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Motivation letter HSP

Write a personal statement in which you reflect on your
own identity. You may refer to your experiences in both
international and local settings in the motivation letter. For
the purpose of this scholarship, diversity includes (but is
not limited to) ethnic, religious, gender, socioeconomic,
sexual and cultural diversity. In this statement please
reflect on how your identity has contributed to your
academic interests and performance, and your
involvement with diversity issues. Include how your
identity has evolved by going through different
experiences with diversity issues and your interaction with
diverse groups or individuals (max 500 words).

B. Motivation Letter
We would like to know your motivation for the VU
Fellowship Programme. Why do you think you deserve to
receive a VUFP scholarship?
Topics that are reviewed in the motivation letter are the
• Why do you want to study this specific programme?

Firstly, by continuing my master in this program, this

seems a logical step forward for me to enhance my
immense interest on how it is really important for
companies to involve green marketing from approaching
customers based on their awareness to preserve
environment sustainable and building relations with the
local community. As it turns out, some companies have
succeeded to perceive environmental issues and
stakeholders to be most influential factors of its business
process. I want to be more acquainted to how
environmental innovations could emerge within
organizations, so when I become an expert in this field, I
will be capable to analyze and solve any practical
problems I may face.
Secondly, pursuing my knowledge in environmental
management which the international relations is also
applied in this course is profoundly intriguing because only
VU university offers this certain subject in this program.
And I believe that international relations should be started
to be perceived as special branch of environmental
assessment, referring to how is essential for students who
will be working on this field, in which there will be some
sort of international attempts to agree on EIA policies
comprising some countries.

Taking advantage of my previous experience doing an

internship in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of
Indonesia, I have acknowledged that international
relations is supposed to be taught to specifically this field,
because [how IR could enhance the opportunity of
students of this program to be involved into international

I also believe international environment whether including

in courses materials and outside the classes will elevate
my communication skill and my English skill with people
from different backgrounds.

With these experiences and thinking about my future job, I

find it crucial to take my environmental managing abilities
and merge it with a specialized management field to be
able to find the best way to develop my own business and
increase my market share based on techniques and
tactics our business market demands for.
• What are your future perspectives?

My long-term goal is to have a role in environmental

consultancies as now the opportunity on this field is
promising to gain my experience in providing assessment
services based on a range of environmental issues. As the
program emphasizes putting theoretical concepts learned
in the classroom into practice with a work-placement, I
could work in companies in the manufacturing and
production sector where environmental management is a
fundamental concern. I could play an integral role in
shaping the internal business model and practices to
accommodate expansion of business objectives in
accordance with preserving the environment, and than
guiding clients to design and implement efficient
processes to mitigate current and future environmental

Talking business aside, I am concerned to current

environmental agenda of Indonesia due to lately approved
the ratification of the Paris Agreement by the House of
Representatives’ Commission VII

management systems and processes through

comprehensive audits, and also measuring environmental
contamination in wide range of varied perspectives of the
• Why do you deserve the VUFP scholarship? [explaining
about the contribution]

I believe I have the intellectual ability to complete a Masters Degree and

I have illustrated my drive, ambition and dedication to do this is many
ways. I am capable of working as part of a team as I have developed
the initiative and ability to follow instructions and have the capacity of
working with others. I have good group leadership skills which I want to
turn into excellent and distinctive leadership skills through a Masters
programme. I am the only member of my family to continue to such a
high level of education, and one of the very few of my local community,
these factors contribute largely to my motivation and commitment to
undertaking and completing a Masters Degree.

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