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HRSG Guaranteed and Predicted Performance

Case Number 1
Case Description Normal Operation
Ambient Temperature °C 35.0
Ambient Relative Humidity % 77
Ambient Pressure bara 1.044

Gas Turbine Load 100%

Gas Turbine Fuel Type Natural Gas
Gas Turbine Exhaust Flow T/h 87.22
Gas Turbine Exhaust Temperature °C 548.4
. O2 13.38
N2 72.42
Exhaust Gas Composition CO2 3.28
% by Volume H2O 10.05
. Ar 0.87
. SO2 0.00

IP Steam Flow at TP t/h 16.15*

IP Steam Temperature at TP (+/- 3°C) °C 216.8
IP Steam Pressure at TP bara 22.6
IP Blowdown Rate % 0.0
IP Feedwater Flow t/h 16.15
IP Feedwater Temperature °C 80.8
Gas Temperature Leaving HRSG °C 139.2
Gas Side Static Pressure Loss mbar 21.85*

1) Steam productions rates based on specified feedwater inlet temperature and specified gas inlet parameter.
2) A tolerance of 1% will apply to the above flow rate and pressure drop performance guarantees
3) Static gas side pressure loss only cover for inlet duct until HRSG stack.
4) Stack Height: 15.2 m, Stack Diameter: 1.3 m, Site Elevation: 0 m
5) Only value with "*" are guaranteed. All others predicted.

Description Rev. Created Checked Approved Date

For Tender Purpose 0 EPM EPM DSA 25-Feb-18

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