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natural-gas explosion tore through the San Francisco suburb of San Bruno yesterday, igniting a fire
that destroyed dozens of homes. The fire killed six people, the Los Angeles Times said, citing San
Bruno officials.The explosion occurred when a gas line operated by PG&E Corp. ruptured, according
to a statement from the publicly traded utility that serves the Bay Area. The cause of the blaze hasn¶t
been determined, San Francisco-based PG&E said. (end excerpt)Once again, another major energy
related explosion that one can say with about 95% certainty was yet another act of sabotage. The kind
of sabotage America has been experiencing for many months now and as I tell my insider readers,
just because the government isn't telling you doesn't mean that they are not most keenly aware. But
frankly, they have been very slow on the uptake and required some 'encouragement' from insiders to
get them to look simply at the raw data. Sooner or later the 'late freight' bloggers will begin to see the
light and start asking some questions but for now, I will keep insiders posted. This is very, very
serious folks. Read my posting yesterday on Obamanomics. I give you a little background in it.
Frankly I think it is time to take this war out of the shadows and into the open. Give our enemies one
chance to save face and if they do not take it, slap it so hard they will never, ever do this again. The
President just needs to stand up and say, enough, if you really want war, we are ready. But any
potential target list must include targets and weapons that are not totally dependent on Satellite for
geo-locational information. We must have some really good and effective 'dumb' weapons as well as
the smart ones. Any retaliation needs to signal Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý
 to our enemies to
let them know where this all leads.I am no warmonger. I hate war.   
  . But
you cannot appease people bent on war and our destruction. Appeasement only emboldens our
enemies and a show of weakness does the same thing.

[      While the numbers of people
receiving food assistance through the USDA SNAP program (formerly known as food stamps) are
growing, funding is set to be cut, if a bill passed by the House makes its way into law. It comes down
to budget priorities, and is a preview of the ³austerity´ we will be seeing from federal and state
governments as they try to mitigate the costs of the financial crisis and the weak economy we are all
grappling with.In New York state, people are eligible for food stamps if their income is less than
about $14,000 for a one-person house hold, and about $30,000 for a household of four. Here¶s a link
to an article in the NY Times about people with no cash income other than food stamps. (end
excerpt)Typical. The Democrats and Obama announce tax cuts for Corporations and then quietly get
ready to cut food stamps. Is it any wonder the polls indicate a bloodbath for the Democrats in
November? Why is it that everything this administration does supposedly for working people, the
working people end up with the shaft. Look at this one...

Nearly half of all Americans who claimed the first-time homebuyer tax credit on their 2009 tax
returns will have to repay the government.According to a report from the Inspector General for Tax
Administration, released to the public Thursday, about 950,000 of the nearly 1.8 million Americans
who claimed the tax credit on their 2009 tax returns will have to return the money.The confusion
comes because homebuyers were eligible for two different credits, depending on when their homes
were purchased. WIBW
Think about the people who are getting the shaft on loan modifications as well. I am sorry, but what I
see is a deliberate attempt to destroy the middle class with cool sounding slogans and scams that
make matters considerably worse for working people while the corporations get tax breaks.
 US pastor Terry Jones
cancelled the event on condition that controversial plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New
York were axed. Mr. Jones, who runs the tiny Dove World Outreach Center church, claimed Muslim
leaders had agreed to move the location of the Islamic centre.(end excerpt)Well, let me tell you this
about that. Within the past 48 hours, the pastor had the full weight of the US government land at his
Church. The Local AG, US Law enforcement with other folks related to the DOD and National
Security bureaucracy. They read him the riot act. They tried to reason with him and then told him
point blank, if you do this thing, we cannot protect you from Islamic retaliation. Not only can we not
protect you, we will not protect you. I think the message took and the pastor will probably not do this
thing. The question is this, given the media spotlight given by those on the Right (Beck, Palin,
Billionaire Tea Party loopdeeloops) the hard question is this: Was this guy, who has a extremely
small congregation, paid $$$ for this in some kind of perverse publicity stunt. My sources are not
sure but hinted that folks are indeed looking at this likely possibility.Where do I stand? This stunt by
the pastor was wrong. You do not win folks to Christ by insulting them. If others think this is a sacred
book, that is their personal belief they are entitled to it. Our Job is to tell them of the love and grace of
Christ. It is to tell them that God sent his on Christ to the Cross for our sins. It is a 9 

 Ý ,
not a negative one. Look at how Paul dealt with those who had differing beliefs. The following
passage is about the Apostle Paul who is in an ancient city with all kinds of idols and gods around
who were revered by the populace. But Paul was both shrewd in his message and did not antagonize
his listeners.

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Paul and any good evangelist will always 'know his audience' and keep that in mind as he or she lets
God speak through him. This pastor is just not listening to God. But that is the case with so many
Christians and this includes a great many pastors. Far too many want to sound holy and religions for
show. They are not doing it for God and his gospel but to keep their congregation or in other cases, to
get the spotlight by being controversial.
   ! A federal appeals court
overturned the decision of a federal judge to keep an injunction in place disallowing the Obama
administration to pay for embryonic stem cell research with taxpayer dollars while a lawsuit against
the executive order President Barack Obama issued proceeds. U.S. district court Judge Royce
Lamberth granted a preliminary injunction against the funding. It came in response to a lawsuit filed
by stem cell researchers who said the Obama executive order and subsequent funding from the
National Institutes of Health violated the Dickey amendment, the federal law prohibiting funding the
destruction of human embryos via research. Obama officials appealed Judge Lamberth's decision and
asked to put the injunction on hold so taxpayer dollars can continue to flow to embryonic stem cell
research projects while the lawsuit against the order moves ahead.(end excerpt)From a Godly
perspective I will tell you two things that put a real bona-fide curse on Obama's administration. It is
why his poll numbers slipped to some of the lowest of any new administration. Obama, while
claiming to be a Christian has done some truly devilish things. This is one of them. While I am
certainly not against research for cures, I know that taking human embryo's (life) and conducting
experiments on them is wrong and evil. Life is precious. All life, it is not a plaything for man. These
things are so wrong because I am here to tell you that while the 'advertising' campaign is for medical
research the reality is that other kinds of research is being conducted that will never hit the news.
From cloning (despite the loud denials) to human 'enhancement', that is making a 'new man' with
enhanced genetic capabilities. Listen folks, this stuff is no longer on the drawing board. They are
doing it and now they are not just using private billionaire money to do it with, but now they can go
to Uncle Same and get some money and not tell you specifically what they are working on and how
much money is being spent. Now before any of you think I am unsympathetic to those who think this
kind of research will help them, I have a close relative to whom a doctor recommended stem cell
replacement as a therapy for their cancer, but in this operation, they would have used th 9Ý
  . So I am not cold and heartless to those in desperate need of hope. I know the feelings of a
loved one. But this frankenstein science will only lead to disaster. Can you imagine creating humans
with certain genetic predispositions so that they are susceptible to certain diseases while others are
not all in a test tube? Think about the ramifications of that. I am saying that while such things are not
talked about openly they are being actively considered by scientists the world over and FYI, US
genetic science is far behind several other nations. This whole scientific bandwagon is a recipe for
some of the greatest wickedness known to man. I am going to tell you a story. A true story. There is a
nation in Asia that has a secret facility for 'genetic research'. This facility though, is there for one
purpose. It was there to create clone's for their mad ruler who loved to have sex with East European
blondes. He would go out onto the Human slave market and obtain them, line them up like cattle
naked, inspect them (like one would a horse or a cow) and the ones he did not like, he would
9 Ý shoot in the back of the head. He would go and have sex with the ones he did like.
Occasionally, he would find one that he Ý liked and when that happened, he wanted them cloned.
Enter this special facility. It was there for one purpose only, to provide clones for this modern day
Caligula's perverted sexual appetites. The biological results of this cloning were so hideous that it
turned the stomach of even the most traveled and hardened US intelligence personnel. So when I hear
our president talk about that it will only be used for thus-and-so research, I know that as soon as he
leaves office, a new secret executive order will be issued allowing for other research that you and I
will never be told about. So you ask me if I think mankind should be dabbling in this stuff, the answer
is no, forgive my vernacular but (expletive deleted) no! Mankind does not have the wisdom for it. His
tendencies are evil, almost always evil all the time and those who aren't, are just not clued in as to just
how evil our world already is.

0 Ý  Ý  *    Ý Ý  

      Ý  (Mat 24:37) What was
going on in Noah's day? ,(- Ý Ý  
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 Ý Ý  
Ý (Gen 6:5)
So dear readers, if Obama has a curse on his administration, so do the courts who allow this to go
forward. First it was 'just' kill the unborn, now it is experiment on the unborn. Our courts now are
little more than facilitators of evil and even are assisting in our own destruction. Putting people in jail
who are innocent and leaving them there, executing the mentally disabled, protecting immigration
criminals, favoring Corporations over ordinary folks and even over public safety and allowing a flood
of even more money to corrupt our elections, not to mention putting a stamp of approval on Vote
Fraud (2000 election). It is hard for me to have much respect for our Courts. Sometimes they rule
with wisdom, but more often than not you have to wonder if they weren't sworn in using the Satanic
bible. The other thing that has put a bona-fide curse on this administration is sending US tax dollars
to fund abortions overseas. This includes forced abortions and forced sterilizations. This is no nutty
conspiracy theory of the right-wing. China does this regularly and does not deny it or apologize for it.
So rather than put up a link from a Christian site or a right wing site who have lots of info on it, I will
post a link from Amnesty International.
Authorities in southern China must not violate human rights in carrying out their reported plans to
sterilize thousands of people this month in a drive to meet family planning targets, Amnesty
International said on Thursday.According to Chinese media reports, officials in Puning City,
Guangdong Province aim to sterilize 9,559 people, some against their will, by 26 April.The
authorities started the campaign to sterilize people who already have at least one child on 7 April.
Four days later, the authorities said they had already met 50 per cent of their target. A local doctor
told the media his team was scheduled to work from 8am until 4am the following day. "Forced
sterilizations carried out by officials amount to torture and the haste of the procedures raises
questions about their safety and possible health impacts," said Roseann Rife, Amnesty International¶s
Asia-Pacific Deputy Director. - AI
Let me ask you left wing people out there a question: Would you want your wife, sister, lover or
friend to undergo a forced sterilization? A forced abortion? How do you think these women feel
about it? Don't you think this is not only contemptuous of women but shows a remarkable hatred for
God and his creation? Did not God command us to be fruitful and multiply and Christ who said he
came that we may have P  and have it more abundantly? It is the devil who says steal,  PP and
destroy. From this you can see the real spirit behind Obama. Does Obama hate women? Does he
think that only some women should have the 'right' to reproduce? This brothers is not an academic
Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over
American citizens.The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now
in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?These ideas (among many other equally
horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently
appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the
President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology -- informally known as the United States' Science Czar. In a book Holdren
co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:
‡ Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not; ‡ The population
at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in
food; ‡ Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will
and given away to other couples to raise; ‡ People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e.
undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be
compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. ‡ A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume
control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using
an armed international police force.
Impossible, you say? That must be an exaggeration or a hoax. No one in their right mind would say
such things.Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it is no hoax, no exaggeration. John Holdren
really did say those things, and this report contains the proof. Below you will find photographs, scans,
and transcriptions of pages in the book Ecoscience, co-authored in 1977 by John Holdren and his
close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich. The scans and photos are provided to supply
conclusive evidence that the words attributed to Holdren are unaltered and accurately transcribed.
I cannot apologize for being so straight forward on this. It will not be long at all before they do this to
American women and I can tell you know they will start with Blacks and Latino's and then move on
to White Americans. This is the usual pattern. But because people will never accept this they will do
it by stealth. You will line up for a 'flu' vaccine and it will have a recombinant Sterilization vaccine in
them and if they are young enough, they will never figure it out until they get in their 20's. Fertility
rates will just start dropping and no one will know why. By the time they figure out what happened,
the damage will have been done. They will mandate a vaccine (as in 'no choice') for young girls
knowing what the real effects are and the FDA will merely be co-conspirators in the act like they
usually are. Dear readers, I cannot stress this enough. God loves man, he really, really does. Each of
us is unique.            . This toying with life and death using a
test tube is truly of the devil because what he is not telling 
 servants is that he plans on using that
technology for his purposes, which is to steal, kill and destroy. Steal an embryo, kill it and destroy
mankind in the process... and don't say it cannot happen. New and horrific diseases are being
concocted right now in laboratories in the US, China Russia, North Korea and other places. Diseases
that will attack the human DNA sequences and guarantee death. But this is exactly what the Bible
predicted in the last days.
 29   Ý             Ý      % Ý
  Ý Ý     (Mat 24:22)

r  "
    # $The Obama administration
sees the drug-related violence sweeping Mexico as a growing threat to U.S. national security and has
launched a broad review of steps the military and intelligence community could take to help combat
what some U.S. officials describe as a narcoinsurgency.U.S. and Mexican officials say the Pentagon's
Northern Command, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies are discussing what
aviation, surveillance and intelligence assets could be used²both inside Mexico and along the
border²to help counter the drug cartels.(end excerpt)This is the key, when the intel community
changed the official term to insurgency (narco-insurgency) things started hopping inside the beltway.
This article is good read and a cut above much of the stuff coming of the usual MSM wires. Check it

 †  %&[   

'  r 
 North Korea ranked No. 1 recently out of 50 countries
in the world where the worst persecution of Christians exist.The Open Doors 2010 World Watch List
showed that North Korea has the questionable ³distinction´ for having the ³deadliest level of
Christian persecution in the world.´The four countries following North Korea are Iran (No. 2), Saudi
Arabia (No. 3), Somalia (No. 4) and Maldives (No. 5). Other countries on the list include
Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Iraq and Palestinian Territories.The World Watch List ranks the
countries by their level of oppression and is compiled through a specially-designed questionnaire
which includes 50 questions covering various facets that comprise religious freedom.


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   (Rom 5:17-19)


G  ##While today, there are many things happening in our troubled world
from wars, floods, famines organized crime taking over whole nation-states, the one primary issue that
is going to be  issue in the upcoming elections is the economy. This is going to be a referendum on
Obama's and the Democrats economic policies and their effectiveness not on Wall Street, but on Main
Street. Before, people would look at the Dow Jones Industrial average, check their 401(k) statements
and from that make an overall determination of the nation¶s economic health. This is no longer the case.
Americans are looking at the overall economy and making more informed, realistic and down to earth
economic determinations. They are looking at their friends who have lost work and cannot find a job,
relatives who had to take part time jobs and cannot make the rent or mortgage as well as their own job
insecurity. They are looking at the price of food, utilities, insurance (including health insurance) to
decide if things are really getting better. Few really think they are because simply put, they are not.

As compared to the August employment report which gave the Fed some ground to move away from
further easing, the Beige Book showing conditions are worse now than in the first half of the year,
suggests they might want to consider stimulus again,´ said Christopher Low, chief economist at FTN
Financial in New York. - Bloomberg
Things clearly are not getting better. We seem to be undergoing a propaganda assault that wants us
ordinary folks and even other business leaders to believe that they are, but clearly they are not, Unless
you have the political muscle to force Uncle Sam to give you a lucrative Government contract, you are
probably seeing what is happening without rose colored glasses. If you are Rand, HP, SAIC, Lockheed,
Boeing, Northrup, L3 or a host of other beltway bandits who charge Uncle Sam millions for shoddy
work done often quite frankly under very questionable circumstances (I know what I am talking about, I
have friends in the government who are forced to hire these guys as contractors because of the 'politics').
If you are not on the Federal Gravy Train from a government that that is in such bad economic shape
that it can no longer borrow the funds it needs to fund itself, you (no matter what kind of job you have)
could still lose your job and lose it permanently in the medium term. The situation is truly apocalyptic,
from an economic perspective, and while the President has talked about this, he is now placating the
people with the same platitudes that put us in this mess. I heard him say very recently that
(paraphrasing) "
   %  Ý Ý   



Ý " He is right. But what he left out is the fact that this same economic iceberg is not just
threatening it over the long term but is not undermining it in the short term... as in now. What our
President did with his $800 billion-plus stimulus package was to dig a deeper hole in our already
severely damaged financial balance sheet in order to place a rather expensive band aid on a potentially
fatal economic gunshot wound. It was window dressing and as anyone with two eyes can see,
ineffective at resuscitating the US economy. The amount of money we borrowed to fund it still has to be
paid back and we got little if any long term benefit to the US economy as a result. ¦ 
 PNow our President wants to spend yet another $50 billion dollars on infrastructure. Now think
about this a minute. If $800 billion of Stimulus did not work in 2008, what in the world does he think
$50 billion is going to do in 2010? I will tell you. It will encourage elements of his party who got on the
Stimulus gravy train the last time who actually spent $100,000 on the contracts they got and who
pocketed the other $900,000 of the $1 million dollar contract they got, to donate to the party for the
November elections. That is what $50 Billion will do. It will also give voters a warm fuzzy feeling that
Obama is 'doing something' about the economy. Please understand, I am not just saying these things to
rag on the President. This
 the system and it has been this way for a long time. This kind of legal
corruption is part and parcel of the American political scene and no one is about to do anything about it
and that includes President Obama. But these are his economic proposals. These are the things  is
proposing to 'fix' our economy. Folks this is not going to do anything but enrich some party hacks,
employ a few workers for a very low wage (many of whom will not even be citizens), for at the most 6
months (per worker) and then we will be right back where we started from... $50 billion dollar poorer.
The President is also proposing so called research and development tax credit for corporations. This idea
(along with any tax credit for businesses) is favored by the major corporations who put millions of
dollars into Obama's campaign. On the surface, this is not a bad idea, but I struggle to conceptualize just
how effective this will be in creating Ý jobs on main street. His proposals also give $200 Billion tax
break to businesses who invest in new plants and new equipment. This proposal, perhaps the most of all
of them seems to have the most change of spurring at least some job growth in certain economic sectors.
The other proposal that makes sense is the one that seeks to provide $30 Billion in new lending to small
businesses. I think a proposal such as this is essential because that is where the vast majority of
Americans work, in small businesses. Any economic proposal that forgets about them and does not help
them is of little value. If it does not help create new Jobs for folks who have lost jobs and want to start a
new business or those who seek to be employed by one is one that is doomed to failure. A lot of folks
are turned off of working for Corporations. After years of working for one and then being thrown out
like an old shoe... They would rather work for a Mom and Pop store or start their own. I can in no way
blame them and think in the long term for most blue collar folks, this is the way to go. But with all such
proposals, the devil is in the details. 'Development and Research' needs to be as clearly defined as
humanly possible to ensure that it does not include things like $300 steak, lobster and wine dinners to
help sales people 'develop' a client list and other tax loopholes that mess up an otherwise fairly good
idea. I think personally that  
 on (rather than just remembering) Small Businesses will have a far
greater effect on the US economy than tax breaks to Corporations that already have very healthy balance
sheets. Tax breaks, we must remember, are money that the Federal government is not going to collect in
taxes that will leave yet a larger hole in our Federal balance sheet. Some people, economists who have
the approval of the major corporations and are thus heard far and wide on TV, Radio and your major
newspapers in particular, are almost always sanguine on our deficits and put it in the % 4  

%. This is because it is not politically expedient for these corporations who get these
massive tax breaks and receive these large contracts from the Federal government to shine a light on the
issue with clarity. They do not want the American people to get 'deficit' wise. So, for those of you who
think I am some 'chicken little' out here feeding you a bunch of 'fear mongering'. Let me show you some
numbers, right from the US Government that may just wake you up to a looming disaster and why our
leaders want to do things like cut social security benefits while they hand over billions in tax breaks to
corporations and even more hundreds of billions on contracts to Beltway Bandits and why borrowing
the money to do this is not only dangerous, it is insane. This is just the
  we pay on our debt.

  ) Ý...and the year isn't over yet! Folks if I were President, investing in strait-jackets
would be where you could make a mint because the first thing I would do is put every member of the
House and Senate, their staffs and other government bureaucrats who designed, aided and abetted this
economic disaster in one and put them away in a nice safe place where they could not ever hurt
anyone... ever again. Because when this thing is all said and done, mark my words, the end result of this
crisis is going to hurt a lot of people real, real bad. Our deficits are no joke, they are nothing to ignore
and they are not anything that needs to be taken care of 'later'. Now is the time, not four years from now.
J ¦In America today, there are millions of people who are poor. This is not a new thing
except since this economic crisis, a great many of the people who are now poor have never been poor
before. People who were once middle class who have lost their homes, jobs and now either live with
family or are moving from shelter to shelter. Ever tried to get a job when you do not have a permanent
address or a number for potential employers to call? Others are on public assistance for the first time in
their lives.
Call them the new poor: people long accustomed to the comforts of middle-class life who are now
relying on public assistance for the first time in their lives ² potentially for years to come. Yet the
social safety net is already showing severe strains. Roughly 2.7 million jobless people will lose their
unemployment check before the end of April unless Congress approves the Obama administration¶s
proposal to extend the payments, according to the Labor Department. - NYT
These are the new poor. And I will tell you something else, I think some of these stats are somewhat
slanted insofar as there are a small but recognizable cadre of people who no matter how bad things get,
will never go on public assistance. Call it pride or a hard-core work ethic that prevents them from taking
hand outs but there are many, especially blue-collar males who are older and had the work ethic
ingrained in them since childhood simply will not go on the dole no matter what. Granted they are a
minority but such people do still exist. Yet it is this new cadre of poor people who are what I think will
be 'forerunners' to the great job destruction engine that is on its way to the American middle class.
While many like to denigrate the idea that Global Free (and unfair) Trade has had a deleterious effect on
the US Middle Class, the reality of our current situation should be pretty clear to anyone who is not
taking money from the forces of irresponsible globalization. The Middle Class is being decimated while
Jobs are heading to places like China, India and (before the Drug War went to a fever pitch) Mexico.
Don't believe me? When was the last time you called tech support for your computer and talked to
someone, perhaps a well spoken, heavily accented person from a place outside of America? Ever go into
a department store to buy something and just for curiosity's sake, check items in different departments to
see if you can find any that are made in America? I admit, I am kind of weird like that had have done
that before. But after doing that you have to ask yourself, what in the world do we make? I will tell you
though you will not believe it. I have said it before. One of our largest exports is Trash! Actual stinky
smelly often environmentally hazardous trash.
According to data provided by the U.S. International Trade Commission, Chinese imports of U.S. cast-
offs (scrap metal, waste paper, and the like) surged by an eye-popping 916 percent over the 2000-2008
period, with most of that expansion occurring after 2004. Perhaps not many observers will judge this a
suitably glamorous role for America to assume on the global stage. But one might take comfort in the
thought that if there is one thing that Americans still excel at producing, it's trash. - USN&WR
What this article does not talk about is the quid-pro-quo that goes on in order to get nations to take our
trash as most of it is useless from an industrial sense. There are things that nations like China get. I kid
you not, access to technology, secret deals to asset repressive governments track political dissidents.
These are all part of the evil we do in order to nations to take our trash. You will not hear about it as our
government does not like people to know how we publically speak out about repression and then
secretly enable and encourage it, but that is what is happening. I can say this with no equivocation, there
is no blessing in this, only a curse.When I see this new army of poor people that is just now beginning to
arise from the ashes of Globalization, I cannot help but wonder how the real Churches and real
Christians are setting themselves up strategically. Are they setting themselves up to join the ranks of
these people with debts that cannot be repaid and borrowing lots of money to buy consumer goods (that
they really don't need) in an uncertain labor market? Are the Church elders borrowing money against
Church property to fund activities and trips that are not wise and show just plain old bad stewardship?
Or, are they putting money aside to help Church members who are truly needy or 'living on the edge'. I
am talking about folks who may have enough for rent and utilities but need some help with groceries as
gasoline to get to work. Are they set up to help unbelievers or the 'long term wayward', who may need
help and have suddenly decided that they need God and in their troubles, cried out to him? I say all of
these things not to point a finger at anyone, only to ask questions about where we are going in America
and how the Church is preparing for it. My writings on the economy are not about fear mongering.
Some of my readers have taken my advice and years ago when they were in an economic position to do
so, downsized their lifestyle, bought a smaller house, sold the SUV and bought a 10 year old car with a
good track record of reliability with cash. I think the key between those who will survive this downturn
and those who will have real trouble are those who know how to genuinely live within their means. If
you are a two income family I think you should think about downsizing your life so that you can, as
much as possible live on one of those incomes and do what Americans are now starting to re-learn...
SAVE! Having $10,000 dollars in cold-hard cash in the bank may mean the difference between being
able to pay your mortgage when one of you loses a job and not being able to pay it and losing your
home to the banksters. Thus, in this most 'unusually uncertain' economic environment it behooves we
Christians to take a cue from our Old Testament brethren to whom God gave wisdom and a vision to to
prepare for hard economic times. Go and read the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis. It starts in
Chapter 39 and moves onwards for several more chapters. Back then, they did not have economists,
weather satellites, Earth Changes computer modeling software. They had prophets and priests who
predicted feast or famine for the people. Joseph was an interpreter of Dreams and while the Pharaoh was
not a believer in the God of Heaven, God, for his own purposes, gave him a true dream of things that
would be coming. But in order to unlock the key to the dream, God had prepared Joseph who had shown
himself to be true to his God even in the midst of great trials (being put in jail after being falsely
accused of rape, being left for dead by his own brothers and helping a fellow prisoner and then being
abandoned by the same) to interpret the dream. So this ancient way of economic and weather
prognostication which was used throughout the ancient world was headed by the Pharaoh and he took
 based on the words of Joseph. This is the key here. $ÝÝ   Ý
. He did not
wait until the bones were sticking out of the cows rib cage to say, "hey man, maybe we ought to so
something about this drought". No, then it is too late. He took action before hand and prepared to have
what he needed for the coming drought. Even when all the other nations and peoples of the region were
hungry from the drought, Egypt had food. Grub was available, thanks to God's servant, Joseph. My
advice to each and everyone one of you out there, especially to the saints but to the sinners as well: do
not mock the warnings of more even more significant economic troubles coming. It is not only possible,
it is very, very likely because as I wrote about a couple of months ago, Obama's polices do not give us a
new self-sustaining job creation engine. I think that sooner or later our economic crisis will also begin to
deeply effect Federal Contracting. So all of those big companies who rely on Uncle Sam's gravy train
will one day, before long begin to feel the pain as well. Why do I say that? Let me be brief (As I want to
finish this before the day is gone). We can no longer borrow the money to maintain our spending levels,
we cannot tax enough money to maintain our spending levels and we cannot continue to use
sophisticated methods of debt monetization to pay for it without severe damage to our dollar. Don't let
the pundits fool you, printing money (monetization) always and inevitably leads to currency devaluation
and as it continues, destruction. Pundits will always point to the fact that the EU and other economies
are not doing much better thus exchange rates have not been significantly altered. They are correct and
for now that fact has kept the dollar from collapsing... for now. But that cannot last forever and will not
last forever. Sooner or later nations will stop taking or limit their intake of greenbacks. For those you
who have been keeping up on things, you know that a very large and influential chorus of nations want
to end the reign of the dollar on the world stage. These calls are loud and are not just geo-political 'hot
air'. I am here to tell you that for right now they cannot accomplish this goal, but in five years time as
the US economy continues to show signs of terminal decay, they will be in a much better position to do
so... and it may not take five years. The real question is this; how much longer can we fund our trade
deficits with printed up dollars? Once again, how long before some trading partners decide to stop
taking dollars for their goods? Do not laugh at this because I will tell you know, that is exactly what
Saddam Hussein did just before we decided to invade him.
Europe's dream of promoting the Euro as a competitor to the U.S. dollar may get a boost from Saddam
Hussein. Iraq says that from now on, it wants payments for its oil in euros, despite the fact that the
battered European currency unit, which used to be worth quite a bit more than $1, has dropped to about
82[cents]. Iraq says it will no longer accept dollars for oil because it does not want to deal "in the
currency of the enemy." - Time Magazine
To the uninitiated, all of this is a little difficult to understand so let me break it down to you. If more
nations decide to end the system whereby oil producers take pieces of paper (known as dollars) for their
limited supply of oil, we will have to give them something of value instead. Iran has moved to such a
system, (hence our deep concern over supposed WMD in Iran). Listen folks, you think gas prices are
bad now? Wait until more and more nations decide that taking mountains of dollars which are being
printed up en-mass at the Fed are just not a good idea if one is concerned with having real cash and real
savings for ones commodities. Now if you want to know the truth, I think even the Saudi's are doing
what they can to 'limit' their exposure to the US dollar time bomb. This is not going to be done in a way
that will openly antagonize America. It will not be done in a way that will suddenly upset the Global
currency and trading system. Rather, it will be done quietly gradually and with a trading prater who has
the geopolitical clout to counter the US. What kind of moves am I talking about?
Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil producer, last year shipped more oil to China than it did the United
States for the first time ever - a shift that highlights China's ascension to the ranks of the world's
economic elite, as well as its position as the new focal point for the world's energy producers.The flow
of oil from Saudi Arabia to China rose to more than 1 million barrels per day (bpd) last year, just as
demand in the United States fell below that level for the first time in more than two decades. - Money
What the Saudi's will never say is that they want to shift away from dollars. What the Saudi's want to do
is shift away from dollars. If they can get real goods for those dollars, OK. If not, they are going to shift
their interests and savings away from the US and its dollar. Keeping the Saudi's happy is something that
Obama knows he has to do, even if they still chop off heads and limbs from certain crimes. It is why we
are selling them billions more in arms. The Saudi's want to be able to by tangible assets with those
dollars. Arms is one thing, and interest in key US corporations, banks and real estate are another. So as
China moves closer and closer to the Saudi's, America's key energy supplier, and we see a plethora of
attacks and sabotage on US energy infrastructure across America over the past several months and yes,
this includes the disaster in the Gulf, one sees a clear stratagem to undermine the US and destabilize
energy markets with the ultimate goal of undermining the US. This is one key goal of these interests.
This is no jest and no wacked out conspiracy theory. Trust me on this, the President is keenly aware of
what is happening and has already responded to the attack in the Gulf in kind. But now it appears that
this war is now hitting another major oil producer whose primary export market is the US.
Reporting from Reynosa, Mexico ²The meandering network of pipes, wells and tankers belonging to
the gigantic state oil company Pemex have long been an easy target of crooks and drug traffickers who
siphon off natural gas, gasoline and even crude, robbing the Mexican treasury of hundreds of millions of
dollars annually. Now the cartels have taken sabotage to a new level: They've hobbled key operations in
parts of the Burgos Basin, home to Mexico's biggest natural gas fields. Forced to defer production and
curtail drilling and maintenance in a region that spreads through some of Mexico's most dangerous
badlands, the world's seventh-largest oil producer has become another casualty of the drug war. - LAT
Now let me let you in on a secret; These attacks are not being directed by the Cartels. They are doing
the bidding of other nations. Nations who are behind the attack in the Gulf because they now in bed
together and joined at the hip financially. Is this a serious threat to the US? What do you think? It is why
the immigration debate is so pivotal. The Cartels are putting agents on the ground here in the US,
armed, well monied and dangerous to do exactly what you see in Mexico. They are smart enough to not
start anything that will awaken Joe Sixpac until they are ready. They are not ready... yet.So the US
economy is, in my considered estimation is undergoing a marked deterioration due to both internal
forces (excess in borrowing and poorly conceptualized economic policies) and external forces who see
the US and its energy dependent economy as a major threat to their own economic and eventual military
hegemony. These guys are playing for keeps, our guys at the political level are keeping their heads
buried in the sand and taking money from all the wrong people who are paying them to keep their heads
located a foot below ground level. Perhaps this little dissertation here will give readers from various
backgrounds a real look at what is happening in our world and the enormous challenges the President
faces. Having decided not to tell America what really happened in the Gulf (with the help of Nancy
Pelosi) they have successfully covered it all up. Each now are playing into the hands of dark forces who
now are circling like sharks for the remains of BP and its assets (like drilling rights) if they succeed.
Should they be able to continue to successfully manipulate the well meaning know-nothings who are
understandably mad about what happened, those who are on a crusade to destroy BP will have
significantly increased profit margins for years to come all because of a lie. The President dare not be
too public about any support he may give BP as his constituents will only attack him, virulently because
they are not in possession of all of the facts.Propaganda is a terrible thing, but I can tell you now, it
works. It works well and often, so well that the truth is often immediately dismissed and a well
disseminated lie is consumed like water at a poisoned well in the middle of the desert... immediately,
greedily, uncritically and with disastrous results. All of these issues are interconnected so if this what I
say here is a little rambling it is only because you really cannot talk about one of these things without
the other and give a real coherent picture of what is going on.I hope this little piece will help you to
understand it all better and prepare yourself accordingly.

#  )# $In the (Merideth Whitney) 38-page report, Whitney,
who gained notoriety for her 2007 call that Citigroup was undercapitalized, lays out a gloomy scenario for the whole
# r   [
# Mexican drug trafficking organizations make billions each year
smuggling drugs into the United States, profiting enormously from the prohibitionist drug policies of the US government.
Since Mexican president Felipe Calderon took office in December 2006 and called the armed forces into the fight against the
so-called cartels, prohibition-related violence has killed more than 28,000 people, the government reported in August. The
increasing militarization of the drug war and the arrest of dozens of high-profile drug traffickers have failed to stem the flow
of drugs -- or the violence -- whatsoever. The Merida initiative, which provides $1.4 billion over three years for the US to
assist the Mexican government with training, equipment and intelligence, has so far failed to make a difference. Here are a
few of the latest developments in Mexico's drug war...

Rice prices are ³worrisome´ as global supplies tighten because of
crop losses in some of the largest exporters, according to an official in the Philippines, the world¶s biggest buyer. The global
supply-and-demand balance is ³not at the 2008 level yet, but it¶s pretty worrisome because of the prices,´ Lito Banayo, head
of the National Food Authority, which handles state rice purchases in the Philippines, said in an interview in Manila

  %[ ' 

  !   +If this continues, it will not be
long before States, faced with mounting costs for services for criminals (that is what the 'illegal' in illegal immigrant means)
and budgetary black holes as so many are now facing begin to ignore the courts in a serious constitutional crisis. The Feds do
not have to pay for all of these services, the states do. I see real trouble ahead because all of the polls out there show clearly
that Obama (read his corporate controllers) are hell bent on facilitating this. They get a cheap labor force and the states (read
taxpayers) get the bill for it.Obama? How many ways can you say 'one term President'.

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    (Jos 7:10-11)

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