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Lisretto Vocat Book WW Meats ON mis mor AIRY al THE MUSICAL Book, Music, and Lyrics by Meredith Willson, Based on the 20th Century Fox Picture Story by Valentine Davies Screenplay by George Seaton NOTICE: DO NOT DEFACE! Should you find it nacessary to mark eves or cuts, use a sft black lead pencil only. NOT FOR SALE This book is rented for the period specified in your contract I emains the property of PLEASE RETURN ALL MATERIALS TO: MTL MUSIC LIBRARY 31A INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD ee NEW HARTFORD, CT 06057 (aa) Seats AST OF cunRACM DORIS WALKER, a very sharp young cazeex-wonan and fee thinker SUSAN, her six-year-old daughter ‘FRED GAILY, ‘a handsome Marine captain, mstering out into civitian Lite KRIS KRINGLE, the real Mecoy MARVIN SHEIHOVER, an aggressive but somewhat bungling Junior executive R, Hi, Macy, the boas retary. TAMUNY ONULIORAN, a political boss THOS MARA, SR,, the District Attorney awa") WHITEY } Marine Sriends of FRED! cuniEEe ) GIABA, a tesa) secretary was $n6,P nurse BAILIPY vesor HARRY PIER, a. Geyear-cld has. ERIPER, bis ‘nother a hutch gist HER MOTHER, 2 LADY SHOPER A Muar SHOPPER AND BIS WIFE ‘Yours WoHaN sHOPrER A cum iM 0 er, ‘A TROUBLED fHopPeR ovenwon OF NEW YORK MAYOR OF NEV YORK CITY TOMY MARA, a Toyoarmold MR. GINREL MARINES, PAEADE SPECTATORS, CHRISTUS SHOPPERS ‘TO! BALLET SEGUEKCE: Hobby Forses, Pogo Sticks, the Three Men in a Tub, Toy Soldiers, Skaters, Rligator, Indians, Aviator, Fostssh ‘To Pouicexas A matbin ‘TALL DME GIRL, Scour MRS. BEELER, the housekeeper (silent) ‘SYNOPSIS OF SCENES qmié: ‘the Present, on and following Thanksgiving P>Y- PLACE: New York city. ners scone 1: A stroot in the Hest 70'e of New Yorks Thanksgiving morning. scene 21 mnindvecenes at ene Yacy's Thankegivind pay Tarade.. Following. scene 3: hong the Parade Foute.. Tueaietely. gollowind Scone 2: Gn top Macy's rook, , Tunedlaccty following. Scene $2 Gorisvs apartment. | That evening. Scene 3: Dorists orfice at aacy’s, The fouousty morning, Scene 6: Deryte Toy Deparenent. mesa ey ets Scone 7: Mother part of Macyta,* Tamegiassny Following. Scene 8: other part of the store, Tamediately following. scone 10: Herald square, outside vacy's." smedintely following. ‘Scene ow ee ind in Central Park, | Later that GY- Seene ‘origts office, In the meantine. Seene Dotit’* partment, tate afternoon the same col seere Fred's BPtcce oucaide, immediately follovind- Scone 14: jg. Esavyer's office, the following ‘Monday morning. scene Macyte Toy Department, That night. act scene 1: The chasers of Judge Nartin Group. The Following Thursday morning. solloving, Tivjoom at Bellevue. in the meantine, Rodis apartment. That night. Fred sae in 2 New York State Supreme Court, 8:30 next morning. scene 5: Tne Courtroom, Tnnediately fo1250°08: scene 5: Bie Gonsieor.” 3 Palas Tuesday, 2ath. Scene Gi The Gporeroam. . Inediately following. Sane 7, nacy's Noel Living Room Dispiay. Tanediately following. scene ‘Scene Scene zou may wich to change the Location of th! your production, scene for "KRIS KRINGLE KHORD" Orchestra RIMECONES AND HOLLYSERRIES” Krie, Doris and shellhemet "DETERMINED ‘DORIS ‘Orchestra “OOK, TIPPEE GIRL" red, TUOOK, LETTIE GIRL" RepRISE Dorie “PINBCONES" REPRISE ~ APTER DORIS'S LooK kris and, Mise crockshank SESRIVER ScREANS" Orchestre “ROCKING HORSE" Orchestra “EXPECT THINGS 0 HAPPEN" Susan and Kris "TOY. BALL Dancers seames" ~ natn mag orcheotra CAPT BALZET" Orchestra FINA - ACT T Orchestra prune - act rr “> orchestra "924 Orchestra "To ISOLATION" mNcIEETAL Orchestre 'PINECONES "REPRISE. Susan ard Kris ‘GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK" INCIDENTAL orchestra SHE HADDA Go BACK” “Fred, Alvin, Whitey and climber "APTER Sib HADOA GO BACK" ENCEIENTAL Orchestra ‘SCHARLEY™ INCTEENENE, crchestra "N.¥.C. COURD OF IAN" ZHCTDENPAL, Orchestra HAZ tout OVER "HERE 13 SANTA CLAUS" acy and chomus MY STATE, My KANSAS" Doris, Macy, Shelikamer, Tamany, Judge CN... Cover OF TaN" micrneweas, Srchestrs - "THAT VAN OVER THERE" REPRISE ieee ace Scone 2 overruns music cus 61 Any street in the Wt, 70's in wew York City. Me see the steps to 8 brownstone front, next door to which is a tall modern apartment Building. roe: ‘The present. rt 4¢ morning -- ‘Tenkegiving pay. ar RISE: We see personable solenn-eyed susan WALKER, age six, seated C. haleacy Up the brovmstone steps Fcaaing thy New York Times.” SH2 takes no, Rotice Of VARIOUS PASSERSBY, near~ By (G-t.) is a BALLOON VENDOR and hie stand vnich ts decorated witk Rangsone toy reindeer. The VENDOR Amhales end exhales periodically. from and’ into 8 harmonica, which motif is continued softly in the orchestra. "MWILY GROUP 'T enter R., excitedly’ crossing S- Max, and LETTER Grex in Gao? T, MUSIC under dialogue, music cup 42 saw Bv'zy Thanksgiving Day they seen to get bigger! wows nat aves? sax (points) ‘Taam big clown balloons in Macy's Parade! there's sone of ‘em anchored over there waiting for the parsie te (Lookin: soca) oking, Smprensed) Yeoh! now Go they Keck "eeeG) mere like that? max Trey dangle ‘en from invisible helicopters. ‘tauche) New, They got t lotta gas in tem, a2 (crouP 1 stops at balloon stand fend exits 1, laughing. FAMILY Group Ir hufries in ®, --'2 MAR, WOMAN and LITTLE Boy in Grove Tt) wows But why do they have to Keep pulling on those ropes. ox {stopping to ansver) They'd float away, otherwise. They got helium in ‘en. Mey got to hold ‘on back eiil the Parade starte Tt" the big clown balloons, This cheeke and “esunters" the big clown balloons just a-sauntering. ast yebr they had Pinocchio, with that funny nose: (csouP 11 buys belloons fron VENDOR and exits B. GROUP enters fron L., ronnie) Ma, LADY & LITTLE GIRL (BRIO 1) (singing ana pointing offstage L.) ‘THERE'S OW POPEYS WITH MICKEY MOUSE BESIDE HOM TWISTING ALL AROUND 70 BREAR AKAY, PAPPY YORM WITH MOLY TRYIN" TO HIDE HIM ‘TIPSY IN ‘MB MIDDLE OF THE DAY, (GnouP T exite R. Harmonica. Enter BEARDED GENEEMINE, S.b., 8 an of medium heighe, woaring’s Black overcone and Hanbury Tat. ie is extrenely prepossessing, sliversbearded end of uncertain age =~ indeed the classi con- ception of santa Claus, HE 8p~ rotchee BALLOON VENDOR, MUSIC continues under dialogue) [BEARDED GENTLEMAN (KRIS KRINGIZ) 008 morning: expo Morning. BEARDED GENTLEMAK (looking up at Feindeer) xcuse me ‘vewpar Yeu? tates matter? SEARIED CRIETAION Youtve made a very soricus nistake here. Those reindeer are very attractive tut you have Rrance! where Sites should be, And Dancer should be on my sightchand site, vepon Wmadda you talking about?” ines 4 Bliceon should ch Your reindeer. Prancer and Blitean should change places, and Donner here © tee (Fapping "the reindeer) should tave four-point antlers, not six -- though r don't suppose anynody would notice that except wer Bet yor niiD attend to the Heingoer's proper position, won't yous iis zs ieee ident) (ig, perplexity ie evident) oan, yean Saf PSHE BEARDED GENTLE ‘Tank you, (BEARDED GMNTLEIAN exits 6.0, wu, TAD and LEONE GER in GROUP TIT run in Rey siternately pointing in Aislerent directions) ea LETTLE GIRL ung) DONALD DUCK! WITH A FUNCH OF FURY cHTCKENS (spoken) ey? vhat the Sickens can that be? (Speken eystone caps”? ‘Surg) NEVER THO'T I'D LIVE To SEE ‘EH ALL 3 FLORTIN' IN THEIR FAMOUS HOIEL (GROUP THT exite 2. Enter s.R, running KID wearing Marine ‘captain's hat, FRED GAILY, a Marine Captain, follows. MUSIC continues under @ialogue) FRED Hey, gimme my hat back! (aD returns with het) RED (continues) F only Joaned it to you, Tdidn’t give it to you. (Gives ipa quarter) cot yourself a balloon, xp wow! (nuns to balloon stand -~ exits 4, PRED goes up brownstone steps, ey in bana) (eassing susan) Hi, ki, You valting tor the parade? (iio anever, “HE starte to unlock door. Glances back, HE goes ‘own’ to SUSAR) Bi, kia {sti1a nothing tron the carp, HE takes hie cap off, addresses it) captain caily, we're not getting through to this lady, (Beplaces cap, speake in alteres voice) Well, try again, Fred, (iakes off cap, addresses it again) Very welt, captain, Twill, (gusan puts paper up to face, FRED replaces cap, addressee USAR) You Live azound here? (susaw points next dose) ¢ apartment Oh, Hight next door, huh? Hey, what! your name? (susan vaiks 0.8.3 FRED follows. To SUSAN) 3 said, what's your name? susan Susan Walker, What are you == in the parade or sunpin? PRED No =~ 1'm only watching parades from now on, (Glaneing vehis Gnifom) My ciwies'll be ready e'afternosn. (tries agein with soGas) ‘You waiting for your father? ales susan T haven't got 9 father, fe'te Givorced, rep Oh, Well, who's gonna take you to see the big clown ‘waitoons?’ And Saney claus? (aapatientty) Are you kidding? (SHE goes back to steps. [FRED joins SUSAN on steps. Mal, KADY and LYTPEE GIRL (GROUP TI) mun in R., stopping to point) BIG CA-LOW BALLOONS: music oun #9 (wore: During this number, the idea of the Parade Balloons cen be given by CLOWNS marching by holding the Fopes to these huge ualloons. The ropes soar up into the files, so the Budience cannot see that they are Rot attached to huge Mickey ouses, ete., but this erick gives the Sihdéson) MAN, LADY & LITTLE GIRL (GROUP 131) ROUND AND FAT LIKE A BOWL FULLA SELEY OF |AUBELLY YOU CAM MEASURE BY THE POUND, NEVER SAW A GUIZE ANY PLAPPIER OPEN A HAPPIER PACE WEY, IT's HE BIG ChLowy BALLOONS JUST A-SWURTERING TAUNEILY SAUNTERING BY Lie CRON (Continuea) WHY, IT*S THE BIG CALOWH BALLOONS JUST AC FEETERING chossine Oven mmm0 "iB CrnciE, AND SWINGING ALONG £0. BROADIAY. AND IT'S THE BIG cAloWN BAIZOOIS JUST A-SauNTERING SauwEELy sauwrenNe BY Wy, IT's THE BIG CALOW BALLOONS JUST A-rEETERING HIGH i tue sxe Fa P'S wacY's THANKSoIvaNG DAY PARADE. (The CROMD excitealy exits 1, Eevesling FRED and SUSAN on the steps. SUSAN runs © fev feet D.8.C. after the exiting CRON. Drum cadence 1s heard far avay, under diaiogse) ‘Prep (Following susnm, kneels dovn) Hop aboara, susas wnat for? RED ‘You know you want to see Santy Claus susan My mother end I don't believe in santy Claus. PRED What Ss your old lady, a witch? SAN avi My old lady works at wacy's and she hizes santy claus every year for to dollars an Hour: Oh, she does, does she. Gaile lifting susan piggy back) 2 don't care if'she's lies, Scrooge, ve con't miss the parade: Grab a balloon, Ma (Grating a belioon, HE exits 4, with Susan hanging on for ear Lite, BLACKOUT AE scene Ss changed, Noxt scene may be played in front of Traveller aly vey Molack wo hase septs SE 8 tke Spek TAR at 12-8 We are now nening the police "backstage" at. th se street near Macy action takes place entirely 3.5, ar RISE: ‘Ap ordinary-looking SANTA CLAUS with cotton beera awry, 211 tangled up in his reindeer whip, is seated on the ground, I, the silver-bearéed GENTLEMAN 9¢ Scene 1 bends over hin Solicitously, SEVERAL PARADESTERS Bre also concerned. O7IERS, in Various stages of costune, rush through,” Urgency dominates the tempo; loudness and intensity of the dialogues brim sole continues throughout a TIED SELINOR (talking into valkie-talkie still offstage) cone in Mrs. Walker! Bnergency! Come in Mrs, Walker! Mee, Walker: (ouveuttz cio%ni, complete with ed fright wig, enters R,, hurries Ghrough, and exite L. wis pants fell off Grice) BEARDED GENTLEMAN {to asonerse, entering te, ruaning By) Excuse Fe. in charge of this parade? wagonerTs (without stopping, points 0.8.2.) mre, walker, (Gm exits n) SELLER Gaters 5.1.) Mes, Walker!" Calling Mrs, Walker! Mrs. Walker! (into walkie-taikte) Mas. Walker!” Elease cone to position six! (0,5, bugle -- four calle) SEELIBNWER (Continued) Mrs, Walker! ports (Batering fact from 5.2.) Right here, Mz, shellhanner. surtaneen Thank heavens! Doris! someone ie holding up the parade, ports 3m holding up the parade until 1 locate santa clau {aosxs se watch snd crosses Ie MISS MIFFED entere Le, © big man with cigar in mouth aha wig in hand, DORIS has to 1augh) come on, Max, put on the wig. axes Murres Why do T always have to play Miss miffet? (a exits R, 0.8, bugle -- three calle) SHELLAAWER The three-minute bugle! BEADED GENTLRIAN Excuse me, are you Mrs, Walker? ports Where have you been? You were due on your float a halg-hour "Why you're not cur Santa claus, BEARDED cENTERAN (crosses 8.» pointing to SANTA) T certainly an not! ‘Your Ganta Claus io sntoxtested. ports (oving over to the DR) Mz, shelihanmer! SIRLLENMER (Poltowing hex) Now Doris, Thad nothing to do with -~ BORIS Get him some black coffee! Nacy's SANTA (ae parnpesrens 1ift him from ground) Black with a little brandy in it! ORs It's no use, Help him back to the costune tent, (many carry him off 2, te us, hands on hips) Wow what? net (amuaneme surprises exit, A MUSIC CUE occurs BORIS vemenbera the SEAIDED GENTLEMAN, Locke st him for a moment in’faat appraisal ~~ moves over to bim Hey! You fooled me even without the red suit, How about it? BEARDED GENTLRIAN (eh reprosch)) ure. Walker (starts to exit R, DORIS grabs him) ports (te stleman, Srresistible) ALL you have to dois eit up on the lost, snile and wave Se the children and pretend to be kindly.’ Will you ao it? BEARDED GENTLEMAN (rongue in check) wave, onile at the children and vit vas the thiré? oh yes "pretend to be kindly. ports yo bucks en hour and ali! the cotton candy you can eat Please’ ‘BEARDED GENTLEMAN Well os ors. (leading hin 1.) Fine, Row we haven't sot much tine, Your costune's right over’ there sori ar mt in BETERD oe cmesesing for perinssna ling, sore 0 s = but rim certeiniy not going to let’ the children be Aieappointed, DORIS ‘Good! We do appreciate it (0.8. bugle ~~ two calls) SHELIANWER ‘The tworminute bugle, porrs ‘You will hurry, won't you. BEARDED GENTLINAN (stopping again} Mere will be # band in front of my float? oars of courss BEARDED caNTLEMAN Have then play a christnas carol, please? seLiaNen A chrictnas carol? to march to? BEARDED GENTLIMA Ooving 8.1.) Of course. The Saints love to march. (0.8. bugle ~~ one ca21) ports (in horror) misty seconde! BEARDED GENTLEMAN (stopping once more) Don't worry Mrs. Walker -~ i have quite # record for Punctuality. (EEARDED GENTLIMAY exits 6.1.) poss (crabbing waikiectalkie fron exiting BaksoeD Senriaela)” exiting BEARDED stay with fins (SiBUoMOR exits L. hurriedly efter BEARDED CENTLBIAN. D.s.c.) Hello, Samj.” Giewe the whole hook-up please: nan sage, Uameeed Fight, everybody up, everybody up! Boys and gi-ts, She is it: unit 1! “Ain elesr here! move out with Unit SS ae2az oats (continued) efor croeg pantnd Rel, El and ose org Live) a'Suzcets Happy mankogiving everyboay! Col Se tied eee, asta Taos nas aleloh ‘and here we cope: {DORE exits 6,R, as header flies. music contimies for scene chenge) BuackOUT: AP RISE: Bes act Scone 3 Immediately following. on the Parade Route. Street scene, (ay be the same cet'as scene 1.) ‘HE PARNDE. usre oun ae Since this is primarily a dance se- uence, it is proferable rot to have he actual PIAWERS or INSTHUMENTALS ITS on stage, but to have DANCERS carrying the instriments lor even exaggerated tock inetrunerts, for effect), to give you more choreo= graphic’ Freedon. ‘A HEALD THOMPETER crosses stage (sar E). the Parade begites fe in~ cludes golo entrances far "azz DANCHNG THMBETERS," a "SAX TREO," SEVEIAL "DANGERS tp-bas carried ana "plucked by INO 102 DANCERS. 2 QUARTETTE OF GIRL "vr0- LINISTS, "large xylophone with ‘URED B¢year-o1d Clowns on board playing it with their feet 1a Eapcdance, “the THIRD LOM ie the LUPELE BOY of the preceding scene with the red frightwig. "Hie pants fall off only once this tine just before his exit. THREE “mroxbon- ISIS" follow, ihe final instrunen= tal group composes SIX BAKO. "PLAY ERS," ALL the foregoing band- member DANCERS carry prop instru ments, pantanining the sound which Originates an the pit. VARIOUS Clowns walk through ac rellef for the dancing "INSTOMENTALISTS." Por example, OME of them appears welking on his hands playing s tase Grum (wheeled in front of hin), beating the instrument wich sticks attached to his feet. Early in the Proceedings two great striped Stocking legs "float" through, hanging doun fron the flies ae though belonging to a "big clown Balloon." “the legs are guided by Fopes palled by Clomis, cotensibly aps ‘keeping the "balloon" from floating Svey, tater, a CLOWN flies through frantically dangling et the end of 2 rope, Eventuslly the whole BAID reforms fon the stage for final choreographic maneuvers (bars 26 to End). applause, As the applause dies, MUEIC CUE #5 hegine, indicating 2 cudden rain stom. Lishtning end thunder ef fects. The PARADERS scatter for fheltar, SPECTATCRS scurry by with hewpapere and umbrellas, ste.» over Their heads,” As the rain really (gets going, a GROW OF SPECTATORS Gnters R, with umbrellas, singing: FIRST GROUP oP sPrcmaroRS War 12's THE BIG CATOWE BALLOONS JUST A-SHUNTERING SAUNPILY SAUNTERING BY. air 12'S TE Bre cALoWi BALLOONS CAE-CALLING MOURNFULLY, PRADT-FALLING SCORMFULLY HIGH. sBcoND GROUP OP SPECTATORS (entering 2.) one step TAKES OnE BLOCK ‘Two BLOCKS MAKE ONE PACE NEVER SAW A GMILE ANY FIAPPIER OPEN A HAPPIER FACE. (PRED and susAN enter 5.8, MuSIC contimes under aiaiogse) usa ot boy, some parade, FRED Remind me not to take you on a picnic sometine. suse [At least we von't have to wait for the sante claw (Rain-soaked "HERE COMES SATA CLAUS" sign is carried through) RED wueeds ya mean? SUSAN He certainly won't be coming in all this rain. (sky Lights up) FRED (tooking up stovly) ALL what rain?) The sun is coming out! Well, x'11 be darned. (0.8, trumpets are distantly heard jel trumpets alternate with gram Hourishes 0,5, -- first at a ais- ‘tance, then coming closer, One final roll-off is heard close st FRED grabs sUshi's hand and THEY dash of €,0, just, in tine to get Sut of the wey of THREE oncoming HERALD THMETERS who enter Groae halfvay, then councemazch, nething with the BAND entering in vhite and golé playing the ADESTE FIDELIS MARCH.” As the (MUSIC CUE #6) BAIDSIEN complete their mance: vera, the finel climactic bare bring on the BEARDED GENTLEMAR's sleigh entering R., 8 fit one ingeed for the resi Santa claus, pulled by SIX cHITDREN costuned Be reindeer. lhe BEARDED GENTLEMAN is in his sinta clays costume, the reindeer whip crackling) BEARDED CENTLRUAR aaah Bliteen! waash Donner! Hasah cupie! Brackoun (iste for scene change) music cue #7 el6 ach scene 4 Innediately following, istant Hand misic contimves to be heard. ag arses DORIS and SHELIANMER D.S.R, looking Gown from Macy's roof. “BOR are feoking through binooilars SRELIENOER e's the best santa Claus you ever had! Loge at that crowd Gn front of our store: they been standing down there £0r ‘venty minutes! pons I know that old felle isn’t any amateur -- he's done that Jone place before, Just lock at him turn it on for the Tv Eemerte! “How'd you like t have hin in the toy degartment SIMS help vou get rid of those plastic alligatore? SHELIENOER (startiea) How'd you know about that? DORIS Me, shelitaner, 1 know that you sncke in the thiré £Loor “Eiephone buct; catnip in the model, bedrean, and noshe In the goumee shop. fy wouldn't © know you’ ordered) Mood abiigetars by mistake? (suenianwen wilts) siachout oaisic for scene change} SIC cuz 87a # vigdish slang for “nibble." DORIS will not allow my shortveighted nother Rodern apartment. an avant-garde pictur There is an ottomen R of Sotfce sable fal fo couche v8.6, nepe- rated by table and lenp, one which ie made up'ea a bed Zor susan. AP RISE: SUSAN is hunting-and-pecking at a typewriter on coffee table,” Siz is atesged in her "nother-and-aeughtes" P.J.'8, A balloon ds is evidesce, ‘Bie ‘MUsic sRIDGE continies under the sound of the typewriter, SUGAR hears gomething we don't hear, her MOTEER's footsteps, her key in the lock, The MUSIC erescendoes happi- ly-as the door svinge opens Doris (entering throush front door SuR. with packages) susa sic oun) (DoRzs and susAN run to each other: DORIS has to drop ail her packager with the exception of one to gra ‘the onnushing Susi; bear hog. SUSAN reaches for the rensining Package, DORIS avoids giving resent to SUSAN and polls SUSAN B.S. THEY stand side by eide ficing us, “DORIS raises SUSAN's Fight hand in ovth' taking position) suse Z will not allow ny short-sighted mother -- ors s+ to spoil me rotten - susn {cigntes) ~ to spotl'ne rotten -- DORIS Ganaing package to, SUSAN ~ with brand sew bunny slippers: susay (inp-easea) Bunny slippers. =~ Thank you! (SusiN rushes to try on the slippers fe DORIS crosses U.8..) porrs You're welcome, And now Miss ~~ what's your none this evening’ ‘susaa (irseh an aie) Rosalita audrey =~ Penchscot. porrs (takes her coats bat, etc, off) Yea, Miss Penobscot, who cane into jour busy world tcéay? ‘susa You tell ne first. ports (the xefrain begins here, musre cur 48 Playssily) T elveys have to go first: AR mm ane aio Puen azo wy sky gopay? Wao SATLED Tito MY BEA? WHO CAME WEISTLIN' DOWN MY suREET IS THAT YOUR GUESTION 10 Me? susan (spoken) ¥6i ports WELL soMEBoDY SURE coME PLYTH" FLYIN" MUGH BESTER THAN YOU (Susit pretends to clové up) AND SOMEBODY SURE CAME AqveIESTLIN! PRETIER TUES THAN THE TUNES YOU DO, (Susi affects @ long face) pons (continued) BUT wo NE wixstiep on saziED Of PLE ‘ert Aerie LiKe YOUR CHARS, (susan brightens up) Fon THs COMMER AND HEAD TOR HCE it in ARE susa mm pons ARE IN AIK WE‘RE COMM EAT MASHED POBATOES AMD PIE ‘ni In ARS ME*RE COMA DO TE DESKS ‘ suas (poken) Dishes: ports AML IN ARK WE'RE COMM SAVE THE DISS TOR TEHORECH 5 Love vou, ports io cums oven wy rence TOOKY? ‘so cons SSAKGa oY THEE (Ho Cons Yoornun’ NoUIADE mes PLIMN, PLANK, PARKER" AE HEP ett," stvmsoby sume cont ArcLmnsN ‘TRIN 0 HARE ua FORGE vou, iu’ souasopy suze cou vooeizzy* PRewistno. Lovpur 70 Love Ne TIE BOT HO OME YODELLED OR FLANKED OR PLIIKED rtm anvisnne Like your ceamt 50 YOU'RE STILL CAPIAIN AND 'K STILL, CHEE ‘TAKING ORDERS Amb FOLLOWING ‘TOUGH DORIS AID SuSHE ARC IN amt, Ai In At, (fume turn snd sit, Dons on ottoman and! gush on coffee table, on inst ‘ro beats oF song) boats Happy Thanksgiving eveetheast (Ceoenes O-SE) ‘And where {9° the ladys Loosely refer to sa cur housekeeper? Cetching the last show at the Music mall, porrs 1 see, ca geen EE a pee PEE pci ove sia EMRE ree ports on? susan She s0ia, "Ie that painting supposed to be beautiful?" DORIS mata you say? usa said, ‘urs, Beeler, in modern art,there is no distinction between the beautiful and the ugly.” (eiaying with balloon Dedit, FRED GAILY bought for her) 1 saw your parade, Dorie, Tt vean't bad, ports nance ot IE ne uetnoon? Gee thanks |... Who gave you the balloon: (idving over to the balloon) susan (ott) ~ captain Pregecle ceity, U, 8, waxine compe, retired. ports [And you went to see the parade with hin? He'e a lawyer now and he's pons (rakes baLioon) | Piet of all, no man de hamlese. And Living in Connecticut is not necessarily © character reference. Don't tell me he Gove you the eld foutine. “Hello, Little girl, To that Gish Tse going by here every eay your nother?” Bovis, he never saw you go by ~~ and he Aidn't call you a Ginhy ne called you X witch.” ports ot t pry; or anything, BOE what prompted the ramrk? (GRE ersusen U_8-C. t0 get her attache on sus (sHz giggles) X told him we don't believe in santy claus, Frince chaming OF anything we can't see, enell, taste or touch. “He wes ‘Shunderstricken .,, stricken? ors (Stopping D.s.c.» nodding) stricken =r think, susan (crosses to ottoman while DoRIs poRrs You meen comy, He's the familiar prototype ... and he's on the make for your mother. susan What's that mean? ports {sniting at her precocious daughter) “or the make"? Wy ovens Yo, no =~ "prototype." DORIS (laughs in spite of hersel£) Beétine, young lady. (msic STARTS uNDER DIALOGUE. wustC CUE #8) susan (takes off her bathrobe, reaay for Bed, carefully brushing off her “slippers,” gets ail tucked in and ready for sleep) What's a reprobate? oon x awe Y= thet to oa sone» SERIE vat Were ai you hear that? sus ‘MES, Beoler said my father was a reprobate, 15-22 DORIS 0 to sleep, susie. susan = Did we ever believe in santy Claus? porrs co to sleep, susie. (DORIS moves R., stands silently looking at her daughter for's few sioments, then ita on bed) 4 ong tine ago when "we" were just "me," we believed in everything, "blue skies" and “fairy godnothers= and ever & {Eeince Chiming” <= just as though they were real. ‘Well, they've pot reel, Susan, and filling a Little girl full of geizy tales can cause her to grow up thinking of Life se 3 fantiey, instead of a renlity: (DORIS rises, gives the covers gentle attention, moves U.S. to tuen out ‘he Light, cones DIS. as SHE etarte singing) [Ou BOND soo” qqus1e cue #20) ports (centay, pleazaneiy) YOU Dos" WOW Wiht' TF S70 BELIEVE IN A STORY-BOOK WORLD GuasawtEtp To COM TUE WAKING UP EACH DAY 10 YOUR GLORY-B00K WORLD ‘WITH YOUR EYES FULL OF DHEANG AND YOUR SKIES ULL OF BSE (SIE now singe fll voice, moving D.S.c.) tox wraer AFraR HIGHT Dom THE BLOCK FOR TE SWING OP THOSE SHOULDERS, TE CURVE OF THAT CHIN 166-23 act scene 6 Morning the following day, Advertising Manager's Briefing Room ae macy’ ar RISE: SIX luscious YOUNG LADIES and srx young MALES enter R. with MARVIN SELENE, oz seinwea) SHELIBNOER (claps hands) Indoctrination please! Will all the nev clerke please step forward... {ir Se pleased that it is only ‘the GIRLS who step forvard!) (8B speaks in tine with the zhythn of the music) lta, WE'RE SO DELIGHTED‘ TO HAVE You HERE WITH Us AT MACY'S THROUGI THE HOLIDAYS (CIAP, CLAP) ISW'T IT CHIC 10 CLERK AT CHRISTMAS GS pinches END GIRL) (Foon, ctar, Foor, CLAP) TIM MRS. WAINER'S' ASSISTANT, ALSO PUBLIC RELATIONS -. DIRPERS; KLEENEX, COMFORT SEATIONS (oIRts ana Bove give him ® funny 100k) NOW JUST RELAX, HY DEARS, AND LATER I'LL ESCORT YOU AROUND THE STORE. (ro On cra) HAVE YOU EVER CLERIGD BEFORE? om HAVE! AT GIMBEL'S! (SHELLANMER faints) SHELIEAER (Reviving) I DIDN'? HEAR YOU,” DOK'T REPEAT 17! EVER! EVER! 62s SHELIENWER (Continued) ‘Now 1 Won!” oo x80 DETATL, BUT MROUG! AN UNDERSTANDABLE ERO 4G HAVE SEVEN THOUSAID SEPTILES 70 SELL, corns Ropers? SHELIRNOER PIASTIC ALLIGATORS. (HE pulls one out of box on desk) 1 propose 10 SEDDIATE THEIR SALES WITH INGLES. onts. omens? SELIANMER USP AS THEY DO TT ON 7.V. crus oon! SHELIBAMIER WELL, IP THE PRINCIPLE WORKS FOR THE TV. AND RADIO, WEY oF HBRe BEHIND THE COUNTER EVERY SAY! YOU CAN CLAM ANCEING TP YOU SING IT. {menue takes pitch pipe from breast pocket and blows pitch on it and produces spall plastic alligator) murs Pgus PLASTIC ALLIGATORS GUARANTEED FOR LIFE ~~ Ein GID EXE A FISH AMD BLOW ITKE A WHALE, Pook Ya) A BEBR OR A GINGER ALE, ‘WREGGLING AROUND FRCH HEAD TO TATL, BUY OM TODAY. (ornis and povs applaud -- 7 beats) ALL RIG JUST NEMEMBER, DOW'T SAY IT -~ SING TT. iow at the sound of the three o'clock gong the afternoon Betelon of our toy department will restme, And we'ze going Se tey out my nev jingle idea on Mr, Macy ~~ I'm expecting Hin any eecona. We just have tine to run it through. iow dos't gee nervous, Get your,alligators. Quick, quick. (quay do oo, septum Pipe from breast pocket = ows it) TIS... SHELIANMER & CLERKS ‘PRNOUS PIASTIC ALLIGATOR'S GUARANTEED FOR LIFE, Fo'oh sim LENE AFIS! AD BLOW LIKE A WHALE, POUR YOU A BEER OR A GINGER ALE, 162s (ucy enters L., stende unobserved) SERLLUAWER & CLERKS (Continued) WRIGGLENG AROUND FROM READ TO TALL BUY ONE TODAY. macy What the Ginbel‘s is going on here? SepLENMER Qh! Mr. Macy. My Jingle dea! Just as they do it on 7.v, You can claim anything if you sing St. racy (oving c., SHBLISAMKER preceding him, but wanking backwards) You can't claim @ plastic alligator Will pour you a beer or a ginger ale. Macy, if jing ii a “aim chewin< er, Hacy, 4 you ing se; “you cam even claim chewing gut doibles your fon,” Singing’ is an ast Zomn, met sakes ve Jegai.” That's why the ad agencies thought tt up in the Hivet puree, Gis putts, out pitch pipe team breast poet, Siow Ralf eine higher and Binge ‘Orrin you" GOR PRUs PIASTE ALIZcATOR TOY. HEU GALE tap gacn, shu BO tue BWIOT, HE'UL fai yous war. IF fou awsesr. ScmianiNe youn SACK WINE h FLICK OF THE WAIST, BY OnE TONY. macy An alligator has no wrist, in the sense that we have —- SHELLENEER (Blasting piten pipe half tone hisher) quar soy ovan Tune Se piasere sun vou calaier WAAR 37 OUT. ‘YOU CAN BhNG rf OR KicK 77 OR Wilow YT GN THE PIOOR, ‘WATCH TT CRAWL REGIT BACK FOR HOR, (cunexs join in) THROWING A KISS LIKE DINAH SHORE, BOY ONE TODAY. macy An alligntor's Lips do not pucker, at lest not te the eetent = (sumumwowe niasts pitch pipe half tone higher) MR, SHELIEAWKER! 1-6-26 Macy (continued) (ue continues plessantiy) T have heard your voice and your Len. 1 am impressed == : SIELEANNER macy w+ with nelther, SHELEANER mut (crossing 2.) Zn the meantine, i€ his apparently escaped your notice that fhe three o'ciock session is Just fifteen eleonds sese, eusic co 22) (HE exits Rae fixate tremolo then ie Leadsin chords take SHSLIRAORE stunned” to. “franticn" “HE hustiealy Joine the CtenKs and Gathering E¥STOMERS vino ze entering from both ‘ides in preparation for the next scene. “As the érop ‘lies, THEY AL singe) caoms FROM wacy's PARADE TO MACY'S GREAT stonz ‘THE HOLIDAYS ARE WITH US ONCE ORE, (a this music ends into the next scene ye tre fully 17-27 act_t Scene 7 Immediately folloving. Macy's glittering Tey Department including two Stork-Clubtype rea and gold ropes, anticipating the crowds, flanking a glittering throne ‘on which sits gANIA CLAUS: The chorus coda atspers £0 their counter positi and GILDREI rush on Re far ae th permit. Roves 5.8. A sixeyear~: ‘squims”oit from behing the silken rope, ., and nine up to "santas SIX-YEAR-OD BOY ui, Santa, I'm uarry Pinter, (SEARDED CENTLMINY takes him on Bis lap as HARRY answers the Frantic wave of his HOMER behing the rope} BEATOED cENTLMA Hello, Harry. Have you been ® good bony BARRY Yes, sir, BEARDED GENTLE That's fine, Mow then. Tin ture you men on your mind, What wosld you like’ the sos geveral things EARRY 1'6 Like to go to the bathroom... BEARDED GENTLMAN (uitte manny cazefutly off his lap) + Then tell me quickly what you'd like for christnas? BARRY (in one breath) Tvanne fire engine. 1 see A fire engine? nal 17-28 Gust Like the big ones that sguizt real wet yater and T won't doit in the hoase just in the backyard, T premise, (Ge rune beck to hia MomER DossL-) BEARDED CENTER (calling vith a chuckle) you shall nave ity HeEry. (Back to, the rope we see the MomiER's beni waving frantically to attract the EBARDED GENTLENAN's attention. The BEARDED GEWTLEMAN glances Up. SHE pantonines "no, no") BARRY (Welling to nie MOTEER) See I told you ~~ I told you he'd get me one, (Shouting to BEARDED GENTLEMAN) ‘tank you “= thank you, santa! uns, FINEER (me Nomen sniles’ sweetly but Enwraiy sue ts furious) Yet dogs non gon dust fun dom the halt — and 3111 $0 up ina Foe minstes, os (aeidly) Mommy wants to thank santa claus too. {si noves toward the BEAROED GEyrumnan as unary exits h. Sotto voces” angrilys) eat do yo mean by saying a thing 1éke that? z've Locked Bil‘over'©* they' fe just wot moiciag thet kine of Fire engine, BEARDED GENTERIAK (xinay) ‘you don't Ghink T would have said that unless I was sure, 45 you? “vou cen get then (Consulting @ nocebock) <- at B.A.0, Schwartz, And they're only four-fifty -- a Wonderfii bargain. us. rmyen stares dunbfounded. ‘The BEARDED cENTUMIAN provdly holds up his little black book) I keep track of the toy market pretty closely. Does that surprise you? MRS. FENFER (shakes her nea) Mo 7 What raally bowls me over is Macy's sending me to Bhother stor: 17-29 BEARDED GENTLMAN What'a the attference? macy's, tord and Taylor's of Saks, OF enywhere you like, if it’s in the customer's interest Don't vou feel that say? ns, FEUER Yes, but 1 didn't think macy's did. [BEARDED cENTERAN As long as I'm here they do. (SEARDED GENTLINA beckons D.8.. to ANOTHER waiting CHILD) mas. yruer (to a passing couPis) Well, believe me, I'll never shop anyplace but here fron yaw sioweee My wige was just saying the sone thing, MAN suORPER's WIFE Macy's has discovered the true spirit of christaas, yas, PmuER tet! go tell Penny. (SHOPPERS move $,1,, behind throne, MRS. PINFER exits 6.Re) ep (entering with SUSAN .R.) cone on, Susie, nov don't auik, this ian't going to hurt. BEARDED ceNTLEN (ro departing cuIED cn his lap) Yes, you shall have ity ay lover G kindly woNAN and a frightened czying LIPTLs GIRL. approach SANTA CLAUS from L, “ERED end a reluctant SUSNY take the vacated places behind Ehe rope at R. the CHILD slowly Leaves: her MOWER, tries bravely to go to the throne) [BEARDED GENTERIAK Hello there, young lady ~~ what's your nane? (the curiD, frightened, ture back) DUTCH GIRLS MOTHER (aurrying to cario) Her Rane is Hendrik. She's Dutch -- he just cane over. She's ‘Been Living in’an orphans’ hone in wottersam. When 17-30 DUTCH OIRL's MOTHER (continued) he saw you in the parade she said you were sinterkiaas, ae she calle you, and that you could talk to he HENDRIEA (iopefully, tearfully) Sinterklana? DUTCH GrRL's MOTHER ‘You sea, she doesn't speak English. BEARDED cENTLRUAN Je, ik ben Sinterkiaas, ik ben bly dat Je gekomen bent. (susaN is really getting inpressed) BEWREKA (elistove wien suaden happiness) of u bent Sinterxiaas, (rurning to omen) Te wiet het wel. (SHE Climbs up on his lap) BEARDED GENTIENAN wacurlyk, naturlye, (Go NoTER) I vonder if she renenbers this? (HE picke up toy trimpet) cpusns" uste cue #13 WACD-HOORNS SCHORIAN 70 HEIDSR BN ERT HENDRIIA (aoine pappsay) YA, YA, LINK, WAIDPHOORN KLIK [BEARDED GRIVTIEWAN ¢ HENDRIEA WAED-HOORN SCHOALAN YoOR, "YOORG EX VOOR OUP. KLENK WAID-HOORN KLINK, BIAAS 20. KRACH-TUGH EN PRAAACH-TUcH_MooY \WALD-HOORNS SCHOAIAN 20 HEIDER EN LER. KLINE WALD-HOOR —— (BEARDED GENTLEMAN points to BENDRIIA. SHE sings alone) HEXDRIEA (BEAROED ceyrcmun pave. toy trumpet ci11, BEARDED Gil offers HENDRINA the toy trimpet. HENDRINA looks at her ROTHER for approval. “MOTHER node "yes;” HENDRIIA takes the trumpet) bers HENDRINA (Continved) Danke volt, sinterklaas! ‘giz Kisese him and runs happily off with her NOMEN) BEARDED GENTLEMAN os du biiek. MOmER (exiting 2.) oh thank you eo mich: BEARDED GEIRLRMAN (70 susam Well now; young lady -~ young laéy. (gar ignores him) FRED Oh, susie, susie. (Pulling SUSAN by the hand, ap- Proaching the throne, "SUSAN ill not come!) Helio, santa. GB puts out his hana) i'm Fred cally. BEAIDED GENTUMIAS Hello, Fred, 1'm delighted to mest You. RED say, I got a little gist here wants to meet you. susan, (Emap brings suSAH to throne) M11 hola your coat, BEADED ceNTIMUAN Well, young lady, what's your nine? susan Susan Walker, What's youre? BEARDED GENTL@MA Mine? 1'm santa Claus. suse Sure, How do you 40. okay, Mr. caily? wow let's go home. (ste stares off, 9.5.2.) Leane on rope stand, waiting for FRED) xD . (fo BEAREED cENPLEHAN) T'm sorry, Santas (Stared ageer susan) BEARDED GENTIUG por vat? (ruming back) for wasting your tine. T couldn't get anywhere with her all Gay yesterday. What Could you do in a couple minvtes? BEARDED GENTERMAK (Chuckting) oh, TL nave her celling you Uncle fred before you know it. RED uncle Fred? That kid? You wenna make a Little bet? BEARDED GENTERAA A dollar to a do-nut, ue can't lose) you got a bet. BERIOED GENTLEMAN Just give me a few minutes alone with her. ‘=RED cove tuck. BEARDED CENTLRIAN susan =~ ch, Sus: (ssi goes slovly tovara throne) You know you'ze a very clever young lady. I'd Like to Snow'uny You don't Relieve Zim sents ean. But I mst say you're the best looking one I've seen. ‘BEARDED GENTLEMAN smnank you. sua Your whiskers aren't all losre. BEARDED GENTIEUA aren't wnat? susan Aren't all looge at the sides. BEARDED GERTLOUA T™at's because they're real, 1738 susay 4 (Beeches for Deaza) ‘They exe’ BEARDED GENTLEIAR ‘Go ahead, Pull, (susan roaches up -- gives it evlight pull) susan (ctves engines. Eis tine a, yank, pulling GAWIA Sinost out of h Ghair.” S's quite surprised) They are real. BEADED GENTRMAN Certainly they're real, Just like I'm really santa claus, : susan put there is no Santa cla ‘BEARDED GENTLEMAN How do you know that? usa It's Just connon sense. BEARDED cENTZRUA That's jest grow up talk. (HE puts SUSAN cn his lap) suse How cone you speke Dutch to that little girl? BEARDED GHNTIRUW Because she couldn't speak English tome, Now. What do you want for Christus? sus (Drawing back to look the BEARDED GENFLUW in the eye) ell ne the truth = there really den't any Santa claus fe there? ‘BEARDED GENTIRIAN I slvays speek the truth, lot only is there such a person Sat hefe I'am to prove 4, "Mow, Maat o you want for Gheistase? 7 san (sum gets a sty’ idea) What do you think 1 should ask’ for? we BEARDED GENTMAN (sincerety) Well == how about a nice plastic alligator? susau (Rising from BEARDED cewrumaw's lap. 0 S812 been ight Bll along) fhousht 80. ‘BEARDED GENTLEMAN (Confusea) hey are 2 Bit weithy but they're 2 lot of fun and the best, Place ts get one de Clnbe: sven (oare ay) ‘omnes! ‘FRED (vo mas. Fourie, bystanding) Ask for a plastic alligator at Macy's and he sends you to Ginbel 'e! uns, Foun (ointing at sqTa “ctAUs) I knoy! People ave ealleing about it all over the store, T can't believe it, (crop reaction) BEARDED GENTLRUAN Wy not? People should be kind and helpful at any time of GRE Year, ‘But when Christmas tine rolls around we ought to goa step farther: gake it a tradition, so to speck, £0 Exeat ev'ryone with love. Maw SHOPPER With Lover? [BEARDED GENTLEMAN of course. YOUNG WOMAS SHOPPER Bv'ryone? SEAIDSD CONTA hy not? YouNe MALE CLERK Bven the Yankees? BEARDED GENTLEMAN At Christmas, certainly, 107-35 cueek And the Ford fanily shoula ride around in 8 chevy? ‘BEARDED GENTLEMAN Oh T wish 1d thought of thee. He sent me to Altman's for my water glass pattern! (SE shows ted wine glass) ‘TROUBLED TYE Dut you don't mean Masy's should Love Ginbel's? {7 “alas: do indeed. may 3? (Ge takes glass, holds it as in a fost and Steps dometage. SANTA's Ehrone wagon moves back Upatage to its original position) “HERE'S Love" (sc cue 44) ap vou 70 xs 1B ‘TO PEOPLE WHEREVER THEY MAY BE TE HIGH AND THs MIGITY B 4 BE 4 i i i ons. FOWFER (Going over to BERIDED GENTLEMAN) F.ygat, to thank you for veneving ay falthe 1 can haral believe tes eae 7 SAME TROVRLED TYPE Goining) But you don't really a }p Macy's should Love Ginbel's? BEARDED GENTLEMAN meee) T G0 indeed, everyone should love everyone. ANOTHER MAN erqipon vairTe 0 NEIGIBOR BROW 3 vex PROM ALL OP SHE HONE FOLKS SEVERAL PEOPLE ‘70 THE FOLKS FROM OUT-OF-TOA au a RCM THE FRENCH TO THE) REST OF US FRED CHINESE TO EACH OTHER AS WELL. cuows 12860 TO TEXACO FRED |AND TEXACO TO SHELL 2 wx c.1.0. waa sr02PER 70 U.S, STEEL ED ‘PROM JOLLY NIKITA BEARDED GENTEUAN 40 NORMAN VINCENT PEALE cuoms ROM THE SELLS IN THE STEEPLE TO A BUNCH OF SIEEPY PEOPLE HERE'S Love! “HERE'S LOVE! ‘GERLS on RIGHT FROM THE GIRL IEPT BEHIND YA ants oN PT ‘70 THE GIRL YOU'RE DREAMING OF cuoms HERE'S LOVE, 1ovE, 10ve! Peep Well, 1 think we better pay 8 visit to Ginbel's and tell ‘then about it. DUTCH GIRL'S MOTHER on to Ginbel's ~~ 17 [BEARDED GENTLEMAN cone on, susie. susan come on, Uncle Fred, (FRED docs & "take") Did you say Uncle Fre? BEARDED GENTLBIAN (Web a wink at FRED) KILL have coffee with that co-nst, ‘PRED you win. Tenshun? (the crow snaps to attention) Porverd march. (ALL march L, off to next scen NOTE: In the original production, the following complicated sequence ook the MARCHERS through the store and cue into Heralé Square on their way to cimbel’s, If your facilities Qo'not permit 20 complex a production bunber, the entire song canbe etaged En’ the’ toy Department) 0-38 ace Scene @ imedintely folloving. People march out of elevator. ner ALL THE DoGs 20 ALi THE cage ors PRO TEACHER 70 PUPIL AND ILKGLOP 70 SLATE fee ‘FRM THz ariTY To THB NaWy HUDSGH GRAY To ANIAPOLIS DcuE aD SHAKROCKS To THE omwoRME ALL a AND BOTH TO OLD PURDUE ors Lex ry To LWeKy STRIKE RED FROM ALL oP mu aracHERS 70 WOHIS'S DARLING 1K. = FROM TER PrRCHERS ro THR HITTERS rms ‘FROU THE BADIES TO THEIR STEERS ant HERE'S LOVE HERE'S Love! FROM THE CAR URN TM BULDED 0 THE CAR THAT NEEDS A SHOVE HERE'S LOVE, 2OvE, LOVE! | | | | sas act Scene 9 Imediately following. In front of Macy's escalator to bin floor, BEARDED GENTLE DOHALD Dock Kas 70 MICKEY HOUSE BEARDED GENTLEIAN PROM ERMSEL ALND GRETEL Kus fo Tine Koony courmay HOUSE. PROM SIMPLE SiON TO THE PIE BEARDED GENTLRIAN FROM THE CALICO cAT 70 "HE 202 au ‘POOR HUMPTY DUMPTY TO TUE PALL THAT BROKE HE UP Ros LirmE pos ams ro umm cms a Wim Guu me mre Pro~mris AND SAPPY INV THEIR CURLS ‘SEARDED GENTLEAN ‘FRO CINDEREICA AND HER TLTOTERS WEIN HER BROGII "0 ALL HER SISTERS HERE'S Love, Love, Love! TA, tA, Ia, ete. Baste’ Love, “Love, Loves i0-40 aero Scone 10 Immediately following. Herald Square, out front including aot ‘only zabEsTaIMIS ‘but the MRAFFIC COP on the comer. ‘chon Au THE HELP 31cN 70 ALL THE BRASS 5 more OE CoP IN THE sPRINOrTAE au ors 70 PEOPLE Gi THE GRASS 5 ax PROM THE comcRESS onsen Na 70 THE pmNTAcaH ep ME Wroskwom To HE thoUT amos ‘TENOR 70 sopenO AS SHE TRIES 10 DROW TIL OU 3m USERND FALSE sr ro mosaaup cro uy ors [ELIZABETH TAYLOR TO HUSBANDS IN RSVIST au, FROM ROSH-IOSHW-AH TO BAS AND FROW LEN? 70 TISHABOV: 8.4 GROUP Je vous AM 52. cao co AMORE 1-10-41 muiewan, wocersoy FROM THE LAMB T0 THE Lrow PROM THE EAGLE TO THE DOVE HERE'S LOVE, Love, Love! ‘A suoppeR (spoken) fon to Ginbel's: incy's front doors move R to ‘Become Ginbel's front doors, judging from the “Ginbel Sign that nov comes down from fies,” The PEOPLE exit throuh fhe adore) (entering, nappiiy ~~ ie Belated! tering, SONIE belatedly ~~ Brings up the reee) : a "HE GHOUND FiboR SEARDIENT 0 tu bAery fuer nove (ae glances up at Ginbel's sign, starts co exit into store, reeuins instantly) mnne's Love, love = ie Tooke again at eign and faints) macKour Ouusic FOR SCENE CHANGE €15) aeai-42 ach scene 12 A Playground in the Fark -- that afternoon. A few PARENTS and CHIIDHEN are just lesvine the Scene, there are seasmve at Uist. and D.S.c. continied #15] AP nase: FRED enters S.R. singing, with SUSAN on his neck, MEY nove D.s.c. £0 seesaw. FRED PROM THE IAB TO THE LON) FROM THE EAGLE 0 TSE DOVE HERE'S Love, . (ie ps down in front of D.S.€. seesav) suse (taughing happily) X love you, Uncle Pred. Pap And T love you, Susan, Por the next ten years anyway. susan why only ten yeaza? (geinoves to ait on x, side of seesaw) x'm going to love you forever. ‘Rep Qh no you're not. in ten yetrs you'll be @ dame, And anes don't love anysoay Bue thetselves, (HE its'on Ly side of seesaw) susne can you be my father, then? (Proualy) My father was © reprobate, baa How can 1 be your father. a(R ines Ree aide of seesaw), xima bachelor, And I'm going £0 seay that vay. (ow iets"her dom) No dane is ever going to get her lunch-hooke on my Little Dia Connecticet Zamhouses susn (Getting up and going to FRED) x idn't know you had 8 faemhouse in Connecticut) PRED (Taking picture ost of his wallet) Just happen to have © snapshot, Uiocking wide-eyed at the picture) wide-eyed St the picture Ts that a owing in the back? “And's Low? FRED Tt sure is, susa can 1 keep it? (SHE clutches snapshot to her breast) No, you can't keep it, susn E mean just for a while -- please? I'11 be careful with it. FRED Well, T suppose so, All Fight -- you -- dane. suse (iaughs, sits on her side of seesaw) Please be my father, Uncle reds PRED (raising her #ide again) Tean't, rtold you, I'm single, susan Bust for today? rep Well, if it vas 2 special occasion. when's your birthday? Christmas, a yeaa ‘FRED neelly? That's texrihle! Yeu only get helf as many resents. ; (rota hex side dom again) ssusast 1 know. aD and what about your birthaay party? x never had one, tho wants to go to 8 birthday party on Guise? Peep (gaising her agpin) bet you don't even get birthday cards. susai 1 got one last year, boy. FED on? sven 1 sent At to myself, rt wee in the shape of 2 funny 016 T gets books when vou opened ie up st aid, "Happy Birthaay Blom one old bag to smother.” rep (odaingy bin == sweety a nice sentimental thought. Well -~ x tel Wn vypat welll do, We'll make today your honorary birthday YeE WHT be your Honorary father tiil we go Rome. And to and Tou my heart's in the right place, 1/11 make up & Glrtnay card for you right now. (iets her dom) susa you will? ‘FRED sure. “oe was" ware cuz #26) (emEp beings SUSAN'S side of seesaw cp) Leas May oun HOPES BE AS HIGH" AG HIGH Ae GEE ex's HrGHEST SEAR MAY YOUR STAR BE AS BRIGIT -- AS BRIGHT AS YOUR SAILE MAY YOUR SITLE' BE AS WAI ~— AG WASM AS YOUR PLACE IN TEE Sn BE PORSVER AD EVER AS ‘THOE AS THE LOVE 1 HAVE GIVEN TO YoU. (eizD slides down tovard suse ‘suSAN) (Joins him in "Echo" fashion) Prep, MAY THE PERCE I YOUR HEART ‘MAY TEE PEACE IN YOUR HEART GIVE YOU soy uy YOUR HEART (rap ists. AND GIVE you Joy IN YOUR HEART TAGS SUSAN ‘haad) May YOUR HEART KNOW THE MEANING OF LOVE (nisins) oF tove. MAY THE LOVE YOU WILL KIOW MAY THE LOVE YOU WILL XO ‘WIEN YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN LOVE As TRUE ‘EEN YOU YON YOU'RE IH LOVE BE FOREVER NID EVER AS TRUE ‘TocEMIER (.5.c.) AS THE LovE 7 RAVE GIVEN TO YOU, (ssn exooke a beckoning finger ae FED, then, aa HE bends down, Kisses him. THEY walk off am in'am, as we:) DE (Qausxe yon some coon #17) aeiz-46 act__t ‘scene 12 DORIS’ Office, in the meantine. ar RISE: sHELINNOGR 1s talking excitedly en the prone, setazmER (rapping fie card on the desk) I'm talking from firs, Walker's office, I can assure you Ghose are her wishes, I'll be entirely responsible, orrs (burstingin from 8.04) Me, Shelinamer, is it true? suRLIRNOA ‘Yes, whatever you heard! orrs T can't believe it! SELIEAOER Worse. (wonts hurries to her desk) Beople were nomal and then suddenly they were shrieking ‘On £9 Ginbel's." Te svept over the store like a prairie fire! Think of it!” only’ twenty-one shopping days” till Christmas ond not & custémer =~ ors clerk = in the entixe store. ports Why aian't you stop it? SERLEENER Stop it? Twas the pivot man! Te was mass hypnotism! DORIS Why haven't we heard from Mr. Macy? SUBLIENOER He's probably making a deal to replace us with autmation, GE sits) porrs I'm not surprised, 1 knew that Santa Claus was tao good to be tre, B17 SHELLAAER (ianding £ite cara to DORIS) Wait till you see Sants's enployment card, ors (Reading cara) "KRIS KRINGLE.” ows ae (& masic chord is softly heara in the orchestra. “SHE Looks up) Kris Kringle? "me Brooks Hone, Great Neck, Long Taland, age, As 01d ag my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth, ‘Wext of kin: Bancer, Prancer HELLER See? He's @ real mut, ports wait 2 minute, suELuMNER ‘Thank heavens £ aid what Faia, shoulda done it sconer. Doris (the wheels are sterting to go around. “Snape her fingers, eyes shining) Five got 1e! SHELIRAIOER cot wnat? DORIS Shelihanner -- it's a natural — i've got a great iden. Tive got it. bacy bursts in from 8.b,) macy Where is she? (ignoring SHELIBANMER. HE ups to DORIS’ D.8.2.) So} You arranged 'td have all ny custoners taken over to Ginbel's. aia you? when r first heard shout it, F thought it Was shother one of urs. Macy's hairbrained stunts. aut this is wilder than her days a¢ Wellesley, (sRBLURWORR laughe loudly in appreciation =- stops abruptly in horrified realization it waan't sup- Posed to be funny) aida DORIS you just one question, young'women. How are sipsy’ Rall, Hnoy ana Company for re-routing Efookeis ofan entize day fron our cash register t2 Gumbel ’e? Tim firing that crazy santa claus right now, Siler whicn 1'1l have a word to sey £0 you. (SE grabs phone on desk) Gimme the Toy Department. ports TE you'll just Listen ... macy Hello, Johnson? acy. T went vou to «+ ports (an a Lightning maneuver grabs the ne awey) gohnson, this ie berie Walker. Mr. lacy's been interrupted, Retvants you to have sll the clerks, follow the Sante Claus Mincw'*t Beans eonding people to other stores: I'll call you tack, (su hangs up) mc Now just a minute, Mrs. Walker ... ports Me, Macy, vhen I heard about this idea T naturally concluded WE’ cane fron you, therefore, 1 took it seriously and stood Jack for an objective view, On the face of it, it seqned YElotic -- imagine sending Macy's customers to Ginbel of course it's idiotic! ports put after six years of training in Nacy policies if 1 can’t Reatuate a geext naturel sales idea, 1/1 go up £0 your Scot ana Jump ort macy (Bows) vay 1 escort you to the elevator? ... (Giz atraightens up) sales itea? ports rat's what 1 said, Don't you want to be known as the friendly store? aaz-49 (wuzzi0a) what do you mean? ports that I meas is the store that places public service ahesd of profits? macy certainly. ports the store vith a heart? macy {impatiently} ors All right! So Lf we haven't got exactly what the customer wants we'il send him where he can get 1 a pressuring, or forcing the custaner to take something el And if tha: don't s sales ides for christess I'll go beck £2 basemen: wrapping! uarcy (eegine to understand) Wait 2 minate now. vou my heve something there, (anepizea) The store that places public service ahead of profits, the effect on the public could be ports Monumental: macy Consequently, we'll make more profit than ever before, DORIS (rapid tire) 2p4 I get 2 bonus in the amount of one-half percent of the #inel Ghristme sales figures to the axtent that they are in excess of Macy's beat year, Agreed? (DORIS takes MACY'S hand £0 ees] the bargain) macy, What vas the last remax sss ? ports {snakes his hand, closing the desl) Fine -- Make a note. I'm very happy to hear that you appreciote the value of a sales idea, Now we don't want to Fun any chance of losing that santy Claus. aiz-so mn (starting off 2.) 1 should sty we don't! DoRIs Better get Mr. Kringle on 8 1ifetine contract! (stopping and starting off again) Which we whil present at 8 surprise pasty for hint ors In the Toy Department! the fixet thing next veek. sHELIENMER, A surprise party for sant Claus in the Toy Department? nace (stopping and starting again) For the selest feu, Be grest publicity! orrs (ro macy) ‘The best, ir. Yacy! I'd Like to get tre-coverner-ond the Mayor dowm here, macy (stopping and nodding exeitealy) ‘the mayor. (ae Tooke up) ‘sogether, ire. Walker? ‘ports certainty: vac Get me on the noon plane tomorrow for Alben; (Stores off L., corns) Better make tat two tickets to Albany, with a eide trip to Buffalo: Mee. Nacy and 1 have never seen Niagara fallat vom" exits £:) ports (ctessunay) Et!LL work, It'll work —- Z know it will! qhés'21 be the greatest Chistmae Macy's ever Had! “And all for two doliare Snhour! Shelimmmens get chat canty Clave damm here immediate:y. SUELIBNMER Right! (sHELiaMER remembers) : 212-51 ports 4 want to sake sure he doesn't change his attitude to-the Customers by the width o£ one sniié (SHELBRIMER winks Gow into a chair, is thanderstruck setitude now attracts her attention! Whet'e the matter with you? SELLER 1 fired bin. ors 0? SHELIENOER senty claus: ports ou what? suELER on the phone -- before you cane in. I was only trying to be ezfisiens. m aoe oars {Rushing to phone) We've got to get him backs SHELIBMER But his pink slip s already in the neilroon, ports Shellhamer, how coula you? sueanmes (an defense of insel2) Took, the old guy is risky, he thinks he's santa claus poets I .don't care if he thinks he's the Easter Bunny, you go find ‘him and don't cone back without him, (SELIENOER starts off 1.) suntnmEs (Stops ang returns to DORE C25.) couldn't you just hire somebody else and have then ao the same thing? (DoRrS gives him the Look! a-nz-s2 SHBLIEAWER (Continued) Fe, (SHBLINAWER automatically starte off L, again and is stopped by 8 Knock on door, Tete KRIS, DORIS pleks up the phone) ors ‘cone in. (WIS enters L, cheerfully with 8 folded pink paper in his hand) Why, Me. Kringle! ws Mes, Welker - {ua gestures with the paper at DORIS and SHELINAIIER) w= this slip mist have got into my box by mistake, Actually ites dispiesal fom. poris (puts down phone and taking slip. from Kus) Well, 4€ that ien't 8 king size foul-up. I never saw one. (Guz tears up e1ip for KRIS" benefit) Tiagine firing the best Santa claus we ever hed. Pleas Ht'dow, Let me take your hat, ERIS ua sits) Wey thank you, Mrs, Walker. ORS Enean it, Nr. Kringle, T've heard sbost your “Here's Love! {gee ana fim betting on it, I'm ordering every clerk in Ge store to take his cue from you, We're going to keep 2 cupiete file of itens and prices of every rival store in fom,” Plus tie-line telephones to those stores for our customers" convenience, We're backing you, Mr. Kringle, with everything we've got! eis (Rising to ports) Mze. Welker, I knew T could win you over. made you sort of a test case, you know. oRIS mest cas pores) KRIS Z Gia indeed, ch, 1 cee better about christmas now than T have for the past sisty years. hetitudes have become 20 shameful in this century'end i mist eay Z thought that ineludea you. (HB sits dejecteaty) Actually 1'4 just about made cp my mind 1 wouldn't sight it anymore, the conercialisn, the cynicim. “I'neans fae ready t© give up for good (Gi rises neppiiy) But now lock what's happened because of your faith in ne. Oh, Mrs. Walker, you and Tare going to fut the clock Peck ko the Gentle diya, the Kindly days that’ people ore letting sip through their’ tingere without doing & thing to seep ae, The days of green christnas trees; instead of pink ones’ and real pine cones and real holly efries © SEINE cop ne 7 music CUE #19 POPCORY FOR YOU, APPLES FOR ME, RED STRIPED CANDY, NUICRACKER HANDY, REETLE A-DUBBLIN' HOLIDAY TER, ROW CLOUDS HANG LOW AND THRRAT' ym -— WOAYBE TT WON'T, PRAYING 27 HAY TEE BRIGHTEST PxRES LACE Glows IN Even Face WAITING FOR CHRESDIAS DAY, (THERE'LL BE WALK-A-ROUD soNGs AND TALK-A-ROUKD SoWfasy SONGS OF THE TH AD SEALE: THERE'LL BE MORmIRG-7miE SONGS AND EVENING-TIME cones KRIS, DORRIS & SHELIRWOIDR TINGLE BELLS WILL gINGIE ALL tHE WAY ALL DAY. ports xars 37'S BEGHMITNG TO LOOK A tot PoPconM FOR YOU, APPLES Line caRremas TOR Me, y'nwwtinen sou eo, sep STRIPED’ carwy, ‘THREE "S A TREE IN un GRAND MUTCRACIER HARDY, ‘nozEL. REPT A-tUBLOY! OWE RITE PARK As wets, HOLIDAY TER, HE STURDY KIND HAT DOSN'T Tu ‘MIND “THE SWOW aeaz-s4 porrs xars SHELIAANWER P's BEGINING 10 SNOW CLOUDS HANG CHRISIMAS, CHRISTUAS TOOK A100 1ZKE LOW AND cunrsnas ‘manent en Soom THE BELIS MAYBE IT WON'T, CHRISTMAS CHEER, ‘WELL START ‘PRAYING 17 HAY. Au Ta TG me priciest PrRi- ‘paar’ Le MRE Place BELLS RINGING aN RING. 1X9 THE CAROL THAT GLOWS IN EVERY AND HEARTS sINazKG You SING PACE RIGHT WHIEIN YOUR WAITING FOR Ev! - RY YEAR, HEART CHRISTMAS DAY, aca WEEN YOUR WAITING FOR wartiHc_70R HEART, CHRISTMAS DAY. "CHRISTMAS DAY. KRIS (he HE exits | cooabye. macy (mirsing in L. == HE is 8 dunbfounded nin) It's working siready! “They're talking about nothing else S11 over tom, Every Department dom there is jammed with happy custoners! We're getting phone calls from the news~ peperel "And fin teachers! “Aad oreachers! and Aesbis? Bnd Bishops! Just think =~ 1 sinost ~~ fired that man, (Speechless with chagrin BE grabe DORIS) Doris -- Here's love! (HE Kisses her and dashes cut 1.) ports in ber chair with 2 big sign =a gooa job well. done) Mr, Shelinimer --"1 think I've earned my dollar for today. (SHE picks up phone) call my apartment pleases Zell gusen not to come dovn =~ Yin going hone for dinner. Thanks. (GEE hangs up) Gen SHEAR (sits ana begins jotting in his notebook) susie was Sizeaey down here, Dorie, nas morning. ors (euteing on gloves) She was? mrs, Boeler didn't tell me, SLIENER (tooks 9p) Oh she didn't cone with Mrs, Beeler. 112-55 ports ho aia ehe come vith? SHELIBAWER x don’t know, 1 never sav him before =~ some big ex-General from the way he was ordering everybody about. (Gniling at the menory) He and susie and Santy Claus were -- Gm wilte under DORIS" growing concern) DORIS (Rising slowly) Wore vhat, Shelihanner? SHELIENWER (Back to his notebook) you better ask Susie, ports (exiting) 1 Antena 9, a 113-56 acer scene 13 tate afternoon the same cay. Seana, se, the Living Room in, PRED GRILY!s "large and confortable Sate" AE RISE: PED, in shirteleeves, is on the Phoné. “there are law boske on che foriee table -~ HE ine studying. FRED Gad to hear it, whitey. Gaughing) Sure, the gane is on thie vedk, why not. Okay, Thareaay night. you here (tile front door busze Et busses agein. Yelling from 0.8.1.) come in -- i'm in the bends (Dons WALKER enters R., comes to C- ‘This beautiful woman bas on ner best, gloves in and, every hair in place. FRED is whistling off stage. FRED enters, struggling into his jacket. Stopped cold by this gorgeous vision) ons (craxningly) Welt, 1 pictured you quite differently, Captain oaily. FRED Itm glad you pictured ne st all, Miss -- ah? ors: wanker, voris Walkers FRED Glad to know you, Mice (Renenbering) = the witch; | sass? ports (snizingi Met's right, the vitch, E'1L come straight to the point, Tina business wom and 1 "mused to detling with men. FRED, Good. I'm an ex-Harine ana 7! You'te Susie's mother, used to dealing with vonen. ‘You know you've got a evel 1itele Kid there. But she's = "oh = oars Eyguse ne. Mr. Gaiiy. sy lige revolves around that swell iittle kid. “imy did’ you take her to see Sones claus? Wat's the ham in thet? Doris ‘The ham is that 1 told ner Senta Claus is a myth, then you take her dow to the store and she secs dovens of gullible children ena avery convincing eld ean with real Whiskers; whet is she to think? Who Is she te believes And, parenthetically, there's no room in ovr Iives soe Gaddies, “nonorery’ or otherwise, can clarify chee df you'll forgive eoue rather personal background PRED (ippily interested, invites. her 2.) 314 love sts peat ome ae os morn tay es on gto stage inp Sar hoe pits Penh tenascin cn, Tee aac ae at Bae Saliva pate bee eat E lived in this dream woria for enectly mine nents Shiztean days. He walked out onus the day Susan This sty alvotvee grew up very fast atte Inswe (Walking D.8.1,) ad What do you guys do, ‘put chalk marks on our gate posts? FRED (Watking D.s.R., chuckling) Z know what you mean. ‘Ate those your regular working Gigthes?, Very lovely overalls even for's lacy's executive, Qpe would almost think you took tine to change.” Tis Hactered lain gir Brees ery ser ea ve one SED ne Ee aise Gielpseity) Pre, ports 1 seem to represent the classic situation your antennae are ways quivering t9 locate, Divorced wonan pathetically Gager for masculine attention end gone all dy at work. Mis permits you to get in through the oldest dodge in the world'=~ the lady's ahild, (Woves toverd FRED) Keep avay from her, Charley ~~ PRED (Stii1 eniling, But not meaning it) rea. ports == and from me, rep loves, toward DORIS) Took, you'ze bucking fora punch in the nose, dane or no Sane. ports And I'd soy you're getting out of your depth, Marine, then ny child cones hone as she Gia today, with a eloppy Sentinental song and'a father inage, the male aninal who te Eesponsible is heading for real evouble. Now this little warning it igeved with me under full control, If there's 2 ext time, Z'Jl coll.® police captain in this precinct who [eas eager to move in on me as you ere. I nave to open up Ghat problen, but Twill 4f 1 have to, Do Imke myself clear? RED (anoroushly in hand) Ont very clear, it’ also clear that you have no intention 22 Leaving yet, ‘or you would have started for the door on that renazk. You dian't even lean, (DORIS rushes to door. FRED stops her by standing in front of exit) xld say it was very of@ how the child just happened to show up on my steps -- 1'4 gay maybe you sent her there, (Gacking her up all the vey fo chair et S.L.) Well, you wasted your tine Little girl, r've been the pigecn route =~ floozy, bloozy, Fangslini and Manarint, From the Molle in the lialls of Montenuna to the bores ox Ehe"ehores of gelpolee (GB "puts" her in chair) 113-59 ‘FRED _(continsea) And vhile we're getting s2 personal, let me ill you in with ei few facts. “I am about to exbrace the Legal profession, fo which stitue I'have actainea the hard way, pamely. flunking the bar exam two years inva row, finally exinning through on my third try, after aix hours’a week in the Judge Advocata's oftice and fifteen years of correspondence school. I'ma plodder. My plans, therefore, don't incluge even aiy cagual broads fora while, (onus bolts D.5.1.) HOOK LITTLE Gra (wusre cuz 421) Pen WHEN’ IT COMES 7D DAMES, 1 WROTE THE BOOK, LITTLE GIRL ‘THE WHOLE BLOODY BOOK, LITTLE GIRL tepexen} come here, oa (az srabe her, oUF drops ner bag ahd Haves i Hf along Kiss, “The music subsides. ‘Ten silence) HEB tae 20 ot WY se WEN’ E'xxsseD rou JUST THEN, YOU HAD TO KISS ME BACK Wow Look, Litvie GIRL. (oonis calmly collects her things, and unhirriedly noves tovara the oor! Yoox, urrtiz GIRL... aena-60 (EORIS exits ., closing the Kor ensefully ‘Sehina hee Pimp sags into a chair) ‘FRED (continued) (spoken) Look, eels girl (the Orchestra finishes atone) E B (iwexe commmaves nema npPraves) 14-61 scr Sone lt scee: fon the vay to DORIS! apartment. Inmediately following. (wusre cue #22) ports (enters R., paces angrily) 2D LIKE 70. KNOW WHY’ wenn A GUY MARES A THIRTY-MIWUTE PASS AT ME WMELE T LIKE AUDITION MY TREMBLING SCHOOL-GIRLISH CHARYS, LOOK, LxeTLe GIRL Tb Lake 0. RSOw way -— way A GUY THROWS" A PITCH AS BOLD AS BRASG AT Me ‘WHILE STAND Wrti MY MOUTH JUST HANGING-THERE NOT SAYING A WORD OR TRYING 70 AND WIND UP FALLING RIGHT IW HIS ARNS HOM DARE HE DESCRIBE ME, APPRAISE ME AND ASSESS MS CALMEY COMPUTING MY OVBA-ALL WON HE'S HAD MIS LAST CHANCE 10 OUIGUESS ME AMYWRERE, ANYTIME, ON THIS OR ANY EARTH I'D LIKE To HOW WHY ve WEEN HE KISSED ME I HAD TO GO AND KISS HIM BACK SoW LOOK, LITTLE GIRL 100K, Lifeie GIRL. (Spoen) Look, 1ittle girl. (Sab exits 1.) (CURTAINS OPER SCENE) aeas-62 act__t Scone 15 ‘The following Nonday morning. Macy's. IR. SAUVER's office. ar Rise. MISS CROOKSHANK, EAitYER's secre tery, is primly heading her skirts inia'wsong ane “dence” manner. KRIS Keeping her on the beat (QWSIC_AS LIGHTS cout UP ON SCENE #23) KRIS & NISS CROOKSHANK (singing) ‘He BHLGiTEST PERE PLACE Glows IN EVERY. PACE. SAPTING FOR CHRISTIIAS DAY. ISS CROOKSHANK fh thank you, te. Kringie, it's a lovely song. ars ‘thank you, iiss Crookshank. NESS CHOOKSHANK Wow about this intelligence test. You know it's nothing persenal, ALL Hacy's employees are cbliged to take it, Eighe here in the offi: Oh, 1 know that. Tive.taken dozens of them. "iow many Plager’ do you see?" "Four." “liow much is three times fiver’ “eifteen:'. "Noscular coordination test? (ip touches his nose rapidly with alternece index fingers, thes des the knock knee Dit with the hands on knass) ESS CROOKSHANK ok, but you don't know our store psychologist. wats we. Sawyer? INISS_CROOKSHANK Yes. He's not fair. Why just the other day -— a1s63 (MR. SAWYER bursts in fron 6.L, HE is @ nervous wreck, exemplified by his habit of blowing loudly on each lens of his glasses, then wiping them hurriedly with a Kldenex from a large Box on his desk and then thrusting the “wiper into his breast pocket) SAYER (as though answering an 0.8. question) No == 1 don't give to charity: (Looking pointedly at MISS CROOKSHANK) or the Employees’ Fund (HE goes to his desk and sits) RIS (cheereuniy) You must be Nes Sawyer, (HE picks up hat) SAWYER (risky) T ain't his brother, So you're Santy claus, wars (Detightea) Well, x ain't his brother, (Past and brittle) Never mind that. I mean you're Santy Claus in the sense that there are lots of Hapoleona and Juliue Caesars, acd God knows what, running around loose all over the places (Swivels, R.) to MISS CROOKSHANK, his back’ to" kRis) crookshank, {we begins to wipe) Tive told you to keep thece nuts out of here till you have an opportunity to announce then to me personally. ‘How much is three tines five? (Swivels to a bridling KRIS) wars Fifteen. Would you mind looking at me when you ask the quest ions? sawyer I'LL Look anywhere I wish, How many days in the week? mais Mr. Sawyer, your function a6 I understand it is to give intelligence tests and evaluate then asa peychologiee -— not a psychiatrist. Seven. aens-68 swren, (cought off guard) seven? wnae's that mean? wars Daye in the week. SAWYER (swivels to, MISS. CROOKSHAIK, SSvaring $9) complete sek af concentration <= make a note. (Gewvers back to. KRIS) ‘noucn your ‘Toft, ear with your Fight hand and your right nose with your Lefe hand. (Swivels back to MISS CROOKSHANE) Danage to the nervous system! (Gwavels back to KRIS) How much 1s tree tines five? rats ‘you asked me that before “Gust being helpful) you'll ing the answer ight there at the bottom of the ~ SRNYER (slaps hie desk with right nan) ‘Zim conducting this examination, How auch is tree tines co mas Sane as it was before. Fifteen. (sxe blows and wipes twice sna row) ou seen a Little nervous, Mr. Sawyer. Do you get enough sleep? sRINEER (conéidingty) go tell eneeruth, I've been having these dreams Late -— (slape desk) My personal habite are of no concern to you! wars (Prtenaty) rin sorry H'it's just that I hate to see anyone so tied up rhe (SAWWER Anterrupts by thrusting {Rtee fingers sn front of KRIS) 15-85 saver How many fingers do you see? i wars "(me takes sawveR's nand to Lock nore closely) You ite your nails! “Are you happy at hone, Mz. Sauyer? (SAWYER fomps out of his chair D.5.R.) saver That vill be all! the examination is over, mers Really? Way thank you. sawven and it may interest you to know I have been happily married for fourteen years! (A loud buse interrupts, {To MISS CROOKSHANK, running to phone, angrily) TE that's ay Wits, I'm not 4s (urs doos a email take; gethers hie things to leave) Crockshank! Take this down. (stcamrary tries desperately to get shorthand book and pencil ready. HE starts dictating =~ fast) After giving lr. Kringle a conprchensive examination, (ars turns) Ht is ny considered opinion he should be dismissed smmediately. “The man exhibite lacent maniacal tendenci and T reccomend comitnent as soon as possisie. ats Now just @ moment, mr, sauye (SBCRETARY trembling) MESS CROOKSHANK (ops to sane) Me. sawyer, you =~ you can't do thet. ies SAWYER mat? MISS CROORSHANK He gave avali the right answers. (an white newt) you dare to contradict me? 1MrSs, CROOKSHASK (trombLing alt over) you didn't\even give him the complete examination, You Hever do, You're al-wacays getting people fired just Bocause you don't Like then. saves, at's riche. You're fired. ESS CROOKSHANK muat's wong. 7 quit. “22Gime Tushes out L. in tears) mars me, Sawyer, I'm not in the habit of Losing my tenper and } Faon'e intend to do ao,” But if you disnies that girl, Teif'nake sure Hr. Nacy earns just what » contenptible, malicious feud you are. i snr (taughing) mr. Macy's gone to Albany. And yea won't have a chance to Reit hin anyening when he gete back. I'l see to that, ais I'm warning you, Get that girl back in here and epologize toner: same, Get out before 1 have you thrown out! wus" (waving toward SAVOER) ‘mere's only one way to handle aman Like you. (Hale gestures with bis cane, SKYE oves pack and deliberately loses his Balance. over HE goes in the swivel j caaiz) saNvER (shouting for the benefit of those Sutside the office, ané gesturing with first one foot and then the other) pon't strike me again, Mr. Kringle. aas67 [it's obvious xis nas not touched sawveR) (conesnsea) saree, HeIp! He Don't you strike 2¢ again. attacking me, (RIS oxite in disgust, s.R, "8 screans are drowned out ty fe musi bridge waich ence the (wszc cue #24) a1668 act Seene 16 ‘that night. Macy's Toy Department. A few toys are in evidence, including 2 focking horse and several pos? sticks ap Rist: susaH enters usa Mr, Kringle? Are you here?” Mr. Kringle? mus (Stands up behind R, toy counter) Suske Walker, what are you doing dovm here at this tine of night? ‘usm rs. Beeler brovght me down. I wanted to come to your =~ sie covers her mouth quickly) ats smaty (COMEE D/SeRe ScaEHYiNG 8 top) my what SUSAN (sue vaiks Kars around in circle) Tim not supposed to tell you. mais (Poldowing, with a frustrated Little chuckle) Now lock here, susan, 1 vas told to come here tonight to Bttend sone ind of meeting. Nobody would tell me anything about dt.” Why #11 the mystery? (sme Loans over the hobby horse, Starts it rocking. “Te squeaks) were FOR = 2s) usa (Going over to the hobby horse nd trying to change the subject) Why is ho making that noise? as6-69 ‘ ty onlBE Reluctantly dropping the subject) He probably wants to tell you sonething. susan {stopping the hobby horse) Now Mr. Kringle, hobby horses don't talk, mers Tey do s¢ you want then tor Gi gate an sa: ‘Susan, haven't you ever betn to the Inagee-naticn? usa What's that mean? wars etl, you've heard of the French nation -- the English nation this is the Imageecnation, susat (taking the top fron IRS) Zim not supposed to believe anything I can't see, sneli, taste or touch. wars (tnnocent1y) on, susa ih, where is ehis Imageesnacion? mars Anywhere you'd like it to bee ‘susas Who's there? mars (sitting beside nex) Anyone you want. susan On now, tr. Kringle. sats waixer. C_CUE #26) (THEY sit on floor D.8.c, a8 KRIS begins to sings) oh now, ms -16-70 rrs (continued) EXPECT THIGS TO HAPPEN LIKE THE PEOPLE IN THE FAIRY TALES 0. ‘You NEVER CAS TELL WHEM YOUR FAVORITE FAIRY TALE MIGHT. TUR OUT TO. BE TRUE. ‘JUST FOR OU, sO DOw*cHDO DARE 10 EVER'UNDERESTINATE THE PONER OF A WISH AiWisH Mens Hope You LET YOUR FACE TELL YOU EV'RY DAY HOW NECESSARY SOAP 8 Lot YOUR HEAR? ‘TELL YOU HOw NECESEARY HOP2 18 AND. DoW'T BE & PESSIMIST, NEVER LET THE SCHLUNPPS HANG AROUND usa Wat's a echionpt? mars [A SCHLUNPE 18 A GRUMPY OLD CROD WITH HE FEET ON THE CLOUDS ‘AUD EIS HEAD IN THE. GROUD ‘UPSIDE DoW ~~ iv DON'CHOO OPEN UP LIKE ASTRONOMERS AND SCIENTISTS ALKAYS DO. ‘YOU NEVER CAN TELL WHEN A PAIRY TALE MIGHT COME TRIE. (ius starts a large top spinning, then tiptoes off during the ase few bars of song, leaving SUSAN alone, dreaming) “SUSAN'S BIRTEDAY PARTY BALLET" uste cus #27) “GRE TOY BALLET" (Tis Ballet represents susAI's Shougnes and fantasies as SHE Qaydreans. ‘The Lights dim as KRis exits and come up again fon SUSAN alone. ROCKING HORSES enter at = 5) ROCKING HORSES coming to the party? Whote party? ROCKING HORSES Ba! Ma! ma! mat (mimy exit. ‘THREE MEW IA TUB enter, Bar 21) ‘THREE MEX anoy! Geing to the party? we susan wnat party? Some jk (razy exit. Poco STICKS enter, Bar 37) Poco STICKS coming to the party? susan What party? Poco sricKs Don't be funny! (off-stage L. Police wistie is heard, “MAILIAN entere with pouch, sar 51) aru Going to the party? susan those party? rors hy, youre (8 spills nis pouch vaies contains only one letter, an invitacion to the party. HE hands inviestion to SUSAN who opens it and reads 2) susa I never had a birthday party! (waruaa and Posos exit, Bar 70. AvrATOR, in brow World ar I-type flying Costume, busses is, pretend ing 0 be flying @ plane, Bar 73) aviaron Going to the party? susan ves! aviator (eretends to land his plane) Hope int a16-72 (SUSAN hops in plane behind AVIATOR. THEY take off and base around stage fogether) AVIATOR (continued) Here you are! you'li have to Jump! (sUsaui raises ner parasol and junps up 2nd then dom eo sinulata stiag but of plane) Happy Birthéay! (HE exits. A long table, set for the Birthday Party, Cones onstage, with DORIS, KRIS in Santa suit, and several CiILDREN behind. CHILDREN ate guests at Birthday Pasty fand nay be same as vere POoO STICKS, HOBBY HORSES, otc. in previous sequences) DORIS, KRIS & cHILDIEN (sung sn the derisive music just played by the orchestra) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUSAIL {ouE POO AND ONE RAG DOLL fetch Susau to the table. Ratchet and whistle sound eefects) the cake? Where's the cake (ruRse DOLLS nod heads shaxply to correspond with three beats in music. KRIS shakes sleigh bells to suneon up the cakes Enter SKATERS, Bar 105, THEY skate around stage for a few bars, thea ‘Two SKATERS go off and bring on the Birthday cake, Bar 122.” THEY place the cake on the table, Bar 130) ALL AT TABLE (singing) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUSIE DEAR, (SKATERS continue to skate, chanting ‘happy, happy. happy" at Bars 171 and Yer, upY skate off at Bar 182) 1ie73 Om GUEST AT TABLE Who's going to cut the cake? ‘oy cuss? asomizR ar Daddy should cut the Cane’ ANOTHER TOY GUEST ‘She doesn't have a Daddy! oY Guest Were's che going to Eind'e Daddys (iS blows whistle. the following scere represents an’ audition by" various TOYS for the role cf Asal Eater. ‘Each group of Tovs enters and dances, acknowledging SUSAN and BORIS, "and each TOY in turn. sweep: DoRIS‘avay ina dance, showing that SUE must approve of the new Deddy. At finish of each dance, the DANCERS Fenain on stage, Enter FIREMEN. Bar 164, Ente: TOY SOLDIERS in blue dress Marine uniforms.” Dar 236" Enter RAG DOLLS, possibly RAGGEDY ANDY pouts, bar 272- Enter INDIAN BRAVE and SOUR, ar 323, INDI BRAVE sees DORIS and throws SQUAW over, HE dances Apache with ‘everyone on stage concerned ‘2¢ roligh treatment £0 BORIS. SOUAN Eetuma with tonahave, tries to scalp DORIS.” BRAVE takes tomahawk, turne ‘back fo SQUAW, SOUAW Kicks BRAVE In seat of pants} ‘A cuEST AT TABLE, Well, who's gona cut the cake? (mere foliows a short reprise of ail he audition dances by the various sontenders, as THEY go off. SORTS Fejects ali. when THEY are all off, SUSAN vnispers in KRIS' ear, “presumably Ehae SHE wants to try PRED for her Daddy. KRIS pantonines difficulty, bat finally ‘concedes and sunnons the SKATERS to co avay! what took aee-74 return, skating, followed by a Inrge PLASTIC ALLIGATOR, Like the one SHELIHAOGR has erica to sell, pulling a large, brightly-wrepped Box =~ in vhich ‘PRED is concealed. ALL CHILDREN and SKATERS dance eround Box £111 DORIS anterrupts, posing them aeido) ors. 60 avay! You're not real! (atk exit excopt Susn and poRrs. DORIS takes SUSAN by the hand to’ the fable and starea to cut the cake. Gust. thon we hear a knocking inside he box,” DORIS and SUSAN go to box ‘and BORIS opens it, “FRED pops cut) ‘FRED you 20 tong? {Wands SUSAN 8 cardboard house, Fopresenting the one in the snap- shoe) Here's your house. where 1s everybody? cut the cake! cut the eak (ALL PREVIOUS GUESTS and SKATERS re- enter, Bar 479) au (DORIS cuts the cake and hands susaN 2 ’piece with a candle on it, SUSAN Blows cut the candle and ae ‘SHE does the stage BLACKS OUT. As Lights cone up again, the store Glock strikes, bringing’ SUSAY back fo reality. SHE looke to her hand for the pigce of cake, but there 1s nothing there, The top is still Spinning ..- SHE has been dreaning) susan (steps top) Me. Kringle! ME. Keingle! MF. Keingle! coming. wars (ost-stase) (sRIS enters, in his civilian clothes) 16-75 susas Ht must have been called off, 1 cane up here ‘me mect ing’ ours ago. mus ‘Why Susan, you've only been here a couple of minutes, (WERE'S LOVE" ta heard 0,5, rt herajés the arrival €.R, of CLERKS, ‘and GUESTS, including “SHELZNaR, uste cur 429 The lights are turned up fu Feveel the radsantly decorat Department) aw (32 Uvying) Hooray for Kris! surprise: surprise! (HIS is completely taken by surprise as WicY enters, §.L., bringing the SovEROR, “the IAYOR’ and other obvious NOTABLES ‘plus PHOTOGRAPHERS with flash caneras. and’ REPORTERS) mex Mr. Kringle. mars ME. Macy. Wow shat kind Of meeting is thie? mcr Mr, Kringle, this isn't a meeting at ali, it's = surpr Barty for you.” Governor ~~ and Your Honde, meet enemas OF the hour, Reis "Here's Love” Kringle. cOVERIOR (shaking hands) Congratulations, Hr. Kringle. (Piast (iurrying to got in the picture Slapping KRIS" shoulder) Likewise, (eras) wor They're about to witness Our signing you to a lifetine contract, ris 116-76 wars (stepping forvard) A ilfetine contract? i'm afraid that's a Little Japracticals even for Macy’s. Will you settle for 2 haneshake? macy et (THEY shake hands. GOVERNOR and SRYOR applaud heartily) Ladies and gentlemen, I'¢ Like to present me [etan‘ who recognized the greatness in the Her YEkiee an Genclenen! OuF om Dorss Walker! (Donts enters 5.8, to applause on Gieraen of a dignicied businessman type) oRIs (ncknowedging the welcome with 2 Gracious exile) thank you, ME. Macy. REA: macy (sligntty puzzled at the stranger] wii you present your guest, boris?) I'm afraid X haven't fed the pleasure porrs Mr, Macy -- meet Hr. Ginbel. (Plagh, _SRELLENOER faints in the GoVERNOR"® arms) wey, (crossing R, to GIMBEL Joine KRIS ¢.5.) Well, Gimbel! e's about time we met. ors: ommset, te 4s indeed, 1 just crossed the street -- for the first Tine sh'ehirty-nine yesre = T came here to tell you about Sy'new slogans Are you ready? If Gimbel's hasn't got it, try macy's? (THEY shake hands and laugh good natureaiy) 116-77 (Stepping in front of DORIS and deliberately looking into esneras) Mrs. Walker, you and this aarvelous Kris Kringle have made history. Kris, we'fe grateful to you. mrss Thank you, Governor. mayor {Stepping up and'Yocking into Te whole city is grateful to you, Kris, mars Thank you, Me, Mayor. covenwor (starts off 1.) coming, Bob? mayor Right with you, Nelson, mcr T/L go with you, gentienen, (as tmny exit L., with entourage, sniling their goodbyes, the CAMBRANEN clicking 1ike mad) crMaeL Just a minute ~~ how about a picture at ny store? (SE ouite L, hurriedly) SUSAN congratulations, Kr. Kringle. poris Susie Walker! Wat ere you deiiny Gow here? susas T wonted to cone to Mr. Kringle's eurprise party. wars Tank you, susie. susan Mes, Booler brought me down. (enter Wo POLICEMEN 5.1.) 1-16-78 Pouicennar 1 us there 2 fella here says he's santa Claus? Alias Kris Kringle? wars i'm Keds Keingle. POLICEMAN 1 have 9 complaint requiring your presence for an examination st Bellevue, sworn out by a Mr, Bartholomew Sawyer. I'm afraid you'll nave to come along. mars (surprised -- then amused) No matter what Mr. Bartholomew Sawyer says, Mrs, Walker ‘can vouch for me, ports 1 don't know anything about this. POLICEMAN 1 He clains that he vas attacked by thie gentlonan in -- (HE refers to the paper in his hand) va maniacal frenzy when Savyer refused to believe he was Sancy claus.” oars Tat's ridiculous. Mr. Kringle doesn't mean he 4s actually Santa claus. rus (Looking at ooRIS in éisbelief) of course 1 do. (POLICEMAN taxes KRIS' az. SUSAH moves away From DORIS to KRIS) boris (im worried trritation) kets, (Sie reaches for SUSAN who pulls. away) You don't have to keep pretending for Susan's benefit. Ris I'm not pretending. oats Just say you're not Santa Claus and there'li be no trouble ss ae79 (KRIS gives up and oxite L. with POLICEMEN. SUSAN tarts £2 exit Re crying) oRIs (continued) susan! (nuns to her) ny are you crying? usa The whole thing is a11 your fault, Telling everybody he's not Feally Santy Claus. His beard is resi, and/he ie tos —— ports (crapping susax) Susie, there are six thousand men in New York City with zeal, beards. ‘That doesn't mean they're Santa Clauss susaN and he spoke Dutch to a Little girl. ors T speak French -- that goeen't make me Joan of Arc. susan You don't believe in him becaise you don't believe in anybody. (susan “pushes” her MOTHER away) ‘ano. (SUSAN runs off R.+ DORIS stands atunned. The orchestra ewoils) port: (Bunning off .) = Susan’ usr CUE #30 susie! Mp of act _r aaa The following thursday no-ning. ‘me doo: stande Wi secretary type is standing at the S0DSE'S desks, ap RISE: CLARA, the secretary, is searching the ask fort coviment in adeition to the several she holds in he: hand. (uS10 EADES AS DIALOG BEGINS) Pap (cautiously entering, 1. hat dn hend) Pardon 2. cuara (Without looking’ up) yee. PRED I'm Pred Grily. I'm looking for guage Group. i eS (Continuing her searen) ‘itl you please wait in the Outer officer FRED Sure .., 1 just vanted to inguire chout a He. Kringle? Bboue fie commitment? cuara Are you his levyer? PRED He doesn't have a lawyer. ciara Hadn"e-soreone better get ‘itm one? 0 gudge Martin croup. robe hangs on hat rack. open. A Legal Belee FRED (Shakes his nead) The Srouble is Mr. Kringle doesn't want representation which pokes it a litele aistisuies (mae stops CLARA for a moment) cua (Pleedingty. she finds the missing Paper and exits L.) in sorry, I have to get these papesa to the court reporters section at once, Please walt out here. rep (8 spots an inscribed gavel on JUDE *S desk. "HE picks it up, ding with” awe and respect) marvard taw School ~ 1924" (Pea gavel down and starts to exit. The JubGe's robe actracts Aine “ae holds it up for siz Seites him. HE dons the robs. HE Postures, ag we hear the Herine Sugle Goll ala alma mater. "0,5. voices interrupt his reverie and tho music. HE tries desperately to get oct of the robe, the zipper conspires against hin, HE’ just takes Le behind the dose at the entrance of JUDG HANEY GROUP, fol.owed by Waré-boss, TAMA Otkattonat and the Bea, SEY, in Eom, are folloved by bonss WALAER. he door rensine open, cosplerely concealing PRED) sup, Fim sorry, young lady, but you have to have an appointment. boris, sudge, please, sue You'lL have to see my secretary. oats Judge Group, this is all a terrible misunderstaaaing. supe, {Doesn't Like to Be followed down the corridor and right ints his aaa supce, (Continued) office -- stops in his tracks —~ Senzzonts her) now just one sonené, young Woman. Do you think he's sane? poRIS x do. supe (sitting), | put ne thists he's Santy Claus. Does that wean you think fete santy cle: ors (witneringly — sitting) re nes 1 think he is encitied to his dey in Cout, snd T Have a legal ight to protest this ection. supe (70 the 3.5) Me, Mara, Joutee the District Attorney -- T thought you said thie was’ routine comitent? >. a, cgnegaty sae Piety | 1 imew nothing abeut Eble protest. guDeE ; (Da) man signt, ini, where is the gentleman's counsel? De A Mo lavyer in tom would take this case, Judge. supe (ooking over comitnent papers) nat about Legal aie? uaa ven 2. Gs Harshell woulén't fouh this one- supe itm not surprised, r'4 Like t> see anybody get pe into court Toresfend e'nan who thinks he's Senta Cleus ~~ hand me my seve. ; saaanee (nagietering ate) pon't get mixed sp in thie thing, Mertin, Deas He's right. Sig the comitnent, duige. porrs suage, pleas supe, (7 porrs) Just what is your interest in this case? orrs Logmploved Mz. Kringle to play Santa Claus for Re He Macy ana’ Co, sone (a trifle kindly) Mes. Walker, ‘eters to paper) tes @{tinsle was given & simple test at pellevue, He was contined by virtue of his having felled thet simple teat. boris TE he failed any sontal test he id it on purpose. supe, Woy would he do that? and now do Z know he aig? sow could know? I'm sorry, young lady. Would yor please ‘and me sy robe? (WE starts to sign the commitment) oris {Rising and graibing pen, takes the plunge} FE you sign that, his layer will being in 2 hebeas corpus (smiling dati sly) gas recat ive But he doesn't nave s Tawyert (GE starts signing again) Doris (suze in for it) That tee suc, (Squinting his eyes, suspiciously) (HE glares at the D.A. ‘ten back DORIS) & Woy didn't you say so before? what's his nane? Be has? oris He'll be here for the hearings gopae Tim sure he will. what's his nano? 2s poets my, he's new, don't think you'a’know him. He hasn't yesily —~ supe Mes. Walker, aze you hard Of be aoe oRIS Pred Geily:) But, supe (leaning forward)’ But what? Has he actually been retained? oRIs io way out) He will be, four Honor. owe in tine for a hearing at 8:30 tomorrow morning? ors Yes siz, he'll be here. sup Ail right 2. wet have @ hearing. jisdks at his calendar. speaks inte intercon) clara, cali one Franklin Cally, attomey-atclaw, notify bin Scnsif oe his client Doris Walker, reference sanity hearing, one Reis Kringle, my Coure 8:30 ecm. tomorrow, (te, DORES) wnat's his aumber? ors. (exanticatty) my it's a sew telephone, I don't have it, but 2- z'm Rekeing with him later this evening. I'll notify him, Judge, sue Never mind, Clara. Well "sil right. But he better snow uP {in the norting, and hie nane better be Gaily, oF he'll be held in contenpts And you right along with hin. Goodbye, Mee. Walker, je takes the comitnent papers ind hands them beck to the B.A) oRIs ‘oodbye, Judge Group. Goofbye, gentlensn. (Ge exits 1.) aang Dia (exiting, L.) See you in Court, Your Honor. mma Now wait, ton —— Gooks at sung and eros Martin. You look kinda rundovne 2 DS-R.) ae (crossing D.8.8.) Me? Nonsense. Never eit better. unary make a fev weeks off -- go hunting ‘achange of scenes ® see the Doe, enyway, w* go anyplace’ =" you nec suas What are you getting st, tanmeny? maoasy Judge, I don't know 2 habeas from a corpus but Z go know politics and 1's telling you to get off this Heinle cos He's dynamite, supa, ty, Teantt do that. (exasperated) But Matin == supe Don't worry shout it, sister O'Halloran; a judgeship is no bed of roses under eny circumstances. As Casey Stengel {eltemnate: Leo Durocher) always saya, "you deat hecy what, Problens are till you eit on the baneh,” (the Juba crosses to d9'Sei.) Don't worry about ite mney But Martin sue, Hand me ny robe! (GubGe exits 1. FRED's hend cones out fom Behind the door and hands a sur= prised TAIIMIY the robe, aNWNIY exits, Shaking, 2nd closes che doar) ‘ Ne wachtevelt (Stepping out ~r@ Wachiaveliian smile on nis face, taken Off het, Addresses it) nap (continued) captain, I'm taking you hone. Uagplacee hace "Speaking én changed whats eo special about that, Fred? ‘Wormel voice =~ hat off We'ze going to have & lady caller =~ topiahe. GE exits LA) (gsc naIpas — wusie- cum #33) 228 xn Scene 2, In the neantine. In isolation. the only furniture is Bong grey enche AD RISE KRIS, in his hospital bathrobe and Bunny slippers, is sitting on the Bench. Mass sms (grtering 5.2. "Sih Carries raxs! Boe ind teed if Srp nowy, Ms Feldgie. “Be, Grogke nap arranged a tempors Felease for you. He's waiting domsvair, . oe rus (lot moving) BiymeYges Tell Doctor arocks not to wait. 3! not going anyinere., ss sans BRE ME: Kringle ... wert, THT Jase Leave these things here for you sayyaye (SHE leaves regrettully 5.1. SUGNY enters Sots wei nace BockerSoox tad giovee” Baten in by sass eins susay Me. Kringle vars Mtooks up in surprise) Susie: susan {rons to him) Mee Keingie Where's your nother? AE the store, 1 supposs Beeler browht me down. mars Your mother ien't going to like that. 22-9 usa my should you care what Doris Likes? meas (arritatea) pon't you ever call her anything but Doris? sus ‘you mean Like "pon! or sonething? mers. Yes, 1 mean like ‘mon! or something. And vhat happened thet Say’ at the store vam't her fault at all -— i€ was my fault, Shave op, tqatiz all. And now I haven't any faith fyeelé. that's why T—~ suse reds) Plunked the test on purpose? When they brought you here? sous ow'd you now that 1 flunked the test on purpose? sus tele Fred told me. Renenber that day in the store you aoked me what I wanted for christnas? was (sobering) of course 1 a0. sven Well, I came out here to tell you. mars Well, why tell ga? With faieh youtre somebody, Susie, but Without it, you're nobody. I'm nobody. usa x cane all this way and you're going to listen. (itn a grin, SHE takes off her Gloves, openg her pocketbook look fhe fof Fiep'e snapshot, SHB finds it’end hands it to ARIS) x want @ farshouse with a swing in the beck and 8 cow [ske dn ehat snapshot. wars (raking 2 lok) you want a doli-house like that? sus in the country -~ with 22-10 mars (snaking bis neta) You children are always sain Joconotives, live eleshants for imprectical things. Real Sua Why don't you just say you can't get ie? wars Wow, Suste — sus I never should heve asked you mus Susan —= susae (Rising and moving D.s.t. deliberately) guese pushing plastic alligators ie all you Ince how to 60. reas (Rising) How dare you, do you realize who you'ze talking to? Of course r go that (te wind is mocked out of xers* salle, “ME looks down st hinsel? — reelization cones over his face: By golly, I'm Senta Claus. “thy an Pigiving wp so easily?) Now! What about my Cheisteas present? (QUSIC_UP UNDER DIALOG - cuR 34) Ss xa (raking snapshot) ren try. SUSAN San you or can't your rus (tumbles head-first into a chuckle 28 SUSAN rushes to his arma) ean! Temi Test (HE swings her around joyously) pan susnar ‘BIERE'LE BE HOmilinG-rINE SONGS AND EVENING-THN SONGS AND GRACE AP BV'2Y TABLE sus as SINGLE BELLS VILL JINGLE ALL SRNGLE BELLE WILL TINGLE ALL ME Te, ALL DAY. HE WAY, ALL DAY 30'S BEGINING 70 LOOK A LOT PINE COWES AND HOLLY BERRIES Line caisTans ‘vervinines YOU 6D Popcomt FOR YOU, APPLES FOR 1 (TAKE A LOOK 0 TSE FIVE AKD RED STRIPED CANDY Ey Guismeune ouce ASAD NUTCRACKER HANDY, IIH CRIDY CANES AND SILVER KETTLE A-BUBBLIN' HOLTDAY TEA ieee Raton 19'S BRGHENING 20 LOOK A 107 SNOW CLOUDS HANG Low 24D LIKE cHRISTIAS ‘READ NIN" Soow THE BELLS WILL START YAYBE TT WOW'T, PRAYING 77 HAY AND THB GHNG THAT WILL WAKE THE BRIGIIEST FIREPLACE THEM RING. 15 ‘SIE CAROL "WAT YoU SING GLOWS I EVERY FACE RiGiT WIMinN YOUR HEART GAETING FOR CHRISTIAS DAY (GIS dons his clothes except shoes) SUSAN AND RRIS ‘SNOW CLOUDS HANG Low AD THREAD NIN® WOxBE I WON'T, PRAYRI" I NAY ‘ar BRiGitest PcREPLACE Glows. IN EVERY FACE. WATTING FOR CHRISTHAS DRY WAETING FOR CHRISMAS DAY (qumy start ofe Su. suse runs back for KRIS's shoes. MEY strut off to final bare of music) BLACKOUT. a Seana 2, Fred's apartment, me: ‘That night. ar Rises Our attention is first drawn to the Ressured ticking of the gracafather Clock. We are next sware of the Concentrated attitudes of feur MARINES round & table which, tom gether with varying degrees of Felaxed dress, can only indicate & ker gane. WHYTEY studies, throws + CLIMEER does’ Likewiat (mia Eanes) wot (throwing in atequstedty) Soneday, I'm gona look. Waat have you got, a pair of FRED oy T gotta adnit, 1 drev fo an inside straight. and filled 7 (Spreads ten out. To various revolted Feactions, FRED collects pot, stands and stretches) 2 Ws GSES wt eee tee clr toler ante ul sgh cnet tr wee, apn Djtean cee vos ot you let warmer What tine's the dame due? RED She didn't say. Ga" throws dom 2 pill, reach the deck) 23-13 curses (rmoring offer) she didn't gay Onih. the Inter the better, eht Tooke. ae watch) so the lady is 2 PRED (waits nin) = nigh-elacs dane! warmey Hay Captain, if she is © high-cl Gocen'e cone at all. aane, eight to five she PED No, no, x wouldn't teke your meney 2— shots got to chews But seu"Geal you what Ili dor, Gimme two to one and T'il pick net elact Whnethere gone’ sing that bei. ror ‘five bucks awn then you must know something we don" know. FeeD only Ynow she quits work at 9 P.M. ts it a bet? | cumeer Wait a minute, Where's she live? FED Right next éoor- | cunaer, mad she! not here yet? I'll take five a'that. ‘te antes up) warTey Mo, too. (om antes up) } awn IHL take teas (HE antes ep), FRED (surveying the 1098) Exactly hen aze’yor jerheads going to realize that X know Genes ae hasta - awe All right, big een, ane the tine, (ahe ensuing silence permits us, to 1 ABS RE CEE Eta, tne Seed, uaike over to te. BE then goss 2eSeia to the mantle clock =~ it ticks twice fast, HE thon Iigtens £0 nis watch it'tioke cace again as fact. (wosze_uP = cur #36) (UOTE: the following lyrics are not eung on pitches but are spoken in rhythm to the musie) rep, ‘SHE'UL BE HERS mY FOUR HIUTES! cuneer vapsrarn? rep Ys, sia smarai ur, sent ‘wmiry-Foun HUNDRED HOURS. warey Wnt 35 TAKNIG HER so LovG? Prep SERGEANT, YOU COTTA BE KIDDING! warmer You Tau se. FRED SHE CtoseD mE store wom Pat. ARRIVED HOWE NIE FIFTEEN DaeSSED "RN" IEPT AT MEN THIRTY. warmy ‘DEN WERE Is sue? FRED WHERE 15 SHE, soneseerz? awn YERL, WERE 15 sux, Fev? APTEA ALL, THAT IS’aN EOUR "HA HALE A@D. Prep 1 vc, cumeen BUT Su LIVES NEXT DOOR. rep 1 ROW TAT 100. aaas comer fqnyes HER Ht HOURA HALE TO CO TEN FEET? RED sme yoRcoT wR Gloves! case, waTTey and ALVIN ‘sue FORCOT HER GLOVES? RED ‘sb WOLeN FORE? THEIR GLOVES. 7a, WOM TgabbA GD HACK, SHB HADDA GO BACK TO GET ‘EH SSERSGS fo gout sue RAINS OF AGING MEN. TGpoken) WHY, A GI COULD RAISE, A GOAT, Groen) nig AND CUT AND STITCH HER A PAIR CURE OH SAE COULD GO HOME AND PIND HER GLOVES AID START TE POMcivE | RUNEN, FOURMEDS, FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER Se Eilos ev, ENTERS AND PICHS UP GLOVES, Eiiceas FOR A'DAB OF PERFUME. awl sox? rrp no. 3 THINK ARFEG, sOuem (oon OLb AaeEaE! Or Oe re Sgoy sox" ie initetes, 2 aquizt of Ports) BO» LMI ong uate , How Lava NOULD TP TAKE 70 JUST SLXP oat TE 1 FoR 08 Fae GLANCE I THE MERROR IN THE BACK OF THE DOOR "HH TOY-T0x? wurTey vipwEn mmvTEs? FED yaracn! RUD ONCE AGAIN SHE'S UNDER WAY, Se recone OUTA ME APARDENT, Se "Gas ‘Tupsobs BACK. Ea? wma! Hen! awa sum FORGOT HER GIOVES AGAIN? 23-16 PRED vert cumaeR SHE'S. BACK 101 HER PURSE? rep UP 90 TE ELDON wary ‘up FIFTEEN mums? PRED orim ALL FOUR (singing) ‘SHE HADDA co BACK, SHE HADDA Go BACK' uP Tun ELEVATOR. ONCE MORE AT HER 200K, SHE OFENS UP HER PURSE 3D ONCE AGATN six REACHES TN 10 FIND HER FEY. THRE, TOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TM, ‘upved, Teive, wires, POURMEN «2. Prep ZIPIEEM MINUTES LATER SHE ENTERS XID PICKS UP GLOVES, CATCHES A 1OOK AT HER FLECTICN. ‘MUL, SHE SHOULDA WR A RAT? ‘SHE TRIES OME OW... OH, HELL, GEIP ROY, BOY! ‘SHE'LL HAPTA CHECK ints OME OTs aun YOU DON'T HEA DOR TE HALL AGAIN? PRED wrt aw (NE MIRROR IY THE BACK OF THE DOOR I TE TOY-TOY? Prep WHERE ELs? _PA-ooN-PuN-Pun. NOW AT LAST si 'e OW HER NAY. THE THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM. cupaes MR. GAILY, TAYE A Bow. PED 1 eseave 1 ‘Sue's Count’ UP ouR STAIRS, SERGEANT, Ri@rr 10 OUR FRONT DOOR, Cor ten FINGER ON THE DOOREELL. FRED (continued) OUR Fuz2y, LTTE DooRRELL, AND SI'S PUSHIN! IT RIGIT ‘ABOUT HOW-ON-OME (um socturee in the direction of the ASor%on the final beat, Like e fencer. Synchronizing vith his gesture and Beat, the door buzzes louily.. PD solemiy takes & bow) msie cus #37) centlenen, thank you. (Gnoothe fis hair, atraightens his svoater and goes to the door S.Rey throws it open) ‘TALL DRE IN GIRL SCOUT UNIFOR would you please buy a box of Girl scout cookies? (Gib holds ‘out red-colored box) ty troop needs to sell this lest box before midnight to make Their quota. FRED (uagding lady biL from his pocket, takes cookies) peanut butter kind, I hope? nu, Dae exiting, $.n. handing FRED box of cookies) ‘you should be so 1scky. (me 4 wanmes leave R. single file, gach stopping. just long enough to get "pala off" by a chagrined PRED. Fig slans door, tosses the cookies on stack of similar boxes on mantel. BE te chspustea. toor belt mp (Warking to door, thinking it's the Mnnames robbing ie in) very funny!” very enny! (opens the door, It's porrst boaker! mh == tis. Worie! == Walker. Anh -~ come int Have a chair. ors (entering and sieting in chair 3.R.) Z kow it's ‘a #righeful imposition st this hour — 2318 Frep Ho it dante =~ z vas waiting for you. 7 mean you shouldn't have cone all this vay in the middle of the mise eed Like this = orrs: 1 Live next door. FRED ioaatng) w" when you live Fight next door Like that. (Gm snitte) Min == goyssoy? oris 1 beg your pardon. Prep hs that's all sight, You know, Z drew to an ineide straight tonight? “and tilled it, re was beautiful! orig You aid. ur, aily ~~ first of all I'd like to apologize temetry) 7™ iappily) Absolutely nat necesaary. pons w+ for coning over here so lates rep on? ports Believe ne, I wouldn't have, 4f there were any — FRED “any other lawyer in toun to represent Kei, hn? oats: That's right. the Judge in the case, Judge == FRED Martin croup? pons, (Stopped for a moment) Be it happens guage Group is involved. ow do you know ald 2? 23-18 FRED x was down thore to see Judge Grou myeelf. In fact, t veo china the door when you came in. Reminds me of the old) benen’ Mies Schind the door whet they passed out the brains: (aust Changing 0 ur. Kringle .o subject. and Laying it on) ‘got to you. pois Are you going to defend hin? FRED gure, now that nets yoing to have @ hearing. That's what T Ment’ down there for this morning. oars: (Quiet burn) you could have phoned ne at the store and told me. ED Listen, last time 1 sav you, you invited me out of your Life, remember?) Besta ponis ides it was nore fin gitting over here in your cat-bird feat, just waiting, wasn't it? PRED fe (sitting in g.b, teatebira™ chair) {Realizing it for the first tie) you know something, Doris? you're & square. oars only squares use that word nowadays, Captain. Now Zim not Solng ts lose ay tamper Like 7 aia tne Inst tine 40 $f you'll excuse me ee ‘haughs) at heart, youlre ® square, ‘Hetpfully) and as long as you Keep Genying Lt, you're a fake. Prep you plel Kis! cese this morning lke ons (wot buying) 1a rather bea fake square than 2 genuine cornball ED (ampetientty) ‘your troubis is you don"t know what you are and you're going 23-20 FRED (continued) to end up paying one of those couch doctors twenty-five bucks avvisit to fing outs oars, (sising. maa) Ewould be vorth it if he told me x was permanently allergic te you. rep (Raising his voice ~~ rising) Save your money ~- I'll tell you what you are for nothing. ors: (Starting off x) Don't bother, Prep You're @ pink-tissuepaper Little dane vho let an old fellow with reall whiskers got under your skin. ors, {stope and returns to FRED ¢. *touching 2nd youtre a overgrown Cadet grinning along through Life Like a "BM sovie version of a bachelor astronaut isa black full of sorority houses. rep and youtze & dusb Little dane because you think you're the gly girl who ever married a heel == iketeal of h brine Gharming! Conclusion: no mania good enough for you er Your dauchter. on top of that we're already in love, jou and 1 ~-'and itts making you ints a nervous wreck, beckese we have absolutely nothing in conmon> (Ga Fetches fer her), Well, don't worry about it “='maybe we can find something - (oonts staps him and starts off 8.8.) Hey! I wasn't making a pase —= (coats stops) = ouctiy. (oonzs turns) ‘Anyway you started ite boars Well, 1 just finished it, Charley. (saz exits $.8.) rep (shouting after her) (wusic_cum #35. _uipeR sou cue) mesa! 2adn2d, ora Seone ¢ 9:30 Adi, the following morning. A corridor ine Now York State Supreme Court. an RISE: mame (te D.A.) ‘tom, how long do you think this'll take? Dae bout ton minutes -~ maybe five. t's open and shut. 7121 BoPabue co trim my om tree this year you can bet on that. (mEY exit S.R, SAWER crossee from S:L-, puffing nervously on his Glasses, "ue exite Re MACY enters ike foltowed by sn cager SHELIRADER) SELLANOER os, we. Macy, can I gee you for a moment? wer (stopping $.R.) what is it, Shelinemer? SHELLBNOER Renonber my jingle idea? wey x: SHELLANOER rt didn't work too weld with the plastic alligators, but Tia Like to try tt with another Sten. macy What item, shelihanner? SUELLAMOER Plastic alligator-skin pockathooks. Don't forget you can claim anything if you sing it. (ie takes out item, blows the pitehrptpe: woldita wp swinging dadnaz SumLLuAOGR (Continusd) HIS POCKETBOOK 15 PLASTIC BUT YOU CAMOT WAR TP OUT YOU CAN CLOsE Tr on OPEN I7 OR MINOW TT ck THE FLOOR WATCH T7 CRAWL RIGIT BACK FOR HORE =~ macy (Stopping the swinging puree) Me. Sholihanmor. 1 have Aever made 8 citizen arrest. (GE glares isperigusly u-s-— SHELL~ HAWER crosses end exits S.R. with McY following, as WIS and FRED enter, S.b, FRED carries briefcase) ras How long do you think this Will take? Prep (a bie grin) 3 don't tmow, Kris, but the longer it takes, te better our wars Wmat's your plan, Fre? rep Pim? 1 don't have any plan =~ I'll ask for a postponenent, Of course, the first chance T get. mus (wermy) Tip not a bit worried — 1 got ay faith back. And T couldn't ask for & finer attorney. (wuted bugle motif) FeeD (stops in his tracks) What aia you say? reas amid, T couldn't ask for a finer attorney (wusic up = cue 939) rep (star-eyed, says the magic word) Yeah! attorney! (GE looks over to the rarble wail) In a New York state suprene Court! wars. I guess you've been here many tines before. 28-28 FRED ny first case, ur. Kringle, anyvhere. (1913 doce a take) (G39 COURINUES AS BREDG: 0 NEE SCENE) 2o5-24 mera Some 5 ‘the Courtroom. Imedietely following. ap RISE: the D. A. and SAWYER and standing ap place b., seoningly waiting for Sg_ suber ob Salt the court ts order. Being « hearing, not a frial, there is no jury. "TRaowy, Rey DORIS, SUBLUIANIER and VR. MACY, Li) are the only spectators. ‘one RifommR sits in the firet tov, Ry esting his canera on the broad Eailing which divides hin from the Court.” FIED and KRIS hurry to Fespondent's table, Re BAILIFF ALL rise. (IMEY rise, as does everyene else in the room) feial Term, Port TIT =~ ur. sustice Group presiding. All Shoge having business with this court, drew near ead ye shall be heard. oe (pangs gavel. Taking @ Pointed look at the defense table) a the respondent's counsel present? FRED Tim here, sage. Dene (Rising) he comitnant papers are before you, Judge Group. If your Honor please, I should Like to call the first, and 1 may confidently predict, the only vitness that will be required. rp Proseed var Deas (turning to sexs} Mz. Kringle, will you take the stand? 252s (s538 sizes, vatke cheerfully tovard Sy REE tes Ss tools St the supe: end Gives hin & ve merry smile and a nod) a wus (Reaching wp to shake hands) coed noming, Your Honor. (IE guDG retums the greeting in Sigettiea cusprize) AILIEF Dp you avear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing But the truth, so help you God? mers (iis right hand de raised) (© sits, the D-A. now stands in front of KRIS, about to examine Bim. he word has spread) - betes you bang me nin TP assomey, ¢ wns t ela ts GREP AR gt SEL sopietiet iat tiene api wr, ofgie yet HEN wo sever my cetioe atnet eu PLS Eg SBP wus NLL be glad to answer eny questions that I can. (the supe nods to the D-A. who turns to KRIS) Da. What ie your name? wars wris Kringle. Dee here do you liver wus mat's what thie hearing will decide. uve: (appreciatively) Avery sound answer, ME. Hringle. —— 2-26 Dade iretty) Do you believe that you are Santa Claus? mus ‘of couree! Deas he State rests, Your Honor! GE valks to his table and sits coum) une Well, x. Gaily, do you wah €0 cross~exanine the vita: Believe he vas employed to play Santa Clause. Perhaps mot understind the qvestions wus iSharply) I understood the question perfectly, Your ono we. ‘Gh, you Sid. Well, we. cally. T daresay you haven't had too Such’ tine te study your client's opinions. Perhaps a Postponenent might Be in order. FRED lon nis feat!) ‘hy would I wint 2 postponement, Your Honor? I'm fully avare of my client's opinions, In fact, that ie the entite case against hin, “All those teste and’reporte boil down to this: ME. Heingle is not sane because he believes he's Santa Claus! (Regret eunty) an entirely logical assumption, r'm afraid. FED F It would be, Af the clerk here or the DA. ax I believed ve were Santa Glaus. Dia wale rising) ‘Anyone who thinks he's Sante Claus is crazy! Prep Not at all. (ao the guna) You believe yourself to bo Judge Group, don't you, Your Honor? mean nobody questions your sanity betause you Ake Judge Goup. a od (With sone 1ieele spleen) Me. Keingle Le the gubject of this hearing. FmeD Yee, Your Honor =~ and if he Le the person he believes he se 'Juat ae you ara == then he ie just as ens. (ampationtly) ranted == Dut he ien't, FmD t (retumphantiy) Oh, but he ig) Your Horro! ome zs what? FED 1X intend to prove that mr, Kringle ia santa Claus! (The suDg and the D.A. react in Smazenent ‘The REPORTER dashes off $2. for the Phone. Everybody Le taking to ‘Be once. His HONOR for order, vaich is | | | supe { Order, order! Proceed, mr. Gail. BRED (over the noise) Teall as my first witiess Me. RH. Macy! | ‘BAILIFP | RH. Macy take the stand, ucy moves to the witness box. BAILIFF holds Bible out, MACY places seg hand’ Bible and rhtzes rishe You svear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the troche wey 1 G0 228 (FRED goes to the witness box) rep Your name, siz. ey Re He Macy. PRED Owner Of one of the Largest dopartment stores in itew York? macy The largest. £ ome the gentle a + Macy, if you recognize the gentleman seated there — Yai noinee’te" tases “tas enlace sod to mc — wi2l you"tell tothe he £0? ed mat Hels Kringle, OE wav 0 HRIS. ¥RIS waves back) FRED Your employee, is he not? (a noes) ves. Prep Do you believe him to be truthful? mex x é0. FRED Do you believe him to be sound of mind? (gro honor of Rr Hs Macy 6.60. de at stake) X certainly do! (mre D.A. jumps up and cones toward the witness box) lan a detiverate, stern voice) Mr; Macy, you are under oath. Do you really believe that thie man’ is Santa Claus. 245-29 (wey hesitates. HE is in a hold of a pot, HE gulps) wey Well -- he gives every indication of -- Dede Ansver yes or no mex Mr. D.Ay — Zim under the impression —— Dine ALL I want is a yes or no answer. wwe. Just answer the question, Mr. Macy. (DORIS 4¢ now engaged in excited vhisperisg to SHBLANGER. KE nally gets the idea, rides, reaches into tls breast pocket, takes his plteh=pipe —~ lows it} woe Well, Lf you could rephrase that question. (gqpinAaaR blows pitch=pipe, waggles ‘Miigator pocketbook back and’ forth. MY rising ~- holds up his hand —- yeake sivonacieally) SheLthamer!!th (suntan bios his pitch Pipe agein) me order here! (DoRrs stands up and doos SHELINAWER's "Plastic Alligator” wriggle) wey (amazea) Mes, Walker! owe order! order! (slovly the “electric Light bulb" goes on in MACY's brain as HE RIG teE Se simmiticmes of the Pitch-pipe and Boris’ dance sioal, wRich are a reninder thats” yor eeh claim enything £f you sing 143) BATU OR TE" = sre cue 40) wey (uappity, gratefully) HAT MM OVER ERE IS SAITA CLAUS, x TOW, T HOW, Z sIOW. ECM TELL BY WE URINKIE On TE BAtDo OF His Noes OF HIS Exe AID THE TWINKLE OF B15 TOES AND THE JOY MEEREVER mt GOES So Bs , RUE Shere(s.stheusana otnez Santa clauses just ike hin, all ever town! (StEcmATORS start £112ing the Courtroom from 6.8.1.) wer T Dow'T CARE IP EVBRY OTER CORWER HAS A SANTA CLAUS SmxDING EE 2 pow care SHORT OR TAIL OR ROUND OR FAT OR SLIN g mc ITM OVER TERE Is SANTA CLAUS, Z MOH, T RION, 1 KIO ZoM EU by TE one on mE Biroe OF nis Noes WINK OF HIS EYE 2D ‘IE TWINKLE Of HIS 6S BE JOY WEREVER EE GES THAT Wut 15 BE Dae Mow just @ minute —- (ucy conducts sPEcmrons) wey. ECM TEL BY mE sEVGLE GY HES VOICE Lae A we) BREGID AS ‘MIE HOLLY my x8 COAT LAPEL 25-31 SPECTATORS AND THE JOY HE SPREADS AS TELL wey ut yan 16 oe 1X DON'T CANE IF EVERY OMMER CORTER HAS A SANTA CLAUS STANDING THERE 1 pow care Domi wisw S2R0Oc® AID UP WET MEY TH Tit MARE OF Te MANY ONGR SAVIAS EVERVOERE Bot 2 DON'T CARE, 'CANSE THAT OME OVER TENS REMESENTS THEM ALL AG (NEY REPHEGENT HIN au TWAT MAN OVER THERE 15 SANTA CLAUS, X RON, 7 WOW, T HOW wey CAL TELL BY THE KRINKLE ON THE BRIDG OF HIS NOSE WME WINK OF HI EYE AID THE TWINKLE OF HIS TOES srecma0RS ND SSE JOY WIEREVER HE OES nr MAN IS Bee SHAT YAN OVER TERE 15 SANTA ‘Saria claus SHAT YAN OVER TEIE 38 SMITA T'iiow EcaUsE, ‘BIAT NAT OVER MERE 18 SANTA CLANS wu, créer! order! sallige, clear the court! (the BALLIP cleare the smECTATOES. Out of the court, MEY exit D. & U.S.L.) Me. macy, you're under oath! ‘po you geallv believe that man Se’ sanee Claus? wer (singing nappiay) (WAT yan OWR TERE —~ Deas (mprowing nis hands up in frustration) mii right! “MI rigne? rep (ouickay) that de all =~ Your Honor. uD (7 wey) You may step dom, sir. 25-32 wey {se save, handing him pink clip) Merry Christnas. You're fired! WOCt sits in gallery at 5.1.) Dea. Your Honor, 1 object to this testinony, Tt is ridiculous end irrelevant, oe: Sustained, Dede rs Gaily is making « circus out of this court. there is no Such Porson as Santa Claus =~ and everybody knows nee ERD Your Honor, T gubmit that this is purely 2 matter of opinion. Can the DA. offer eny Proof that there ds no Senta Closes Deke (Geowing hotter) Mo == and z do not intend to! this ta no nursery, ‘this és he Nev York State Suprane court, twill not webte oh court's tine with such childish nonsense- FRED Egbsegtl Your monor, the D.A. seams to have appointed Bingelf the Judge ner, Your Honor. te is now feline en What keatiaony I may Introdice. supe (te FRED) overruleat (emp site) Dea. With supreme confidence) YoUE Honor, T demand an innodlate ruling from this court: z= here or is there not a Sante Claus? ra prised you didn't get to eae + 4aES, Tm surprised you ain't got to that sooner. ‘Mr. Gaily ~~ i (rameunry coughs significantly) As I vas saying (zuewwy rises and coughs rore insistently. This tine HE points to his mech) asa sug, (Continued) (Getting the message) ‘the court will recess to consider this matter, ‘the hearing wil geconvens at 3 Fall. Tuesday afternoon mee (eating) Shelinanner! Tammany? (the EPORERS dash for the D.S.R- celts, A spot enables us to follow he JUG Off the bench with DORIS in determined pursue the JUDG is crossing until HE ie arreated by DORIS) pois judge Group, you'll break Br, Feingle's heart if you hand Gown a ruling that there don't any Sante Claus. se, (stops, takes Me stand, Literally as well as figuratively) Well, 1 an certainly net going to hand down a ruling that there dea Sante Claus — ors X wndergtand that ~- sue = and 1 am certainly going to hand dovn a ruling. (oc, Tuowey and SHBLINAWER exo Aojected, EY grasp at a hopeful straw in hearing DORIS" conversation with the Jupe) oats he. eingle nay have a fev delusions but he only wants to be Wna'ana seinntay “= and you shoud respect him for that, fot punish him for it. supe, spect the Constitution of the United states. ze and T have: sworn to wphold it, by eppropriate jurisprudence. snowy Yartin, will you get off thi case and let some judge handle ie vno is not coming up for renelection? supe Out of the question, O'Halloran. 34 mex But Judge, couldn't you just =~ equivocate a Little when the hearing resumes? wey {iots mascctandingiy, then takes ‘eltow; than his hand) Mrs, Mriker «.. Gentlemen ... we're in the presence of a great human Being. 1 feel humble, indeed mewwy Very humble indee eo R Very, very hurble indeed, indeed. 45, Ottallorm, do, you Know ef anyone elte ho would 1ay ‘is career on the line == 14 No, no. soe My career? wow vait a minute =~ muon Maybe Albert Schweitzer. SHEAR, Possibly Lincoln, mex adniration) (in Xes, possibly abraham Lincoln, the raileplitter, the cost \Consoner = sue ‘The Great Comoner was Willian Pitt, wey ‘Exactly, but he was from pittsburgh. SELAANER ‘That's right, 25-35 wey and Abrahtm Liticoln vas from ILinois. overs hie voice in respect) dust Uke the Joage here, T'l1 wager. Right, Judge? sue, No, I'm from Kansas. a ransze: wey xansas!! of course! the Pioneer state!! shal (get your courage from. Did Custer flinch at Baeele of the Big Horn? where you Wetle uae ‘you mean the Big Battle of the Little Horn. SHELIEAER actually it was the Big Horn Battle of the Little ariztle — ors detually it vasn't in Kaneass Tt was in Nontana. mex gucectly my point, tira, Walker- Tf Se had heen Kansas, ister wouldn't of lest! and you're not going to Lose’ this Battle either, dudge! Ho matter what it Goes to your political future. SELINAWER & TROARY Right, right. poe My political future! Now just a minute wey Listen to the voice of yeur Kansas Constituents. sue, what's Kansas gat te do with it? OL STATE, 1 KANEAS" (wuszc cuz #41) macy (starts to sing, shading his eyes fo see the @igeant horizon) wae aE sum! “ON THE PRAIRIE IND TE SUN's © Mw FIELD THE SUN'S Cu THE RANGE, DON'T YOU SEE? 2-36 AID MIEN UE sui's oy mE RANE THEN TE StEw's Is Siz Por sUANOER FOR sor DARLIN! we Base 2D Me (QRHESTA CONTINUES UNCER AS JUDG STARTS OFF 1. TRMUY & wer 3nd if guage croup has to break the heart of this man'e Biecle Kansss baby, he'll Godt. oy Yiegiats a Eee de no Santa claus." and you chitdren “= ack thesey all ove ABerica, eli over the world =~ if this guige's principles con= Fel hin to rule there in no santa claus hell aortas Site Guster, die with his boots on -~ politically speaking ct supe Politically speaking, now walt @ minute — (DoRES is getting the det Mcr, SmIUIOER ¢ mNAIY wr sone My 1owans Dou"? TE? ¥e ROAM ar stam Me 1ONSAS My HONE Gwent wove ports WeERN 17 RAIS ou tue pRAIAES 3ND XT RAINS of TEE FIELD ‘TRAINS ON THE WHEAT, DON'T YoU see? 2M WHEN TT RAINS on fIE WOEAT THEE A WuOLE WORLD COULD Ear Wan hy DARIN 28.07 onmas DORIS & TAWONY (meluding the sue) wy STATE WIE SSE SUN'S OM THE PRAIRIE AID THE wey wawsas Suis ON TE FIELD —~ TH Dox"? LET ME OAK Suits ON TI RAVGE, ION'T YOU SEE? RN WEN TE oe tae UN'S ON HE RANGE, EEN THE me YaUSAS SuEW'S I tHE Por FOR MY My HONE SimET HON DARLIR', MY BABY, AND I. On wes se soa Gun's Of THE RANGE, THEN THE Me ONSAS STEW'S IN GHE POT, FOR HY he HOME swEET DARLIN", ME BABY, AND — ‘mouey nove! ALL TE OMERS. Hy BABY AND 18! (ay exit R. waving goodbye) wer (te Inst to exit) ceodtye, Mister Groupe coodbyo! Goodbye! th ‘mank you very — {GE Ieoks down at hie robe. Bis expélaration changes to horror) Minter crowp! (sre POR souls Cui: #42) 2638 acr_an Scone ¢ Courthouse corridor, 3P.M, Tuesday, December 24en. AP RISE: Amongst the nomal traffic of OFFICE PEOPLE, enter L., FRED, xAzS, and the BAILIFF, MAILAN entécs Le obviousty following then ats (Pointing to newspaper) Fred, aia you see our picture? marunn (om buttomnotes AES) Special for you, Mr. Kringle. GGooa-hunoreaiy) mars Why thank you! Look, Fred, special delivery addr ne here at the courthouse, (rearing open envelope, to ea to SAID) im sure you were happy to really locate me fo: once, aru {Chuck ing) Eogure was, Tt woulda cone quicker éf they'd only used Your zip cote, warns 72971. ive seen tan addressed to Norsh pole, south Zeeland. | That mail clogs up the works every Decesser Now We cin deisver it all, right over here to mou ; 8 (Gives envelope’ to FRED Pine. a wares Problly get to it next week xars (opening envelope. to PRED) A christnas card: 26-39 (OQILMAN and BAILIFF are interested) KRIS (Continued) Mo, it's a birthday card from Susie! And it's in the chape of’ a pocketbook, a Prom one sidrbag'to another,” st says. (i bands card and éavelope £0 FRED) Rep (m'e been thinking hard, calls after MAILMAN, Leaving L.) Excuse me! Coulén't séme of that Santa Claus mail-be aelivered today? sara (stopping -- calle back) Tis is the day before Christmas, Mister, We haven't got, the manpower. PRED Maybe I can hire some guys off the street, '¢ really appreciate vara (exiting) You crazy? Got t0 be a Governnent enployee to deliver the brs. mash warmow exits L. PRED gets another idea and starte off, 8.) BAILIFF ‘You won't be long, will you, Hr, Gaily? Rep No, just a fast phone call. {as aE Fushes out HE meets DORIS, entering R.) Excuse me! (THEY do a side-stepping bit. BE exite) wars (entering R. DORIS and KRIS meet C.S. Cheereully to BAILIFF who exite R,) 111 be coning along, sen, Hello Doris. 26-40 ors: Hello, Mr. Kringle, rive been trying for days to get up ay. courage to tell you how much I've regretted that Gay at he store: mars (rakes her hand) poris (putting her hand'os his arn) men you turned to me, ‘ny anaver should have been; I know Kris Kringle to be a renarkable gentlenan who is good for us all. “Anything elee is beside the points wars (sailing happtay) hy Doris, you have sone faith in me after ail. (Smiling, >) fe ensding, £00 don't misnderstaid se == faith b ars You may change your mind when Susie gets her Christnas present, ors (ot quite renenbering) Oh, she told me. What was it, now? Sonething about a faimhouse, with’ swing in tho back yard and'a cow Quite a present. wars (chucking) Te dg a Little hard to wrap, Would you mind picking st up for her, Later this evening? porrs (uE's got to be Joxing) Pick it up here? wars over at your store. you knew the special Living zoom Gispiay?” Where those chaming old-fashioned christmas stockings are hung? ports Me, Keingie, can you really see me hunting around a department store for a farmhouse with’ swing in the back fan a cow? “In back of pillows, under furniture, ae though T'vere hunting Easter egge? meet xars (Lavghing) Tt would indicate quite a Little faith, wouldn's se? boris { Yes, And no common sense whatever. was That's right. Faith is believing in something, vhen your Ccenon Sense tells you not to. ort TE you get out of this moss, that will be present enough for Susan, Tassure you. mars You know, 1 thought Fred Gaily behaved 1ike a schoolboy just ow. It's the most extraordinary thing, every tine T Bring Up your namo, he changes the eubject. Doris (stops in surprise) ny would yeu mention ay name to hin? wes (sity) E vas just Erving to get you what you wanted for Christnas. Doris (wien an astonished Laugh) Mc. Keingle, Mr. Gally and Ihave absolutely nothing in ets on? poris wosic cup #43) (to KRIS -~ spoken over music, each line after chord in orchestra) Ets Lane ORY, I'M LIKE SIGHT HE'S LIKE SOBER, T'M LIKE TIGHT HE'S MATER AND i'M OIE What's an ineids straight? (GIS shrugs 1 don't know") Well he drew one the other night. Acted Like he'd fust ‘painted the Mona Lisa. fe has = 26-42 DORIS (Continued) Yay wom suste 1 cane seen To Sent YM THE TAIL AND E's Tue KITE ~~ 21M ALWAYS WRONG AND HE'S ALAYS RroKT He told her hurricanes aro the happy vibrations of the rainbow factory, as chuckrs In ay ow none Him Tee SAFETY Pry, me's te spancLe HE'S Tae conve, I" THe ANGLE HE'S THE NERVE, It THE TANGLE Aad you know he loves the Boverly Hi1l-Béllies with all ‘his heart and soul E218 FOR SWAY SCHOOL, "I'm POR SARDRE HE'S FOR PICTURES, 1'M'FOR ART HE LIKES OLD SONGS SY’ RODGERS AND HART And he points out that no other singer in history has ever ‘achioved vhat he calls the Carmen Lonbards Vinee” ) (WIS “ctuexs" sympathetically) W'S FOR oD, r'N FOR xew GUICHE CHARLIE, AD ALL TRUE BLUE Do EVERYTHING LIKE nH OMIERS Go -— Well; 1 despise old-fashioned ice-cream pariors; and the dome- ctr into Salt Lake; and just-narried signa, ond’ gaca‘tegS 2erOES the vater, and pusey-witlovs in che’ Spring’ ang TeStS Pisaies in Contra Park; him, for my Christmas peomets oe ME Kringle how wrong cari you be? “Certainly shen he eeaset ine one tine, T mean the ong ang only tine? nctuarty it started out '1ike an insult -- it way an insult ee dete SEinning and everything and then ve vere Liseing, “eive se Har fhe test kiss on this earths. Oh; 1 didn" wane this, Me. Kringle... Y'auan‘e want i ae ala oS (a8 cakes ner hand -- ste turns. SHE reaches for KRIS in tears, and ‘Tapy enbrace) 27-43 acr_ un scone ‘The courtroom, Imediately Eoliowing. at RISE: ATTENDANT throws open doors SPECTATORS, REPORTERS, ete. start assembling, MRS, SESLER and SUSAN enter 1.;"go to their seats and finally DORIS enters R., slips into seat beside then. wusie oun BAILIFF ALL rice, (rmey do -- suoce enters) ‘The court will reconvene, dudge Group presiding. (the PEOPLE sit) suse Where's the respondent's counsel? Before making & ruling (uz glances at respondent's tabl Looks over at BAILIFF) wnere's Me. Gaily? Rep (urrying in S.R, with KRIS* letter in his hand) sorry, sic.” Zim Fight here, ein. ounce (clears throat lowaly) Before making a ruling, this court has consulted the highest ‘authority available, (HE glances at TAMMY, MACY, DORIS and SHELLAAWGR vo enile and wave) ‘me question of santa Claus seena to be Largely a matter of Spinion. Many people firmly believe in hin. Others do not. ‘The tradition of american justice denands a broad and Snprejadices view of such a controversial matter, This court, therefore, intends to keep an open mind, We shall hear evidence on’ either eide. 744 (mere is a burs of reaction. the D.Rs jumps to his feet, HE looks aU FRED with great scorn) Your Honor, the burden of proof for this ridiculous contention clearly reste with my opponent. Can ne produce any evidence £0 support nis views? PRED If Your Honor please, 3 can. (H115 HoWOR nods) W111 Thonas Mara please take the stand? DA (stare1ea) Who =~ ne? {FRED shakes nis head, turning to the spectators! section) FRED Thomas Mara, Junior, mAILIEE Thomas Mara, Junior, take the stand. (TMoMs YARA, JR. -- 2 Bright, cheer ful, seven-yéar~old bey =~ breaks sway {ton his mother R. end starte eageriy down the sisi, “RE climbs into the FRED stands near him. B.A. ie noni whetner to prot (Waving to DAL} Bi, aaaay: FRED You know the difference between telling the truth and telling a'lie, don'e your rome Gosh, everybody knows you shouldn't tells lie -- ‘spectally in court! (Subdued laughter) ‘PRED o you believe in santa claus, Tommy? rome (with » violent nod of his head) ‘sure 1 do, “He gave nea brand few Flexible Plyer sled iast yar Rep (cutting him off with a smile) [And what does he Look 1ike? root (cots up, pointing unerringly &t KRIS) mere he is sitting there! Dea (very feebly) ‘Your Honor, T protest. suse, (shaking his head and hiding a grin) overruled, Prep ‘Tell me, Tonmy, vhy aze you so sure there Ss 2 santa claus srewace (andignentiy} pectuse my Daddy told me so. (mere ig = roar of laughter. guDce Group grine broadly ag 8B bangs his evel) PRED gos ype beteve your padayr' don't you, Tomy? Hele * very ‘roxy ‘course he is! my Daddy wouldn't tell me anything that wasn't eo! Would you, Deady? (me D.A, sinks to his seat shaking hin nesd "Ho... of course not.") PRED ‘Thank you, Tommy. (roy gets down fron stand) Deas (erotesting) ‘your Honor == {2s rover passes Kaas" table Ry Hz seysr rowry Don't forget, A real *ustishiti foothall helmet. ers You shall have St, tony. (rawr scoote up the aisle to nis waiting nother snd BOTW wave to “paday*) Dea. (aetpiessly waves Bick) Your Honor, the State of wew York concedes the existence of Santa Claus, But in so conceding we Sk of Hi, eeaie es esate presenting personal opinion us evidence,” Stalietoe Sud Ping in hundreds of witnesses with opposite ostttins, but it is cur desire to shorten the hearing pockee ae Prolong it. 1 therefore denand that Mr. Gilly tee Saeue uuthoritative proof thet ir, Kringle is’ the oke ond wena" ta Cla (FRED looks at his watch) (Regret fully) ME. Gaily, have you anything further to offer? rep gitates, rises) Not et this tine, “Your Honor, 4€ r could have @ rec un% I'm afraid not, ae, caily, Dea. POEL NORGE, tie obvious int’mr, caily has not one shred of futhoritative proof to support his elaia, ‘sow, since teeny As Christaas eve and we are all anxious to sot hee fot upper, Isak that you eign the comitncns soos, fF further delay. rep I€ 1 can't have a recess -- 1°11 do with ny cose Sen't complete yet, Now just a minate: out ie Dea. For instance? a7 vaED (Looks at watch) Por instance es Gipaehtly picks up KRIS! birthday card cnvelope, “re gives him an idea.” BE starts stalling for tine) ‘The Post Office -- which, as ve ail know, is an official agency of the United states Government =~ now as We all now 2 (the JUDGE tooks puzsled. HE can't Imagine where this is leiding, but HE'IL give PRED every chance, continues -- #11dbuetering) sme post Office Department vas created by the second conti- nental Congress on July 26, 1776, the first Postmaster- General was Benjamin Frankiin.” (eROPLE begin to perk up 2 little. he D. A. Looks very annoyed) othe post Office Departpgnt is one of the largest business concerns in the world. "inst year, under the current Poot master General, it did » grass business of Three Billion, Five = DA. (areaking in) Your Honor, I'm gure we're all gratified to know that the Post Office Department is doing so nicely. put that has no bearing on this ca FRED 8 great deal of bearing on this case, Your Honor, If ‘be Silowea to proceed. supce By all means, ar. Gaily. (. A, sits) FRED (tooks again at his watch -- also off stage) ‘he, figures which P nave quoted snalcate an efficiently sun Gryasizetions Furthermore, the Uy 5. Festal Laws en tog Sa¥lone uake’it".s, se crininel offense to wilteliy mise Girect neil ~~ of intentionally deliver it to the wrong, party,” Consequently the department uses every precaution - 48 Dea, (ounping up again) Hsur Honor, the State of New York is second to none in ite Réniration’of the Post Office Departnent, (FRED Looks at watch) It 49 efficient, ond authoritative, we are hegpy to concede ans: Prep For the record? Dea. (oaaing) Of course, for the record, Anything to get on vith this Prep ‘Then, Your Honor, x wiah to introduce this piece of evidence. (ir banan Has neter to the clock fo stamp. “Holding it up) Zkave here a etter, Your Honor, simply addressed to “santa Glaus," ew York City Court Bouse, and it hae bese Sonia fg.Me. Xringle by bone fide employees of the Post Ontiiee e gifer this Your Monor, as positive proof that a cossiene Federal Authority, (HE hands the letter to the suvce, who takes Lt ¢orlorniy) Dea. (on his feet again) Qne etter, Your Honor, addressed here because of the Heity this case has received is hardly sponitine posce te (Quam enters R, attracting PeD's attention) Prep If Your Honor would bear with me a minute! (ERED whispers with GUAIO =" losks vp in happy relies) We do have more letters, Your Honor, Dea. (Gis voice rich with earcase) We'd all like to ses then, "I'm sure? {ampatientiy) Hes, indeed, “Just bring them in, Put them on ny bench, where. 21-88 FRED ‘your Honor, I hesitets -- sone (anaistent] put then right up here on my Bench, FRED, (suiting) ves, sir -\ with pleasure! {ete DEC is gaivanized into the C.0, HE looks OS®) petail Senstun! Forwazré -- Harch! Column Left Rarch! ugre cus #45) (ame MARINE MARCH strikes up 28 THEY enter fron SR 8. Srocession of MARINES, each carrying proces anilosack bulging with letters, Bach’san, in turn, empties the sail Teclye JUDGE'S aesk in 8 growing ave anche of lettezs) rm Ganouting Lo be heard) your Honor =" every one of these letters is simply addressed: our Hones uals the Post office has delivered then to this deena erie Kringle, with the nelp of the U, 5. Marines: Me RSat oreice Departnont branch of the Federei Government se eee tre united states Coverrment recognizes this many Ril aringle. ee the ope end only Senta Claud! (the gunce bangs for order with his Sven) guncs ‘since the united states of America believes this man to be Since tre resis court will not Gigpute it, Case dienissed, (msic uP = cuE #46) (ane SPECTATORS pour over the rail- Sng, “carry BRED and KRxS on their shoulders) SPECTATORS 7 MAN OVER THERE 16 SANTA CLAUS, 1 YOION, 100K, T HOW Una WELL BY HAD. RRINKLE ON THE BRIDGE OF HIS NOSE Wank OF HIS EYE AND HS TWINKLE OF HES TOES TRE gov WHEREVER HE COES vr AN TS HE Lt 29-50 {capers flash and the xevoxeas Gaon for the exits, tne De ar oes fo FRED to shake his hand.” the? B oe Pit tana’ ethnce ae ihe ob ipplly’ singing ‘Only DORIS renaine Behind. “Unaware of her movensens 1 as fr as Bet portal, "then turning’ erence ike a halt smiling, ‘helf-estonishea, Bipost dazed look at the ‘balers Fall, the works) ports (Slowty ~~ ainost tran: Yove, comm TaKe 2 AGkiN (Wow mE rushes caution asige) TARE EVRY HOUR OP BV'RY DAY Tat EE aERSe MONIT SHOWING He tHE way, PLEASE, (SHE moves a fev steps, R and Ds) LOVE, cous STAR ME ACAI 7'UL PIAY THAT SAME OID ROLE COMPLETE wETH TEARS <= HAVEN'T SRS ASR AMARTACHES Evin pay Fon YENES pense GIVE ME Tue PART: (SIE moves further a) 30'S SEEN A LIFETIME SINCE T WAS ERAVE ENCUGH 70 zET wy BEART cHOGSe Glee sey r DaEADED my eau, ventana REH #9 Ti wr cues sam 220 woe MAHER THAN MEVER 10 LOVE RIM AT ALL Eageriy —— no self-pity, no “éranatict aefiveyy waren ue cis jane he Srvtre wate me cates (in 9 sudden bepey decision, sie rushes off 2.) 2e52 agar scene 8 ammediately following. Macy's model living room display. Bet is dazk except for Light given Off by iluminated Christmas tree, at Rist: [DORIS enters R, SE looks at the free, SHE ture fo us, ports (With the anile of 8 1éttle girl ‘Seing promised an ice-cream, cone, GEE Gonfigenciy, eniniy, and notion- jessy, rove cone thre ke ext BREAK HE AGAIN TP YOU CAM BUT ONLY INTHE ARS OP INIS ONE WONDERFUL MAN, (Gsickly throwing off hes cost, SHE feels the stockings at the fireplace wurviedly drops to her knees. € dearch the area under’ the tree Sarna beck to inspect the bottom of the chairs A RATEIDUN entees S-t. Wtn"tine eibck euepended from his Shouaer) waren Who's in there? re thet you, Mrs. Walker? what are you Going don't the store? Dorrs ‘G008 evening, Me, Thompson. (SHE continues her search) cur son nat axe you locking for? ort: X'g looking for w fammhoube == with aswing in the back ~ ‘rmour son, (@ mixture of ave and a:am) Well that's fine. ‘a starts out -~ then starts back) I hope you == ah == Merry Christman, ire. Welker, (ie haetiiy exits) 2-882 porrs {continuing her search sit] on ther knees) Ho Thompson, I meant T vas looking for -- Merry christmas, (ie laughs, touching one tear in the comer Of her eye, FRED enters R, unseen by DORIS, Continuing the search, SHE discovers FRED'S feet. Helplecsly, HE site Seoyy Siepe Oe tase Eat eral voice! Mr. Gaily, we do have something in common, we both believe in’santa’ Clase, (sxe wp - cus 447) (enap pulls her to her feet) Oh, Pred aD chartey. (82 gathers her in, The music builds and increases in eenpo. As THEY enbrace, it now. ‘appears that the set is enclosed in a) frame which Lights up to reveal Snat’ FRED and DORES ave. in acy’ window, “the trademark “Macy's* in lights, ‘cone in atop the frane. ‘he set itsele ts on an elevator and fas now risen sufficiently to allow ‘us to continue seeing PRED and DORIS over a group of PASSERSEY who are Gelightedly watching the embracing couple. One of the pedestrians: Gomes Bs. through the group, rt is KRIS, “SE winks at ge end exite L., Sauntily twirling his cane)

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