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Math, Science, Engineering Fundamentals, and TIS

All BIOE students take courses to get a solid foundation to prepare them for the study of
bioengineering. Most of these courses are typically taken during freshman and sophomore year.
These courses include:
Math: Math 41, 42, 53 (or CME 102); STATS 110 or 141 or CME 106; CME 104 recommended.
Chemistry: CHEM31A+B or 31X or ENGR 31; CHEM 33
Biology: BIO Core 41, 42, BIO lab 44X, 44Y (optional)
Physics: PHYSICS 41, 43

Engineering Fundamentals: E80 and CS 106A, plus one additional elective (see Chapter 3,
Figure 3-4 for list of SoE approved courses)

Technology in Society (TIS): One course required; BIOE 131 is recommended but additional list
of SoE approved courses can be found in Chapter 3, Figure 3-3
Please see the program sheets for the exact course list.

Writing in the Major: A BioE WIM course is pending approval and will be offered in 2010-11.

BioE Core:
All BIOE students are required to take a common set of depth courses:

Physical Biology: BIOE 41, 42.

Systems Biology and Physiology: BIOE 101, 102, 103
Senior Project: BIOE 141 (satisfies Writing in the Major, Capstone requirement)
Seminar: BIOE 393

BioE Depth Electives

All BioE students are required to take four electives from the list of approved Bioengineering
undergraduate courses (BIOE 44, 121, 122, 123, 142, 212, 214, 220, 222A, 222B, 261, 281,
284A, 284B).

Stanford University School of Engineering 64 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

Typical Sequence of Courses
Starting with CME 100 and Chem 31X

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

CME 100 (A) E70A(A,W,S) BIOE 131 (A)

STATS 110 (A) or

CME 102 (W) BIOE 141 (A)
STATS 141(A) or
CME 106 (W)
CME 104 (S) BIOE 393 (A,W,S)
BIO 41 (A) BIOE 101 (A)

BIOE Depth
CHEM 31X (A) BIO 42 (W) BIOE 102 (W)
(take 4)
BIOE 44 (S)
BIOE 121 (A)
CHEM 33 (W) BIOE 103 (S)
BIOE 122 (W)
BIOE 41 (A)
BIOE 123 (S)
BIOE 142 (W)
BIOE 212 (A)
PHYS 41 (W) BIOE 42 (W)
BIOE 214 (S)
BIOE 220 (W)
BIOE 222A(A)
PHYS 43 (S)
BIOE 222B(W)
BIO 44X (W)
BIOE 261 (A)
BIOE 281 (A)
BIOE 284A (A)
ENGR 80 (S) BIO 44Y (S)
BIOE 284B (W)

* Arrows represent direct prerequisites

* Dashed-line boxes enclose alternates. These may indicate alternate years in which to take a given
course, and/or alternate courses that may be taken at a given time.
* Students enrolled in BIOE 41 should be concurrently enrolled in BIO 41
* Students enrolled in BIOE 42 should be concurrently enrolled in BIO 42

Stanford University School of Engineering 65 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

Typical Sequence of Courses
Starting with Math 40 Series and Chem 31A

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

MATH 41 (A) CME 100 (A) BIOE 131 (A)

MATH 42 (A,W) CME 102 (W) E70A(A,W,S) BIOE 141 (A)

CME 104 (S) BIOE 393 (A,W,S)

BIOE Depth
CHEM 31A (A) BIO 41 (A) BIOE 101 (A)
(take 4)
BIOE 44 (S)
BIOE 121 (A)
CHEM 31B (W) BIO 42 (W) BIOE 102 (W)
BIOE 122 (W)
BIOE 123 (S)
BIOE 142 (W)
CHEM 33 (S) BIOE 103 (S)
BIOE 212 (A)
BIOE 41 (A)
BIOE 214 (S)
BIOE 220 (W)
BIOE 222A(A)
PHYS 41 (W) BIOE 42 (W)
BIOE 222B(W)
BIOE 261 (A)
BIOE 281 (A)
PHYS 43 (S)
BIOE 284A (A)
BIO 44X (W)
BIOE 284B (W)

ENGR 80 (S) BIO 44Y (S)

STATS 110 (A) or

STATS 141(A) or
CME 106 (W)

* Arrows represent direct prerequisites

* Dashed-line boxes enclose alternates. These may indicate alternate years in which to take a given
course, and/or alternate courses that may be taken at a given time.
* Students enrolled in BIOE 41 should be concurrently enrolled in BIO 41
* Students enrolled in BIOE 42 should be concurrently enrolled in BIO 42

Stanford University School of Engineering 66 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

Typical Sequence of Courses
Starting with CME 100 and Chem 31X, Satisfies Premed requirements

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

CME 100 (A) E70A(W,S) BIOE 131 (A)

STATS 110 (A) or

CME 102 (W) BIOE 141 (A)
STATS 141(A) or
CME 106 (W)
CME 104 (S) BIOE 393 (A,W,S)
BIO 41 (A) BIOE 101 (A)

CHEM 31X (A) BIO 42 (W) BIOE 102 (W) CHEM 135 (A)

CHEM 33 (W) BIOE 103 (S) CHEM 181 (W)

BIOE 41 (A)

CHEM 183 (S)

PHYS 41 (W) BIOE 42 (W)
CHEM 130 (A,W)
BIOE Depth
PHYS 43 (S)
(take 4)
BIO 44X (W) CHEM 131 (A,W)
BIOE 44 (S)
BIOE 121 (A)
BIO 44Y (S) or BIOE 122 (W)
ENGR 80 (S)
SURG 101 (W) BIOE 123 (S)
BIOE 142 (W)
BIOE 212 (A)
BIOE 214 (S)
CHEM 35 (A)
BIOE 220 (W)
BIOE 222A(A)
BIOE 222B(W)
CHEM 36 (S)
BIOE 261 (A)
BIOE 281 (A)
BIOE 284A (A)
* Arrows represent direct prerequisites BIOE 284B (W)
* Dashed-line boxes enclose alternates. These may indicate alternate years in which to take a given course, and/or
alternate courses that may be taken at a given time.
* Students enrolled in BIOE 41 should be concurrently enrolled in BIO 41
* Students enrolled in BIOE 42 should be concurrently enrolled in BIO 42
* CHEM 33 is a pre-requisite for CHEM 35, CHEM 36
* CHEM 35 is a co-requisite for CHEM 130 and a pre-requisite for CHEM 131

Stanford University School of Engineering 67 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

4-Year Plan (Starting with CME 100 series and Chem 31X)

Fall Winter Spring

Math/ Math/ Math/
Class Sci. Engr Other Class Sci. Engr Other Class Sci. Engr Other
Freshman IHUM 4 IHUM 4 IHUM 4
CME 100 5 CME 102 5 CME 104 5
CHEM 31X 4 CHEM 33 4 ENGR 80 4
Writing 4 PHYS 41 4 PHYS 43 4

Subtotals 9 0 8 Subtotals 13 0 4 Subtotals 9 4 4

Total 17 Total 17 Total 17
Sophomore BIO 41 5 BIO 42 5 ENGR 70A 4
BIOE 41 4 BIOE 42 4 BIOE Depth 4
STATS 141 5 BIO 44X 4 BIO 44Y 4
Writing 4 CHEM 36 3

Subtotals 10 4 4 Subtotals 9 4 0 Subtotals 7 8 0

Total 18 Total 13 Total 15
Junior BIOE 101 4 BIOE 102 4 BIOE 103 4
E50M 4 GER 3 GER 3
Elective 3 Elective 3 Elective 3
Language 5 Language 5 Language 5

Subtotals 0 8 8 Subtotals 0 4 11 Subtotals 0 7 8

Total 16 Total 15 Total 15
Senior BIOE Depth 3 BIOE Depth 3 BIOE Depth 3
BIOE 141 4 GER 3 Elective 4
BIOE 131 3 Elective 4 Elective 4
Elective 3 GER 3 GER 3
BioE 393 1

Subtotals 0 11 3 Subtotals 0 7 6 Subtotals 0 11 3

Total 14 Total 13 Total 14
Total Math & Science Units: 57
Total Engineering Units: 68
Total Other Units: 59
Total Units: 184

Stanford University School of Engineering 68 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

4-Year Plan (Starting with Math 41 series and Chem 31A)

Fall Winter Spring

Math/ Math/ Math/
Class Sci. Engr Other Class Sci. Engr Other Class Sci. Engr Other
Freshman IHUM 4 IHUM 4 IHUM 4
MATH 41 5 MATH 42 5 CHEM 33 4
CHEM 31A 4 CHEM 31B 4 ENGR 80 4
Writing 4 PHYS 41 4 PHYS 43 4

Subtotals 9 0 8 Subtotals 13 0 4 Subtotals 8 4 4

Total 17 Total 17 Total 16
Sophomore BIO 41 5 BIO 42 5 STATS 116 4
BIOE 41 4 BIOE 42 4 BIOE Depth 3
Writing 4 BIO 44X 4 BIO 44Y 4
CME 100 5 CME 102 5 CME 104 5

Subtotals 10 4 4 Subtotals 9 9 0 Subtotals 8 8 0

Total 18 Total 18 Total 16
Junior BIOE 101 4 BIOE 102 4 BIOE 103 4
ENGR 50M 4 E 70A/CS 106A 5 GER 3
Elective 3 Elective 3 Elective 3
Language 5 Language 5 Language 5

Subtotals 0 11 5 Subtotals 0 12 5 Subtotals 0 7 8

Total 16 Total 17 Total 15
Senior BioE Depth 3 BioE Depth 3 BioE Depth 3
BIOE 141 4 GER 3 GER 3
BIOE 131 3 GER 3 Elective 4
Elective 4 Elective 4 Elective 4
BioE 393 1

Subtotals 0 15 0 Subtotals 0 7 6 Subtotals 0 11 3

Total 15 Total 13 Total 14
Total Math & Science Units: 57
Total Engineering Units: 88
Total Other Units: 47
Total Units: 192

Stanford University School of Engineering 69 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

4-Year Plan (Starting with CME 100 series and Chem 31X; Satisfies Premed Requirements)

Fall Winter Spring

Math/ Math/ Math/
Class Sci. Engr Other Class Sci. Engr Other Class Sci. Engr. Other
Freshman IHUM 4 IHUM 4 IHUM 4
CME 100 5 CME 102 5 CME 104 5
CHEM 31X 4 CHEM 33 4 ENGR 80 4
Writing 4 PHYS 41 4 PHYS 43 4

Subtotals 9 0 8 Subtotals 13 0 4 Subtotals 9 4 4

Total 17 Total 17 Total 17
Sophomore BIO 41 5 BIO 42 5 ENGR 70A 5
BIOE 41 4 BIOE 42 4 BIOE Core 4
Writing 4 BIO 44X 4 BIO 44Y 4
CHEM 35 4 CME 106 4 CHEM 36 3

Subtotals 14 4 0 Subtotals 9 4 4 Subtotals 7 9 0

Total 18 Total 17 Total 16
Junior BIOE 101 4 BIOE 102 4 BIOE 103 4
E50M 4 GER 3 GER 3
CHEM 130 4 CHEM 131 3 Elective 3
Language 5 Language 5 Language 5

Subtotals 4 8 5 Subtotals 3 4 8 Subtotals 0 7 8

Total 17 Total 15 Total 15
Senior BIOE Core 3 BIOE Core 3 BIOE Core 3
BIOE 141 4 GER 3 Elective 4
BIOE 131 3 Elective 4 Elective 4
CHEM 135 3 CHEM 181 3 CHEM 183 3
BioE 393 1

Subtotals 3 11 0 Subtotals 3 7 3 Subtotals 3 11 0

Total 14 Total 13 Total 14
Total Math & Science Units: 77
Total Engineering Units: 68
Total Other Units: 44
Total Units: 190

Stanford University School of Engineering 70 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

Stanford University School of Engineering 71 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

1. Gather information about the major by talking to students and professors.

2. Design a 4-year plan based on the samples on previous pages.
3. Print a copy of your transcript from Axess.
4. Complete and submit the BIOE major declaration form below to the Student Services
Office in Clark S165; the department will assign you an advisor.
5. Download the BS-BIOE program sheet from the School of Engineering handbook
web site (
6. Meet with your assigned advisor to review the 4-year plan
7. Based on your plan, fill out your program sheet
8. Turn in your completed and signed Program Sheet, 4-Year Plan, and an unofficial
Stanford transcript to Olgalydia Urbano in Clark S166. You must then declare your
major in Axess:
a. Select “Engineering” as your Major
b. Select “BIOE” as your subplan
c. Ask Lisa Lambeth at to approve your major in
9. When your major is approved, Lisa Lambeth will notify you via email.

BS in Bioengineering Declaration
(Please print).Name Student ID
E-Mail Month/Year entered Stanford
Please rank your top 3 choices (1 to 3) for your Bioengineering advisor:
____ Russ Altman ____ KC Huang
____ Annelise Barron ____ Norbert Pelc
____ Kwabena Boahen ____ Stephen Quake
____ Zev Bryant ____ Matthew Scott
____ Dennis Carter ____ Christina Smolke
____ Jennifer Cochran ____ James Swartz
____ Markus Covert ____ Charles Taylor
____ Karl Deisseroth ____ Fan Yang
____ Scott Delp ____ Paul Yock
____ Drew Endy

For Office Use:

Assigned Advisor: Professor Office Location
Declaration Approval Date

Stanford University School of Engineering 72 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

Stanford University  School of Engineering
2009–2010 Program Sheet
Final version of completed and signed program due to the department no later than one month prior to the last
*Follow all requirements as stated for the year of the program sheet used.*
Name: SU ID:
E-mail: Local Phone:
Date: Date B.S. expected:

Transfer/AP Approval
Dept Course Title 3 if Units Grade
Initials Date
Mathematics (21 units minimum required; see UGHB Fig. 3-1 for approved courses)
MATH 41 & 42 or AP Calculus 10
CME or MATH CME 102 or Math 53 (see Note 1) 5
STATS STAT 110, 141 or CME 106 (see Note 1) 3-5

Mathematics Total

Science (30 units minimum required; see UGHB Fig. 3-2 for approved courses)
CHEM 31 X or A and B required (see Note 2) 4
CHEM 33 Structure and Reactivity (req'd) 4
BIO 41 Genetics, Biochem, & Molecular Biology (req'd) 5
BIO 42 Cell Biology and Animal Physiology (req'd) 5
BIO 44X Core Experimental Lab (req'd) 4
PHYS 41 Mechanics (req'd) 4
PHYS 43 Electricity and Magnetism (req'd) 4
Science Total

Technology in Society (1 course required; see Note 3)

BIOE 131 Ethics 3

* This form is available as an Excel file at The printed form must be signed by the advisor and, if
required, by the departmental representative. Changes must be initialed in ink.
* All courses listed on this form must be taken for a letter grade if offered by the instructor. Minimum
Grade Point Average (GPA) for all courses in Engineering Fundamentals and Engineering Depth
(combined) is a 2.0.
* All transfer and AP credits must be approved by the SoE Dean's office. Transfer credits in
Engineering Depth must be approved by the advisor.
* Read all emails from the Office of Student Affairs; this is the School's only effective method of communicating with you.
1) Mathematics courses must include Math 53 or CME 102 (differential equations) and STAT 110, 141 or CME 106
2) Science must include both Chemistry (CHEM 31A+B or 31X or ENGR 31) and Physics with two quarters of course work
in each and two courses of BIO core. CHEM 31A and B are considered one course even though given over two
quarters. Premeds should take Chemistry, not ENGR 31.
3) BIOE 131 will be offered starting in 2011-12; if you will graduate before 2012, see UGHB, Chap 3, Fig 3-3 for a list of
other approved options.

Stanford University School of Engineering 73 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

Bioengineering Major cont.

Engineering Fundamentals (3 courses required)

ENGR 80 Introd to Bioengineering (same as BIOE 80; req'd) 3
ENGR 70A Programming Methodology (same as CS 106A; recommended) 5
Fundamentals Elective; see UGHB for options
Engineering Fundamentals Total (3 courses required)

Engineering Depth (25 units; BIOE 101 to 393 will be offered starting in 2010-11)
Transfer/AP Approval
Dept Course Title 3 if Unit Grade
Initials Date
BIOE 41 Physical Biology of Macromolecules 4
BIOE 42 Physical Biology of the Cell 4
BIOE 101 Systems Biology 4
BIOE 102 Systems Physiology & Design I 4
BIOE 103 Systems Physiology & Design II 4
BIOE 141 Biodesign Project I (See Note 3) 4
BIOE 393 Bioengineering Dept Research Colloquium 1

Engineering Depth Total

BIOE Depth Electives (4 courses; minimum 12 units; Premeds see Note 4)

Engineering Courses (Funds + Depth) Total (48 minimum)

Totals from previous page
Program Totals
Printed Name: Date:
Printed Name: Date:
School of Engineering Approval (signature not required prior to graduation)
Printed Name: Date:
3) WIM course pending approval; offered 2010-11
4) Students pursuing a pre-med program will need to take additional courses; see BioE 4-Year Plan #3 in the UGHB.

Stanford University School of Engineering 74 Undergraduate Handbook 2009-2010

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