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B.A.Sc, University of B r i t i s h Columbia, 1988




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» December, 1990

© Dan Zavoral, 1990

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Department of C int- £?tV&tAft£

The University of British Columbia

Vancouver, Canada

Date £>ecen^er AS^ I^^O

DE-6 (2/88)

The dynamic properties of clay deposits under seismic or

wave loading conditions must be well understood to assure
dynamic s t a b i l i t y of structures founded on such soil. The
dynamic shear modulus and damping appear to be a complex
function of many variables, and a wide range of values have
been reported i n the l i t e r a t u r e . Consequently, considerable
uncertainty e x i s t s i n choosing the appropriate values of shear
modulus and damping f o r a p a r t i c u l a r problem.

This thesis presents a study of the influence of various

factors on the shear modulus and damping of a marine clay using
a resonant column/torsional shear device. In p a r t i c u l a r , the
influence of factors such as shear s t r a i n amplitude, e f f e c t i v e
confining stress, stress history, frequency ( s t r a i n rate), and
secondary time-dependent behaviour are examined. The pore
pressure response i s also studied.

The shear modulus was found to degrade f o r shear strains

above 0.005%. The strain dependency was found to be well
represented by a single normalized modulus reduction curve
regardless of the confining pressure or overconsolidation
ratio. Slower s t r a i n rates resulted i n smaller values of shear

Of the variables studied, the duration of sample
confinement was found to be the most imporant factor a f f e c t i n g
the material damping. Above 0.005% s t r a i n , the damping of the
marine clay increased with shearing s t r a i n amplitude. No
s i g n i f i c a n t e f f e c t of confining pressure and stress h i s t o r y on
damping was observed at any strain level. As well, the
material damping was found to be relatively independent of
loading frequency.

Both the shear wave v e l o c i t y and damping obtained i n t h i s

study were found to be consistent with the i n s i t u values
determined using the seismic cone penetration t e s t .





2.1.1 E f f e c t of Shear Strain Amplitude 5
2.1.2 E f f e c t of Void Ratio 7
2.1.3 E f f e c t of Confining Stress 10
2.1.4 Consolidation Stress History 14
2.1.5 Frequency E f f e c t 16
2.1.6 Secondary Time E f f e c t s 16
2.2.1 E f f e c t of Shear Strain Amplitude 23
2.2.2 Secondary Time E f f e c t s 25
2.2.3 Frequency E f f e c t 26
2.2.4 Confining Pressure 29
3.2.1 Confining Chamber 33
3.2.2 Drive Mechanism 35
3.2.3 Torsional Accelerometer 37
3.2.4 Height Change Measurement 38
3.2.5 Volume Change and Pore Pressure Monitoring
Equipment 38
3.2.6 A i r Pressure Transducer 39
3.3.1 Function Generator 39
3.3.2 Signal Amplifier 41
3.3.3 Charge Amplifier 41
3.3.4 Storage O s c i l l i s c o p e 42
3.3.5 Frequency Counter 42
3.3.6 D i g i t a l Multimeter 43
3.3.7 LVDT Readout Unit 43
3.3.8 Strain Indicator 43

3.4.1 Rotary Transducer 45
3.4.2 DC Power Supply 46
3.4.3 Power Amplifier 46
3.4.4 Storage O s c i l l i s c o p e 47
4.2.1 Linear Vibration Theory 51
4.2.2 Shear Modulus 53
4.2.3 Damping Ratio 54 Amplitude Decay Damping 54 Steady State Damping 55
4.3.1 Shear Modulus 57
4.3.2 Damping Ratio 59
5.3.1 Pore Pressure Measurement 66
5.3.2 A i r Diffusion E f f e c t s 67


7.1.1 E f f e c t of Confining Pressure and Void
Ratio 79
7.1.2 Stress History 95
7.1.3 Secondary Time E f f e c t s 99
7.2.1 Nonlinear Behaviour 109
7.2.2 E f f e c t of Shear Strain 109
7.2.3 E f f e c t of Confining Pressure and Stress
History 114
7.2.4 Secondary Time E f f e c t s 119
7.3.1 E f f e c t of Confining Pressure and Stress
History 121
7.3.2 Secondary Time E f f e c t s 124
7.4.1 E f f e c t of Strain and Nonlinearity 129
7.4.2 E f f e c t of Confining Pressure and Stress
History 133
7.4.3 Secondary Time E f f e c t s 136



APPENDIX A: Shear Modulus vs. Strain Curves 176

APPENDIX B : Damping vs. Strain Curves 211

Figure Page
2.1 Normalized Modulus Reduction Curves f o r
Sands and Clays 6
2.2 E f f e c t of P l a s t i c i t y Index (PI) on Normalized
Modulus Reduction Curves of Cohesive S o i l s
(from Zen et a l . , 1978) 8

2.3 Comparison of Three Experimental Formulas on

Modulus vs. Void Ratio Diagram
(from Ishihara, 1982) 11
2.4 Small Strain Shear Modulus Equations f o r Seven
Naturally Deposited Clays 13
2.5 E f f e c t of Overconsolidation Ratio on the Small
Strain Shear Modulus of Five Naturally Deposited
Clays (from Weiler, 1988) 15

2.6 E f f e c t of Varying Frequency Content on the Shear

Modulus vs. Strain Curves f o r Cohesive S o i l s
(after Aggour et a l . , 1987) 18
2.7 Typical Time-Dependent Increase i n Low Amplitude
Shear Modulus f o r Clay at Constant Confining
Pressure (after Anderson and Stokoe, 1978) 20
2.8 Relationship Between Rate of Modulus Increase and
P l a s t i c i t y Index (from Kokusho et a l . , 1982) ... 22
2.9 Range of Damping Ratios vs. Shear Strain f o r
Cohesive S o i l s 24
2.10 Typical Time Dependent Decrease i n Damping Ratio
at Constant E f f e c t i v e Stress f o r Clay
(from Marcuson and Wahls, 1978) 27
2.11 E f f e c t of Varying Frequency Content on the
Damping vs. Strain Curves for Clay (after Aggour
et a l . , 1987) 28
2.12 E f f e c t of Confining Stress, PI, and OCR on the
Small Strain Damping of Clay (from Kokusho et
a l . , 1982) 30

3.1 Resonant Column/Torsional Shear Apparatus 34

3.2 Plan View of Resonant Column Top Drive Plate ... 36

3.3 Resonant Column/Torsional Shear Wiring

Schematic 40

Figure Page
4.1 Shear Strain i n Sample 49
4.2 Secant Modulus and Hysteretic Damping Ratio From
Torsional Shear Test (from Isenhower, 1979) .... 58
5.1 E f f e c t of A i r Diffusion on E f f e c t i v e Stress
In Sample 69
5.2 Comparison of Consolidation Rate with and without
Radial Drains 72

5.3 Increased A i r Diffusion E f f e c t at High Confining

Stress 74
6.1 Lower 232nd St. S i t e Location 76
6.2 P r o f i l e s of Atterberg Limits and Grain Size .... 77

7.1 Shear Modulus vs. Confining Pressure Relationship

for Block Samples 80
7.2 Shear Modulus vs. Confining Pressure Relationship
for Tube Samples 82
7.3 Variation of Modulus M u l t i p l i e r with P l a s t i c i t y
Index 84
7.4 Variation of Modulus Exponent with P l a s t i c i t y
Index 85
7.5 Variation of Shear Wave V e l o c i t y with Void Ratio
for Normally Consolidated Block Samples 87
7.6 Variation of Shear Wave Velocity with Void Ratio
for Normally Consolidated Tube Samples 88
7.7 Void Ratio Modified Shear Modulus vs. Confining
Pressure f o r Normally Consolidated Block
Samples 89
7.8 Comparison of Predicted and Measured Shear Moduli
for Normally Consolidated Block Samples 91
7.9 Void Ratio Modified Shear Modulus vs. Confining
Pressure f o r Normally Consolidated Tube
Samples 93
7.10 Comparison of Predicted and Measured Shear Moduli
for Normally Consolidated Tube Samples 94


Figure Page

7.11 E f f e c t of OCR on Shear Modulus f o r Block

Samples 96
7.12 E f f e c t of OCR on Void Ratio Modified Shear
Modulus f o r Block Samples 98
7.13 Time-Dependent Increase i n Shear Modulus f o r
Normally Consolidated Block Sample 101

7.14 Time-Dependent Increase i n Shear Modulus f o r

Tube Sample of Lower 232nd St. Clay 103
7.15 Time-Dependent Increase i n Shear Modulus f o r
Overconsolidated Block Sample 104
7.16 E f f e c t of Aging on Normalized Modulus Reduction
Curves and on Low Amplitude Shear Modulus
Measured After High Amplitude Testing 107
7.17 Frequency Response Curves f o r Lower 232nd St.
Clay f o r Three Strain Levels 110
7.18 Normalized Frequency Response Curves Ill
7.19 Typical Shear Modulus vs Strain Curve f o r Lower
232nd St. Clay 112
7.20 Normalized Modulus Reduction Curves f o r Block
Samples 115
7.21 Normalized Modulus Reduction Curves f o r Tube
Samples from 11.75m 117
7.22 Normalized Modulus Reduction Curves f o r Tube
Samples from 13. 2m 118
7.23 Time-Dependent Increase i n Shear Modulus f o r
Various Strain Levels 120

7.24 V a r i a t i o n of Low Amplitude Damping Ratio with

E f f e c t i v e Confining Stress f o r Block Samples ... 122
7.25 Variation of Low Amplitude Damping Ratio with
E f f e c t i v e Confining Stress f o r Tube Samples .... 123
7.26 Decrease i n Damping Ratio with Time f o r Block
Samples . s

Figure Page
7.27 Decrease i n Damping Ratio with Time f o r
Tube Samples 127
7.28 Steady State and Amplitude Decay Damping vs.
Shear Strain 130
7.29 E f f e c t of Non-Linearity on determination of
Amplitude Decay Damping 132

7.30 Comparison of Accelerometer and RVDT Decay

Response 134
7.31 Damping vs. Shear Strain f o r Block Samples at
Various Confining Pressures and OCR 135

7.32 Damping vs. Shear Strain f o r Tube Samples at

Various Confining Pressures and OCR 137

7.33 E f f e c t of Duration of Confinement on High

Amplitude Damping 139
7.34 Pore Pressure Response f o r Normally
Consolidated Block Samples i n Resonant Column
Test 141
7.35 Pore Pressure Response f o r Normally
Consolidated Block Samples i n Resonant Column
Test 142
7.36 Pore Pressure Response f o r Overconsolidated
Block Sample i n Resonant Column Test 143
7.37 Normalized Pore Pressure Response f o r Normally
Consolidated Clay i n Resonant Column 144
7.38 Comparison of Pore Pressure, Damping, and Shear
Modulus vs. Strain Curves f o r Normally
Consolidated Clay 146
8.1 Shear Modulus vs. Strain Curves from Resonant
Column and Torsional Shear Tests f o r Sample
from 11.75m 148
8.2 Shear Modulus vs. Strain Curves from Resonant
Column and Torsional Shear Tests f o r Sample
from 13.2m 149
8.3 Frequency (Strain Rate) Dependency of Shear
Modulus vs. Strain Curves 151

Figure Page
8.4 Frequency (Strain Rate) Dependency of Shear
Modulus vs. Strain Curves 152

8.5 Damping Attenuation Curves Determined at

Various Frequencies f o r Clay from 11.75m 154
8.6 Damping Attenuation Curves Determined at
Various Frequencies f o r Clay from 13.2m 155
8.7 Comparison of Normalized Residual Pore Pressure
Response f o r Samples from Resonant Column and
Torsional Shear Tests 158
9.1 Comparison of Shear Wave V e l o c i t i e s Determined
from Resonant Column and SCPT Methods 161
9.2 Spectral Ratio Slope Method f o r Calculation
of In S i t u Damping 164

Table Page

2.1 Values of k 17
7.1 Values of N G f o r Normally Consolidated Tube
Samples 106

7.2 Values of Nd f o r Samples at Various 02c' a n d

OCR 128


I wish t o express gratitude to my supervisor, Professor

R.G. Campanella, f o r giving me the opportunity to work on t h i s
research under h i s guidance. His advice, and encouragement
throughout t h i s project are greatly appreciated.

I would l i k e t o thank John S u l l y f o r h i s valuable insight

and suggestions during the course of t h i s work. Thanks are also
due t o the technical staff i n the Department of Civil
Engineering who maintained and modified tha equipment used i n
t h i s research.

The comments and suggestions of Professor P. Byrne i n

reviewing t h i s t h e s i s were most u s e f u l l and welcome.



I t i s generally recognized that l o c a l s o i l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

a f f e c t the ground response when seismic waves propogate through

a soil profile. Advances i n earthquake ground response

analyses have greatly surpassed the knowledge of the basic

dynamic soil properties which are required i n order to

c o r r e c t l y predict the actual ground response.

In the 1985 Mexico C i t y earthquake, areas underlain by

soft Mexico City clay greatly amplified the ground motions
causing severe damage (Sun et a l . , 1988). The low shear
modulus and damping values associated with Mexico c i t y clay
were key factors i n producing the large ground motion
amplifications. More knowledge i s required of the dynamic
properties of undisturbed s o f t clays and the factors a f f e c t i n g
them. This thesis examines the dynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a
soft clay near Vancouver, B.C. - an area susceptible to large
magnitude earthquakes.

This research addresses the complex e f f e c t of various

factors upon the shear modulus and damping of an undisturbed

clay, including: the effect of shear strain amplitude;

e f f e c t i v e confining stress; stress h i s t o r y ; frequency (strain
r a t e ) ; and secondary time-dependent behaviour.

To perform these studies a resonant column device was used

and l a t e r modified i n order to perform t o r s i o n a l shear tests on
the same sample. The clay used i n t h i s research was obtained
from the Lower 232nd Street University of B r i t i s h Columbia i n
s i t u research s i t e along the Trans-Canada Highway about 40 km
east of downtown Vancouver.


A brief literature review emphasizing the e f f e c t s of

various factors on the shear modulus and damping f o r cohesive
s o i l s i s given i n Chapter 2.

The resonant column/torsional shear apparatus i s described

i n Chapter 3 and the method of analysis f o r both types of tests
i s given i n Chapter 4.

Chapter 5 describes the research s i t e , the geotechnical

aspects of the s o i l deposit, and the sampling methods used.

In Chapter 6 testing procedure considerations are discussed

while the t e s t r e s u l t s themselves are presented i n Chapters 7

and 8.

Lastly, Chapter 9 compares the shear modulus and damping
obtained in the laboratory with the in situ values as
determined from the seismic cone penetration t e s t .


Several researchers have published comprehensive reports

on dynamic s o i l properties of cohesive s o i l s (Sun at a l . , 1988;

Kokusho et a l . , 1982; Hardin and Drnevich, 1972a and 1972b).

This chapter reviews t h e i r main findings and outlines the key

factors a f f e c t i n g dynamic shear modulus and damping of cohesive



Hardin and Black (1968) concluded that shear modulus of

soils i s a function of:

i / e f f e c t i v e octahedral normal stress

i i / ambient stress and v i b r a t i o n h i s t o r y
i i i / degree of saturation
i v / deviatoric component of ambient stress

v/ grain c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s and mineralogy

v i / amplitude of v i b r a t i o n
v i i / frequency of v i b r a t i o n
v i i i / secondary time e f f e c t s (aging) and magnitude of load
i x / s o i l structure, and
x/ temperature.

For sands, the modulus at small s t r a i n s (10~ % or

less) i s primarily a function of void ratio and effective

confining stress, with an additional small aging e f f e c t . For
clays, the findings are s i m i l a r except that secondary time
effects (aging) and clay mineralogy also appear to be
important. The s i g n i f i c a n t factors a f f e c t i n g the shear modulus
of cohesive s o i l s are reviewed i n the following sections.

2.1.1 E f f e c t of Shear Strain Amplitude

It i s clear that the shear modulus of soils reduces

rapidly with increasing strain amplitude as indicated . by
F i g . 2.1. The modulus versus strain amplitude curves are
commonly expressed by a normalized modulus reduction curve i n
which modulus values at any s t r a i n are normalized by the small
s t r a i n modulus, Gmax or G . Q The value of Gjjj ax i s approximately
constant f o r strains below the order of 10~ 3
percent where the
deformations are l i n e a r e l a s t i c and recoverable. For higher
strains from about 10~ -1%,
the soil behaviour becomes
nonlinear e l a s t o - p l a s t i c and r e s u l t s i n irrecoverable permanent
deformations. Indeed, the shear modulus at 0.5% strain i s
typically only one tenth of the i n i t i a l small s t r a i n shear

Unlike the modulus reduction curves f o r sands which show a

relatively small variation from one sand to another, the


Fig. 2 . 1 Normalized Modulus Reduction Curves f o r

Sands and Clays

modulus reduction curves f o r cohesive s o i l s have a much larger
scatter (Fig. 2.1). Therefore, c e r t a i n factors a f f e c t i n g shear
modulus - s t r a i n relationships f o r clays must be considered to
obtain a more usable modulus reduction r e l a t i o n s h i p .

Kokusho et a l . (1982) and Sun et a l . (1988) reported that

p l a s t i c i t y index, an i n d i r e c t measure of clay mineralogy, has a

marked influence on the form of the normalized modulus

reduction curves (Fig. 2.2). Higher p l a s t i c i t y clays show a

slower rate of modulus reduction as well as a gradual s h i f t of

the curve to the r i g h t .

2.1.2 E f f e c t of Void Ratio

It i s not possible to independently vary both the void

r a t i o and confining pressure f o r normally consolidated samples.
Hence, i t i s d i f f i c u l t to separately determine the e f f e c t of
these two parameters on the small-strain shear modulus.
However, a l i n e a r v a r i a t i o n of shear wave v e l o c i t y with void
r a t i o enables the void r a t i o e f f e c t to be examined (Hardin and
Richart, 1963). This observation allowed Hardin and Black
(1968) to show that a void r a t i o factor, F(e) , can be used i n
an equation of the form

Gmax = K*F(e)(P ) - (a ')

1 n
3 c

Shear Strain - percent

F i g . 2.2 E f f e c t of P l a s t i c i t y Index (PI) on Normalized

Modulus Reduction Curves of Cohesive S o i l s
(from Zen et a l . , 1978)

i n which K i s a dimensionless constant, 02c' ^ s
the e f f e c t i v e
isotropic confining pressure in the same units as the
atmospheric pressure (P ) and G^x, a and i n which the void r a t i o
factor i s

F(e) = (2.973 - e ) / ( l + e) 2

Although widely used, Equation 2.2 is based on tests on

laboratory-prepared k a o l i n i t e and been found to be applicable
only f o r low p l a s t i c i t y clays or r e l a t i v e l y stiff clays with
void r a t i o smaller than 1.5 (Ishihara, 1982).

For clays with high p l a s t i c i t y index, Marcuson and Wahls

(1972) defined the void r a t i o factor as

F(e) = (4.4 - e ) / ( l + e) 2

Undisturbed alluvial clay samples are more compressible

than laboratory samples on which Eqns. 2.2 and 2.3 are based.
To evaluate such s o i l s , Kokusho et a l . (1982) performed tests
on undisturbed samples of s o f t alluvial clay from Teganuma,
Japan, and proposed the following formula:

F(e) = (7.32 - e ) / ( l + e) 2

Equation 2.4 is based on tests using laboratory-prepared

bentonite clay i n which time and overconsolidation e f f e c t s were

not eliminated. I t applies to clays with void r a t i o s between
1.5 and 2.5. The PI of t h i s clay varied from 40 to 100 and the
void r a t i o values ranged from 1.5 to 4.0.

Equations 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 are a l l of the same form. The
d i f f e r e n t constants i n each of the equations are derived from a
regression analysis of the respective data sets which also
provides the value of K i n Eq. 2.1. These equations are
plotted i n F i g . 2.3 f o r three d i f f e r e n t confining pressures.
The above three formulae give approximately the same shear
modulus f o r void ratios of about 1.5 but otherwise large
differences exist. Considerable judgement is therefore
required i n choosing the appropriate void r a t i o r e l a t i o n s h i p .

2.1.3 E f f e c t of Confining Stress

Increased confining stress results in higher shear

modulus. For equations employing a void ratio factor as i n
Eq. 2.1, the modulus exponent, n, f o r a v a r i e t y of clays ranges
from 0.5 to 0.6 (Kokusho et a l . , 1982, Marcuson and Wahls,
1978, Hardin and Black, 1968) . To overcome the uncertainty i n
choosing the correct void r a t i o factor, shear modulus i s often
simply reported as

Gmax - K ( P > ' ( » 3 c ' )

1 n n
( -5)

10 20 10 40
Void ratio . e

F i g . 2.3 Comparison of Three Experimental Formulas on

Modulus vs. Void Ratio Diagram
(from Ishihara, 1982)

in which K and n vary according to the type of clay. An
equation of the form of Eq. 2.5 may be convenient when the void
r a t i o of the clay i s not accurately known. However, both the
modulus m u l t i p l i e r (K) and the modulus exponent (n) vary with
clay type.

Weiler (1988) gathered data found i n the l i t e r a t u r e . on

shear modulus-confining pressure relationships for normally
consolidated, naturally-deposited clays. The shear modulus-
confining pressure equations f o r the respective data sets are
presented i n table and graph form i n F i g . 2.4. Also included
in Fig. 2.4 is the shear modulus-confining pressure
r e l a t i o n s h i p f o r Teganuma Clay (Kokusho et a l . , 1982).

It appears that the modulus m u l t i p l i e r values shown i n

F i g . 2.1 decrease with increasing p l a s t i c i t y index, while the
modulus exponent values increase. This is intuitively
s a t i s f y i n g since a more p l a s t i c clay would be expected to be
s o f t e r (lower modulus) than a lean clay, and should therefore
have a lower modulus m u l t i p l i e r . Since a higher plasticity
clay generally undergoes a more rapid void r a t i o reduction with
increasing confining pressure (higher compressibility), the
shear modulus increase (modulus exponent) would be expected to
be greater. The modulus exponent values f o r a l l natural clays
reported i n the literature fall i n the range 0.8-1.2. The
range i n shear modulus values f o r the various clays shown i n
F i g . 2.4 i s almost an order of magnitude. However, the trend



100 500
Confining Pressure (kPa)


1. Gulf o f Alaska 14-15 372.1P * a

1 5
( 7
< 3 C ')- 8 5
OCR- 5 9
Weiler (1988)

2 AGS CL Clay 16-22 436.3P ' (a3c')• OCR' 16 84 27 n


3 Boston Blue Clay 19-23 248.2P a

, 1 4
(<7 3 C ') - 0CR-
86 60 II

4 San Fran. Bay Mud 43 164.6P - a

0 5
( 7
< 3 C
) - "OCR- 51 n

5 AGS CH Clay 32-38 126.2P -' (a ') ' OCR* 18 1 18 69 n

a 3C

6 Leda Clay 37-44 97 . 4P "' 0 8

((73c') 1- 0 8
OCR* 69 ll

7 Teganuma Clay 40-103 53.6P "'

0 8
(<7 3 C ')
- OCR'
08 59
Kokusho e t a l

Fig. 2.4 Small Strain Shear Modulus Equations f o r Seven

Naturally Deposited Clays

i n the curves i s predictable based on the p l a s t i c i t y index of

the clay as suggested by the table i n F i g . 2.4.

2.1.4 Consolidation Stress History

The e f f e c t of overconsolidation on the small s t r a i n shear

modulus of n a t u r a l l y deposited cohesive soils i s to increase
the modulus as compared to the normally consolidated condition.
The shear modulus increase due to stress h i s t o r y i s often
expressed by an overconsolidation r a t i o (OCR) term incorporated
into Eq. 2.5 such that

Gmax = K ( P ) - ( a ' ) O C R
1 n
3 C
n i n

The table i n F i g . 2.4 presents equations of t h i s form f o r s i x

natural clays. The influence of OCR on s m a l l - s t r a i n shear
modulus f o r f i v e of the clays examined by Weiler (1988) i s
i l l u s t r a t e d i n F i g . 2.5. The slope of t h i s p l o t (m) i s the OCR
exponent. Almost a l l of the data f a l l s within a range of m of
0.3 to 0.7, with an average of about 0.6. Although there i s
some v a r i a t i o n between the various clays, no trend of OCR
exponent with clay p l a s t i c i t y i s evident.

However, i f an equation employing the void r a t i o factor i s

used, then

10 /


• X/
5 •


'' /*
X Boston Slut Clay
- * z
JO* f /
/ 0 Buton Blu* Clay liat

• /&
/ / /

* S F Bay Hud I13J

P 2 •
CD / ' S
/ ' /
/ ' s + A6S CL Clay (91
/ * X

AAfiS CH City (SI

- G u l f of Alaska Clays (IS

10 100

F i g . 2.5 E f f e c t of Overconsolidation Ratio on the Small

Strain Shear Modulus of Five Naturally Deposited
Clays (from Weiler, 1988)

Gmax = K*F(e) (P ) ^ ^ ' ^ O C R *
a (2.7)

and k varies with p l a s t i c i t y index (PI) as shown i n Table 2.1.

2.1.5 Frequency Effect

Aggour et a l . (1987) applied random vibrations with

varying cut-off frequencies to study the e f f e c t of loading
frequency on the shear modulus reduction curves f o r cohesive
soils. From these t e s t s , i t was found that random loading with
d i f f e r e n t frequency content a f f e c t s the shear modulus reduction
curve ( F i g . 2.6). The s o i l modili i n the case of random
loading were found to increase with higher frequency content
and were lower than the moduli obtained from sinusoidal
testing. The differences increased with increasing strain
amplitude. However, the d i f f e r e n t frequency cut-off values are
higher than the frequencies i n the 0.1 Hz t o 30 Hz range of
i n t e r e s t f o r most earthquakes (Sun et a l . , 1988).

2.1.6 Secondary Time E f f e c t s

Several investigators have shown that time-dependency i s a

s i g n i f i c a n t parameter a f f e c t i n g the dynamic properties of s o i l s

Table 2.1 Values of k

PI k
0 0
20 0.18
40 0.30
60 0.41
80 0.48
>100 0.50



W • Sinusoidal
iH 50 • 0-50 Hz
•O O 0-100 Hz
o <D 0-500 Hz
u 40 • 0-1000 Hz
0) & 0-10000 Hz


10 -5 10 "
io -3
ior 2
10 -1
rms s t r a i n %

F i g . 2.6 E f f e c t o f V a r y i n g Frequency Content on t h e Shear

Modulus v s . S t r a i n Curves f o r C o h e s i v e S o i l s
( a f t e r Aggour e t a l . , 1987)

(Hardin and Black, 1968; Marcusson and Wahls, 1972; Anderson

and Woods, 1976; Anderson and Stokoe, 1978; Kokusho et a l . ,

1982). The r e s u l t s of these investigations confirm that small

s t r a i n dynamic shear moduli of both sands and clays increase

with time of confinement under sustained pressures.

Results of these studies suggest that time-dependent

change i n shear modulus can be separated into a period of

primary behaviour and a period of secondary behaviour. The

primary behaviour has been shown (Fig. 2.7) t o coincide with

the period of primary consolidation (Kokusho et a l . , 1982;

Anderson and Stokoe, 1978).

During the long-term time effect the values of shear

modulus generally increase with the logarithm of time. Figure

2.7 indicates that t h i s secondary increase i s much larger than

that predicted from the secondary decrease i n void ratio

estimated by Eg. 2.1. A time or t h i x o t r o p i c effect i s

therefore seen as being responsible for t h i s behaviour.

The rate of secondary modulus increase has been quantified

by the r a t i o AG/Giooo ^ n
which A G i s the increase i n shear

modulus per logarithmic cycle of time, and G ^ Q O O i- s

the modulus

measured 1000 minutes a f t e r the s t a r t of primary consolidation.

Generally, the rate of secondary modulus increase becomes

greater with decreasing mean grain size (Afifi and Richart,

1973). However, Kokusho et a l . (1982) suggest that a

F i g . 2.7 T y p i c a l Time-Dependent I n c r e a s e i n Low Amplitude
Shear Modulus f o r C l a y a t Constant C o n f i n i n g
P r e s s u r e ( a f t e r Anderson and Stokoe, 1978)

relationship involving plasticity index (PI) may be more
logical since PI i s a parameter which r e f l e c t s the chemical
activity of clay minerals (Fig. 2.8). The rate of secondary
modulus increase becomes larger as PI increases, with values as
large as 25% per log cycle of time. Clearly, time e f f e c t s must
be considered when conducting laboratory tests for shear
modulus or when extrapolating laboratory tests to field


Damping e x i s t s i n a l l vibrating systems. I t serves to

remove energy from the o s c i l l a t i n g system. The energy loss can
be determined from the v i b r a t i n g system response. This loss i n
energy r e s u l t s i n the decay i n amplitude during free v i b r a t i o n .
For steady state forced v i b r a t i o n , the energy loss i s balanced
by the energy input of the d r i v i n g force.

Damping i s commonly distinguished as being either viscous

or hysteretic i n nature. The damping i s said to be viscous
when the dissipated energy per cycle increases proportionally
with frequency. This i s the assumption i n determination of
damping from the amplitude decay method i n the resonant column
test. The damping i s said to be hysteretic when the dissipated
energy per cycle i s independent of the frequency of loading.
This i s the assumption when the damping i s determined from the

A Koolinita LMorcuscn
3 Bentonile Jetal.11972)

Kaoline Afifi etal.

Anderson etc. (1973)
etol. Zen et al.
(1976) Clay + Sand (1978)
^^7<p>Cp Teganuma

20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 2.8 Relationship Between Rate of Modulus Increase and
P l a s t i c i t y Index (from Kokusho et a l . , 1982)

stress s t r a i n response curves. Details on damping calculations

are given i n Chapter 4.

The damping of a p a r t i c u l a r s o i l has been found to depend

primarily on:

i / the s t r a i n amplitude of v i b r a t i o n

i i / the ambient state of e f f e c t i v e stress

i i i / v i b r a t i o n frequency

i v / void r a t i o , and

v/ confining time

as well as other, less s i g n i f i c a n t factors. These variables

are e s s e n t i a l l y the same as those a f f e c t i n g the shear modulus
(section 2.1) and are discussed i n the following sections.

2.2.1 E f f e c t of Shear Strain Amplitude

There is not an abundance of data reported in the

l i t e r a t u r e on the v a r i a t i o n of damping r a t i o with shear s t r a i n
amplitude. The limited data suggest that the damping r a t i o
curves f o r cohesive s o i l s have a wider range than those f o r
sands. Much of the early work during the 1960's was summarized
by Seed and Idris (1970). Figure 2.9 shows the range in
damping values summarized by Seed and I d r i s as well as the


oH 1—i—i 111111 1—i—IIIIIII i—i—i 11111

0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (*)
F i g . 2.9 Range of Damping Ratios vs. Shear Strain f o r
Cohesive S o i l s

range i n damping curves i d e n t i f i e d by Kokusho e t a l . (1982)
from studies performed i n the 1970's and early 1980's.

I t i s quite l i k e l y that the smaller range i n damping r a t i o

presented by Kokusho et a l . (1982) r e f l e c t s the improvement i n
dynamic testing equipment and procedures since the early
studies i n the 1960's. Nevertheless, i t can be seen that the
damping r a t i o f o r cohesive s o i l s increases from a minimum value
less than 5% at a shear strain of about 0.01% to a value
greater than 8% at a shear s t r a i n of 1.0%.

I t i s well known that a strong c o r r e l a t i o n e x i s t s between

damping ratio and shear modulus; i n p a r t i c u l a r , the damping
r a t i o decreases as shear modulus increases. Hardin and Drnevich
(1972b) suggested the following simple equation to relate
damping r a t i o (D) to shear modulus:

D = D ax(l-G/G
m max ) (2.8)

where Dmax i - s t n e
maximum damping at large s t r a i n .

2.2.2 Secondary Time E f f e c t s

The e f f e c t of duration of confinement of cohesive s o i l s i s

to decrease the damping logarithmically as a function of time.
This behaviour has been observed i n laboratory-prepared clays

(Marcusson and Wahls, 1978) as well as naturally deposited

clays (Kokusho e t a l . , 1982; H a r d i n and Drnevich, 1972a).

Due t o the r e l a t i o n s h i p between damping r a t i o and shear

modulus (Eg. 2.8), i t i s reasonable that the damping ratio

should decrease with duration of confinement since shear

modulus increases with confining time (see section 2.1.6).

U n l i k e the two time-dependent stages o f b e h a v i o u r (primary and

secondary) of shear modulus, a consistent linear logarithmic

decrease o f the damping r a t i o e x i s t s w i t h no k i n k apparent at

the completion o f primary c o n s o l i d a t i o n ( F i g . 2.10).

The r a t e of damping r a t i o decrease has been found t o be as

h i g h as 25% p e r l o g a r i t h m i c c y c l e o f time for bentonitic clay

(Marcusson and Wahls, 1978).

2.2.3 Frequency Effects

A series o f random v i b r a t i o n tests with varying c u t - o f f

f r e q u e n c i e s were performed by Aggour e t a l . (1987) t o study the

effect of loading frequency on dynamic properties of clay.

These t e s t s suggest t h a t h i g h e r f r e q u e n c i e s a r e a s s o c i a t e d with

lower v a l u e s o f damping ( F i g . 2.11), though the chosen cut-off

f r e q u e n c i e s were w e l l above the frequency range o f i n t e r e s t f o r

most earthquakes (0.1-30 Hz). As w e l l , the damping curve f o r

conventional sinusoidal loading does not appear to f i t this

0.06 i 1 — i — I I I I
T 1—r

0 10
0 20
< 7 40
cr A 80
O 0.03
CL _o_ -O—
2 o
Q 0.02 -7-


i i i i i i i i i
6 8 10 20 40 60 8 0 100

F i g . 2.10 T y p i c a l Time Dependent Decrease i n Damping Ratio

a t Constant E f f e c t i v e S t r e s s f o r C l a y
(from Marcuson and Wahls, 1978)

• Sinusoidal
A 0-50 Hz

13 O0-100 Hz
0 0-500 Hz
• 0-1000 Hz
11 & 0-10000 Hz


10-5 10 -4 io-3 10 -2 10 -1
rms s t r a i n %

F i g . 2.11 E f f e c t of Varying Frequency Content on the

Damping vs. Strain Curves f o r Clay (after Aggour
et a l . , 1987)

trend since i t l i e s below the damping curve with the highest

frequency content.

Hardin and Drnevich (1972a), i n t h e i r t e s t s on Lick Creek

S i l t , suggested that frequencies above 0.1 Hz have only a minor

e f f e c t on damping. However, t h i s finding requires more study

since i t i s based on only a few data points.

2.2.4 Confining Pressure

The e f f e c t of confining pressure on damping i n cohesive

s o i l s has not been conclusively established i n the l i t e r a t u r e .
Kokusho et a l . (1982) presented data on small s t r a i n damping
for clay with PI ranging from 40 to 100 which, despite large
v a r i a t i o n s , appear to show only a s l i g h t l y decreasing damping
with increasing confining pressure (Fig. 2.12). Furthermore,
the differences i n the damping f o r OCR values up to 15 were
found to be i n s i g n i f i c a n t , on the average.

Hardin and Drnevich (1972b) proposed that damping

decreases with the square root of confining stress, but the
large v a r i a t i o n i n damping values at low s t r a i n makes t h e i r
finding questionable.



cr N.C-| rO.C IP OCR

o » S-1-2 103 5
o .02 A S-2-2 85 5
• S-4-4 59 10
• • S-5-2 50 10
o o • S-6-3 40 15
... O 9 S-8-2 40 10
ICO 200 300 400
CONFINING STRESS <ri ( k N / m )

F i g . 2.12 E f f e c t of Confining Stress, PI, and OCR on the

Small Strain Damping of Clay (from Kokusho et
a l . , 1982)


I t i s well known that the shear s t r a i n amplitude affects

both the shear modulus and damping of cohesive s o i l s . However,
since the dynamic properties appear to be a complex function of
many variables, there i s considerable uncertainty i n choosing
the correct values of shear modulus and damping for a
particular problem. There is a need to establish more
thoroughly the manner i n which shear modulus and damping vary
with factors such as confining pressure, stress history,
loading frequency, and aging. The p l a s t i c i t y index may o f f e r a
guide since i t i s a r e f l e c t i o n of the clay chemistry.

This research addresses some of the aforementioned




The resonant column apparatus used i n t h i s study i s known

as a Drnevich Long-Tor Resonant Column Apparatus. I t was
purchased from S o i l Dynamics Instruments Inc. i n 1981 f o r use
in the Graduate Soil Mechanics Laboratory at the Civil
Engineering Department of UBC. The term Long-Tor denotes the
capability of the apparatus to vibrate specimens i n either a
longitudinal or torsional mode of v i b r a t i o n . For this
research, however, only the t o r s i o n a l aspect of the equipment
was used since the focus of t h i s study was primarily on shear
modulus and shear damping c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . Young's modulus and
longitudinal damping are not examined herein as they are
usually of secondary importance i n analyses of earthquake


Several modifications were made to the apparatus i n order

to allow f o r testing of saturated samples and to enable
torsional shear tests to be performed. The basic theory
behind t h i s equipment i s introduced i n Chapter 4.

The resonant column apparatus i s bolted securely to a
heavy s t e e l base which stands 80 cm high. This i s necessary to
ensure that the base of the sample i s relatively free of
ambient v i b r a t i o n (Drnevich Long-Tor Resonant Column Apparatus
Operating Manual, 1981). The apparatus i n p o s i t i o n f o r either
resonant column or torsional shear testing i s shown i n
Fig. 3.1. Except f o r the bottom aluminum pedestal or platen,
a l l components are made of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l .

3.2.1 Confining Chamber

The confining chamber encloses the s o i l sample and the

mechanical components of the resonant column device so that a
confining pressure can be applied to the s o i l sample. The
chamber, which i s designed f o r a maximum safe working pressure
of 700 kPa, e s s e n t i a l l y consists of a cast a c r y l i c tube which
i s secured between the bottom base plate and top chamber l i d by
four long s t a i n l e s s s t e e l b o l t s . The chamber l i d contains a
port connecting the chamber t o a regulated a i r pressure supply
and also houses the connections which j o i n the i n t e r i o r and
exterior electronic component cables. The sample pedestal,
which i s attached t o the r i g i d bottom chamber base plate, i s
designed to accommodate 3.5 cm diameter samples.




F i g . 3.1 Resonant Column/Torsional Shear Apparatus

3.2.2 Drive Mechanism

The 1.27 kg top drive platen consists of the top sample

cap, four permanent magnets, one horizontally and one
vertically oriented accelerometer, and a support rod which
allows a v e r t i c a l displacement transducer core and suspending
spring to be attached. This counterbalancing spring i s
suspended from a bracket at the top of a support stand, and i s
necessary to counteract the weight of the top drive platen
which would otherwise be acting as an a x i a l force on the
specimen. Isotropic confining pressures are thus maintained.
During resonant t e s t i n g , the top drive platen i s essentially
f l o a t i n g and able to rotate i n the horizontal plane so that
forced t o r s i o n a l e x c i t a t i o n can be applied at the top of the

The drive mechanism consists of four drive c o i l s which are

encircled by the permanent magnets located at the four corners
of the top drive platen (Fig. 3.2). This configuration i s
superior to that found i n some other resonant column devices i n
that i t can accommodate fairly large torsional rotations
without mechanical interference between the magnets and c o i l s .
Such a configuration allows t e s t i n g at a much wider range of
strains (approximately .0005-2%) than i s possible f o r some
other device types. In addition, t h i s configuration can allow
for approximately a 1.5 cm decrease i n sample height during
consolidation or t e s t i n g .




F i g . 3.2 Plan View of Resonant Column Top Drive Plate

The o s c i l l a t i n g t o r s i o n a l r o t a t i o n force i s created by the

i n t e r a c t i o n of magnetic fields; specifically, the i n t e r a c t i o n

of magnetic f i e l d s generated by the s i n u s o i d a l l y varying drive

c o i l input current with those caused by the permanent magnets

of the drive plate.

Complete coupling between the specimen and the end platens

is ensured by using bronze porous discs with embedded

razorblade vanes which protrude about 1.5 mm. The discs

themselves are securely attached to the top and bottom platens

by means of machine screws.

3.2.3 Torsional Accelerometer

The t o r s i o n a l motion of the top platen i s monitored by a

horizontally oriented accelerometer (Columbia Research Labs,
Model 200-1-H) bolted to the top platen. The accelerometer i s
mounted at a distance of 3.16 cm from the axis of r o t a t i o n . An
acceleration s e n s i t i v i t y range of 0.01 g-lOk g i s s p e c i f i e d by
the manufacturer.

3.2.4 Height-Change Measurement

Changes i n specimen height during consolidation and

shearing are determined using a l i n e a r v a r i a b l e displacement

transducer (LVDT-Schaevitz 300-HR) which i s mounted between the

top drive plate and the suspending spring (Fig. 3.1). The LVDT

c o i l casing i s mounted on the support stand which provides a

fixed reference f o r the r e l a t i v e displacements of the LVDT


3.2.5 Volume-Change and Pore Pressure Monitoring Equipment

Provision f o r drainage and pore pressure measurement i s

made by means of two drainage l i n e s which connect to the bottom
pedestal; no drainage i s provided through the top end of the
sample. The other ends of the drainage l i n e s are attached to a
volume change device which consists of several valves and a
volume-calibrated pipette through which a back pressure can be
applied t o the sample. This i s precisely the same system
commonly used for t r i a x i a l t e s t s .

Pore pressures are measured with a 150 p s i capacity pore

pressure transducer (Data Sensors Inc. PB519A) mounted on the
volume change device.

3.2.6 A i r Pressure Transducer

The confining pressures applied t o the sample are measured

with a 200 p s i capacity a i r pressure transducer (Statham

TP-A-1064-EX) mounted on the confining chamber lid.


The e l e c t r o n i c components used f o r resonant column t e s t i n g

are described i n this section, except f o r the pressure
transducers, accelerometers, and LVDT which are described i n
the preceding section as part of the resonant column apparatus.
A wiring schematic i s shown i n F i g . 3.3. The switch and
control boxes enable the operator to switch between t o r s i o n a l
and longitudinal modes of v i b r a t i o n as well as channelling the
accelerometer output and drive coil input currents t o the

3.3.1 Function Generator

The sinusoidal signal which i s input t o the drive c o i l s i s

generated by an EXACT Model 508 Function Generator. It is
capable of generating a wide range of frequencies (0.001 Hz-
20,000 Hz). The logarithmic frequency scanning feature proved
to be convenient as i t allowed f o r rapid location of the

RVDT Output RVDT Excitation

Tors. Power Input

Tors. Accel. Out.




CONTROL Tors. Cur. Out.



F i g . 3.3 Resonant Column/Torsional Shear Wiring


resonant frequency. For low amplitude t e s t s , the output l e v e l

of the function generator was sufficient to power the drive

coils. High amplitude and t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t i n g required an

amplifier to magnify the signal to the s p e c i f i e d amplitude.

3.3.2 Signal Amplifier

For high amplitude resonant column t e s t i n g , the sinusoidal

output s i g n a l from the function generator i s amplified by a
power amplifier (Phase Linear 300 Series Two) before being
input to the drive coils. The frequency response of the
amplifier is from 10Hz-190kHz necessitating the use of a
d i f f e r e n t amplifier f o r t o r s i o n a l shear tests which are run at
much lower frequencies.

3.3.3 Charge Amplifier

The t o r s i o n a l accelerometer output signal i s conditioned

by a charge amplifier (Columbia model 4102) p r i o r to being
measured and recorded. A transducer sensitivity control
permits balancing of the amplifier to the accelerometer

3.3.4 Storage O s c i l l i s c o p e

A two channel d i g i t a l storage o s c i l l i s c o p e (Nicolet N 310)

is used to monitor the sinusoidal drive coil input and
accelerometer output. The X-Y feature of the o s c i l l i s c o p e
provides an on-screen display of one channel as the X-ordinate
and the other channel as the Y-ordinate. This y i e l d s an
e l l i p s e - known as a Lissajous figure - when both channels have
sinusoidal signals. The resonant condition of the v i b r a t i n g
column can be r e a d i l y i d e n t i f i e d because the on-screen figure
rotates to a v e r t i c a l position and stretches as the column
comes to resonance.

The storage capability of the o s c i l l i s c o p e was used

primarily to capture the decay i n accelerometer response during
free v i b r a t i o n from which damping was determined.

3.3.5 Frequency Counter

Resonance frequencies are read from the frequency counter

(FLUKE 1900A) when the column comes to resonance - as
determined from the Lissajous figure on the oscilliscope
screen. The frequency counter displays frequency values to
0.1 Hz accuracy.

3.3.6 D i g i t a l Multimeter

At resonance, a d i g i t a l multimeter (Fluke 8000A) i s used

to read the rms voltages associated with the drive c o i l input

current and the conditioned accelerometer output current. The

multimeter i s also useful i n checking that the maximum current

capacity of the drive coils (about 1 amp) i s not exceeded

during high amplitude t e s t i n g .

3.3.7 LVDT Readout Unit

An LVDT readout u n i t (Schaevitz LPM-210) converts the LVDT

output signal directly into a relative displacement
(millimeters) i f the LVDT i s zeroed p r i o r to t e s t i n g . Seperate
phase and gain adjustments on the readout unit enable the unit
to be c a l i b r a t e d .

3.3.8 S t r a i n Indicator

The pore pressure and a i r pressure transducer outputs are

read with a s t r a i n indicator box (Budd P-350). This device
requires manual balancing with a d i a l i n order to obtain a
reading. The output readings are given i n units of microstrain
and must be m u l t i p l i e d by the respective pore pressure or a i r

pressure transducer calibration factors f o r a conversion to
units of pressure.

The manual balancing procedure was simple for s e t t i n g c e l l

pressures and back pressures f o r consolidation. However,
during high amplitude t e s t i n g i n which pore pressure changes
can be rapid, the manual balancing and recording procedure
required considerable s k i l l since simultaneous adjustments of
the input current frequency were necessary to keep the column
i n resonance.


Torsional shear testing employed essentially the same

equipment used f o r resonant t e s t s (section 3.2, 3.3) although
some apparatus modifications and additional electronic
equipment were required. In these tests, the t o r s i o n a l
accelerometer and charge amplifier were not required. However,
since resonant column t e s t i n g was always run i n conjunction
with the t o r s i o n a l shear tests, the full complement of
equipment was needed. A description of the required additional
equipment follows.

3.4.1 Rotary Transducer

A rotary differential displacement transducer (RVDT,

Pickering & Co., Inc., Model 23384) i s used f o r measuring

r o t a t i o n a l displacements during t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t s . Since

the angular acceleration during these lower-frequency tests i s

below the s e n s i t i v i t y of the t o r s i o n a l accelerometer, the

accelerometer could not be used to calculate torsional


The RVDT has a range of motion of +10° and a maximum non-

linearity of 0.01%. By using a d i g i t a l low-pass f i l t e r to
eliminate high frequency noise from the recorded RVDT signal,
i t was found that angles as small as 0.018 degrees (typically
0.005% strain) could be accurately and repeatably measured.
C a l i b r a t i o n of the RVDT f o r such small rotations was done by
mounting the RVDT on the axis of rotation of a highly accurate

A s p e c i a l guide bracket and RVDT casing (Fig. 3.1) were

needed t o allow the RVDT t o move down with the top platen
during specimen consolidation. This was achieved by using a
fixed cross-beam with a carefully machined cylindrical bore
containing two v e r t i c a l guide s l o t s i n which the guide pins of
the RVDT casing could descend as the sample consolidated. The
guide s l o t s and pins enabled the RVDT to remain aligned with
the sample axis and at the same time constrained the RVDT

casing from rotating thereby providing a fixed reference f o r

the rotating RVDT core.

A RVDT was used instead of proximity sensors since the

RVDT i s able t o measure a larger range of motion (0 t o +10°)
and does not require such a careful setup procedure.

3.4.3 DC Power Supply

The regulated 6 v o l t excitation required

+ by the RVDT was

supplied by a DC tracking power supply (Leader model LPS-151).

3.4.5 Power Amplifier

In order t o supply the high voltage and d r i v i n g current

needed during torsional shear tests, a DC t o 20 KHz power
amplifier with a 50 v o l t , 1.0 amp peak output was employed (HP
Model 6824A) . The maximum 1.0 amp output i s p r e c i s e l y the
l i m i t i n g current of the t o r s i o n a l drive c o i l s .

The sinusoidal driving signal was produced by the Exact

Model 508 Function Generator which was then amplified and
adjusted by means of a variable gain control on the power
amplifier. The amplified output signal has v i r t u a l l y no phase

3.4.6 Storage O s c i l l i s c o p e

In addition to the storage o s c i l l i s c o p e used f o r resonant

column tests, a second digital oscilliscope was used f o r
t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t s . This second o s c i l l i s c o p e (Nicolet 4094)
is equipped with two disk drives which allow storage of
recorded signals on computer disks f o r subsequent conditioning
and analysis. This feature was used f o r recording the drive
coil input and RVDT output signals from which stress-strain
loops are determined. Also, the second storage o s c i l l i s c o p e
was used occassionally during resonant column tests to check
and compare strains calculated from the t o r s i o n a l accelerometer
response with those determined from the RVDT.


The dynamic shear modulus and damping can be determined

either from resonant t e s t i n g or from slow t o r s i o n a l testing.

The specific methods and theory f o r each type of t e s t are

presented i n t h i s chapter.


The v a r i a t i o n of shear displacement i n the s o i l specimen

as a r e s u l t of forced t o r s i o n a l rotation of the top cap i s
shown i n F i g . 4.1. The t o r s i o n a l displacement v a r i e s from zero
at the fixed base to a maximum of r m a x at the top of the
sample. A l i n e a r v a r i a t i o n of displacement from the top t o the
bottom of the sample implies that there i s no vertical
variation i n shear strain. This has been experimentally
verified (Drnevich, 1972a). Radially, displacements vary from
zero along the longitudinal axis of the specimen t o a maximum
at the sample radius. Therefore, there e x i s t s a radial strain
gradient since the shear s t r a i n (7) at any point depends on the
distance, r , from the center of rotation according to:

7 = r*/l (4.1)

where 1 i s the sample length

9 i s the angular displacement

The fact that stress and s t r a i n vary with radius i n such a

specimen does not create a serious error. Hardin and Drnevich
(1972a) reported no s i g n i f i c a n t differences i n the behaviour of
hollow and s o l i d c y l i n d r i c a l samples when compared on the basis
of average s t r a i n (7 v) ^
the specimen. I t can be e a s i l y
shown that the average s t r a i n i s given by

7av = 2/3*(r m a x t9 m a x /l) (4.2)

In order to avoid the confusion a r i s i n g from inadequately

defined shear s t r a i n s found i n the l i t e r a t u r e , i t should be
noted that a l l resonant column and t o r s i o n a l shear strains
reported herein are based on the average shear s t r a i n defined
by Eq. 4.2. Shear strains are reported as s i n g l e amplitude
values. These are the average strains determined a t peak
rotational displacement with respect to the o r i g i n a l null
position. Although Eq. 4.2 i s s t r i c t l y applicable only i n the
e l a s t i c range where a l i n e a r r e l a t i o n s h i p e x i s t s between stress
and strain, no attempt has been made i n this research to
determine a nonlinear equivalent radius. Ni (1987) reported
that an equivalent radius of 3 / 4 * r m a x may be appropriate f o r
shear s t r a i n s up to 0.1 percent.


The determination of dynamic soil properties from the

resonant column t e s t i s based on l i n e a r v i b r a t i o n theory. The

fundamental aspects of the theory and the equations used t o

calculate shear modulus and damping are outlined i n the

following sections.

4.2.1 Linear Vibration Theory

The analysis of the resonant column test i n terms of

l i n e a r v i b r a t i o n theory was given by Hardin (1965), Drnevich
(1967), and Ni (1987). The a n a l y t i c a l solution assumes a
Kelvin-Voigt soil model having constant stiffness, G, and
constant viscous damping, c (amplitude independent). Also,
i t i s assumed that the shear s t r a i n does not vary with height
in the specimen. The equation of motion f o r torsional
v i b r a t i o n of the resonant column i s :

a e/at
2 2
= G/ P (a e/ax )
2 2
+ c/ P (a e/ax at)
3 2

or e = v * + i/*
tt s
xx xxt

where V s = shear wave v e l o c i t y = (G//>) 0,5

9 = angle of twist, p = mass density of s o i l

v = dynamic v i s c o s i t y = c/p

with subscripts x and t corresponding to derivatives with

respect to length and time, respectively.

Using the separation of variables procedure, and by

applying the appropriate boundary conditions, the frequency

equation of motion i s obtained:

I/I Q = r>l/V )tan (col/V )

s s (4.4)

where I Q represents the mass moment of i n e r t i a of the top cap

and drive plate, I i s the mass moment of i n e r t i a of the
assembled s o i l column, and u i s the undamped natural frequency.

The frequency equation (Eq. 4.4) can be routinely used to

calculate the shear wave v e l o c i t y of the e l a s t i c homogeneous
s o i l column. The equation applies to the case of steady-state
vibration and i s also valid f o r the case of decaying free
vibration. While Eq. 4.4 i s rigorously correct only f o r s o i l
exhibiting linear visco-elastic behaviour (strains less than
about 0.001%), much of the non-linear behaviour can be
described by performing the linear dynamic analysis
incrementally at various strains thereby approximately
establishing the non-linear s t r a i n amplitude dependent dynamic
s o i l properties.

4.2.2 Shear Modulus

The methods of dynamic modulus and damping determination

are covered by Drnevich et a l . (1978) and the d e t a i l s of the
apparatus calibration procedure are given in the resonant
column operating manual (Soil Dynamics Instruments Inc., 1981).

Knowing the resonant frequency of the s o i l column, sample

length, and mass moment of i n e r t i a of the sample, the shear
wave v e l o c i t y can be calculated from the frequency equation
(Eq. 4.4). A system c a l i b r a t i o n procedure gives the value of
the mass moment of i n e r t i a ( I ) of the top cap and drive plate.

Solution of Eq. 4.4 was f a c i l i t a t e d through the use of a

Fortran data reduction computer program modified from Drnevich
et al. (1978). Nomographs for solving Eq. 4.4 are also
available and were used to check the computer generated values.

Shear modulus ( G m a x ) can be obtained from the shear wave

velocity (V )
s since they are related through the theory of

Gmax = PVS

where p i s the s o i l density. The shear modulus determined from

the resonant column t e s t i s the secant modulus since only the

points of peak response are measured.

4.2.3 Damping Ratio

As mentioned i n section 4.2.1, the theory underlying the

resonant column t e s t assumes a viscous dashpot to represent the

soil damping. Two methods can be employed to determine the

damping r a t i o : the amplitude-decay method and the steady state

method. Amplitude Decay Damping

Energy loss i n a freely vibrating system results in a

decaying v i b r a t i o n amplitude. The response of a single degree

of freedom (linear) s o i l column i s described by the solution of

Eg. 4.3:

0(x,t) = C e _ D n t
s i n ( w t + <£) sin(«x/V )
d s (4.6)

where 8 = r o t a t i o n a l angle
C = a constant
D = damping r a t i o = cw/2G
4> = phase angle
= damped natural frequency = (1-D ) * 2 0 5

n = natural frequency

Considering the ratio of two successive peaks of vibration


'n/'n+l - e D w T

where T i s the period of v i b r a t i o n =

The logarithmic decrement, d, i s defined as the natural

logarithm of Eq. 4 . 7 :

d = ln(0n/0 n+1 ) = DOT

= 2wOD/w(j

= 2wD/(l-D ) * 2 0 5

Rearranging the terms i n Eq. 4 . 8 gives the damping r a t i o which

can be r e a d i l y determined from the free v i b r a t i o n response:

D = [d /(4w
2 2
+ d) ]
(4.9) Steady State Damping

During steady state resonant vibrations the effect of

transient vibrations becomes i n s i g n i f i c a n t , and the damping can

be determined from the system resonant response. The dynamic

amplification of the viscously damped system at resonance i s

given by:

X/X Q = 1/(2D) (4.10)

where X i s the peak dynamic displacement, X Q i s the peak s t a t i c

displacement, and D i s the viscous damping r a t i o . The damping

can be calculated using Eq. 4.10 and the magnification factor

(X/X ) which
0 i s determined from the system response and the

apparatus constants.


The resonant column device can also be used as a t o r s i o n a l

shear t e s t device by applying a slow sinusoidal torque to the
sample cap and measuring the resulting rotation angle.
Apparatus modifications and additional equipment required to be
perform such tests are described i n section 3.4. The torque-
twist response can be r e a d i l y converted to a s t r e s s - s t r a i n loop
from which shear modulus and visco-elastic damping can be
determined. The methods and calculations involved in
determining these parameters from the t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t have
been given previously by Isenhower (1979) and Ni (1987), and
are b r i e f l y outlined below.

4.3.1 Shear Modulus

The shear modulus i s measured as the secant shear modulus

joining the end points of the stress-strain hysteresis loop

(Fig. 4.2). Mathematically, the secant shear modulus is

expressed by:

G = r/ 7 (4.10)

The shear stress, which i s determined from the applied

torque, i s based on the theory of e l a s t i c i t y of a c i r c u l a r bar
in torsion. Assuming a linearly varying shear stress with
radius, the average shear stress ( r g ) i s given by: aV

'avg = r T / J e q (4.11)

where T i s the applied torque, r q i s the equivalent radius e

(2/3r m a x ) , and J i s the polar moment of i n e r t i a given by:

J = jrr /4 4

The applied torque i s determined from the applied voltage to

the drive c o i l s , V^, and the l i n e a r torque c a l i b r a t i o n factor,
Kf Thus, the average shear stress r e l a t i o n i s :

avg ~ *eqKtVt/J ( - >
4 13


Fig. 4.2 Secant Modulus and Hysteretic Damping Ratio From

Torsional Shear Test (from Isenhower, 1979)

The shear s t r a i n ( 7 ) , on the other hand, i s calculated from

Eq. 4.2 with the rotation angle determined from the rvdt
c a l i b r a t i o n factor, K r (radians/volt), m u l t i p l i e d by the RVDT
output voltage ,Vr:

Teq - r e q K V /l
r r (4.14)

The limitation of non-linear soil behaviour i n the

resonant column discussed i n section 4.1 s i m i l a r l y applies t o
equations 4.13 and 4.14. That i s t o say, the equations are
s t r i c t l y applicable i n the low range of s t r a i n (0.001% or less)
where s o i l behaviour i s e l a s t i c . As such, both the stress and
the strain defined by equations 4.13 and 4.14 tend t o be
s l i g h t l y underestimated a t high s t r a i n s .

4.3.2 Damping Ratio

The h y s t e r e t i c damping r a t i o can be determined from the

stress-strain hysteresis loop for a cycle of loading
(Fig. 4.2). By r e l a t i n g the work done (hysteresis loop area),
W(j, t o the stored elastic energy (area of t r i a n g l e ) , W,
s a
simple expression f o r damping can be developed. For a single
degree of freedom system i t can be proven that

Wd = 2wDkx 2

where D i s the damping r a t i o , k i s the Kelvin-Voigt spring

constant, and x i s the peak displacement. As well, i t is

e a s i l y shown that the stored e l a s t i c energy i s

Ws = kx /2 2

Combining equations. 4.15 and 4.16 and solving for the damping

term r e s u l t s i n the damping expression

D = W /(4 W )
d W S (4.17)

Equation 4.17 enables the c a l c u l a t i o n of damping for any cycle

of loading from the measured s t r e s s - s t r a i n response. The
disadvantage of Eq. 4.17 i s that i t provides a method of
calculating damping which requires the system to be at
resonance. However, since the e f f e c t of frequency on damping
i s r e l a t i v e l y minor (Ni, 1987), the method can be extended to
other loading frequencies.



The procedure followed to measure dynamic s o i l properties

from the resonant column was similar to that outlined in
Drnevich et a l . (1978) and Novak and Kim (1981). Since dynamic
soil properties are significantly dependent on the testing
procedures and methods used, a summary of the testing
procedures used i n t h i s research i s given i n the following.

The setup of RCTS tests entailed a number of steps.

First, the apparatus pore pressure system was saturated, the
specimen prepared, and the entire system assembled. At t h i s
point, i n i t i a l readings and baselines were taken of the various
monitoring equipment.

The sample setup procedure i s similar to that used i n

conventional t r i a x i a l testing, though two notable differences
exist. For one, filter paper strips were used around the
e n t i r e surface of the sample to f a c i l i t a t e rapid consolidation.
As well, double silicone-greased membranes were used to l i m i t
a i r d i f f u s i o n (see section 5.3.2).

Prior to consolidation, the pore water pressure

coefficient, B, was checked using Skempton's equation

B=Au/A<73c'' where Au i s the pore pressure increase. The sample
was assumed to be saturated i f the value of B was greater than

Consolidation was i n i t i a t e d by opening the drainage valves

connecting the sample to the volume change device. To monitor
the consolidation, readings were frequently taken of the water
level i n the volume change device as well as of the LVDT
output. During the consolidation period, low amplitude
v i b r a t i o n s were applied to the specimen to determine the change
in shear modulus and damping with time which can be very
s i g n i f i c a n t i n cohesive s o i l s .

For a l l t e s t s , consolidation was allowed to proceed at

l e a s t u n t i l the end of primary consolidation which was always
l e s s than 1000 minutes when r a d i a l filter paper drains were
used. Then, the drainage valves were closed and pore pressures
i n the sample were allowed to equalize before high amplitude
dynamic t e s t i n g was performed.

The high amplitude testing sequence commenced at a low

s t r a i n amplitude (about 0.001 percent) and progressed to a high
strain level (usually 0.5 to 1 percent). For some t e s t s , pore
pressures were monitored during and a f t e r each l e v e l of dynamic
t e s t i n g - commonly conducted at twice the s t r a i n amplitude of
the previous increment.

The procedure f o r conducting a high amplitude t e s t was to
f i r s t increase the drive c o i l input power to the pre-selected
level. Then, the frequency of the sinusoidal input current was
varied until resonance was established. Since the ratio
between power and resonance frequency is not linear, a
simultaneous adjustment f o r both the power and input frequency
is necessary to achieve resonance at a particular strain
amplitude (Novak and Kim, 1981). Resonance was i d e n t i f i e d by
adjusting the frequency to obtain a v e r t i c a l l y oriented e l l i p s e
on the x-y oscilliscope display of input current versus
accelerometer output. At t h i s time readings were taken of the
frequency, input signal voltage, output signal voltage, and
lvdt output.

Damping by the amplitude decay method was determined from

the decaying free vibrations measured by the torsional
accelerometer response a f t e r power was cut o f f to the drive
coils. This usually required the capture of at l e a s t twenty
cycles of accelerometer response on the d i g i t a l oscilliscope.
The entire procedure described above was performed f o r each
s t r a i n l e v e l of a high amplitude t e s t .

Lastly, to minimize the e f f e c t of the number of cycles on

the dynamic soil behiour, the duration of resonance was

generally maintained at about 60 seconds.


Since t o r s i o n a l shear tests could be performed on the same

samples as resonant column t e s t s , the sample setup procedure
was i d e n t i c a l . The t e s t i n g procedure, however, was e n t i r e l y
d i f f e r e n t since the theory underlying the t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t
i s psuedo-static whereas the resonant column t e s t i s based on
l i n e a r v i b r a t i o n theory.

Contrary t o the resonant column t e s t , the stresses and

strains f o r the t o r s i o n a l shear test were measured in a
r e l a t i v e l y d i r e c t manner. That i s , the stress and s t r a i n were
determined from a l i n e a r c a l i b r a t i o n f o r torque and r o t a t i o n a l
displacement, respectively.

P r i o r to commencing a torsional shear t e s t sequence the

shear modulus at small s t r a i n (about 0.001%) was measured i n
the resonant column mode. This was done so that the shear
modulus from the resonant column test sequence which
immediately followed the t o r s i o n a l shear testing could be
corrected f o r pre-straining.

First, the testing frequency was selected and the

amplitude of the drive c o i l input current was adjusted to give
the estimated torque required. From a t r i a l run i t was found
that the maximum frequency at which the t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t
could be run without significant dynamic effects was about

1 Hz; therefore, the torque calibration was v a l i d only f o r
psuedo-static conditions. A f t e r the frequency and amplitude
were selected, the t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t was conducted with the
sinusoidal drive c o i l input and RVDT output d i g i t a l l y recorded
for the v i b r a t i o n cycles of i n t e r e s t . These two data records
were l a t e r modified to give the s t r e s s - s t r a i n response by means
of a digital data processing program (VU-POINT, Maxwell
Laboratories, Inc.) on a personal computer. The progam also
allowed f o r integration of the s t r e s s - s t r a i n loops thereby
enabling quick c a l c u l a t i o n of the hysteretic damping r a t i o .

The pore pressure response was monitored both during and

after the t o r s i o n a l shear testing, and significant pore
pressure changes were recorded. Equalization of pore pressures
was allowed before the next increment of t e s t i n g was performed.
Commonly, t e s t i n g was done at three or four shear s t r a i n l e v e l s
before the maximum capacity of the drive c o i l s was reached.

After the strain-dependent response was determined from

the t o r s i o n a l shear test, the strain-dependent response was
also determined using the resonant column t e s t which allowed
t e s t i n g to a somewhat higher maximum s t r a i n .


5.3.1 Pore Pressure Measurement

It i s well known that sufficient time i s required to

measure pore pressures i n laboratory tests on f i n e grained
soils because of the time l a g involved i n r e g i s t e r i n g pore
pressure changes - even when small volume compliance
transducers are used (Bishop and Henkel, 1962, Sangrey et a l . ,
1978) . This i s an important consideration i n the case of
resonant column t e s t i n g since the specimen i s subjected to very
fast rates of c y c l i c s t r a i n . However, no pore pressures are
developed until a sufficiently high strain amplitude is

The r a d i a l d i s t r i b u t i o n of stress within the sample i s not

uniform (see section 4.1), r e s u l t i n g i n a nonuniform pore
pressure d i s t r i b u t i o n within the specimen. Thus, the maximum
value of pore pressure occurring within the sample w i l l not be
measured, even i f enough time i s allowed f o r pore pressure
equalization. The problem of high pore pressure gradients w i l l
only be important i n high shear s t r a i n amplitude tests since
shear-induced pore pressures are presumably not s i g n i f i c a n t at
very low s t r a i n s .

During high s t r a i n amplitude staged t e s t s , pore pressures
were allowed to come to equilibrium before the next l e v e l of
strain was applied. This was done to minimize the
nonhomogenous state of stress i n the sample r e s u l t i n g from pore
pressure gradients generated during high amplitude t e s t i n g .

5.3.2 A i r Diffusion E f f e c t s

Several researchers have reported the problem of a i r

d i f f u s i o n through the membrane and i t s e f f e c t on pore pressure
measurements (Novak and Kim,1981, Sangrey et a l . , 1978,
Marcuson and Wahls, 1978, Pollard et a l . , 1977). Due to the
presence of an air-water interface within the t e s t i n g chamber,
air i s forced into solution with the water and progressively
d i f f u s e s through the rubber membrane. A f t e r passing through
the membrane the a i r can come out of solution i n the form of
a i r bubbles r e s u l t i n g i n erroneous volume change readings and
inaccurate excess pore pressure measurements. Pollard et a l .
(1977) examined the pore pressure change within a triaxial
sample and concluded that the process could be described by

Ps - P c [ l - e - < ~
d T T i )
] (5.4)


specimen pore pressure
c e l l pressure, and

The value d i s an empirical diffusion parameter which i s

approximately constant but varies somewhat with pressure,
degree of c e l l f l u i d saturation by a i r , and several secondary
factors (Sangrey et a l . , 1978). The variable T^ i s an i n i t i a l
reference time depending primarily on the degree of a i r
saturation i n the c e l l and pore f l u i d s . Pore pressures are not
affected by a i r diffusion until time T^ when the p a r t i a l
pressure gradient of a i r becomes sufficient to establish
s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f u s i o n through the membrane. However, the pore
pressure errors become prominent as continued a i r d i f f u s i o n
causes the pore pressures to increase.

Figure 5.1 shows the r e s u l t of an a i r d i f f u s i o n t e s t . The

t e s t was performed i n a standard t r i a x i a l c e l l using p r e c i s e l y
the same sample dimensions and setup d e t a i l s as used i n a l l
resonant column and t o r s i o n a l shear tests i n this research.
Deaired water was used as the confining fluid and s i l i c o n e -
greased double prophylactic memranes were used around the
sample. The zero hour time i n F i g . 5.1 corresponds to the time
a f t e r i s o t r o p i c consolidation and pore pressure equalization of
the sample. At that time an a i r water interface was introduced
into the c e l l by draining a l l the c e l l water leaving water only
i n the small inner plexiglass containment c e l l d i r e c t l y around


Air Diffusion Test: Sample AD3

constant cr =400 kPa

T =60 hours
hours -? 0
back pressure, a y
-Q- during consolidation = 100 kPa

Uexcess=(0-c-CT )*(l-e- b
d C r
- T o )


o \

100 11111 u 111111111111111111 n 111111111111111111111111 I I 111 fi i

50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (hours)

F i g . 5.1 E f f e c t of A i r D i f f u s i o n on E f f e c t i v e Stress
In Sample

the specimen. The jacket of water around the specimen was
required to avoid d i r e c t contact of pressurized a i r with the
sample memrane.

Under a constant applied c e l l pressure, no e f f e c t of a i r

d i f f u s i o n on the measured pore pressure i s evident f o r about
the f i r s t 60 hours. Thereafter, continued a i r d i f f u s i o n and
pore pressure increase causes the e f f e c t i v e confining pressure
to decrease to 50 percent of the i n i t i a l value a f t e r only 170
hours (Fig. 5.1).

To circumvent these d i f f i c u l t i e s , some researchers have

successfully used mercury as a containment f l u i d because a i r
does not r e a d i l y dissolve i n mercury, even under high pressures
(Novak and Kim, 1981, Marcuson and Wahls, 1978). The apparatus
modifications and special safety precautions required to use a
mercury jacket precluded i t s use i n the UBC S o i l Mechanics

A t e s t i n g program constraining a l l t e s t s involving pore

pressure measurements to 60 hours duration was therefore
undertaken. This was considered to be a safe time l i m i t since
most t e s t s were performed at lower c e l l pressures than the 400
kPa c e l l pressure used f o r the a i r d i f f u s i o n t e s t of F i g . 5.1.
Lower c e l l pressures delayed onset of a i r d i f f u s i o n effects
( i . e . longer T^) i n tests performed by Pollard et a l . (1977).

However, i n order to be able to complete staged tests
within the 60 hour time l i m i t , i t was necessary to use filter
paper drains around the specimen to shorten the drainage path
thereby decreasing the time required f o r consolidation. Based
on the theory of consolidation, the use of r a d i a l drains o f f e r s
a greater than 70-fold decrease in the time required for
completion of primary consolidation (Bishop and Henkel, 1962).
The actual consolidation time decrease using r a d i a l drains was
somewhat l e s s - a 28-fold decrease at a consolidation stress of
70 kPa (Fig. 5.2). At higher consolidation stresses, the
effectiveness of the f i l t e r drains was reduced, presumably as a
r e s u l t of the decreasing permeability of the f i l t e r paper with
increasing confining stress. Nevertheless, the reduction in
consolidation times was sufficient to enable any test to be
completed within the 60 hour l i m i t .

The degree of saturation of the specimen was checked

immediately following every stage of t e s t i n g by determining the
Skempton B-parameter. A B-value of 0.95 or greater was
considered s u f f i c i e n t l y high to indicate that saturation of the
specimen was maintained. Pore pressures generated during
t e s t i n g were considered accurate only i f such a high B-value
was determined following the t e s t stage.

For t e s t s requiring consolidation stresses greater than

about 150 kPa, the decrease i n sample volume as a r e s u l t of

consolidation caused the water l e v e l i n the confining jacket

F i g . 5.2 Comparison of Consolidation Rate with and without
Radial Drains

surrounding the specimen to drop low enough to d i r e c t l y expose
the uppermost portion sample memrane to the pressurized a i r i n
the confining chamber. This l e d to an e a r l i e r onset of a i r
d i f f u s i o n e f f e c t s f o r these higher-pressure tests as indicated
by the more rapid decrease i n B-value (Fig. 5.3). For tests
performed at effective consolidation stresses less than 150
kPa, F i g . 5.2 shows that B-values of about 0.95 were maintained
for a time period greater than 60 hours. Thus, information on
generated pore pressures had to be obtained shortly after
consolidation (several hours) f o r high pressure t e s t s .

In future testing, i t i s recommended that a method be

developed to eliminate t h i s problem. A telescoping containment
c e l l with a method to p e r i o d i c a l l y flush the containment cell
with deaired water i s suggested.


0.90 H

| 0.80
^ 0.60

0.50 ***** o-c' <150 kPa


A A A A A C73C >1 50 kPa

0.40 T—i—i—|—i—i—i—|—i—i—i—|—i—i—i—j—i—i—r
20 40 60 80 100
Time (hours)

F i g . 5.3 Increased A i r Diffusion E f f e c t at High Confining




The Lower 232nd St. research s i t e i s located at the 232nd

St. interchange of the Trans Canada Highway, about 40 km east
of downtown Vancouver (Fig. 6.1). The Quaternary sequence at
the s i t e i s part of the Fort Langley Formation consisting of
marine s i l t to clay with occasional sand lenses, deposited
during the glacial regression (Armstrong, 1978). These fine
grained soils have become s l i g h t l y s e n s i t i v e as a result of
leaching subsequent to deposition. The silts and clays are
s l i g h t l y organic and are underlain by dense sands and gravels.
Due to dessication, the soil is overconsolidated at the
surface, becoming normally consolidated below a depth of about
5 m.

Numerous Atterberg limit tests and hydrometer tests

indicate that the s o i l below 3 m i s reasonably uniform, except
for occasional sandy layers (Fig. 6.2). Above 2.5 m depth, the
surficial soil i s of higher p l a s t i c i t y (PI=40) while the soil
below 3 m i s of lower p l a s t i c i t y (PI=20).

F i g . 6.1 Lower 232nd S t . S i t e L o c a t i o n
PL* ; WN* ; Lbs Clay55 ; siltss ; s a n d *
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 | i i i i • i t i »

• o
• o

• • o
• • o

• o

• • o

Lr 232 St

a • o
• • o

Lr 232 St
J I 1 I L 1
15 ' ' ' I I I L

ooooo Liquid limit

• • • • • Water content
• a o a a Plastic limit

F i g . 6.2 P r o f i l e s o f A t t e r b e r g L i m i t s and G r a i n Size


Two types of undisturbed s o i l samples were obtained; block

samples and 2.6" inner diameter tube samples. The block
samples were carefully trimmed at a depth of 2 m from an
excavated p i t whereas the wireline tube samples continuously
sampled the s o i l to a depth of 16 m. Both types of samples
were sealed and stored i n a humidity room u n t i l needed.

The block samples were obtained i n order to have a large

number of i d e n t i c a l samples from the same horizon which could
be used t o study the e f f e c t s of various parameters on the
dynamic s o i l properties. On the other hand, only a few tube
samples were tested since they were used mainly to compare the
dynamic properties determined i n the laboratory with those
derived from i n s i t u techniques. The difference i n p l a s t i c i t y
index (PI) between the two types of samples also enabled the
comparison of dynamic properties on the basis of PI.



It i s natural to examine separately the e f f e c t s on low

amplitude and high amplitude shear modulus of various

parameters such as confining pressure and duration of


7.1.1 E f f e c t of Confining Pressure and Void Ratio

As mentioned i n section 2.1.2, the e f f e c t s of confining

pressure and void ratio on shear modulus of normally
consolidated cohesive soils are difficult to examine
independently since these two factors are i n t i m i t e l y linked.
When considered together, however, t h e i r i n d i v i d u a l e f f e c t s can
be distinguished.

From fourteen undisturbed block samples taken from a depth

of 2.0 m, 19 normally consolidated determinations of low
amplitude shear modulus (G^x) were made at e f f e c t i v e confining
pressures ranging from 70 to 500 kPa. These low amplitude
dynamic shear modulus values are plotted against the respective
isotropic effective confining stresses i n F i g . 7.1. Despite
some data scatter, the shear modulus increases almost i n d i r e c t

Block Samples 2.0 m

G0=122.2*(2.97-e) /0 +e) 2
*Pa- (oV)'
5 S

Hardin a n d Drnevich
100000 -
o 7-



10000 9 -
7 —•
i —•
8 T -r
Osc (kPa)

F i g . 7.1 Shear Modulus v s . C o n f i n i n g P r e s s u r e R e l a t i o n s h i p

f o r B l o c k Samples

proportion t o the increase i n e f f e c t i v e confining stress. The
relationship between G^x a n d
confining pressure can be
approximated as

G^ax = 143.2Pa- 0 1
(<x 3 c ')- 9 9

where i s a^c' the e f f e c t i v e confining pressure and P a i s the

atmospheric pressure i n the same units as G^ x and a • N o

attempt t o separate the influence of void ratio i s made i n

Eq. 7.1.

The standard error i n estimating shear modulus using

Eq. 7.1 i s 3900 kPa. Due to the change i n the p r o f i l e of s o i l
characteristics (Fig. 6.2) at the 2.0m depth from which the
block samples were obtained, some of the scatter i n shear
modulus values may be the r e s u l t of sample differences.
Indeed, v e r t i c a l v a r i a t i o n i n f i n a l water content within some
block samples were found to be as high as 15% suggesting that
specimens were non-uniform.

Low amplitude shear modulus ( G m a x ) was also determined f o r

several tube samples obtained from 8-14m and tested at
e f f e c t i v e confining pressures ranging from 70 t o 400 kPa. Once
again, the shear modulus values c l e a r l y increase with confining
pressure f o r the normally consolidated tests i n F i g . 7.2. The
least squares best f i t line describing the relationship i s
given by

G=122.2*(2.97-e)/(1 +e) *Pa-(oV)'
2 5 S

Hardin and Drnevich ^




G =292.1*Pa *(a3 ')

Lower 232 St. Clay


Normally Consolidated
10000- Tube Samples: 8—14m
100 500
Effective Confining Pressure (kPa)

Fig. 7.2 Shear Modulus vs. Confining Pressure Relationship

for Tube Samples

Gnax = 292.1*P - a
1 0
(a 3 C ')- 9 0

w i t h a sample standard e r r o r o f 2000 kPa. Void r a t i o effects

are not s e p a r a t e d from Eg. 7.2. The soil index p r o p e r t i e s (PI

and g r a i n s i z e ) i n the 8-14m depth range from which these tube

samples were o b t a i n e d i s r e l a t i v e l y uniform; the s t a n d a r d error

i s about h a l f t h a t o f the b l o c k samples.

The dimensionless modulus m u l t i p l i e r values, K, for the

b l o c k samples and tube samples - 143.2 and 463.6, respectively

fit the trend of increasing modulus multiplier with

decreasing PI identified in F i g . 2.4 for seven undisturbed

clays of varying p l a s t i c i t y . These are shown g r a p h i c a l l y in

F i g . 7.3 which p r o v i d e s a f i r s t estimate of K on the b a s i s of


The respective modulus exponent values for the block

samples and tube samples are 0.99 and 0.90. These v a l u e s are

shown p l o t t e d against PI i n F i g . 7.4 along with the modulus

exponents f o r the c l a y s presented i n F i g . 2.4. The modulus

exponents o f a l l the c l a y s l i e i n a f a i r l y narrow range between

0.84 and 1.18 with the less plastic clays generally having

s m a l l e r modulus exponents.

The trend of i n c r e a s i n g modulus exponent and decreasing

modulus m u l t i p l i e r with increasing p l a s t i c i t y index might be

Plasticity Index
ro J> o> oo o ro
o o o o o o o
to o 111111111111n111111111111111111111111111II1111II11111111IIi

H <
3 ft)
& n
(D H-
x o»
O f-4

s H




100 H co

80 H

60 4 CO

40H LU i
ID i

20 H I

0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20
Modulus Exponent, n

Fig. 7.4 V a r i a t i o n o f Modulus Exponent w i t h Plasticity-


intuitively predicted; since higher plasticity clays are

generally softer (lower modulus) than less p l a s t i c clays, a

lower modulus m u l t i p l i e r would be expected. Higher p l a s t i c i t y

clays would also be expected to have a higher modulus exponent

than l e s s p l a s t i c clays since they generally undergo a more

rapid reduction in void ratio with increasing confining


In order to examine the e f f e c t of void ratio on shear

modulus of both the tube and the block samples, a void ratio
factor i n the form of Eq. 2.1 was employed. The form of the
equation is derived from the assumption of a linear
relationship of shear wave v e l o c i t y with void ratio which
appears to be v a l i d f o r the block samples (Fig. 7.5) as well as
for the tube samples (Fig 7.6). Much of the scatter in the
data i s the r e s u l t of sample differences since only small
variations from a linear relationship were observed for
individual samples tested at more than one normally
consolidated state.

For the normally consolidated block samples tested, the

combined e f f e c t of void r a t i o (e) and confining pressure (02c')

on low amplitude shear modulus (G^x) i s shown i n F i g . 7.7 with

a best f i t l i n e given by

Gmax = 2 9 . 3 * F ( e ) P a - 4 0 ( a 3 C ' ) - 6 0 (7.3)

200.0 ~T
Lower 232 St. Cloy

o o Normally Consolidated
180.0 - Block Samples: 2.0m

-^160.0 -

^140.0 -
£ 120.0 -

i 100.0 -

£ 80.0 -

60.0 -

40.0 —" 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1—

0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00
Void Ratio, e

F i g . 7.5 Variation of Shear Wave Velocity with Void Ratio

for Normally Consolidated Block Samples

Lower 232 St. Clay

Normally Consolidated
220.0 - Tube Samples: 8—14m

CO 200.0 -
180.0 -
5 160.0 -
S 140.0 -

lo 120.0

100.0 H

80.0 T T
0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Void Ratio, e

F i g . 7 . 6 Variation of Shear Wave V e l o c i t y with Void Ratio

for Normally Consolidated Tube Samples

Lower 232 St Cloy

Normally Consolidated
Block Samples: 2.0m


40/ ,\.602
G =29.3*F(e)*Pa- (03c')

F(e)=(5.20-e) /(l+e)

1000 T 1 1 1 1 T r
100 600
Effective Confining Stress (kPa)

Fig. 7.7 Void Ratio Modified Shear Modulus vs. C o n f i n i n g

Pressure for Normally Consolidated Block

where P a = atmospheric pressure i n the same units as
a ' and Gjjax
3 C

and F(e) = (5.2-e) /(l+e)2

Equation 7.3 has the atmospheric pressure term, Pa, included to

make the equation v a l i d f o r any system of units and to make the
modulus m u l t i p l i e r (29.3) dimensionless. The constant of 5.2
in the numerator of the void ratio function, F(e), was
determined by regession analysis which involved varying the
constant until the linear log G max /F(e) versus log ajc'
r e l a t i o n s h i p with the smallest standard error was identified.
This constant appears to be dependent on the clay type as
values ranging from 2.97 to 7.32 have been i d e n t i f i e d i n the
literature (Kokusho et a l . , 1982). I f the commonly used form
of F(e) with a constant of 2.97, as suggested by Hardin and
Drnevich (1972b) i s used, a poor f i t to the block sample data
is observed and the shear modulus exponent f o r the best f i t
line i s only 0.27. Data presented by Zen et a l . (1978)
indicates that the Hardin and Drnevich expression with F(e)
constant of 2.97 does not yield a good agreement to the
experimental r e s u l t s f o r clays with PI greater than about 25.

The best f i t line described by Eq. 7.3 has a standard

error i n shear modulus of 3000 kPa which i s not a very large
improvement on Eq. 7.1 with a standard error of 3900 kPa.
Shown i n F i g . 7.8 are the measured values of shear modulus
which compare reasonably well to the predicted values based on
Eq. 7.3.

Fig. 7 . 8 Comparison of Predicted and Measured Shear Moduli
for Normally Consolidated Block Samples

For the normally consolidated tube samples tested, the
combined e f f e c t of void r a t i o and confining pressure i s shown
i n F i g . 7.9 with best f i t l i n e given by

Gjjax = 1 3 7 . 2 * F ( e ) P - a
3 8 4
(* ')-
3 c
6 1 6

where P a = atmospheric pressure i n the same units as G m a x

and 02c'
and F(e) = (2.97-e) /(1+e) 2

The void r a t i o factor with a constant of 2.97 i s that given by

Hardin and Drnevich (1972b) to be applicable f o r a l l s o i l s .
However, data presented by Zen et a l . (1978) suggests that i t
i s only v a l i d f o r clays with PI less than 25. The predicted
shear moduli based on Eg. 7.4 and the measured shear moduli
show good agreement (Fig. 7.10), with a standard error i n shear
modulus of 2700 kPa.

Seperating out the void r a t i o influence by means of F(e)

i n equations 7.3 and 7.4 makes the shear modulus exponent 0.6
f o r both the block samples and tube samples. This i s the same
value of modulus exponent given by Kokusho et a l . (1982) f o r
Teganuma Clay, though the shear modulus m u l t i p l i e r and void
r a t i o factor values are d i f f e r e n t since they appear to depend
on the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the p a r t i c u l a r s o i l .

Lower 232 St. Clay

Normally Consolidated
Tube Samples: 8-14m

G=137.2*F(e)*Pa (o-c)°'
, 62

F(e) = (2.973-e) /(1+e) 2

10000 T I 1 1 I 1
100 600
Effective Confining Pressure (kPa)

F i g . 7.9 Void Ratio Modified Shear Modulus vs. Confining

Pressure f o r Normally Consolidated Tube


100000 ~


60000 z


20000 z

1111111111111111 n 111111111111111 n 111111111111111111111111

20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000
^measured (kPd)

Fig. 7.10 Comparison of Predicted and Measured Shear Moduli

for Normally Consolidated Tube Samples

As can be seen i n figures 7.1 and 7.2, the well-known
equation f o r shear modulus (Eq. 2.1, 2.2) given i n Hardin and
Drnevich (1972b) s i g n i f i c a n t l y overpredicts the shear modulus
values f o r both the block samples and tube samples of Lower
232nd St. Clay. This finding confirms data presented by Zen et
al. (1978) which suggests that the Hardin and Drnevich equation
should not be used with higher p l a s t i c i t y clays (PI>25).

7.1.2 Stress History

To study the e f f e c t of stress history on the low

amplitude shear modulus f o r Lower 232nd St. Clay, block samples
were tested at various states of overconsolidation. In general,
the shear modulus increases with increasing overconsolidation
r a t i o (OCR).

The normalized small strain shear modulus values f o r

overconsolidated block samples are shown i n F i g . 7.11 f o r
various OCR. The normalized shear modulus i s the shear modulus
measured i n the overconsolidated (OC) condition divided by the
shear modulus f o r normally consolidated (NC) samples given by
Eq. 7.1. Despite some data scatter, the shear modulus can be
expressed as

Gmax = (Gmax)ncOCR' 55

Block Samples 2.0 m o


F i g . 7.11 E f f e c t o f OCR on Shear Modulus f o r B l o c k


where G ^ x i s the measured shear modulus and ( G m a x ) n c i s the
shear modulus f o r a normally consolidated sample measured at
the same e f f e c t i v e confining s t r e s s . Substituting Eq. 7.1 f o r
normally consolidated shear modulus i n Eq. 7.5 gives the shear
modulus expression valid f o r both normally consolidated and
overconsolidated block samples

Gmax = 1 4 3 . 2 * P - ( a ' ) - O C R -
99 55

The OCR exponent of .55 i n Eq. 7.6 i s i n the range of 0.5-0.7

identified f o r a l l but one of the seven undisturbed cohesive

s o i l s l i s t e d i n F i g . 2.4.

Alternatively, i f Eq. 7.4 i s used t o represent the

normally consolidated s o i l with F(e) to account for void r a t i o
changes, then the expression for shear modulus i s

Gmax = (Gmax)ncOCR* 26

As can be seen i n F i g . 7.12, a r e l a t i v e l y large scatter e x i s t s

which suggests that the same void r a t i o factor, F(e), does not
apply t o both NC and OC clay, though some of the data scatter
may be the r e s u l t of errors i n void r a t i o measurement. The
reason f o r the reduced OCR exponent i n Eq. 7.7 as compared to
Eq. 7.5 i s that the e f f e c t of overconsolidation on G m a x is
p a r t i a l l y accounted for by the void r a t i o function, F(e).

Block Samples 2.0 m

F i g . 7.12 E f f e c t of OCR on Void Ratio Modified Shear

Modulus f o r Block Samples

The OCR exponent, however, agrees with the 0.18-0.30 range
specified by Hardin and Drnevich (1972b) f o r clays with PI
between 20 and 40 (Table 2.1). The void r a t i o modified shear
modulus expression f o r both NC and OC block samples i s

Gmax = 2 9 . 3 * F ( e ) P - ( a ' ) - O C R -
4 0
3 C
6 0 2 6

where F(e) = (5.2-e) /(l+e) 2

Tube samples were not tested at overconsolidated states as

the focus of the tests was on normally consolidated behaviour
since the i n s i t u s o i l i s normally consolidated at the depths
tube samples were obtained. Furthermore, only a l i m i t e d number
of samples were available f o r t e s t i n g .

7.1.3 Secondary Time E f f e c t s

To study the time dependent increase i n low amplitude

shear modulus discussed i n section 2.1.6, the shear modulus f o r
some samples was monitored at various times during the
consolidation period. This generally involved taking

measurements well beyond the time required f o r completion of

primary consolidation i n order to establish the time dependent
increase at constant e f f e c t i v e stress.

The time dependent increase in shear modulus for a
normally consolidated block sample of Lower 232nd St. Clay i s
shown f o r three e f f e c t i v e confining pressures i n F i g . 7.13.
A f t e r about the f i r s t ten minutes, the modulus versus log T
relationship may be approximated by two straight lines
corresponding to the primary and secondary consolidations.
Good agreement exists between the kink i n the curve and the
completion of primary consolidation determined from the
consolidation curve (not shown) f o r each confining pressure
which i s represented by the arrow on each curve. Modulus
values determined prior to the end of primary consolidation
correspond to an unknown e f f e c t i v e stress since excess pore
water pressures s t i l l e x i s t within the specimen.

The rate of secondary increase i n shear modulus per log

cycle of time, AG, increases with confining pressure
(Fig. 7.13). The normalized rate of shear modulus increase,
NQ, as defined by Anderson and Stokoe (1978) i s given by

N G = AG/G 100 o ( -9)


where vA = secondary increase i n G per log cycle

of time
1000 = G
measured at 1000 minutes of confinement

The values of N Q f o r the tests shown i n F i g . 7.13 range

from about 18-22%. Although the duration of each test in

F i g . 7.13 was less than 2000 minutes, two tests (B14C2 and

arrows represent end of
primary consolidation

AG due to void
ratio change

• • • • • B9C4
A A A A A B9C3 146
0 0 v B9C2
' "I T—r I I I I| T i—i—r
i i i 11—
10 100 1000
Confining Time (min)

F i g . 7.13 Time-Dependent Increase i n Shear Modulus f o r

Normally Consolidated Block Sample

B8C2) were continued to 6000 minutes with no deviation from the
linear semi-log relationship. Anderson and Stokoe (1978)
report a s i m i l a r modulus-time response f o r periods as long as
20 weeks.

For comparison, the time dependent shear modulus increase

for a tube sample obtained from a depth of 11.75m i s shown i n
F i g . 7.14 for three effective confining pressures. The
behaviour i s very s i m i l a r to that shown by the block samples
(Fig. 7.13). Once again, the kink i n the curve corresponds
c l o s e l y to the end of primary consolidation represented by the
arrow on each curve and the value of AG increases with
confining pressure. The normalized rate of shear modulus
increase, NQ, given by Eq. 7.9 ranges from 15-21% - slightly
less than the 18-22% range determined f o r the block samples.

The secondary increase i n shear modulus i s not unique to

p o s i t i v e confining pressure increments such as those shown i n
Figs. 7.13 and 7.14. Figure 7.15 shows the shear modulus
versus time relationship f o r two unloading confining pressure
increments to overconsolidation r a t i o s of 2.9 and 9.3. After
the initial modlus reduction as a result of swelling to
equilibrium with a lower confining pressure, a secondary
increase i n shear modulus i s again observed. The values of NQ
are about 12% and 18% f o r unloading to OCR of 2.9 and 9.3,

Lower 2 3 2 nd
St. Clay 11.75m

100.0 -
3DDDDTS1C2 69 kPa .206
\AAAATS1C3 198 .212
">0000TS1C4 397 .149 j

cl 80.0 -

AG due to void
ratio change

60.0 -


$ 40.0 H

20.0 -

arrows represent end of

0.0 primary consolidation
T T T TT- i i i 1111 1 T 1 I I I II |
10 100 f 1000
Confining Time (min)

F i g . 7.14 Time-Dependent Increase i n Shear Modulus f o r

Tube Sample of Lower 232nd St. Clay

35.0 zr
Block Samples 2.0m

30.0 z




15.0 z

10.0 z
AAAAA B9C6 9.3 32 kPa .119
2.9 101 .177
00000 B9C5
5.0 T T T—i—I I i i 11 T i — r
i i i 111—
10 100 , 1000
Confining Time (min)

Fig. 7.15 Time-Dependent Increase in Shear Modulus f o r

Overconsolidated Block Sample

Values of NQ determined f o r a number of t e s t s are l i s t e d
i n Table 7 . 1 . Values f o r normally consolidated t e s t s range
from 13.8 to 23.4% with an average of 18.4%. Time, therefore,
must be considered when interpreting laboratory t e s t s since the
shear modulus i s time dependent. Unless otherwise stated, the
shear moduli reported herein are those values measured at
approximately 1 0 0 0 minutes of,confining time.

The rate of secondary modulus increase, NQ, i s such that

it can not be accounted f o r by changes i n void r a t i o during
secondary consolidation. When these void ratio changes are
considered, the increase i n shear modulus estimated from Eqns.
7.3 and 7.4 i s much less than that observed. This predicted
increase i s shown by the dashed l i n e s i n Figs. 7 . 1 3 and 7 . 1 4 .
Some time-dependent physio-chemical bonding may be the cause of
the large secondary shear modulus increase.

Insight into the aging e f f e c t can be obtained by examining

F i g . 7 . 1 6 . The normalized modulus reduction curves f o r a block
sample are shown f o r two d i f f e r e n t confining times ( 3 and 9 3
hours) by the open symbols. Correspondingly, the s o l i d symbols
represent the low amplitude shear modulus measured immediately
after each increment of high amplitude cycling. The solid
symbols therefore reflect the amount of degredation or
disturbance of the soil structure bonds. No significant
decrease i n the low amplitude shear modulus occurs f o r strains
less than about 0.005%. Thereafter, the degredation increases

Table 7.1 Values of NQ f o r Normally
Consolidated Samples

TEST <73c' N G

B8C2 77.4 .234
B9C2 74.3 .184
B9C3 146.4 .222
B9C4 223.5 .187
B12C3 292.5 .138
B14C2 70.0 .164
B18C2 146.2 .197
B19C2 109.3 .145
TS1C2 69.0 .206
TS1C3 198.0 .212
TS1C4 397.0 .149

Block Sample 2.0m
o- '=70 kPa

1.00 __OD . |


0.80 -
o 9
O 0.60 -

ooooo confined 93 hours

D D D D D confined 3 hours
0.40 - end of primary consol. = 25 min.

solid symbols represent low—amplitude (1.5x1 a" *) 3

modulus immediately after high—amplitude testing

0.20 1 — I I I I I I I I — I — I I I I '111

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (%)

F i g . 7.16 E f f e c t of Aging on Normalized Modulus Reduction

Curves and on Low Amplitude Shear Modulus
Measured After High Amplitude Testing

with shear strain amplitude. However, the amount of

degredation i s considerably larger f o r the longer confining

time suggesting that proportionately more physio-chemical

bonding has taken place.

It should be mentioned that the low amplitude shear

modulus always recovered to i t s original value given a
sufficient period of time after high amplitude testing,
although the length of time required f o r recovery increased f o r
longer confining times. The low amplitude modulus regain
behaviour was also observed by Isenhower (1979) i n h i s tests on
San Francisco Bay Mud and i s consistent with a time dependent
physio-chemical bonding mechanism.


The high amplitude shear modulus i s the shear modulus

corresponding to shear strains greater than about 0.005%, where
the shear modulus becomes strain dependent. The factors
affecting high amplitude shear modulus are discussed i n the
following sections.

7.2.1 Nonlinear Behaviour

In resonant column t e s t i n g the method used to establish

the resonant frequency of the s o i l sample involves sweeping a

range of frequencies i n order to i d e n t i f y the peak v i b r a t i o n

response. A typical low-strain frequency response curve is

shown by the lowermost curve in F i g . 7.17. The curve is

symmetrical about the resonant frequency implying that the s o i l

behaviour i s l i n e a r e l a s t i c at small s t r a i n s .

With increasing strain the frequency response curves

become increasingly asymmetrical and s h i f t to the l e f t . The

strain dependency i s shown i n F i g . 7.18 where the frequency

response curves at three s t r a i n s have been normalized by the

peak amplitude. Since the shear modulus i s calculated from the

resonant frequency (section 4.2.1), the decrease in the

resonant frequency with s t r a i n amplitude implies that the s o i l

s t i f f n e s s i s non-linear. The s t r a i n softening c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

of s o i l s are best i l l u s t r a t e d on a semi-logarithmic p l o t , known

as a modulus reduction curve.

7.2.2 E f f e c t of Shear Strain

A t y p i c a l shear modulus reduction curve f o r a block sample

of Lower 232nd St. Clay at 2.0m depth i s shown i n F i g . 7.19.

The curve was obtained from a high amplitude t e s t sequence i n

Shear Strain
nnnnn | w
0 input current (12 mV) 2.26x10" * 3

AAA&A medium input current (96 mv) 1.55x10"

* * * * * high input current (830mV) 7.70x10"
0.08 -

c 0.06 -

| 0.04

0.02 -

0.00 —r - Ijl ^ F f ^ ^ - f l ^

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (Hz)

F i g . 7.17 Frequency Response Curves f o r Lower 232nd St.

Clay f o r Three Strain Levels

Shear Strain
nnnnn | w0 input current (12 mV) 2.26x10"*"*
/W^AA medium input current (96 mv) 1.55x10*18
* * * * * high input current (830mV) 7.70x10"l8

Frequency (Hz)

F i g . 7.18 N o r m a l i z e d Frequency Response Curves

F i g . 7.19 T y p i c a l Shear Modulus v s S t r a i n Curve f o r Lower
232nd S t . C l a y

which the shear modulus i s determined first at a low s t r a i n
(about 0.001%) and then at progressively larger s t r a i n s . The
shear modulus i s approximately constant f o r s t r a i n s less than
0.005% suggesting l i n e a r e l a s t i c behaviour i n that range. For
shear s t r a i n s greater than 0.01%, the clay s t i f f n e s s exhibits a
large s t r a i n softening behaviour; indeed, the shear modulus at
0.4% strain i s less than h a l f of the constant small strain
shear modulus, usually termed Gmax o r G
o- should be noted

that beyond the l i n e a r e l a s t i c threshold of 0.005%, both the

frequency and s t r a i n rate vary along the curve. These e f f e c t s
are further discussed i n section 8.1.

The shear modulus reduction curves f o r a l l successful high

amplitude tests are given i n Appendix A. These include the
t e s t s performed on the c l a y - s i l t from block samples at 2.0m
depth as well as tests on 2.6" diameter tube samples from
various depths t o 14m.

When comparing modulus reduction curves, i t i s often

desireable t o present the results i n the form of a normalized
modulus reduction curve i n which the shear modulus at a given
strain i s normalized by Gjnax* Such a curve i s shown i n
F i g . 7.16. The percent reduction i n shear modulus at any
strain i s readily apparent since the low amplitude shear
modulus has a r a t i o of one. Also shown i n F i g . 7.16 i s the
small strain shear modulus (measured at 0.0015% strain)
measured immediately after each increment of high amplitude

testing. The Gmax values remain e s s e n t i a l l y the same when
measured a f t e r high amplitude tests up t o 0.07% s t r a i n and only
a small (<5%) reduction i n Gmax occurs a f t e r the highest s t r a i n
tested (about 0.4%).

This finding suggests that very little structural

breakdown occurs i n the clay f o r the range of s t r a i n s tested i n
the resonant column. An important implication to testing
procedure i s that more than one high amplitude test can be
carried out on the same sample without significant
deterioration of the clay structure. This serves t o reduce the
number of samples required as well as t o enable the comparison
of high amplitude non-linear behaviour f o r various stress and
time conditions on the same sample, therby eliminating some
problems with sample differences.

7.2.3 E f f e c t of Confining Pressure and Stress History

For the block samples obtained from a depth of 2.0 m with

PI ranging from 33 t o 61, there i s e s s e n t i a l l y no influence of
effective confining stress (50 to 500 kPa) and
overconsolidation r a t i o (1.0 to 9.3) on the normalized modulus
reduction curve. This can be seen i n F i g . 7.20 where the
normalized modulus values f o r a wide range of stress states
fall on a single curve. Thus, knowing the shape of the
normalized modulus reduction curve allows the high amplitude

Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

1.0 -

0.8 - t.

CD 0
TEST cr c'
* * * * * B17C1 484 kPa 1.0 A
O O D O D B17C2 103 4.7
A A A A A B17C3 53 9.2
ooooo B19C2 109 1.1
0.2 00000 B19C3 268 1.0
<X*X><>-B19c5 50 5.4

0.0 i—r i i 11111— I I 11 III— T — r I I 11 III T 1 IIIIIII

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Strain Amplitude (ss)

F i g . 7.20 N o r m a l i z e d Modulus R e d u c t i o n Curves f o r B l o c k


shear modulus to be predicted f o r a wide range of effective

confining stress and OCR values i f the low amplitude shear

modulus f o r the particuluar stress state i s known.

The normalized modulus reduction curves f o r samples from

depths of 11.75 and 13.2 m are shown f o r several e f f e c t i v e
confining pressures in Figs. 7.21 and 7.22, respectively.
These samples have Pi's between 20 and 25. A small e f f e c t of
confining pressure i s seen f o r both depths i n the 0.01-0.1%
range of s t r a i n amplitudes where the s t r a i n amplitude values
are s t i l l f a i r l y accurate. Above 0.1% s t r a i n , differences i n
the number of cycles s h i f t the G/Gmax values so as to obscure
the e f f e c t of confining pressure. Nevertheless, i t can be seen
that higher confining pressures i n the 0.01%-0.1% range s h i f t
the modulus reduction curve to the right. Also shown i n
F i g . 7.21 is the modulus reduction curve for an
overconsolidated sample (OCR=3.9) which suggests l i t t l e effect
of stress history on the normalized modulus values.

I t appears that the differences i n p l a s t i c i t y between the

block samples and the tube samples affect the normalized
modulus curves. These r e s u l t s agree with those summarized by
Sun et a l . (1988) i n which the influence of confining pressure
on the normalized modulus reduction curve was shown to
gradually diminish with increasing p l a s t i c i t y index.

Lower 232 St. Clay nd

Tube Sample: 11.75m

1.0 - A DO • A


* •
0.8 -

X * A

o -

0.4 -

* * * * * TS1C2 •69 kPa 1.0
• DDDD TS1C3 198 1.0
0.2 - A A A A A JS1C4 397
103 1.0
00 0 0 0 TS1C5

0.0 T 1 llllll| 1 1 IIIIIII 1 1 llllll| T—I II I I I

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (ss)

Fig. 7.21 N o r m a l i z e d Modulus R e d u c t i o n Curves f o r Tube

Samples from 11.75m

Lower 2 3 2 St. Claynd

Tube Sample: 13.2m

1.0 - A a A*° • £

* A


0.8 -

cl " 0 6

* D

0.4 - *
TEST 0-30' OCR A

* * * * * TS2C2 76 kPa 1.0 •

0.2 - D O D O O TS2C3 137 1.0
A A A A A TS2C4 268 1.0

0.0 I I I 11 III 1—I I I 111II 1—I I I 111II 1—I I I 11II

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

Strain Amplitude (%)

F i g . 7.22 Normalized Modulus Reduction Curves f o r Tube

Samples from 13.2m

7.2.4 Secondary Time E f f e c t s

Based on F i g . 7.16 i t may be concluded that the duration

of confinement has virtually no effect, within the range
investigated, on the normalized modulus reduction curve. The
reason f o r t h i s can be seen from F i g . 7.23 where the normalized
rate of shear modulus increase, Ng, defined .in Eg. 7.9 i s
essentially independent of s t r a i n amplitude. Thus, both the
small strain and large strain amplitude moduli increase at
about the same rate leaving t h e i r r a t i o (G/Gjjax) unchanged.

In summary, f o r the Lower 232nd St. Clay studied there i s

relatively little influence of confining stress, stress
history, and secondary time effects on the normalized shear
modulus reduction curves, e s p e c i a l l y f o r the higher p l a s t i c i t y
block samples obtained from a depth of 2.0m. For the tube
samples, a small s h i f t of the curves to the r i g h t occurs with
increasing confining stress.


As with the shear modulus presented i n sections 7.1 and

7.2, damping r a t i o i s presented seperately i n terms of low

amplitude and high amplitude r e s u l t s .


Strain NQ
4.0 - QQQQQ 1.5x1O'J* .158
arjpati 2.1x10" * .171

- A A ^ A A 1.0x10"]* .165
0&.00i> 3.6x10~ g .161

2.0 -rr\ 1 i—i i i i 111 1 1—i i i i 111 1 1—i i i i 11

10 100 1000 10000

Confining Time (min)

F i g . 7.23 Time-Dependent I n c r e a s e i n Shear Modulus f o r

Various S t r a i n Levels

7.3.1 E f f e c t of Confining Pressure and Stress History

The low amplitude damping r a t i o f o r three block samples of

Lower 232nd St. Clay are shown i n F i g . 7.24 f o r a wide range of

effective confining stress and OCR values. Very little

influence of confining stress or stress history i s seen on the

low amplitude damping r a t i o , which i s determined at a s t r a i n of

0.001% by the amplitude decay method. Regardless of the state

of stress, the damping r a t i o f o r a l l tests shown i s between 1.0

and 1.7%.

On the other hand, the damping r a t i o values determined

from the tube samples, which are of lower p l a s t i c i t y , decrease
with confining pressure (Fig. 7.25). Based on the limited
data, i t appears that the damping r a t i o decreases i n direct
proportion to the increase in confining stress. However,
damping ratio differences between individual samples are
greater than the e f f e c t of confining pressure over the range
tested. Considering the range i n confining pressure and OCR
values, the 0.9% to 2.4% range i n damping f o r the tube samples
i s r e l a t i v e l y narrow. The damping r a t i o s presented herein are
those values determined at approximately 1000 minutes of

Lower 232 nd
St. Clay Block Sample 2.0m

solid symbols represent

overconsolidated states TEST 0"3C OCR
.£ 4.0 f B9C2 74 kPa 1.6
i_ B9C3 146 1.0
-int> V B9C4 224 1.0
B9C6 101 2.9
LB9C7 32 9.3
fB17C1 484 1.0
o 3.0 \ B17C2 103 4.7
6 LB17C3 53 9.2
B19C2 109 1.1
a B19C3 268 1.0
B19C4 134 2.0
B19C5 50 5.4

200 300 500

Confining Stress (kPa)

F i g . 7.24 V a r i a t i o n of Low Amplitude Damping Ratio with

E f f e c t i v e Confining Stress f o r Block Samples

Lower 232 nd
St. Clay Tube Samples

solid symbols represent

overconsolidated states OCR
£ 4.0
8.2 m O T1C2 71 kPa 1.0
D T2C3 250 1.0
2.6 m
CO TS1C2 69 1.0
TS1C3 198 1.0
11.75m TS1C4 397 1.0

3.0 .TS1C5 103 3.9

d TS2C2 76 1.0
TS2C3 137 1.0
D 13.2 m TS2C4 268 1.0

2.0 - *"Q


0.0 —I 1 1 1 1 r
100 200 300 400 500
Confining Stress (kPa)

Fig. 7.25 V a r i a t i o n of Low Amplitude Damping Ratio with

E f f e c t i v e Confining Stress f o r Tube Samples

7.3.2 Secondary Time E f f e c t s

To study the time dependent decrease i n damping ratio

modulus at constant effective confining stress, damping
measurements f o r a number of t e s t s were taken well beyond the
time required f o r completion of primary consolidation.

The decrease i n damping r a t i o with the logarithm of time

i s shown i n F i g . 7.26 f o r a block sample of Lower 232nd St.
Clay from a depth of 2.0 m. For a l l f i v e stress states shown,
the damping ratio determined by the steady state method
decreases l i n e a r l y with the logarithm of time. However, f o r
the two unloading increments shown, the damping r a t i o remains
constant until the completion of swelling and decreases
thereafter. In a l l cases, swelling or consolidation was
complete before 250 minutes.

The rate of secondary decrease i n damping r a t i o , N , can d

be quantified by

N d - AD/D 1 0 0 0 (7.10)

where AD = secondary decrease i n damping r a t i o per

log cycle of time
1000 =
damping r a t i o determined at 1000 minutes
of confinement

The value of N d i s shown i n F i g . 7.26 f o r each stress state.

Values range from 39-60% which suggests that the damping has an

Lower 2 3 2 nd
St. Clay Block Sample 2.0 m

4.0 H 03C
74 1.6 .60
3 146 1.0 .39 300-i
cn 4 224 1.0 .52
c ooooo 6 101 2.9 .42
*|-3.0 A A A A A 7 32 9.3 .43 Q_
Q 7

a Load Sequence
^ 2.0
1.0 H

0.0 ''M i—i—i i i 111 1 1—i—i i i 111—

10 100 1000
Time (min)

F i g . 7.26 Decrease i n Damping R a t i o w i t h Time f o r B l o c k


even greater relative time dependency than the 14-23%
determined f o r shear modulus.

For tube samples, the time dependent damping response i s

much the same as that identified f o r the block samples.
Referring to F i g . 7.27, the normalized rate of damping
decrease, N , d ranges from about 35-43% per log cycle of time.

The N d values determined from a number of tests are shown

i n Table 7.2 along with the respective OCR and e f f e c t i v e stress
values. The range i n N d values i s 15-60% with an average of
38%. This corresponds to a decrease i n damping ratio of
approximately 0.5% per log cycle of time ( i n minutes) which
compares quite well to the 0.4-0.7% decrement of damping r a t i o
i d e n t i f i e d by Kokusho et a l . (1982) i n t h e i r tests on Teganuma

Applying an increment of confining pressure erases much of

the aging e f f e c t of the previous confining pressure. This i s
evident from Figs. 7.26 and 7.27 where the damping r a t i o always
increases a f t e r a change i n confining pressure and decreases
with time thereafter.

Lower 232 St. Cloy

Tube Sample: 11.75 m


8.0 H a

Load Sequence
6.0 H
# °3C OCR N d

ooooo 2 75 kPa 1.0 .415

• ••DP 3 200 1.0 .355
4 397 1.0 .349
4.0 AAA4A
103 3.9 .430

2.0 H

0.0 i i 111— -i—i—i i i 111 1— T — r i i i 111—

10 100 1000
Time (min)

F i g . 7.27 Decrease i n Damping R a t i o w i t h Time f o r

Tube Samples

Table 7.2 Values of f o r Samles at
Various a^c' a n d 0 C R

B8C2 77.4 1.0 .350
B9C2 74.3 1.6 .600
B9C3 146.4 1.0 .388
B9C4 223.5 1.0 .515
B9C6 101.0 2.9 .421
B9C7 32.0 9.3 .429
B12C3 292.5 1.0 .152
B14C2 70.0 1.7 .207
B19C2 109.3 1.0 .515
TS1C2 75.0 1.0 .415
TS1C3 198.0 1.0 .355
TS1C4 397.0 1.0 .349
TS1C5 103.0 3.9 .430


7.4.1 E f f e c t of Strain and Nonlinearity

A t y p i c a l high amplitude damping curve f o r lower 232nd St.

Clay i s given i n F i g . 7.28 with values given by both the steady
state and amplitude decay methods. The strain amplitude
reported f o r tests employing the amplitude decay method i s that
immediately p r i o r to power cutoff ( i e . the maximum value). At
shear s t r a i n s less than 0.01%, both methods give e s s e n t i a l l y
the same constant low amplitude damping value. But, with
increasing strain the steady state method gives a smaller
damping attenuation than the amplitude decay method. This high
amplitude discrepancy occurred i n v i r t u a l l y a l l high amplitude
tests conducted i n t h i s study as well as i n t e s t s previously
performed on sand. Since the steady state method assumes a
symmetrical frequency response curve which i s not a good
assumption f o r high amplitude t e s t s , the amplitude decay method
i s preferable.

As discussed i n section 7.2.1, the frequency response of a

s o i l sample becomes nonlinear as the s t r a i n s exceed a threshold
value of approximately 0.005%. S i m i l a r l y , the c a l c u l a t i o n of
damping r a t i o w i l l be affected by the nonlinear response.

Lower 232 St. Clay

Tube Sample: 13.2m

12.0 H

•DODO Steady State

8.0 H * * * * * Amplitude Decay

TEST 0-30' OCR

TS2C4 268 kPa 1.0
4.0 H

0.0 —1—1 1 1 11111 1—i 1 i 11111 1—1 1 1 1111| -i—1 1 11111

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (%)

F i g . 7.28 Steady S t a t e and A m p l i t u d e Decay Damping vs

Shear S t r a i n

In the amplitude decay of free vibrations method discussed
i n section, the damping r a t i o i s calculated from the
logarithmic decrement of free vibrations monitored a f t e r the
d r i v i n g current i s turned o f f . The damping r a t i o i s calculated
from Eg. 4.9 i n which the logarithmic decrement, d, i s assumed
to be constant i n order to y i e l d a unique value of damping
ratio. However, for s t r a i n s i n excess of the threshold value
the logarithmic decrement w i l l not be unique but w i l l vary with
the number of free v i b r a t i o n cycles selected. This e f f e c t can
be seen i n F i g . 7.29 where the normalized amplitude i s plotted
on a logarithmic axis against the number of free v i b r a t i o n
cycles. The normalized amplitude i s the peak accelerometer
output f o r a p a r t i c u l a r cycle divided by the peak accelerometer
output prior to drive current cutoff. The logarithmic
decrement becomes increasingly nonlinear with number of cycles
as the shear s t r a i n increases. In order to minimize the e f f e c t
of such nonlinearity on the calculated damping ratio, the
logarithmic decrement for a l l tests was established at a
normalized amplitude of 0.2 to 0.3 where the deviation from the
initial linear logarithmic decrement i s negligible for a l l
s t r a i n s , within the range tested (Fig. 7.29).

Since the decay of free vibrations i s determined from the

accelerometer response, it is not the true displacement

response required by Eq. 4.8 i n the c a l c u l a t i o n of damping.

However, t h i s introduces only a small error as the displacement

and acceleration are e s s e n t i a l l y related by a constant f o r any

TEST TS2C4 o- c'=268 kPa

0 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23
Cycle No.

F i g . 7.29 E f f e c t o f N o n - L i n e a r i t y on d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f
A m p l i t u d e Decay Damping

particular test. As can be seen i n F i g . 7.30 the shapes of the
accelerometer decay and rotational displacement (RVDT) decay
curves are v i r t u a l l y i d e n t i c a l . In t e s t s where the r o t a t i o n a l
transducer was used, very good agreement between the curves was
observed f o r both high s t r a i n and low s t r a i n t e s t s confirming
that the use of the accelerometer decay curve to determine the
material damping r a t i o i s a v a l i d procedure.

7.4.2 E f f e c t of Confining Pressure and Stress History

The influence of confining pressure and stress history on

the high amplitude material damping can be evaluated by
comparing the damping attenuation curves at d i f f e r e n t stress
states. Damping attenuation curves f o r a l l high amplitude
t e s t s are includes i n Appendix B.

For block samples stage tested, there i s no noticeable

inluence of e f f e c t i v e confining pressure and stress history on
the damping attenuation curves, within the range tested. This
is clearly evident i n F i g . 7.31 where the damping data from
different samples and testing conditions fall on the same
curve. Thus, a single damping attenuation curve can be
extended to apply to a wide range of confining stress and OCR
values. Since the corresponding normalized modulus reduction
values formed a unique curve (Fig. 7.20), the use Eq. 2.8 to
relate high amplitude shear modulus and damping appears

8.3C— 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 r

1.6s 1.5s 2.Bs


Fig. 7.30 Comparison of Accelerometer and RVDT Decay


Lower 232 St. Clay nd

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 -
c - TEST 0"3C OCR
£ * He * * *B17C1 484 kPa 1.0
o • • • • • B17C2 103 4.7
Q A A A A A B17C3 53 9.2
>% - OOOOO B19C2 109 1.1
D 8.0 - 00000 B19C3 268 1.0
<D ***** B19C5 50 5.4

< 4.0 - AO

0.0 I I I I I I I I — i—i i IIIIIII I—i—i 11111

0.0001 0.001 0.1
Shear Strain (*)

F i g . 7.31 Damping v s . Shear S t r a i n f o r B l o c k Samples a t

V a r i o u s C o n f i n i n g P r e s s u r e s and OCR

reasonable, though Eg. 2.8 i n c o r r e c t l y suggests a low amplitude
damping of zero when G=G max .

However, stage tested tube samples obtained from depths of

11.75 m and 13.2 m show some dependence of damping r a t i o on the
e f f e c t i v e confining stress (Fig. 7.32). Generally, the higher
the confining pressure the lower the damping attenuation curve;
t h i s e f f e c t i s masked by differences i n the number of loading
cycles f o r s t r a i n s greater than about 0.1%.

Also shown i n F i g . 7.32 i s the damping attenuation curve

identified f o r the tests on block samples i n F i g . 7.31. The
comparison indicates that the higher p l a s t i c i t y block samples
have a lower damping r a t i o f o r the e n t i r e range of strains
tested. The shape of the modulus attenuation curves f o r both
types of samples, however, i s essentially the same. These
findings are very s i m i l a r to those established by Kokusho et
al. (1982) i n t h e i r tests on Teganuma Clay.

7.4.3 Secondary Time E f f e c t

Although a comprehensive series of tests to e s t a b l i s h the

e f f e c t of confinement time on the high amplitude damping r a t i o

were not performed, i t nevertheless appears that aging has an

effect on the high amplitude damping. Based on the limited

data i t appears that the duration of confinement influences not

Lower 232 St. Clay

Tube Samples: 11.75- 13.2m

TEST 0"3c' OCR

12.0 - ***** TS1C2 69 kPa 1.0
CD ooono TS1C3 198 1.0
c AAAAA TS1C4 397 1.0
'CL 00000 TS1C5 103 3.9
E ooooo TS2C2 76 1.0
D ***** TS2C3 137 1.0
>% x xxxx TS2C4 268 1.0
O 8.0 -

E 4.0 -

average curve for

block samples
0.0 —j 1—i i 111111 1—i i 111 i i | 1—i i 111 H I T—I I I I I 11

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (ss)

Fig. 7.32 Damping vs. Shear Strain f o r Tube Samples at

Various Confining Pressures and OCR

only the low amplitude damping r a t i o (section 7.3.2) but also
the high amplitude values (Fig. 7.33); longer confining times
decrease the damping r a t i o over the entire s t r a i n range tested.
Therefore i t may be possible to use the "unaged" damping
attenuation curve along with the "aged" low amplitude damping
value i n order to establish the aged high amplitude damping


In saturated s o i l subjected to a c y c l i c stress-strain

history, excess pore pressures may develop thereby reducing the
shear resistance of the s o i l . I t i s therefore of i n t e r e s t to
examine the relationship between excess pore pressures and
factors such as confining pressure and shear s t r a i n amplitude.

During resonant column testing, dynamic pore pressures are

r a r e l y reported because of the fast rate of t o r s i o n a l loading
which results in a non-uniform pore pressure distribution
within the specimen. However, i f pore pressures are allowed to
equalize between v i b r a t i o n intervals, an i n d i c a t i o n of the
magnitude of the pore pressure response may be obtained from
the residual excess pore pressure.

For several tests the excess pore pressure was monitored

both during and a f t e r the usual one minute v i b r a t i o n i n t e r v a l ,

Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample 2.0m

8.0 -

Steady State Damping

6.0 -

E 4.0 - •

2.0 - * *
• •
* * * * * confined 3 hours
• noon confined 93 hours

0.0 T 1 I I I I| 1 1 1 I I I I T 1—I—IIII
0.01 0.1
Strain Amplitude (ss)

Fig. 7.33 Effect of Duration o f Confinement on H i g h

/ A m p l i t u d e

until a steady value was obtained. One minute of vibration
corresponds to 600 to 1800 cycles, depending on the resonant
frequency which in turn depends primarily on the strain
amplitude and confining pressure. The pore pressure response
for a block sample of Lower 232nd St. Clay is shown in
F i g . 7.34 f o r four l e v e l s of shear s t r a i n . For each strain
l e v e l , some time beyond the end of the v i b r a t i o n i n t e r v a l i s
required f o r the pore pressures to reach a steady value. This
was generally achieved within f i v e minutes a f t e r c y c l i n g was
terminated. The residual value of excess pore pressure
increases with increasing s t r a i n amplitude. Precisely the same
behaviour i s seen for a tube sample from a depth of 8.2m
(Fig. 7.35). Overconsolidated samples, however, displayed a
dilatent behaviour showing increasingly negative excess pore
pressures with s t r a i n amplitude (Fig. 7.36).

Six specimens normally consolidated at e f f e c t i v e confining

pressures ranging from 72 kPa to 486 kPa were subjected to
shear strains as high as 1.0%. Figure 7.37 shows the
r e l a t i o n s h i p between the shear s t r a i n and the residual excess
pore pressure, u, normalized by the effective confining
pressure. Again, i t should be noted that the residual pore
pressures are those r e s u l t i n g from about 600 to 1800 vibration
cycles (one minute of v i b r a t i o n ) , depending on the resonant
frequency of the sample which i n turn depends primarily on the
confining pressure and shear strain amplitude. A l l six
specimens show e s s e n t i a l l y the same behaviour with very little


40.0 -


o 20.0 -

10.0 -

i i I i i i i i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i | i i II
2.0 4.0 6.0 8.(
Time (min)

Fig. 7.34 Pore P r e s s u r e Response f o r Normally

C o n s o l i d a t e d Block Samples i n Resonant Column


0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0

Time (min)

F i g . 7.35 Pore Pressure Response f o r Normally

C o n s o l i d a t e d Block Samples i n Resonant Column


TEST B 1 7 C 3 : oV=50 kPa 0CR=9.7

7=8.4x10 %



-10.0 -

15.0 I i i i i I i i ii ii ii ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i | i i i i i i i i i
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Time (min)

F i g . 7.36 Pore P r e s s u r e Response f o r O v e r c o n s o l i d a t e d

B l o c k Sample i n Resonant Column T e s t

0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Shear Strain (%)

Fig. 7.37 Normalized Pore Pressure Response for Normally-

Consolidated Clay in Resonant Column

pore pressure generation below 0.01% strain. Above 0.1%
strain, the normalized residual pore pressure rises rapidly
with shear strain suggesting the onset of large plastic
strains. Included i n F i g . 7.37 i s the pore pressure response
for a tube sample from 8.2m represented by the s o l i d circles
which shows essentially the same behaviour as the block
samples. The resonant v i b r a t i o n frequencies f o r shear strains
greater than 0.1% were between 8 Hz and 19 Hz, depending on the
confining pressure. Due to the rapid r i s e i n pore pressure,
f a i l u r e of the samples would have occurred f o r s t r a i n s much i n
excess of 1.0%.

When compared to the damping attenuation curves shown i n

F i g . 7.38, the normalized pore pressures respond in a very
s i m i l a r fashion with s t r a i n . Also, i t appears that the onset
of pore pressure development and, hence, p l a s t i c strains at
about 0.01% corresponds to the s t a r t of s t r a i n softening i n
shear modulus. Thus, for saturated normally consolidated
samples the normalized residual excess pore pressure, the
damping r a t i o , and the normalized shear modulus are similarly
related to shear s t r a i n .

7.38 Comparison of Pore Pressure, Damping, and Shear
Modulus vs. Strain Curves f o r Normally
Consolidated Clay


Towards the end of the research program, the resonant

column apparatus was modified to enable t e s t s to be performed
at any chosen frequency while maintaining the c a p a b i l i t y of
performing resonant tests on the same sample. The apparatus
modifications are discussed i n section 3.4 and the theory
underlying the t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t i s given i n section 4.3.
These changes enable the comparison of dynamic properties
obtained at various testing frequencies by means of the
combined resonant column/torsional shear method. S p e c i f i c a l l y ,
the shear modulus, damping r a t i o , and pore pressure response
are considered i n the following sections.


Shear modulus values from both resonant column and

t o r s i o n a l shear tests for two tube samples from depths of 11.75
and 13.2m are shown i n Figs. 8.1 and 8.2, respectively. The
resonant column tests, shown by open symbols, and the 0.1 Hz
t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t s , represented by s o l i d symbols, show good
agreement at the low confining pressures. As the e f f e c t i v e
confining pressure increases, the difference between shear
modulus values obtained by the two methods also increases. In
addition, the discrepency between resonant column and t o r s i o n a l
shear values generally decreases with increasing strain

open symbols : resonant "column test
120.0 closed symbols : torsional shear test, 0.1 Hz

ooooo TS1C2 69 kPa

£ 80.0

•o 60.0

20.0 -

Lower 232"° St. Clay 11.75m

0.0 i 1111— T 1—I I I I I I I —I—I—I I I 1111 i — i — i i i 111

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (%)

Fig. 8.1 Shear Modulus vs. Strain Curves from Resonant

Column and Torsional Shear Tests f o r Sample
from 11.75m

open symbols : resonant column test
80.0 closed symbols : torsional shear test, 0.1 Hz


60.0 -


4? 40.0


20.0 -

Lower 232 nd
St. Clay 13.2m
0.0 -n— T 1 I I I I I| T 1 I I I I I| T 1—I I I I I

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (%)

F i g . 8.2 Shear Modulus v s . S t r a i n Curves from Resonant

Column and T o r s i o n a l Shear T e s t s f o r Sample
from 13.2m

amplitude. The d i s p a r i t y i n shear modulus values appears to be
l a r g e l y due to differences i n the o s c i l l a t i o n frequencies which
represent differences in strain rate between t o r s i o n a l shear
and resonant column t e s t s .

Figures 8.3 and 8.4 show the shear modulus values from
t o r s i o n a l shear tests, conducted at frequencies of 0.01, 0.1,
and 1.0 Hz as well as the shear modulus values obtained from
the resonant column. For the t o r s i o n a l shear tests i t is
evident that the shear modulus increases with increasing
frequency, and hence, with increasing s t r a i n rate. The higher
shear modulus values obtained i n the resonant column t e s t might
be expected since the resonant column tests are run at higher

In order to extend the torsional shear results to

frequencies greater than about 1.0 Hz, a torque c e l l would
have to be built into the apparatus to measure the applied
dynamic shear stress. For frequencies of about 1 Hz or less, a
s t a t i c c a l i b r a t i o n was found to be s u f f i c i e n t . On average i t
was found that the rotational transducer (RVDT) gave shear
strains which were about 15% lower than those given by the
accelerometer calibration in the resonant column test.
However, the differences in observed shear modulus values
between resonant column and torsional shear tests cannot be
accounted f o r by such a small difference i n shear s t r a i n s . In
fact the shear s t r a i n difference i s such that the discrepency

Lower 232 St. Clay
03c'=137 kPa

40.0 -


30.0 -



10.0 - * * * * * Resonant Test (10-23 Hz)

ooooo 1 Hz Torsional
• D D D D 0.1 Hz Torsional
A A A A A 0.01 Hz Torsional

0.0 i i i 1111 1—i—i i i 1111 -i—i—i i 111

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (ss)

F i g . 8.3 Frequency ( S t r a i n Rate) Dependency o f Shear

Modulus v s . S t r a i n Curves

Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay
03C-268 kPa
70.0 -

.60.0 -

to 50.0 -


40.0 H
30.0 -

* * * * * Resonant Test (20-30 Hz)

20.0 ooooo 1 Hz Torsional
• •••• 0.1 Hz Torsional
- A A A A A 0.01 Hz Torsional

10.0 •n— T—r i i i 111 1 1—i i i i i 11 T—I I I I I I

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (ss)

F i g . 8.4 Frequency (Strain Rate) Dependency of Shear

Modulus vs. Strain Curves

between resonant column and torsional shear values would be
s l i g h t l y greater i f shear s t r a i n corrections were to be made.
Since i t i s not known which method y i e l d s a more accurate value
of s t r a i n , no corrections were made.

Based s o l e l y on the r e s u l t s of t o r s i o n a l shear tests, a

100-fold increase i n frequency from 0.01 to 1.0 Hz r e s u l t s i n
an increase i n shear modulus of only 10% at a s t r a i n of 0.01%.
The e f f e c t of s t r a i n rate therefore appears to be f a i r l y minor,
i n the range investigated.

It should be mentioned that no frequency effect was

observed i n a t o r s i o n a l shear/resonant column t e s t conducted on
a dry sand sample. Dynamic and s t a t i c t o r s i o n a l shear tests
performed by Bolton and Wilson (1989) confirm that the dynamic
response of dry sand i s independent of frequency.


The damping attenuation curves f o r tube samples from 11.75

and 13.2m consolidated to the i n s i t u octahedral stress are
shown in Figures 8.5 and 8.6, respectively. Regardless of
whether the t o r s i o n a l shear or resonant column method i s used,
the damping i s approximately the same f o r any p a r t i c u l a r shear
strain. For the resonant column tests, the amplitude decay
method was used to determine the damping whereas the damping

Lower 232 St. Clay 11.75m
Test TS1C2 Osc-69 kPa

* * * * * Amplitude Decay (resonant)

ooooo Torsional, 1.0 Hz
aoann Torsional, 0.1 Hz
A A A A A Torsional, 0.01 Hz

.£ 8.0

4.0 -

2.0 -

0.0 —i—i i 111 H I 1—i i 111111 1—i i 1111n T—I I I II 11

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (%)

F i g . 8.5 Damping Attenuation Curves Determined at

Various Frequencies f o r Clay from 11.75m

Lower 232 nd
St. Clay 13.2m
Test TS2C2 cf =76 kPa

* * * * * Amplitude Decay (Resonant)
ooooo Torsional Shear, 1.0 Hz
12.0 ••nnn Torsional Shear, 0.1 Hz *A
A A A A A Torsional Shear, 0.01 Hz

10.0 / a

•§ 8.0



0.0 1 1—1 1 1 1 III 1 1 IIIIIII 1 IT I llll| T 1 1 1 1 1 ll|

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (55)

Fig. 8.6 Damping Attenuation Curves Determined at

Various Frequencies f o r Clay from 13.2m

ratio from the t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t s was determined from the
measured s t r e s s - s t r a i n hysteresis loops.

Based on the limited data, the damping r a t i o appears to be

unaffected by frequency, and hence strain rate, since the
t o r s i o n a l shear tests conducted at 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 Hz and
the resonant column tests give e s s e n t i a l l y the same r e s u l t .
Since the dissipated energy per cycle seems to be independent
of the frequency of loading, the damping ratio can be
considered to be h y s t e r e t i c . Viscous damping, on the other
hand, would require the dissipated energy to increase
proportionally with frequency.


For the t o r s i o n a l shear tests conducted, f i n a l excess pore

pressures were monitored only f o r tests at a frequency of
1.0 Hz. In order to compare r e s u l t s of t o r s i o n a l shear and
resonant column tests at a comparable number of loading cycles,
at least 300 cycles of loading were performed i n the t o r s i o n a l
shear t e s t before the pore pressures were allowed to equalize.
This large number of cycles would require too long a v i b r a t i o n
interval at 0.01 Hz or 0.1 Hz to be completed i n a reasonable
period of time. Thus, only the 1.0 Hz values are considered

The normalized residual excess pore pressures versus
s t r a i n f o r both block samples and tube samples i n the resonant
column was given i n F i g . 7.37. This data i s shown i n F i g . 8.7
along with the data from t o r s i o n a l shear tests conducted on
tube samples at a frequency of 1.0 Hz. Clearly, the normalized
residual pore pressures are s i g n i f i c a n t l y higher f o r the
t o r s i o n a l shear tests than f o r the resonant column t e s t s which,
depending on confining pressure, have v i b r a t i o n frequencies of
8 to 22 Hz i n the 0.1 to 1% shear s t r a i n range. Though the
t e s t s are such that they are stress controlled as opposed to
s t r a i n controlled, the threshold s t r a i n below which no excess
pore pressures are generated appears to be about 0.01% - the
same as f o r resonant column t e s t s .

The r e s u l t s are consistent with those reported f o r c y c l i c

simple shear tests (Ansal and Erken, 1989) as well as those f o r
cyclic triaxial tests (Matsui et a l . , 1980), both of which
report a dependence of excess pore pressures on loading
frequency i n addition to a threshold stress r a t i o below which
no excess pore pressures are generated.

Normalized Pore Pressure Response
for Normally Consolidated
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

0.30 -
0000 129 B16C1^
b B16C2
0.20 - A A A A 293
B18C1 Resonant
* * * * 146 B17C1 Column
486 B19C2 8-22 Hz
•••a 109 T1C2 _
tboooo 72 TS1C2 1 Torsional
• • • • • 69 TS2C2 J Shear
mm 76

0.00 •i rn q 1 D| | | I I 11 i — i — i i 1111

0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (ss)

F i g . 8.7 Comparison of Normalized Residual Pore Pressure

Response f o r Samples from Resonant Column and
Torsional Shear Tests



I t i s often desireable to determine the dynamic properties

of soil in situ since laboratory tests may not always be
representative of f i e l d conditions. One of the best i n s i t u
techniques i s the seismic cone penetration t e s t (SCPT) which
has been used extensively at UBC since 1980 (Robertson et a l . ,
1986). At f i r s t , research was focused on determining the i n
situ small strain shear wave v e l o c i t y from which the shear
modulus can be e a s i l y calculated. These methods are now well
established (Campanella and Stewart, 1990). More recently,
emphasis has been placed towards determination of the i n s i t u
damping c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s (Stewart and Campanella, 1990).

The SCPT method involves h o r i z o n t a l l y s t r i k i n g a weighted

beam at the ground surface thereby producing a polarized shear
wave which t r a v e l s through the ground and i s sensed at depth by
a h o r i z o n t a l l y oriented accelerometer located near the t i p of
the cone. This procedure i s repeated as the cone i s advanced
i n one meter depth increments. Comparison of the successive
accelerometer records i s the basis on which the shear wave
v e l o c i t y and damping c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s are determined.


The shear wave v e l o c i t y p r o f i l e s determined from two SCPT

soundings are shown i n F i g . 9.1. The shear wave v e l o c i t i e s

from both tests increase almost linearly with depth from a

value of about 85 m/s at a depth of 3m to a value of

approximately 140 m/s at a depth of 20m. The shear strains

associated with the i n s i t u shear wave v e l o c i t i e s are i n the

range 0.001% to 0.0001% where the soil behaviour i s linear


In order to compare laboratory and i n s i t u properties, the

stresses i n laboratory tests should c o r r e c t l y model those i n
the f i e l d . However, the i s o t r o p i c confining pressures applied
to laboratory specimens are rarely representative of the
anisotropic in situ stresses. Resonant column tests on
anisotropically consolidated clay have shown that the
deviatoric component of stress has no e f f e c t on the shear wave
velocity f o r stress ratios less than 2.5 (Hardin and Black,
1968). Only the octahedral normal stress was found to control
the shear wave v e l o c i t y .

In situ and laboratory tests performed by Sully (1990)

indicate that: the soil at the Lower 232nd St. site is

essentially normally consolidated below a depth of 6m; the

lateral coefficient at rest pressure (K )

Q f o r the normally

consolidated clay i s 0.55; and the s o i l can be considered as

Shear Wave Velocity (m/s)
0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0
O.o -I i i i i I i i i i I i i i i I i i i i

F i g . 9.1 Comparison of Shear Wave V e l o c i t i e s Determined

from Resonant Column and SCPT Methods

being i n a cross-anisotropic state of stress. These findings
coupled with the aforementioned findings by Hardin and Black
suggest that i t i s reasonable to compare the shear wave
v e l o c i t i e s from the i s o t r o p i c a l l y consolidated resonant column
t e s t s with the normally consolidated SCPT i n s i t u v e l o c i t i e s at
the same e f f e c t i v e octahedral stress. The i n s i t u octahedral
stress f o r the normally consolidated clay was calculated based
on a cross-anisotropic state of stress with a K Q value of 0.55.

The v a r i a t i o n of shear wave v e l o c i t y with depth f o r the

resonant column tests on tube samples i s shown by the thick
dotted line i n F i g . 9.1. This relationship was derived by
substituting Eq. 7.2 into Eq. 4.5 and solving f o r the shear
wave v e l o c i t y . On average, the laboratory derived v e l o c i t i e s
are about 10 m/s lower than the i n s i t u v e l o c i t i e s and the rate
of v e l o c i t y increase with depth i s the same. Lower laboratory
values might be expected since they were generally determined
a f t e r 1000 minutes of sample confinement, with no aging e f f e c t s
considered; aging, as exists in situ, always increases
s t i f f n e s s response or modulus. Nevertheless, the agreement

between laboratory and i n s i t u r e s u l t s i s quite good. Lastly,

i t should be noted that while the shear s t r a i n s corresponding
to the resonant column v e l o c i t i e s are s l i g h t l y greater than
those i n s i t u , they are s t i l l i n the l i n e a r e l a s t i c range and
should therefore give the same r e s u l t .


Several methods are available t o calculate the i n s i t u

damping r a t i o from the SCPT. Experience at UBC (Stewart and

Campanella, 1990) suggests that only the spectral slope method

developed by Redpath et a l . (1982) gives consistently

meaningful r e s u l t s .

The spectral slope method i s based on the equation

d[ln(A2/Al)]/(df*dR) = -z (9.1)

where A2/A1 = r a t i o of signal amplitudes i n

frequency domain from successive depths
dR = depth derivative
df = frequency derivative
z — a/f, where a i s an attenuation

which has i t s development given i n Stewart and Campanella

(1990). The solution of Eq. 9.1 requires a signal processing
computer program. The c o e f f i c i e n t z i s determined by f i r s t
c a l c u l a t i n g the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of one signal at a
given depth, then f o r each deeper signal computations are made
of the FFT, the r a t i o of the FFT's, and the negative of the
natural logarithm (ln) of the r a t i o . Next, the slope of the
l n ( r a t i o ) versus frequency p l o t (spectral r a t i o slope) f o r each
depth i s plotted against depth. Such a p l o t i s given i n
F i g . 9.2 f o r the Lower 232nd St. s i t e between 5 m and 20 m.

Spectral Ratio Siope
n n m m m m
0.004 0.006 0.008
m m m m n i i m n n n i n m n M m l

Slope of best fit is L290SC1

3.6180x10 s/rn

Fig. 9.2 Spectral Ratio Slope Method f o r Calculation

of In S i t u Damping

The slope of t h i s depth p l o t gives the z c o e f f i c i e n t f o r the
particular soil layer. Finally, the fraction of critical
damping (D) can be computed from

D - (zV )/(2*)
s (9.2)

where V s i s the shear wave v e l o c i t y .

Using eqn. 9.2, the spectral slope method y i e l d s a damping

r a t i o of 0.6% f o r the s o i l between 5 and 20 m. Analysis of two
other SCPT soundings gave damping ratios of 1.2% and 1.9%,
respectively. These values compare well with the 0.9% to 2.4%
range of unaged damping r a t i o values determined from resonant
column tests on normally consolidated samples from 8-14 m
(section 7.3.1). As discussed i n section 7.3.2, the aging
e f f e c t on damping i n resonant column tests appears to be very
s i g n i f i c a n t with the damping r a t i o decreasing about 0.5% per
log cycle of time (minutes) at constant e f f e c t i v e stress. If
the aging effect were considered the damping ratio from
resonant column tests would be lower. However, since the
length of time to which the laboratory aging e f f e c t can be
extended i s not known, a time extrapolation of resonant column
r e s u l t s to f i e l d conditions i s d i f f i c u l t to make at t h i s time.


The following i s a summary of the dynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

and response of Lower 232nd St. clay, based on the r e s u l t s of

resonant column and t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t s performed f o r t h i s



Under i s o t r o p i c confinement, a l i n e a r log-log relationship

e x i s t s between dynamic shear modulus (Gmax) a n d
isotropic confining pressure (03c'' )• F o r t n e
plasticity block samples (PI=40) the r e l a t i o n s h i p can be
expressed as

G^ax = 29.3*F(e)P a (a c')- OCR-

60 26

where F(e) = (5.2-e) /(1+e) 2

i n which P a i s the atmospheric pressure i n the same units as

max a n c
* 3c''
a a n a
- e
*- the void r a t i o .

For normally consolidated tube samples having Plasticity

index of 20-25, the relationship i s given by

Gmax = 1 3 7 . 2 * F ( e ) P a - 3 8 ( a 3 C ' ) * 6 2

where F(e) = (2.97-e) /(l+e)

The commonly used Hardin and Drnevich equation f o r shear

modulus s i g n i f i c a n t l y overpredicts the value of Gmax f o r

both clay types. Although i t i s widely used, i t appears

that the Hardin and Drnevich void r a t i o factor with constant
of 2.97 i s v a l i d only f o r clays with PI l e s s than 25.

Overconsolidated samples generally have higher shear modulus

than normally consolidated specimens. The e f f e c t of stress
history on Gjaax ^ s
expressed by the OCR term in
equation 11.1 with exponent 0.26. This agrees with the
range i n OCR exponents suggested by Hardin and Drnevich f o r
clays with PI between 20 and 40.

Increasing duration of confinement at constant effective

stress was found to result in a significant increase i n
shear modulus. Typically, the rate of shear modulus
increase normalized by the 1000 minute value was found to
range from 14-23% per log cycle of time (minutes).

From t o r s i o n a l shear tests, i t was found that increasing the

t o r s i o n a l frequency from 0.01 Hz to 1.0 Hz resulted i n a 10%

increase i n shear modulus. Shear modulus values from the

resonant column t e s t were always higher than t o r s i o n a l shear

tests since they were always run at higher frequencies

(strain rate).

The resonant column shear wave v e l o c i t i e s , and hence shear
moduli, were found t o be s l i g h t l y lower than the i n s i t u
values determined from the seismic cone penetration t e s t .
The difference can be explained due t o the increased
s t i f f n e s s of the i n s i t u s o i l as a r e s u l t of aging (5,000 to
10,000 years).


The shear modulus decreases with increasing shear s t r a i n f o r

strains greater than about .005%. Regardless of the
confining pressure or overconsolidation ratio, normalized
modulus reduction relationship (G/Gmax v s
* shear strain) can
be represented by a single curve f o r the higher p l a s t i c i t y
(PI=40) clay. A s l i g h t s h i f t of the G/Gmax curve towards
higher values occurs with increasing effective confining
pressure f o r the lower p l a s t i c i t y (PI=20) clay. Thus, the
influence of confining pressure diminishes with increasing

Based on limited data i t appears that duration of

confinement causes both the small s t r a i n and large strain

amplitude moduli t o increase at about the same rate thereby

leaving the normalized modulus reduction curve unaffected.


Very little influence of confining pressure or stress

history was observed on the small s t r a i n (.001%) damping

ratio f o r the higher p l a s t i c i t y clay (PI=40). Damping

r a t i o s obtained from resonant column t e s t s ranged from 1.0-

1.7%. For the lower p l a s t i c i t y samples (PI=20) the damping

ratio was found to decrease slightly with effective

confining pressure. Damping ratios ranging from 0.9-2.4%

were obtained.

The damping r a t i o was found to s i g n i f i c a n t l y decrease with

increasing time at constant e f f e c t i v e stress. On average,
the damping r a t i o decreased about 0.5% per l o g cycle of time

The damping r a t i o appears to be unaffected by frequency, and

hence, strain rate, since the torsional shear tests
conducted at various frequencies and the resonant column
tests gave e s s e n t i a l l y the same r e s u l t .

The range of damping r a t i o s determined from the seismic cone

penetration test using the spectral slope method yielded
damping values from 0.6-1.9%. This range compares well with
the 1.2-2.4% i d e n t i f i e d from unaged resonant column t e s t s .


There i s no e f f e c t of confining pressure or stress history

on the high amplitude damping f o r the clay with PI of 40.
For the lower plasticity (PI=20) clay, there i s a s l i g h t
decrease i n damping with confining pressure. The higher PI
clay was found to have s l i g h t l y lower damping f o r the entire
s t r a i n range tested. This implies that s i t e s with higher
plasticity soils would tend to have higher ground motion

Based on r e s u l t s from resonant column and t o r s i o n a l shear

tests, there appears to be no significant effect of
frequency (strain rate) on the high amplitude damping r a t i o .

Limited data indicates that the increased duration of

confinement at constant effective stress decreases the
damping r a t i o over the entire s t r a i n range tested.


In the resonant column t e s t , no s i g n i f i c a n t excess pore

pressure i s generated u n t i l shear strains of 0.05-0.1% are
surpassed. Pore pressures increase rapidly thereafter.

Results of t o r s i o n a l shear t e s t s indicate that the magnitude
of the residual excess pore pressure increases s i g n i f i c a n t l y
with slower frequency.


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Shear Modulus vs. Strain Curves

Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Tube Sampie: 8.2m

20.0 H


15.0 H

O 10.0 H

5.0 H
* * ** T1C2 71 kPa 1.0

0.0 — i — i i IIIIII 1—i I I I I I I I 1—i • 111 I I i 1—i i 11 i n

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Strain Amplitude (*)

Shear Modulus (MPa)

rO cn
O o o o o o o
o 0 0
o 0 0 0 0
O 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ro —i
o CO
o —i
O" ro c o

to""" m
o oq_
CD a>
Q ~U * Q ro
MM* D 3 C J

> O *
3 o b O " CO

C oo

Shear Modulus (MPa)


Shear Modulus (MPa)


Shear Modulus (MPa)

ro o 00
o o o o
P b o
o o o
o I I I ! « I
i i H i i i t t I i i i i i i i i i I i i t i i t i i i I i t i i i i i i

CO _)
o oo
O" C O
(/)""* CD CD
"0 Q ro
a 3 ^
-o ^

Is '

" CO
a> O
^ H
o -

Shear Modulus (MPa)

Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Tube Sample: 11.75m

60.0 4

.50.0 -3

co 40.0
30.0 ^
20.0 9

10.0 3 TEST oV OCR

• • * • TS1C3 198 kPa 1.0

0.0 — i — I I IIIIII 1 — i n i t n i i — I T I nm 1—i i i run

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Strain Amplitude (*)

Shear Modulus (MPa)


Shear Modulus (MPa)

o o o o o o
o • • • • • • o
o o o o o o o
I I I I 1^1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

CO _|
• ^ n
o co
c o
Q ro
>p a q OJ

CD* *
C*J o
o- CD O " CO

Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

16.0 H

* *

CL 12.0


J 8.0


-f***» B2C1 100 kPa 1.2
0.0 H 1—» i 111111 1—r-rrnm 1—i i 11 ni| 1—r i 11 in
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

8.0 H

6.0 • *

4.0 H

B4C1 57 kPa 1.8

0.0 1 1 I I I 1111 1 1 I I I 1111 1 1 I I I Mil 1 1 111111

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)

Shear Modulus (MPa)

Lower 2 3 2 St. Claynd

Block Sample: 2.0m

25.0 H

20.0 H



10.0 H
3**** B5C2 103 kPa 1.6

5.0 — i — i i n i ii| 1—i I I I I I I I 1—i i i n i i | T I I I I 111

0.0001 0.001 0.01 , s 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

16.0 H

cu 12.0


8.0 H

4.0 H

4 * • * * B5C3 55 kPa 3.0

0.0 — i — i i 111111 1—» i i IIii| 1—i i i IiJ11 T — i i 11 m l

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)

Shear Modulus (MPa)

Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

25.0 H


20.0 H


fc 15.0 H

B7C1 144 kPa 1.0

5.0 — i — i l 11 n i ) 1—r I I I ni] 1—i i i1 m i T 1 1 I I 111

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Strain Amplitude (*)

Shear Modulus (MPa)


Shear Modulus (MPa)

Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

32.0 H

28.0 H


o 24.0 H

!]•»••«, B9C3 146 kPa 1.0

16.0 -| 1—i i i 111H 1—i I i 1111| 1—ill 1—i I Mill

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H


•S 8.0

4.0 H

* * * * * B9C7 32 kPa 9.3

0.0 1 1 I I Hll| 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I Mll| 1 1 I I I III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 , 0.1 1
Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

35.0 -

* •
30.0 -

25.0 H

20.0 -
q , , , * * B13C1 200 kPa 1.0

15.0 -\ 1 i i 11mi 1—i i i MIII 1—» n mil 1—ri 11MI

0.0001 0.001 0.01 , 0.1 1

Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

16.0 • * *
o *

% 12.0

• *
8.0 H

•»••* B13C2 50 kPa 4.0

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 - 3

CL 10.0

-o 8.0

-c 6.0

4.0 H
• D D o n n B14C2 70 kPa 1.7

2.0 1 1—II M i l l 1—I—I I 1 1111

i—i—i » 1111

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

20.0 H


16.0 H
fe 12.0

8.0 H
D D D D O B15C2 140 kPa 1.0

4.0 1 1—II i n n 1—i—i i i 1111 -

r ri 111

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 3

10.0 3

m 8.0
2 6.0 d
4.0 -3

2.0 3 JEST oV OCR

qnnano B15C3 31 kPa 4.5

0.0 T 1—1 I M I 11 1 1—I I I I I 11

T — i — i i 111

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)

Shear Modulus (MPa)

ro ro
0 0
P t° P P o ro
h o o o o o h h
i i l i m i t t u l i m u m h u t t i n i l n n i n u l i i t n m i
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

40.0 H


30.0 -\


20.0 H

• D D D D D B16C3 293 kPa 1.0

0.0 11111 1—i—i i 1111| T — i — i i 11111 1—i—I I I I I 11

0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

60.0 4

^50.0 -3
m 40.0
30.0 -3
20.0 -3

10.0 -3 TEST OCR

D D D U P B17C1 484 kPa 1.0

0.0 1 I » 11| 1 1—I I M l l | 1 1—I "I I I l l | T — i — I I I I II

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

25.0 H

c? 20.0

-u 15.0

10 0

5.0 H
• nDoan B17C2 103 kPa 4.7

0.0 1 1 1—I I I I 111 1 1—I I I I I 11 T 1—r i I I I I

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)

Shear Modulus (MPa)

Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

25.0 d



•o 1 5 . 0

| 10.0

5.0 d
Il o • • n • B18C2 146 kPa 1.0

0.0 1 — i — i i 11111 1 — i — i i 11111 1 — i — I I I I II

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)
Lower 232"° St. Clay
Block Sample: 2.0m
20.0 •

to a
•o 17.0


15.0 •

DUDDD B19C2 109 kPa 1.1

13.0 -j 1—i—i i i 1111 1—i—i i i 1111 1—i—i i 1111

0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Strain Amplitude (ss)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

35.0 d



•o 25.0

JC 20.0 A

15.0 - 3
• •QDDD B19C3 268 kPa 1.0

10.0 1 1—I I I I 111 1 1—I I I I 111 i — i — i t i i n

0.001 0.01 0.1

Strain Amplitude (*)

Shear Modulus (MPa)


Damping vs. Strain Curves

Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Tube Sample: 8.2m

12.0 H

steady State
•i 8.0 D D Q D D

***** Amplitude Decay

T1C2 71 kPa 1.0 a
4.0 H

0.0 —i—i Minn 1—i i 111111 1—i M i n n T 1 1 1 1 III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (»)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Tube Sample: 8.2m


or. aanan Steady State

* * * * * Amplitude Decay
.§ 8.0
T2C3 250 kPa 1.0
4.0 H

0.0 —i—i I I 11111 1—i i i 11 ii| 1—i i i 11111 i — i i 111 H I

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (»)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Tube Sample: 13.2m

12.0 H

n a n a steady State

o. 8.0 * * * * * Amplitude Decay
£ a
TS2C2 76 kPa 1.0
4.0 H
S 5

0.0 —i—i i i m u 1—i i 111 ii| 1—i i 111111 T 1 I I I III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (*)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay nd

Tube Sample: 13.2m


a n n u o steady State
£ 8.0 * * * * * Amplitude Decay
Q TEST cr 'c OCR
TS2C3 137 kPa 1.0

4.0 H

0.0 — i — i i 111111 1—i i 11 nn 1—i i 111111 T 1 I I I III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 v 0.1

Shear Strain (*)

Damping (sc)
Lower 232nd St. Clay 11.75m
Test TS1C2 oV= 69 kPa

12.0 H

c ***** Steady State
to 8.0 H • • D • a Amplitude Decay

4.0 H

0.0 T — r i 111111— 11111

~i—r~r i i—r • 111111 T II I II III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (%)
Lower 232nd St. Clay 11.75m
Test TS1C3 cr '=198 kPa


bteady State
***** Steady
£ 8.0 AAAAA Ampliuude Decay

4.0 H A

0.0 T — r ~ r i 11111— ! I 1111 i IIII

T—r T—r
0.0001 0.001 T—r~r 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain
Lower 232 nd
St Clay 11.75m
Test TS1C4 oV=397 kPa

12.0 H

* * * * * Steady State
£ 8.0 A A & A A Amplitude Decay

4.0 A

0.0 T 1 llllll| "I—I I I 1111 T 1 IIIIIII T 1 IIIIIII

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (%)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Tube Sample: 11.75m

12.0 H

D D D D P Steady State
.£ 8.0 * * * * * Amplitude Decay

TS1C5 103 kPa 3.9
4.0 H


— i — i i 111111 1—nn tii| 1—i i 111 ii| 1—i i 111111

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

Shear Strain (%)
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H

steady State
cE 8.0 H
D D n o a

* * * * * Amplitude Decay
o a
B2C1 100 kPa 1.2 * a

4.0 H

* ft •o "

0.0 1 1 I I I I ll| 1 1 I I Mll| 1 1 I I Mll| 1 1 I I I III

0.0001 0.001 Shear 0.01

Strain .(*). 0.1
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H

cn D D D o a steady State
£ 8.0 * * * * * Amplitude Decay
B4C1 57 kPa 1.8
4.0 H

D ° s „ *

0.0 — i — i i ii n n 1 — ii in m 1 — i IIIIIII i—IIIIIII

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (*)

Damping (%)
J> CO f\5 CO

• • • •
o o o o
t I t I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I t t'l I I 1 I I I

Damping (*)
4k oo 10 a>
• • • •
0 o o o
1 i t i i t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i t i i i

Damping (*)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H

onnao Steady State

£o. 8.0 ***** Amplitude Decay
B6C1 116 kPa 1.0

S «

0.0 1 1 I »Mll| 1 1 1 I I Ml) 1 1 I I IUI| T II I I 111

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (*)
Lower 232™ St. Clay
Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H

cn • noan Steady State
* * * * * Amplitude Decay
£ 8.0
B7C1 144 kPa 1.0
4.0 H

0.0 —i—i i i ini| 1—i i 11 iii| 1—i i 11 nu 1—i i 11 in

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (*)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H

ci 8.0
anoDo Steady State
* * * * * Amplitude Decay
B8C2 144 kPa 1.0


0.0 "1 1—i i 11 ui| 1—i i 111 ii| 1—i i II mi 1—i i 11 M I

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Shear Strain (*)
Lower 232 nd
St. Clay Block Sample: 2.0 m
Test B9C2 o-'=74 kPa 0CR=1.6

12.0 H

to 1 8.0 H
AAAAA Steady State
& A A & A Amplitude Decay
vo E

4.0 H


0.0 -j 1—i i 111 m 1—II 111 m 1—i IIIIIII T 1 I 1 11 III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 , x 0.1

Shear Strain ( » )
Lower 232 nd
St. Clay Block Sample: 2.0 m
Test B9C3 a'=146 kPa OCR=1.0

12.0 H

AAAAA Steady State

£ 8.0 ***** Amplitude Decay

4.0 H


0.0 1 1 I I I 1111 1 1 I I 11 l l | 1 1 I 1I H l | T—I I M III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain ( » )
Lower 2 3 2 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H

cn Steady State
c D D O D D

8.0 H * * * * * Amplitude Decay *

o D


B9C7 32 kPa 9.3

4.0 H *

* •

0.0 —i—i i i 11111 1—i i i i m i 1—i I I I I I I I T—I I I I III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (ss)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H

Steady State
£ 8.0
* * * * * Amplitude Decay
B13C1 200 kPa 1.0
4.0 H


0.0 —i—i i i 11111 1—i i i 1111| T — r r •i•I T 1 I I I III

0.0001 0.001 0.01 , v
Shear Strain (*)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Block Sample: 2.0m

12.0 H

A A A A A Steady State
£ 8.0 * * * * * Amplitude Decay
A B13C2 50 kPa 4.0
4.0 H

0.0 1 1 I I I 1111 1 1 I 1 1 1111 1 1 I I I 1111 T — i i i nn

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (*)
Lower 232 St. Claynd

Test B14C2 cr '=70 kPa c OCR=1.7

3 hours conFi*n«rnent


AAAAA Steady State

8.0 H Amplitude Decay


X *

0.0 —i—r i i 11 IT*] 1—r~i i 11 rq I—r~T~r T n r T 1 I l"TTTT|

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (%)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Test B14C2 a '=70 c kPa OCR=1.7

13 hours cohFYntmerxt


A A A A A Steady State
8.0 H * * * * * Amplitude Decay



0.0 —i—i i IIIII) 1—i i 111 m 1—i i 111111 T—I 1 I II m

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (%)

Lower 232™ St. Clay

Test B15C2 oV=141 kPa OCR=1

12.0 H

AAAAA Steady State

•i 8.0 * * * * * Amplitude Decay


* ft

0.0 T—~r TT I I 111 T — I I I I irrj 1 -r-r-rrrrrf-

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (*)
Lower 232 nd
St. Clay
Test B15C3 oV=31 kPa 0CR=4.5

12.0 H

A A A A A Steady State
8.0 * * * * * Amplitude Decay


0.0 II i—r r i irnj i—r T I T rrrr ~i—r i ri m i

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain

Lower 232™ St. Clay

Test B16C2. or '=130 kPa
c 0CR=1

12.0 H

AWv\ Steady State

8.0 ***** Amplitude Decay


0.0 -J 1—i i i • • • 11 1—r i n IIlj 1—i i IIMI] ~I—i M i n i

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (SB)
15.0 Lower 232 St. Clay

Test B16C3 a'=293 kPa OCR=1


C A A A A A Steady State
* * * * * Amplitude Decay



0.0 1 1 I I I II11 1 1 IIIMI| 1 1 IIIIIII i—i IIIIIII

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (%)
Lower 232™ St. Clay
Test B17C1 o- '=484 kPa
c 0CR=1

12.0 H

cn AAAAA Steady State

* * * * * Amplitude Decay
•g 8.0

4.0 4


0.0 1 1 I I I I 11| 1 1 I I 1 I 11| 1 1—I I I IIII T 1 I llllll

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (ss)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Test B17C2 a'-=103 kPa 0CR=4.7

12.0 H

Steady State

CL ***** Amplitude Decay


4.0 H



0.0 i—r i—r~T 11111 ] i—i i i II II

i i 1 1 1 1 1 — ~i—i—r
0.0001 0.001 0.1
Shear Strain

Lower 232™ St. Clay

Test B17C3 oV=53 kPa 0CR=9.2


AAAAA Steady State

8.0 * * * * * Amplitude Decay


4.0 H *

0.0 1 1 l~T T ITT| 1 1 ! ITTTTf 1 1 I I I I 111 T — r n r m i
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (%)
Lower 232 St. Clay

Test B18C2 <T-=146 kPa

c OCR=1

12.0 H

AAAAA Steady State

£ 8.0 H * * * * * Amplitude Decay

4.0 H

0.0 — i — i — i i I 11

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (%)
Lower 232 nd
St. Cloy
Test B19C2 a'=109 kPa 0CR=1.1


o n j AAAAA Steady State

o.U - | ***** Amplitude Decay

4.0 A

* A

0.0 -j 1—i IIIIIII t—i IIIIIII 1—i IIIIIII T—I I I I 1 ll|

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1

Shear Strain (%)
Lower 232™ St. Clay
Test B19C3 o- '=268 kPa
c OCR=1

12.0 H

AAAAA Steady State

•i 8.0 ***** Amplitude Decay

4.0 H *

0.0 1 1 I I I I I 11 1 ! I I I I I 11 1 1 I rTTTT| T—I I I I I 111

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (%)

Lower 232 no
St. Clay
Test B19C5 oV= 50 kPa 0CR=5.4

12.0 H

AAAAA Steady State

.£ 8.0 H ***** Amplitude Decay

4.0 H

0.0 ~i—i i i I 11 i f i — r m T i r f i i i 111111

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Shear Strain (%)

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