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4.1 Derince Dam

Derince Dam is one of the rarest Concrete Face Sand-Gravel Rock Fill Dam in Turkey. It is located
in South-West Anatolia, 20 km north-west of Milas, of Muğla province and built on Derince River.
Derince Dam’s planning report has been prepared in the year of 1986 by XXI. Regional Directorate
of State Hydraulics Works. The main purpose of the project is irrigation. 1234 ha of agricultural
land is planned to be irrigated in operation process.
Derince Dam was designed as an ECRD, however due to lack of impervious material and heavy
rainy weather conditions, the dam was redesigned as a Concrete Face Sand-Gravel Dam. In figure
4.1 a view of completed dam from upstream is given.
Construction of rock fill embankment was started in 08.02.2011. The construction of dam is
stopped for 6 months for the finalization of major portion of dam settlement. The aim of stopping
the construction is to protect membrane from these settlements. The concrete membrane’s
construction was started on 18.04.2014.
After the construction of concrete membrane, parapet wall at the crest level, and the remaining fill
behind it constructed. The reservoir impounding operation began on xx.xx.xxxxx and finished on
elevation of 119.00 m on xx.xx.xxxx.
Derince Dam is 52 m high from the river bed and 70 m from foundation. Embankment’s slopes are
1.6:1 and 1.6:1 for upstream and downstream faces, respectively. The slope of the concrete slab is
1.60:1 .The crest length is 360 m approximately. Some other important characteristics of dam is
shown in Table 4.1.
According to Milas Derince Dam Engineering Geology Planning Report prepared by XXI.
Regional Directorate of State Hydraulics Works in 1986, paleozoic aged metamorphic formations
such as mica schist, calc schist, quartzite, gneiss are located at the dam site; old alluvium is located
at high elevations of river bed; young alluvium is located at bottom of the valley and talus is located
on bed rock towards mountainside. Alluvium at the dam site consists of monolith, gravel, sand and
silt with different proportions. In regard to bore drills, it has been found that 18.75 m alluvium soil
is located on bed rock.
Figure 1 View of Kürtün dam from downstream
Figure 2 View of Derince Dam from the upstream
Figure 3 d view of Derince dam and spillway

Table 1 Characteristics of Derince Dam

Dam Type Concrete Faced Sand-Gravel Fill Dam

Height from Thalweg 52.00 m
Height from Foundaiton 57.50 m
Thalweg Elevation 70.00 m
Crest Elevation 120.5 m
Parapet Wall's Elevation 122.00 m
Length of the Crest 360.00 m
Minimum Water Level 80.00 m
Normal Water Level 119.00 m
Maximum Water Level 120.46 m
Catchment Area 32.8 km2
Annual avarage Flow 7.689 hm3
Catastrophic Flood Discharge 289.60 m3/sn
Reservoir capacity at maximum water level 21.96 hm3
Reservoir capacity at normal water level 20.60 hm3
Active Reservoir Capacity at normal level : 19,60 hm3

Design of Derince Dam

Design of the Dam Section
Toe Slab
Concrete Face

• 27 Adet Boşluk Suyu Basınç Ölçer (Piyezometre)
• Fiber Optik Sızıntı Suyu Ölçer
• 38 Adet Toplam Basınç Ölçer
• 38 Adet Hidrolik Oturma Ölçer
• 1 Adet 24 Plakalı Manyetik Extansometre
• 3 Adet Su Seviyesi Basınç Ölçer
• 2 Adet İvme Ölçer
• 1 adet Rezervuar Seviye Ölçer
• 3 Adet Birim Deformasyon Ölçer
• 33 adet 2 yönlü ve 3 yönlü derz ölçer
• 1 adet inplace inklonometre

Baraj yerinin aktif deprem bölgesinde yer alması, baraj gövde dolgusunun borulanmaya müsait
kum-çakıl dolgudan oluşması ve topuk plağının altında bulunan alüvyon nedeniyle, Derince Dam
was extensively instrumented. Eleven type of instruments are used in embankment and concrete
membrane. These are:

Boşluk Suyu Basınç Ölçer (Piyezometre)

Fiber Optik Sızıntı Suyu Ölçer
Toplam Basınç Ölçer
Hidrolik Oturma Ölçer
24 Plakalı Manyetik Extansometre
Su Seviyesi Basınç Ölçer
İvme Ölçer
Rezervuar Seviye Ölçer
Birim Deformasyon Ölçer
2 yönlü ve 3 yönlü derz ölçer
inplace inklonometre

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