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SO TAY KY THUAT TECHNICAL MANUAL Vat ligu xy khong nung Vat ligu vi m6i trong Unburned building materials Better to environment era cee Section 1: GENERAL INTRODUCTION: Phan 1: GIGI THIEU TONG QUAN Gach V-block: What is V-block? {Gach Be Tong Khi Chung Ap (hay cén goi la gach AAG) V-block is. Aulociaved Aerated Concrete mang nhan hieu "V- Block” lé mot loal vat iu xBy dung cht (AAC) manufactured from sand, cement long cao dugc sin xudt tir cat nghién min, két hop voi recycled material, lime, gypsum and aerating ximéng, v6i, thach cao. hyp chat nhom va nude. Mot 86 agents and is"moulded, cut and. steam phan tng hoa noc xdy ra trong qua tinh san xudt va chung pressure cured in an autoclave then cut to 8 lam co gach AAC 6 ona wang si nh v8. 29 Dé Shape In various kengths and profes Vuong cca0 v6i nhiéu tinh nang vugt t6.Cong ty cb phdn Vuong Hai Corporation is proud to be the pioneer in Hai ty ho la don vi tién phong gidi thieu gach AAC theo introducing to Vietnam the AAC block based cong nghé Y-tong voi thuong higu " V-block" tai thi twéng on German technology under" V-block” Vigt Nam. brand name, sv aung: Where can V.block be used? Gach V-block la vat ligu xay turéng inh hoat dang khdi hoa ~—_y-block is extremely versatile and is available iim v6i niu Kich thuge Kc nhau, pAU hop cho pham vin books and. panels of various sizes. and “img dung tong chi ta va king chi ta, bao gbm ede ung wie fra broad range of lad bear and dung xay cdc bie tung bén ngoai, vach ngan trong nhd, non load-bearing construction applications san nha va héng rao. V-lock la vat IU x2y dung khGog —Incuding extra wala, ntomal wel, Noo nung thay th cho gach bt st mang, and fences. 9 bin: Better to build with block and warranty ‘AAC vat ligu ben va 8n dinh kich huge, do chia cha yéu AAC is a durable material with dimensional 1a tin thé tobemorte qua qué trinh chung ap nén AAC 6n stability, because AAC mainly consists of dinh han nhibu so vei céc san phdm be tong nhe Khéc-duvye crystal. tobermorte which Is much more dung he thing huang, Hon 80 nim qua kB tir ki xuat Stable than the. products formed in normally hign, AAC da chung t8 00 bén & Knap noi ren thé git, Cured aerated concrete. AAC. has proven its nang not 9 aibu kien kn nau kre nani. urabiity all over the world, in the most ‘block duge bdo han cdc sén phém gach AAC tien 7 nm. diverse ciate: conditions, for over 8D years when twas eisoovered chit trong: Veblock products ae warrenty for 7 years. Gach V-block da duoc dnh gia hop chudn TCVN 7959 bd CQuatest 3 va hign dang &p dung he théng quan ly chat wong Quality comply with theo ISO 9001:2008.Gach AAC V-block 66 thé dap ung cc V-block was, TCVN 7959 conformity ‘teu chudn assessment by Quatest 3 and is now applying the qualty management system under ISO Tibu chun Ue AS 3700: 1997; 9001/2008, V-bloek canbe produced comply Tieu chun Bie: DIN 4165:1990. wh stondords Tiéu chun My: ASTM C1693:1999; Australia standard: AS 3700:1997 Tiéu chudn Trung Quéc: GB11968:2006: Germany standard: DIN 4165: Tiéu chun Anh: BS-EN 771-4:2003; ‘American standard: + ASTM C166 Tibu chun Noa IS A5416:1995, China standard GB11968:2006; Tieu chun Chav Au IEN771-4:2003: England standard: BS-EN771-4:2003 ‘Tidu chudn Viet Nam: TCVN7959:2011; Japan standard: JIS A5416:1995; Euro standard IEN771-4:2003. Vietnam standard: TCVN7959:2011 or NHA SAN XUAI Cong ty CP Vuong Hal la dom vi du tién tai tinh 88ng Nai sn suat gach bet6ng ne, bétdng khi chung 4p theo chuong tinh phat tién vat ligu khdng nung an nm 2020 cba Chinh Pha tal quyét dinh 86 567/QB- ‘Tg ngay 28/4/2010. ‘a ty sin toch lock tg ung vol «fing suat 150.000m/ndm tl Ap Ong Hut, x8 Thién Fan, huyéa Vin Cz, nh Bbng Nal dam bao nang Ive sain xubt va cung dng: 200 ~ 500m? AAC cae ipa / aay Cac sn phim chi ie lia Cong ty la gach AAC, tém ting ALC panel va vita xy chuyén ding cho AAC. ‘ABOUT MANUFACTURER: ‘Vuong Hai Corporation isthe fist manufacturer in Dong Nai province, Vietnam specializes in producing autoclaved earated concrete include: AAC blocks, ALC panel reinforosd steel frame, ‘according | to unbumed building material development program of the -——Vietnam. Government at Decision No. 567/0D-TTg The factory with a capacity 150.000ma/year ensure production capacity and supply: 300 - '500m3 AAC filings / day Main products are AAC blocks, ALC panel and building motar for AAC. “Thong tn chi tét wb hg thdng san phim V-block, xin vul long truy cap tang web ela ching 18 {Qui knich hang yeu cdu hoge edn biét them thong tin, xin vui ng go! dign thoai cho ching ti tr bat ou not Hoge e-mall: vumahat Details about the systems V-block products, please visit our website: For sales enquties or further information, please telephone us from anywhere: (Or send message to e-mail: vuonghaisac@ —__—__—_e CONG NGHE SAN XUAT PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY Gach V-block duge sin xuét theo céng nghé cia V-block are manufactured according to Germany ‘Duc da phat trién hon 80 nam, sir dung thiét bj technology has developed over 80 years in the ingoai nhép tan tién va ty dong héa cao. world, using imported advanced equipment and highly automated. AAG V-block Is manufactured from sand, cement, lime, gypsum, to wich is added a gas forming agent. Gach AAC V-block duge sin xudt tir cat, két op voi ximang. vol, thech ‘cao, chat tao khi nh hgp chat nom. va nude, The sand after grinding, ime, cement, gypsum, aluminum and Cac nguyén tidy cat sau nghi8n, voi, xi mang, thgch cao, bot nhOm va Nghidn At fgrinding sand Water are then automaticaly huge dage ean dinh long va duge weighed and measured in the va. vao thing phdi von. Sau Khi ‘mover. After ming, the materials khudy tron déu, khdi hd vira duoc rot slurry is poured into the mould. vao Khuda thép. Ludi thép han 98 urge dua va khuén trv6e Kh rot Khi ‘After pouring, mixed material mould ‘sin xuat thm ALC panel is transfered to the curing room, some chemical reactions that h6i ph6i feu sau kni rot duge da Gia cudng thép! éreates many tny holes and volume vva0 buéng tinh duéng, mét s6 phan Reinforment steet ‘of material will be increased; After ‘ng héa hoc tao ra nhiéu 16 rng nhd- 120-150 minutes, materials will 118 truong ne déu trong khdi phi ligu agglomerate hard enough to keep Jam cho thd tin Khoi leu 38 tang ten: | its shape when timed out of the ‘sau 120-150 phut khdi ligu sé dong mould and handed over to the block 8t ab cing 48 git duge hinh dang cuter Ki at de Khun ra kh Kh gach va chuyén qua méy cat dinh hin gach. Ph6i ronimiking Blocks etter cuttng were put info autoclave equipment to continue Curing. pried nan envionment saturated with high temperature and pressure, this process. takes about 8 to 12 hows undor a ni gach sau khi ct duge dua vao 1 chimg ap dé tiép tue giai doen hvu hnéa trong mdi trong hoi, nude bao hhda voi nhigt d va ap sudt cao, quy trinh ny mat khoang 8-12h dudi ap pressure of 1.0 to 1, 2 MPa and a ssudt 1,0-1,2 MPa va nhigt d@ khoang femperature of about 180 ~ 200°C 480 ~ 200°. “Thh durong feurng After autoclaving, the product meets ‘ll the mechanical, physical, is ‘Sau Khi ra khdi, 10 chung ap, sn packing and transport contnbute to pphdm dat dae tat c@ cac chi tibu oo” the consumer. y, durge dong gop va van chuyén dén noi teu thy, © In the case of ALC panel ‘manufacture of steel ‘© Trong trvemg hop sin xudt tém reinforcement mesh, galvanized ALC panel cd lwoi thep gia q wire mesh is embedded ‘cut, luo thép 88 durge me kém C&t outing ‘material or corrosion protection hhoge nhung chat béo vé an mon of steel info the mould before ‘hep trade khi dura vo khudn rét pouring the mixture 1nd hop phdi liéu. Qué tinh sau proportioning. Then the same 6 giéng nhu san xuat sin phém process as producing no steoi khong cf lui thép gia cueing. reinforcement mesh. Chung ap/autoclaving —____ 80 BO CONG NGHE TECHNICAL PRODUCTION FLOW DIAGRAM. cat Ximang Voi sand Cement Lime Thach cao Gypsum Ucnéng ows thép FERRER Anc-rststoo! SS U Purina FT tron & rot khudn inh vi 1u6i thép vao khun Prins pura t Put steel mesh into mould LE) tiem dung Curing & batching na — yp chm Bioo ont Autoclaving packaging oo —____

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