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AEOS Enterprise

User Manual

AEOS - Version 3.1.7

October 2015

Nedap N.V., Security Management

P.O. Box 103
The Netherlands

Article no. 5263980

© Copyright 2007, Nedap N.V. The information in this manual is intended as a guideline only and its correctness
or completeness is not guaranteed. No rights can be derived from this document. The publisher denies all
liability for damages ensuing from its use. The specifications and availability of the goods described are subject
to change without prior notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced or published in any way without
written permission from the publisher.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................9
1.1 Main system components .....................................................................................................9
1.2 User categories .....................................................................................................................9
1.3 How to use this manual .........................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Daily users................................................................................................................9
1.3.2 Advanced users .....................................................................................................10
1.3.3 Additional information .............................................................................................10
1.3.4 Conventions used in this document .......................................................................10
1.4 AEOS Basics.......................................................................................................................10
1.4.1 Doors and Access Points .......................................................................................10
1.4.2 Entrances and Entrance Groups ............................................................................11
1.4.3 Carriers and Identifiers ...........................................................................................11
1.4.4 Authorization ..........................................................................................................11
2 Using AEOS .......................................................................................................................13
2.1 Logging on to AEOS ...........................................................................................................14
2.1.1 Language ...............................................................................................................15
2.2 Logging off from AEOS .......................................................................................................15
2.3 Searching for data ...............................................................................................................15
2.3.1 Searching tips.........................................................................................................15
2.3.2 Sorting search results ............................................................................................16
2.3.3 Customizing search results ....................................................................................16
2.3.4 Selecting search results .........................................................................................17
2.3.5 Printing and exporting search results .....................................................................17
2.3.6 Searching by fingerprint .........................................................................................17
2.4 Licenses ..............................................................................................................................18
2.5 Bookmarks ..........................................................................................................................18
2.5.1 My tasks .................................................................................................................18
2.5.2 My queries ..............................................................................................................18
2.5.3 Saving Favourites ..................................................................................................19
3 System Management: Basic Configuration ....................................................................19
3.1 Logging in for the first time / Changing password ...............................................................20
3.2 User roles ............................................................................................................................20
3.3 Users ...................................................................................................................................21
3.3.1 Assigning a new password .....................................................................................22
3.3.2 Activate disabled account ......................................................................................22
3.3.3 LDAP users ............................................................................................................22
3.3.4 Connected users ....................................................................................................22
3.4 Access points ......................................................................................................................23
3.4.1 Confirming Access points .......................................................................................23
3.4.2 Viewing access point status ...................................................................................23
3.5 Entrances ............................................................................................................................23
3.5.1 Defining a new entrance ........................................................................................24
3.6 Day/time schedules .............................................................................................................24
3.6.1 Defining day/time schedules ..................................................................................25
3.6.2 Day/time schedule filters ........................................................................................26
3.7 Templates ...........................................................................................................................26
3.7.1 Defining templates .................................................................................................27
3.7.2 Template filters .......................................................................................................29
3.8 Free fields ...........................................................................................................................29
3.8.1 Creating free field categories .................................................................................29

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3.8.2 Creating free fields .................................................................................................30

3.8.3 Activating free fields ...............................................................................................31
3.8.4 Defining free fields lookup ......................................................................................31
3.8.5 Defining free fields lookup filters ............................................................................32
3.8.6 Order and sequence of free fields ..........................................................................32
3.8.7 Free fields CAP assigments ...................................................................................32
4 System Management: Advanced Configuration ............................................................33
4.1 Printers ................................................................................................................................33
4.1.1 Defining printers .....................................................................................................33
4.2 Units (optional) ....................................................................................................................34
4.2.1 Departments ...........................................................................................................34
4.3 Workstations .......................................................................................................................34
4.4 Setting system properties ...................................................................................................35
4.5 Enabling messages .............................................................................................................35
4.6 Holidays ..............................................................................................................................35
4.7 Switching access control on/off for an access point ...........................................................36
4.8 Modifying access point monitoring ......................................................................................36
4.9 Monitoring AEpu AC Data ...................................................................................................36
4.10 Maintaining AEpus ..............................................................................................................36
4.11 AEpu filters ..........................................................................................................................36
4.12 Message Subscription overview .........................................................................................37
4.13 Maintenance mode .............................................................................................................37
5 Identifiers ...........................................................................................................................37
5.1 Searching for identifiers (and carriers) ................................................................................37
5.1.1 Disabling (part of) an authorization ........................................................................38
5.2 Issuing identifiers (badges) .................................................................................................38
5.3 Withdrawing a badge ..........................................................................................................39
5.4 Blocking a badge.................................................................................................................39
5.5 Unblocking badges .............................................................................................................39
5.6 Issuing a replacement badge ..............................................................................................39
5.6.1 Withdrawing a replacement badge ........................................................................40
5.7 Defining Identifier labels ......................................................................................................40
5.8 Defining identifier types .......................................................................................................41
5.9 Identifier type mapping ........................................................................................................42
5.10 Enabling identifier type mapping .........................................................................................42
5.11 Creating identifier type maps ..............................................................................................42
5.12 Setting the maximum number of identifiers ........................................................................43
6 Carriers ..............................................................................................................................43
6.1 Shared functions .................................................................................................................43
6.2 Importing carriers ................................................................................................................44
6.3 Visitors ................................................................................................................................44
6.3.1 Pre-announcing visitors ..........................................................................................44
6.3.2 Announcing several visitors for the same contact person .....................................44
6.3.3 Searching for existing visitors ................................................................................44
6.4 Announcing carriers ............................................................................................................45
6.5 Deleting Carriers .................................................................................................................45
6.6 Editing several carriers .......................................................................................................45
6.7 Changing carrier type ..........................................................................................................45
6.8 Blocking Carriers .................................................................................................................46
6.8.1 Defining carrier blocking reasons ...........................................................................46
6.8.2 Defining auto-block ................................................................................................46
6.9 Unblocking carriers .............................................................................................................46

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7 Entrances ...........................................................................................................................47
7.1 Adding a new entrance .......................................................................................................47
7.2 Automatic schedules ...........................................................................................................47
7.3 Entrance priority list ............................................................................................................47
7.3.1 Locations labels .....................................................................................................47
7.3.2 Functional entrance labels .....................................................................................48
7.4 Manual unlock .....................................................................................................................48
7.4.1 Manually unlocking an entrance.............................................................................48
7.4.2 Emergency entrance groups ..................................................................................49
7.4.3 Reloading an entrance ...........................................................................................49
7.4.4 Creating an entrance passage ...............................................................................49
7.5 Entrance groups ..................................................................................................................50
7.5.1 Entrance group labels ............................................................................................50
7.6 Entrance filters ....................................................................................................................50
7.6.1 SOAA entrance filters .............................................................................................51
7.6.2 Offline entrance filters ............................................................................................51
8 Events and alarms ............................................................................................................51
8.1 Viewing events and alarms .................................................................................................51
8.1.1 Event filters.............................................................................................................52
8.1.2 Customizing text event appearance .......................................................................52
8.1.3 Configuring photo events .......................................................................................52
8.2 Viewing logged events ........................................................................................................52
8.3 View audit trail .....................................................................................................................53
8.3.1 Audit trail filter.........................................................................................................53
8.4 Viewing carrier presence ....................................................................................................54
8.5 Archiving .............................................................................................................................54
8.5.1 Restoring from archive ...........................................................................................55
9 Reports ...............................................................................................................................56
9.1 Enabling and setting the report generator ..........................................................................56
9.2 Importing designs ................................................................................................................56
9.3 Generating reports ..............................................................................................................57
9.3.1 Generate a report now ...........................................................................................57
9.4 Viewing a report ..................................................................................................................58
10 Faces ..................................................................................................................................58
10.1 Creating a face ....................................................................................................................60
10.2 Defining items .....................................................................................................................60
10.3 Defining frames ...................................................................................................................61
10.4 Creating a face ....................................................................................................................61
10.4.1 Access point status face ........................................................................................61
10.4.2 Access point view face ...........................................................................................62
10.4.3 Button camera face ................................................................................................62
10.4.4 Fall back photo event face .....................................................................................63
10.4.5 Gate monitor face ...................................................................................................63
10.4.6 Input status face .....................................................................................................63
10.4.7 Map alarm handler face .........................................................................................64
10.4.8 Multi-tab face ..........................................................................................................64
10.4.9 Switch view face .....................................................................................................64
10.4.10 Text alarm handler face .........................................................................................64
10.5 Selecting a face...................................................................................................................65
10.6 Using Favourites for quick access ......................................................................................65
10.7 Opening several faces simultaneously ...............................................................................65

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11 Workstation Devices .........................................................................................................65

11.1 Operating a digital camera from screen ..............................................................................66
11.2 Storing a signature ..............................................................................................................66
11.2.1 Validity of photos / signatures ................................................................................66
11.3 Card printer .........................................................................................................................66
11.4 Receipt printer .....................................................................................................................66
11.5 Passport scanner ................................................................................................................67
11.6 Device reader ......................................................................................................................67
12 Anti Pass Back (optional) .................................................................................................67
12.1 How APB works ..................................................................................................................67
12.2 Configuring and activating APB ..........................................................................................68
12.3 Specifying APB zone managers .........................................................................................68
12.4 Planning out APB zones .....................................................................................................68
12.5 Defining APB zones ............................................................................................................69
12.5.1 Example 1 ..............................................................................................................70
12.5.2 Example 2 ..............................................................................................................71
12.6 APB zone manager filter .....................................................................................................72
12.7 Activating APB ....................................................................................................................72
12.8 Disabling APB per carrier ....................................................................................................72
12.9 Resetting APB .....................................................................................................................73
12.9.1 Manually resetting APB ..........................................................................................73
12.9.2 APB auto reset .......................................................................................................73
13 Counting (optional) ...........................................................................................................73
13.1 How AEOS Counting works ................................................................................................74
13.2 Defining count groups .........................................................................................................75
13.2.1 Assigning carriers to count groups .........................................................................75
13.2.2 Defining count zones ..............................................................................................75
13.2.3 Configuring and activating Counting ......................................................................76
13.3 Retrieving and resetting count zones and groups ..............................................................76
13.4 Count zone manager ..........................................................................................................76
13.4.1 Disabling counting per count zone manager ..........................................................76
13.4.2 Count zone manager filter ......................................................................................77
13.5 Manually providing access to a count group .......................................................................77
14 Verification (optional) .......................................................................................................77
14.1 Assigning verification ..........................................................................................................77
14.1.1 PIN .........................................................................................................................77
14.1.2 Fingerprints ............................................................................................................78
14.1.3 Unreadable fingerprints ..........................................................................................78
14.2 Temporarily disable verification ..........................................................................................78
15 Contractors (optional) ......................................................................................................78
16 Visit Management (optional) ............................................................................................79
16.1 Multiple visits for the same visitor .......................................................................................79
16.2 Overview of visits per contact person .................................................................................79
17 Vendor Management and Permits (optional) .................................................................79
17.1 Configuring vendor management and permits ....................................................................79
17.2 Importing vendors ...............................................................................................................80
17.3 Maintaining vendors ............................................................................................................80
17.4 Extended Vendor Management (additional option) ............................................................81
17.5 Defining the nature of the work ...........................................................................................81
17.6 Defining work locations .......................................................................................................81
17.7 Retrieving, creating and maintaining permits ......................................................................82

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17.8 Linking contractors to permits .............................................................................................82

18 Violations and blacklist (optional)...................................................................................82
18.1 Defining categories .............................................................................................................83
18.2 Issuing violations and blacklisting .......................................................................................83
18.3 Viewing violations and blacklist...........................................................................................83
19 Intrusion (optional) ...........................................................................................................83
19.1 Intrusion areas ....................................................................................................................83
19.2 Intrusion templates ..............................................................................................................84
19.3 Intrusion filters .....................................................................................................................84
20 Badge Management (optional).........................................................................................84
20.1 Modifying identifiers ............................................................................................................85
21 Rule Engine (optional) ......................................................................................................85
21.1 When to apply rules ............................................................................................................85
21.2 Searching for rules ..............................................................................................................86
21.3 Defining rules ......................................................................................................................87
21.4 Exporting rules ....................................................................................................................87
21.5 Importing rules ....................................................................................................................87
21.6 Generating reports ..............................................................................................................88
21.6.1 Global reports .........................................................................................................88
21.6.2 Run reports.............................................................................................................88
21.7 Viewing and maintaining the Rule Engine status ................................................................89
21.8 Rule Engine scheduling ......................................................................................................89
22 Security Level Management (optional) ...........................................................................89
22.1 How does Security Level Management work?....................................................................90
22.2 Creating Security Level Carrier groups ...............................................................................90
22.3 Grouping entrances ............................................................................................................90
22.4 Defining Security Level Templates .....................................................................................91
22.5 Defining Security Level Scenarios ......................................................................................91
22.6 Activating a Security Scenario ............................................................................................91
23 Locker Management (optional) ........................................................................................92
23.1 Treating lockers as entrances .............................................................................................92
23.2 Individual lockers.................................................................................................................92
23.2.1 Disabling a locker ...................................................................................................92
23.2.2 Locker groups.........................................................................................................92
23.2.3 Overview of assigned lockers ................................................................................93
23.2.4 Reloading lockers ...................................................................................................93
23.2.5 Assigning a Master key ..........................................................................................93
23.2.6 Locker filter .............................................................................................................93
23.3 Assigning lockers ................................................................................................................93
23.3.1 Assigning lockers by date ......................................................................................94
24 LoXS Integration (optional) ..............................................................................................95
24.1 Configuring the LoXS integration option .............................................................................95
24.2 Confirming LoXS terminals .................................................................................................95
24.3 Creating LoXS terminal groups ...........................................................................................96
24.4 Creating LoXS terminal templates ......................................................................................96
24.4.1 Editing an existing LoXS terminal template ...........................................................96
24.5 Assigning a locker to a carrier .............................................................................................97
24.6 Creating LoXS Master Users ..............................................................................................97
24.7 Maintaining LoXS Master Users .........................................................................................98
24.8 Technical Operations ..........................................................................................................98
24.8.1 Manual unlock ........................................................................................................98

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24.8.2 Blocking a LoXS locker ..........................................................................................99

24.8.3 Unblocking or releasing a LoXS locker ..................................................................99
24.8.4 Reloading a LoXS terminal ....................................................................................99
25 Maximum Presence Time (optional) .............................................................................100
25.1 Defining entrance zones ...................................................................................................100
25.2 Selecting a zone................................................................................................................100
25.3 Setting the maximum presence time.................................................................................100
26 Maximum Number of Movements Permitted (optional) ..............................................101
26.1 Defining entrance zones ...................................................................................................101
26.2 Selecting a zone................................................................................................................101
26.3 Setting the maximum number of movements ...................................................................101
27 Text Alarm Handler .........................................................................................................102
27.1 Defining Alarm Points / State Points .................................................................................103
27.2 Defining instructions ..........................................................................................................103
27.3 Defining instruction sets ....................................................................................................103
27.4 Defining alarm handler definitions.....................................................................................104
27.5 Defining the text alarm handler face .................................................................................104
27.6 Activating the text alarm handler.......................................................................................104
27.7 Viewing the alarm log ........................................................................................................105
28 Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional) ....................................................................106
28.1 Media ................................................................................................................................107
28.2 Cameras and URL’s ..........................................................................................................107
28.3 Country, site, sub-site and function...................................................................................107
28.4 Configuration of maps and alarm points ...........................................................................107
28.4.1 Maps .....................................................................................................................108
28.4.2 Status ...................................................................................................................108
28.4.3 State template ......................................................................................................109
28.4.4 Status rule template .............................................................................................109
28.4.5 Command template ..............................................................................................109
28.4.6 Alarm points / Intercom Points / State points .......................................................110
28.4.7 Instruction/instruction sets ....................................................................................111
28.4.8 Filters (alarm point definitions) .............................................................................111
28.4.9 Map points ............................................................................................................111
28.4.10 Face for starting the graphical alarm handler ......................................................111
28.4.11 Transferring alarm handler data from test to live AEOS systems ........................113
28.5 Intercom integration ..........................................................................................................113
29 Video Surveillance ..........................................................................................................114
30 Guard Tour (optional) .....................................................................................................115
30.1 Defining checkpoints .........................................................................................................115
30.2 Defining instructions ..........................................................................................................116
30.3 Creating instruction sets ...................................................................................................116
30.4 Creating and maintaining Guard Tours .............................................................................116
30.4.1 Defining a guard tour ............................................................................................116
30.4.2 Maintaining a guard tour ......................................................................................117
30.5 Creating guards.................................................................................................................117
30.6 Printing a guard tour .........................................................................................................117
30.7 Starting a guard tour .........................................................................................................117
30.8 Scheduling a guard tour ....................................................................................................117
30.9 Monitoring a guard tour .....................................................................................................118
30.10 Viewing a guard tour audit trail .........................................................................................118
30.11 Printing a guard tour audit trail ..........................................................................................118

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31 Responses (optional) .....................................................................................................120

31.1 Response to Event ............................................................................................................120
31.2 Response to User Action ..................................................................................................122
31.3 Response to Expiry Date ..................................................................................................123
31.4 Defining Notification Groups .............................................................................................125
31.5 Selecting Notification Languages......................................................................................125
32 Offline Access Control (optional) ..................................................................................125
32.1 Enabling Offline Authorizations .........................................................................................126
32.2 Linking AEOS day/time schedules to the Offline time zones ............................................126
32.3 Linking AEOS Offline entrance data to the Offline entrance data ....................................126
32.4 Creating AEOS Offline templates .....................................................................................127
32.5 Assigning Offline authorization to carrier ..........................................................................127
32.6 Disabling (part of) an Offline authorization .......................................................................127
Appendix A System Properties ..........................................................................................127
Appendix B Menu overview................................................................................................142

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1 Introduction
AEOS is a powerful, user-friendly security management system based on smart network
technology. This high-security access control system allows you to control who enters your
grounds or premises, which areas they have access to, and when they have access.

Please note that the AEOS version described in this manual may differ from the one used by
your company. Two important factors are:
 that the availability of functions depends on your user role and on which optional modules
have been installed (license options, see Sections 2.3.6 and 2.4);
 that the interface may look different because the AEOS style sheet (CSS) can be

1.1 Main system components

An AEOS system consists of:
 A central server on which the AEOS application, the database and the license manager are
 Standard web browsers for operating AEOS (AEOS is accessible from any PC in the
 Hardware installed at doors/barriers (AEpus, AEpacks) that reads badges, determines
whether access is allowed and performs various other functions.

The terms and concepts used in AEOS are described and explained in Section 1.4.

1.2 User categories

AEOS distinguishes between two types of users:
 Carriers: persons or vehicles that are authorized to use entrances.
 System users: people who operate the AEOS system or retrieve data. System users gain
access to AEOS by entering a user name and password. The system administrator
determines which tasks each user is authorized to carry out in AEOS, e.g. issuing,
withdrawing, or blocking badges, or monitoring events.

1.3 How to use this manual

This manual provides information to two types of system users:
1. Daily users (e.g. receptionists, security personnel). Daily users’ tasks include announcing
visitors, issuing, withdrawing or blocking badges, manually opening doors, etc.
2. Advanced users (e.g. system administrators, security managers, ICT personnel). These
users carry out more involved tasks, such as configuring the system, defining day/time
schedules, templates, importing employee data from a database, interpreting log data, etc.

AEOS is configured so that daily users only see the menu options needed to carry out their daily

1.3.1 Daily users

Daily users are advised to read:
 Section 1.4 AEOS Basics
 Chapter 2

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Using AEOS ,
 Chapter 5 Identifiers,
 Chapter 7 Entrances.

1.3.2 Advanced users

Advanced users who have to define settings in AEOS should be aware that the following
aspects are crucial:
 defining all access points in the AEOS system;
 determining when badges are valid (defining day/time schedules);
 creating templates indicating when and where badges are valid.

Please refer to Chapters 3 and 4 for more information on configuring AEOS.

1.3.3 Additional information

The system records which badges have been presented at each access point, when they were
presented and what their status is. This data can be retrieved and printed out. The system also
keeps a record of the operations carried out by system users (see Section 8.2).

Apart from these standard access control functions, AEOS also has various optional functions.
These are described in separate chapters at the end of this manual (e.g. Anti Pass Back,
Verification, Counting, Vendor Management, Security Level Management, Locker Management,
Guard Tour, Alarm Handler). Availability of these options depends on your license file, see also
Section 2.4.

At the end of this manual you will find the AEOS menu structure, listing all menu items and
references to the corresponding chapters or sections of this document. The numbers are
internal hyperlinks that can be followed by using <Ctrl + click>.

1.3.4 Conventions used in this document

This manual makes use of the following character styles:

'window titles' Titles of screens, windows or dialog boxes. In

single quotation marks.
<Enter>, <Ctrl+S> Key strokes between '<' '>'
Menu – submenu – subsubmenu Menu path
OK, Cancel Labels, buttons, fields on your screen
type Enter this Information to be entered in a field or to select
from a dropdown menu is in Courier New
Bold text Emphasis

1.4 AEOS Basics

This section describes the concepts and terminology used in this manual.

1.4.1 Doors and Access Points

A door (no. 1 in Figure 1) is a physical object that ‘behaves’ in a particular manner in AEOS
(e.g. turnstile, airlock). The access ‘behaviour’ of a door is defined in an Access Point (2). It is
possible for a single door to have more than one Access Point – for example if two different
antennas have been mounted – but this is not recommended.

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Access Point
door entrance
1 3
Access Point

entrance group

door Access Point entrance

Figure 1. Relationship between doors, access points, entrances and entrance groups.

1.4.2 Entrances and Entrance Groups

A room, area or zone often has several doors or access points. These doors can be said to
have the same function: to give access to this room or area. Therefore, it makes sense to group
these access points into one or more entrances. An entrance (3) is a collection of access points
(2) with the same authorization (enter zone A, leave zone A, etc.).

It is possible to attach labels to individual entrances to specify the physical location of an

entrance. In AEOS, these labels are called 'Physical Entrance Labels' and are arranged in
hierarchical order: Country > Site > Area. Physical Entrance Labels apply to individual
entrances only, not to entrance groups.

 Entrances with the same authorization can be grouped into Entrance Groups (4), e.g. all
emergency exits, all of the doors in a single office unit, etc. Entrance groups can be labelled
using the non-hierarchical labels Organization, Area and Region at Authorization –
Maintenance – Entrance group labels. These labels are meant to facilitate the searching
for and retrieving of entrance groups when defining templates or (rule engine) rules.
See Chapter 7 for more information on entrances.

1.4.3 Carriers and Identifiers

In AEOS, carriers are persons or vehicles that can be issued one or more identifiers.
Identifiers can be badges, PINs, biometric characteristics or a combination of these. Carriers
can be given the right to use one or more entrances or entrance groups during certain time
slots, by:
 Presenting a badge.
 Verification (e.g. a badge + fingerprint or PIN).
 Identification (e.g. biometric identification such as an iris scan).

1.4.4 Authorization
In AEOS, authorizations are defined by laying down a combination of data related to:
 A carrier (person / vehicle).
 An identifier (e.g. a badge).
 An entrance (group) combined with a day/time schedule.

Authorizations are defined in a template that is easy to maintain and assign to carrier groups or
categories. Carriers may be assigned more than one template. A template is a combination of a
day/time schedule with entrances or entrance groups.

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If none of the templates available matches the authorizations you wish to assign to a specific
carrier, you can create a profile. A profile is a combination of an entrance (group) with a
day/time schedule assigned to a single carrier.

To create more advanced and sophisticated authorizations, you can use:

 Multiple templates
It is possible to assign more than one template to a carrier. For example, a temporary
worker could be given authorizations for both ‘cleaning personnel’ and ‘warehouse
 (Rule Engine) Rules
Rules are useful for multi-site corporations, companies with large employee databases, or
companies that use a large number of contractors. Rules are defined to automatically
assign authorizations to groups of carriers. A rule could be designed specifically to assign
employees parking spaces on the basis of seniority. As soon as workers reach the age of
50, for instance, they may be allowed to park closer to the entrance. See Chapter 21 for
more information)
With an AEOS Blue license, the Rule Engine can be enabled at Administration –
Maintenance – Settings – System properties.
With an AEOS Classic license, users must have a license to use the Rule Engine. Overlapping templates / profiles
Since you can assign more than one template to a carrier, authorizations may overlap. In such
cases, AEOS applies an OR rule: if one of the templates provides access, access is granted. An
example: Template 1 provides access on Monday and Tuesday, while Template 2 authorizes
access on Tuesday and Wednesday. When both templates are assigned to one carrier, this
carrier is authorized to enter on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This OR rule also applies to
multiple entrances or within an entrance group.

When defining a template, it is possible to use both entrances and entrance groups. However,
certain settings have higher priority; entrance settings override entrance group settings and
entrance group settings override templates.

Example: Door 1 is part of a template with a time slot of 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Carrier A is assigned a
profile authorizing him to use Door 1 between 5 a.m. and noon. If this carrier presents his badge
at Door 1 at 2 p.m. (or another time after 12 noon), he will not be granted access. This is
because the entrance settings (including the time slot) override the template settings.

Note: Authorization settings should be kept as simple as possible. Configurations with many
(overlapping) templates are difficult to maintain.

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Using AEOS

2 Using AEOS
AEOS is a web-based application, which means it can be opened in a normal web browser (e.g.
Firefox or Internet Explorer). Hence, mouse and keyboard functions are similar to normal web-

One important exception to this is the Back button in the top left corner. This will seldom bring
you back to the previous screen. Back works only on pages where no data can be entered. If
you use the Back button from a screen where you have entered information, you will see the
following message: Warning: Page has Expired. Instead of the Back button, use the Cancel
button (bottom right) or the menu to re-open the function without saving the information you

Figure 2. AEOS user interface (‘Announce employee’ screen)

1. - icon: shows which version of AEOS is running, which user is logged on and which
Security Scenario is active (if applicable, see Chapter 22)
2. Main menu.
3. Submenu: Each submenu contains one or more AEOS screens.
4. Click on this button to open Help.
5. Click to log off the current user and return to the login screen.
6. Bookmark your favourites and your most frequently used tasks and queries. See Section 2.5
for more information.
7. Menu to switch languages.
8. User name and the user’s full name.
9. Dropdown menus: Use the [↓] and [↑] icons to expand or collapse fields. Click Expand all to
show all menus, or on Collapse all to hide all. Save expand state saves the current
Figure 2 shows a typical AEOS screen. Your own screen may look different due to your user
rights or your company’s license options. The screen layout can be customized further by

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Using AEOS

changing the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). For more information on changing Style Sheets,
see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual or ask your supplier.

Many AEOS screens are divided into two: a search frame (upper half) and a result frame (lower
half). The search frame has fields that you can fill in partly or completely. These are the search
criteria AEOS will use to retrieve data. This frame also contains several buttons related to the
search criteria. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

The results frame lists the search results (arranged in rows and columns) or displays the text
‘No results found’. The buttons at the bottom of this frame allow you to process the results. The
icons in the bar separating the search frame from the results frame allow you to customize the
way in which the results are presented by changing the column settings (see also Section

2.1 Logging on to AEOS

To log on to AEOS, use a web browser and navigate to https://<servername>:8443. For
example, https://nvc0014:8443). By default, AEOS uses the SSL protocol. If you navigate
to http://<servername>:8080, you will be automatically redirected to the secure
connection https://<servername>:8443. The AEOS login screen appears. Enter your user
name and password and click Login or press <Enter>.

When you log on to AEOS for the first time, you must use the password you have been given by
the system administrator. You will be asked to change your password after you log on. See
Section 3.1 for more information.

There are four ways to log in to the AEOS system:

1. Standard AEOS login

User name and password are validated against the data that are stored in the AEOS

2. AEOS with LDAP

User name and password are validated against the LDAP directory. If the user is not
recognized, a default LDAP template is used to create a user with a user name and a
password. If the LDAP server is not available, the locally stored data is used to validate user
name and password. When the user is removed from the AEOS user group, his local
account will be disabled.
For more information on installing and using LDAP, see section 3.3.3 or see the AEOS
Advanced Installation Manual. Settings for LDAP are made at Management – System
users – Maintain LDAP configuration.

3. AEOS with SSO

A user can automatically sign on in AEOS with his Windows user credentials. The user
name is retrieved from Kerberos SSO. This also validates the password. The system also
checks whether the user is an existing user in AEOS. If this is not the case, the user will fall
back to the standard login form.
For more information on Integrating Single Sign On in AEOS, see the AEOS Advanced
Installation Manual.

4. AEOS with SSO and LDAP

User name and password are validated as in AEOS with SSO. Then the user name is
validated against the LDAP directory as in AEOS with LDAP. If the user is not recognized, a
default LDAP template is used to create a user with a user name and an empty password.
Consequently, this locally created user account cannot be used to log in locally when the
LDAP server is unavailable.

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Using AEOS

2.1.1 Language
The AEOS login screen starts up in whatever language the browser is set to. After a user logs
on, AEOS switches to the language set for that user. To set the default language for a particular
user, go to Management – System users – Maintain user. See Section 3.3 for more

Users can also switch languages after logging on by selecting another language from the
dropdown box (bottom left of the screen).

2.2 Logging off from AEOS

To log off, click Log-off at the top right of your screen.

After you have logged off, the event monitor remains active. Turn off the event monitor by
clicking on the small cross at the top right in the ‘View Event Monitor’ screen. Clicking on events
is now no longer possible, as you are no longer logged in.

2.3 Searching for data

There are many different ways of accessing the data in the database maintained through
AEOS. On the Person – Employee – Search screen, for example, you can enter all sorts of
search criteria in the upper frame.

If you click Search without entering anything, the system will search for all data associated with
this screen. If you click the button next to a field, the system will search for all data
associated with this field. To narrow your search, enter search criteria in one or more fields.

Figure 3. AEOS Search screen

Search results appear in the results frame (the bottom half of the screen).

Frequently used search criteria can be saved in My queries. See Section 2.5.2 for more

2.3.1 Searching tips

 You do not have to enter a full name. The first few letters or numbers are sufficient.
Searching for Jo, will result in all names starting with Jo, including Jones, Johnson, etc.
 You can also search for more than one name by connecting the names in the search field
with a <+>: Johnson+Williams will render search results for both Johnson and Williams.
This use of <+> applies to every search criterion.

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Using AEOS

 If you want to find a very specific piece of information, such as a badge number, type the
number followed by <space>, e.g. 12<space>. Without the <space> the system would
display all numbers starting with 12, i.e. 12, 121, 122 etc.
 If you want to retrieve data containing certain specific characters, type %<characters>.
For example, to find all numbers containing 50, type %50. (The result will include 50, 150,
1050, 12509, etc.).
 By setting Max. rows you can indicate how many rows of results you wish to see.
Note: Retrieving a long list may take a while. Narrowing your search will make retrieval

 Dates are entered as dd/mm/yyyy, e.g. 15/03/2008. The following formats are also valid: and dd-mm-yyyy. Use the calendar button to the right of a date field to display
a calendar and select a date. Or enter $now to fill in the current date or time (see also (see
also chapter
 Search operations may be case-sensitive, depending on how AEOS has been installed and
how your database is configured. For details, ask your system administrator.
 Use the Reset button to clear all search fields.
 If you have conducted a search in one of the carrier search screens and nothing was found
(‘No results found’), clicking the New button will automatically transfer any information you
entered on the search screen to the ‘announce’ screen.
Note: The New button is visible only when no results are found.

 If the system administrator has enabled the option ‘Can specify carrier search options’ at
Management – System users – Maintain user – tab Defaults, you can choose whether you
want to search using AND or OR between the different fields you have filled in. If you are
not authorized to change the carrier search options, either AND or OR will be preset.
o AND: the search results must match the search criteria perfectly.
o OR: the search results must match at least one of the search criteria.
 Depending of the used database (contact your system administrator) more search options
are possible: e.g. for SQL databases
o Underscorse can be used to replace just one character (John_on will result in
Johnson but also Johnzon)
o [a-e] can be used in a string field to search on all characters between the a and e.

2.3.2 Sorting search results

The search results shown in the lower frame can be sorted in any order. In the results frame
click the field you wish to sort by. The <arrow sign> ( of ) next to the field name indicates
whether the results are sorted top down or bottom up.

For example, <arrow up> () next to a character field such as Name means: Sort A-Z. Clicking
the field name again reverses the order: Sort Z-A (<arrow down> ()).

2.3.3 Customizing search results

Search results are presented in a particular order. If you want to change this order, or add or
delete fields, click the Select columns icon ). You will see an overview of the unused
(available) fields on the left and the used (selected) fields on the right.

 Click > to transfer a selected field from the Selectable to the Selected category.
 Click >> to select everything (use all available fields).
 Click < to deselect a field by moving it from the Selected to the Selectable category.

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Using AEOS

 Click << to move everything to the left (use none of the fields).
 Select several items at the same time by pressing <Ctrl> or <Shift> while clicking on them.

You can use the Up, Down and Sort buttons to customize the order of the search result fields.
Click Sort to sort by alphabet. Click Up or Down to move items up or down in the list one step
at a time. Save this order by clicking on OK, or press Cancel to restore the default setting.

Customizing the search results with Select columns ) allows you to view and present the
search results in the desired order, both on screen and on hard copy.

You can customize the width of the columns by dragging the vertical lines separating the field

Use the Reset columns icon ( ) to restore the original setting. Clicking on the Save column
settings icon ( ) allows you to save these settings. AEOS will use these settings every time
you log on. In this way, every user can save personal preferences.

2.3.4 Selecting search results

Some search results screens show selectable items with individual checkboxes. The checkbox
in the column header has a different function: checking this box means you automatically select
every item on the screen.

Note: The Select all checkbox selects only those items that are visible on the screen. If the
search results exceed the number of rows set at Max. rows, the items that are not displayed
are not selected.

2.3.5 Printing and exporting search results

Some search screens allow you to print or export the retrieved data:
 Click Print… to send the data to a printer. First, a print preview of the data in the search
result will appear. You can then print these via your web browser by clicking on the web
browser’s printer icon or by selecting File – Print.
 Click To file... if you want to send the data to a file. The ‘Export data to file’ dialog box
appears. Select the format in which you want to save the data and indicate whether you
want to save the selection or all data (All rows). Select and click OK.

2.3.6 Searching by fingerprint

With the AEOS Sagem Identification option, you can also search by fingerprint. If the Sagem
Identification option is enabled, the Visitor/Employee/Contractor search screens will display an
extra Fingerprint ID field with a button next to it. The person whose fingerprint you wish to
search must put a finger on the Sagem scanner. Pressing the button activates the Sagem
software, which checks to see whether this fingerprint is known in the system. If so, a number
(the objectID from the database) will appear in the Fingerprint ID field. Click the Search button
to have AEOS retrieve this person’s data.

With an AEOS Blue license, the Sagem Identification option can be enabled at Administration
– Maintenance – Settings – System properties. With an AEOS Classic license, users must
have a license to use the Sagem Identification option.

For more information on configuring a Sagem fingerprint reader, see the Sagem Installation

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Using AEOS

2.4 Licenses
Your license determines which AEOS features and options are active in your configuration. The
license determines the number of authorized badges and active users, for instance. It also
determines whether you can use optional features such as Security Levels. To view your
license information, go to Configuration – License – Info. The Software options and
Embedded options tabs show your current license and configuration.

As a system administrator, you can determine for each user whether she/he can exceed the
license (Management – System users – Maintain user). If your configuration exceeds your
license for certain features, these will be marked in red. You have 30 days to renew your license
before AEOS functionality becomes restricted. If your license has expired, you need to contact
your dealer in order to upload a new license file or activate a license request. Prior to this
expiration date, a message will pop up when a user logs on, showing the date from which these
features will no longer be available if you do not renew your license.

Note: This pop-up is visible only if you are set to receive license notifications by the system

To update your license, fill in the Additional required column and click Renewal file to save
the file and send it to your AEOS dealer. Import the new license file via Configuration –
License – Import. Once you have imported the new license, it will immediately become active.

Most AEOS users regularly or frequently use the same functions. For quick access these can
be bookmarked using My Tasks, My Queries and Favourites in the bottom left corner of your

2.5.1 My tasks
Every system user may opt to store frequently performed tasks in My tasks. This task pane
appears automatically when you log on. It provides quick access to the menu items you use
most frequently. Its content can be managed at Management – System users – Maintain

2.5.2 My queries
If you often use the same search criteria, you can store these as queries on the My Queries
pane. To save a query:
1. Go to any search screen and fill in your search criteria.
2. Click the Save query as … button.
3. Give the query a name and enter a description, if desired.
4. If you enable Auto refresh and enter an Auto refresh interval (in seconds), this query will
be rerun at that interval. This can be useful for monitoring access to a specific zone, for
5. Click OK to save the query.

You can access your queries by clicking on My Queries in the bottom left corner of the screen. Assigning My Queries to all users in a user role / other user roles
Frequently used queries can also be applied to every user in the same role (e.g. all
receptionists, all security guards). On the Save query as… screen, tick the box at ‘Apply to
users with same role (name of role)’

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Using AEOS

At Management – System users – Maintain my queries queries can be copied to be used for
all users in one of the other user roles. Dynamic dates and times

When using My Queries, you might need dynamic dates and times. These can be used in any
date or time field for any query that can be stored in My Queries. If you enter $date and
$time (instead of a specific date or time), and then store the query, AEOS will automatically
replace $date and $time with the current date and time every time this query is selected.

If you view the log, for instance, at (Monitor – Events – View), you can enter $date in the
From field (and leave the times set at 00:00 and 23:59). If you save this query and then
access it via My Queries, the log will display all the events of that day.

It is also possible to define a dynamic range, for example to display all events in the last three
days. To do so, enter $date in the Until field and $date-3 in the From field. When you access
this query, AEOS will automatically replace the $date-3 value by the current date minus three

Possible entries are e.g : $now, $datem $time, $now $time-M30 (current date and
time minus 30 minutes)

2.5.3 Saving Favourites

At Administration – Maintenance – Favourites you can define hyperlinks for quick access to
internet or intranet sites.

Give a description and enter the name of the Favourite site in the URL field (e.g.

At Management – System users – Change user favourites a user can select items to make
his own selection out of the pre-defined Favorites.

3 System Management: Basic Configuration

A few basic steps must be followed before you can work with AEOS. To begin with, you must
define which system users will have access to AEOS. Then, you must define entrances and
authorizations. The following steps are a minimum requirement:

1. Log in for the first time and change your own password. (see Section 3.1)

2. Define user roles for all user types. (see Section 3.2)

3. Register users and assign them a user role. (see Section 3.3)

4. Confirm all Access Points in AEOS. (see Section 3.4)

5. Define the entrances of your company and assign access points. (see Section 3.5)

6. Define day/time schedules. (see Section 3.6)

7. Define templates (when and where badges are valid). (see Section 3.7)

8. If required, define more advanced configurations. (see Chapter 4)

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System Management: Basic Configuration

3.1 Logging in for the first time / Changing password

The first time you log on, you must log on as administrator (in other words, as the system
administrator who has access to every function). Your login name is administrator. Your
password is the password you have been assigned at the time of installation. (Note: the role of
'administrator' cannot be deleted.)

All system users can change their password (of at least 6 characters) at Management –
System users – Change password. System administrators can determine whether users must
change their password after logging on for the first time and how long this password remains
valid (see Management – System users – Maintain user role – tab Password restrictions).

Note: Only a system administrator (or other authorized user) can create or change someone
else’s password (see Section 3.3.1 Assign new password)

3.2 User roles

In AEOS, only the default role of ‘administrator’ has been predefined. This is the role of the
system administrator who has access to each and every function in AEOS. The system
administrator can create other roles, such as receptionist or security guard, and can define
specific tasks and settings for every role.

To create or change a user role, go to Management – System users – Maintain User role.
Here you can:
 determine which tasks users in this role should be able to perform (tab Function);
 determine what information users in this role may see on their screens and change (either
once or regularly) (tab Configuration);
 set password restrictions (tab Password restriction).

Manually creating a new user role (see below) is time-consuming. Because roles often overlap
with only minor differences in settings, you can use the Copy button to copy the existing user
role to a new screen. This copy will automatically receive the name ‘Copyof<rolename>’, e.g.
Copyof Receptionist. Then, make the necessary changes and save the role under a new

Procedure for manually defining or changing a user role:

1. Select an existing role or click New (bottom right of screen).
2. Give the new user role a name.
3. Under the Function tab you will find a list of selectable functions. Select an item and use >
to add these to the Selected functions list box on the right. Select and use < to remove
functions. To select several items at the same time, use the <Ctrl> or <Shift> key while
4. Under the Configuration tab you can define user rights for every field on the ‘announce’
 You can determine whether a user may see certain buttons (e.g. Save query as,
Reset, Print..., To file...) and whether a user may change the column settings (
icons in the results frame).
 The Edit value column allows you to define whether users in this role can view (Read
only), change this value once (Write once), see and make unlimited changes
(Read/write), or not see the value at all (Hidden).
 In the Mandatory value column you can define whether filling in a field is Mandatory
or Optional.

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System Management: Basic Configuration

 In the Search value column you can define whether this field is Visible, Hidden or
Mandatory in queries.
 In the Input case column you can determine whether the input in this field must be
entered in Upper case, Lower case or Default (either case).
 The Input direction column allows you to indicate whether input is entered Left to
right, Right to left (Hebrew, Arabic) or Default (either direction).
5. Set the parameters for the use of passwords (tab Password restrictions).
 Expiration days (in days): number of days a password is valid. Upon expiry, users
must enter a new password.
 Passwords to remember prevents users from recycling old passwords.
 Enabling Use strong passwords forces users to include at least one lower case
character, one upper case character, one number and one special character in their
password, e.g. ‘MyPassword%1’.
 License warning disabled disables the pop-up message that warns users that their
license is about to expire (this pop-up is usually disabled for everyone but the system
 Enabling Allow reset password authorizes the system administrator to change the
passwords of other users in this role.

3.3 Users
After defining the user roles, you can register the people who work as AEOS system users. To
add new users or edit existing users’ rights:
1. Go to Management – System users – Maintain user.
2. Click New (bottom right) to add a user.
3. Edit the details under the following tabs:
 User
General user information e.g. name, password, role, session information. For easy use,
user templates can be defined at: Management – System users – Maintain User
Template Configurations.
 Defaults
Sets the default templates, identifiers and enrolment stations.
 Free field defaults
You can enter default values for free fields, if applicable. See Section 3.8 for more
information on free fields.
 Units
You can specify for every user which units they are able to see on their screen. This can
be used when two companies share a building as well as AEOS. For more information
on units, see Section 4.2.
 Entrances
Here you can select filters for this user and determine for which entrances this user will
be authorized to announce and give access to carriers or see events in the event
monitor. For more information on entrance filters, see Section 7.6.
 Event types
Allows you to set the appropriate event filters for this user (to control which events this
user can see). See Section 8.1.1 for more information on event filters.
 AEpus
Select the AEpu filters for this user to define which AEpus this user may see. See
Section 4.11 for more information on AEpu filters.
 Workstations

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System Management: Basic Configuration

Select the workstations this user may log in from. If no workstations are selected, no
restrictions apply and this user may log in anywhere. See Section 4.2.1 for more
 Schedules
Select the appropriate day/time schedule filters for this user to restrict the schedules this
user can see. For more information on day/time schedule filters, see Section 3.6.2.
 Counting
Determine which counting zone managers are visible to this user. For more information
on counting zone managers, see Chapter 13; for counting zone manager filters, see
Section 13.4.2 .
Here you can select the appropriate APB zone manager filters for this user. For more
information, see Section 12.6.
 Alarm handler
Here you can select the appropriate Alarm instruction group filters for this user.
 Cameras
Here you can select the appropriate camera filters for this user.

3.3.1 Assigning a new password

If a user has lost or forgotten his/her password, the system administrator can assign this user a
new password via Management – System users – Assign new password. Select the user
and assign him/her a new password.

3.3.2 Activate disabled account

An account may be disabled for some reason; this occurs, for instance, if the maximum number
of login attempts has been exceeded (due to a wrong password). The account can be
reactivated at Management – System users – Activate disabled account..

3.3.3 LDAP users

AEOS allows users to log in from an external (LDAP) database. For detailed information on
installing and using this option, see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual. Settings for LDAP
are made at Management – System users – Maintain LDAP configuration.

When a user logs on to the AEOS system, he/she is validated by the LDAP server. Access to
AEOS is granted when the LDAP server has authenticated the user and when he/she is
recognized by AEOS. If the user is not recognized by AEOS, a default LDAP template is used to
create a user with this user name and password in AEOS. If the LDAP server does not
authenticate the user, he/she will be denied access to AEOS. During set-up the system
administrator can determine what the protocol is when no connection with the LDAP server is

The default settings for LDAP users can be configured at Management – System users –
Maintenance LDAP user template.

3.3.4 Connected users

As a system administrator you may want to see how many users are connected to AEOS at a
given time and who they are. Go to Management – System users – Maintain connected
users to manage the number of system users simultaneously logged in. It is important not to
exceed the maximum number of licensed users because if too many users are logged on at the
same time (for example because they do not log off properly, but just close the application), the
next authorized user trying to log on will be denied access. On this screen, you can also see
when each user logged on and at which workstation.

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System Management: Basic Configuration

3.4 Access points

AEOS consists of a number of hardware and software components linked via a network. The
system includes all access points, i.e. the physical passages for persons or vehicles.

3.4.1 Confirming Access points

Before access points can be used in your configuration, they must be confirmed at
Configuration – Maintenance – Confirm access points. This screen shows you the access
points that are either not present or not configured. Select the access points you wish to add
and click Add.

3.4.2 Viewing access point status

To see the status of an access point, go to Configuration – Maintenance – Access points. In
order for access points to show up on this list, they must be confirmed (see previous section).

Note: If AEOS warns you at any point in this process about problems that have been detected,
please contact your Nedap dealer.

3.5 Entrances
Entrances give access to rooms, buildings, etc. Usually, entrances consist of doors or turnstiles.
An entrance can consist of one or more doors, gateways, barriers, etc., which provide access to
the same area.

Go to Configuration – Maintenance – Entrances or Configuration – Maintenance – View

configuration to see which entrances have been defined. Click Show all to see all entrances
and access points that have been defined in the system. Click Show Problems if you only want
to see the entrances and access points that the system does not recognize completely, for
example because no entrance is assigned to an access point, or because there is a problem
with the network status of an access point.

A single entrance can have multiple access points (for example, one access point for the ‘In’
direction and one for the ‘Out’ direction). If several entrances give access to the same room or
building (e.g. two front doors), they can be grouped into entrance groups.

At Configuration – Maintenance – View configuration you can select Only check Jini
status. If enabled, the AEpus are checked from the lookup server to ascertain that they are
identical to those on the lookup server. The lookup server refreshes every AEpu every 60
seconds by default. If the ‘check Jini status’ option is not enabled, AEOS checks the network for
available AEpus, which, in large networks, can take a long time.


Your company is housed in two buildings: Building 1 has a main entrance consisting of two
turnstiles and a door. Someone entering the building can use any of these three entry points.
The two turnstiles and the door are grouped and respond in the same way when a badge is
presented. The three entry points (4 access points, AP1 t/m AP4) together form a single
entrance group in AEOS. (T1).

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System Management: Basic Configuration

AP5 AP6 AP11
Area 1 Area 4
Area 3
T4 T5 Area 5
T1 AP7 AP8 T8
AP2 AP15

Area 6 AP13

AP1 T3 T10
AP9 AP16

Area 2 AP10

Building 1 Building 2

Figure 4. A building configuration

3.5.1 Defining a new entrance

To define a new entrance:
1. Go to Configuration – Maintenance – Entrances.
2. Click New to create a new entrance.
3. Give the entrance a name. This name will subsequently be used throughout AEOS. It will
appear in the event monitor, for example. Therefore, take care to choose a unique, easily
recognizable name. Consider entering other (optional) properties.
4. Click on Add access points.
5. Search and select the access points that belong to this entrance and click OK. If you cannot
find an access point, check to see if it has been properly confirmed (see Section 3.4).
6. The access points you selected and assigned are listed.
7. Click OK to confirm.
8. On the next screen, you can add the entrance to one or more entrance filters by checking
the appropriate box(es). Click OK to confirm.
9. On the next screen, you can assign the entrance to one or more entrance groups by
checking the appropriate box(es). Click OK to confirm.

While defining an entrance you can add functional labels. These are freely definable
characteristics that will facilitate grouping and finding entrances. To define these characteristics,
go to Administration – Maintenance – Labels – Functional entrance labels (see Section

Note: You can also use the physical entrance labels (Locations) Country, Site and Sub-site as
search criteria (see Section 7.3.1.)

Note: The Inner zone and Outer zone fields are used for Anti Pass Back, see Chapter 12.
Inner count zone and Outer count zone are used in Counting, see Chapter 13.

3.6 Day/time schedules

If you wish to indicate when badges are valid, it is necessary to define day/time schedules. A
day/time schedule is a series of days. For each day you have indicated the time slot(s) during
which carriers are to be granted access. Day/time schedules are also used to define automatic
(un)lock schedules (see Section 7.2), ‘verification disabled’ schedules, etc.

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System Management: Basic Configuration

If your configuration runs in various locations in different time zones, AEOS uses local time for
applying schedules.

Note: It is essential to plan your day/time schedules to fit with your company’s business hours.
If you define the time slots too narrowly, people and cars may regularly be locked out or in.

AEOS distinguishes between two types of day/time schedules:

1. Weekly schedule: a fixed, weekly day/time schedule.
Monday 6:00 – 11:00, 13:00 – 16:30, 19:00 – 22:30
Tuesday 6:00 – 17:00, 18:00 – 22:00
Wednesday 6:00 – 17:00, 18:00 – 22:00
Thursday 6:00 – 11:00, 13:00 – 16:30, 18:00 – 21:30
Friday 8:00 – 15:00, 16:00 – 21:30
Saturday 8:00 – 12:30
Sunday No access
2. Free schedule: allows you to set a repeating schedule of 1-365 consecutive days (for
example when dealing with irregular shifts).
Day 1 7:00 – 14:00, 18:00 – 23:00
Day 2 8:00 – 15:00
Day 3 8:00 – 11:00, 22:00 – 23:59
Day 4 No access
Day 5 7:00 – 19:00
Day 6 No access
Starts: 18-03-2008
This schedule starts on March 18, 2008 and is repeated every 6 days.

Caution: Without day/time schedules, you cannot issue badges or set automatic unlock

3.6.1 Defining day/time schedules

To define a day/time schedule:
1. Go to Authorization – Maintenance – Day/time schedule.
2. Select whether you wish to define a Weekly schedule or a Free period schedule.
When defining a free period schedule, indicate how many consecutive days you want to
3. Click New.
4. Enter a name at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click OK.
6. To define a free schedule:
7. Enter the starting date in the Start field. The default value for this field is the day on
which you define the schedule. For ease of reference you may add a further
8. Select an (underlined) day.
9. Enter the time slot when badges are to be valid on this day.
10. Click Add.
11. To define more time slots for that day, repeat steps c and d.

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12. Select the next day, repeat steps c, d and e.

13. After entering the last time slot, click OK to save the schedule.
Note: If you want a time slot to last all day, enter 00:00 to 00:00.

3.6.2 Day/time schedule filters

If you want to control which users have access to which day/time schedules, you can define
day/time schedule filters, clustering the schedules in sets that you can assign to different users.

1. Go to Administration – Filters –Schedule filters.

2. Click New to create a new filter.
3. Select one or more of the selectable schedules and move them to the ‘Selected’ list box.
4. Click OK to save this filter.

The filters allow you to determine which day/time schedules each user can see.

5. Go to Management – System users – Maintain user.

6. Select a user.
7. Click the Schedules tab and select the filter(s) this user may see.
8. Click OK to exit.

3.7 Templates
Templates simplify the authorization procedure by combining day/time schedules and entrance
(group)s in certain fixed combinations so that these do not have to be linked manually every
time you issue a badge. You could create a template granting access to a certain part of the
building during office hours, for instance. This template could be assigned to all employees in
the department housed in that part of the building.

More complex authorizations can be given by assigning multiple templates and/or profiles to a

Advantages of using templates:

 The user issuing the badge need only select a template to indicate both when and where
the badge is valid. This single click operation is faster than entering a profile. Hence, normal
procedure for issuing badges is to use templates.
 Changes need to be made to the template only, not to individual authorizations. Suppose
your building is renovated and more rooms and entrances are added, leading to a change
of authorizations. In this case, only the template needs to be edited. AEOS automatically
updates all authorizations based on this template.
 Multiple templates can be assigned to a single carrier, thus providing maximum flexibility.
Note: AEOS uses time zones and automatically applies local time to templates, schedules, etc.
If you configure two doors in different time zones to both unlock at 8 a.m., AEOS will unlock
these doors at 8 a.m. local time.

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System Management: Basic Configuration

3.7.1 Defining templates

Once you have defined day/time schedules, you can use them to compose templates (see
Figure 5). A template combines one or more day/time schedules and one or more entrances or
entrance groups. A template indicates both when and where a badge is valid. When issuing a
badge, you can select a template to indicate on which days, during which hours, and for which
entrances the badge is valid.

day/time schedules entrances

entrance 1
08:00 - 17:00
(office hours)

13:00 - 22:00
(late shift) entrance 2

04:00 - 12:30
(early shift) entrance group A

entrance 3 entrance 4

16:00 - 24:00 entrance 5

(late shift 2)

Template B

Template A Template C
(production) (maintenance)


Figure 5. Schedules, entrances, entrance groups and templates

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System Management: Basic Configuration

To define a template:
1. Go to Authorization – Maintenance – Templates.
2. Search and select an existing template or click New to create a new template.
3. Click on one of the Add buttons to add entrances or entrance groups.
4. Use the search function to find the entrances or entrance groups that you wish to combine
with a day/time schedule.
5. Select the entrances for this template and click OK.
6. Select a day/time schedule from the list.
7. Click OK to save the changes.
8. If you wish to add another entrance/schedule combination, click Add again and repeat
steps 4 through 7.
9. On the final (overview) screen, click OK to save the template.

You can copy a template by selecting it and then clicking on the Copy button. You can then
modify the copy of this template and save it under a different name.

Employees have access to doors T1, T2 and T3 from Monday to Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7
p.m. On Saturdays, they have access to door T6 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

The following table shows how this should be put into a template:

Access to On these days At these times

T1, T2, T3 Monday through Friday 7:00 to 19:00
T6 Saturday 9:00 to 12:00

A template named 'General Employee' is created:

1. At Authorization – Maintenance– Day/time schedules two schedules are created. One,
named ‘Week’ specifies Monday through Friday 7.00 to 19.00 while the other, called
‘Saturday Morning’ consists of a schedule for Saturday 9.00 to 12.00. as follows:

Week Saturday morning

Monday 7:00 – 19:00 Monday No access
Tuesday 7:00 – 19:00 Tuesday No access
Wednesday 7:00 – 19:00 Wednesday No access
Thursday 7:00 – 19:00 Thursday No access
Friday 7:00 – 19:00 Friday No access
Saturday No access Saturday 9:00 – 12:00
Sunday No access Sunday No access

2. To compose the ‘General Employee' template, go to Authorization – Maintenance –

Templates , select entrances T1, T2 and T3 and link them to the ‘Week’ schedule.
3. Then select entrance T6 and link to the 'Saturday morning' schedule.
4. Save to activate the ‘General Employee’ template.

General employee
T1 Week
T2 Week
3.7.2 T3 Week
T6 Saturday morning

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System Management: Basic Configuration

3.7.2 Template filters

If you do not wish to give all users access to all templates, you can define template filters in
which you create subsets of templates. A template filter can then be assigned to a user, so only
selected templates are available to that user. To define a template filter, go to Administration –
Filters – Template filters.

Template filters can then be assigned to individual users by going to Management – System
users – Maintain user. Select a user and on the User tab select a filter in the Visitor template
filter field to determine which templates this user is allowed to see.

3.8 Free fields

Free fields are extra fields that allow you to record important personal information in addition to
the data that fits in the standard fields. Some examples of these are the extra fields on the
carrier ‘announce’ screens in which you can enter someone’s home address, home phone
number, mobile phone number, nationality, license plate number, etc.

You can add free fields to all employee, visitor, contractor or vehicle screens by:
1. Creating categories at Administration – Maintenance – Free fields – Free field
categories (3.8.1).
2. Creating free fields and putting these in a particular category at Administration –
Maintenance – Free fields – Free fields (3.8.2).
3. Activating the user rights for these fields at Management – System users – Maintain user
role (3.8.3).

3.8.1 Creating free field categories

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance– Free fields – Free field categories.
2. Select or create a Free field category.
3. Give the category a standard name.
4. The Language and Name for language fields allow you to set – for every language --
under what other name this category appears if an AEOS user switches to that particular
5. Give the category a number (Sequence) to determine how high on the ‘announce’ screens
it should be displayed.
6. Select a Carrier type to determine on which carrier screens this category should appear.
7. Click OK to save.

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3.8.2 Creating free fields

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance– Free fields – Free fields.
2. Click New (bottom right) to create a new field.
3. Fill in the following fields:
 Default name: the free field’s default name. This name can be modified for every language
the user may switch to, using the Language and Name for language fields, see below.
 Data Type: A field can be set to :
o String = any number of characters (e.g. street name and number),
o Numeric = numbers,
o Yes/No = 1 (yes), 0 (no),
o Date, Time or Date and time.
o URL = to create links to websites (http) or documents (ftp) on other systems.
Input can be e.g.: http://localhost:8080,, or
mailto:// from AEOS announcepage or
${LastName}, Voornaam/initialen: ${Initials}, personeelsnummer:
${Personnelnr} %0A%0aSecond paragraph.%0A%0AThird Paragraph
Variables to be used: "Server.HostName", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"User.FullName", "User.Name", "Server.Datetime", "Server.Version"
or fields from the database (identical as those to be used for the card printing,
see AEOS Advanced Installation manual)
Note: The Data type field cannot be changed retrospectively.

 Column: order (left to right) in which the field appears on the screen (1 = first column, 2 =
second column, etc.)
 Sequence: order (top to bottom) in which the field appears in a column (1 = first in a
particular column)
 Language and Name for language: these fields allow you to set – for every language –
under what other name this field appears if an AEOS user switches to that particular
 Free field category: select the category in which this field will be displayed on the screen.
 Length: enter the number of characters to set the field’s length.
 Default value: If this free field is mandatory, the value you enter here will automatically be
assigned to any carrier created before this field existed.
 Auth. usage: if you have selected the field’s data type as Date or Date and time , then
you can indicate here whether an authorization is valid From or Until the date entered.
Dates entered here override existing Start and End date fields. These fields can be used
for certificates or permits that serve as an extra authorization option.
Note: If more than one period is defined in AEOS (e.g. for contractors, visitors and free
fields), AEOS will use the shortest of these periods as the period of validity.

 Validator: choose whether you want AEOS to check input for validity using one of the
following; Eleven test for checking bank account numbers, Israeli ID and BSN
(Dutch social security number). If you leave this field empty, the validity is not checked.
 Parent field: for navigational ease, you can choose to create hierarchical relationships
between free fields within a category. In order to make a field ‘dependent’ on a parent field,
select the appropriate field from the dropdown menu. The number of fields that can be
strung together in this way is infinite.

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System Management: Basic Configuration

Note: This field is selectable only if the Lookup field box in the next column has been

 Mandatory: check this box if filling in the free field should be mandatory.
Caution: Be careful when making fields mandatory or adding mandatory fields in a system
already containing data. If you make a free field mandatory, it is no longer possible to change
the settings for this field at Management – System users – Maintain user role – tab

 Write: check this box if the field may be edited.

 Lookup field: select this field if the field you are defining should display a dropdown list
from which the user can select an item. Specify the contents of this dropdown list at
Administration – Maintenance– Free fields – Free fields lookup. See Section 3.8.4
 Memo field: fields are usually single-line. Check this box if you want to create a larger,
multi-line field.
 Is CAP Field: This free field can be selected to be used as CAP data at the AEpu.
 Use in search : check if you want users to be able to include this field in a search.
 Use in result: check this box if this field should be included in the search results.
 Use in duplicate check: enable if you want the input to be unique. This check will only
work if you have enabled System property 09.01 Duplicate detection when announcing a
contractor and/or 09.02 Duplicate detection when announcing a visitor, see Appendix
 Use in blacklist check: select if you want the input in this field to be used to verify whether
someone is blacklisted.
 Unique value: check this box if you want the system to check if the value entered is unique
within AEOS.

3.8.3 Activating free fields

When free fields are added, the user rights for these fields must be activated at Management –
System users – Maintain user role.

To activate free fields:

1. At Maintain user role select the user role for which you wish to activate the free fields.
Note: If you want to activate free fields for more than one user role, select each role in
turn and activate the appropriate fields.

2. On the Configuration tab you will find a complete list of fields. You can set the read/write
values for each of these.
3. Activate any changes by clicking on OK.

3.8.4 Defining free fields lookup

If you have checked the Use in lookup option when defining a free field (see Section 3.8.2),
system users must select the value for this field from a predefined list.

To define the items on this list:

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance– Free fields – Free fields lookup. You will see a list
of all the free fields for which you have enabled the Use in lookup option at Administration
– Maintenance– Free fields – Free fields.
2. Select a field.

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System Management: Basic Configuration

3. Click Pull to have the system search the database for existing entries for this field. Any
values found will be listed. This is a useful feature if you have been using this free field
without lookup and are now turning it into a dropdown list.
4. Click New to manually add items to the list.
5. When defining new items, you may enter a value in the External value field, which a third
party system can use to communicate with AEOS. This is relevant only if your company has
a third party system that needs to extract free field information from AEOS.

3.8.5 Defining free fields lookup filters

Add Free fields look up filters to a user in order to restrict the data that the user can select in a
particular lookup field:

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Free fields – Free fields lookup filters.

2. Click New to add a new filter.
3. Select a (previously defined) Free field lookup to be used in the filter (as been defined
4. Enter a Name and select the values of this Free field lookup that are placed into the filter
5. Activate any changes by clicking on OK.

Go to Management – System user – Maintain user tab Free field defaults to assign the Free
field lookup filter to users.

3.8.6 Order and sequence of free fields

At Administration – Maintenance – Free fields – Free fields you can choose to display the
free fields in several columns. This is useful if you are adding many fields. You can also alter
the order in which items are shown by assigning each field a Column and Sequence number.

It is also possible to add free fields to the ‘standard field’ part of the screen (the top part of an
‘announce’ screen.

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Free fields – Free field categories.

2. Create a Category and name it ‘Base’.
3. Any free fields you would like to have displayed in the upper frame should be added to this
category. Remember to give each field a column and sequence number.

Free fields in the ‘Base’ category will appear in the upper frame on the ‘announce’ screen in the
order you specified. The ‘standard’ fields are moved further down this part of the screen.

3.8.7 Free fields CAP assigments

If a free field has been defined as is CAP field (see Section 3.8.2), AEOS you can send the
data from this field to the AEpus, where it can be used to give additional information to a carrier
(e.g. to send variable carrier data to an external system or display connected to the AEpu).

For the time being only one CAP - the Pager number - has been implemented:
1. Go to Administration – Maintenance– Free fields – Free fields CAP assignments.
2. At the Field name select a free field to be linked to the Pager number (only the free fields
defined as is CAP field are shown).
3. Activate any changes by clicking on OK.

This field and the authorizations have now been sent to the AEpus, where the can be linked
using AEbcs (for this additional software components need to be configured on the AEpu).

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System Management: Advanced Configuration

4 System Management: Advanced Configuration

AEOS can be customized to your company’s specific needs by defining entrance groups,
emergency entrance groups, holidays, automatic unlocking, etc. This chapter describes how
these advanced settings can be configured.

You can also use the system properties to define certain fields or indicate which options are
available and which default values are to be used in AEOS. System properties are listed in
Administration – Maintenance– Settings – System properties (for an overview of all
properties, and a brief description of their function, see Appendix A).

4.1 Printers
AEOS can use various types of printers to print events, labels or cards:
 Event printer: AEOS records all activities at the access points: which badges have been
presented at which entrances, which doors have been opened manually, etc. In AEOS,
these are referred to as text events. The recorded text events (including alarms) can be
printed out on event printers. This is done online. Once a printer has been defined (on a PC
or an AEpu), it prints text events as determined by the event filter set for that printer.
Event printers can be selected while defining event filters at Administration – Filters –
Event filters (see Section 8.1.1).
 Label printer: If an identifier is printable (e.g. a barcode), it is printed on a label printer
when it is issued. (For more information on label printers, see the AEOS Advanced
Installation Manual).
Label printers can be selected while maintaining users at Management – System users –
Maintain user (see Section 3.3).
 Card printer: Set your default card printer, if applicable. If you use this and the option
Badge printing user interface, a Print badge button is automatically added to the visitor
‘announce’ screen. Use this button to print a badge immediately after registering a visitor.
The layout of the badge can be customized. Refer to the Advanced Installation Manual for
further details. See also section 11.3).
With an AEOS Blue license, the Badge printing user interface option is free. With an AEOS
Classic license, users must have a license to use the Badge printing user interface option.

4.1.1 Defining printers

You can define printers at Administration – Maintenance – Devices – Printers:
1. Click New.
2. In the Name field, enter the name assigned to this printer during installation. The installation
program for this printer is on the AEOS CD-ROM.
3. Select the printer type.
4. Fill in other fields if necessary.
5. Check the Enabled box to enable the printer.
6. Use the Test button to test the printer after installation.
7. Click OK to save the printer settings.

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System Management: Advanced Configuration

4.2 Units (optional)

In AEOS, all carriers (persons and vehicles), identifiers, departments and count groups can be
divided into units. Units typically represent physical locations (for example departments) or
logical names for a specific user group. By assigning default units to users, the administrator
specifies a user’s main location. The system administrator can then authorize this user to view
and/or modify data in his/her unit(s). A security manager may, for instance, be given the rights
to manage several locations centrally, while a regular user can only view the data related to
his/her own unit.

Note: The restrictions related to units do not apply to someone in the role of AEOS
‘administrator’. He/she can maintain all information in the system.

Units can be defined at Administration – Filters – Units.

A unit can comprise several departments. See Section 4.2.1 for defining departments and
assigning them to units.

To allocate a unit to a user or to define which units a user can view or edit, go to Management
– System users – Maintain user. On the Units tab you can specify the user’s rights to view or
modify data for the available units. If a unit is hidden, the user will not be shown any data
relating to this unit.

4.2.1 Departments
Specify which departments your company or organization is divided into. Departments simplify
the process of searching for (groups of) employees. You can select to which department a
carrier belongs on the Person – Employee – Announce and Vehicle – Car – Announce
screens. Departments are always linked to units (if the Units option is enabled).

Go to Administration – Maintenance – Departments to define a new department.

4.3 Workstations
You can restrict each user’s access to AEOS by limiting the workstations where they can log in.
For example, AEOS can be set to deny receptionists access to all workstations except those at
the reception desk. To use this feature you must first define workstations and then assign them
to specific users.

Note: If no workstations are defined, AEOS is accessible from any workstation in the network,
provided you have a user name and a password to log in.

Go to Administration – Maintenance – Devices – Workstations to define a workstation. Click

New and fill in the fields.

To assign a workstation to a system user, go to Management – System users – Maintain

user. Select a user and open the Workstations tab. Select the workstations on which the
AEOS user is to be authorized and move them to the ‘Selected’ list box.

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System Management: Advanced Configuration

4.4 Setting system properties

AEOS system properties can be found at Administration – Maintenance– Settings – System
properties. Most of these can be changed, but some are read from the database (and are set
during installation). Appendix A lists all system properties and briefly describes their function.

Note: Only change the system properties if you are authorized to do so by Nedap or a Nedap

4.5 Enabling messages

You can set AEOS to display one or two messages to users when they log in. Go to
Administration – Maintenance – Messages.

There are two events during which a message can be displayed:

 When logging in, before login confirmation. This message is shown to all users trying to
access AEOS.
 When logging in, before login notification. This message is visible only to users who have
successfully accessed AEOS.

To show either or both messages to users, check the Event enabled box. Messages can be
composed in any of the available languages.

4.6 Holidays
To grant authorized persons and vehicles access to the premises on public holidays, check the
Access during holidays box on the ‘announce’ screen. Holidays can be defined as entire days
or as half-day events taking place between certain hours. It is also possible to make local or
regional distinctions and set different holidays for premises in a certain region only.

To set public holidays, go to Authorization – Maintenance – Holidays.

To set a public holiday, you must always specify the entrance(s) to which access is granted
during holidays. Holidays can be specified per location. For each location you can define the
country, site, area and the entrances. Within the same AEOS system you can define different
holidays for various geographical locations.

To specify a public holiday:

1. Click New.
2. Enter a name for the holiday.
3. Fill in the Date from and Date until fields. Enter time and date in the format commonly
used in your part of the world (for example: “DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm”). If a holiday lasts the
entire day, enter 00:00 as the starting time and 23:59 as the end time.
4. Select Applies to carriers if you want to block carriers during holidays. When activated,
carrier authorization will be overruled during the holidays, except for carriers whose Access
during holidays has been enabled on their ‘announce’ screen.
5. Specify which entrance(s) this holiday applies to, by clicking on Add entrances. Search
and select one or more entrances from the search results and click OK.
6. Click OK to save these settings.

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4.7 Switching access control on/off for an access point

Access control can be temporarily switched off for a certain access point. This may be
necessary in order to carry out maintenance work, for instance. Go to Entrance – Access
points – (De)activate access control. The screen will display the current status of the access

Select one or more access points and select one of the following:
 Access control activated: access control is operational (default setting). Only authorized
carriers can enter.
 Locked (access control deactivated): the access point remains closed (locked), even to
carriers with valid badges.
Note: Only the emergency unlock function, directly connected to the hardware, can now
unlock the door.

 Unlocked (access control deactivated): the access point is inactive (the door is
unlocked). Anyone can enter. No badges are needed.

4.8 Modifying access point monitoring

When you modify an access point (for example by removing a day/time schedule), AEOS will
automatically reconfigure the access point. If this process fails, AEOS will add it to a list of
unsuccessful modifications and will keep trying to make the modification to the access point.

To view unsuccessful Access Point Modifications, go to Monitor – System status – Maintain

Access point modifications. To see the current status, click Refresh. To delete an item, click
on the corresponding red cross. Deleting an item means the modification will not be carried out.

4.9 Monitoring AEpu AC Data

This function enables you to check authorizations for a particular AEpu against the
authorizations registered in the database for this AEpu. For example: when authorizations have
been modified (when a visitor has been added, for example) but the AEpu has not yet received
them due to a network failure. This monitoring functionality can be found under Monitor –
System status –Check AEpu AC data. Here, you select the AEpu and click Check. AEOS
now displays any discrepancies per AEpu.

4.10 Maintaining AEpus

This function allows you to view details of AEpus in your network and delete them. To view the
list, go to Configuration – Maintenance – Maintain AEpus.

The ‘last time discovered’ and ‘last time discarded’ fields show when AEOS last had contact
with the AEpu and when AEOS first lost contact with the AEpu.

4.11 AEpu filters

To restrict the AEpus available to AEOS users you can define one or more AEpu filters. These
filters can then be assigned to individual users. To define a filter, go to Administration – Filters
– AEpu filters.

To assign a filter to a user, go to Management – System users – Maintain user, select a user
and go to the AEpus tab.

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System Management: Advanced Configuration

4.12 Message Subscription overview

The Message Queue Subscription records all authorizations for all AEpus in your AEOS
system. The Message Queue Subscription overview monitoring functionality enables you to
check in the Read index whether any of the AEpus is not completely updated yet. This may be
the case due to heavy system traffic or the loading of new authorizations after a system update,
for instance. This function should only be used in exceptional situations like these, and not on a
regular basis! It is located under Monitor – System status – Message Subscription

4.13 Maintenance mode

The Maintenance mode (Administration – Maintenance – (De)activate maintenance
mode.can be activated in order to inform users that AEOS is under maintenance (e.g. during an

By composing a Maintenance mode message you can inform users that it is not possible to
login. When users try to log in, they will be notified that this is not permitted (Users are not
automatically logged out when this mode is activated)
Clock on the Add users button to select users who are to retain access while AEOS is in
maintenance mode.

5 Identifiers
AEOS uses identifiers (usually badges) to recognize carriers (persons or vehicles) at access

When an identifier is presented at an access point, AEOS looks up the carrier linked to the
badge. AEOS then checks whether this carrier should be granted access (based on day/time
schedules, templates, etc.). Authorizations are linked to carriers, not to identifiers. Therefore,
carriers can be issued more than one identifier.

Note: You can only issue a badge after defining day/time schedules and templates
(combinations of day/time schedules and entrance (group)s). See Section 3.6 for details.

Apart from regular badges, you can also issue a replacement badge. This may be necessary if
an employee has left his/her badge at home, for instance. Badges can also be withdrawn. This
is typically done when an employee no longer works for the company or when a visitor leaves a
building. Defective and stolen badges are withdrawn and blocked (to prevent misuse).

It also possible to block and unblock carriers (see Chapter 6).

5.1 Searching for identifiers (and carriers)

To maintain carriers’ access rights, go to Person – Shared functions – Maintain person.
Here, you can search for carriers with a particular template or carriers that are authorized for a
particular entrance (group). Queries in this screen heavily load the system database, so you
should enter as many search criteria as possible to narrow the results.

You can also search for carriers through Person – Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Search or
through Vehicle – Car – Search.

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5.1.1 Disabling (part of) an authorization

To temporarily disable (part of) an authorization:
1. Go to a carrier’s profile (Person – Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Search;
Authorization – )
2. On the ‘Maintain Profile’ screen, select the template, entrance group or entrance you want
to disable and click Change.
3. Check the Disabled checkbox and click OK. On the ‘Maintain Profile’ screen, click OK
4. The template, entrance group or entrance will now show 'Switched off'.

The template, entrance group or entrance can be re-enabled following the same steps and by
clearing the Disabled checkbox at step 3.

5.2 Issuing identifiers (badges)

AEOS screens consistently refer to Identifier(s). In practice, these are usually badges and this
is what people normally call them. Therefore this manual will use the term badges, except when
referring to phrases and menu items on AEOS screens.

Issuing a badge is possible only if the carrier, i.e. a person (employee, visitor or contractor) or a
vehicle (car), has been registered (announced) in AEOS. To announce a carrier:
1. Go to:
 Person – Employee – Announce.
 Person – Visitor – Announce.
 Person – Contractor – Announce (if your company uses Contractors)
 Vehicle – Car – Announce.
2. Enter carrier data.
3. To issue a badge, go to the ‘Authorization’ dropdown menu and enter the necessary
authorization data:
a. Select a template that applies to this carrier or click >> to assign more than one
template or specific profiles to this carrier.
b. Select the Identifier type and enter a badge number or click >> to issue more than
one badge to this carrier.
c. If Use Identifier label (02.04) has been enabled in the system properties (see
Appendix A), you can select one of the predefined options in the Identifier label field.
For further details on how to define these identifier labels, see Section 5.7.
1. If your configuration uses verification (e.g. fingerprints, PINs), enter the verification type and
other relevant data. See Chapter 14 for more information on verification.
2. Click OK to save the information.
It is also possible to announce or pre-announce a carrier without immediately issuing a badge.
When you wish to issue a badge, go to the ‘announce’ screen or to Person –
Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Issue identifier. On this screen you can enter the
authorization data (template and/or profile) and issue a badge.

Note: If a passport scanner has been connected, you can use the Read document button to
read and automatically enter all personal information and the passport photo in AEOS. For more
information, see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual.

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5.3 Withdrawing a badge

To withdraw a badge, go to Person – Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Withdraw identifier or
Vehicle – Identifier – Withdraw. When a badge has been issued to a carrier, there is a red X
to the left of the Identifier field.
1. Select the carrier whose badge(s) you wish to withdraw.
2. Click on the red X.
3. Click OK to exit.

To delete several badges at the same time, select multiple items and click on Delete selection.

Note: If a carrier has more than one identifier, but you only want to withdraw one, click >> first
and then the red X to the left of the identifier in question. Click OK to confirm.

5.4 Blocking a badge

To withdraw and block an identifier that is lost, stolen or no longer in use:
1. Go to Person/Vehicle – Identifier – Withdraw and block or -Identifier – Block.
2. Search for the person/vehicle whose badge you want to block, or enter the badge number.
Press Search or <Enter>.
3. Click on the carrier’s name.
4. Click on the badge you want to withdraw and block.
5. Select the reason for blocking the badge.
6. Click OK to confirm.

The badge is now blocked. It will not provide access and cannot be reissued until it has been
unblocked. Obviously, badges that have been lost or stolen cannot be reissued again.

5.5 Unblocking badges

A badge that has temporarily been blocked can be unblocked. This may be necessary if an
employee reports his/her badge missing, but finds it again:
1. Go to Management – Identifiers – Unblock identifier.
2. Select the blocked badge(s).
3. Confirm by clicking on OK.
4. This badge is now ready to be reissued.

5.6 Issuing a replacement badge

If a carrier has lost his/her badge, you can issue a (temporary) replacement:
1. Go to Person – Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Issue replacement or to Person/Vehicle
– Identifier – Issue replacement.
2. Find the carrier to whom you wish to issue a replacement badge.
3. Click on the badge that is to be replaced.
4. Enter the badge number of the replacement badge.
5. At the bottom of the frame there is a field called Blocking reason. Its default value is
Forgotten. If the Use blocking reasons when issuing a replacement option has been
enabled in the system properties (at Administration – Maintenance– Settings – System
properties, 02.11, see Appendix A), then the Blocking reason field will display four
reasons. Choose between Defective, Lost, Forgotten, Stolen. If you select
Defective, Stolen or Lost, the original badge will be permanently blocked (in AEOS
terms: withdrawn and blocked). If you select Forgotten, the badge is blocked temporarily.
6. Click OK to exit.

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A replacement badge can be used in the same way as the original badge (authorizations are
identical). As soon as you issue a replacement, the original badge is blocked until the temporary
badge is returned and withdrawn.

5.6.1 Withdrawing a replacement badge

To withdraw a temporary badge:
1. Go to Person/Vehicle – Identifier – Withdraw or to Person –
Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Withdraw identifier
2. Find the person whose badge you want to withdraw.
3. Select the replacement badge.
4. Click OK.

Now the carrier’s original badge is operational again. The temporary block has been lifted. The
replacement badge that was withdrawn can be reissued to someone else.

5.7 Defining Identifier labels

At Administration – Maintenance – Identifiers – Identifier labels the system administrator
can indicate which (freely definable) identifier ‘situations’ will be used in AEOS. Each situation
may trigger a blocking or unblocking action. To activate this function, ‘Enable identifier labels’
must be enabled in the system properties (02.04). The ‘announce’ screens will then include an
Identifier label field (under the heading Authorization) where you can select one of the options
defined by the system administrator.

This function may serve as a tracking device for badges, if, for example, the defined options
indicate the badges’ physical location but no actions are linked to the labels.

This feature can also act as a simplified badge management system, if blocking and unblocking
actions are triggered when a particular label is selected.

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5.8 Defining identifier types

At Administration – Maintenance – Identifiers – Identifier types your Nedap dealer will have
specified which type(s) of badges (identifiers) are used in your AEOS system. Any additional
identifier types may be created here.

Note: Do not make any changes at Administration – Maintenance – Identifiers – Identifier

types unless you have been authorized to do so by Nedap or a Nedap business partner.

To define a new identifier type:

1. Select the relevant identifier type.
2. Click New.
3. On the next screen, enter the properties of the new identifier type.
 Name: the name of the identifier type you are creating. This name will be displayed as
one of the selectable options (under Authorization) on the ‘announce’ screens.
 Identification type: choose between String, BCD (binary coded decimal),
Hexadecimal or Numeric.
 Identifier length: set the number of characters.
 Identifier minimum & maximum values: the range within which the badge number
must fall.
 Identifier conversion: convert data to upper or lower case
 Generate Id: AEOS generates the ID number for the identifier
 Printable: if enabled, the (barcode) identifier is automatically printed if no badge
number is entered while issuing a badge. The system selects a random free badge
number and prints it on the badge. (If a badge number is entered on the screen, no
barcode is printed.)
 Use external label: if enabled, two numbers must be entered when issuing a badge.
The number on the badge must be entered in the Identification field, while the internal
number (that is read at the access point and hence is used for authorization) must be
entered in the Internal Identification field. The latter operation can be simplified by
using a device reader, see Section 11.6.
 Print receipt: if enabled, a receipt is automatically printed when a badge of this type is
 Add leading zeroes: if enabled, leading zeroes are added to give the identifier the
right length.
 Leading character: Default leading character is ‘0’. In some situations it is useful to
change this (e.g. to a space).
 Identifier type map: this field is visible only if you are licensed to use Identifier type
mapping and have enabled ‘Use identifier type mapping’ in the system properties
(02.10). The Identifier type map field will display a dropdown menu from which you
can select one of the maps previously defined at Administration – Maintenance –
Identifiers – Identifier type maps (see Section 5.9)
 Thirdparty label: This is sometimes used in combination with an Offline system.

Caution: These parameters must never be changed in a system in operation, i.e. in which
badges have already been issued.

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5.9 Identifier type mapping

Identifier type mapping applies only to systems using several types of Nedap badges with
different customer codes. It is often hard to tell them apart, making it difficult for system users to
choose the right identifier type when issuing a badge.

In order to prevent problems, you may choose to merge the various types of identifier. Users
can then simply select this new, merged, identifier type, or you can set it as the default value.

Identifier type mapping is possible only if you use Badge Management, since the maps you are
creating will contain series of badges that must be defined at Administration -- Badges –
With an AEOS Blue license, Badge Management is free. With an AEOS Classic license, you
must have a license to use the Badge Management option.

Note: Only carry out identifier type mapping if you have been authorized to do so by Nedap or a
Nedap business partner.

Identifier type mapping is a four-step process:

 Enable identifier type mapping (5.10)
 Specify the range of badge numbers for each customer code at Administration –
Maintenance – Identifiers – Identifier types. (5.8). Numbers may not overlap.
 Create identifier type maps (5.11)
 Specify the range of badge numbers to be included in each map at Administration –
Badges – Administration. See Chapter 20.

5.10 Enabling identifier type mapping

To enable identifier type mapping
1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Settings – System properties.
2. Enable Use identifier type mapping (02.10).
3. Restart AEOS.
4. The menu must now include the item Identifier type maps (Administration –
Maintenance – Identifiers – Identifier type maps. If this item is not visible, it must be
added to the user role.

5.11 Creating identifier type maps

To create identifier type maps:
1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Identifiers – Identifier type maps.
2. Click New to create a new map.
3. Give the map a name.
4. Click OK to save.

After you have created maps, go to Administration – Badges – Administration to indicate the
range of badge numbers to be included in each map. See Chapter 20 for more information.

When issuing a badge, entering the badge number is sufficient for the system to automatically
select the right identifier type map. Identifier type maps can only be deleted if they are empty,
i.e. if there are no longer any identifier types assigned to them.

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5.12 Setting the maximum number of identifiers

It is possible to limit the number of identifiers a carrier may be issued. This maximum number
can be set for every carrier type and for every identifier type at Administration – Maintenance
– Identifiers – Set maximum identifiers.

6 Carriers
Carriers are persons or vehicles who can be authorized to enter (certain zones in) your building
or site by means of an identifier (badge). AEOS distinguishes between four types of carriers:
 Employees: people employed directly by your company.
 Visitors: people visiting your company.
 Contractors: people employed either by ‘vendors’ (i.e. companies/organizations that are
hired by your organization to carry out certain tasks) or by ‘subcontractors’
(companies/organizations hired by the contractor).
 Vehicles: usually cars.
All authorizations in AEOS are linked to carriers rather than identifiers.

6.1 Shared functions

Several carrier functions are identical for all carrier types. These shared functions have been
clustered in the Person/Vehicle – Shared functions menu:
 Maintain person: Allows you to edit the properties of a carrier.
 Change carrier type: Allows you to change the carrier type without having to re-enter all
data. See Section 6.7 for more information.
 Block carrier: If a carrier is blocked, access will be denied at every entrance. See Section
 Unblock carrier: Cancels the carrier block. See Section 6.8.
 Authorization overview: Shows all of the carrier’s authorizations.
Note: Generating this overview can heavily load AEOS. Try to limit the results by using as
many search criteria as possible.

 Assigned lockers: If your company is licensed to use Locker Management, you can see
here which lockers have been assigned to people.
 Activate auto-block: If enabled, this function automatically blocks carriers whose badges
have not been used for an extended period.
 Deactivate auto-block: Deactivates the automatic blocking function.
 Block identifier:
 Unblock identifier:
 Set special: Allows you to mark someone as special if you want to monitor their
movements more closely for some reason. To use this feature, you must also indicate for
which event filter(s) the events caused by this carrier must be displayed (checkbox at
Administration – Filter – Event filters).
 Reset special: Deactivates the ‘special’ status described above.
 Set invisible: Allows you to make someone invisible to the system, i.e. events caused by
this carrier’s badges will not show up on the event monitor.
 Reset invisible: Reverses invisibility.
 Export photo: Export photos in their original format to a local file (
Select file name format from: Full name, Lastname_Firstname, objectid,

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6.2 Importing carriers

AEOS allows you to import (personal) data from an external source (e.g. your human resource
database) from the AEOS server. This makes it easy to add new employees in AEOS and to
update existing employee data.

For more information on how to configure this function, see the AEOS Advanced Installation

To import personal data, go to Administration – Import carriers– Import.

Select the file you want to Import from. Check the Delete file box to remove the file after import
is complete. Click Start to import the file. Click Refresh to view the current import status.

At Administration – Import carriers – Overview you can see what happened during import
and whether the process was completed.

Caution: Be extremely careful when importing data; importing incorrect data may corrupt
access control and compromise security.

6.3 Visitors
If you use Visit Management option, please refer not only to the basic registration procedure
below, but also to multiple visits (Visit Management) in Chapter 16.
With an AEOS Blue license, the Visit Management option can be enabled at Administration –
Maintenance – System properties. With an AEOS Classic license, you must have a license to
use the Visit Management option.

6.3.1 Pre-announcing visitors

Visitors can be pre-announced by a system user at Person – Visitor – Pre-announce. They
can also pre-announce themselves at Person – Visitor – Pre-announce yourself. These
screens are intended only for entering personal information. Authorizations and badges are
assigned at Person – Visitor – Announce.

The Read document button can be used to scan personal data and photos from a passport
and automatically enter them in the corresponding fields in AEOS. For further details on this
function, see Section 11.5 and the Advanced Installation Manual.

6.3.2 Announcing several visitors for the same contact person

If you need to announce several visitors for the same contact person, you can enter all the
required information and then use the Next colleague button. This will save the information and
copy the contact person to the next screen, which you can edit to announce the next visitor for
the same contact. Click OK to exit.

6.3.3 Searching for existing visitors

Use the search function to check whether a visitor who presents him or herself at your desk has
already been registered in AEOS. Go to either Person – Visitor – Search or Person – Visitor
– Announce and use the button next to the Last name field. The system administrator can
set the Date from field on this screen to display the current date by default (see system
properties, Appendix A).

If the visitor has been registered before and his/her name shows up in the search results, you
can click on the visitor’s name. This will open the Person – Visitor – Announce screen.

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This screen displays basic visitor data as well as information on the visitor’s first registration,
when his/her authorizations expire, and his/her last visit (date, time and last entrance used).

The ‘announce’ screen also shows additional headings (Event history; Logbook, History)
followed by an  icon. If you click on the icon, a pop-up will provide information on the carrier’s
previous visits. The system may be set to display only the last visit, or any number of previous
visits (system property 2.50).

If the visitor is not recognized by AEOS, use the New button at the bottom right of your screen
to open the ‘announce’ screen. Any information entered in the search fields will automatically be
copied to this screen.

For more details on searching, see Section 2.3.

6.4 Announcing carriers

The procedure for announcing employees, contractors (if applicable) and cars is very similar to
the procedure for announcing visitors as described in Section 6.3. For issuing identifiers to
carriers, see Section 5.2.

6.5 Deleting Carriers

Carriers (visitors, employees, contractors and vehicles) registered in AEOS can be deleted at
Person – Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Delete or at Vehicle – Car – Delete.
1. Enter your search criteria.
2. Check the boxes next to the carrier(s) you wish to delete and press Delete selection.

To select all the carriers in this list, check the top box.
Caution: Checking the top box means that ALL the carriers that match the search criteria have
now been selected, including those that are not visible because the list is longer than the
screen! Scroll down to see which carriers have been selected and double check whether you
want to remove all these as well.

Deleted carriers are no longer shown on screen, but information on these carriers remains in
the AEOS database as historical data.

The badges of carriers that have been deleted are automatically disconnected from those
carriers and are no longer valid. They can be reissued to other carriers.

6.6 Editing several carriers

Go to Person – Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Edit to change data for several carriers at the
same time. Search and select the carriers whose data you wish to edit. This function is useful
for changing data that applies to various carriers, for example the department or company
where these carriers work, their carrier group or count group, or whether they should be granted
access during holidays. Edit the appropriate fields and remember to check the Change box in
the fields you want to modify. Click OK to save the changes.

If you do not know someone’s carrier type (visitor, employee, contractor), you can search for
them at Person – Shared functions – Maintain carrier.

6.7 Changing carrier type

You can change a carrier’s carrier type – from contractor to employee or from visitor to
employee, for example – at Person – Shared functions – Change person type. Search and

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select the carrier(s) whose type you want to change. In the Change to field, select the new
carrier type. Press <Enter> or OK to save the changes.

If you select only one carrier, AEOS copies the carrier’s data to a new screen of the selected
carrier type. AEOS removes the original carrier data.

If you select several carriers at the same time, AEOS copies their data to the new carrier type.
This process is not visible to the user. However, the search results reveal that the carrier type
has been changed. AEOS also automatically deletes the carriers’ data from the original carrier

6.8 Blocking Carriers

If a carrier must be denied access, all his/her badges can be blocked in one operation:
1. Go to Person/Vehicle – Shared functions – Block carrier. ,
2. Select the carrier you wish to block.
3. Select the reason why this carrier is to be blocked. Blocking reasons are defined at
Administration – Maintenance – Blocking reasons. and click OK.
If a blocked badge is presented at a door, the event monitor will record this as an abnormal
event. Note that it is the carrier that is blocked, not the badge. This means that none of the
badges issued to this carrier will work. Any vehicles linked to this carrier (Owner in AEOS), will
automatically be blocked as well.

Note: To block a single badge (because it is lost, stolen or defective), go to Person/Vehicle –

Identifier – Block identifier (see Section 5.4).

6.8.1 Defining carrier blocking reasons

When you block a carrier (person or vehicle), you can indicate why by selecting one of the
blocking reasons available. These reasons can be defined at Administration – Maintenance –
Blocking reasons.

Note: When a carrier is blocked, this is displayed on the carrier’s ‘announce’ screen along with
the reason why he/she has been blocked.

6.8.2 Defining auto-block

AEOS can automatically block carriers when their badge(s) have not been used for a certain
1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Auto-block.
2. For each carrier type (car, contractor, employee and visitor) select the blocking reason and
the period of inactivity (in days) after which a carrier is automatically blocked.
3. In the Start time field you can specify at what time verification of the auto-block list is to
begin. Because this operation heavily loads AEOS, it is recommended to choose a time
when a minimum strain is being placed on AEOS (e.g. after office hours).
Caution: Make sure the auto-block period is longer than carriers’ holidays. Otherwise carriers
will be blocked because their badges were not used during their time off work.

6.9 Unblocking carriers

To unblock carriers, go to Person/Vehicle – Shared functions – Unblock carrier. Retrieve the
blocked carriers using the search screen. Select the carrier(s) you wish to unblock and click OK
to confirm.

The carriers or carriers’ badges will work again and the original authorization(s) will be restored.

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7 Entrances

7.1 Adding a new entrance

To add a new entrance to AEOS after the system has been configured, take the following steps:
 Confirm the access point in AEOS at Configuration – Maintenance – Confirm access
points (see Section 3.4.1).
 Assign the access point to a new or existing entrance at Configuration – Maintenance –
Entrances (see Section 3.5).
 If you have created a new entrance, add it to one or more templates at Authorization –
Maintenance – Templates (see Section 3.7).

7.2 Automatic schedules

AEOS can automatically disable verification and lock or unlock entrances at certain times. If an
entrance has been automatically unlocked, anyone can enter and no badges are needed. If an
entrance has been automatically locked, no one can get in or out, not even with a valid badge.
During the Verification disabled schedule no verification is needed for this entrance. With the
Toggle schedule the automatic opening of doors can be toggled during this schedule (first
badge opens door, second badge closes door, etc).

To apply an automatic schedule:

1. Go to Entrance – Entrance – Configure schedules.
2. Select one or more entrances.
3. Select the day/time schedules you wish to use for automatically locking, unlocking and
disabling verification (see Section 3.6 for details on defining day/time schedules).
4. Click Save.
Note: Doors that are scheduled to unlock at certain times, will not unlock automatically on
public holidays.

7.3 Entrance priority list

In a configuration with many entrances (access points), changes in authorizations – such as
those resulting from issuing a badge – will not immediately go into effect at all entrances. In
such cases, you can prioritize entrances close to the area where the badges are issued. These
entrances will then be updated first.

To prioritize entrances:
1. Go to Administration – Filters – Entrance priority list.
2. Click New to create a new list.
3. Give the priority list a name.
4. Click on Add entrances.
5. Search and select the entrances.
6. You can further prioritize the selected entrances using the Change order button.
7. Click OK to save the entrance priority list.

7.3.1 Locations labels

The Locations labels function can be used to define the exact geographical location of the
entrances in AEOS. The three labels -- Country, Site and Sub site are in hierarchical order.
You can use these labels as search criteria when searching for entrances. This can simplify

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your search, particularly if you work in a large, multi-site organization. Suppose you need to find
a particular entrance but have forgotten its name, you may be able to find it by searching for it
by city and building.

To create physical entrance labels:

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Labels – Locations.
2. Click New in the ‘Country’ frame.
3. Enter the country’s name.
4. Click OK.
5. To add sites to this country, select the country and click New in the ‘Site’ frame.

Note: These are hierarchical labels, so all sites added here will be located in the one selected

6. To define areas within one of the sites, select a site and click New in the ‘Sub site’ frame.
These areas will rank under the Site (under the Country) you have currently selected.

Once these labels have been defined, they can be attached to one or more entrances at
Configuration – Maintenance – Entrances.

7.3.2 Functional entrance labels

Aside from physical labels, there are also functional labels that can be assigned to entrances.
These labels are mainly intended to make it easier to search and group entrances (and lockers,
if your company is licensed to use Locker Management).

The functional entrance labels are freely definable and non-hierarchical.

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Labels – Functional entrance labels.

2. Click New to create a new label.
3. Enter a name and a description.
4. Click OK to save the label.

These labels can be attached to entrances at Configuration – Maintenance – Entrances (see

Section 3.5.1) or lockers (see Section 23.2). When defining a new entrance/locker, you will see
a Function field where you can select one of the functional labels previously defined.

7.4 Manual unlock

7.4.1 Manually unlocking an entrance

In exceptional cases, when someone needs to be granted access without a badge, you can
manually unlock one or more entrances:
1. Go to Entrance – Entrance – Provide access.
2. Select the entrance(s) you wish to unlock.
3. Click Unlock bottom right. The entrance or entrances are now unlocked to admit one
person or vehicle. All access points connected to this entrance are unlocked.

An entrance that has been manually unlocked will remain unlocked for the specified unlock
time. This unlock time has been set on the AEpu.

System users can only unlock the entrances that are included in the ‘provide access’ filter they
have been assigned at Management – System users – Maintain user, tab Entrances, column
Provide access filter.

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7.4.2 Emergency entrance groups

In emergencies – such as a fire alarm or an intruder alert – a predefined set of entrances can be
opened (unlocked) or closed (locked) in a single operation, at Monitor – Emergency – Unlock
or at Monitor – Emergency – Lock.

To close or open the desired set of entrances in a single move, select Lock NOW or Unlock
NOW. The unlocked entrances can now be used without a badge. Locked entrances will remain
closed even if a valid badge is presented.

To restore the default situation, go to Monitor – Emergency – Undo. Creating emergency entrance groups

To create emergency entrance groups:
1. Go to Monitor – Emergency –Emergency entrance groups.
2. Click New.
3. Enter a name for the emergency entrance group.
4. Select the entrances you wish to add:
a. Click on Add entrance(s).
b. Select the entrances.
c. Click OK.
Note: An entrance can only be included in one emergency entrance group. Once it has been
selected, it will no longer appear in the list of entrances you can select when creating the next

7.4.3 Reloading an entrance

It is possible to reload the authorizations of a particular entrance, for example when an entrance
malfunctions or after the hardware has been replaced. To reload the authorizations, go to
Entrance – Entrance – Reload entrance.

7.4.4 Creating an entrance passage

Sometimes, a carrier enters a zone without presenting his/her badge. For instance, this may
happen when employees A and B both pass through a door after A has presented a badge.
Because B does not present a badge, he/she enters the zone unnoticed. That is, AEOS has not
recorded B’s passage. This situation can be rectified by manually creating an entrance passage
for B, as follows:
1. Go to Entrance – Entrance – Simulate passage or to Entrance – Entrance – Simulate
vehicle passage.
2. Click Search to find the carrier for whom you wish to simulate a passage.
3. At the bottom left of your screen, select the Entrance, the Direction (in or out), the Date
(default value is current date), the Time, and – if applicable – the APB zone.
4. Click OK to confirm. AEOS now creates an event that simulates a passage in or out through
this entrance.

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7.5 Entrance groups

The system administrator can create groups of entrances that have the same authorizations.
Grouping entrances makes it easier to allocate authorizations to carriers, because you can
select groups instead of individual entrances.

To create entrance groups, go to Authorization – Maintenance – Entrance groups. For

information on using the Region, Area and Organization fields, please refer to Section 7.5.1.
Note: One entrance can be included in several entrance groups.

7.5.1 Entrance group labels

The location of an entrance group can be specified at Authorization – Maintenance – Labels
– Entrance group labels using the entrance group labels 'Region', 'Area' and 'Organization'.
These non-hierarchical labels can make it easier to retrieve a particular entrance group.

To define entrance group labels:

1. Go to Authorization – Maintenance – Labels – Entrance group labels.
2. Click New in the ‘Region’ frame.
3. Enter a name and a description.
4. Click OK.
Repeat these steps to define ‘Area’ and ‘Organization’ labels.

7.6 Entrance filters

You may wish to restrict which entrances can be seen and/or changed by system users. This is
done by defining entrance filters. It is particularly useful to do so in situations where several
organizations share a building and its access control system. For example, receptionists from
company A should not have access to company B’s entrances and vice versa. Entrance filters
make this distinction possible.

The Authorizations section of the screen will display only those templates for which all
entrances are valid according to the entrance filter assigned to the system user.

To define entrance filters:

1. Go to Administration – Filters – Entrance filters.
2. Click New.
3. Give the entrance filter a name.
4. Click on Add entrances or Add entrance groups to assign either individual entrances or
entrance groups to this filter.
5. Click OK to save.

Entrance filters are assigned to individual users, not to user roles. To assign an entrance filter,
go to Management – System users – Maintain user, tab Entrances.

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7.6.1 SOAA entrance filters

For the SOAA entrances you can define a SOAA entrance filters. These filters do have the
same functionality as the entrance filters but only contain SOAA entrances.

To define entrance filters:

Go to Administration – Filters – SOAA entrance filters.
See previous chapter ‘Entrance filters’ how to create a filter.

SOAA entrance filters are assigned to individual users, not to user roles. To assign a SOAA
entrance filter, go to Management – System users – Maintain user, tab User. You can only
assign one SOAA entrance filter to a user.

7.6.2 Offline entrance filters

For the Offline entrances you can define offline entrance filters. These filters do have the same
functionality as the entrance filters but only contain offline entrances.

To define entrance filters:

Go to Administration – Filters – Offline entrance filters.
See previous chapter ‘Entrance filters’ how to create a filter.

Offline entrance filters are assigned to individual users, not to user roles. To assign an offline
entrance filter, go to Management – System users – Maintain user, tab User. You can only
assign one offline entrance filter to a user.

8 Events and alarms

At every entrance, AEOS records each instance in which a badge is presented. It also records
the time when this occurs and any irregularities. In AEOS these are called events. You can see
a list of these events in the event monitor (see Section 8.1).

AEOS also maintains an audit trail, a record of all the operations performed by system users in
AEOS (see Section 8.2).

8.1 Viewing events and alarms

To monitor the current events that are taking place at the entrances (from the moment the
event monitor is activated), go to Monitor – Event monitor).

There are two modes in which events can be viewed:

 Text events: Displays all events as text (Monitor – Event monitor – Text events).
 Photo events: Displays the main events (optional added with some selectable free fields)
as text, and adds a photo of the carrier who causes the events (Monitor – Event monitor –
Photo events).
You can customize how events are represented textually (font colour, background colour, etc.)
and whether an event should trigger an alarm and/or an audible warning signal. You can define
these settings at Administration – Maintenance – Events & alarms (see Section 8.1.2).

Viewing all events is often impractical because there are too many, so it makes sense to define
event filters which narrow down the events presented. You could opt to view only irregularities
that result from the presentation of an invalid badge, for example.

To select a filter or change default Photo event settings, go to Administration – Filters – Event
filters. The system will now show in real time all events and alarms that match the filter criteria

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and send these to the event printer (if an event printer has been defined). To read how to define
event filters, see Section 8.1.1)

Note: If you double-click on the Details column in the events and alarms list, the carrier data
linked to this badge will be displayed.

8.1.1 Event filters

The events monitored by AEOS can be viewed at Monitor – Event monitor – Text events /
Photo events. The default event filter All events is predefined. This filter is often impractical
because of the large number of events this displays. For a narrower selection of events, you
can define event filters. You might wish to exclude all events caused by authorized badges and
view only those caused by invalid badges. Or perhaps you wish to monitor only the events
related to count groups and count zones.

To define an event filter:

1. Go to Administration – Filters – Event filters.
2. Click New.
3. Enter a name for the new event filter.
4. Select the items you wish to include and move them to the ‘Selected’ list box.
5. Select a Printer to print the events in this filter (see Section 4.1 for more information on
6. Additional settings for the Photo events can be defined using the Photo event Properties
button (Select data to be shown, including free fields and how data is to be represented)
7. Click OK to save.

8.1.2 Customizing text event appearance

You can customize the appearance of each individual event in the event monitor:

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Events & alarms to set:

 Alarm: If enabled, the event name will be displayed in the alarm window (bottom half of the
event monitor) every time the event occurs.
 Sound: If enabled, an audible warning signal (beep) goes off when this event occurs.
 Background colour: Select a background colour for the row displaying this event.
 Font colour: Select a font colour for the text describing this event.
2. Click OK to save the changes.

8.1.3 Configuring photo events

When configuring Photo events, you can determine which text fields will appear, how long a
photo will be displayed (expiration time) and how many rows and columns are to be shown. Go
to Monitor – Event monitor – Photo event properties for the default settings, These can be
changed in the Event filters.

8.2 Viewing logged events

To see an overview of events logged in the database, go to Monitor – Events – View .

You can enter various criteria for retrieving these events, e.g. event type, entrance, identifier
type, carrier type, etc.

In the Log type field, select which events you want to see: Current, Current + Archive,
Archive, or Restored.

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8.3 View audit trail

The audit trail is a log of operations performed by AEOS users. To review the audit trail
(logbook) for specific user operations:
1. Go to Monitor – Logbook – View.
2. Click Search to see all operations performed by all system users on that day.
3. To narrow down the results, enter search criteria such as user name, one or more functions,
a period or a specific part of the audit trail (log type, see Section 8.5).

The Details field allows you to enter specific data, such as a badge number. By using this field,
you can retrieve all operations carried out using a specific test badge or check all operations
logged by a particular AEpu, for example.

8.3.1 Audit trail filter

You can create a filter to limit the items included in the audit trail you view at Monitor –
Logbook – View.

To create a filter, go to Monitor – Logbook – Audit trail filter. The frame on the right shows all
items included in the audit trail, while the list box on the left displays selectable items currently
not included.

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8.4 Viewing carrier presence

You can use the presence list to see whether a carrier is present or not, and if so, in which zone
he/she is.

To see the presence list, go to Monitor – Presence – View presence Persons / Vehicles .
Enter a name or another search criterion, or click Search to see a complete overview of all
carriers present on site.

Carriers present for more than 72 hours consecutively are marked for your attention.

8.5 Archiving
Archiving allows you to move data from the active log file to an overflow table (both of which are
in the database) and from the database to a file. Archived data can be restored to the database
at a later time. Archiving can be used when there are problems with available disk space or
system performance. Archiving options are set at Administration – Archive – Archiving.



Clean Waste bin

Table: Overflow table:


Restore table:


Figure 6. Visual representation of the archiving process.

There are two log files that can be archived:

 Audit trail log: Contains all changes to the settings and authorizations in AEOS. These
include changes in templates, carriers added, entrances added, access points confirmed,
etc. It also shows the duration of modifications, which allows you to analyze which
operations are heavily loading the system and slowing it down.
 Event Log: Contains all logged events.
The same archiving options are available for both log files. These options are set as follows:
1. Select the log file you wish to archive. The properties of the selected log file appear in the
bottom half of the screen.
2. Check the Activate overflow storage box.
3. Configure the overflow storage properties (described below).

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The overflow storage process removes entries from the log file and moves them to an
overflow table that is also stored in the database. This option limits the size of the log file,
providing better system performance and faster searching within log files.
4. Click OK to save the changes.
If you have checked the Archive overflow storage to file box, an Archive now button
appears after you have clicked on OK. Use this button to start archiving at any time.
 Log size: Specifies the time constraints for the log file in the database. If the log file
exceeds these, entries are moved to the overflow file. The time constraints are set in days
or months.
 Overflow size: Specifies the time constraints of the overflow file in the database. If the
overflow file exceeds these, entries are deleted from the database or written to a file if the
Archive overflow storage to file option has been selected.
 Transfer interval: Specifies how often the log file is compared with the constraints. This
interval should be shorter than the time constraints set for the log and overflow sizes.
 Next run on: Specifies when archiving must take place. Enter a date in the first field and a
time in the second.
 Archive overflow storage to file: Check this box if you wish to save the overflow storage
to a file. You must also set an interval and a time for the next scheduled run. If this option is
not enabled, entries are removed from the storage overflow when this exceeds the specified
Note: Because archiving runs as a background application is should not affect how AEOS
functions. Still, it is advisable to run archiving at times when AEOS is not likely to be heavily

Archiving affects the log files that can be viewed at Monitor – Events – View (Event log) and at
Monitor – Audit trail – View. You can select the Log type, i.e. which part of the log file you
wish to see. Choose between Current + Archive, Current, Archive or Restored.
Log file entries that have been removed from the database (either deleted or moved to a local
file) can no longer be viewed.

8.5.1 Restoring from archive

Archived log files (both event logs and audit trail logs) can be restored to the database at
Administration – Archive – Restore archive. When you restore archived log files, the data is
moved to a special ‘restored data’ section.

Restore archived data as follows:

1. Select the type of Log file to be restored. Choose between Event log and Audit trail
2. The available log files are shown in the Restore from field. Select the applicable file.
3. If you wish to clean the log you are about to restore before restoring the data, enable Clean
restored log first. If you fail to check this box, the restored data is added to the existing
data as is. This may result in overlap in entries.
4. Click Start to begin the restoration process.
Restored archives can be viewed at Monitor – Events – View (Event log) or at Monitor –
Logbook – View (Audit trail log). To view the restored data, select Restored in the Log type

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9 Reports
The AEOS report generator allows users to generate reports based on information in the
database. The report generator is a license-free option in AEOS. Users may generate an
unlimited number of reports. To create a report, begin by importing a design from iReport, an
external (open source) program. For more information on iReport, see

In iReport, the user can specify the desired layout of the report and the database query (which
data the user wishes to retrieve from the AEOS database). This design must be saved under a
name with the extension .jasper. The design is then imported into AEOS, where it can be used
to generate reports with the variables included in the design.

Report filters (Administration – Filters – Report filters) can be added to a user to define
which reports this user is allowed to use.

9.1 Enabling and setting the report generator

In order to use the report generator, it must be enabled in the system properties.
1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Settings – System properties.
2. Check the Report generation enabled box (20.03) to enable the generator.
3. Set the starting and ending times for report generation (20.01 and 20.02);
Caution: Reports that are too long to be generated within the set time limit are given ‘timed-out’
status. They will NOT automatically be generated the next day.

4. Set the delay (in seconds) between selection of the Generate now (20.04) option and the
actual start of the report generation. If this value is set to 0 seconds, no immediate report
generation will be possible and the option Generate now will not be visible in the reports
If you change any of these settings, you must restart the AEOS report server.

To determine which user roles can view and enable the report generator, go to Management –
System users – Maintain user role, tab Configuration.

9.2 Importing designs

In order to generate a report, begin by importing a report design.
1. Go to Administration – Reports – Designs.
2. Click on Add design to import a new design.
3. Fill in the name of the design (with its .jasper extension) and the location of the file, which
should be located on a (network) drive.
4. Click the OK button to save the design to the database. Once this step is completed, the
.jasper file is no longer needed.
Note: Designs can also be deleted, but only if they have not been used to generate reports. A
used design can only be removed if all reports generated based on this design have been
deleted first.

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9.3 Generating reports

To generate a report:
1. Go to Administration – Reports – Reports.
2. You will see an overview of reports generated earlier and reports that are waiting to be
generated during the next pre-programmed time slot. It is possible to delete these reports.
3. Click Add report to create a new report.
4. Fill in the following mandatory fields:
 Design: Select the design you wish to use.
 Generation date: Enter the date on which the report must be generated.
 Priority: If several reports are scheduled for the same date, you can specify which
report must be given priority. Select from the following priority rankings: High, Medium
or Low.
 Format: Select the format in which the report should appear. Your choices are:
‘MSWord’, ‘Text’, ‘PDF’ or ‘Excel’.
5. The following fields are optional:
 Recurring: check this box if a report needs to be generated periodically. Once
checked several choices will become visible: choose either Daily, Weekly, Monthly or
Yearly and specify further according to the choices presented (e.g. Monthly – 1st day
of every 2 month(s) or The First Monday of every 3 month(s)).
Note: Starting time and end time windows for generating (recurring) reports are system-
wide and can be set at System properties 20.01 and 20.02.

6. E-mail address: a copy of the report will be sent automatically to the e-mail address
entered in this field
7. E-mail subject: the text entered here will show up as the subject of the e-mail message
8. As soon as you have selected a design, the query parameters you have defined for this
design will become visible. Select the parameters you want to use for this report.
9. Click OK to save the report.

Some parameters are automatically presented in a dropdown menu if you have given them a
particular name while generating the design in iReport. For more information on this feature,
see the AEOS_ReportServer_E manual.

9.3.1 Generate a report now

Once you have created a report, it will appear in the list of reports at Administration – Reports
– Reports.

As long as the report has not actually been generated, you can click on the name of the report
to change the settings or parameters.

If you click on Generate now in the Status column, the report will not be generated during the
pre-set time slot, but immediately (after the number of seconds’ delay specified in the system

After clicking on Generate now the Status column will read ‘Generating’ and the Priority
column will read ‘Immediate’.

Caution: Depending on the query, the Generate now command can affect overall AEOS
performance, because the report accesses the same database as the AEOS application server.

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9.4 Viewing a report

Just like the imported designs, generated reports are saved in the database. To view the
contents of a report:
1. Go to Administration – Reports – Reports.
2. Go to the report you wish to see and activate Download (in the Status column).
The Generation time(s) column displays how long it took (in seconds) to generate the report.

10 Faces
AEOS Faces are special graphic user interfaces designed to make AEOS more user-friendly,
more efficient and to prevent human error. A separate interface can be created for each user
role, geared specifically towards the tasks that end users need to perform in this role. These
interfaces offer maximum support and ease-of-use to individual end users.

Below is an example of a graphic AEOS interface with several tabs.

Tabs, Doors is



Figure 7. Multi-tab interface in which each tab represents a different type of face. The selected
tab (All Doors) displays 6 items that each show the status of the Access Point and a button to
unlock it.

An AEOS face consists of the following components:

 Item: The link between the interface and the AEbcs defined in AEmon.
 Frame: A combination of items. Each frame has its own function, e.g. to check the
status of an access point or show the camera view and the event log of a particular
access point.
 Cameras: Can be used in a frame to show live moving or still pictures.
 Filters: For making the selection of that part of the data that must be available in a
 Face: The page on which frames are placed. All frames on one page must be of the
same type.

Note: The same item or frame can be used in several faces. An item can be used either in a
frame or directly in a face.

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Face filters (Administration – Filters – Face filters) can be helpful to limit user rights.

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10.1 Creating a face

To create a face, you must take the following steps:
 Use the correct AEbcs. Ask your supplier or refer to the AEmon_AEConf_UserManual.
 Link the AEbcs to items and select those items you wish to display on the interface (10.2)
 Link items and cameras (if any) in a frame (10.3)
 Determine which frames are to be shown on the interface (creating a face) (10.4)
 Select and activate the face you want to display (10.4.9)

10.2 Defining items

An item is a particular AEbc that you wish to represent in graphic form on the screen. (A camera
can also be identified as an item).
1. Go to Administration – Faces – Items.
2. Select an item type (Map Alarm handler configuration item, Map Alarm handler preferences
item, Access Point item, Alarm handler item, Camera Group item, Event monitor item,
Inputguard item, Interface server item, Map alarm handler configuration item, Map alarm
handler user preferences item, Remote Output item or Screen config item). For more
information on these types, see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual.
3. Click New to create a new item.
4. You will see a list of AEbcs of this item type.
5. Select the AEbc you wish to display.

Note: The user interface will be headed by the item Description you enter here rather than the
item Name.

Caution: AEOS must have access to those AEpus in the system that Faces interacts with,
otherwise the AEbcs will not be displayed in the list of available AEbcs.

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10.3 Defining frames

Items can be combined in a frame.
1. Go to Administration – Faces – Frames.
2. Select the type of frame in which you wish to combine items. Choose from Access point
view frame, Fallback photo view frame, Gate monitor frame Input
state frame, Map alarm handler frame, Switch view frame or Text
alarm handle frame. For more information on frame types, see the AEOS Advanced
Installation Manual.
3. Click New to create a new frame of that type.
Select the items (AEbcs) or cameras you wish to combine from the list.
Note: The user interface will be headed by the frame Description you enter here rather than
the frame Name.

10.4 Creating a face

To create the actual interface:
1. Go to Administration – Faces – Faces.
2. Select the type of face you wish to create. Choose from Accesspoint status face,
Accesspoint view face, Button camera face, Fallback photo event face, Gate monitor face,
Input status face, Map alarm handler face, Multi-tab face, Switch view face or Text alarm
handler face.
3. Click New to create a new face of the selected type.
4. Select the frames or items you wish to display on the interface. Only frames and items of
the same type can be selected. The dimensions of the icons and buttons are adjusted
automatically to the size of the screen, depending on the number of items to be shown.
Note: The Name you assign to the interface will be used as a heading and will appear on the
tab in a multi-face tab.

10.4.1 Access point status face

This screen shows the status of one or more access point items as well as an unlock button for
each of these access points.

If the door monitor contact is connected, the following statuses can be displayed:
 Door open / closed
 Door open too long
 Direct door alarm
 Door opened by schedule

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If the door monitor contact has not been connected, only the icons representing the door open /
closed status are displayed.

10.4.2 Access point view face

This interface displays not only a button to unlock the door, but also the camera view at the
door, a picture of the carrier presenting his/her identifier and a (current) event log.
 Picture: In the top left corner of the screen, you will see a picture of the carrier causing
the events logged at the bottom of the screen.
 Camera view: View from the selected camera; this can be moving images or stills,
depending on the camera.
 Door open button: To unlock the door.
 Access point event log: Time, Type, Source [<Entrance name> (<access point
name>)] and Details are recorded. You can adjust the width of the columns by
dragging the lines in the event header to the left or right.

10.4.3 Button camera face

This screen displays only the camera view at the door and a button to open the door. Neither
events nor a carrier picture are shown.

Button to unlock door

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10.4.4 Fall back photo event face

This face is used for readers without using a physical door or gate. When a person presents his
or her badge, the Face will show the corresponding picture (photo event) together with the
person’s name and his or her access rights for this reader. A guard can visually inspect the

The Face is designed to run independently of the AEOS server (all person names are stored on
the AEpu that runs the access point for this reader).

In Fallback the photo is not shown, the status bar reading Normal Mode (at green) now reads
Fallback mode (at yellow). If no connection is possible, the bar reads No Connection (at red).

10.4.5 Gate monitor face

This face shows a combination of Event monitor, two remote outputs for the OK and Not OK
buttons and an Inputguard to activate this face and the camera view.
In addition to the events, the face also displays the picture of the carrier.

The Gate monitor face can be used to manually open a gate, after the picture of the carrier
presented has been manually verified. This face is only active if the appropriate input is active. If
this input is not active, neither camera view or picture are shown

10.4.6 Input status face

This screen displays only the status of the input, without a button.

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10.4.7 Map alarm handler face

The Map alarm handler face is used for starting the graphical alarmhandler. A selection is made
from the available Map alarm handler frames, containing:
 User preferences: how the face is shown, background, mouse-over colours, etc
 Screen configuration: on which screen (in case multiple screens are used) and how
the face should start up.
 Configuration: the alarm handler configuration items containing the maps, including
the placed alarmpoints.
 Alarm handler item: the alarm points that belong to this alarm definition will be visible.

10.4.8 Multi-tab face

This screen combines various types of interface, each under a separate tab.

Select a tab to open the desired face.

10.4.9 Switch view face

This screen acts as a control panel for the items displayed.

Status view


 Status: reflects the status of the input. On the left, the input is active (light on), on the
right the input is inactive (light off).
 Button: the button toggles the output depending on the status of the input. If the input
is active, the button will deactivate; if the input is not active, the button will activate.

10.4.10 Text alarm handler face

The text alarm handler face is used for starting the Textual alarm handler face. A selection is
made from the available Text alarm handler frames, containing:
 Screen configuration: on which screen (in case multiple screens are used) and how
the face should start up
 Alarm handler item: the alarm points that belong to this alarm definition will be visible.

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10.5 Selecting a face

To select which face is displayed:
1. Go to Monitor – Faces – Activate.
2. Click on the Search button to see a list of all available faces, or limit your options by first
selecting a face type from the dropdown menu in the Face name field.
Select and click on the face you wish to display.
Note: When a face is started for the first time, the system needs to check all underlying
software. This may cause a delay before the face is actually displayed.

From AEOS 3.1.7, all AEOS faces start as a Java application. The Java Network Launch
Protocol enables the applications to be launched ('Web Start'). When you activate a face, a .jnlp
file is downloaded from the AEOS Server. You need to open this file to start the face. If
necessary, configure the operating systems to associate .jnlp file types with the Java Web Start
launcher (javaws.exe).

10.6 Using Favourites for quick access

For fast access to one or more faces, store a hyperlink to these faces on your Favourites menu.
1. Go to Monitor – Faces – Activate.
2. Search and select the desired face.

3. Copy the address in the address bar (click and copy).

4. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Favourites.
5. Click New to create a new hyperlink.
6. Give the hyperlink a name and paste the address in the URL field.
7. Use the Favourites button (bottom left on the AEOS screen) to display all your hyperlinks.
8. Select the face you wish to open.

10.7 Opening several faces simultaneously

When opening a face using Monitor – Faces – Activate, you can only open one face at a time.
To have several faces open simultaneously, you must activate them individually.

11 Workstation Devices
Your supplier or system administrator can connect various devices to your workstation which
AEOS can communicate with. For example, a digital camera linked to your workstation would
allow you to take pictures using commands displayed on the AEOS screen. Similarly, you could
use AEOS to store signatures if a signature pad were connected to your workstation. Other
possibilities include printing a badge, printing a receipt for a badge, scanning all personal data

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Workstation Devices

from a passport (including the passport photo) and automatically entering it into the appropriate
AEOS fields, or entering a badge number by scanning it with a device reader.

11.1 Operating a digital camera from screen

If a digital photo camera has been connected to your workstation, you can use the commands
on your screen to take and store a digital picture.
1. Click on the Take photo button at the bottom left corner of the ‘announce’ screen to start
the camera driver. Crop and take the picture.
2. The picture is stored as a JPEG file and displayed on the right side of the ‘announce’
screen, next to a carrier’s personal information. This picture may be used to print a badge,
but can also be displayed in a photo event log (Monitor – Event Monitor – Photo events).
It is possible to store multiple pictures of one carrier. AEOS automatically shows the most recent
picture. To view other pictures, scroll horizontally.

If the maximum number of photos is exceeded, the oldest picture is deleted (FIFO). The
maximum number of photos can be set for each carrier type at Administration – Maintenance
– Settings – System properties 22.02 through 22.05.

11.2 Storing a signature

If a signature pad has been connected to your workstation, you can store a carrier’s signature
by clicking on Store signature button at the bottom left. Signatures are stored as bitmaps in the
database and displayed on the ‘announce’ screen as a picture. If more than one signature is
stored, a horizontal scroll menu allows you to scroll through them.

11.2.1 Validity of photos / signatures

To keep carrier photos and signatures up to date, the system administrator can set a maximum
validity for the photos/signatures of each carrier type (System properties 22.07, see Appendix
A). When this validity expires, a pop-up will appear on the carrier ‘announce’ screen, reading:
‘Photo no longer valid. Do you wish to extend validity?’

If you are authorized to extend the validity of photos (Management – System users – Maintain
user – tab Defaults – ‘May extend creation-date of photo’ checked), you can click on the
picture to extend its validity by the same number of days set in the system properties (22.02-
22.05) or you can take a new picture.

11.3 Card printer

You can also operate a card printer using commands on the AEOS screen. This allows you to
print a badge immediately after entering a carrier’s information. The card layout can be
customized to your company’s specifications. See Advanced Installation Manual for more
information on card printers and on configuring AEOS to communicate with a card printer –
including defining the Layout field, a special free field in the Card category related to the card

11.4 Receipt printer

Other devices can also be connected to the workstation, e.g. a printer to print a receipt for a
badge. For more information on printers, see Section 4.1 and the Advanced Installation Manual.

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Workstation Devices

11.5 Passport scanner

A passport scanner connected to the workstation can be used to scan and enter information in
AEOS. All personal information is scanned and automatically entered in the corresponding
fields on the AEOS ‘announce’ screen. If a scanner is connected, a Read document button
appears on the carrier ‘announce’ screens. For more information on connecting this device, see
the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual.

The links between the AEOS carrier fields and the parameters obtained from the passport
reader or other document scanner are defined at: Administration – Maintenance – Devices –
Document mapping.

11.6 Device reader

If a device reader is connected, a component can be created on the AEpu that will send the
scanned card number to the web page. Such a device reader saves work and prevents errors,
particularly when dealing with types of badges that have very long (internal) numbers.

12 Anti Pass Back (optional)

Anti Pass Back (APB) prevents carriers from entering the same room twice in a row or from
following an incorrect route. It ensures that no one can enter a building, zone or site using a
badge that belongs to a carrier who is already inside.

Zone managers

Zone managers are software components that check and update APB zones. A zone manager
can be defined on a dedicated AEpu or can be loaded onto an existing AEpu (one per AEpu).
You can create more than one APB area within the AEOS system (for example, for different
buildings or sites), and accordingly, you can use more than one zone manager.

12.1 How APB works

When a badge is presented at an entrance, the system first checks its authorization (validity). If
the badge is valid, the zone manager checks whether the carrier is allowed to enter or leave the
zone. If so, the carrier is given access. As soon as the carrier has passed through the entrance,
the zone manager updates the APB zone. If the badge is not valid, or if the carrier is not
authorized for this zone, access is denied.

If the APB system was configured using Soft APB, all carriers with valid badges are granted
access, even if they are not authorized for a zone. APB violations (errors) are only recorded in
the event monitor.

If Hard APB was selected during configuration, then carriers that commit an APB violation are
denied access.

Note: If one or more entrances have not functioned properly for a while (because of a defect or
because a door was left open, for instance), then the APB must be reset manually (see Section
12.9.1 ). It is also possible to automatically reset APB per zone manager or per zone every day
(see Section 12.9.2 ).

If you are about to start using APB, it is advisable to set the system to Soft APB initially. This will
allow you to check whether everything has been configured correctly and whether there are
carriers who enter a zone without presenting their badge. Once Soft APB has functioned

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satisfactorily and in accordance with your security requirements for a while, you can switch to
Hard APB. You need not switch the whole system at once, you can introduce Hard APB per
APB zone.

To see whether Soft APB works properly, check the event monitor and the audit trail. Any
carrier who caused an APB violation will show up there.

12.2 Configuring and activating APB

To use APB, you must take the following steps:
 Specify zone managers (see Section 12.3).
 Specify the areas (zones) to which APB applies (see Section 12.5).
 Select the entrances covered by these zones and select the corresponding zone
managers (see Section 12.5)
 Activate APB (see Section 12.7).
 If applicable, disable APB per individual carrier or per carrier group (see Section 12.8).

For APB to work well in practice, you must ensure that badges are not only presented at
entrances, but actually pass the entrances (by using turnstiles, for example). Carriers should not
be able to present a badge and then walk away without entering. Measures must also be taken
to ensure that two people cannot enter together using one badge. Furthermore, the APB zones
cannot have any loopholes through which carriers can enter another area without presenting
their badge.

12.3 Specifying APB zone managers

The zone managers that AEOS finds are automatically confirmed and listed on the ‘Maintain
APB zone managers’ screen at Configuration – APB – APB zone managers.

Select the zone manager you wish to define and change its settings:
 Description: Describes the zone manager.
 Auto reset enabled: If enabled, zones are automatically reset to Neutral once a day, or to
another APB zone if you have specified this on the bottom half of the screen. This ensures
nobody is denied access because they failed to properly log off of AEOS the previous day.
 Reset time: Specify the time for auto reset, usually a time when virtually no incoming or
outgoing moves are registered (e.g. at night).
Caution: Zone manager names may NOT be changed. Zone manager names are derived from
the AEbc name on the AEpu (<AEpuname>Zone managerImpl).

Caution: If communication with the zone manager has been interrupted, you must manually
reset APB or assign the carriers to the right APB zone (see Section 12.9). If you restart the zone
managers, the APB status for all carriers is reset to Neutral.

12.4 Planning out APB zones

Before defining and activating APB, it is a good idea to plan out the APB zones on paper and
come up with a list of areas and entrances to which APB applies, similar to Figure 8.

In the example below, APB has to be configured for part of a building.

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Zone 4


Zone 5

Zone 6 ‘Out’ direction
Outside ‘In’ direction


Figure 8. APB zone plan

You want to use APB for Zones 5 and 6 (two zones). Your next step is to specify for each zone
how and where it can be entered. You must also specify the entry points to the areas adjacent
to the APB zones (the neutral zone where APB does not apply). In this example, the neutral
zone (consisting of Zone 4 and Outside) is named Outer zone 4. This results in the following

Zone In via
Zone 5 T7-In, T8-Out
Zone 6 T8-In, T9-In
Outer zone 4 T7-Out, T9-Out

A carrier is going to take the following route:

1. From Zone 4 to Zone 5, through T7.
2. Then on to Zone 6, through T8.
3. Then back to ‘Outside’, through T9 (Outer zone 4)

Suppose the carrier has entered Zone 6 through T8:

 The APB zone is updated to Zone 6.
At that point, this carrier (or his/her badge) may NOT directly:
 enter Zone 5 through T7-In, or enter Zone 4 through T7-Out;
 re-enter Zone 6 through T8-In; or
 enter Zone 6 through T9-In.
But this carriers is allowed to:
 return to Zone 5 through T8-Out; or
 go Outside through T9-Out.
APB does not apply to any other zone. Therefore, if this carrier were to re-enter the building
(Zone 4) through T6, the APB zone will remain set to Outer zone 4 (= the neutral zone).

12.5 Defining APB zones

To define APB zones, go to Configuration – APB – APB zones. Here you specify the APB
zones and select the corresponding zone managers. You also indicate to which zones APB

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applies, which entrances are covered by these zones, and whether these entrances are ‘zone
enter’ or ‘zone exit’

 APB zone enter = the entrance through which carriers enter the zone,
 APB zone exit = the entrance through which carriers leave the zone.

1. Go to Configuration – APB – APB zones.

2. Click New and give the zone a name.
3. The Description field allows you to enter an extra description.
4. Select the corresponding APB zone manager.
5. At Error policy, select how AEOS should respond when no communication with the zone
manager is possible. Choose between Grant access on error(s) and Refuse
access on error(s)
6. At APB severity, select one of the following:
 Soft APB = APB is checked but violations are just recorded. Carriers are granted
access whether or not they are authorized for the zone. The event monitor shows the
APB violations. (This setting is useful when you have just started using APB. You can
test whether APB works correctly).
 Hard APB = if APB is invalid, access is denied. This also shows up on the event
7. The reset time determines the interval after which APB in the current zone is reset for a
badge. In other words, this is a way to set a temporary APB, which is often more practical
to use than an actual Hard APB.
8. If you enable Allow non-APB entrances, you can add entrances where APB is checked
without the APB zone being updated when the entrance is passed.
9. Use the Neutral zone checkbox to define this zone as a neutral zone where APB does not
apply (any APB status is reset when a badge enters this zone). Outside can be defined as a
neutral zone, for example.
10. Specify the entrances through which carriers can enter or leave this zone (using Add "in"
entrance and Add "out" entrance):
 Select the direction.
 Select the appropriate entrance(s).
 Click Add.
11. Use Exclude from presence if this APB zone should not be included into the default
presence list indication
12. Click OK to confirm.

12.5.1 Example 1
Example 1 consists of one door per entry point, fitted with two badge readers: one on either

Zone 4

Zone 5

T9 Zone 6
‘Out’ direction
Outside ‘In' direction

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Figure 9. Access point with two readers

At Configuration – APB – APB zones, the APB zones for these entrances must be defined as
Zone Entrance Direction
Zone 5 T7 In
T8 Out
Zone 6 T8 In
T9 In
Outer zone 4 T7 Out
T9 Out

12.5.2 Example 2
Example 2 details the definition of APB zones with a standard access point There are two
direction-specific doors per entry point: one In, one Out. In AEmon, these doors have been
configured as Standard Access Points, with a fixed In or Out direction.

Each of the entrances from example 1 has now been divided into two entrances: one In, and
one Out. So T7 has become T7-1 In and T7-2 Out.

Zone 4

T7-1 T7-2

Zone 5
Outside T8-2

T9-1 T8-1

Zone 6
‘Out’ direction'
T9-2 ‘In’ direction

Figure 10. Standard access points

Two access points have been defined for T8: T8-1 In and T8-2 Out.

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At Configuration – APB – APB zones the zones for these entrances can be defined as
Zone Access Direction
Zone 5 T7-1 In
T8-2 Out
T7-2 In
T8-1 Out
Zone 6 T8-1 In
T9-1 In
T8-2 In
T9-2 In
Outer zone 4 T7-2 Out
T9-2 Out
T7-1 Out
T9-1 Out

Note: In this situation, you must specify the direction for APB purposes – even for those
entrances that are physically impossible to use (e.g. T7-1 Out). In the table above, such
‘impossible entrances’ have been italicized.

12.6 APB zone manager filter

For each user, the system administrator can determine which APB zone managers are visible.
1. Go to Administration – Filters – APB zone manager filters.
2. Click New to create a filter.
3. Enter a name.
4. Select the APB zone managers from the list of selectable items on the left and move them
to the list box on the right.
5. Click OK to save.

12.7 Activating APB

When the APB zones have been defined, APB can be activated:
1. Go to Configuration – APB – Activate APB.
2. Check the Enable APB box.
3. Click Configure.
4. Click OK to confirm.

APB has now been activated for all badges in the system. By default, APB applies to all

Note: If an error message appears when you click on Configure, then there is no
communication with the zone manager. APB cannot function without a zone manager.

12.8 Disabling APB per carrier

Although APB applies to all carriers by default, you can disable APB for individual carriers or
carrier groups. In this way, you can (temporarily) exclude them from APB checks. To disable
APB for individual carriers, go to Person/Vehicle – APB –Deactivate.

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You can reactivate APB for this carrier at Person/Vehicle – APB – Activate. Select the carrier
from the list of carriers for whom APB has been temporarily disabled.

After (de)activating carriers’ APB, the APB zone is automatically reset to neutral.

12.9 Resetting APB

If one or more entrances have not functioned correctly for a while (because of a defect or
because someone has failed to close a door, for instance), then APB must be reset manually.
People might have entered zones they should not have according to APB rules.

12.9.1 Manually resetting APB

 For one or more carriers:
o Go to Person/Vehicle – APB – Reset carrier(s).
o Select the appropriate carrier(s)
o Select the appropriate zone at Reset to APB zone.
o Click OK to confirm.
 For all carriers at the same time:
o Go to Person/Vehicle – APB – Reset all.
o Select an APB zone manager, if applicable.
o Click OK to reset.

12.9.2 APB auto reset

 Per zone manager (see Section 12.3)
o Go to Configuration – APB – APB zone managers.
o Select Auto reset enabled.
o Click OK. The APB zones are now reset to neutral at regular intervals.
 Per individual zone.
o Go to Configuration – APB – Reset APB zones.
o Select the zone you want to reset.
o Click Reset.
When using APB auto reset, the APB status is reset either to neutral (default situation), or to a
specific zone (see Section 12.3). The next time a carrier enters an APB zone, the APB status is
updated again.

13 Counting (optional)
Counting can be used to keep track of the number of times carriers enter and leave a certain
area, for instance a car park. When a specified limit is reached, the entrance is automatically
blocked. It is also possible to provide access to a count zone manually (see Section 13.5), or to
reset a count group manually (see Section 13.3 ).

If various groups of people or cars share a zone, such as a lobby or a car park, AEOS can keep
separate counts for each of these groups. Suppose two companies (two count groups) share a
100-car parking garage (one count zone). Each company is allocated 50 parking spots.
Counting can be used to monitor the number of cars for each company to ensure that neither
occupies more than their allotted number of spaces.

Count zone managers

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Counting (optional)

Count zone managers are AEbcs (Count manager AEbc) in an AEpu that record the number of
carriers entering or leaving a particular zone. In AEOS, one count zone manager can be
deployed on an AEpu, but it can monitor several count zones.

Carriers can be automatically reset every day, at a specified time when very few carriers are
likely to enter or leave the count zone (at night, for instance). This guarantees that counting
starts afresh the next day; so, there are no errors due to miscounts or incorrect registrations.

Note: Count zone managers monitor count groups, not individual carriers. Therefore, each
carrier must be assigned to a count group (see Section 13.4).

13.1 How AEOS Counting works

When a badge is presented at an entrance, its validity (authorization) is checked. If the badge is
valid, the count zone manager checks whether the count zone has space for a carrier assigned
to this count group. If the count zone is not yet full for this count group, the carrier is granted
access. Once the carrier is inside, the count zone manager updates the number of carriers in
the count group. When the maximum is reached, carriers from this count group will be denied

When a carrier leaves the zone, the number of carriers in the count group is updated.

If one or more entrances have not functioned correctly for a while (due to a defect or because
someone failed to close a door, for instance) the count zone can be reset manually (see Section

If you need to manually open an entrance used in Counting, go to Entrance – Entrance –

Provide count zone access (see Section 13.5).

To configure Counting:
 Define count groups (see Section 13.2).
 Assign carriers to count groups (see Section 13.2.1).
 Specify the count zones, i.e. the areas to which Counting applies (see Section 13.2.2).
 Link count groups to count zones (see Section 13.2.2).
 Enable counting at Configuration – Counting – Configure counting (see Section 13.2.3).

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13.2 Defining count groups

A count group is a group of carriers (persons/vehicles) that AEOS must count. Go to
Configuration – Counting – Count groups. Select New and give each count group a name.

The count groups you define here are presented in a dropdown menu on the ‘announce’
screens. When announcing a person or vehicle, select one of these count groups. System users
only see the count groups linked to the units for which they have been authorized.

13.2.1 Assigning carriers to count groups

On the carrier ‘announce’ screens, you can indicate to which Count group a person or vehicle
belongs. You can also assign a carrier to several count groups, for example one for Parking 1
and another for Parking 5 as long as each group is managed by a separate Count zone

13.2.2 Defining count zones

Before defining and activating Counting, it is sensible to sketch the count zones on paper and
come up with a list of areas and entrances to which Counting applies, in the same way as
described for APB zones (see Section 12.4).

Once you have a list of count zones and the entrances involved, you can enter these in AEOS
as follows:
1. Go to Configuration – Counting – Zones.
2. Click New.
3. Give the area (zone) a name.
4. You can enter an additional Description of the zone.
5. At Error policy, select how AEOS should respond when no communication with the zone
manager is possible. Choose between Grant access on error(s) and Refuse
access on error(s).
6. Select the zone manager.
Note: When communication with the count zone manager has been restored, you must
manually reset the count zones (see Section 13.3).

7. In the Alert at field, enter the number at which an ‘almost full’ alert must pop up on the
event monitor. This value must be lower than the maximum.
8. At Maximum number , enter the number at which the entrance must be blocked (when the
area is full).
Carriers will only be able to leave the zone if adjoining count zones (which exiting carriers
have to enter) have room for them. Ensure therefore that adjoining zones are set to a
sufficiently high limit.
9. Use the Add "in" entrance and Add "Out" entrance buttons to include entrances in a
count zone.
10. Use Auto reset enabled and Reset time to automatically reset the count zone at the
specified time.
11. Check the Neutral zone box to create a count zone where AEOS does not need to count
carrier movements, e.g. outside.
12. Click OK to confirm.
Note: An entrance can only be used unidirectionally within one count zone. However, it can be
included in several count zones.

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13.2.3 Configuring and activating Counting

To configure Counting:
1. Go to Configuration – Counting – Zone/Group.
2. Select the count zone.
3. For each group, set the values at which an ‘almost full’ message pops up on the event
monitor (Warning signal at) and the Maximum number at which the entrance is blocked.
4. The default count group is used in simulating a passage when carriers have used an
entrance without presenting a badge (when they pass through an entrance opened by
someone else’s badge, for instance). Such carriers are assigned to the default count group.
5. Click OK to save.
Note: A count group can be linked to more than one count zone.

After configuring Counting, you must send the modifications to all access points at
Configuration – Counting – Configure counting. Click the box at Enable counting and then
click Configure. Click OK to exit.

13.3 Retrieving and resetting count zones and groups

At Configuration – Counting – Reset count zones and Configuration – Counting – Reset
count groups you will find an overview of the current count zone and count group situation,
respectively. That is, you can see how many carriers are present in a particular count zone or
how many carriers from a particular count group are present.

To reset one or more zones to zero:

1. Go to Configuration – Counting – Reset count zones.
2. Select the zone(s) and click OK.
To set a new value for one count group within a count zone:
1. Go to Configuration – Counting – Reset count groups.
2. Select the zone and enter the new values for every count group.
3. Click OK.

13.4 Count zone manager

To configure a count zone manager:
1. Go to Configuration – Counting – Count zone managers.
Here you will see the names of all available count zone managers in your AEOS system.
2. Select a count zone manager. Enter details on the next screen.

If you select Auto reset enabled, you must also enter an auto reset time. This specifies when
this zone manager’s count zones are reset to zero every day.

13.4.1 Disabling counting per count zone manager

You can enable or disable Counting for all count zone managers in the whole system at
Configuration – Counting – Configure counting, but you can also opt to disable or enable
Counting for individual count zone managers.
1. Go to Configuration – Counting – Count zone manager.
2. Check the count zone manager you wish to disable or re-enable.
3. The fields that can be edited are at the bottom of the screen. On the far right is the Enable

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Counting (optional)

13.4.2 Count zone manager filter

1. Go to Administration – Filters – Count zone manager filter.
2. Click New to create a new filter.
3. Give the filter a name.
4. Select the count zone managers you wish to include in this filter and move them to the
‘Selected’ list box.
Assign filters to individual users at Management – System users – Maintain user, tab
Counting to control which users can see which count zone managers.

13.5 Manually providing access to a count group

If you wish to manually open an entrance used in Counting and admit a carrier to a count zone,
go to Entrance – Entrance – Provide count zone access. Indicate the count group this
entrance passage should be assigned to. If this is not indicated, the count (per count group) will
be inaccurate.
1. Select the entrance you wish to open.
2. Select the count group which the carrier you are admitting belongs to.
3. Click OK to confirm.

If an entrance comprises several access points, opening it manually will open all these access
points. At that moment, another carrier could pass another access point unnoticed (i.e.
uncounted). This will affect the count. This problem can be avoided by using one access point
per entrance.

14 Verification (optional)
Verification is used to check whether the person presenting an identifier is the same as the
person who has been assigned this identifier in AEOS. If you company uses this Verification
option, the ‘announce’ screens contain a ‘Verification’ section, where you can choose one of the
predefined verification options, usually a PIN or fingerprint.

PINs are valid for all badges assigned to one carrier. The configuration at the entrance
determines whether verification is needed at this entrance. If a carrier enters an invalid PIN too
many times, they will be denied access at all entrances if this has been defined as an event
action (see Section 31.1). The denial of access can be lifted at Person – Shared functions –
Unblock carrier (see Section 6.9).

It is possible to register more than one verifier type per person. For instance, a PIN can be
registered which, at some entrances, must be entered in combination with a fingerprint.

Note: In AEOS, an iris scan can only be used as an identifier, not as verification.

14.1 Assigning verification

On the carrier ‘announce’ screens you will find a heading called ‘Verification’, where you can
select a verification type. The settings that are subsequently shown depend on the type of
verification you have selected.

14.1.1 PIN
If verification is valid for a limited period, fill in the Date from and Date until fields. Before and
after these dates, access will be denied.

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Enter the PIN and repeat to confirm.

Note: It is not possible to look up a PIN. If a carrier has forgotten his/her PIN, a new PIN has to
be entered on the ‘announce’ screen.

AEOS can also generate PIN codes automatically. This option can be enabled at
Administration – Maintenance – Settings – System properties. If this option is enabled,
Click Generate PIN and then Save.

14.1.2 Fingerprints
If your company uses fingerprints as verification, press the [>>] button to start the fingerprint
reading software. You will see an image of two hands. Click on the fingers to indicate which
fingers are to be enrolled. This information is stored in AEOS with the other carrier data on the
‘announce’ screen. The fingers are represented by numbers, from the left-hand little finger (= 1)
to the right-hand little finger (= 10).

14.1.3 Unreadable fingerprints

Some people’s fingerprints cannot be enrolled or read. The system administrator can then
configure AEOS to bypass verification and grant these individuals access without it being
apparent that verification is disabled.

To configure the system to ignore unreadable fingerprints, you must enable Ignore verification
result on the enrolment screen. This means that the carrier must still present his/her finger for
verification and is not aware that AEOS ignores verification. AEOS logs this exception in the
Audit trail where it can be viewed using Monitor – Logbook – View.

14.2 Temporarily disable verification

If verification is disabled (deactivated), a carrier does not have to enter a PIN or fingerprint to
gain access. In order to temporarily disable or re-enable verification for one or more carriers, go
to Person/Vehicle – Verification – Deactivate or to Person/Vehicle – Verification – Activate.

15 Contractors (optional)
The Contractors option makes it possible to issue badges to contractors. In AEOS, contractors
are employees who work for companies or organizations that your company has hired to
perform certain tasks. Employees of a company that are hired by one of your contractors are
called subcontractors in AEOS.

With an AEOS Blue license, the Contractor Management option can be enabled at
Administration – Maintenance – Settings – System properties. With an AEOS Classic
license, users must have a license to use the Contractor Management option.

Issuing a badge to a (sub)contractor (at Person – Contractor – Announce) is very similar to

issuing a badge to an employee in your own organization. The only difference is that for
(sub)contractors you must also enter a contact person. This can be an employee in your own
organization, or another contractor (see Section 6.3.2).

If your company makes use of many external companies, you could opt to manage this data
with the Vendor Management & Permits option. This allows you to link contractors to the
company that employs them (vendors) and to permits (see Chapter 17).

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Visit Management (optional)

16 Visit Management (optional)

With this option, visits can be handled separately from the visitor. Each visit is managed as a
separate entry. This makes it possible to enter multiple (future) visits for the same visitor, for
each visit different authorization data and times can be chosen.

System users can enter and view scheduled visits independently from visitors. Visits are
managed as separate entries.
1. Go to Person – Visitor – Announce to enrol the visitor.
2. In the Visit menu, click on the New button.
3. Enter the contact person, the starting and end dates and times of the visit, select an
authorization template, and, if desired, assign the visitor a parking space.
To change a scheduled visit, click Edit in the Visit menu.

16.1 Multiple visits for the same visitor

You can also enter multiple visits for the same visitor, for example consecutive visits with
different contact persons within the company. To enter multiple visits:
1. In the Visit menu, click on the >> button.
2. On the next screen click New and enter the necessary information. Click OK.

The next screen shows a list of all scheduled visits for this visitor.

This list of visits is also accessible via Person – Visitor – Search visits.

16.2 Overview of visits per contact person

To see an overview of visits per contact person (e.g. all visits scheduled for the CEO on a
particular day):
1. Go to Person – Visitor – Search visits.
2. Enter the name of the contact person and click Search.

The next screen shows a list of all visits scheduled for this contact person.

17 Vendor Management and Permits (optional)

If your company regularly hires other companies or organizations (vendors) to work on site, you
can create a work permit in AEOS.

This permit specifies:

 the nature of the work;
 the work location;
 the number of people allowed to work (on the basis of this permit);
 the period in which the work will take place.
Once the permit has been defined, you can specify for which vendor a contractor works when
you are issuing the contractor a badge. AEOS will check the validity of this vendor’s permit and
the number of people it applies to.

17.1 Configuring vendor management and permits

In order to work with permits and vendors, the following steps must be taken:
 Import vendors (see Section 17.2),

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Vendor Management and Permits (optional)

 Maintain vendors (see Section 17.3),

 Define the nature of the work (see Section 17.5),
 Define work locations (see Section 17.6),
 Create and maintain permits (see Section 17.7),
 Link contractors to permits (see Section 17.8).

17.2 Importing vendors

To import vendors into AEOS:
1. Go to Administration – Vendors – Import.
2. At Import from, select the file you wish to import from the AEOS server.
3. Check the Delete file box to remove the file after import.
4. Click Start to commence the import. The Status and Imported vendors fields allow you to
monitor progress.

17.3 Maintaining vendors

Vendor data can also be created, modified or deleted manually:
1. Go to Administration – Vendors – Maintain.
2. Click New to create a new vendor, or search and select one.
3. Enter Name, Code and Place of business (mandatory).
4. Click OK to save.

Click on the red cross next a vendor’s name to remove. You can only remove vendors that have
not yet been linked to a permit.

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Vendor Management and Permits (optional)

Explanatory notes
 Name: Unique vendor name.
 Code: Unique vendor code.
 Vendor type: Choose between All, Main vendors, or Sub vendors (this is
necessary for creating permits, see Section 17.7).
 Blocked: Indicates whether the vendor is blocked. Carriers that are linked to a blocked
vendor will be denied access.
 Certification: Vendor’s certification. Certification is usually required for performing
specific tasks on site.
 Place of business: Where the vendor’s office is located. This is used to distinguish
between different offices of the same firm.
 Validity: Shows the beginning and end dates of a period when a contractor (vendor’s
employee) is allowed to work on the basis of a particular permit. Before and after these
dates, access is denied.

17.4 Extended Vendor Management (additional option)

The additional option ‘Extended Vendor Management’ allows you to enter more detailed
information about vendors and to manually register them and modify their data. This option
makes the following extra fields available:

 Company information
 Security Manager Information

With an AEOS Blue license, the Extended Vendor Management option can be enabled at
Administration – Maintenance – System properties. With an AEOS Classic license, users must
have a license to use the Extended Vendor Management option.

17.5 Defining the nature of the work

Go to Administration – Permits – Type of work to define the work that is carried out by
vendors. You can then select one of the types of work defined here at Administration –
Permits – Maintain, see Section 17.7.

17.6 Defining work locations

Go to Administration – Maintenance – Work locations to define the work locations where
vendors may carry out work. Work locations are not linked to entrances and are used for
administrative purposes only.

Work locations are used in the defining permits (Administration – Permits).

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Vendor Management and Permits (optional)

17.7 Retrieving, creating and maintaining permits

You can create and maintain vendor permits at Administration – Permits – Maintain.
1. Go to Administration – Permits – Maintain.
2. Select New to create a new permit.
3. The Permit code is generated automatically (when you save the permit). At Description,
you can enter your own description of the permit.
4. Enter dates in the Date from and Date until fields to define the permit’s period of validity.
When the validity expires, AEOS will automatically block all the badges assigned to the
contractors employed by this vendor or subvendor.
5. In the No. of persons field you can specify how many people are allowed to work under
this permit. When you issue a contractor badge, AEOS checks whether this limit has been
6. Select for which type of work and which work location the permit is valid (see Sections
17.5 and 17.6).
7. You can select the Main vendor name and Sub vendor name (if applicable) by using the
button in the list of imported vendors. Code and VCA expiration date are
automatically selected and entered along with the vendor’s name. (VCA = a Dutch safety
certificate for vendors)
Caution: If there is no subvendor for this permit, you must enter a different main vendor in the
subvendor field.

8. Click OK to save.

Go to Administration – Permits – Overview to retrieve (look up) permits.

17.8 Linking contractors to permits

To link contractors to permits:
1. Go to Administration – Permits – Maintain.
2. Search and select a permit.
3. Click on Add to link contractors to this permit.
 When you click the button, the screen will display only the contractors who are
employed by vendors linked to this permit and who are linked to a subvendor.
4. Click OK to add the selected contractors.
5. Press Add again if you want to add more contractors.
6. To save the link between contractors and permit, click OK to exit the ‘Maintain permit’
Note: A contractor can be linked to one vendor only.

If you are using Vendor Management and Permits and you want to issue a badge to a
contractor, you must enter the vendor who employs this contractor (see Section 5.2).

18 Violations and blacklist (optional)

If your company enforces a code of conduct, you can record violations of this code at
Administration – Violations and blacklist . If someone has committed too many violations, he
or she can be blacklisted. Blacklisted carriers – and all their badges – are blocked.

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Violations and blacklist (optional)

18.1 Defining categories

To define violation categories, to Administration – Violations and blacklist – Categories. At
Duration (in days) you can specify how many days a carrier will remain on the blacklist. After
this period, this carrier’s blacklisting is lifted and his/her badges will be valid again.

18.2 Issuing violations and blacklisting

To issue a violation or put a carrier on the blacklist:
1. Go to Administration – Violations and blacklist – Issue .
2. Search and select the carrier in question.
3. Click New.
4. Select the violation committed in the bottom part of the screen. In the Type field, select
whether you are issuing a violation or putting this carrier on the blacklist. If you
blacklist someone, this carrier and all his/her badges will remain blocked until the period
specified at Duration (in days) has passed or until this carrier has manually been removed
from the blacklist.
5. Click OK to confirm.
6. Click OK to exit the next screen.
7. The carrier list now displays this carrier’s details against either an orange (violation) or a red
(blacklist) background.
Note: The blocked badges of blacklisted carriers cannot be unblocked at Person – Shared
functions – Unblock carrier. Carriers must first be taken off the blacklist.

Violations that have been removed from the list can either be permanently deleted or remain
stored in the database (along with their removal dates). Violations only remain stored in the
database if the ‘Archive violations’ option in the system properties has been enabled. Archived
data can be retrieved directly from the database for reporting purposes. Carriers who have been
issued violations or who have been blacklisted are clearly recognizable by their different
background colour.

18.3 Viewing violations and blacklist

Go to Administration – Violations and blacklist – Overview to see an overview of the
carriers who have committed violations or are blacklisted.

If the ‘Display violation data on visitor announce screen’ option has been enabled in the system
properties (see Appendix A), then the number of violations by this carrier will appear at the top
of the ‘announce’ screen. Click on the -icon which appears next to the number of violations to
see a complete overview of all violations committed by this visitor .

19 Intrusion (optional)
You can also use AEOS to manage security components such as intrusion detection and fire
alarms. If you use this option, you can have the system display security events on the event
monitor or allow AEOS to decide which users may turn alarms on and off.

19.1 Intrusion areas

When you add intrusion hardware (AEbcs) and configure this properly, it will automatically be
added to the AEOS configuration. You can view these intrusion areas at Configuration –

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Intrusion (optional)

Intrusion – Intrusion areas. Intrusion area names are always formatted as follows:
<AEbcname@AEpuname>. For more information, see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual.

19.2 Intrusion templates

An intrusion template is a set of intrusion areas, which can be defined at Authorization –
Maintenance – Intrusion templates.

19.3 Intrusion filters

By defining intrusion area filters, you can ensure that only specific users or user roles have
access to intrusion functionality. These filters can be defined at Administration – Filters –
Intrusion area filters.

Note: This function is visible only if you have enabled the ‘Intrusion option visible’ option (21.01)
at Administration – Maintenance – Settings – System properties.

Carrier announce screens will now include an Intrusion section. When announcing a carrier,
you must select the appropriate intrusion template (in the Template field). At Level you must
indicate which rights this carrier has: 0-no intrusion access; 1-Set area; 2-
Set/unset area; 3-Set/unset + request or 4-All functions.

20 Badge Management (optional)

The Badge Management option is accessible only to system administrators. Its purpose is to
make it easier for regular AEOS system users to manage and control identifiers.

Badge Management makes it simple to define a series of badges or to modify a batch of


With an AEOS Blue license, the Badge Management option can be enabled at Administration
– Maintenance – System properties. With an AEOS Classic license, users must have a
license to use the Badge Management option.

Defining a series of badges

To define a new series of badges:

Note: Some identifier types, such as non-numerical barcodes, are unsuitable for defining series.

1. Go to Administration – Badges – Administration.

2. Click New series.
3. In the Identifier fields, enter the lowest and highest badge numbers in the series.
Note: A single series can comprise a maximum of 5,000 badges.

4. Select the appropriate ID type from the list.

5. Select the applicable Identifier label from the options you have previously defined at
Administration – Maintenance – Identifiers – Identifier labels and enabled at
Administration – Maintenance – Settings – System properties (02.04).
6. If you wish, you can enter additional information in the Remark field.
7. If you are using Vendor Management and Permits, you can select a Work location where
this series of badge numbers is used (see Section 17.6).
8. If you use Units, you can indicate which Unit this series applies to.

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Badge Management (optional)

9. Click OK to save this series or click on Next series to create another series. Click OK to

The next screen lists all the identifiers in the series you just created, as well as the carriers’
names and first names (or license plate numbers), ID type, the status of their badges (and if
blocked, why: (Defective, Lost, Stolen or Unknown), and any remarks.

Use the audit trail (Monitor – Logbook – View) to see a chronological overview of any changes
made to badges.

20.1 Modifying identifiers

If you want to modify a range of identifiers, you can go to Administration – Badges –
Administration. Search and select the identifier(s) you wish to change. Then click one of the
following buttons:
 Modify: Some attributes, such as identifier type, can be modified only if no identifiers have
been issued yet. Identifier types can only be replaced with an identifier type of the same
You can modify the following fields: ID type, Identifier label, Remark, Work location.
Remember to check the Change box next to field you wish to modify.
 Withdraw: the badge is withdrawn from the carrier it was issued to.
 Block: to withdraw and block one or more identifiers from a carrier, click on the Block
button. Select a Blocking reason and click OK to confirm.
 Unblock: this button allows you to unblock blocked badges. Once it has been released, it
can be assigned to another carrier.
21 Rule Engine (optional)
In AEOS, authorizations are defined by assigning template(s) and/or profile(s) to a carrier.
Templates combine day/time schedules with entrances or entrance groups. Rules make a more
sophisticated form of authorization possible.

Rules are used to automatically assign authorizations to a carrier when the carrier’s data
conform to a particular rule. One example would be a rule that automatically gives access to a
particular part of a building to any employee working in a specific unit.

The rule checks which unit an employee belongs to. If it is the same unit specified in the rule,
AEOS automatically assigns the appropriate template to this employee, providing access to all
entrances in a certain part of the building during certain hours.

Rules are verified by the Rule Engine option.

With an AEOS Blue license, the Rule Engine option can be enabled at Administration –
Maintenance – Settings – System properties. With an AEOS Classic license, users must
have a license to use the Rule Engine option.

21.1 When to apply rules

Rules are an efficient way of automatically assigning authorizations; they are useful if your
company is a multi-site organization, has large employee databases or frequently works with
contractors. Rules are also very practical if you have a security policy with a complex
authorization structure that includes many exceptions.

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Rule Engine (optional)

Employee data is often supplied by external HRM systems. The data can be imported into
AEOS from these systems using the AEOS import tool, and can be automatically verified by
AEOS (see Section 6.2).

21.2 Searching for rules

To search for available rules:
1. Select Administration – Rule Engine – Search rule.
2. Click Search to retrieve all available rules, or narrow your search by entering parameters in
the available fields.
3. Select a Rule to display the rule definition page.

To delete rules: select the rule(s) you wish to remove and click on Delete selection. The
selected rules and related authorizations are deleted.
The Archive selection button allows you to export the selected rules to a file. Archived rules
can be re-imported at Administration – Rule Engine – Import rules.

The Activate selection and Deactivate selection buttons are used to activate or deactivate
the selected rules.

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Rule Engine (optional)

21.3 Defining rules

To apply employee authorization rules, the following information is typically used:
 the department in which an employee works,
 the building where an employee works,
 an employee’s job title or function, etc.

To define a new rule:

1. Go to Administration – Rule Engine – New employee/visitor/car/contractor rule.
Depending on the carrier type, the available fields may vary slightly.
2. Give the rule a name (e.g. ‘Unit 1 employees.’). This name must be unique.
3. Use the Authorization type, Template, Entrance group and Schedule fields to indicate
which authorizations are assigned to carriers affected by the rule.
4. Define (part of) the rule using Start, Field, Operator, Value, Unit, End and Logical.
Availability of fields depends on your configuration and license.
5. Click Add and repeat the previous step until you have a valid logical expression.
6. Click OK to store the rule in the database. The rule is first checked to see whether it is
syntactically correct.

 To edit a rule, you must first select it, then edit it and then click the Update button to save
the changes.
 Click Check to check the rule for correct syntax first.
 To activate the rule, select Yes at Active.
 For the Value field wild charts can be used for strings, see examples below:
o '' will not compile / is not allowed
o '*' or '**' is always true if Value field has at least one character
o '*xyz' searches for string that ends on xyz
o 'xyz*' searches for strings that starts with xyz
o '*xyz*' searches for strings that contains somewhere a xyz
o '*xy*z*' searches for strings that contains somewhere a xy*z (string including *)
stars (*) in the middle of a string are seen as normal characters.

21.4 Exporting rules

To export rules:
1. Go to Administration – Rule Engine – Search rule.
2. Search and select the rules you wish to export.
3. Click on Archive selection.

21.5 Importing rules

To import rules:
1. Select Administration – Rule Engine – Import rules.
2. Click on Browse…. A text box opens.
3. Select a file and click on Open. The selected file is read and checked. The results are
displayed on the next page ('Rule Engine – Import rules'). The rules are divided into 'New
rules' and 'Updated rules'.
Click on Continue import to store the rules in the database.

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Rule Engine (optional)

21.6 Generating reports

You can generate two types of report:
 Global reports : lists the history of rules, such as when they were edited or deleted
 Run reports : contains information about special Rule Engine runs

Go to Administration – Rule Engine – Reports to generate a report. Global reports can be

generated in the upper window in the search screen (above the solid line). Run reports are
created in the lower window under the solid line.

21.6.1 Global reports

1. Go to Administration – Rule Engine – Reports. Global reports are created on the screen
above the thin solid line.
2. Select a Global report type. Choose between:
 Global – Rule Manipulation Report. This will show you a list of existing rules that
were edited, rules that were recently added and rules that were deleted.
 Global – Rule Engine Events and Errors. This report is a list of all the normal events
that are generated, such as 'scheduled service started’ or ‘manual start’ or ‘import
events’, and general Rule Engine errors and warnings.
3. Enter a date range.
4. Click Generate.

21.6.2 Run reports

1. Go to Administration – Rule Engine – Reports. Run reports are created in the upper
window, below the thin solid line.
2. In the Run reports section, enter a timeframe (Date from and Date until).
3. Click Search to find the Rule Engine runs that fall within this timeframe.
4. Select the Rule Engine run that you wish to generate a report on.
5. Select the type of report. Choose between:
 Run – All events : Displays a report of all events in a particular Rule Engine run. Such
a report contains all added and deleted authorization entries as well as warnings, such
as ‘EG Search cannot find any Entrance groups’.
 Run – Warnings and errors : Generates a filtered version of the All Events report
showing only the warnings and errors in the selected run (e.g. ‘cannot replace
 Run – Added authorizations : Generates a filtered version of the All Events report
containing only the added authorization events.
 Run – Deleted authorizations : Generates a filtered version of the All Events report
containing only the deleted authorization events.
6. If you wish to use more filters, use the Carrier type, Carrier name and Name rule fields.
7. Click Filter to display the report.

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Rule Engine (optional)

21.7 Viewing and maintaining the Rule Engine status

To view and maintain the Rule Engine status:
1. Go to Administration – Rule Engine – Status.
2. Click Start to start a total Rule Engine run for all carrier types. You will see:
 the current run type (manual run, scheduled run);
 current run’s running time;
 Rule Engine status, comprising:
 Carriers already processed
 Carrier now being processed
 Remaining carriers to be processed
 Not processed
You will only see this information if a large amount of data is being processed.
Otherwise, the processing will be done before its status can be displayed.
3. Click Refresh to request current run status.
4. Click Stop to halt the current run (after the next carrier).
Note: The Start and Stop buttons are only available when the Rule Engine is not running.

21.8 Rule Engine scheduling

To plan scheduled Rule Engine runs:
1. Go to Administration – Rule Engine – Maintain schedule.
2. Click New.
3. Enter a Start date and Start time and, if applicable, the number of hours or minutes after
which the process is to be repeated (Interval (in hrs.), Interval (in min.)).
4. Click OK to add this schedule to the schedule list.

22 Security Level Management (optional)

Security Level Management is used to create scenarios which give or deny particular groups of
carriers access to certain zones in special situations, for example during crises or when dealing
with various threat levels. System administrators can (de)activate Verification, APB and
Counting for each of these special carrier groups.

Security level authorizations differ from the regular authorizations for entrance groups set by
means of templates and profiles, but they are not an overall emergency scenario in which
entrances (clustered in Emergency groups) are all locked or unlocked. Security level
authorizations are a refined type of access control, requiring alternative clustering of carrier
groups, entrance groups and authorizations.

Unlike regular authorizations, security level authorizations are not time-controlled. Security
scenarios must be activated manually when they are needed, and deactivated manually when
the situation returns to normal.

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Security Level Management (optional)

22.1 How does Security Level Management work?

To use Security Level Management, you must:
 Create Security Level Carrier Groups (22.2).
These carrier groups should not be confused with the familiar breakdown into employees,
visitors and contractors. Security Level Carrier Groups are groups of people who are given
authorization to enter or leave a building or zone in a certain situation. For example, the
police must be able to enter the building while everyone else is prevented from leaving.
 Assign entrances, indicating permitted direction if necessary, to Security Level Entrance
Groups (22.3).
Entrances are grouped to give or deny access to carrier groups in special situations.
Security Level Entrance Groups may differ from the entrance groups created for the
authorizations which normally apply
 Link carrier groups and security level entrance groups to create Security Level Templates
 Connect various security level templates in one Security Level Scenario (22.5)
This determines which carrier groups have access to which zones during a particular crisis
or threat level.
 Activate a Security Level Scenario (22.6).
In the event of a crisis or threat level situation, the appropriate security level scenario must
be activated manually.

Note: When using Security Level Management, one of the existing scenarios must always be
activated, even under normal circumstances. In other words, the regular situation must also be
defined as a scenario. Scenarios apply to the entire AEOS system.

22.2 Creating Security Level Carrier groups

To create security level carrier groups, go to Monitor – Security Levels – SL carrier groups.

Import a list of groups from a text file or manually create new groups.

To display the Carrier group field on the visitor, contractor and employee ‘announce’ screens,
go to Management – System users – Maintain user role, tab Configuration. Set the values
and other parameters for this field for every carrier type. For more information on maintaining
user roles, see Section 3.2.

When entering an employee, contractor or visitor into AEOS, select the carrier group to which
they belong. Carriers who are not assigned to a group are assigned to the ‘no group’ category
by default.

22.3 Grouping entrances

Define Security Level Entrance Groups to create groups of entrances which must function
differently when a particular security level scenario is activated.
1. Go to Monitor – Security Levels – SL Entrance Groups.
2. Click New to create a new Security Level Entrance Group or search and select a group
from the list.
3. Click Add entrances to add one or more entrances to this group.
4. If you want to control the direction through which an entrance may be passed, use either
Add “in” entrance or Add “out” entrance. This allows you to define different directional
access for various carrier groups at a given entrance. In a particular scenario, certain
people can only use this entrance to enter, and others only to leave.

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Security Level Management (optional)

22.4 Defining Security Level Templates

To create Security Level Templates you must link carrier groups to security level entrance
1. Go to Monitor – Security Levels – SL Templates.
2. Click the New button (bottom right) or search and select a template from the results.
3. Click Add SL Entrance Group to add one or more Security Level entrance groups.
4. Click Add Carrier group to add one or more carrier groups to this template.
5. To define the authorizations of a carrier group – or the categories ‘no group’ and
‘unknown carriers’ – in this template, select the relevant carrier group. ‘No group’ is the
default category for carriers who exist in the system but have not been assigned to a carrier
group, while ‘unknown carriers’ are carriers who the system does not recognize at an
Fill in the following fields:
 Authorization mode: choose the desired authorization mode for this carrier group
from Allow all, Block all and Time constraint.
 Enable APB: check this box to activate APB.
 Enable verification: check box to activate Verification.
 Enable counting: check to activate Counting.

Note: ‘No group’ and ‘unknown carriers’ are categories that cannot be deleted.

22.5 Defining Security Level Scenarios

To create a Security Level Scenario you must link various Security Level Templates.
1. Go to Monitor – Security levels – SL scenarios .
2. Click New to create a new scenario, or search and select a scenario from the search
3. Use Add SL Template to add one or more Security Level templates.

22.6 Activating a Security Scenario

If Security Level Management is in use, a scenario must always be active, even under normal
circumstances. Therefore, the standard situation in which time-constrained authorizations are
used must also be defined as a scenario.
1. To activate a scenario, go to Monitor – Security Levels – Activate scenario.
2. Select one of the available scenarios and click OK to confirm. The row displaying this
scenario turns blue, while a check appears in the box in the Active column.

You can deactivate a scenario only by activating another scenario.

Note: It is possible at all times to see which scenario is active. For quick reference click on the
 icon in the top left corner of the screen, directly under the AEOS logo..

By defining Security Scenario filters (Administration – Filters – Security scenario filters) the
administrator can limit the scenarios a user can choose from.

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Locker Management (optional)

23 Locker Management (optional)

To cluster and allocate lockers and control access to them in AEOS, you need a hardware unit
(AP1013), the AEbc LoXS integrator and the Locker Management license option. Another
option for using lockers is the LoXS integration option (see chapter 24)

AEOS treats lockers as Access Points. To configure locker management, you must first confirm
the lockers as access points at Configuration – Maintenance – Confirm Access points.
Lockers can then be configured either as an entrance (e.g. a cupboard accessible to various
employees) or as an individual locker assigned to one carrier.

23.1 Treating lockers as entrances

To configure lockers as entrances, for example doors to cupboards that must be accessible to
more than one person, go to Configuration – Entrances. Manage these in the same way as
regular entrances (see Section 1.4.2). You can link these locker entrances to day/time
schedules to create templates. For more information about templates, see Section 3.6.2

23.2 Individual lockers

To treat lockers as individual lockers, you must first confirm them as access points and then
designate them as lockers.
1. Go to Configuration – Maintenance – Lockers.
2. Click New to define a new locker.
3. Give the locker a name, add a description and a location. If applicable, add the hierarchical
(entrance) labels that specify the locker’s exact physical location (Country, Site, Sub site).
For more information on these labels, see Section 7.3.1.
4. The Function field is intended for providing additional characteristics or labels that might
facilitate grouping and searching lockers. To define these labels, go to Administration –
Maintenance – Labels – Functional entrance labels, see also Section 7.3.2.

23.2.1 Disabling a locker

Lockers are, by default, enabled. If a locker is not functioning normally, it can be manually
1. Go to Configuration – Maintenance – Lockers.
2. Search and select the locker you want to disable.
3. Delete the check in the Enabled box.

Disabled lockers cannot be assigned to carriers and are therefore not visible on the ‘announce’

23.2.2 Locker groups

Lockers are further maintained at Authorization – Locker groups. To create locker groups:
1. Click New to open a new screen.
2. Give the new locker group a name and a description.
3. If so desired, add the non-hierarchical (entrance group) labels Region, Area and
Organization. For more information on these labels, see Section 7.5.1).
4. Click Add lockers to display a list of lockers.
5. Select the lockers you wish to add.
6. Click OK to exit.

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Locker Management (optional)

The locker groups defined here will be visible in the Locker group pull-down menu on the
employee, visitor and contractor ‘announce’ screens.

23.2.3 Overview of assigned lockers

To see an overview of the lockers and the carriers they are assigned to, go to Person – Shared
functions – Assigned lockers. Apart from the usual search criteria, you can use additional
criteria such as locker status, locker name, locker group to refine your search.

23.2.4 Reloading lockers

In case of technical problems, hardware replacement, or problems with a particular locker, all
locker authorizations can be reloaded manually. Go to Entrance – Entrance – Reload locker.
Search and select one or more lockers and click Reload (bottom right).

23.2.5 Assigning a Master key

Employees who are authorized to manage all (or some) of the lockers receive a virtual master
key to these lockers.
1. Go to Person – Employee – Assign Locker Master Key . Search and select an employee.
2. Select the relevant locker groups in the list of selectable items and move them to the
selected items list on the right. The employee has now been assigned a master key to these
locker groups.

23.2.6 Locker filter

To restrict system users’ access to locker groups, create locker filters. These are created in the
same way as entrance filters (see Section 7.6.
1. Go to Administration – Filters – Locker filters.
2. Click New to create a new filter.
3. Give the locker a filter a name.
4. Click Add lockers or Add locker groups to assign lockers or locker groups to this filter.
5. Select the lockers (or locker groups) and click OK to exit this screen.
6. You will see an overview of the lockers / locker groups in this filter. Click OK to save and

Go to Management – System users – Maintain user, tab User to determine which users may
see and/or assign lockers to carriers. Select the appropriate Locker filter and click OK to exit.

23.3 Assigning lockers

If Locker Management is installed, the ‘announce’ screens will include a Locker groups pull-
down menu.
1. Go to Person – Employee/Visitor/Contractor – Announce.
2. Select a locker group from the Locker group drop-down menu. This field will display not
only the name of the locker group, but also the number of lockers still available.
3. Select a locker from the Locker field
4. To assign this carrier more than one locker, click the >> button. This will open the Maintain
Lockers screen where you can select and add several lockers.
5. Click OK to exit

Note: Lockers are assigned to carriers rather than identifiers. Therefore, it is possible to reserve
a locker for someone long before issuing the badge that will be used to open the locker.

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Locker Management (optional)

23.3.1 Assigning lockers by date

To assign lockers by date, this system property (25.01) must be enabled (see Appendix A).
When this property is enabled, the Locker groups pull-down menu on the announce screens will
also display two Date fields. The system will automatically fill in the starting date field (current
date). Any end date can be selected by the user.

Click the Get free lockers button to see which locker groups and lockers are available between
the dates entered.

Select a locker group to see an overview of the available lockers within that group during the
defined period.

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LoXS Integration (optional)

24 LoXS Integration (optional)

LoXS Integration is an option that was developed to enable dynamic locker management in
AEOS. In contrast with the Locker Management option – which assigns access to lockers in the
same way as access to entrances – the LoXS Integration option allows system users to
dynamically assign lockers to carriers and to reclaim them after a set period of time. This pre-set
period can range from single-use (toggle) to short-term (e.g. one day) to semi-permanent (long-
term ‘personal’ lockers in schools etc.). Single-use and short-term lockers are known as ‘day
lockers’, while long-term lockers are known as ‘rental lockers’ or ‘year lockers’.

Like all AEOS options, LoXS Integration software is available to licensed users only. To check
whether you have the required License option, go to Configuration—License—Info, tab
Software options. The number filled in for Max. lockers with LoXS Integration must be
greater than zero.

To configure and start using LoXS integration, you need to take the following steps:
 Ensure that LoXS terminals are correct configured to integrate with AEOS (chapter 24.1)
 Confirm LoXS terminals (Access Points) (chapter 24.2)
 Create LoXS terminal groups (chapter 24.3)
 Create LoXS terminal templates to define authorizations (chapter 24.4) and edit the
templates (chapter 24.4.1)
 Assign long-term lockers to carriers or authorize carriers to claim a locker for short-term use
(chapter 24.5)
 Create LoXS master users (chapter 24.6) and maintain LoXS master users (chapter 24.7)
 Technical operations (chapter 24.8),
o Manual unlock (chapter 24.8.1)
o Blocking lockers (chapter 24.8.2)
o Unblocking lockers (chapter 24.8.3)
o Reloading LoXS terminal authorizations (chapter 24.8.4)

24.1 Configuring the LoXS integration option

The LoXS terminals configured by AEmon to be integrated with AEOS (this is achieved during
the technical part of the installation).. After correct configuring, AEOS recognizes the connected
LoXS terminals automatically as Access Points.
To see a list of Access Points (including the LoXS terminals) and their status:
1. Go to Configuration – Maintenance – Access Points.
2. Select LoXS terminals from the dropdown menu at Type and click Search.
A list appears showing all the LoXS terminals in your system.

24.2 Confirming LoXS terminals

Next, you need to confirm these LoXS terminals as Access Points:
1. Go to Configuration – Maintenance—Confirm Access Points.
2. Check the box(es) of the Access Point(s) representing the LoXS terminals you want to
confirm and click Add.

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LoXS Integration (optional)

24.3 Creating LoXS terminal groups

LoXS terminal groups are used to compose LoXS terminal templates. A single LoXS terminal
can only be put into one LoXS terminal group.
Create LoXS Terminal Groups in the same way you would create entrances.(see chapter 3.5)
1. Go to Configuration – Maintenance – LoXS terminal groups
2. Click New.
3. On the next screen, give the LoXS terminal group a name.
4. Click Add Access Points.
5. Select the LoXS terminals you want to include in this group and click OK.

To add a LoXS terminal to an existing terminal group:

1. Go to Configuration – Maintenance – LoXS terminal groups.
2. Click on the name of the terminal group to which you want to add a terminal.
3. On the next screen click on Add Access Points.
4. On the next screen, click on the name of the terminal (access point) you want to add.
5. On the next screen, click on Synchronize LoXS lockers; then click OK bottom right.

24.4 Creating LoXS terminal templates

With LoXS terminals templates the amount of Rental / Day lockers for each including LoXS
terminal group is determined.
To create authorization templates for the various LoXS terminal groups:
1. Go to Authorisation – Maintenance – LoXS terminal templates
2. Click New.
3. On the next screen, give the LoXS terminal template a name.
4. Click Add.
5. On the next screen, select the LoXS terminal groups you want to include in this template
and click OK.
6. On the next screen, specify the number of day lockers and rental (year) lockers you want to
include in this template.
‘Day lockers’ are lockers for short-term use that authorized carriers can claim at random.
‘Rental lockers’ (also called Year lockers) are long-term lockers that system users can
assign to a carrier for an extended period of time.
7. Click OK.
8. On the next screen, click OK again to save the template.
Note: LoXS terminal templates are location authorisations only. They do not involve day/time

24.4.1 Editing an existing LoXS terminal template

To make changes to an existing LoXS terminal template:
1. Go to Authorisation – Maintenance – LoXS terminal templates.
2. Click Search.
3. Select the LoXS terminal template
4. To add one or more terminal groups to this template, click Add.
 Tick the box(es) next to the LoXS terminal group you want to add and click OK.
 On the next screen, specify the number of day lockers and rental lockers you want to
include in this template and click OK.
 On the next screen, click OK again to save the changes to this template.

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LoXS Integration (optional)

5. To edit one or more of the terminal groups in this template:

o Click on the terminal group’s name or select multiple terminal groups by ticking their
boxes and then clicking Change.
Note: Changes to the number of day lockers and rental lockers included in this template
apply to all of the selected terminal groups.

6. To delete one or more terminal groups in this template:

o Click on the terminal group’s name or select multiple terminal groups by ticking their
boxes and then clicking Del.
o All selected terminal groups will be deleted.

24.5 Assigning a locker to a carrier

In order to assign a locker to a carrier, or to permit a carrier to claim a random short-term locker:
1. Go to Person – Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Search or Announce.
2. Find or announce and select the carrier you want to assign a locker to
3. Go to the Lockers dropdown menu.
4. In the Locker type field, select LoXS terminals (this step is only applicable is both LoXS
options are in use(
5. In the Template field, select the template you want to use. This Template allows this carrier
to claim his own locker according the belonging LoXS template.
6. For changing the template or assigning rental lockers (year lockers), click the >> sign
behind the template:
 Changing a Template: You can Add, Del or Change (only Start- and End date or
disable a Template)
 Assigning rental lockers: Click the Add button and select the LoXS Terminal and the
Locker no. you want to assign to this carrier. Only free lockers on this terminal will be

24.6 Creating LoXS Master Users

A limited number of carriers (employees, contractors and visitors) can be made eligible to be
LoXS master users. LoXS master users are either:
 LoXS masterkey Lockers – users allowed to open all the lockers in designated locker
terminal groups.
Opening the Lockers can be achieved on the locker itself or by the LoXS terminal menu.
 LoXS masterkey Managers – users permitted to manage one or more LoXS terminals
(including the functionality of the LoXS masterkey lockers, for opening lockers).
You can make a carrier eligible for either of these user roles on the carrier ‘announce’ screen by
activating the for this function generated dedicated free field (which must be of data type
1. Go to Person – Employee / Visitor / Contractor – Search.
2. Search and select the person you want to permit to be a LoXS master user.
3. Check appropriate free field (e.g. Can be LoXS master user) box and click OK.

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LoXS Integration (optional)

24.7 Maintaining LoXS Master Users

To see an overview of employees who are permitted to be a LoXS master user:
1. Go to Person – Employee / Visitor / Contractor – Assign LoXS master key and click
2. Go to Person – Employee / Visitor / Contractor – Search and scroll down to LoXS.
Select yes from the dropdown menu in the LoXS master user field and click Search.
3. Select the employee to whom you want to assign either LoXS master user role.
4. On the next screen, at Edit, select the role. Choose between Masterkey-Locker and
Masterkey-Manager in the LoXS master user role field.
 A Masterkey-Locker will give access to the Lockers for the selected terminal
 A Masterkey-Manager will give access to LoXS terminals administrators menu, for
making specific technical settings. These keys can also open lockers.
5. Select the terminal groups you want to assign to this master user and move them to the
‘Selected’ list box on the right hand side.
6. Click OK to save the assigned role.

24.8 Technical Operations

A number of technical operations have been grouped under the Entrance tab (Entrance –
LoXS terminal):
o manual unlock;
o blocking and unblocking LoXS lockers and
o reloading LoXS terminal authorisations.
At the Lockers overview screens also the latest status of the lockers, including the identifier
using this locker and its status is shown. In case the status of the Lockers differs from the state
of AEOS, the line will be shown in a different colour.

24.8.1 Manual unlock

In exceptional cases, when someone needs to be granted access to a locker without a badge,
LoXS terminal managers and other authorised system users can manually unlock one or more
1. Go to Entrance – LoXS terminal – Provide access.
2. Select the locker(s) you want to unlock.
3. Click Unlock.
4. Confirm by clicking OK.

This unlocks the locker(s) once.

A locker that has been manually unlocked will remain unlocked for the specified length of time.
This unlock time has been set on the LoXS terminal.

System users can only unlock the entrances that are included in the ‘provide access’ filter they
have been assigned at Management – System users – Maintain user, tab Entrances, column
Provide access filter.

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LoXS Integration (optional)

24.8.2 Blocking a LoXS locker

To temporarily block a LoXS locker for maintenance purposes, for example:
1. Go to Entrance – LoXS integration – (Un)Block locker.
2. Select the locker(s) you want to block.
3. Click Block
4. Confirm by clicking OK.

These lockers are now blocked. They cannot be opened by carriers until they are unblocked.

24.8.3 Unblocking or releasing a LoXS locker

A locker that has been blocked temporarily can be unblocked, for example after maintenance.
Unblocking is also necessary when lockers are blocked by the LoXS terminal.
1. Go to Entrance – LoXS terminal – (De-)Block or release locker.
2. Select the blocked locker(s) you want to unblock.
3. Click Deblock.
4. Confirm by clicking OK.
The locker is now ready to use again.

In some cases, it can be useful to release (unassign and unblock) a group of lockers at the
same time. This is possible by using the Release button.
1. Go to Entrance – LoXS terminal – (De-)Block or release locker.
2. Select the locker(s) you want to release.
3. Click Release.
4. Confirm by clicking OK.
The locker is now ready to use again.

24.8.4 Reloading a LoXS terminal

It is possible to reload the authorisations of a particular LoXS, for example when it malfunctions
or after the hardware has been replaced. To reload the authorisations, go to Entrance –LoXS
terminal – Reload LoXS terminal.

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Maximum Presence Time (optional)

25 Maximum Presence Time (optional)

This option allows you to pre-set and monitor the maximum time a carrier may be present in an
entrance zone.
To configure:
1. Define entrance zones;
2. Select the entrance zone to be monitored;
3. Set the maximum presence time.

When this option has been activated, AEOS tracks whether a carrier is present in the selected
entrance zone, and if so, for how long. If the time limit is exceeded, this is logged as an event
which may execute an event action, e.g. ‘issue violation’ or ‘block this carrier’, if so configured.

25.1 Defining entrance zones

To define entrance zones, go to Configuration – Zones – Entrance zone. Determine which
(direction-specific) entrances you want to include in a particular entrance zone. For more
information on defining entrance zones, see Sections 12.5 and 13.2.2, describing how APB and
count zones are defined.

25.2 Selecting a zone

Although you can define several zones, the maximum presence time can only be monitored in
one of these. To select this zone, go to Administration – Maintenance – Settings – System
properties (23.01).

25.3 Setting the maximum presence time

Go to System properties (23.02, see Appendix A. to set the values you want to be able to
choose from when setting a time limit. The ‘announce’ screen will display a field called Max.
presence time where you can select the desired time limit from the pre-defined values

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Maximum Number of Movements Permitted (optional)

26 Maximum Number of Movements Permitted (optional)

This option allows you to set the maximum number of movements a carrier is permitted to make
in a pre-defined zone.
To configure:
1. Define entrance zones;
2. Select the entrance zone to be monitored;
3. Set the maximum number of movements.

When this option has been activated, AEOS tracks how many times a badge is presented at
one of the entrances in the selected zone. This allows you to limit the number of movements a
carrier can make. To limit the number of times a carrier can enter the selected zone, select only
the ‘direction in’ entrances in the zone.

If the defined maximum number of movements is exceeded, this is logged as an event which
may execute an event action, e.g. ‘issue violation’ or ‘block this carrier’, if so configured.

26.1 Defining entrance zones

To define entrance zones, go to Configuration – Zones – Entrance zone. Determine which
(direction-specific) entrances you want to include in a particular entrance zone. For more
information on defining entrance zones, see Sections 12.5 and 13.2.2, describing how APB and
count zones are defined.

26.2 Selecting a zone

Although you can define several zones, the maximum number of movements can only be
monitored in one of these. To select this zone, go to Administration – Maintenance – Settings
– System properties (24.01).

26.3 Setting the maximum number of movements

If this option is active, the ‘announce’ screen will automatically include a field called Max. no. of
movements permitted. This allows you to specify the number of movements permitted for
every individual carrier.

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Text Alarm Handler

27 Text Alarm Handler

Security and guard duties are often contracted out, which can lead to frequent changes in
security personnel and guards. Clear alarm handling procedures and work instructions are
crucial to ensure consistent handling of alarms and registration of this process every step of the
way. The AEOS Alarm Handler (which is default available in AEOS) enables security managers
to enforce uniform handling of alarms and to check handling during and afterwards. For
representing statuses and / or alarms on (building) maps a graphical alarm handler is available.
(See chapter 28).

AEOS can cope with multi-user operations in handling alarms – an essential capacity in
situations where security and guard duties are performed in shifts or where more than one
control room is involved. The clear protocol and allocation of duties make the handover at the
end of a shift, or from one control room to another, easy and error-free. No alarms are missed.
Each alarm is responded to, confirmed and assigned to a particular guard, while others are
notified. Each of the steps in this protocol is fully logged, allowing system users and their
supervisor to keep track of who responded and how quickly, etc.

The AEOS Alarm Handler works with freely definable alarms, allowing clients to set their own
definitions of which events should generate an alarm. Clients will generally want burglary
attempts to trigger an alarm, but some clients might also consider the presentation of an invalid
badge sufficient reason to generate an alarm. In addition, it is possible to define different
daytime and nighttime alarms for the same door, intrusion component, etc.

To configure the AEOS Text Alarm Handler you must:

 Define status points and/or alarm points, i.e. define combinations of component type and
event that will generate an alarm (Section 27.1)
 Enter instructions (what to do if an event at a component triggers an alarm) (Section 27.2)
 Combine these instructions in instruction sets (Section 27.3)
 Define alarm handler definitions (Section 27.4)
 Define the corresponding face (Section .27.5.)

Activating this feature allows you to:

 Ensure that all alarms are handled according to protocol
 Monitor the current alarms (Section 27.6)
 View the alarm monitor log (Section 27.7), to see which alarms were generated and how
they were handled.

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Text Alarm Handler

27.1 Defining Alarm Points / State Points

An alarm point is a combination of a component and an event, a state point represents the state
of a component, it will not generate an alarm, so no events are added.

To configure and customize the settings for your alarm points:

1. Go to Configuration – Alarm Handler – Alarm Points.
2. Click New to add an alarm point.
3. On the ‘Alarm points’ screen, enter a name (this will activate the bottom window on your
screen) and a description.
4. In the bottom window, select a component type:
 Select one of the available events from the dropdown menu
 Select the appropriate component of the selected type in the ‘Selectable’ pane.
 Click Add.
5. In the top window, customize the settings for this alarm point.
 Priority: choose from low, medium or high.These labels will allow you to rank your
alarms according to their priority; in the event monitor, alarms with the highest priority
will be displayed at the top of of the list.
 Function: choose from the list of functional entrance labels defined at Configuration –
Maintenance – Functional entrance labels.
 Country, State, Area: select the appropriate physical entrance labels from the
dropdown menus.
 Optional Cameras and URLs, Show camera on alarm, Show point on alarm are not
applicable for the text alarm handler.
 Apply alarm close conditions: this alarm can only be closed if the current state for
this alarm point is Idle.(The Idle state can be defined at the status definition at
Configuration – Alarm Handler – Status)

Note: One AEpu can be used in various alarm points. For example, if an invalid verification is
entered (event) at a standard access point (component type), this may be qualified as a
low priority alarm. The same AEpu can be used to define an alarm point combining an
unauthorized carrier (event) at that standard access point (component type), which can
then be categorized as a high priority alarm.

27.2 Defining instructions

To define instructions on how to handle alarms generated:
1. Go to Configuration – Alarm Handler -- Instructions.
2. Click New to add a new instruction.
3. On the ‘Alarm Handler instructions’ screen, enter a name.
4. Enter the instruction in the Instruction memo field. For example, Call security
5. Click OK to save.

27.3 Defining instruction sets

Instructions must be combined into instruction sets in order to be linked to an alarm point in an
alarm handler filter.
1. Go to Configuration – Alarm Handler – Instruction sets.
2. Click New to define a new set of instructions.

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Text Alarm Handler

3. On the ‘Alarm Handler Instruction Sets’ screen, enter a name for the set.
4. Select the instructions you wish to include from the ‘Selectable’ list box, and move them to
the ‘Selected’ list box.
5. If desired, move the items up or down, or sort them alphabetically to customize the order in
which they will be displayed.
6. Click OK to save.

27.4 Defining alarm handler definitions

An alarm handler definition consists of a list of alarm points, each combined with an instruction
set, a day/time schedule during which the events at the alarm point are considered alarms and
the time within which the alarm must be confirmed before it is forwarded to other logged-on

Defining an alarm handler definition consists of linking instruction sets to alarm points, selecting
a day/time schedule and setting a maximum response time. To define a filter,
1. Go to Configuration – Alarm Handler – Alarm definitions.
2. Click New to define a new filter.
3. On the ‘Alarm Handler Filter’ screen, give the filter a name and add a description.
4. Select a day/time schedule when this alarm is active from the available options.
5. In the bottom frame, select an alarm point you wish to include in, or add to, this filter.
Note: An alarm point can be included in ONE filter only.

6. Select the instruction set you wish to link to this alarm point.
7. Select the appropriate schedule (when the instruction set should be active) from the
available options.
8. Define the maximum response time. If an alarm has not been confirmed within this
timeframe, the alarm is routed to other logged-on users who are viewing events in the same
9. Click Add.
10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 until you have included all the alarm points you intend to include
in this filter.
11. Click OK to save this filter.

27.5 Defining the text alarm handler face

The text alarm handler is an AEOS face (see also chapter 10) needed to start the text alarm
handler, using following parts:
 Alarm handler item: The alarm definitions that can be shown (as defined at Configuration
– Alarm Handler – Alarm definitions)
 Text alarm handler frame: Combines the Alarm handler item with a Screen configuration
(how the face must be shown)
 Text alarm handler face: Converts the above items to a face.
Now the Text alarm handler face is completed and can be started up as any other face.

27.6 Activating the text alarm handler

To activate the text alarm handler:
1. Go to Monitor – Faces – Activate.
2. Select the corresponding Text alarm handler face (this face contains already the filter for the
current alarms you wish to monitor).

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Text Alarm Handler

The face will now start, displaying an overview of the alarms as they take place. The window is
divided into two frames.
The top frame will display the alarms as they happen. The bottom frame shows the alarms after
they have been responded to.

If more than one alarm handler definition must be shown, they all must all added at the alarm
handler item of this face.The events in these alarm handler definitions will all be displayed in the

Explanatory notes: Both frames include the following columns:

 Flag: Reflects the status of the alarm. A red flag is a new or suspended alarm; a yellow flag
designates an assigned alarm, while an orange flag signifies a confirmed alarm.
 Status: When an alarm first appears it is classified as new,. Once clicked on, its status
changes to confirmed. When an alarm is confirmed it moves to the bottom frame of the
screen. When one system user confirms an alarm, the status of this alarm changes to
assigned on the other system users’ screens. A user can also suspend an alarm, to deal
with it at a later time (status will read suspended).
 Count: this function identifies and registers a recurring alarm, e.g. a banging door. When
the event is closed the counter is reset to 0.
 User name: Displays the system user’s name, i.e. the user who is handling the alarm.
 Priority: Low, medium or high, depending on the settings defined for the alarm point, see
Section X.
 Date/time: Shows the date and time when the alarm took place
 Event type: Displays the event type, e.g. Door open too long, Badge with no
access,i.e. the event type selected while defining the alarm point.
 Source: Shows where (at which alarm point) the alarm is triggered, e.g. Entrance-Left
 Details: Gives details on the badge and carrier attached to the badge, e.g. NEDAP CF-10
24 (Employee 24).
 Instruction: This column shows whether an instruction is linked to this alarm (check mark).

27.7 Viewing the alarm log

To view and print or export the alarm log:
1. Go to Monitor – Alarm Handler – View log.
2. On the ‘Alarm Handler Log’ screen, select the alarm point and/or the name of the person
who handled the alarms for the log you wish to view. Enter starting and end dates.
Click Print… or To file… as desired

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Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional)

28 Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional)

The AEOS graphical alarm handler (Map alarm handler) is built on an AEOS Face and is used
 Showing alarm points, intercom points and state points on maps
 Audio-visual presentation of AEbc states
 Performing actions (commands) on AEbc’s
 Handling alarms (confirm, enter instructions, close) (see also chapter 27)
 Displaying alarms in a tree view
 Activating live camera views and URLs for alarm points.

Configuring the map alarm handler requires a significant amount of initial setup. The large
number of configuration properties and parameters makes it possible to tune the final Map
Alarm handler Face to a high level of detail.

A typical alarm map can look as below: Camera view

Door Normal state Door Unlocked state

At the left part an overview is shown of all maps and alarm points (with status indication), the
right part is the map where the state icons are placed. The icons used here can be determined
by the user.

For using the alarm handler following is needed:

 Media items: For Images (Maps, alarm icons, status icons) and Sounds. Both are free
definable by the user.
 Cameras and URLs: Cameras and URLs are to be connected to alarm points. URLs are
available to send additional commands.
 Country, site, sub site and function information can be added to both Maps and Alarm
points for selecting alarm points on a map.
 Specific alarm handler items (Maps, Instructions, Faces, etc).

Default some icons, maps, sounds, command templates, status templates and status rule
templates are predefined, just for easy starting.

Alarmpoint command filters (Administration – Filters – Alarmpoint command filters) can be

helpful to limit user rights to certain command within the Graphical Alarm Handler.

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Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional)

At the next pages the separate items are explained:

28.1 Media
The graphical alarm handler uses media items as maps, floorplans, icons status symbols and
sounds. These are free to be chosen by the user and can be loaded at Configuration – Media
– Sounds / Images. The predefined available media can be changed by the user to his own

Images are used to present:

 Status (small size icon)
 Alarm viewer maps (large size map) can be a drawing or picture of the building layout.
Alarm viewer maps are resizable at the alarm handler, the state icons are resized between
certain dimensions.
Formats for both must be: .png, .gif or .jpg

Sounds can be any sound, even a spoken text. Format must be .wav

28.2 Cameras and URL’s

In Administration – Faces – Cameras / Administration – Maintenance – URLs, you can
define the names/IP addresses (optional username and password) and connection strings of
cameras or URLs which need to be available in the alarm point menus in the map alarm

28.3 Country, site, sub-site and function

In Administration – Maintaince – Labels – Locations / Functional entrance labels, labels
can be defined for ordering entrances in the system. These labels are also used in ordering and
filtering the alarm points and maps.
On each map you can link these labels, and only the corresponding alarm points / entrances
with the same corresponding labels can be selected then to be placed on this map.

28.4 Configuration of maps and alarm points

In Configuration – Alarm Handler, there are several menu items to configure the maps, alarm
points and related properties.

Initially it is advisable to work in the following order:

1. Maintain Maps
Maps represent the layout for your building where alarm points can be placed
2. Maintain Status
For a Status an image and sound together with colors of the text (how this state must be
presented) have to be defined. For each status it can be defined if this is an idle status and
if the defined sound must be played continuously when this status becomes active.
3. Maintain Status Template
In a Status Template all possible states for example a door are gathered and given a priority
to determine the importance of each state.
4. Maintain Status Rule Template
Template to link previous defined Status Templates to events from AEbcs (e.g.
DoorOpenInput Status is active). At the selected Statusses several AEbc types can be
linked (it is allowed to make a template in which for example InputGuards and AccessPoints
are used)

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Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional)

5. Maintain Command Template

Define commands (related to an AEbc type) that can be executed on the graphical alarm
6. Maintain Alarm Points or State Points and completing the state templates
Select one or more AEbcs with event(s) to be combined to an Alarm point and complete
here the Status Rule Template for the correct AEpu - AEbc combination. Camera(s) and
URL(s) can be added. For each AEbc Command templates can be added.
7. Maintain Instructions and Instruction Sets
What to do if an event at a component triggers an alarm. (See section 27.2 and section
8. Maintain Alarm Filters (Alarm Point Definitions)
Alarm Filters consists of list of alarm points, each combined with an instruction set (See
section 27.4)
9. Maintain Map Points
Place alarm points and state points on their correct position on a map (e.g. a building
10. Configure Face Items, Frames and the Face.
The Graphical alarm handler is build as a Face, so define all necessary parts.

Many of the above entities are re-used, so for each new alarm point many of the pre defined
templates can be used again.

28.4.1 Maps
Maps are attached to a node in the tree. Trees are part of the configuration and consist of
nodes and sub nodes. By adding nodes in the correct level, a hierarchy can be achieved e.g.
country, city, building, floor etc. Several sub nodes can be linked under a node.
For a node a map (loaded at Media – Image) must be selected. In this phase also the Country,
Site, Sub-site and Function labels are assigned to this map. (In the Map point screen, only
alarm points which have the same labels can be selected for placement on this map.)

Sub nodes can be made visible at their above belonging node by just drag and drop this sub
node (from the left part, the tree view) to their correct position on the map (on the right part, the
map view).

Nodes can be easily being moved to another level just by moving the node in the tree view to
the wanted position. All alarm points on the moved node (map) remain on this node.

28.4.2 Status
Statuses are definitions of the different alarm statuses that must be distinguished. Both the
alarm statuses (new, confirmed, suspended etc.) and the electronic/mechanical/technical states
of AEbcs or equipment are defined by assigning a Name, several colors, a state icon (Media –
Image) and optional a sound (Media – Sound).

‘Non system’ statuses can be defined as is idle. As a result, an alarm can only be closed
when the corresponding alarm point is in the is idle status.
For system statuses only (new, assigned, confirmed, suspended and closed) the Continuous
sound for AP with high priority? option can be enabled. As a result, the defined sound for this
status will continuously play for a High priority alarm, as long as its state is not changed by the

The colors that are defined here are used for the presentation of this alarm on the text part of
the screen.

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Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional)

28.4.3 State template

A state template consists of several States with a priority/sequence. As some states may be
occurring simultaneously on an alarm point, it is necessary to define the priority list of the
different states (for example the door is closed and unauthorized badge is presented: the door
is closed will normally get a lower priority).

Highest priority is given to number 1.

28.4.4 Status rule template

For each defined status in a state template, it is required to define rules which lead to this
status. These rules are defined in so-call Status Rule Templates.

1. Start by creating a new status rule template:New button, type a name and select a Status
template for the rules to be later created.
The name later be changed by clicking on the number in front of the Edit button.
2. Select the Component group and give it your own name by pressing the Edit or New button
at the Parameters row in the main screen, the component group(s) to be used in the rules
can be selected The defined name will later be shown at the rule selection (not the
component group).
The component groups represent the types of AEbcs for which rules can be created.
Remark: For some component groups predefined inputs can be made (using the Maintain
inputs button). Preferable is to leave this as default and make the link to the corresponding
input at the status completion face (at defining the alarm points)
3. Finally, for each status, define the rules which define the status (Edit button at Rules row).
In front of the Edit button the amount of defined statuses is shown.
 Click on the Edit button
 Select Status the rule must be created (or changed)
 Click on New
 At Logic several operators can be added to combine more than one rule. If only one
rule is used, leave this field unchanged.
 Select the corresponding Component (as been defined at point 2)
 At Status all possible status for this Component group will be shown.
If a status is selected for a variable item (e.g. Input Status for the InputGuard) an
additional screen will allow you to define your own Name for this Status type (and
optionally define a default number, see Remark at point 2)
 At Value the occurrence must be selected for this status. This value is the link to the
event that is generated by the AEbcs.
 Click OK and the generated rule is added at this screen
 Click OK to go back to the different status.
 Repeat above procedure for the status you want to use (it is not needed to directly fill all
 After OK you will return in the main screen and see the amount of used rules in front of
the Edit button

28.4.5 Command template

A command template consists of a component type (AEbc type) and a selection of the available
commands for this type of component. For each command, a label must be defined. The labels
will be shown in the (right-mouse) menu on the alarm points using this command template.

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Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional)

28.4.6 Alarm points / Intercom Points / State points

An alarm point is the entity in which all of the above definitions are combined. In the definition of
the alarm point, the following parameters are used;
 Priority
 Labels (country, site, sub-site, function)
 Cameras
 URLs
 For alarm points: Event(s) triggering the alarm (list of AEbc’s, event types and options such
as directions)
 Command templates selectable for each AEbc used in the alarm point definition
 Status rule templates (a status rule template is selected and the actual AEbcs and optional
inputs are substituted (completed) for which the rules should be evaluated.
To add new alarm points:
1. Go to Configuration – Alarm Handler – Alarm points / State points.
2. Click New to define a new alarm point.
3. Enter a Name
4. Select correct Country, Site, Sub-site and Function (This is needed to make the link
between the alarm points and the maps!)
5. On lower part of the screen the ‘Add/Change alarm point / intercom point / state point‘
screen, select and/or enter the following parameters:
 Component type: make a selection of the available components (AEbcs)
 Event (only for alarm points): type of event that is activating this alarm
Optional data can be added (direction, Input Guard label number, etc)
 At the Selectable box select the AEpu-Component name for this event
 Add to add this data to the Alarm Point
 Select the Command template for this event.
 If necessary repeat these steps for all needed events you want to link at this alarm
6. Click Manage status rule templates:
 Click New to add a new status template
 Select the Status Rule Template you want to use at this alarm point
 At Maintain status rule template completion click on the name to select the
corresponding AEpu name - AEbc name (shown at bottom part of the screen) and give
 If inputs must be defined, the Maintain status rule template completion input screen is
shown. Click on the defined input name, at the bottom part a selection can be made
out of the available input labels for these inputs.
 Click three times OK to complete this action:
7. Optional Cameras and URLs can be added to this alarm point.
8. Show camera on alarm will shown the camera automatically at the alarm point if an alarm
9. Show point on alarm results in focussing the alarm handler to this alarm point if an alarm
at this point occurs.
10. Apply alarm close conditions: this alarm can only be closed if the current state of this
alarm point is Idle.(The Idle state can be set at the status definitions of the alarm points
(Configuration – Alarm Handler – Status)
11. Click OK to save.

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Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional)

28.4.7 Instruction/instruction sets

Instructions and instructions sets (list of instructions) are defined to state what to do if an event
at a component triggers an alarm (with or with additional command needed). (See section 27.2
and section 27.3)

28.4.8 Filters (alarm point definitions)

An alarm point definition or filter is a clustering of alarm points, schedules, instructions and an
overall schedule. The filter uses the physical entrance labels and function to make a pre-
selection in the available alarm points (similar to map points). So the alarm points in a filter by
definition have identical labels as the filter itself. The filter can be used in the Face Item (Alarm
handler definition item) and defines which alarms/alarm points will be presented in the Face.

28.4.9 Map points

The next step is the positioning of alarm points on the maps. As explained above, the labels are
used to order maps and alarm points so only alarm points with matching labels can be dragged
on to the map. When this is completed, the map can be used in the Face.

28.4.10 Face for starting the graphical alarm handler

The final step consists of creating a Face (Administration – Faces), that is build up using:
 Items:
 Alarm handler item: Define the alarm point filters (as defined at Configuration –
Alarm Handler – Filters); what alarm points must be made visible
 Map alarm handler configuration item: Select one of the main nodes (Configuration
– Alarm Handler – Maps) to be displayed at the alarm handler
 Map alarm handler user preferences item: Defines how the graphical representation
looks (see chapter
 Screen config item: Defines on which monitor (in case multiple monitors are applied)
and how the face must startup.
 Frame:
 Map alarm handler frame: to combine alarm handler items, configuration and
preferences to a frame
 Face:
 Map alarm handler Face: Generate the frame to a suitable face

Alarm handler item

(Map) Alarm handler

configuration item Map alarm handler Map alarm handler
configuration frame configuration face
(Map) Alarm handler user
preferences item

Screen configuration item

The generated face can be started by selecting it at Monitor – Faces – Activate. After
activating the correct face the graphical alarm handler is started as a Java web start application.
The initial loading of the maps may take some time (clocks are shown) because the map tiles
must be generated on the server. Once the map tiles are created, starting the Face in later
sessions will be faster

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Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional) Map alarm handler user preferences item

General settings for the graphical alarm handler representation.

Color settings

The color settings on the map can be configured.

Background color camera Background color area mouseout Color area title mouseout

When dragging layer: When moving mouse over area: When moving mouse over title:
Background color dragged layer Background color area mouseover Color area title mouseover

Enable open camera filter

Enable the open camera filter if you want the Face to show the alarm points only when there are
open alarms (new, confirmed, assigned or suspended). This will set the default value for both
the trees and the maps. The open camera filter can also be enabled (or disabled) in the
Graphical alarm handler.

Debug mode

Debug mode activates the debug mode. Functions in the Face

Navigation in the maps is done by clicking in the tree (on a node or an alarm point). Alarms will
light up and the state of alarm points will be presented according to their definitions and actual
state. By right clicking on an alarm point, the command menu for this point will appear.

The mouse can be used to zoom (scroll wheel) or move the map (left click + move mouse).

Right mouse button on the map presents menu with following items:
 Fit to screen
 Refresh ground plan: if a map is not shown correct, the map can be reloaded from the
 Generate new tiles.

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Graphical (Map) Alarm Handler (optional)

Note: Debugging information can be found by opening the Java console.

28.4.11 Transferring alarm handler data from test to live AEOS

For large AEOS installations it can be useful to prepare the Alarm handler configuration at a test
system. After the configuration is completed, the specific data (or parts of the data) for the
Alarm handler can be exported to a file and on the live AEOS server again be imported to
validate it there.

To achieved this there are on several screens at the Alarm handler data an Export and Import
button added. With the Export button the (selected) data belonging to this specific screen can
be saved into a file. With the Import button the saved data can be read into this specific screen.

The Import and Export functionality can also be useful to transfer only some parts of a alarm
handler configuration.
The used data format is an XML file, this file should not be edited.

28.5 Intercom integration

AEOS supports integration with Commend intercom services. As a result of this integration,
AEOS not only instantly shows who is at the door, but at the same time verifies this person via
the intercom. Controlled access can subsequently be given. For control afterwards, this
integration provides complete insight into which operator gave access via which intercom,
including the accompanying video recordings.

For more information about this intercom integration, please refer to the AEOS Graphical Alarm
Handler Intercom User Manual.

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Video Surveillance

29 Video Surveillance
The AEOS Surveillance application is a full-featured application for video surveillance in small
and mid-sized locations that can be deployed locally and inter-locally. It is an integrated part of

AEOS Surveillance uses sliding panels to allow for the maximum display of video images. What
doesn’t need to be on-screen can be hidden with one mouse pointer move. What needs to be
on-screen can be pinned there with a single click.

AEOS Surveillance essentially consists of two parts: ‘Live mode’ for viewing real-time video
images and ‘Review mode’ for viewing, analysing and if necessary, safeguarding recorded
video footage. Both modes have various practical functions, which not only enhance ease of
use but also personalise it. The system also generates standardised verification files of video
images saved by users, which can be used to determine the images’ authenticity.

For a short and practical description of all of the application’s options and functions, please refer
to the AEOS Surveillance User manual. For the configuration of users and their permissions,
cameras and their functions, and installing the application itself, please refer to the
AEOS Surveillance Setup manual.

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Guard Tour

30 Guard Tour (optional)

With the Guard Tour option, guards can be sent on their rounds of the premises while their
progress is monitored from the control room. Guards must tour the different areas of the
building or grounds in a certain order. They can be instructed to perform certain actions at
checkpoints along the way. This allows the control room or the security manager to check
whether the guard is actually making the rounds and to raise the alarm the moment an
irregularity occurs.

Typically, a guard is sent on a tour with a printed set of instructions, specifying the sequence of
the tour and the actions he/she must perform at each checkpoint. The checkpoints, instructions
and order of the tour are freely definable. Tours can be scheduled to start at designated times,
or started manually at any given time. Tours can be monitored while in progress and analyzed
afterwards by viewing the audit trail.

To configure the Guard Tour functionality, you must

 Define the checkpoints (see Section 30.1)
 Define instructions to be executed at a checkpoint, if applicable (see Section 30.2)
 Combine instructions in instruction sets in order to assign them to a tour (see Section 30.3)
 Define one or more Guard Tours (see Section 30.4)
 Create guards, i.e. select carriers who can perform guard duties (see Section 30.5)

To send a guard on patrol, you must

 Print the Guard Tour, to generate a list of checkpoints and instructions, if any (see Section
 Start a Guard Tour, manually or on schedule (see Sections 30.7 and 30.8 respectively)

While a guard is on patrol, you can check his or her progress, or make changes to the tour, by
 Monitoring the current Guard Tour (see Section 30.9)

Afterwards, you can check on a guard's movements by

 Viewing the Guard Tour audit trail (see Section 30.10)
 Printing a Guard Tour audit trail (see Section 30.11)

30.1 Defining checkpoints

To define the checkpoints that a guard must pass and/or where he/she must perform certain
tasks according to instruction:
1. Go to Configuration – Guard Tour – Checkpoints.
2. Click New to create a new checkpoint.
3. Enter a name and give a description of this checkpoint.
4. Select a component type from the list of available types. This list depends on the items
deployed and the AEpus available.
5. Select an event from the list of available events. Available events depend on the type of
component selected.
6. Select a direction, if applicable. Click Add.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 7, if desired, to select several components; for example when the
checkpoint can be the AEpu at any door in a particular room.
8. Click OK to exit.

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Guard Tour

30.2 Defining instructions

If the guards on tour must perform certain actions at a checkpoint, these instructions must first
be defined, then grouped into instruction sets, because only instruction sets can be assigned to
a tour.

To define an instruction:
1. Go to Configuration – Guard Tour – Instructions.
2. Click New to create a new instruction.
3. Enter a name.
4. In the Instruction memo field, specify what the guard must do. For example, present badge
to badge reader, turn on a light, check the windows in this room, etc.

30.3 Creating instruction sets

Instructions must be combined in instruction sets, which can then be assigned to a particular
checkpoint when you define a guard tour.

Note: Even if only one instruction applies, you must put it in an instruction set to be able to
assign it to a tour.

To create an instruction set:

1. Go to Configuration – Guard Tour – Instruction sets.
2. Click New.
3. Give the instruction set a name.
4. Select the instructions you want to include in this set in the ‘Selectable’ list box and move
them to the ‘Selected’ list box on the right hand side.
5. Click OK to save this instruction set.

30.4 Creating and maintaining Guard Tours

Checkpoints (and instruction sets, if applicable) are combined into guard tours, which also
specify the order in which the tour must be completed and how much time a guard is given to
reach a particular checkpoint.

30.4.1 Defining a guard tour

To define a guard tour:
1. Go to Configuration – Guard Tour – Guard Tours.
2. Click New.
3. Enter a name and a description.
4. At the bottom of the screen, select a Checkpoint from the list of available checkpoints.
5. Enter the Minimum and Maximum stretches of time (hrs:min) a guard may take to check in
at this checkpoint. Time is relative to the time the guard checked in at the previous
6. In the Tour order field, enter a number to indicate the order in which this checkpoint must
be checked.
7. If applicable, select an Instruction set from the list of available sets.
8. Click Add to include this checkpoint and its settings in the guard tour.
Note: The checkpoint is not listed under its name, but added to the tour in the order you
specified in the tour order field.

9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add another checkpoint.

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Guard Tour

10. Click OK to save the tour.

30.4.2 Maintaining a guard tour

To maintain a guard tour:
1. Go to Configuration – Guard Tour – Guard Tours.
2. Click on the name of the tour you wish to edit.
3. Click on the number (in the tour order column) of the checkpoint you wish to change.
4. Make the changes and click Update.
5. Click OK to exit.

30.5 Creating guards

If you use the Guard Tour option, the employee and contractor ‘announce’ screens will display a
‘Can be guard’ checkbox. Check this box if you want the employee or contractor in question to
be authorized as a guard.

1. Go to Person – Employee / Contractor – Search.

2. Search and select the person you wish to authorize as a guard.
3. Check the Can be guard box.

With an AEOS Blue license, the Guard Tour option can be enabled at Administration –
Maintenance – Settings – System properties. With an AEOS Classic license, users must
have a license to use the Guard Tour option.

30.6 Printing a guard tour

To create a list of instructions for the guards to take along on their tour, you can print out a
guard tour.
1. Go to Configuration – Guard Tour – Print single tour.
2. Select the guard tour you wish to print out.
3. You will see a list of all the checkpoints included in the tour, and the instructions the guards
must follow (if any).
4. Click Print… to print the list.
5. Click OK to exit.

30.7 Starting a guard tour

Guard tours can be started in two ways: manually or on schedule.

To start a guard tour manually:

1. Go to Monitor – Guard Tour – Start.
2. First search and select the guard who will make the rounds.
3. At the bottom of the screen, select the tour you want this guard to take.
4. Click Start tour.

30.8 Scheduling a guard tour

Guard tours can be started at set times, which must be predefined in day/time schedules (see
Section 3.6)
1. Go to Configuration – Guard Tour – Scheduled Guard Tour.
2. Click New.

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Guard Tour

3. On the ‘Edit Scheduled Guard Tour’ screen, click the […] button.
4. On the search screen, search and select the guard you want to send on patrol.
5. Select a tour in the Guard Tour field.
6. Select one of the available schedules in the Schedule field.
7. Click OK to save and exit.

30.9 Monitoring a guard tour

To monitor a guard tour in progress:
1. Go to Monitor – Guard Tour – Monitor and edit.
2. Any tours currently in progress will be listed on this screen. The columns display the tour’s
name, the guard’s name and the status (Running, Running-Delayed, Running-
Suspended, Stopped).
3. Select a tour, then use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to:
4. Refresh the screen (this will provide the most up-to-date tour information);
5. Stop the tour;
6. Suspend the tour (for example, when a guard has to attend to another alert elsewhere in
the building first);
7. Resume a suspended tour. You can opt to resume the tour at a different checkpoint, by
selecting one of the available checkpoints in the dropdown box in the Resume tour at
checkpoint column
8. Click on Add Comment to add a comment to a particular log entry. Select the log entry
number your comments refer to. Enter comment, and click Add; Click Return to return to
the ‘Monitor Guard Tour’ screen.
9. To edit or remove a comment: select a tour, click Add Comment, select the log entry
number and edit (Update) or remove (X). Click Return to return to the ‘Monitor Guard Tour’

30.10 Viewing a guard tour audit trail

This function allows you to see a list of all Guard Tours started, how long it took to complete
them and their starting and end times. You can choose to view the audit trail of a particular tour,
a particular guard or a specific date.

To view a guard tour audit trail

1. Go to Monitor – Guard Tour – View Audit Trail.
2. Select the tour you want to view in the dropdown menu, or select a date or enter a guard’s
3. A list of tours will appear. The columns include the tour’s name; the guard’s name; the
minimum, maximum and actual execution times and the tour’s starting and end times.
4. Select the tour whose audit trail you want to view. The next screen will show the details of
this tour: the log entries (numbered); status; log entry time, checkpoint, minimum, maximum
and actual arrival times; missed checkpoint; reset to checkpoint; comments.
5. If a system user has set the tour to resume at a different checkpoint or added a comment to
a log entry, this will be visible in the audit trail.
6. You can also add comments to log entries in the audit trail. Select a log entry and click Add.
7. Click Return to return to the list of guard tours.

30.11 Printing a guard tour audit trail

To print a list of Guard Tours underway or of a single tour’s audit trail:
1. Go to Monitor – Guard Tour – View Audit Trail.

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Guard Tour

2. To print a list of Guard Tours, select empty box (= All) in dropdown menu at Guard tour ,
then click on Print.
3. To print a single tour, select a tour and on the next screen, showing the tour’s details, click
on Print.

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31 Responses (optional)
The Responses functionality is an expansion of the Event Action functionality in earlier AEOS
versions. It allows you to include programmable responses to a particular event. It is designed
to raise the alarm or notify key people when attempts are made to tamper with authorizations.
Some Responses are for free and are default available.

The Responses option makes it possible to respond to:

 events (Section 31.1)
 actions ( Section 31.2)
 expiry dates (Section 31.3)

The response itself consists of either:

 generating an alarm; or
 notifying one or more people by e-mail;
 or by text message (SMS message)

You can define who will be alerted: the data subject (carrier whose data have been changed or
whose expiry date is coming up); the carrier’s contact within the company; or a – freely
definable – person or group of people (Section 31.4) You can also set which languages are
available for e-mailing and texting (SMS) (Section 31.5).

Where carrier data can be entered, wildcards can be used to select a group of carriers.

31.1 Response to Event

Response to Event (known as Event Action in earlier AEOS versions) allows you to define a
response to a particular event (in addition to being recorded in the event monitor). For example,
if an invalid badge is presented (event), a video link is activated (response). Or, if a carrier
exceeds his or her permitted presence time (event), he or she is given a violation (response).

To configure a response to an event:

1. Go to Configuration – Responses – Response to Event

2. Click New.
3. On the ‘Edit response to event’ screen, select and/or enter the following parameters:
 Response: what must be done when an event occurs. Choose from:
 Activate security scenario (if applicable, i.e. if you use Security Level
 Block carrier
 Delete authorizations
 Delete verifications
 Generate silent alarm
 Generate silent alarm
 Issue violation
 Print presence list. Use the button to go to the ‘Configure event action
presence list’ screen where you can specify who should be included in the list.
 Send e-mail
 Send SMS
 Show carrier info

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 Show video info (ftp)

 Show video info (http)
 Show video info (unc)
 Unblock carrier
 Withdraw identifier from carrier
Note: The response selected here determines which component types are available to choose
from below.

For further details on configuring responses to events, see the AEOS Advanced Installation
 Day/time schedule: select the schedule during which this response is applicable.
 Durable: When enabled, AEOS will keep trying to execute an action after earlier
attempts have failed (due to a network error, for example).
 Priority: When AEOS has to perform several operations at the same time, prioritized
items will be handled first.
 Enabled: check this box to enable the response to event.
Note: Default is set to OFF!

 Description: Describes the response.

 Printer: Select to be able to print actions.
 URL: Enter URL for FTP- and HTTP actions. This applies only if you have selected one
of the Show video options in the Action field. See the AEOS Advanced Installation
Manual. If you have selected Send e-mail in the Action field, here is where you can
enter the e-mail address.
 Template: select which individual template(s) you want to delete from the carrier’s
profile in response to the event.
 Entrance group: allows you to select the individual entrance group(s) you want to
delete from the carrier’s profile in response to the event.
 Entrance: select the individual group(s) you want to delete from the carrier’s profile in
response to the event.
 Violation: Select which violation you wish to issue when this event occurs. This
applies only if you have selected Issue violation in the Action field. For more
information on defining violations, see Section 18.1.
 Violation type : Select the type of violation. Choose between blacklist and
 Blocking reason: Select a blocking reason. This applies only if you have selected
Block carrier in the Action field. For defining blocking reasons, see Section 6.8.1.
 Security scenario: Select a security scenario. This applies only if you use Security
Level Management and you have selected Activate security scenario in the
Action field.
4. In the bottom window (‘Add network component’), select and/or enter the following
 Component type: Select a component type to define where the event must occur to
trigger the action. The availability of component types depends on the response
selected earlier. Select one or more AEpus in the Selectable items pane.
 Event: The event that triggers the response. The availability of events depends on the
component type selected.

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 : brings you to the ‘Extra Carrier Info’ screen, where you can fill in search criteria to
define to which carriers the event applies. As with most search screens, wild charts can
be used to select a group of carriers.
5. Click OK to save this Response to Event.
6. Saved Responses will appear in a list on the ‘Response to Event’ screen, where they can
be selected and edited.

31.2 Response to User Action

Response to User Action allows you to define an action, for example any change to a carrier’s
data, which will either trigger an alarm or cause an e-mail or text message to be sent to the
carrier, the carrier’s contact person or a freely definable person or carrier group.

To configure a response to a user action:

1. Go to Configuration – Responses – Response to User Action.
2. Click New.
3. On the ‘Edit Response to User Action’ screen, select and/or enter the following parameters:
 Response: what must be done when a particular user event occurs. Choose from:
 Generate alarm
 Send e-mail
 Send text message
 Action: select the user action in response to which the alarm is raised or the alert is
sent out. First select which category of data the user action applies to:
 APB disabled
 Carrier: brings you to the next screen (Carrier restriction data) where
you can further narrow down the user action criteria. Apart from the information
you can enter or select in the fields shown here, you can also click the Updated
fields button. On the next screen you can indicate which criteria, when updated,
should trigger the response selected earlier.
 Entrance group
 Issue badge
 Profile
 Template
 Verification
 Verification disabled
 Day/time schedule: select the day/time schedule during the response is applicable.
Day/time schedules are defined at Authorizations – Day/time schedules. See also
Section 3.6)
 Enabled: check this box to enable this response to user action.
Note: Default is set to OFF!

 Response is triggered when the following user action is performed: check one or
more boxes to indicate when AEOS must respond (i.e. which specific action(s) the user
applies to the category of data selected above will trigger the response):
 Create
 Replace
 Update
 Delete
 Notify: choose whom is to be notified:

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 E-mail or text group

 Another individual person
 Person involved
E-mail or text groups are defined at Administration – Maintenance – Notification –
E-mail group / SMS group (see Section 31.4).
 If you have chosen to notify a group or an individual other than the data subject
(carrier), use the button to search and select the group or person whom you want
to notify.
 Notify contact person: if you do not want to notify the data subject, but instead the
carrier’s contact within the company (for example, if the carrier is a visitor), check the
Notify contact person box.
 Description: the description given here will show up in the list of configured responses
on the maintenance screen (Configuration – Responses – Response to User
 Default language: allows you to set the default language for the carrier is this field is
not included, or has been left blank, on the ‘announce’ screen.
 Message language: select the language in which the message will go out.
 Text/E-mail subject: fill in the subject of the message.
 Text/E-mail body: Enter the actual text of the message.
 In your message, you can use the following wildcards:
o $action: substitutes the user action which has triggered the response.
o $carriername: substitutes the name of the carrier being notified.
o $token: substitutes the number of the token (identifier)
o $date: substitutes the current date.
o $time: substitutes current time
o $user: substitutes the system user who has made the change that triggers the
o $pincode (only for user action 'Verification')
o $validityfrom and $validityuntil (only for user action 'Verification')
4. Click OK to save.
5. Saved Responses will appear in a list on the ‘Response to User Action’ screen, where they
can be selected and edited.

31.3 Response to Expiry Date

Response to Expiry data allows you to define a response to a validity date either about to expire
or already expired, for example the period of validity of someone’s picture or authorizations. The
response will either trigger an alarm or alert the carrier, the carier’s contact person or a freely
definable carrier group by e-mail or text message.

To configure a response to expiry date:

1. Go to Configuration – Responses – Response to Expiry Date.
2. Click New.
3. On the Edit Response to Expiry Date screen, select and/or enter the following
 Response: what must be done when a particular user action is taken. Choose from:
 Generate alarm
 Send e-mail
 Send text message

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For further details on configuring responses, see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual.
 Action: select the date field in response to which the alarm is raised or the alert is sent
out. You can choose from all carrier date fields in the system, including any free, user-
defined date fields. These are all automatically included in this drop-down box.
 Enabled: check this box to enable the response to expiry date.
 Respond when: check one or more boxes to indicate when AEOS must respond:
 Before/after: choose between Before expiry date/time and After expiry
 Number of days before/after: fill in the number of days.
 Check interval (hrs): fill in how often the system should check for impending
expiry dates.
 Number of notifications: number of messages to be sent.
 Start time: time when first response should be given.
 Notify: choose whom is to be notified:
 E-mail or text group
 Another individual person
 Person involved
E-mail or text groups are defined at Administration – Maintenance – Notification – E-
mail group / SMS group (see Section 31.4).
 If you have chosen to notify a group or an indiivdual other than the data subject
(carrier), use the button to search and select the group or person whom you want
to notify.
 Notify contact person: if you do not want to notify the data subject, but instead the
carrier’s contact within the company (for example, if the carrier is a visitor), check the
Notify contact person box.
 Description: the description given here will show up in the list of configured responses
on the maintenance screen (Configuration – Responses – Response to User
 Default language: allows you to set the default language for the message to be sent.
The message related to the default language is sent if the corresponding language is
not available on the ‘announce’ screen (or no language is available)
 Message language: select the language in which the message will go out.
 Text/E-mail subject: fill in the subject of the message. This must done for each
language available.
 Text/E-mail body: Enter the actual text of the message.
 You can use the following wildcards:
o $action: substitutes the user action which has triggered the response.
o $carriername: substitutes the name of the carrier being notified.
o $date: substitutes the current date.
o $time: substitutes current time
o $user: substitutes the system user who has made the change that triggers the
4. Click OK to save.
5. Saved Responses will appear in a list on the Response to Expiry Date screen, where they
can be selected and edited.

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31.4 Defining Notification Groups

To define the e-mail and text groups you wish to notify of user actions and expiry dates:
1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Notification – E-mail group / Text group.
2. Click on New
3. Give the group a name.
4. Click on the Add persons button.
5. On the ‘Search Persons’ screen, fill in the search criteria and click Search.
6. Select the carriers you want to include in the group.
7. Click OK to save.

31.5 Selecting Notification Languages

To limit the number of notification languages available when defining responses:
1. Go to Administration – Maintenance – Notification – Languages.
2. Select the languages you want to include or exclude and move them to the appropriate
pane, using the > and < buttons.
3. Change the order in which the languages appear with the Up, Down and Sort buttons.

32 Offline Access Control (optional)

Offline Access Control is an AEOS license option providing an interface with e.g. Salto
technology. Salto is a manufacturer of offline access control systems. Such systems have the
advantage of providing basic access control without the need to run cabling to physical

In order to use e.g. Salto offline authorizations in AEOS, you need Salto hardware, Salto server
software and a license option to use the AEOS interface. (Licenses are issued per Offline
entrance). For more information check the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual.

A maximum of one card per carrier for the offline system can be issued.

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Offline Access Control (optional)

In order to make use of this option, you need to:

 Enable offline authorizations;
 Create an offline identifier type;
 Link AEOS day-time schedules to the offline ‘time zones’;
 Synchronize (load) AEOS offline entrances with external offline entrances;
 Synchronize (load) AEOS offline entrance groups with external offline entrance groups;
 Create offline templates in AEOS;
 Assign offline authorizations to carriers.

32.1 Enabling Offline Authorizations

With an AEOS Blue license, enabling Offline authorizations is free.
With an AEOS Classic license, users must have a license to use this option. To check whether
you are licensed to use offline authorizations: Go to Configuration – License – Info, ‘Software
options’ tab; Check to see if your license includes Max. Offline entrances 8015740.

To enable Offline authorizations:

1. Go to Administration – Maintenance –Settings – System properties.
2. Go to property 30.01 Offline system. Select the appropriate Offline system
3. Go to property 30.02 Identifier type used by offline system. Select card type used by the
Offline system, For example Salto uses ‘Salto cards’ (which are MiFare CSN).
4. Create identifier type for the Offline system (see Section 5.8).
5. Set maximum number of identifiers for a carrier to 1 (Offline systems cannot handle more
than 1 badge).

32.2 Linking AEOS day/time schedules to the Offline time zones

To link AEOS day/time schedules to the time zones of the Offline system:
6. Go to Authorization – Maintenance – Day/time schedule
7. Select a day/time schedule by clicking on its name.
8. In the ‘Description’ field, define the ExtId number for the link to the Offline time zone. Use 3
3 pipe symbols if necessary (see below).
For example, ExtId=3, or ExtId=24||| Workweek, or Workweek |||ExtId=24
The ExtId number is used for the link. Should other data can be entered to provide
additional information use the 3 pipe symbols (|||) to separate.
Note: The pipe symbols are crucial for linking AEOS and the external system.

9. Click OK to save and exit.

32.3 Linking AEOS Offline entrance data to the Offline entrance data
Use the Synchronise with offline button to load the necessary data from the Offline system
into AEOS (entrances, entrance groups and sometime the templates).

To link AEOS Offline entrances / offline entrance groups to the offline entrances / offline
entrance groups:
1. Create offline entrances and/or offline entrance groups in the Offline system. For more
information on how to do this, see the Offline systems Installation Manual.
2. In AEOS, go to Configuration – Maintenance – Offline entrances. or
go to Authorization – Maintenance – Offline entrance groups.

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Offline Access Control (optional)

3. Click Synchronise with offline to load the externally defined entrances/ entrance groups.
4. Click OK to save and exit.
Note: Defining the contents of the AEOS entrance group is not strictly necessary, as the link
between the entrances and the group has already been established in the offline system.

32.4 Creating AEOS Offline templates

In offline systems where the templates have not been synchronized, you have to define the
templates manually in AEOS:
1. Go to Authorization – Maintenance – Offline templates.
2. Click New to create a template.
3. Give the template a name.
4. To add entrance groups or individual entrances, click the ADD button in the appropriate part
of the screen.
5. On the next screen, click Search.
6. Select the entrance(s) or entrance group(s) you want to add.
7. Select the day/time schedule you want to link to this template and click OK.
8. On the ‘Maintain templates’ screen, click OK to save and exit.

32.5 Assigning Offline authorization to carrier

To assign an offline authorization to a carrier;
1. Go to the appropriate carrier ‘announce’ screen. Fill in the data.
2. Click on the Offline authorization dropdown menu.
3. Select one of the available templates or click on the button to define the carrier’s
4. To add an entrance group or entrance, click the ADD button in the appropriate part of the
5. On the next screen, click Search.
6. On the ‘Maintain Profile’ screen, click OK.
7. Select entrance group or entrance you want to add and click OK.

32.6 Disabling (part of) an Offline authorization

To temporarily disable (part of) an offline authorization:
1. Go to a carrier’s profile (Person – Visitor/Employee/Contractor – Search; Offline
authorization – )
2. On the ‘Maintain Profile’ screen, select the template, entrance group or entrance you want
to disable and click Change.
3. Check the Disabled checkbox and click OK. On the ‘Maintain Profile’ screen, click OK

Appendix A System Properties

This section describes all system properties found at Administration – Maintenance –
Settings – System properties.

Caution: Do not change any of these properties, unless you have been explicitly authorized to
do so. System properties which are incorrectly set may cause AEOS to malfunction.

Caution: Depending of the AEOS options not all system properties can be visible.

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Appendix A: System Properties

Caution: Changes in system properties may require a log out / log in or a server restart.

01.01 AEOS version: The AEOS software version. This information is also shown at the
bottom of the screen and by clicking on the  icon under the AEOS logo top left.

02.01 Default session timeout (min.): The number of minutes after which a user is
automatically logged off if AEOS is not used. This time can be customized for every
user at Management – System users – Maintain user.
02.02 Check AEpu status interval (sec.). Allowed range: 10-3600: Shorter intervals
result in more frequent AEpu status checks, but have a greater impact on AEOS
02.03 Default identifier state for search: Set default status for identifier type in queries to
Blocked, in use or Replacement in use.
02.04 Enable Identifier label: If enabled, the ‘announce’ screens will include an Identifier
label field in the Authorization section.
02.05 Block menu at right mouse button: When enabled, users cannot access the
context menu (to prevent them from saving photos, for example).
02.06 Delete visitors still having an identifier: If enabled, visitors who have not returned
their badge (or other identifier) can be deleted.
02.07 Display carrier presence on ‘announce’ screens: If enabled, the carrier’s
presence or absence is displayed on the ‘announce’ screens.
02.08 Default value for: Access during holidays: This sets the default value for access
during holidays on the ‘announce’ screens.
02.09 Keep link between persons and vehicles in tact: If enabled, the owner of a car
can only be removed after all cars linked to him/her have been removed.
02.10 Use Identifier type mapping: If enabled, several Nedap identifier types can be
02.11 Use blocking reason when a replacement is issued: If enabled, system users can
select a blocking reason when issuing a temporary badge. Otherwise, the default
blocking reason is ‘forgotten’.
02.12 Display extra info on contact person: If enabled, authorized users can enter
personal information about contractor contact persons.
02.13 Display the standard mandatory fields in announce: If enabled, you can change
the settings in user roles to allow them to disable mandatory fields.
02.14 Threadpriority of the user system for AEPU synchronization (1-10 ->1 max, 5
normal, 10 min): Indicate which AEpus have priority while updating authorizations.
Particularly useful in large organizations with many AEpus, to ensure that the most
critical AEpus are updated first. For example, a visitor who has just been issued a
badge must be able to leave the lobby, so the AEpu located at this entrance must be
02.15 Seconds to wait between archiving next day (in seconds): Define the interval
between daily archiving to ensure it does not all take place at once and overload
your system.
02.16 Check employee personnel no. for uniqueness: if enabled, the system checks
whether the personnel number entered on the ‘announce’ screen is unique.
02.17 Generate personnel no. for contractor: This determines whether AEOS
automatically generates a personnel number if you enter a new contractor (database
02.18 Add users and change units only by administrator: Only the administrator can
add users and assign units.

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Appendix A: System Properties

02.19 Progressbar delay (ms): Time (in milliseconds) before AEOS shows a progress
02.20 Century switch year for 2 digit year in date fields (0..99): This value defines the
switchover point between the 19th and 20th centuries; any number lower than this
value is interpreted as 19xx, any number over this value as 20xx.
02.21 Disable default (OK) button for carrier ‘announce’ pages: This allows you to
disable the <Enter>=OK command on ‘announce’ screens (where a large amount of
data is entered manually), so that OK is only a mouse command on those screens.
02.22 Enable ‘confirm’ pop-up for OK button on carrier ‘announce’ pages: If enabled,
an “Are you sure” text box pops up when clicking OK or pressing <Enter> on an
‘announce’ screen.
02.23 Enable confirm value for external badgenumber input: If your company uses
badges with an automatically read internal number linked to an external number that
must be entered manually, enabling this system property means the external number
must be entered twice (to prevent errors).
02.24 Event monitor pops up in case of alarm: If enabled, the event monitor pops up
when an alarm is raised.
02.25 Use 3M swipe reader: This property needs to be enabled if you use a 3M swipe
reader (workstation device) to read passports (and automatically transfer the data to
the corresponding fields in AEOS).
02.26 Mixed language input: If enabled, different alphabets may be used in combination
(e.g. Hebrew, Arabic, Greek or Cyrillic alongside Latin, for instance).
02.27 Show field <timestamp> in presence list: If enabled, the presence list will display
the time of the carrier’s latest recorded movement.
02.28 Alarm reminder interval (minutes, 0=off):
02.29 Hide expired authorizations: If enabled, the expired authorisations are not shown
in the authorizations overview.
02.30 Remove expired authorizations after xx days (0=off): Delete expired
authorization after stated number of days. This action is performed at 00:02:30. It will
remove authorizations for visits (option Visit Management) and ‘normal’
authorizations for other carriers. Visits will not be removed in case of using visit
management. The removal actions will be logged in the audit trail.
02.31 Default emergency unlock reason:
02.32 Default unlock reason:
02.33 Print search criteria on reports: When reports are printed, the defined search
criteria are printed as well.
02.34 Default card layout of replacement identifier: If a card printer is used, the default
layout for a replacement identifier can be defined.
02.35 Separated person name columns: When enabled this property creates separate
columns for the person’s names. (Name, Initials, Middlename etc). This makes it
easier to handle data that is been exported to another system
02.36 Resolve the host name of the workstation, otherwise IP-address: Sometimes
needed for workstations in situations where the host name cannot be resolved
02.37 Default issue replacement block reason:
02.38 Default withdraw block reason:
02.39 Check contractor personnel no. for uniqueness: Check the uniqueness of the
personnel number for Contractors
02.40 NA
02.41 Remove visitor authorizations on withdraw identifier:
02.42 User login authentication method: Indicates which user authentication method to

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Appendix A: System Properties

use when users login (e.g. AEOS or LDAP)

02.43 Check the bridge versions during communication: When enabled, the version of
the bridge(s) are checked before a command is send to the bridge
02.44 Email server name: Server name for sending emails
02.44.01 E-mail server connection security type: Security options are None, STARTTLS
and SSL/TLS.
02.44.02 E-mail server port number
02.45 E-mail user name: User name for sending emails
02.46 E-mail password: E-mail server password
02.47 E-mail sender name: E-mail senders name
02.48 E-mail SMS postfix: E-mail SMS postfix
02.49 Allow profile modification of read-only carriers: With this option it is possible to
change only the profile of carriers belonging to other (read only) units. Otherwise this
user must obtain read/write rights for all units.
02.50 Show last number of events of selected carrier: Amount of events that is to be
displayed at the carrier announce screen
02.51 Generate Personnelnr visitor: When enabled AEOS generates the personnel
number for visitors
02.52 Generate Personnelnr employee: When enabled AEOS generates the personnel
number for employees
02.53 Generate Personnelnr cars: When enabled AEOS generates the licencse number
for cars
02.54 JNDI security: Indicates if secure JNDI must be used
02.55 Show last number of logbook entries of selected carrier: Amount of logbook
entries (changes on this carrier) that is displayed at the carrier announce screen
02.56 Maximum number of <server.log.yyyy-mm-dd> files: Amount of server log files
that must be stored (Default 0: no files are deleted)
02.57 Show 'Unknown identifier' message in server.log: If active no ‘unknown identifier’
will be stored in the server.log, in AEOS these identifiers are still shown (Default: Off)
02.58 Default block reason
02.59 Enable type ahead functionality in combo boxes
02.60 Show/hide the quality of the document read by the user when it is below the
minimum value
02.61 Enable/disable sound applet: The sound applet is only loaded if this property is

03.01 Default template for employees: The default template shown on the ‘announce
employee’ screen.
03.02 Default template for visitors: The default template shown on the ‘announce visitor’
03.03 Default template for contractors: The default template shown on the ‘announce
contractor’ screen.
03.04 Default template for cars: The default template shown on the ‘announce vehicle’

04.01 General Default identifier type: Allows you to set the general default identifier type
on screens where an identifier type must be selected.
04.02 Default identifier type for employees: Sets the default identifier type for ‘announce

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Appendix A: System Properties

employee’ screen.
04.03 Default identifier type for visitors: Sets the default identifier type for ‘announce
visitor’ screen.
04.04 Default identifier type for contractors: Sets the default identifier type for ‘announce
contractor’ screen.
04.05 Default identifier type for cars: Sets the default identifier type for ‘announce
vehicle’ screen.

05.01 Employee max. number of identifiers: The maximum number of identifiers

(badges) an employee may be issued.
05.02 Visitor max. number of identifiers: The maximum number of identifiers (badges) a
visitor may be issued.
05.03 Contractor max. number of identifiers: The maximum number of identifiers
(badges) a contractor may be issued.
05.04 Car max. number of identifiers: The maximum number of identifiers (badges) a
vehicle may be issued.

06.01 Visitor announcement after this time will result in an extra day: If a visitor is
announced after this hour, the default visitor’s authorization (see 08.01 below) is
extended by one day.
06.02 Contractor announcement after this time will result in an extra day: If a
contractor is announced after this hour, the default contractor’s authorization (see
08.02 below) is extended by one day.
06.03 Car announcement after this time will result in an extra day: If a car is
announced after this hour, the default car’s authorization (see 08.03 below) is
extended by one day.
06.04 Employee announcement after this time will result in an extra day: If an
employee is announced after this hour, the default employee’s authorization (see
08.04 below) is extended by one day.

07.01 Automatic import person function: Enables the automatic import feature (to
configure this correctly, see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual’).
07.02 Automatic import person schedule: Select one of the day/time schedules that
were defined earlier.
07.03 Automatic person file import: Interval (min.): Allows you to set the interval
between automatic carrier import runs.
07.04 Automatic person file import start time: Sets the time at which automatic import
07.05 Automatic person file import enabled: This enables or disables automatic carrier
import from a text file.
07.06 Import is allowed to create template when it does not exist : Enables or disables
the creation of a given template that does not exist in AEOS
07.07 Import is allowed to create entrance group when it does not exist : Enables or
disables the creation of a given entrance group that does not exist in AEOS
07.08 Import carrier: Delete of a contact/owner is allowed: Enables or disables the
deletion of carries by import that is used as contact person or car owner

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Appendix A: System Properties

08.01 Default number of validity days for a visitor: The default number of days that a
visitor’s authorization (and hence his/her badge) is valid. This number is added to the
start date to automatically generate the end date on the ‘announce visitor’ screen.
08.02 Default number of validity days for a contractor: The default number of days that
a contractor’s authorization (and hence his/her badge) is valid. This number is added
to the start date to automatically generate the end date on the ‘announce contractor’
08.03 Default number of validity days for a car: The default number of days that a car’s
authorization (and hence its badge) is valid. This number is added to the start date to
automatically generate the end date on the ‘announce car’ screen.
08.04 Default number of validity days for an employee: The default number of days that
an employee’s authorization (and hence his/her badge) is valid. This number is
added to the start date to automatically generate the end date on the ‘announce
employee’ screen.
08.05 Default number of days for an additional authorization for an employee: The
number of days that the system adds to the start date (in order to generate an
automatic end date) on the screen where an employee’s individual authorization
profile is edited.
08.06 Default number of days for an additional authorization for a visitor: The number
of days that the system adds to the start date (in order to generate an automatic end
date) on the screen where a visitor’s individual authorization profile is edited.
08.07 Default number of days for an additional authorization for a contractor: The
number of days that the system adds to the start date (in order to generate an
automatic end date) on the screen where a contractor’s individual authorization
profile is edited.
08.08 Default number of days for an additional authorization for a car: The number of
days that the system adds to the start date (in order to generate an automatic end
date) on the screen where a car’s individual authorization profile is edited.
08.11 Visit default start time: For visit management the default start time for a visitors visit
08.12 Visit default end time: For visit management the default end time for a visitor visit

09.01 Check existing contractor upon announcement: When ‘announcing’ a contractor,

the system checks whether this combination of last name and initials (and any other
free fields included in the query) already exists. If so, a message pops up.
09.02 Check existing visitor upon announcement: When announcing a visitor, the
system checks whether this combination of last name and initials (and any other free
fields included in the query) already exists. If so, a message pops up.
09.03 Default permit location: Select the default work location for creating a new permit.
09.04 Show network dates for contractors: Access control for contractors can be
complex, because it involves both permits and contractor data. If enabled, AEOS will
automatically display the resulting dates on the contractor screens.

10.01 NA
10.02 Max number of messages in MQ (events): Do not change this value.
10.03 MQ Cleaning Interval (sec): Do not change this value.
10.04 MQ Max messages for Cleaner: Do not change this value.
10.05 Max number of messages in MQ (authorizations): Do not change this value.

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 132

Appendix A: System Properties

Note: Message queue and memory queue properties should be kept at default settings. These
system properties should only be changed after consulting with Nedap or a Nedap business

11.01 Rule Engine checking interval for new carriers (in seconds): When you add new
carriers, the Rule Engine must apply its rules to these new carriers and send the
modifications to the access points. The value you enter here sets the interval at
which the Rule Engine checks for new carriers.
11.02 Rule Engine wait after processing carrier (in ms) (higher value = better Server
performance but longer processing time): If your system contains many carriers,
the Rule Engine needs a lot of processor capacity to apply its rules. If this impairs
system performance, increase this value to reduce processor load.

12.01 Length of PIN: Required number of PIN characters (database setting, cannot be
changed here).
12.02 NA
12.03 ‘Verification Disabled’ Schedule: The day/time schedule selected here determines
when verification is disabled. This overrides all other settings.
12.04 Default verification method: Select the default method for carrier verification.
12.05 Maximum number of fingers for enrolment: Maximum number of fingerprints to be
12.06 Minimum number of fingers for enrolment: Minimum number of fingerprints to be
12.07 Iris identifier: If you want to use iris scans for identification purposes, select the
(Wiegand) iris identifier type.
12.08 NA
12.09 NA
12.10 Card Encoder Type: The type Sagem card encoder used
12.11 Mifare Card type: Select correct Mifare card type (1K, 4K, etc) that is used to write
data on the card (verification)
12.12 Default number of days for visitor verification: This value is added to the start
date to generate an end date, both of which are automatically entered in AEOS. After
this end date, visitors are automatically denied access.
12.13 Default number of days for employee verification: This value is added to the start
date to generate an end date, both of which are automatically entered in AEOS. After
this end date, employees are automatically denied access.
12.14 Default number of days for contractor verification: This value is added to the start
date to generate an end date, both of which are automatically entered in AEOS. After
this end date, contractors are automatically denied access.
12.15 Default number of days for car verification: This value is added to the start date to
generate an end date, both of which are automatically entered in AEOS. After this
end date, cars are automatically denied access.
12.16 Write extended carrier details on card.: Should carrier data be written along with
Sagem data on the card
12.17 Holiday schedule overrules verification disabled schedule: On holidays the
verification disabled schedule is overruled.
12.18 Total load for biometric data: The number of finger prints that can be loaded in the

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Appendix A: System Properties

12.19 Filtered laod for biometric data: The number of finger prints that can be added to
the filter
12.20 Daily load for biometric data: The number of finger prints that can loaded daily
12.21 Biometric filter reload time: The length of time it takes for fingerprints to reload
12.22 Enable biometric filter reload: Enables reloading of fingerprints
12.23 Timeout (in sec) for Sagem Enrollment: The number of seconds time out time
lasts for the enrolment of Sagem finger prints
12.24 Sagem storage on card: Enables storage of fingerprint on the carrier’s Mifare card
12.25 Sagem fingerprint matcher active: Temporarily disables the matcher functionality
12.26 Excluded pincodes (eg. 1111, 4711, etc.): The here defined PIN codes cannot be
used. To prevent people using simple PINcode such as 1234, 1111, etc.
12.27 Type of the used template
12.28 Store finger enrolment action: Indicate that the fact that fingers were enrolled on
card will be marked in AEOS. Be aware: Just the fact that a template is stored is
stored in AEOS, not the template itself is stored in AEOS!
12.29 DES encryption on card: Enable/disable to DES encryption of data on the card
12.30 Generate pincode: The pin code will be generated

13.01 Export events, using event filter: Applies if AEOS is linked to a ‘third party’ system
that processes the AEOS events itself (see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual).
13.02 Export events, using entrance filter: Applies if AEOS is linked to a ‘third party’
system that processes the AEOS events itself (see the AEOS Advanced Installation
13.03 Export events, using Aepu filter: Applies if AEOS is linked to a ‘third party’ system
that processes the AEOS events itself (see the AEOS Advanced Installation Manual).

14.01 Delete visitors without badge(s) after given number of days: Deletes visitors
after leave date has been exceeded by xx days.
Keep this value low if your system deals with large numbers of visitors.
14.02 Delete contractors without badge(s) after given number of days: Deletes
contractors after leave date has been exceeded by xx days .
Keep this value low if your system deals with large numbers of contractors.
14.03 Delete employees without badge(s) after given number of days: Deletes
employees after leave date has been exceeded by xx days.
Keep this value low if your system deals with large numbers of employees.
14.04 Delete cars without badge(s) after given number of days: Deletes cars after leave
date has been exceeded by xx days.
Keep this value low if your system deals with large numbers of cars.
14.05 NA
14.06 Delete visitors after given number of days: Deletes the visitors when leave date
has been exceeded by xx days
14.07 Delete contractors after given number of days. Deletes the contractors when
leave date has been exceeded by is xx days
14.08 Delete employees after given number of days: Deletes the employees when leave
date has been exceeded by xx days
14.09 Delete cars after given number of days: Deletes the cars when leave date has
been exceeded by xx days
14.10 NA

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Appendix A: System Properties

14.11 Erase deleted visitor data after given number of months: Erases visitor data
when removal date has been exceeded by xx months.
14.12 Erase deleted contractor data after given number of months: Erases contractor
data when removal date has been exceeded by xx months.
14.13 Erase deleted employee data after given number of months: Erases employee
data when removal date has been exceeded by xx months.
14.14 Erase deleted car data after given number of months: Erases car data when
removal date has been exceeded by xx months.
14.21 Defines the schedule start time of the delete carrier actions
14.22 Defines the schedule start time of the erase carrier actions

15.01 Automatic vendor import: Enable: Allows you to automatically import a list of
15.02 Automatic vendor import: Interval (min.): Sets the interval at which the vendor list
is automatically imported.
15.03 Automatic vendor import: Start time: The time at which automatic vendor import
should start.

17.01 Archive violations: If you use the ‘Violations and blacklist’ feature, you can
permanently store violations that have been deleted from the list in the database,
along with the date on which they were deleted.
17.02 Can blacklisted carriers be deleted: Disable if you want to prevent blacklisted
carriers from being deleted.
17.03 Display violation data on announce visitor screen: If enabled, the ‘announce’
screen will display the number of violations a visitor has been issued.
17.04 Maximum number of violations before blacklisting carrier: This sets the number
of violations after which a carrier is placed on the blacklist.
17.05 Blacklist reason for exceeding maximum number of violations: Indicates the
reason to use when carriers are blacklisted due to too many violations.
17.06 Allow modifying blacklist carrier: Indicates that it is permissible to modify a
blacklisted carrier.

18.01 Visitor announcement start date/time and until date/time will be filled in
automatically: If enabled, a visitor’s arrival date and time are automatically entered
when he/she is registered in AEOS. From the moment you open one of the visitor
screens, the start date and time are updated every sixty seconds. As soon as you
start entering data, updating stops and the time is set.
18.02 Visitor announcement shows a warning when dates are in the past: If enabled,
the system user announcing a visitor will be alerted if he/she enters a date in the
18.03 Visitor announcement start time will be filled in automatically: If enabled the, the
arrival time on the visitor screen will be updated automatically.
18.04 Show a warning when withdrawing a badge from a present visitor: If enabled a
warning is given when a user withdraws a badge while the visitor is still present.

19.01 Events in filter will be logged: Allows you to select an event filter for logging
19.02 Don’t store authorised badge events of visitors from entrances in selected

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 135

Appendix A: System Properties

filter: Authorised badge events of visitors belonging to entrances in this filter will
NOT be stored into the database
19.03 Don’t store authorised badge events of employees from entrances in selected
filter: as 19.02, for employees
19.04 Don’t store authorised badge events of contractors from entrances in selected
filter: as 19.02, for contractors
19.05 Don’t store authorised badge events of cars from entrances in selected filter:
as 19.02, for cars

20.01 Report generation window start: The time at which report generation starts.
20.02 Report generation window end: The time at which report generation ends.
20.03 Report generation enabled: If enabled, reports are generated in the time slot
defined in 20.01 and 20.02.
20.04 Immediate report generation interval (seconds): Number of seconds after which
report generation starts after clicking on the Generate now button.

21.01 Intrusion options visible: If your company uses the Intrusion option, you must
check this box to have AEOS display the intrusion functions in the menus and on the
21.02 Intrusion (2) options visible : this option should be enabled to be able to use
Intrusion (2)
21.03 Use multiple monitor centre accounts: This option makes it possible to configure
multiple account numbers for reporting area specific events.

22.01 Employee max. number of photos: Maximum number of photos of an employee

that can be stored. If more than one photo is stored, the most recent will be shown.
The others can be viewed by scrolling left or right.
22.02 Visitor max. number of photos: Maximum number of photos of a visitor that can be
stored. If more than one photo is stored, the most recent will be shown. The others
can be viewed by scrolling left or right.
22.03 Contractor max. number of photos: Maximum number of photos of a contractor
that can be stored. If more than one photo is stored, the most recent will be shown.
The others can be viewed by scrolling left or right.
22.04 Car max. number of photos: Maximum number of photos of a car that can be
stored. If more than one photo is stored, the most recent will be shown. The others
can be viewed by scrolling left or right.
22.05 Validity employee photo in days: This determines how long a photo of an
employee is valid. This value is not displayed on the screen. If its validity has expired,
a message will pop up on the carrier ‘announce’ screen indicating a new photo must
be taken.
22.06 Validity visitor photo in days: This determines how long a photo of a visitor is valid.
This value is not displayed on the screen. If its validity has expired, a message will
pop up on the carrier ‘announce’ screen indicating a new photo must be taken.
22.07 Validity contractor photo in days: This determines how long a photo of a
contractor is valid. This value is not displayed on the screen. If its validity has
expired, a message will pop up on the carrier ‘announce’ screen indicating a new
photo must be taken.
22.08 Validity car photo in days: This determines how long a photo of a car is valid. This
value is not displayed on the screen. If its validity has expired, a message will pop up
on the vehicle ‘announce’ screen indicating a new photo must be taken.

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Appendix A: System Properties

22.09 Maximum file size in MB of export photo file ( Maximum file size for
manual exporting photos. If exported data exceeds this file, a message is given and
export to this file is stopped.

23.01 Max. presence time Entrancezone: Select the zone where carriers’ presence time
will be monitored.
23.02 Presence times values (e.g. 30, 60. 120): The number of minutes a carrier is
permitted to stay in the zone selected at 23.01.
23.03 Max. presence time Entrancezone: Select the zone where carriers’ presence time
will stopped being monitored.

24.01 Count movements Entrancezone: Select the zone where carriers’ number of
movements will be monitored.
24.02 Unblock visitor with selected block reason when withdrawing identifier:
Unblock visitor after withdrawal identifiers when block reason is selected one

25.01 Assign locker on date: If enabled, you can limit the period for which a locker is
assigned to a carrier.
25.02 Free field for LoXS user type: the free field that must be used to declare carriers to
be a LoXS master key user

27.01 Default vendor for carrier replacement: The vendor you select here is the default
vendor (mandatory field) for contractors whose carrier type is changed in a ‘change
carrier type’ operation.
27.02 Prevent deletion of vendors assigned to contractors. If active, vendors that as
still assigned to contractors cannot be deleted.

28.01 Query method for field ‘Last name’: Select the query method for ‘Last name’
search operations. Choose between letter combinations (Default), sound
recognition (Soundex), or both (Default + Soundex).
28.02 Query method for ‘Last name Heb’ (special free field): Select the query method
for searching Hebrew last names. Choose between letter combinations (Default),
sound recognition (Soundex), or both (Default + Soundex).
28.03 Query method for vehicle: Select the query method for ‘Vehicle’ search operations.
Choose between letter combinations (Default), sound recognition (Soundex), or
both (Default + Soundex).

29.01 Employee default language: Select the default language for employees.
29.02 Visitor default language: Select the default language for visitors.
29.03 Contractor default language: Select the default language for contractors.

30.01 Offline system: Select the offline system you are interfacing AEOS with.
30.02 Identifier type used by offline system: Select the appropriate identifier type for the
30.03 Free field for validity period: defines the FreeField that holds the validity period of

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 137

Appendix A: System Properties

the badge

31.01 Ask deblock replaced identifier question: When checked, a pop-up dialogue box
will ask system users whether a replaced identifier should be unblocked.
31.02 Always deblock replaced identifier: Check box to enable.
31.03 Withdrawal of a badge is not allowed when carrier is present: When checked,
badges cannot be withdrawn when the carrier is on site (according to presence list).

33.01 AEOS User should also be a carrier: Requires users to be included as carriers in

34.01 Default user role for generating user accounts: Only this user role is allowed to
generate user accounts.
34.02 Default user role for generating external user accounts: Only this user role is
allowed for generating external user accounts.

35.01 1. Composed field: To compose printable fields for use on the card/label or receipt.
With these composed fields combinations can be generated from several database
fields and/or fixed text
35.02 2. Composed field: See above
35.03 3. Composed field: See above
35.04 Cardprinter: select identifier to be printed.
35.05 Card layout of replacement identifier can be selected
35.06 Visitor cardprinter project
35.07 Visitor cardprinter layout
35.08 Default visitor card layout of replacement identifier

35.11 Employee cardprinter project

35.12 Employee cardprinter layout
35.13 Default employee card layout of replacement identifier
35.16 Contractor cardprinter project
35.17 Contractor cardprinter layout
35.18 Default contractor card layout of replacement identifier
35.21 Car cardprinter project
35.22 Car cardprinter layout
35.23 Default car card layout of replacement identifier

35.30 Receipt printing must succeed: If active there will be no card issues if no printer is
available for this user.
35.31 Show popup message when the print card job is successfull on announce
screen: Default Off: no popup is shown after card is printed
35.32 Cardprinter selectable: Specify whether the card printer is selectable. Be aware: his
option is only available for DataCard!

36.01 Key cabinet system: Define the Key cabinet system connected with AEOS

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Appendix A: System Properties

36.02 Identifiertype used by Key cabinet system: Defines the badge type used by the
Key cabinet system
36.03 Badge type exclude for Key cabinet system: defines the badge type that is
exclude for the Key cabinet system

37.01 Default template for remotely added employees: Default template assigned to
employees that are added using the Intermediate server solution

39.01 Export visitors: If active export data for visitors will be made available
39.02 Export employees If active export data for employees will be made available
39.03 Export contractors If active export data for contractors will be made available
39.04 Export cars If active export data for cars will be made available
39.05 Export free fields: Export the free fields of the selected carrier types
39.06 Export authorizations: Export the authorizations of the selected carrier types
39.07 Export authorizations incl. entrance group(s): Expand the exported authorizations
to entrance group(s) of the selected carrier types
39.08 Export authorizations incl. entrance(s): Expand the exported authorizations to
entrance(s) of the selected carrier types
39.09 Export authorizations due to template modifications: Export the expended carrier
authorizations due to template modification
39.10 Export authorizations due to entrance group modifications: Export the expanded
carrier authorizations due to an entrance group modification

40.01 Check the validity of the contact person for employees: Should the validity of the
employees contact persons be checked or not
40.02 Check the validity of the contact person for visitors: see 40.01 for visitors
40.03 Check the validity of the contact person for contractors: see 40.01 for

42.01 Maximum number of attachments for an employee

42.02 Maximum number of attachments for a visitor
42.03 Maximum number of attachments for a contractor
42.04 Maximum number of attachments for a car
42.05 Maximum number of attachments
42.11 Maximum file size in MB of attachment

43.01 SOAA enabled: This option enables the use of SOAA.

43.02 Free field for card update period: This option is not yet operational.
43.03 Default card update period in hours for visitors: This option is not yet operational.
43.04 Default card update period in hours for employees: This option is not yet
43.05 Default card update period in hours for contractors: This option is not yet
43.06 Maximum number of schedules on card
43.07 Maximum number of DayTime-periods in schedule
43.08 Maximum number of intervals in a DayTime-period

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Appendix A: System Properties

AEOS Blue system properties that are license options with an AEOS Classic license:

44.01 Alarm handler: Text based tool to handle alarms in AEOS, including work
instructions. The alarm handler shows the actual status of the alarms and who is
handling them. Alarm events can be categorized as critical, high, medium or low
44.02 Graphical alarm handler: Graphic based tool to handle alarms in AEOS, including
work instructions. The alarm handler shows the actual status of the network
components, the alarms and who is handling them.
44.03 Anti-Passback: Anti-Passback (APB) function per Access Point. To provide one-
card, one-way access into and then out of a secure area. It prevents someone from
using a card to enter a secure area and then passing that card back to someone else
to enter that same area. A distinction can be made between Soft APB (only
registration of APB errors), Hard APB (function described above) and Timed APB
(APB status will be reset automatically after the stated time).
44.04 Contractor management: The Contractor Management feature makes management
and registration of contractors in AEOS possible. It includes tasks such as
announcing and searching contractors, deleting and changing contractor data and
issuing contractor identifiers and verifiers.
44.05 Countgroup in zones (except neutral): This option allows counting administration
for count groups in defined zones. The Count-groups in zones feature makes it
possible to control the number of parked vehicles or to control the number of persons
in an area. This feature is required for every count group in a zone.
44.06 Counting movements (strip ticket): This feature generates an event if the
maximum permitted number of access movements in a specific zone has been
44.07 Filters (Entrance/Area/LoXS related): Filters are required to restrict information in
the AEOS user interface. If no filter is assigned, a user can view all the information
available in the system.
44.08 Guard tour: With AEOS Guard Tour guards can be sent on their rounds while their
progress is monitored from the control room. The control room can check whether
the guard is actually making his rounds and respond to alarms triggered when
irregularities occurs.
44.09 Integration to Milestone: The Milestone Integration feature supports integration
between Milestone’s XProtect Corporate CCTV software and AEOS software from
Nedap. The integration consists of web service-based communication between the
XProtect server and AEOS server.
44.10 Maximum presence time: This feature enables checking and verifying the presence
time of employees, visitors, contractors and vehicles in one particular zone. Expiry of
the maximum presence time generates an event. In combination with Event Actions a
carrier can be blocked.
44.11 Multiple time zones: Multiple time zones for central administration with a single
server concept for multiple units that are located in different time zones.
44.12 Special or invisible badges: Special badges will be shown in a special defined
event monitor. Invisible badges will never be shown.
44.13 Rule engine: The Rule Engine is automatically assigning and/or changing
information and authorizations by means of user-defined rules. It can quickly and
simply couple access authorizations for employees, vehicles, visitors or contractors
to different attributes such as age, department or building. Authorizations can be
applied to individuals or complete groups, locally or across the world. The following

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Appendix A: System Properties

parameters can be assigned or altered by rules: template, entrance group, day/time

schedule, organization, region and area. This functionality ensures that standard
manual changes in the system are automated and executed error-free.
44.14 CMS RP integration
44.15 Soap WebService: The SOAP Web Services enables the possibility for external
parties to manipulate and retrieve data which is available in the AEOS front end.
Data is available in the following categories: I: Person data and carrier ID, II:
Authorisations, III: Parameter e.g. Day/Time schedules, Entrances and Templates.
44.16 Security levels: Security Level management is used to create scenarios which give
or deny particular groups of carriers access to certain zones in special situations, for
example during crises or when dealing with various threat levels. System
administrators can (de)activate Verification, APB and Counting for each of these
special carrier groups.
44.17 Translation mode
44.18 Units: Employees, Visitors, Contractors, Vehicles, Departments and Count groups
can be allocated to units. AEOS users can be restricted to view or modify data from
certain units in order to create data authorization functionality. Full data authorisation
functionality requires filters on top of the units.
Once enabled, this option should not be disabled. If you want to disable Units, please
contact your Nedap dealer.
44.19 Extended vendor management: This feature is an extension of the Vendor
Management and Permits feature. It offers additional data fields for recording general
data relating to the vendor, such as address, person to contact and definition of freely
configurable data fields.
This option requires enabling options 44.04 and 44.20.
44.20 Vendor management & permits: Vendor Management & Permits makes it possible
to manage and monitor the vendors, (sub)vendors and permits pertaining to projects
for which a company has hired outside expertise. This feature establishes a link
between a contractor and a main vendor or subvendor, and a permit (project) with its
specific authorizations. This module allows the system user to keep track of every
vendor, subvendor and contractor working on a project. This option requires enabling
option 44.04.
44.21 Verification PIN-code
44.22 Visit management: Enables the reuse of visitor data and the repeat visits of a visitor.
44.23 Violation & blacklist management: The Violations & Blacklist Management option
allows setting an unlimited number of violation categories and the corresponding
sanctions. Sanctions may include barring someone from entering company premises,
for instance. Violations & Blacklist Management gives an overview of the time, date
and place of each violation recorded for a particular visitor, employee, contractor or
vehicle. The system user can determine when someone is blacklisted for these
violations. It is not possible to issue a new badge to someone on the blacklist.
44.30 Enrollment Bioscrypt fingerprint: The enrollment features in combination with an
enrollment station allow registration of person-related biometric identification data
based on its attributes. The user interface is fully integrated in AEOS and actual
registration is based on the software used by the Enrollment Station.
44.31 Document scanner: Entering person-related data can be significantly simplified by
the Enrollment Document Scanner feature in combination with a suitable reading
device connected to the workstation.
44.32 Enrollment Hitachi finger vein: The enrollment features in combination with an
enrollment station allow registration of person-related biometric identification data
based on its attributes. The user interface is fully integrated in AEOS and actual
registration is based on the software used by the Enrollment Station.
44.33 Enrollment Kosmos weight: The enrollment features in combination with an
enrollment station allow registration of person-related biometric identification data

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 141

Appendix B: Menu overview

based on its attributes. The user interface is fully integrated in AEOS and actual
registration is based on the software used by the Enrollment Station.
44.34 Enrollment Sagem fingerprint: The enrollment features in combination with an
enrollment station allow registration of person-related biometric identification data
based on its attributes. The user interface is fully integrated in AEOS and actual
registration is based on the software used by the Enrollment Station.
44.35 Sagem fingerprint matcher: The Sagem Fingerprint Matcher feature extends the
Enrolment Fingerprint Sagem feature by adding the option of searching for and
checking fingerprints in the AEOS database. This functionality allows a fingerprint to
be compared with all the other records in the database in order to prevent the
creation of multiple registration records for the same person.

Appendix B Menu overview

The following overview provides cross references between all AEOS menu items and the
sections of the manual covering these functions. (The first four items are general functions not
to be found in the menu.)

General functions
Logging in .......................................................................................... 2.1
Logging off ......................................................................................... 2.2
Searching for data ............................................................................. 2.3
Switching languages ....................................................................... 2.1.1

System users
Maintain user ..................................................................................... 3.3
Maintain LDAP user template ......................................................... 3.3.3
Maintain LDAP configuration .......................................................... 3.3.3
Assign user to carrier ..............................................................................
Maintain user template Configurations .............................................. 3.3
Maintain user role .............................................................................. 3.2
Change password .............................................................................. 3.1
Maintain tasks ................................................................................. 2.5.1
Change user favorites .................................................................... 2.5.3
Maintain My Queries ....................................................................... 2.5.2
Maintain connected users ............................................................... 3.3.4
Activate disabled account ............................................................... 3.3.2
Assign new password ..................................................................... 3.3.1
Maintain user group ................................................................................
Unblock .............................................................................................. 5.5

Entrance filters ................................................................................... 7.6
Locker filter ................................................................................... 23.2.6
LoXS terminalgroup filter .................................................................... 24
Event filter ....................................................................................... 8.1.1
Intrusion area filter ........................................................................... 19.3
Template filters ............................................................................... 3.7.2
Schedule filters ............................................................................... 3.6.2
Count zone manager filters .......................................................... 13.4.2
APB zone manager filters ................................................................ 12.6

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Appendix B: Menu overview

Units ................................................................................................... 4.2

Entrance priority list ........................................................................... 7.3
AEpu filters ...................................................................................... 4.11
Face filters .......................................................................................... 10
Report filters ......................................................................................... 9
Security scenario filters ................................................................... 22.6
Printer filters............................................................................................
Alarmpoint command filters ................................................................ 28
Workstations .............................................................................. 4.3
Workstation devices .................................................................... 11
Printers ....................................................................................... 4.1
Document mapping................................................................... 11.5
Events & alarms ................................................................................ 8.1
Departments ................................................................................... 4.2.1
Work locations ................................................................................. 17.6
URLs ................................................................................................ 28.2
Locations ................................................................................. 7.3.1
Functional entrance labels ....................................................... 7.3.2
Labels entrance group ............................................................. 7.5.1
Free fields
Free field categories ................................................................ 3.8.1
Free fields ................................................................................ 3.8.2
Free fields lookup .................................................................... 3.8.4
Free fields lookup filters ........................................................... 3.8.5
Free fields CAP assignments .................................................. 3.8.7
Messages .......................................................................................... 4.5
(De)active maintenance mode......................................................... 4.13
Block reasons .................................................................................... 6.8
Unlock reasons .......................................................................................
Lock reasons ..........................................................................................
Identifier labels ............................................................................ 5.7
Identifier types ............................................................................ 5.8
Identifier type mapping ............................................................... 5.9
Set maximum identifiers .......................................................... 5.12
Favourites ....................................................................................... 2.5.3
E-mail group ............................................................................. 31.4
SMS group ................................................................................ 31.4
Languages ................................................................................ 31.4
System properties ....................................................................... 4.4
Maintain thumbnails .........................................................................
Auto-block ................................................................................ 6.8.2
Configure .........................................................................................
Archiving ............................................................................................ 8.5
Restore archive .............................................................................. 8.5.1

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Appendix B: Menu overview

Violations & Blacklist

Categories ....................................................................................... 18.1
Issue ................................................................................................ 18.2
Overview .......................................................................................... 18.3
Overview .......................................................................................... 17.7
Maintain ........................................................................................... 17.7
Type of work .................................................................................... 17.5
Administration ..................................................................................... 20
Overview ............................................................................................. 20
Rule Engine
New employee rule .......................................................................... 21.3
New visitor rule ................................................................................ 21.3
New car rule..................................................................................... 21.3
New contractor rule ........................................................................ 21.3
Maintain rule .................................................................................... 21.2
Reports ............................................................................................ 21.6
Import rules ...................................................................................... 21.5
Status............................................................................................... 21.7
Maintain schedule ............................................................................ 21.8
Import............................................................................................... 17.2
Maintain ........................................................................................... 17.3
Overview .......................................................................................... 17.3
Import carriers
Import................................................................................................. 6.2
Overview ............................................................................................ 6.2
Reports .............................................................................................. 9.3
Designs .............................................................................................. 9.2
Items ................................................................................................ 10.2
Frames............................................................................................. 10.3
Faces ............................................................................................... 10.4

Templates ....................................................................................... 3.7.1
Offline templates .............................................................................. 32.4
Key templates .........................................................................................
LoXS terminal templates ................................................................. 24.4
Entrance groups ................................................................................ 7.5
Offline entrance group ..................................................................... 32.3
Key groups..............................................................................................
Locker groups ............................................................................... 23.2.2
Day/time schedules ........................................................................... 3.6
Holidays ............................................................................................. 4.6
Intrusion templates .......................................................................... 19.2

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 144

Appendix B: Menu overview

Templates ....................................................................................... 3.7.1
Entrance groups .....................................................................................
Day/time schedules ................................................................................

Pre-announce ................................................................................. 6.3.1
Pre-announce yourself ...................................................................... 6.3
Announce.......................................................................................... 6.3
Search ..................................................................................... 6.3.3; 2.3
Delete ................................................................................................ 6.5
Edit ..................................................................................................... 6.6
Search visits ...........................................................................................
Issue identifier.................................................................................... 5.2
Issue replacement ............................................................................. 5.6
Withdraw identifier ............................................................................. 5.3
Withdraw and block identifier............................................................. 5.4
Block identifier ................................................................................... 5.4
Unblock identifier ............................................................................... 5.5
Assign LoXS master key ................................................................. 24.7

Announce........................................................................................... 6.4
Search .................................................................................... 6.3.3; 2.3
Delete ................................................................................................ 6.5
Edit ..................................................................................................... 6.6
Search visits ...........................................................................................
Issue identifier.................................................................................... 5.2
Issue replacement ............................................................................. 5.6
Withdraw identifier ............................................................................. 5.3
Withdraw and block identifier............................................................. 5.4
Block identifier ................................................................................... 5.4
Unblock identifier ............................................................................... 5.5
Assign locker master key.............................................................. 23.2.5
Assign LoXS master key ................................................................. 24.7

Announce........................................................................................... 6.4
Search .................................................................................... 6.3.3; 2.3
Delete ................................................................................................ 6.5
Edit ..................................................................................................... 6.6
Issue identifier.................................................................................... 5.2
Issue replacement ............................................................................. 5.6
Withdraw identifier ............................................................................. 5.3
Withdraw and block identifier............................................................. 5.4
Block identifier ................................................................................... 5.4
Unblock identifier ............................................................................... 5.5
Assign LoXS master key ................................................................. 24.7

Shared functions
Maintain person ................................................................................. 6.6

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 145

Appendix B: Menu overview

Change person type .......................................................................... 6.7

Block carrier ....................................................................................... 6.8
Unblock carrier................................................................................... 6.9
Authorization overview ...................................................................... 6.1
Assigned lockers .......................................................................... 23.2.3
Activate auto-block ............................................................................ 6.1
Deactivate auto-block ........................................................................ 6.1
Block identifier ................................................................................... 6.1
Unblock identifier ............................................................................... 6.1
Set special ......................................................................................... 6.1
Reset special ..................................................................................... 6.1
Set invisible........................................................................................ 6.1
Reset invisible.................................................................................... 6.1
Export photo ...................................................................................... 6.1

Issue .................................................................................................. 5.2
Issue replacement ............................................................................. 5.6
Withdraw ............................................................................................ 5.3
Withdraw and Block ........................................................................... 5.4
Reset carrier(s) ................................................................................ 12.9
Reset all ........................................................................................... 12.9
Activate ............................................................................................ 12.8
Deactivate ........................................................................................ 12.8
Activate ............................................................................................ 14.2
Deactivate ........................................................................................ 14.2
Biometric filter .........................................................................................

Announce........................................................................................... 6.4
Search .................................................................................... 6.3.3; 2.3
Delete ................................................................................................ 6.5
Shared functions
Block .................................................................................................. 6.8
Unblock .............................................................................................. 6.9
Access overview ................................................................................ 6.1
Activate auto-block ............................................................................ 6.1
Deactivate auto-block ........................................................................ 6.1
Set special ......................................................................................... 6.1
Reset special ..................................................................................... 6.1
Set invisible........................................................................................ 6.1
Reset invisible.................................................................................... 6.1

Issue .................................................................................................. 5.2
Issue replacement ............................................................................. 5.6
Withdraw ............................................................................................ 5.3
Withdraw and block ........................................................................... 5.3
Block identifier ................................................................................... 5.4

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 146

Appendix B: Menu overview

Unblock identifier ............................................................................... 5.4

Reset ............................................................................................... 12.9
Activate ............................................................................................ 12.8
Deactivate ........................................................................................ 12.8
Activate ............................................................................................ 14.2
Deactivate ........................................................................................ 14.2

Provide access ............................................................................... 7.4.1
Simulate passage ........................................................................... 7.4.4
Simulate vehicle passage ............................................................... 7.4.4
Provide count zone access .............................................................. 13.5
Configure schedules .......................................................................... 7.2
Reload entrance ............................................................................ 7.4.3
Provide access ................................................................................... 23
Reload locker ................................................................................ 23.2.4
LoXS terminal
Overview lockers ............................................................................. 24.8
Provide access ............................................................................. 24.8.1
(De-)Block locker .............................................................. 24.8.2; 24.8.3
Reload LoXS terminal ................................................................... 24.8.4
Access point
(De) activate access control .............................................................. 4.7

Confirm access points ...................................................................... 3.4
Entrances..................................................................................... 3.5;7.1
Offline entrances ............................................................................. 32.3
Keys ........................................................................................................
Lockers ............................................................................................ 23.2
LoXS terminal groups ...................................................................... 24.3
View configuration ................................................................................ 7
Access points..................................................................................... 3.4
Maintain AEpus ............................................................................... 4.10
APB zones ....................................................................................... 12.5
Reset APB zones ............................................................................ 12.9
APB zone managers ........................................................................ 12.3
Configure APB ................................................................................. 12.7
Info .................................................................................................. 2.3.6
Import.............................................................................................. 2.3.6
Entrance zones ....................................................................... 25.1; 26.1

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 147

Appendix B: Menu overview

Groups ............................................................................................. 13.2
Zones ............................................................................................ 13.2.2
Zone/group ................................................................................... 13.2.3
Reset zones ..................................................................................... 13.3
Count groups reset .......................................................................... 13.3
Count zone managers ..................................................................... 13.4
Configure counting ....................................................................... 13.2.3
Response to event ........................................................................... 31.1
Response to user action .................................................................. 31.2
Response to expiry date .................................................................. 31.3
Intrusion areas ................................................................................. 19.1
Guard Tour
Print single tour ................................................................................ 30.6
Scheduled guard tour ...................................................................... 30.8
Guard tours ...................................................................................... 30.4
Instructions ...................................................................................... 30.2
Checkpoints ..................................................................................... 30.1
Alarm handler
Alarm definitions .................................................................. 28.4.8; 27.4
Alarm points ......................................................................... 28.4.6; 27.1
State points .......................................................................... 28.4.6; 27.1
Instruction sets..................................................................... 28.4.7; 27.3
Instructions .......................................................................... 28.4.7; 27.2
Maps ............................................................................................. 28.4.1
Map-points .................................................................................... 28.4.9
Status ............................................................................................ 28.4.2
Status Template ........................................................................... 28.4.3
Status Rule Template ................................................................... 28.4.4
Command Template ..................................................................... 28.4.5
Sounds ............................................................................................. 28.1
Images ............................................................................................. 28.1

Event monitor
Text events ..................................................................................... 8.1.2
Photo events ...................................................................................... 8.1
Photo event properties ................................................................... 8.1.3
View presence persons ..................................................................... 8.4
View presence vehicles ..................................................................... 8.4

View log ............................................................................................. 8.2
View .................................................................................................. 8.2
Audit trail filter ................................................................................. 8.3.1

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 148

Appendix B: Menu overview

Lock ................................................................................................ 7.4.2
Unlock ............................................................................................. 7.4.2
Undo ............................................................................................... 7.4.2
Emergency entrance groups .......................................................... 7.4.2
System status
Message subscription overview....................................................... 4.12
Maintain access point modifications .................................................. 4.8
Check AEpu AC Data ........................................................................ 4.9
Activate ......................................................................................... 10.4.9
Security Levels
Activate scenario ............................................................................. 22.6
SL scenarios .................................................................................... 22.5
SL templates .................................................................................... 22.4
SL entrance groups ......................................................................... 22.3
SL carrier groups ............................................................................. 22.2
Guard Tour
Start ................................................................................................. 30.7
Monitor and edit ............................................................................... 30.9
View audit trail ............................................................................... 30.10
Alarm Handler
View log ........................................................................................... 27.7
In use ......................................................................................................

My tasks 2.5.1
My Queries 2.5.2
Favourites 2.5.3

© Nedap N.V. AEOS User Manual 149

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