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Year horoscope

The very first time after a click on Start -> Horoscope -> Year horoscope -> Select person for year
horoscope an empty “Select person for year horoscope” window will appear as you did not prepare a
year event and did not add this event to a person.

So click Start -> Info for horoscope -> event for horoscope
And you will see

Create an event by clicking the button

Give the event a meaningful name and in case it will be used for a Year horoscope event be sure that the
date entered will give the desired year ( e.g. the date 20150110 entered will show the Tibetan year 2014
) and that the date entered will match the tradition you like.

Now add the event using “Events for person” with event type ‘Year horoscope’ and the selected event.
E.g. select Example 1 WB 142 – 4.4 will give
After all these additions clicking Start -> Horoscope -> Year horoscope -> Select person for year
horoscope you will see

Click on a person to select and the general window will open and you will have the horoscope select
button with the choices

-Select person for year horoscope



-Good and bad weekdays

-Year horoscope


will show information which checks are performed for the year horoscope. All known checks are done
and reflected in the year horoscope.

At first the signs are compared.

Normal Sign O

Bad Relation Sign XXX

Harmonious Sign OO

Opposite Sign XXX

Year After Lo Khak XXX Chi Khak ( for female )

Year Before Lo Khak XXX Nang khak ( for male )

Shi Shey Year XXX Shi shey year

Lo Khak Year XX Lo Khak Year

Than the sign of birth year and year of interest is compared

same year rangkeg

first year after naddgra

second year after byebralbzhi

third year after gshed

fourth year after ingamthun

fifth year after gshed2

six year after bdunzur

four year before gshed1

greater star ( +3 years) loskarskeba

lesser star ( + 9 years) skarchung


birth year: 1989 Earth Snake

year of interest: 2013 Water Snake

1985 Wood Ox 2013 Water Snake -4

1986 Fire Tiger 2013 Water Snake -3

1987 Fire Rabbit 2013 Water Snake -2

1988 Earth Dragon 2013 Water Snake -1

1989 Earth Snake 2013 Water Snake same = rang-keg

1990 Metal Horse 2013 Water Snake +1

1991 Metal Sheep 2013 Water Snake +2

1992 Water Monkey 2013 Water Snake +3

1993 Water Bird 2013 Water Snake +4

1994 Wood Dog 2013 Water Snake +5

1995 Wood Pig 2013 Water Snake +6

Finally a search for inauspicious years is performed using the element, sign, gender and Mewa
information from the year of interest.

accursed years Nag-'thus lo

inauspicious years 8 fire and 4 metal lo-gnan

six lesser stars skarchungdrug

seven malign years gdug-ba-gan-gyi lo bdun

years of bad omen ltas-ngan lo

seven years of drought than-po lo bdun

'heavenly' sentinel gnam-gyi bya-ra

'earthly' sentinel sa'i bya-ra

metal years promoting drought than-skyes lo

four black undertakers dur-mi nag-po bzhi

three soaring black sons lding-nag bu gsum

black fanged years lo-nag mche-ba-can

11 years susceptible to ogres srin-khyer lo

4 naked demons ther-'dre mi bzhi

years endowed with the five elements 'byung-ba lnga-ldan lo

years endowed with two elements 'byung-ba gnyisldan lo

8 years of widowhood yugs-sa lo brgyad

8 orphan years dva-phrug lo

E.g. For 2013 element-Water, sign-Snake, gender-Female and Mewa-Yellow 5

The result is:

Nag-'thus lo, skar-chung drug, gdug-ba-gan-gyi lo bdun, lding-nag bu gsum, 'byung-ba gnyisldan lo and
dva-phrug lo

-Good and bad weekdays

will show the western date and the corresponding Tibetan day for auspicious, Inauspicious, Good and
bad days in a month. The selected date will automatically show the Tibetan month with the selected day

-Year Horoscope

The birth year is compared with the selected year.

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