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Unit of Study: Acceleration Novel Study

Subject: ENG3E/4E
Grade(s): 11/12

Summary/Focus of Unit Big Idea/Focus Questions

This unit will be focused on the novel Over the course of this novel the class will track four big
Acceleration by Graham McNamee. Over the ideas. Those ideas are:
course of this unit the class will track four main 1. There are identified patterns of deviant human
ideas, which will then be used to guide the
summative slideshow project at the end of the
unit. 2. People respond to crisis in various ways.
3. The way people respond to crisis is based on several
factors (mental health, gender, age,maturity, support,
education, etc.).
4. People try to overcome guilt in various ways.

Overall Expectations Specific Expectations

1. Oral Communication 1.3 select and use appropriate listening comprehension
1. Listening to Understand: listen in order to strategies before, during, and after listening to understand
understand and respond appropriately in a oral texts, including increasingly complex texts
variety of situations for a variety of purposes; 2.1 communicate orally for a variety of purposes, using
2. Speaking to Communicate: use speaking language appropriate for the intended audience
skills and strategies appropriately to 2.3 communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using a
communicate with different audiences for a structure and style appropriate to the purpose, subject
variety of purposes; matter, and intended audience
2.7 use a variety of audio-visual aids appropriately to
support and enhance oral presentations and to engage an

1.2 select and use appropriate reading comprehension

strategies before, during, and after reading to understand
texts, including increasingly complex texts
2. Reading and Literature Studies 1.3 identify the most important ideas and supporting details
1. Reading for Meaning: read and demonstrate in texts, including increasingly complex texts
an understanding of a variety of informational, 1.4 make and explain inferences about texts, including
graphic, and literary texts, using a range of increasingly complex texts, supporting their explanations
strategies to construct meaning; with well-chosen stated and implied ideas from the texts
3. Reading With Fluency: use knowledge of 3.1 automatically understand most words in a variety of
words and cueing systems to read fluently; reading contexts
4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies: reflect 4.1 describe a variety of strategies they used before,
on and identify their strengths as readers, during, and after reading; explain which ones they found
areas for improvement, and the strategies they most helpful; and identify appropriate steps they can take
found most helpful before, during, and after to improve as readers
1.2 generate, expand, explore, and focus ideas for
potential writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and
print, electronic, and other resources, as appropriate
1.4 identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting
details for writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and
organizational patterns suited to the content and the
purpose for writing
3. Writing 2.3 use appropriate descriptive and evocative words,
1. Developing and Organizing Content: phrases, and expressions to make their writing clear, vivid,
generate, gather, and organize ideas and and interesting for their intended audience
information to write for an intended purpose 2.4 write complete sentences that communicate their
and audience; meaning clearly and accurately, varying sentence type,
2. Using Knowledge of Form and Style: draft structure, and length to suit different purposes and making
and revise their writing, using a variety of smooth and logical transitions between ideas
informational, graphic, and literary forms and
stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose 1.2 interpret media texts, including increasingly complex
and audience; texts, identifying and explaining the overt and implied
messages they convey
3.4 produce media texts for a variety of purposes and
audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and

4. Media Studies
1. Understanding Media Texts: demonstrate an
understanding of a variety of media texts;
3. Creating Media Texts: create a variety of
media texts for different purposes and
audiences, using appropriate forms,
conventions, and techniques;

Links to Prior Knowledge and Skills Required for Success

● Ability to follow a storyline over the course of several weeks (The Colony)
● Participation in class discussions
● Reading comprehension skills
● Reading Strategies

Planning with the End in Mind

Summative Task:
● Slideshow about one of the big ideas.
Final Lesson:
● Debrief the ”Big Ideas”
● Prepare and practice presentations
Mid Unit Lessons (ideas):
● Learn about psychopaths
○ Psychopath in the family video
○ News articles
● Create a wanted poster
● Recreate a scene as a comic
● Comprehension worksheets
● The MacDonald Triad
● Chapter summaries
● Big Idea trackers (complete this as a class on four pieces of chart paper)
Introductory Lesson:
● Anticipation guide
● Answer pre-reading questions

Oral Communication: Reading:

● Listen to comprehend portions of the ● Independently read the novel
text that are read aloud ● Read other teacher selected texts and relate them
● Participate in class discussions to the novel
○ Chapter analysis/summaries ● Use reading strategies to assist with
○ Big Idea Trackers comprehension
● Final presentation ● All reading will be done in class

Writing: Media Studies:

● Complete worksheets ● Connect big ideas from various media texts to the
○ Pre-reading novel
○ Anticipation guide ● Create a comic
○ Comprehension questions ● Create a wanted poster
● Various paragraphs about different ● Create and present a slideshow on one of the big
parts of the novel ideas
● Continually add to chapter summaries

● Read some sections of the novel aloud
● Discuss and record some chapter summaries as a class
Class Profile:
Number of students: 10
● Responding orally to questions
● Participating in class discussions (about half of the class)
● Forming/expressing personal opinions
Areas for improvement
● Easily distracted
● Spelling and grammar
● Organization

*Reading will only be assigned for class time (novels will not leave the room)

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