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Name: __________________

Block: __________

Research Presentation Outline

To be completed on Google Drive or Notebook Paper. Be sure to ​complete every bullet point​.
This will serve as a guide for your presentation​. Your visual must align with this outline.
(​That means the images, quotes, etc. you put on your visual should directly relate to the
information in this outline.​)

Helpful Hint: ​Check the boxes off as you go to ensure you have completed each step!

◻ Hook (Spoken/Not on Visual): Grab the reader’s attention with something interesting.
➢ Some possibilities are a question, an interesting or shocking fact, a short tale, or
a quote.
◻ Basic Information(May be on Visual): Introduce your subject and make your reader
familiar with who or what it is. Answer all the following questions as applicable:
➢ Who or what is your subject?
➢ What does your subject look like?
➢ Where is your subject from and when did it originate?
➢ What is your subject famous for? What did it do or what is so special about it?
➢ Why does it remain an unsolved mystery?
◻ Thesis (Spoken/Not on Visual): The final sentence in your introduction should tell the
reader what they will read about in the body paragraphs. What theories are there behind
the existence of your subject OR who are the suspects. You should be able to use this
formula (you have to change the wording a bit):
➢ Although_____________(name of your mystery) remains a mystery several
__________ (put the word theories or suspects) have been established including
_____________________ and __________________________.

◻ Theory/Suspect 1
➢ State Theory
➢ State at least 3 significant facts explaining this theory AND the source you are
taking the facts from.
➢ Discuss: How has this theory or suspect been dismissed or discredited, or why
do some researchers not believe in this theory or believe this is the right
suspect? What is the likelihood that this theory or suspect holds any truth?
◻ Theory/Suspect 2
➢ State Theory
➢ State at least 3 significant facts explaining this theory AND the source you are
taking the facts from
➢ Discuss: How has this theory or suspect been dismissed or discredited, or why
do some researches not believe in this theory or believe this is the right suspect?
What is the likelihood that this theory or suspect holds any truth?


◻ Summarize main points/Restate Thesis using different words

◻ Heart of the matter: Why does your topic matter? Discovering its existence or finding the
killer would mean what for the rest of the world?
◻ Look to the future: How will solving this unsolved mystery aid us in the future?
◻ Zinger: Leave your reader with something to think about.

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