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HORIZONTAL THREE-PHASE SEPARATOR DESIGN (no boot or weir): Liquid / Liquid / Vapor Service

Input values in the gray cells only!
Answer the question in the blue cell. Calculations performed on this spreadsheet are based on this answer.
This spreadsheet is based on the following reference.
Monnery, Wayne D. and William Y. Svrcek. "Successfully Specify Three-Phase Separators." Chemical Engineering Progress. September 1994, pp. 29 - 40.

Spreadsheet Strategy: Liquid holdup and surge times, and vapor default disengagement height determines vessel volume.
Vessel L/D ratio is estimated based on process pressure, with subsequent calculation of vessel diameter and cross-sectional area.
Vessel length is calculated from vessel volume and cross-sectional area, with subsequent calculation of liquid dimension and residence time information.

WOULD YOU LIKE A MIST ELIMINATOR? 1 Enter a "1" for YES or a "0" for NO
Liquid - L ----- Supplied design specification.
Vapor - V ----- Supplied design specification.
Density of the Vapor - rV lb / ft3 4.01 Supplied design specification.
Density of the Light Liquid - rL lb / ft3 38.83 Supplied design specification.
Density of the Heavy Liquid - rH lb / ft 3
62.00 Supplied design specification.
Viscosity of the Light Liquid - mL lb-ft / h 0.24 Supplied design specification.
Viscosity of the Heavy Liquid - mH lb-ft / h 0.68 Supplied design specification.
Operating Pressure - P psia 1000.00 Supplied design specification.
Operating Temperature - T o
F 650.00 Supplied design specification.
Vapor Mass Flow Rate - WV lb / h 145000.0 Supplied design specification.
Light Liquid Mass Flow Rate - WL lb / h 46100.0 Supplied design specification.
Heavy Liquid Mass Flow Rate - WH lb / h 7500.0 Supplied design specification.
Vapor Volumetric Flow Rate - QV ft3 / s 10.04 Equation: QV = WV / ( 3600 * r V )
Light Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate - QL ft3 / min 19.79 Equation: QL = WL / ( 60 * r L )
Heavy Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate - QH ft3 / min 2.02 Equation: QH = WH / ( 60 * r H )
Terminal Velocity Constant - K ft / s 0.2711 Calculated based on pressure and whether a mist eliminator will exist. (Calculations can be seen below.)
Terminal Vapor Velocity - UT ft / s 0.80 Equation: UT = K * [ ( r L - r V ) / r L ] ^ 0.5.
Vapor Velocity - UV ft / s 0.60 A conservative design where UV is 0.75 the Terminal Vapor Velocity.
Rising Velocity of the Light Liquid - UL in / min 13.396 Equation: UL = 0.163 * ( r H - r L ) / m H
Settling Velocity of the Heavy Liquid - UH in / min 38.068 Equation: UH = 0.163 * ( r H - r L ) / m L
Total Liquid Holdup Time - TH min 10.0 See the TABLE for Holdup Time selection.
Total Liquid Surge Time - TS min 5.0 See the TABLE for Surge Time selection.
Total Liquid Holdup Volume - VH ft3 197.87 Equation: VH = TH * QL
Total Liquid Surge Volume - VS ft3 98.94 Equation: VS = TS * QL
Estimate of L / D ------- 5.00 Ratio guidelines based on pressure. (Estimation is made below.)
Vessel Diameter (Height) - D ft 5.50 Actual diameter after the calculated diameter is rounded up to the nearest half foot. (Calculations can be seen below.)


Vapor Disengagement Area Height - HV ft 2.00 (Calculations can be seen below.)
Light Liquid Level Height - HL ft 1.00 Assumption (1ft is minimum).
Heavy Liquid Level Height - HH ft 1.00 Assumption (1ft is minimum).
Liquid Dropout Time - t s 3.34 Equation: t = HV / UV
Actual Vapor Velocity - UVA ft / s 1.29 Equation: UVA = QV / AV
Minimum Length for Vapor-Liquid Disengagement - LM ft 4.29 Equation: LM = UVA * t
Residence Time for Light Liquid - RL min 10.68 Equation: RL = L * AL / QL
Residence Time for Heavy Liquid - RH min 36.53 Equation: RH = L * AH / QH
Actual L / D ------- 6.64 Should range between 1.5 - 6.0. If L / D > 6.0, increase D. If L / D < 1.5, decrease D.
Minimum Length for Liquid Holdup/Surge - L ft 36.50 Actual length after the calculated length is rounded up to the nearest half foot. (Calculations can be seen below.)
IMPORTANT: Is the design acceptable? (YES or NO) YES An acceptable design is LM < L. If not but close, set LM = L. If LM >> L, then increase HV at cell C66 or D68.

HORIZONTAL THREE-PHASE SEPARATOR DESIGN (no boot or weir): Liquid / Liquid / Vapor Service

With a mist eliminator 1<P<15 3.3999 0.0000 K = 0.1821 + 0.0029 * P + 0.046 * LN(P) where P [=] psia
15<P<40 0.3500 0.0000 K = 0.35
40<P<5500 0.2711 0.2711 K = 0.430 - 0.023 * LN(P) where P [=] psia
K Value 0.2711

Without a mist eliminator 0<P<1500 0.2615 0.1307 K = { 0.35 - 0.01 * [ ( P - 100) / 100 ] } / 2 where P [=] psig
K Value 0.1307

L / D ratio guidelines 0<P<250 2.50 0.0000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 1.5 - 3.0
250<P<500 3.50 0.0000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 3.0 - 4.0
500<P 5.00 5.0000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 4.0 - 6.0
L/D 5.0000

HV of the AV with a mist eliminator pad 1.1 Max HV = 0.2 * D or 2 ft which ever is bigger
2.0 2.000

HV of the AV without a mist eliminator pad 1.000

Calculated vessel diameter - D 5.013 D = { [ 4 * ( VH + VS ) ] / [ 3.1415 * 0.6 * ( L / D ) ] } ^ ( 1 / 3 )

D Rounded to the nearest whole number 5.00
D Rounded up the nearest half foot 5.50

Minimum Length for Liquid Holdup/Surge - L 36.441 L = ( VH + VS ) / ( AT - AV - ( AL + AH )

L Rounded to the nearest whole number 36.00
L Rounded up the nearest half foot 36.50
Total Cross Sectional Area - AT ft2 23.76 AT = (3.1415 / 4) * ( D ^ 2 )
Low Liquid Area - AL + AH ft2 7.81 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Vapor Disengagement Area - AV ft2 7.81 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Heavy Liquid Area - AH ft2 2.02 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Normal Liquid Level Area - AN ft2 13.23 Equation: AN = ( AH + AL ) + VH / L

Cylindrical height and area conversions Y = ( a + cX + eX2 + gX3 + iX4 ) / ( 1.0 + bX + dX2 + fX3 + hX4 )
Y=A/AT a=4.755930E-5 b=3.924091 c=0.174875 d=-6.358805 e=5.668973
X=H/D f=4.018448 g=-4.916411 h=-1.801705 i=-0.145348

Y = ( a + cX + eX2 + gX3 + iX4 ) / ( 1.0 + bX + dX2 + fX3 + hX4 )

Y=H/D a=0.00153756 b=26.787101 c=3.299201 d=-22.923932 e=24.353518
X=A/AT f=-14.844824 g=-36.999376 h=10.529572 i=9.892851
HORIZONTAL THREE-PHASE SEPARATOR DESIGN (with heavy liquid boot): Liquid / Liquid / Vapor Service
Input values in the gray cells only!
Answer the question in the blue cell. Calculations performed on this spreadsheet are based on this answer.
This spreadsheet is based on the following reference.
Monnery, Wayne D. and William Y. Svrcek. "Successfully Specify Three-Phase Separators." Chemical Engineering Progress. September 1994, pp. 29 - 40.

Spreadsheet Strategy: Liquid holdup and surge times, and vapor default disengagement height determines vessel volume.
Vessel L/D ratio is estimated based on process pressure, with subsequent calculation of vessel diameter and cross-sectional area.
Vessel length is calculated from vessel volume and cross-sectional area, with subsequent calculation of liquid dimension and residence time information.

WOULD YOU LIKE A MIST ELIMINATOR? 1 Enter a "1" for YES or a "0" for NO
Liquid - L ----- Supplied design specification.
Vapor - V ----- Supplied design specification.
Density of the Vapor - rV lb / ft3 4.01 Supplied design specification.
Density of the Light Liquid - rL lb / ft3 38.83 Supplied design specification.
Density of the Heavy Liquid - rH lb / ft3 62.00 Supplied design specification.
Viscosity of the Light Liquid - mL lb-ft / h 0.58 Supplied design specification.
Viscosity of the Heavy Liquid - mH lb-ft / h 1.65 Supplied design specification.
Operating Pressure - P psia 500.00 Supplied design specification.
Operating Temperature - T o
F 100.00 Supplied design specification.
Vapor Mass Flow Rate - WV lb / h 235000.0 Supplied design specification.
Light Liquid Mass Flow Rate - WL lb / h 45000.0 Supplied design specification.
Heavy Liquid Mass Flow Rate - WH lb / h 7500.0 Supplied design specification.
Vapor Volumetric Flow Rate - Q V ft / s
16.28 Equation: QV = WV / ( 3600 * r V )
Light Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate - Q L ft3 / min 19.31 Equation: QL = WL / ( 60 * rL )
Heavy Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate - Q H ft3 / min 2.02 Equation: QH = WH / ( 60 * rH )
Terminal Velocity Constant - K ft / s 0.2871 Calculated based on pressure and whether a mist eliminator will exist. (Calculations can be seen below.)
Terminal Vapor Velocity - UT ft / s 0.85 Equation: UT = K * [ ( r L - rV ) / r L ] ^ 0.5.
Vapor Velocity - UV ft / s 0.63 A conservative design where UV is 0.75 the Terminal Vapor Velocity.
Rising Velocity of the Light Liquid - UL in / min 5.537 Equation: UL = 0.163 * ( r H - r L ) / m H
Settling Velocity of the Heavy Liquid - UH in / min 15.725 Equation: UH = 0.163 * ( rH - r L ) / mL
Total Liquid Holdup Time - TH min 10.0 See the TABLE for Holdup Time selection.
Total Liquid Surge Time - TS min 5.0 See the TABLE for Surge Time selection.
Total Liquid Holdup Volume - VH ft3 193.15 Equation: VH = TH * QL
Total Liquid Surge Volume - VS ft3 96.57 Equation: VS = TS * QL
Estimate of L / D ------- 3.50 Ratio guidelines based on pressure. (Estimation is made below.)
Vessel Diameter (Height) - D ft 6.00 Actual diameter after the calculated diameter is rounded up to the nearest half foot. (Calculations can be seen below.)


Vapor Disengagement Area Height - HV ft 2.00 (Calculations can be seen below.)
Light Liquid Level Height in Vessel - HLV ft 1.00 Assumption (1ft is minimum).
Light Liquid Level Height in Boot - H LB ft 0.50 Assumption (0.5 ft is minimum).
Heavy Liquid Level Height - HH ft 2.00 Assumption (1ft is minimum).
Liquid Dropout Time - t s 3.15 Equation: t = HV / UV
Actual Vapor Velocity - UVA ft / s 1.97 Equation: UVA = QV / AV
Minimum Length for Vapor-Liquid Disengagement - L M ft 6.22 Equation: LM = UVA * t
Residence Time for Light Liquid - RL min 18.14 Equation: RL = ( AT - AV ) * L / QL
Residence Time for Heavy Liquid - RH min 7.01 Equation: RH = ( 3.1415 * DB ^ 2 * HH ) / ( 4 * QH )
Actual L / D ------- 2.92 Should range between 1.5 - 6.0. If L / D > 6.0, increase D. If L / D < 1.5, decrease D.
Heavy Liquid Boot Diameter - DB ft 3.00 Actual diameter after the calculated diameter is rounded up to the nearest half foot. (Calculations can be seen below.)

Minimum Length for Liquid Holdup/Surge - L ft 17.50 Actual length after the calculated length is rounded up to the nearest half foot. (Calculations can be seen below.)
IMPORTANT: Is the design acceptable? (YES or NO) YES An acceptable design is LM < L. If not but close, set L M = L. If LM >> L, then increase HV at cell C68 or D70.

HORIZONTAL THREE-PHASE SEPARATOR DESIGN (with heavy liquid boot): Liquid / Liquid / Vapor Service

With a mist eliminator 1<P<15 1.9180 0.0000 K = 0.1821 + 0.0029 * P + 0.046 * LN(P) where P [=] psia
15<P<40 0.3500 0.0000 K = 0.35
40<P<5500 0.2871 0.2871 K = 0.430 - 0.023 * LN(P) where P [=] psia
K Value 0.2871

Without a mist eliminator 0<P<1500 0.3115 0.1557 K = { 0.35 - 0.01 * [ ( P - 100) / 100 ] } / 2 where P [=] psig
K Value 0.1557

L / D ratio guidelines 0<P<250 2.50 0.0000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 1.5 - 3.0
250<P<500 3.50 3.5000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 3.0 - 4.0
500<P 5.00 0.0000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 4.0 - 6.0
L/D 3.5000

HV of the AV with a mist eliminator pad 1.2 Max HV = 0.2 * D or 2 ft which ever is bigger
2.0 2.000

HV of the AV without a mist eliminator pad 1.000

Calculated vessel diameter - D 5.601 D = { [ 4 * ( VH + VS ) ] / [ 3.1415 * 0.6 * ( L / D ) ] } ^ ( 1 / 3 )

D Rounded to the nearest whole number 6.00
D Rounded up the nearest half foot 6.00

Minimum Length for Liquid Holdup/Surge - L 17.120 L = ( VH + VS ) / ( AT - AV - ALV )

L Rounded to the nearest whole number 17.00
L Rounded up the nearest half foot 17.50

Total Cross Sectional Area - AT ft2 28.27 AT = (3.1415 / 4) * ( D ^ 2 )

Light Liquid Level Height in Vessel - ALV ft2 3.10 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Vapor Disengagement Area - AV ft2 8.25 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Heavy Liquid Area - AH ft2 4.89 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Normal Liquid Level Area - ANLL ft2 14.14 Equation: ANLL = ( AH + AL ) + VH / L

Cylindrical height and area conversions Y = ( a + cX + eX2 + gX3 + iX4 ) / ( 1.0 + bX + dX2 + fX3 + hX4 )
Y=A/AT a=4.755930E-5 b=3.924091 c=0.174875 d=-6.358805 e=5.668973
X=H/D f=4.018448 g=-4.916411 h=-1.801705 i=-0.145348

Y = ( a + cX + eX2 + gX3 + iX4 ) / ( 1.0 + bX + dX2 + fX3 + hX4 )

Y=H/D a=0.00153756 b=26.787101 c=3.299201 d=-22.923932 e=24.353518
X=A/AT f=-14.844824 g=-36.999376 h=10.529572 i=9.892851

Heavy Liquid Boot Diameter - DB ft 2.72 DB = [ ( 4 * 12 * QH ) / ( 3.1415 * UP ) ] ^ 0.5 Where UP = 0.75 * UL

DB Rounded to the nearest whole number ft 3.00
DB Rounded up the nearest half foot ft 3.00
HORIZONTAL THREE-PHASE SEPARATOR DESIGN (with a weir): Liquid / Liquid / Vapor Service
Input values in the gray cells only!
Answer the question in the blue cell. Calculations performed on this spreadsheet are based on this answer.
This spreadsheet is based on the following reference.
Monnery, Wayne D. and William Y. Svrcek. "Successfully Specify Three-Phase Separators." Chemical Engineering Progress. September 1994, pp. 29 - 40.

Spreadsheet Strategy: Liquid holdup and surge times, and vapor default disengagement height determines vessel volume.
Vessel L/D ratio is estimated based on process pressure, with subsequent calculation of vessel diameter and cross-sectional area.
Vessel length is calculated from vessel volume and cross-sectional area, with subsequent calculation of liquid dimension and residence time information.

WOULD YOU LIKE A MIST ELIMINATOR? 0 Enter a "1" for YES or a "0" for NO
Liquid - L ----- Supplied design specification.
Vapor - V ----- Supplied design specification.
Density of the Vapor - rV lb / ft3 0.19 Supplied design specification.
Density of the Light Liquid - rL lb / ft3 40.50 Supplied design specification.
Density of the Heavy Liquid - rH lb / ft3 62.00 Supplied design specification.
Viscosity of the Light Liquid - mL lb-ft / h 0.24 Supplied design specification.
Viscosity of the Heavy Liquid - mH lb-ft / h 0.68 Supplied design specification.
Operating Pressure - P psia 40.00 Supplied design specification.
Operating Temperature - T o
F 100.00 Supplied design specification.
Vapor Mass Flow Rate - WV lb / h 235000.0 Supplied design specification.
Light Liquid Mass Flow Rate - W L lb / h 45000.0 Supplied design specification.
Heavy Liquid Mass Flow Rate - WH lb / h 7500.0 Supplied design specification.
Vapor Volumetric Flow Rate - QV ft3 / s 343.57 Equation: QV = WV / ( 3600 * r V )
Light Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate - Q L ft3 / min 18.52 Equation: QL = WL / ( 60 * r L )
Heavy Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate - QH ft3 / min 2.02 Equation: QH = WH / ( 60 * r H )
Terminal Velocity Constant - K ft / s 0.1787 Calculated based on pressure and whether a mist eliminator will exist. (Calculations can be seen below.)
Terminal Vapor Velocity - UT ft / s 2.60 Equation: 0.75 * UT = K * [ ( r L - r V ) / r L ] ^ 0.5. A conservative design where UV is 0.75 the Terminal Vapor Velocity.
Vapor Velocity - UV ft / s 1.95 Equation: 0.75 * UT = K * [ ( r L - r V ) / r L ] ^ 0.5. A conservative design where UV is 0.75 the Terminal Vapor Velocity.
Rising Velocity of the Light Liquid - UL in / min 5.139 Equation: UL = 0.163 * ( r H - r L ) / m H
Settling Velocity of the Heavy Liquid - UH in / min 14.602 Equation: UH = 0.163 * ( r H - r L ) / m L
Total Liquid Holdup Time - TH min 10.0 See the TABLE for Holdup Time selection.
Total Liquid Surge Time - TS min 5.0 See the TABLE for Surge Time selection.
Total Liquid Holdup Volume - VH ft3 185.19 Equation: VH = TH * QL
Total Liquid Surge Volume - VS ft3 92.59 Equation: VS = TS * QL
Estimate of L / D ------- 2.50 Ratio guidelines based on pressure. (Estimation is made below.)
Vessel Diameter (Height) - D ft 10.00 Actual diameter after the calculated diameter is rounded up to the nearest half foot. (Calculations can be seen below.)


Vapor Disengagement Area Height - HV ft 7.00 (Calculations can be seen below.)
Min. Length for Light Liquid Holdup/Surge - L2 ft 18.00 Actual length after the calculated length is rounded up to the nearest half foot. (Calculations can be seen below.)
Light Liquid Level Height - HL ft 1.50 Equation: HL = HW / 2
Heavy Liquid Level Height - HH ft 1.50 Equation: HH = HW / 2
Min. Length for Liquid-Liquid Separation - L1 ft 2.00 Actual length after the calculated length is rounded up to the nearest half foot. (Calculations can be seen below.)
Liquid Dropout Time - t s 3.59 Equation: t = HV / UV
Actual Vapor Velocity - UVA ft / s 5.85 Equation: UVA = QV / AV
Minimum Length for Vapor-Liquid Disengagement - L M ft 20.97 Equation: LM = UVA * t
Actual L / D ------- 2.00 Should range between 1.5 - 6.0. If L / D > 6.0, increase D. If L / D < 1.5, decrease D.
Height of the Weir - HW ft 3.00 Equation: HW = D - HV If HW < 2 ft, increase D.

Vessel Length - L ft 20.00 Equation: L = L1 * L2

IMPORTANT: Is the design acceptable? (YES or NO) NO An acceptable design is LM < L. If not but close, set LM = L. If LM >> L, then increase HV at cells C67 to C71.

HORIZONTAL THREE-PHASE SEPARATOR DESIGN (with a weir): Liquid / Liquid / Vapor Service

With a mist eliminator 1<P<15 0.4678 0.0000 K = 0.1821 + 0.0029 * P + 0.046 * LN(P) where P [=] psia
15<P<40 0.3500 0.3500 K = 0.35
40<P<5500 0.3452 0.0000 K = 0.430 - 0.023 * LN(P) where P [=] psia
K Value 0.3500

Without a mist eliminator 0<P<1500 0.3575 0.1787 K = { 0.35 - 0.01 * [ ( P - 100) / 100 ] } / 2 where P [=] psig
K Value 0.1787

L / D ratio guidelines 0<P<250 2.50 2.5000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 1.5 - 3.0
250<P<500 3.50 0.0000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 3.0 - 4.0
500<P 5.00 0.0000 Table data: for this pressure range, L / D is between 4.0 - 6.0
L/D 2.5000

Fraction of Vapor - F 0.817 F = WV / ( WV + WL + WH )

F<0.5 2.00 0.00 HV = 0.2 * D
0.5<F<0.6 3.50 0.00 HV = 0.35 * D
0.6<F<0.7 5.00 0.00 HV = 0.5 * D To increase HV, raise the coefficients of D.
0.7<F<0.8 6.00 0.00 HV = 0.6 * D
0.8<F 7.00 7.00 HV = 0.7 * D
Vapor Disengagement Area Height - HV ft 7.000

Calculated vessel diameter - D 9.807 D = { [ 16 * ( VH + VS ) ] / [ 3.1415 * 0.6 * ( L / D ) ] } ^ ( 1 / 3 )

D Rounded to the nearest whole number 10.00
D Rounded up the nearest half foot 10.00

Low liquid level height 12 HL = 0.5 * D + 7

Rounded HLLL to the nearest inch 12.00

Minimum Length for Light Liquid Holdup/Surge - L2 17.661 L2 = ( VH + VS ) / ( AT - AV - ALLL )

L2 Rounded to the nearest whole number 18.00
L2 Rounded up the nearest half foot 18.00
dN 2.86 dN = [ 4 * (QL + QV) ] / [ ( 3.1415 * 60 ) / ( r L*l + r V*(1 - l )) ^ 0.5 ] where l = QL / ( QL + QV)
Minimum L2 3.00

Settling Time for Heavy Liquid Droplets - tH min 1.23 tH = 12 * HL / UH

Settling Time for Light Liquid Droplets - tL min 3.50 tL = 12 * HH / UL

Minimum Length for Liquid - Liquid Separation - L1 1.34 MAX ( tL * QH / AH , tH * QL / AL )

1.57 Maximum
L1 Rounded to the nearest whole number 2.00
L1 Rounded up the nearest half foot 2.00

Total Cross Sectional Area - AT ft2 78.54 AT = (3.1415 / 4) * ( D ^ 2 )

Low Liquid Level Height - ALLL ft2 4.08 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Vapor Disengagement Area - AV ft2 58.73 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Heavy Liquid Area - AH ft2 5.26 See equation for cylindrical height and area conversions below.
Light Liquid Area - AL ft2 14.55 Equation: AL = AT - AV - AH
Normal Liquid Level Area - ANLL ft2 14.37 Equation: ANLL = ALLL + VH / L2

Cylindrical height and area conversions Y = ( a + cX + eX2 + gX3 + iX4 ) / ( 1.0 + bX + dX2 + fX3 + hX4 )
Y=A/AT a=4.755930E-5 b=3.924091 c=0.174875 d=-6.358805 e=5.668973
X=H/D f=4.018448 g=-4.916411 h=-1.801705 i=-0.145348

Y = ( a + cX + eX2 + gX3 + iX4 ) / ( 1.0 + bX + dX2 + fX3 + hX4 )

Y=H/D a=0.00153756 b=26.787101 c=3.299201 d=-22.923932 e=24.353518
X=A/AT f=-14.844824 g=-36.999376 h=10.529572 i=9.892851
TYPE OF SERVICE Holdup Time - TH Surge Time - TS
(min) (min)
Unit Feed Drum 10 5
Feed to column 5 3
Feed to other drum or tankage
- with pump or through exchanger 5 2
- without pump 2 1
Feed to fired heater 10 3
Reflux or Product Accumulator
Reflux only 3 2
Reflux and product 3+ 2+
Column Bottoms
Feed to another column 5 2
Feed to other drum or tankage
- with pump or through exchanger 5 2
- with pump 2 1
Feed to fired boiler 5-8 2-4
Unit Conversion


12.00 1.00 0.33
12.00 1.00 0.33
12.00 1.00 0.33
12.00 1.00 0.33
12.00 1.00 0.33
12.00 1.00 0.33
11.81 0.98 0.33
11.81 0.98 0.33


144.00 1.00 929.03
144.00 1.00 929.03
143.99 1.00 929.00
143.99 1.00 929.00

1,280.00 10.00 0.24
1,280.00 10.00 0.24
1,280.00 10.00 0.24
1,280.00 10.00 0.24
1,280.00 10.00 0.24
1,280.00 10.00 0.24
1,280.00 10.00 0.24
1,280.00 10.00 0.24


10.00 600.00 50.00
10.00 600.00 50.00
10.00 600.00 50.00
10.00 600.00 50.00
10.00 600.00 50.00
10.00 600.00 50.00
10.00 600.00 50.00
10.00 600.00 50.00


0.17 10.00 240.05
0.17 10.00 240.00
0.17 10.00 240.00
0.17 10.00 240.00
0.17 10.00 240.00
0.17 10.00 240.00
0.17 10.00 240.00
0.17 10.00 240.00
0.17 10.00 240.00

Page 8
Unit Conversion

0.17 10.00 240.00


100.00 2,400.00 45.36
100.00 2,400.00 45.36
99.87 2,396.86 45.30
99.85 2,396.42 45.29


35.27 2.20 0.00
35.27 2.20 0.00
32,000.00 2,000.00 1.00
35.27 2.20 0.00
35.27 2.20 0.00
35,273.92 2,204.62 0.91


8.35 62.43 347.73
8.35 62.43 347.73
8.35 62.43 347.73
8.35 62.43 347.73
8.35 62.43 347.73


14.70 1.00 1.01
14.70 1.00 1.01
14.70 1.00 1.01
14.70 1.00 1.00
14.70 1.00 1.01
14.70 1.00 1.01
14.70 1.00 1.01

o o
F o
24.00 75.20 297.15
24.00 75.20 297.15
24.00 75.20 297.15
24.00 75.20 297.15


418.40 100.00 0.40
4.18 1.00 0.00
418.40 100.00 0.40
418.40 100.00 0.40
418.40 100.00 0.40
418.40 100.00 0.40


100.00 1.00 0.07
100.00 1.00 0.07
100.00 1.00 0.07
100.00 1.00 0.07

Page 9
Unit Conversion

100.00 1.00 0.07

Page 10
Unit Conversion

0.00 304.80 30.48 0.30
0.00 304.80 30.48 0.30
0.00 304.77 30.48 0.30
0.00 304.80 30.48 0.30
0.00 304.80 30.48 0.30
0.00 304.80 30.48 0.30
0.00 300.00 30.00 0.30
0.00 300.00 30.00 0.30


IN3 FT3 CM3 M3

2,310.00 1.34 37,854.12 0.038
2,310.00 1.34 37,854.12 0.038
2,310.00 1.34 37,854.12 0.038
2,310.00 1.34 37,854.12 0.038
2,310.00 1.34 37,854.10 0.038
2,310.01 1.34 37,854.12 0.038
2,310.01 1.34 37,850.00 0.038
2,310.00 1.34 37,854.12 0.038

3,000.00 25.40 1,524.00 914.40
3,000.00 25.40 1,524.00 914.40
3,000.00 25.40 1,524.02 914.41
3,000.00 25.40 1,524.00 914.40
3,000.00 25.40 1,524.00 914.40
3,000.00 25.40 1,524.00 914.40
3,000.00 25.40 1,524.00 914.40
2,999.96 25.40 1,524.00 914.40


5.76 1.34 32.09 37.86
5.76 1.34 32.08 37.85
5.76 1.34 32.08 37.85
5.76 1.34 32.08 37.85
5.76 1.34 32.08 37.85
5.76 1.34 32.08 37.86
5.76 1.34 32.08 37.85
5.76 1.34 32.08 37.85
5.76 1.34 32.08 37.85

Page 11
Unit Conversion

5.76 1.34 32.08 37.85



1,000.00 1.00 0.00
1,000.00 1.00 0.00
907,186.64 907.19 1.10
1,000.00 1.00 0.00
1,000.00 1.00 0.00
1,000,000.00 1,000.00 1.00

G / CM3 KG / M3
1.00 1,000.00
1.00 1,000.00
1.00 999.99
1.00 1,000.00
1.00 1,000.00

mmHg inHg inH2O Pascal

760.00 29.92 406.80 101,324.51
760.00 29.92 406.80 101,330.00
760.00 29.92 406.78 101,325.00
760.00 29.92 406.79 101,323.20
760.00 29.92 406.80 101,325.49
760.00 29.92 406.80 101,352.31
760.20 29.93 406.80 101,352.31




308.60 0.00 4.13
3.09 0.00 0.04
308.60 0.00 4.13
308.60 0.00 4.13
308.60 0.00 4.13
308.60 0.00 4.13


241.91 1.00
241.91 1.00
241.91 1.00
241.91 1.00

Page 12
Unit Conversion

241.91 1.00

Page 13
Unit Conversion





908.50 0.04 0.91
908.50 0.04 0.91
908.50 0.04 0.91
908.49 0.04 0.91
908.50 0.04 0.91
908.50 0.04 0.91
908.50 0.04 0.91
908.50 0.04 0.91
908.40 0.04 0.91

Page 14
Unit Conversion

908.40 0.04 0.91

Page 15
Unit Conversion

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