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Anto Budi Listyawan, ST, MSc
• A stair is a series of steps, each elevated
a measured distance, leading from one
level of a structure to another.Stair is
building element which connecting one
floor to another
• Tangga merupakan salah satu bagian dari
bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai
penghubung antara lantai pada bangunan
Types of Stairs (Jenis Tangga)
• Basically, there are two stair categories:
service stairs and main stairs. Either of
these may be closed, open, or a
combination of open and closed
• 2 kategori utama tangga adalah tangga
utama dan tangga pelayanan (menurut
Types of Stairs (Jenis Tangga)
• In addition, the type of stairs may be
straight run, platform, or winding.
• Saat ini jenis bentuk tangga bisa berupa
tangga langsung, platform atau tangga
Straight run Stairs
• The straight run stairway is continuous
from one fl oor level to another without
landings or turns. It is the easiest to build.
Platform Stairs
• The platform type includes landings
where the direction of the stair run is
usually changed.
• Such descriptive terms as L-type (long L
and wide L), double L-type, and U-type
(wide U and narrow U) are commonly
Winding Stairs
• Winding stairs, also called geometrical,
are circular or elliptical. They gradually
change directions as they ascend from
one level to another. These often require
curved wall surfaces that are diffi cult to
build. Because of their expense, winding
stairs are usually only found in high-end
Stair Parts
• Stairs are basically sets of risers and
treads supported by stringers. The
relationship between the riser height (unit
rise) and the tread width (unit run)
determines how easily the stairs may be
Run of stairs: A series of steps that is a continuous section without breaks
formed by landings or other constructions. Also called a flight of stairs.
Carriage: A sloping member that supports the risers and treads of stairs.
Also called a stringer.
Riser: The vertical stair member between two consecutive stair treads.

Tread: Horizontal walking surface of a stair.

Unit rise: The height of the stair riser; the vertical distance between two

Unit run: The width of a stair tread minus the nosing.

Winders: Wedge-shaped treads installed where stairs turn.

Handrail: A pole installed above and parallel to stair steps to act as a

support for persons using the stairs. Also called a stair rail.

Wall rail: In closed stairs, the support rail that is attached to the wall.
Total rise: Vertical distance from one fl oor to another.
Stair Requirements / Syarat
Teknis Tangga
1. Placing (Penempatan)
• take small floor area (diusahakan sehemat mungkin
menggunakan ruangan)
• easy to find (mudah ditemukan oleh semua orang)
• appropriate sun-light (mendapat cahaya matahari pada
waktu siang)
• undisturb resident/people activity (tidak menggangu
lalu lintas orang banyak)

2. Strength (kekuatan) be able to resist all load and

weight (mampu menahan semua beban di atasnya)
Stair Requirements
3. Shape (Bentuk)
• simple, easy to install (sederhana, layak,
sehingga mudah dan cepat pengerjaannya
serta murah biayanya)
• high artistics (Rapi, indah, serasi dengan
keadaan sekitar tangga itu sendiri)
Material of Stairs
• 1. Wood Stairs. Usually for simple building and semi-
permanent building. Light weight materials, available
materials, high esthetics. Weakness: not suitable for
heavy load, limited width, high flexibility, easy to moldy in
open area. (Konstruksi tangga kayu, untuk bangunan
sederhana dan semi permanen. Pertimbangan : material
kayu ringan, mudah didapat serta menambahkan segi
estetika yang tinggi bila diisi dengan variasi profil dan
difinishing dengan rapi. Kelemahan : tidak dapat dilalui
oleh beban-beban yang berat, lebarnya terbatas,
memiliki sifat lentur yang tinggi serta konstruksi tangga
kayu tidak cocok ditempatkan di ruang terbuka karena
kayu mudah lapuk jika terkena panas dan cahaya).
Material of Stairs
• 2. Steel Stairs. Apply to steel made semi-permanent
building, including storehouse, workshop. Not suitable
for building in beach area because salty water will
accelerate steel corrosion. (Konstruksi tangga baja,
biasanya digunakan pada bangunan yang sebagian
besar komponen-komponen strukturnya terdiri dari
material baja. Tangga ini digunakan pada bangunan
semi permanen seperti bangunan peruntukan bengkel,
bangunan gudang, dan lain-lain. Tangga ini kurang
cocok untuk bangunan dekat pantai karena pengaruh
garam akan mempercepat proses karat begitupun bila
ditempatkan terbuka akan menambah biaya perawatan).
Material of Stairs
• 3. Concrete Stairs. The most valuable stair for high rise
buildings and other heavy structures. (Konstruksi tangga
beton, sampai sekarang banyak digunakan pada
bangunan bertingkat 2 (dua) atau lebih dan bersifat
permanent seperti peruntukan kantor, rumah tinggal,

4. Brick Stairs. An ancient stair, frequently used in the

temple and ancient kingdom decades. (Konstruksi
tangga batu/bata, konstruksi ini mulai jarang digunakan
karena sudah ketinggalan dalam bentuk, kekuatan,
efisiensi pembuatannya, dana sangat terbatas dalam
Structural Design

• Normal slope 24o – 40o (ideal 27o)

• Clearly width (min 80 cm for dwelling; min 120 cm
for public building)
• Adult step foot = 60 – 65 cm.
Hence, 2 x Rise (Optrede) + 1 x Tread (Antrede)
= 63 - 64
• Appropriate Rise = 16 – 18 cm
• Appropriate Tread = 28 – 32 cm
• Landing width = stair width + 10 cm.
Stair Element (bagian/elemen tangga)
Stair Foundation : made from stones or
reinforcement concrete. In a multi floors
building, a secondary beam is frequently
installed at the end of stair as a rigid
Pondasi tangga : dapat berupa pasangan
batu kali,
beton bertulang, pada lantai tingkat,
di bawah pangkal tangga akhir harus diberi
balok anak sebagai pengaku pelat lantai.

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