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3 Unit 1 Grammar
Worksheets — Grammar

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Phrasal verbs

Tick the correct option.
a) The parents decided to … some money.
  1. set aside   2. set against   3. set back
b) We … for Cambridge to learn more about the university.
  1. set up   2. set off   3. set in
c) They tried to … him … apart from the rest of the students.
  1. set … apart   2. set … in   3. set … off
d) I heard that a bomb was … in the canteen.
  1. set apart   2. set out   3. set off
e) The lack of money … my travelling plans.
  1. set forth   2. set back   3. set in

Read the definition of the following phrasal verbs. Then build sentences using them.
a) settle down:
1. to get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying;
2. to start to have a quieter way of life, living in one place.

b) clear something up:
1. to solve or explain something.

c) get on:
1. used to talk or ask about how well sb is doing in a particular situation;
2. to be successful in your career;
3. to manage to survive.

d) take after:
1. to look or behave like an older member of your family.

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Adjectives and adverbs

Correct the sentences when needed.

Worksheets — Grammar
a) She speaks English quite good.

b) He goes often to the library to do some research work.

c) She is feeling anxiously because of her marks.

d) Go straight home!

e) I can hard remember the last time I went out.

f) Students are often unsure about their future choices.

Build double and comparative sentences using the adjectives given in brackets.
a) Finding a job is getting . (difficult)
b) The more demanding challenges are, . (fulfilled)
c) Unemployment rates are getting . (high)
d) The fewer qualifications, . (bad)

Rewrite the sentences beginning them as indicated below.
a) My dorm is quieter than my sister’s.
My sister’s .
b) A gap year experience isn’t as expensive as I had thought.
I thought that a gap year experience would be .
c) It’s more difficult to choose your future career than anything else.
Choosing your future career is the .
d) Job sharers and part-time workers are badly paid.
Job sharers are .

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Relative pronouns and relative clauses

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option from column B.
Worksheets — Grammar

Column A Column B
a) Luisa … is repeating the experience next year. 1. , that won the contest.
b) Let’s go to the restaurant … 2. why I can’t go with you.
c) Money is the main reason … 3. because I won’t go with you.
d) They rewarded the students … 4. who travelled all over Europe
5. that won the contest.
6. where we met for the first time.
7. which we met for the first time.
8. , who travelled all over Europe,

Fill in the blanks using a relative pronoun/adverb.
a) Jonathan Dee, was awarded a Pulitzer, is my favourite writer.
b) The house he lives was built with the help of an NGO.
c) The job I applied for last week would be a great chance to gain some work experience.
d) I remember the time everything was easier.
e) The young volunteer I met last semester was an inspiration in my life.

Sentence inversion

Which of the following words are used to emphasise an idea, making it more dramatic?
 never  great  rarely   not once  quite
 frequently  little  often  well

Rewrite the following sentences making any necessary changes.
a) I will volunteer if my parents give me some money.
Only if
b) I had seldom met such an interesting person.
c) If I had gone there, I would have learnt a lot.
d) I can hardly recall what happened to me.

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

Read the following pairs of words. Cross out () the wrong adjectives and tick () the correct ones.
  troubled  troubling  confused  confusing
 upsetted  upsetting  amused  amusing
 worried  worrying  appealing  appealed

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Choose one of the pairs whose endings (-ed and -ing) are both correct and write sentences
to show their differences in meaning.

Worksheets — Grammar

Expressing wishes and regrets

Read the sentences and decide which of the situations (in the box) are expressed in each of them.
a) If only I had said the truth.
1. to express wishes and regrets about
b) I wish I had more time.
current situations.
c) It’s high time James started looking for a job.
2. to talk about past wishes or regrets.
d) If only I could have the chance to travel more.
3. to talk about future wishes and to express
e) If only I found a better position. our desire to change a situation that
displeases us.
f) It’s about time you changed your mind.
4. to say that it’s about time to do something
g) If only I had seen the ad for that perfect job.
that has been postponed for a long time.
h) I wish I could telecommute.

Write a few sentences about yourself expressing your desire to change a situation that displeases



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