling bu- problem can be solved. Within the b On Saturday evening, September hillside for the most inte1·esting part' lost dtiriTig the last administration, name, Hills, covered with trees, bers this yeat\ Annie Su<i Griffith,
The one·for which you strive unce.asingly will awa1t you m the end. y the students.
t·eau, that it wus r-. r:it,her empty- short time" I was waiting, a pet dog 19, the "old" girls entertained the of the evening. A huge bon fil·e was and the outlook is said to be ex- :;urround the bluff', itsdf, with its Mary Griffin and Mildred De.vis, all
In the begihn:ing ·of a school year, resolutions are made, ideals found1
headed and bewildered agent who was brought in and after being tied The" days and nights that follow 0
new" with a radio party, It was huilt by members of the faculty and tremE!ly promising. rustic log cabin.s. The bluff ovei·- of Rome.
ari'd goals set. '!'.he begi~nlng of.this year is just like all those other cen- finally hurried into her dormitory, to the desk was left while the owmr are not full of, nightmares for -the
. ·f ' · At th--eend ()f this l'ear may each resolution have been late that aftn·noon, and got lost went to town. Three girls inquired Freshmen. Instead, there is always
attended by one thousand girls and the class p_resident.
members of the faculty. Dr. Parks led us in singing his favor-
ID • • looks the lake, ·where of course swim-
About four hundred. co-eds have ming and rowing were a dail; pass-
• • •
,tur1es o years. . . · ' . . Mary Wise of Sandersville is at
kept, each i,deal_lived up to, and each goal obtained. Then each girl will hunting her own room. for lost "beauty repair boxes;" two some old girl to be found read.y a,nd The party Was planned by the SO· ite songs 1 and impromptu speeches chosen the 'University of Georgia as· time. And th'e · aii--ask some girl Piedmont Hospital taking a course
asked about .lost or stolen fount_ain anxious to answer any questions, set- cial committee of Y. W, C. A., to were given by Mi3s Andrews, Dr. their 'Alma Pater' this_ term. Their how it felt in tie early hours of the in Dietetics.
-EBJ',,"I am gla d ..t ho.t I b eg~n l't right, for my finish has been as excellent
-as my lteginiring.'' · ·
pens and one for five dollors which tie any difficulties, and solve any whom · the I c1•edit for the originality Beeson, Mr. Wnrnock, Mr. Harding, number has steadily iriCreased since morning!
thE! University was first made co-ed• The glorious part of the house-
• • •
THE MASTER WEAVER. she had left just "somEwhere" where problems that may prove too much and _Success is due. Terrell Tall Dr. Daniel and''Mr. Scott, Jewell Youmans, B. S.'25 is head
she had been "sonietime" that day.. -for the more ineXt>erierenced ones. orch- was attractively arranged to Miss~s Mary Hyman and Ethelyn Ucational. party was the companionship it af- of the Home Economics Department
Before the Loom the Master Weavet.· There were some things that har.i· esent a living room where a num.: Averett sang two solos ·for us; the 111 • t. forded. Eveninp:s on the hillsid<>, flt Vid:1Ha Ga.
EiC. SISTERS. stands pened· \\·hi~h I dare not rE!peat. ·There In all the· halls· the girls\ve1.· ·ber of G. S. C. graduates were hav- Coweta County girls presented a It is said Ila ta new addition has ~ongs and stories made old friends • • •
While Fate, the 1·estless Shuttle, would surely be someone who would corned by posters that are as sincere i11gtea. They tuned in· 31id "caught" stuntj the senior- degrees snr.g sever- '-en added t~ the University of Flor- become more closely drawn to?ether, Dorothy Morgan is teaching ln
'l'he members of the Membership Committee -of y • w• C• A• a1e · "better. flashing darts; becom·e suspicious nnd resent bitterly in th eir messages as they are unique G, S, C. The program consisted of al peppy songs, and lastly numerous ld!l by the way of 800 freshmen. Slight acquaintances did not ;.emain <;olumbus.
·known" as Dig Sisters. They are one of the stars that shin_e as brightly The WeavEr with His fl1·m, all-know- being "laughed at." . I left after mY in theil- ideas. talks by Miss Goodson and Cliff Tay- cheers and yells were sung to· Dr. II" • • so long as they lived together striv- • • •
ing hands petition w'es signed and I would have Punch is to be r"ound by those lor, music by the Jolly Stroun1mers, a Parks, the faculty, the hike, and th'e Mel'cer's enrollment is the largest ing for servic~. Personalities met Lottie l\Ioning Curl, B, S.'25, has
i the firmament of a Freshman's first '.few weeks at college, :n the histo-ry of the college, and exchanged ideas and came awa;
n Now tell me please what would a poof Freshma,n, carrying · h e1• suit : Directs an:d · guides th~ r.iutit1.1:!i. agreed with anyone .that on a college .who have been engaged in a conflict solo by Mary Hvman and the weath- different classes. · accepted a position in the school at
nous parts. ca,inpus the. Registrar's office- is the with schedules, a recer.,tion bright· er forecast. Two readings were The hon fire, 'th£s unset, the stars, from all reports, a great many of the, .richer, broader, and n~ore powerful.· Adel, Ga.
case (having been too timid or tired or m3.ib'e_green_ to. ·run_ for a ~ at given by Virginia McMieh-ael and nn the crowd, the kindness of Dr. Parks members appear on the campus I
place to' go, if you wapt to see the ens them at the end of the first weeli;
• • •
'the s~tion) do, if a big sister didn't ta~e bet und~r ~er wmg and show The Pattern of the Fabric is not· ~reatest, variety of types, either if ice cream and cake cheer them o~ enjoyable ,evening came to an end -all made us join enthusiastically 'almost' bald, Inez Woodall, '23 of Atlanta, will
'her tO:her ro~m1 Big 'sisters always smile, for they are only too glad to known; people or circumstances. Sunday; and vesper services, that with an original bed-time story read in singing "A Perfect Day." ' * ' SHOW CO-OPERATIVE SPIRIT teach there this yeai',
The social event of the week at
·help Freshm·en. . .
Chaotic seems the twisted, whirl-
ing mass;
night bring them a welcome not only ~Y Ellen MeKee,
Wesleyan College was the joint re-
• • •
NEW Y, W. HANOOOOK to the pep and fun of the social life THE FRESHMEN CO SHOPPING Boogie Watrnn and Sarn McElroy,
!Ho~• F~eshmen ,'vaste time aSl!-lng··other Freshmen where chem- To none of all the hu1:ried threads is ception · given to the freshmen by
PROVES USEFUL and the busy cheerfulness of those OPEN HO()SE ENJOYED BY The bell sounded through the do1·- Student, Are Urged to Patronize '25 have accepted positions it1 the
ish-y "lab" is or where to find psychology room. J:Io_w, many perfectly shOwn who are working hard toward ·high. mitory and almost simultaneously the Y. W. C, A. ond the Student Macon public schools.
What Thing the Master wills to STUDENTS. Adveritser,
good tears are wasted ,...-hen.the ans'l'er comes back, "I don't know, I'm a
": .h; · to :·" Ah' I Ho~\, q'uickly they smile·. thrqugb, tl:ieir bring to pass,
Here comes a foolish question! set goals, but to the glofiousllesS .:,f doors opened and girls rushed out Government Association, which took
of their 1·ooms into the halls and place Saturday evening, September f
• • •
F res 1e, o. . ,_ ,•, . ,, tears ·when a Have y6u seen the new Y. W, C. A, friend~hips· formed with the since!~ Lucile Wheeler is private secre-~

On Wedne$day, September 16,
Big Sister ~ays""P's)'chofogy room, first .room on you1;_l_eft. , handbook for 1925-26? But the.'l purpose· of following the Man of' Gal~ down the stairs. It wasn't a fire or HI. '\Ve are deeply appreciative of the tai·y to Mr. A. ·M. Douglas.
\ the Y. W. C. A. held open house in Even a fire driH but gMs· still rushed • 11< • hearty support given by our adver-
Information booths are always placed in ''.you ca.n't ~1iss 'e.~1 pJ~ces.-, And most of all these thrrnds that some unfortunate· person 1nay have ilee in nll campus relationships. "'·
the "Y" ·room. O:ile was able to stop on ! At the front of the briilding,
Tbey"Qre held d6wn,· (or perhaps J.t's ·~p) by gh.'ls whO ~ive ..yol! _rnfor- come and go been so busy and excited getting 811 The steamer· 'Monot Clay,' which tizei-s to the first issue of The Col- Frances Stt1bbs is· Librarian,· and
there at any time during the dny, partners filed in line behind partner$ is to take the students a1·otmd th(~. 01:nade. We \Vflllt to make The Col-
ni~tion 'deiired. Forffi but a buckgroUnd meanin~ packed, that this little book ma)'. If thcre nre any doubts left in the
have been overlookEd. If you hap- minds of the newcomers as to- the drink a cup of delicious punch, and and with the chaperon leadingr, the world on the educationn\l trip, is onna(b of the brg·est possible inter- a member of the Eng·lish Facultv of
So FteshmeTl~ when yoi.t're··feeling. sorta dowrt ·and out, 01• kinda 'blue: 1e·ss and gray,
tulk with the many friends one Freshmen stm'ted to town for the sponsored by tl:ie New Yod.;: Uni-! est and service to G. S. C. women State Normal, Statesboro, Ga. F·ran-
arid· Joneso'me, or lost, or ~·,or happy and :contented, just call on a But here and there these strands ,Jf pened to-·be so un;ucky 1 lhten: sincerity of the welcome given them ce:, was preside11t of the Seniot· De..
Big_ si.·sfe'r·and tell her :ab,.O?tit; .,-Let.-he:r s}-iare your joys as._w.ell as ,<ior· scarlet glow You shall know it by its cover ,-if at G. S. c:, they are quickly dispelled
·might find there.
first shopping expedition, i
versity. The n11nouncement is now everywhere. And we want to hand gree ch1ss of '25.
roWs. ·
That hint of rnme gigantic Figure blue embossed 'in gold. A sm,::111 when Dr. Parks gets up, in· chapel,
The social committees assisted by
Cabine,t members received and
With hats arranged I
becoming!~, made that date for registration has back to our cooperative merchaJ1ts • • •
on the short hah'i uniforms spotless- been extended to September 21 r:.:1d and subscribers their interests in Om·
' ' ., gny. brown silk cord tied
in the back com- carefully r;moves
G. S. C, \,.u tlholdsh them suspended in mid-nir
his nose..;glasses
welcomed the guests. ly ne,\\ a11d with fac 2s bright w"ith the sailing date from New York, is ,:riper hy patronizing thein.
1\hrv Collins, B. S., '25, te!lehes
p 1etes t h ose g Ior1ous , One· does 'not a~ways find there the the anticipation of a new experience, November 7. Thi.!i.chnnge of date English in Douglas High School.
But still the Weaver has n njnd for Colors, brown and gold. That "Beauty Wt: print the subscribers below to
le t umb of his left hand, smilingly' ..
~- .....,-0,Vl of!punch, but nlways the same the F_1·eshmenenter Mr. E. E. Bell's will meun nrriving home about July nl10w nm appreclntion and to prom. • • •
all, is only skin deep" is false in thfa shakes his ri_ght hand at the girls Frances Barnes hns nceepted a po-
. . , ' ::, '· · · · As on the ceaseless Shuttle rm1s ca~e, for glance inside the covers.-· and says, HC,l.;~er,we're glad to see f friendly spiri1; and hearty welco~e. From the time the first Iette • of jn. 1, 1926. i::e 0111· suppo1-t:
1 sition in the High School of bet'
~ nve .You ,;:,e~n1.·.1.1. _Ju.s,t a tinY litt}e· ror.,n1 out ·Q11 t_he e_nJ. · Qf,·fir st , ,fio0:r its i·ace ·, you!" It is truly the "home" of the Y, W, struction had reached them this sum-
'.'p T Yo1:1 ·,vm find that the rrnl "beauty"
C, A. and every day in, the week is mer, telling them to order the uni-
Boor:e's Pharmacy. home town, Comer, Ga.
Terrell. Stop by the first ,chance yo~ ha-ye n.nd examme it. · ·. · · For as each fragile thread in place of the· book lies there.
.Probably these of the thiq.gs_you'll a long table with booka doth fall Miss Goodson,, to whom the book TO JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER "oPen houseu to everyon11. form here, the gil'ls looked forward
Chandler Brothers.
Eberhardt's Studio.
• • •
en· it, a ·dosk; ~ .big. b,ook · cnse · .. · ,,., 1 and ._flowers ev_ery,._ vhe_i.:e. Au d
t mg•. co or. 1
The 'far.flung, magic Pattern grows ,
dedicated, and two cuts of tha Beneath the Southern p··
111es. and to visiting• this sto1•e, It stands out agninst the sky--a Baldwin Hotel.
Louise Keith, Mamie Reeves and
Olive Robinson are employed ill the
Pl~ase n.otice th.e. v.e,ry first tim:e, ~hat there is a very pr.·ed omma f
c9zy, "Y" room, add no PERSONALS. Some of the girls ex1Jress:d bittei· sentinal to progress. You hc1ve seen Stanley's Hat Shop, Nelson grammar schools.
I ~uess. yo~_lcno,w why_it is blue. '~is ~or our _blue triat~g 1e: s ta11dmg• or
-10:;yaltyand tru~ness, .'·, i ••.
ll!aybe the fo·st timli; you go in, the,Y ro·om ;you.wdl see a crowd,.of girls
· ·
: • •.· • · . •

b l1
,. ·•
smnll part to the looks, Then comes
Some day the mighty Frame will rest the real purpose of the handbook, for
~t tells you all about the college lifJ, I read his simple-hearted psalms
Midst languid seen .
ted air
dirnppo-int11:ent in finding "BPll's" its clear outline against the blue
Miss Lila Mills, '24, was the guest Dry Goods Store" just like any :st·wc bv.ckground, and have marveled at :t:; Culver and Kidd Drug Co.
of Virginia Arnold nnd Rosabell at· home; The,Y had pktur~d this 3iJnple beauty, as you pass near 1t
Fraley's Pharmacy.

Bell Grocery Co. SC•

• • •
Stilly Powell, "The Songbird of G.
,,, '2°,·-·t
, 1,, eac 1· · ns Prof-i-
11ng voice
.:in'tQlere, ..w_ith th~ir heads_ close together .. Don't you guess that ino.y _et eY The restLs3, flashing Slrntth idle about Milledgeville, about "Y" and Of homely joy and care. Burch, for sEveral days. hug·e store decorated with collef!e (1n the back car,1pus. Ct1lm and dig- Williams .ind Ritchie, Je.welers. perito, S. C.
:·are --planning a· big p~1tyz You li:now that,really :does happen,,and,,often, " stand, its wori{, Dible study gl'O\ips, Ves-
··",n~"it t}:iey are that it m~ans that some~hin~ interesting: is ...gO~ng··to The mllltitude' of lines and ·colors pers, Morning _Watch, nthletks, so- • • • uniforms, sweattrs, college p:,-nnantB, nifiecl, it watches in the daytinH',
pillows and memory books. Th-::y while in the night--the moonlight
E. E. Bell.
Jones Drug Store.
• • •
Maud Muller raking' in the hay Melvina Trussel is hegd of the
·;liappen, --f-0rY. W. par~ies nre nott,:!d_forthe good ,times had wlule. Lhe~c., mee.t,-, , Miss Carolyn Wheeler Ncently found all these things but tl1ey stiii c::1.stsits partial light over a light- M. 1". Davis.
-'-; c1~1s, cubs, 1 and most anything yon Chemh:try aud Household Science de-
·,Tlnm ,mayb~ yo~'ll go in henr some one t:ilking over bas- 'l'he' destined Pattern of tlw. Most~r would ~ike to lcnqw. This is so you And dreaming far-off dreams;, spent several days on the ca-mpus1 looked as if they would like fer m·- l10use shrouded with ronrnnce. Stembridge and Co.
1rnrtments at State Normal, States-
·"J~;:~tbnlJ.-g'an_ie· t~ ,be 8iche~,1.l,led! _If_youj,lay by all means line· up. You are Hnn'd. wo11t be quite so g!•ern, freshmen, The barefoot b~y content with play visiting friends, erytihng to be on display in "ude And still it stands, through all, u Lee's Dept. Store. bo1·0, Ga.
meeded in athletics. . - . 1
and you nre sent one, old v;irls, so style/' silent monument of a great work, Rog·er's Grocery.

' • ·
iA:nd so Y\JU'llcome to)ove the, Y, room .. It mny be because of' the- spirit Oh,.tlien no threads of g·ray or vivid tlrnt you nrny check upon how mueh
And woods nnd winding sti-eams.
\ • • • Amid other lines of girls in bro,Vn,'l the growth and development of a Manhattan Fl'ttit Company.
• • •
'I Blan_che Harrison of Augusta,
(if"IC:llowShip, Or.maybe it's because,you'll feel like somebody needs ~ou ·._.'red! you lenrned last year. Miss Julin Bowen, of Waynesboro, the girls visit Wooten's Book Store. ~'l'eat institution of leurnit1g·--a11 em- Union Recorder. t
I see the ~now.capped hills· and dale:~, Ca llerme Whiteside_ of Cartersville,
th·C~e.· It's ·such a ~ice feeing ,'isn't it.1 -And everyone of us wHl·b'e g.i\'en No· petty question of what pnrt Be sure to t'.mt voi.n· schedule vn was a rcent guest on the campus. Post-card vinvs of Milledgeville, me- borliment of the work of a. great R. H. Wootten's.
I read the quaint. sweet word 1 lncl Alice Vernon Smith of Temiille,
tsuipe"thinf_ "to_do. It ~#.~Q 1la1?p~11st~at he-re you will find girls that· "Will ''·leach wrought!' the blaiik in the b'nck, oh yes, rind I feel the kinship that must ran chanicnl ·di·nwing paper, G. s. c. num. Chandler's 5 and 10 cent Store.
- become your, trl!est fr1en~s .. , . ,1 · ' ·
0111y the Fabric's dazzling scheme, mnrk off the days On the cnlendar Where'er his songs nre heard.
• • • stationery and other al'ticle.<J wet·e Behold the chimney! Milledgeville Telegraph and Tele--: ',e~c 11111g
all members of class of '24
' at'Maryhrnd, Tenn. •
·somehow D.fte"rlY,Ou·:ve _been;in,it often enough you!ll find thnt it has an' ', instead, until Christmus! ...'>-ro' Miss Azilee McDaniel spent Sun- added to their purchases, phone Company.
: air a,11it's own. This"uia'Y.,?~ due to t!1q f~~.t _t~rt tN~ is ;we 11~~~qu9:1;~e~:s/'l'he Syinbol of the ..Master Wen-v- Sa~·! let's go read our hrmdboqks! IBut nh, ri.bove this human touch

Grocery stores, a·re the last to be

•• •
1dny he1•e with her siste1·. Lucy Hendley has a position ill the
· fq_i<'allthe Y, 'w°.rk:;·on..o~r ·ca1~p~3, or because real, p~oUlems are broug·ht I e1;'s Thought. ,1 , visited. With pi~klos, candi~s, olives The melancholy days have come schools o-f Fulton County,
lheit'·nnd'tt\rashCd· otit; bllt ..~9st p' ~-ro~ll?-,o.f-1pr_ay~l\i ' -· Dr. Carl Hollida~r. How !'ltrong his child~like trust! • • ,-41

•or-''teal Stlldy, and'a -~lace· st.n:'ely~V~ere'Chl:ist has entered in. . [ Why. · )Why1as:I read, on 1God I- clutch
and crackers, and other indigestible And we are on the blink; ·
schoo.1 girl delicacies added t0 their I--r'owcan we fill this colyum up
Miss Rosabel! Burch, '25, of All· •• •
The teacher wns explahti)~~'.to .tlie ~ A · rive to leave the dust. nd st Mrs. Nars._;orthy, of Dawso~, Ga., g-usta, is a member of the G. S. C. Deryl Clnrk is spending the winter
?I'her'e 'is a n'1oar·p.ttractHe· j)ei:s'on ,vho.foS:n,1:Je foll-nil:in the ."f. 1-oon'l',JYOu~I listi they hu;n homeward, When it's too hot to think?-. Ex. V{. Household Science Faculty. at \1erl~ome in Blythe, Ga.
tWil1kn~~v·'.h·~·r a1~-, 1~i1~V.:i~~- :~t1;~oll \~i!l l_?ve l1_er'./':O.~rB!~e!._Tr~,P%!9-~:,1 • •
iGir1." _·!i,.nd·ttl'rouglr t~e }:'1en~,.·rp~Y_we ·e,n1·nto Follow ~he (Heam of the._ , 1 •• : Ji ,
class that the ·re~son. 11 Ur-ide:nhYnys \ .
• wore white was because ht!r wedding·. -A114~\Vhen- some day· -by·Silent Sea
was the g"Uest of-her daughter, F'lot-
...,,mr., ' . •• •
• _'iU 1.;.J J :·. ·I l A_u girl :_wns ~sked ;If Any wµ~ the-•hnppiest day of a .wo-· ! .~tI~,~ajt the muffled oar," f .:.:
"Elqe Triangle :'lwit~'h~r •.,. ' -'.<',· .... , -:". ". ,
' -~1_,h~~Y~,ar:-ol~
I • • • Sara D. J"ol'dnn, President of the ,

·Thell d6ri't 'be f01'(tetting/d~a1; Httl,e tQ·..vgirl, thnt this Y~ C. A. ~·ooi:it_: isn~. passed. ~~er.. e~,.m, 111,,ar1~hmet1c,. 1~~11'sli~e~ , . ,,, ,_.1.,,, , ,,;\-~~ .. ,, ! • ·I'll know, -Y~B1 ..know, thnt god m~st be, Normal Senior Class of 125 has ac~
'Yours/·' -rt'WUsg'_i"'.eri.
'i..:: 1 1 y~µ~by_g,I:·ls wh'o__"hBvegooE!.'cinbefOre' · It· shar.ed ·She: ai~aw~r~d_,c;i'lie~dully,"No, I-·di_d : · --"?,'h'en ..why-·_do_~~- _the g1:oorr always ··U.po_~·:'Y.~~- darksome shore, I · Miss· Frnnces Burghard, of Macon, •cepted a position in Stone Mountain,·
w..ltlt you-by .,those who···:•r,e:still::{lere, Keep -well your trust 'lind· love it·~~·- not; _bu:·l~ ., ~ th,e;b1•lgh,!~.;\~.f th_o•~. weai•,bl~c~?", ask~~ a ,bright little -p1-; ,\JO.\'l:Hollidn~. in/ Wntson's Jef was ~t. G, S. C. Inst Sunday, 1
Ga., her home town •
. . · ld irls dol .· . ,,Jili,-,,M,.,.,
. ",who f 1IQ , . , . . • . . · boy, .. :/',, .~. , , fersonlan'Ma1azme!
-·· --····--·- ....,.,. •.. THE COLONNADE OCTOBER B, 1925'
t. s. c. w.

ManhattanFruit Co.
Continued from first page
Hancock St~
• "Say man, is that the rnoon rising OLD CURLS GREET lumbia University,
Hot Lunches, Hamburgers, \VeinR FRESHMEN,sRof:abell Burch, arec011Lgrad·
~rz, Coffee and Soft Drink&. All "Really I don't know, I'm a u~te is a member of the faculty thh
Kind.r. of Fruit in Season, Polit:? Continued from first page '':::Ul'. :Mim; Durch h~ tc:1ching· in th0
sti·ang·er here myself," ·
and Satisfy Your
Call 296,
our first contact with G. S. C. W.
Domestic Sc:cncc department.
Miss J@hnclla Camp of Newnan, a
Williams& Ritchie
Unexpected JEWELERS
BU.RKE & TUCKER We welcorne you with fine cnthu-.
Policeman-Well, how did you former p;raduate of the College, is
siasm and eager anticipation! Never!
come to get hit by the automobile? a,sistant instructo1· in Mathematics. IIIILLEDGEVILLE, GA.
i_nthe history of the world was there
Rube in N. Y.-1 didn't come to 'l'errell Annex A has a 11ew n'la-
-------------1 greate1· opportunity for students of
get Mt by the automobile! I come
science and art-and
to see my nephew. we congratu-
tron, Mrs. Kaiser, sister of Mrs. J.
T. Dixon, matron of Terrell Hall.
He-How do you like my mus-
late you on your choice of college.
Mrs, Boza 1\'[cJClnncy,of Birming-
ham,, now in charge of I the dining
tache? President Sophomore Class, '25, roonl in Terrell Hall B. STUDIO
The Homeof !'opularfllord1an· She (demurely)--Just between you Freshmen, welcome! You're com- Mrs. M. M. Marlin of Lecshur.i;t,
and me, I like it. another graduate of the College, is 24 HOUR SERVICE
ing to a college of ideals and accom-
diseand Pa~u!arP,k~n plishments which cannot he surpass'- assistant matron and is located at
A Real Sport ed; and it is because of you that Horne House.
"Oh, Geoi·g·e, is it really a dia- we shall become bigger and h_etter. Miss Sara Jordan, who was head CALL TOMORROW
Buyingfroma Lee Store is a mond?" You come with new thoughts, new of the Bookkeeping Dept. in the
"By gosh! If it ain't, I'm out four plans, high aspirations, and a supply Richard J. Reynolds High School, AT 6,30

SoundEconomic Policy hits."

of energy, which if directed in the
right channels, will lead to greate1•
can tell me what things for you and for G. S. C. W, ....
Winston-Salem, N. C., is assisting in
the President's office.
Miss Mildred Wright has returned
• 1s.
a pos t off ice . 'I" to assist in the offices of the regis-
·We have looked forward with eag-
Jonny-"A ·place where :iJ.Scotch- erness to the time when with hands trar and the bookkeeper.
FOR THE LADIES· man fills his fountain pen." outstretchel we could greet you and Miss Ernestine Bqineare is assist- I BALDWIN
ant to the Registrar.
say that one word which embodies a
FineSilk Hosiery, Dorothy Hymen the Realiat Miss Bailey is As~istant Prof. of
world of sympathetic understanding,
don't believe in long en- a score of amusing incidents to tell Art. She is a graduate of Pratt In~ HOTEL
DoddShoes,Notions gag-ements, d·o you?" you, a number of unwritten rules
stitute iTI"New York, and has studied
Harry-"Sure; why shouldn't a to imp1•essupon you with· all fun and in France, in which country she
taught Art this past summer. CATERINGTO THE COLLEGE
M. F. DAVIS young couple be happy as long as seriousness; it is a word which means
they can?"-Notre Dame Juggler. that we're glad to see you-"Wel- Miss Sallie Brooks is an addition-
The Proper Spirit
Come!" Freshn;10n.
al assistant in the Domestic Science
pept. She is a graduate of this Col-
Daughter-Yes, mother; Albert President Freshman Class, '25. lege and also of Peabody- College.
did kiss· me night, but I sure sat In addition to these G. S. C. W.
on him for it.-Stanford Chapparrel. Gladly welcomes Miss Rogers, who
So this is college I has resumed her work here, after a
Ye·s 'tis Freshman dear, and we'd year's leave of absence, which she
The Worat Yet like to be among the first to tell you spent traveling abroad. FORCHIC
Absent minded Professors meeth1g "Howdy Folks!" You've heard that
-CALLAT- his son )-"Hello, George ,how's your line of a little poem, "When a hand
Also, Miss Johnson returned to us
as Dr. Johnson, having lately receiv- VISIT
father?"-Harvard Lampoon.
is on yourr shoulder in a friendly
sort of way1" Well, our l~and is on
ed her Ph. D. from Chicago Universi-
your shoulder, because you ·see, we're
GROCERY Sunday School Teacher-"Johnny,
can you tell me who built the nrk'l"
your big sisters. Stanley'sBonnetShop
We want you to feel that we're SOPH. COMMISSION
Saveon everydollar - Johnny-"Naw."
S. S. T.-"Correct."-Penn
standing by you, and when you need
Punch us we're so glad we can help a wee

Welcome! Welcome! to everYthihg Continued from first page

Howdy! here in our college, but best of all to
''What do you say to a spin?" your very own.
aHello, old top." Ledbetter, pre'sident; Lorene Brown,
Y. W. C. A., vice.-president A1111ieLaurie Godbee, Vidt Our Special Sale.
Cliff Taylor, J:>resident.
secretary; Lucile Scroggins, treasur-
er. Each girl was given a definite Of Van RoafteSilk!Jnderwe~r
responsibility, that of being sub-
chairman . of the various committees andSilkHosiery
to work with her respective chahinan
Welcome G. 5. C. W. Students Continued from first p~ge Continued from fir!it page and with other members of the com- NEW
To Our Store and the matrons had approved when mittee.
A full line of Toilet Articles front of this building is the long the class officers met with them. It Sophomore Commission links the
Your business appreciated. Call
us when we can serve you.
cement walk. This adds effective- was made clear that only those who sophomore atld two year normal E.E.BELL
ness to the outor appearance of the were on the Senior Honor roll would classe·s With "Y." But, that isn't
396 Day Phone Night Phone 117-J building, be granted the privileges. Those all; commissioners want to work fo1·
Home of Whitman Candiea The1·e are .twenty-four class rooms present who would seriously accept
1 and with the senior, junior, and ,
in this building and classes have al- the responsibility of self-government freshman classes.
ready been meeting in them. This indicated this by signing their names. They returned to the campus early,
structure will be completed in a very At Cha-pd, Wednesday, got right 'down to business, and will
short while. ernment was formally presented. The continue to work throughout the Come Buy
FROWNSREMOVED Work has already begun on the
new auditorium and will be pushed
Seniors gave a p1·ogram which con-
sisted of singing the class song and
year, During -the weeks and months
that we spend together, they want
Quickly by Buying at forward as soon as the class room short talks. made by .the class officet·s. to sha1•e with us in our school work, CHANDLER'S
building !s completed, The auditor- This .-in\.~ortant cerernonY was closed our social life, and our spiritual life.
, ...-#ii!,:[ ium wiJI be ready for use about the
first of the year.
by Dr. Parks, Let's· know them every one and 5c and 10c STORE .
come into personal relationship with
CULVER In addition to .these new edifices, a Miss Ina Padgett visited her sis- them, realizing that they are not a
new boiler room is being erected ter, Miss Mamie Padgett here prior group of girls off to themselves, do- The home of Novelties
DRUGCO. back of Terrell Annex C. This will
greatly improve the heating facili-
to her return to Columbia Universi-
ty where she is assisting Dr, Sher-
ing nothing but meeting, meeting all
·the time 1 but that they are just· a
ties of the entire college. man. part of our campus,
JONESDRUG STEMBRIDGE & CO. GreetingsG.S.C.Girls Through
Book StorC-Teadquartera For

STORE SchoolSupplies We Sellthe best MILLEDGEVILLE

G, S. C. W. Gi,lo

Variety Merchandise WhichCostsYou Less ANDTELEGRAPH

CO. Our ne wstock of Books, Sta-
Quality Service tionery, Fountain Pens, Tennis·
Phone 852-J Chandler'sGrocery Phone 499 Balls, and Racquets and Gift Nov-
SatisfiedCustomers elties now on exhibition. We are
PHONE Ill nlways happy to serve you.

\-oo ______ ___.1----------·-----:_-::_-_-_-_

________ _
-------- :---------.,,,

New Friend,: We are rlad to ace Wholoaale and Retail
Encloaed find $1.00 for which plea1a ,end me 11 Tha Coloa.• .
you-Old. Friend11 We are 1lad Potato Chips-Gelfn~d's' Relish
QUALITY PRINTING nad•" for one year.
yo11 are Back, Old Fri•nd,
'Mayonaise_;__Me1•ita Bread
''QiaalitJ ·and SeHlce OurMotto•• Name .........................................................................................~ .. 'Hurry_ Back' .with New Friend, to
. '
, .·............................................
. '-
.................................... .' .
.. .'
·:' Cakes-Salted Peanuts ;
'• ' ,,.1
. -ASK THE OLD GIRLS- "\.: Fraley',.Pharmacy Fancy Groceries, Assorted Caridfos

P. O........................................................................,........................

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