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Case 9:18-cv-80176-BB Document 1-23 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/14/2018 Page 1 of 2

Exhibit 20
Case 9:18-cv-80176-BB Document 1-23 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/14/2018 Page 2 of 2

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I. DA\'ID A1A'=t3..EIMA.!--.: ded� lO tht Offi;tiC't' tiling my �JKl,\\1tdgnttn[ Ofthis 1i nstnnntnt. mtd 10 ihe
1UbtmD1ng witnHSeS. tlw.J signtd \his instrumt1u as m)' wilt.

:) t Ta.t:ltor

We, M1£Cta J. Vamov (Wi1ness) rownifL

(Witnea) have bccu 5wom by i'bc offiQcrsigning be-low + ond di;cl,:m:r 1n, rhat ofTUcron 01J1.�S l1l31 lhe
TCIUIOrd«lmd the mstruntmuo � the Tesut0r·s ":ill and signed 1t in of.ll"prcsenrc end th:i.t 'tn: ,t.Jcli
lipc:d lhc instrwnmt u. 11 \\'ilnt'SSin thc-p�r ofl.M Testa.tor cind gf e:1d1 ,other.

� and �bed before me b)· DAVID ,ti.A..� KLEIMA:-.', tht 1'm.ato , i\ who l
laaMh10mcorwbohllproduced ____ asidt:mificaticm.11ndsi.\-om tomld 5� beton:.m
by: Yar:cia � (WimeA)v,/buif�>·knownlolTif:orwhob3$pro,duc:ec1
____ u� llfld _�f W lJ:Lo/0 � (c,t::_ i \\'il!Jt'Sj) w� � pcrsowill�

bown IOmeorwbc>hls produced u�fican� llfid iwbscn'bed byme in the pftSfflcc­

ollbt- tn,a&ar and tbe 1Ubtcribifl8 -,,itnascs. all on Joly 30, 2003 .


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