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Volume 47 PB 5-17-3

ENGINEER The Professional Bulletin of Army Engineers

Headquarters, Department of the Army September–December 2017


07 Training Afghan National Army Engineers
COMMANDANT By Colonel Kevin S. Brown, Mr. James R. Rowan, and Dr. Michael A.
Brigadier General Robert F. Whittle Dascanio
10 Body, Mind, and Spirit: Soldier Fitness—The Spirit
MANAGING EDITOR By Colonel Martin Dale Snider, Major Jeffrey B. Roberson, and Captain
Diana K. Dean Anthony M. Cech
14 Humanitarian Mine Action in Morocco: Combat Tasks for a Peacetime
Rick Brunk
By Lieutenant Colonel Richard R. Shuck
Jennifer Morgan
18 Growing Success: The Brigade Engineer Battalion Commander in
Editorial Assistant
Cynthia S. Fuller Decisive-Action Training
By Lieutenant Colonel Robert A. Hilliard

Front cover:$6ROGLHUIURPWKHWK(QJLQHHU%DWWDOLRQ 20 Engineer Dive Officer: An Opportunity to Broaden and Excel Within
By Captain Ezra E. Swanson
Back cover:86$UP\SKRWRV
24 511th Engineer Dive Detachment Salvage Training: Preparing for
Deployment Without a Combat Training Center Rotation
DEPARTMENTS By First Lieutenant Grant W. Rice
30 Egypt and Israel Tunnel Neutralization Efforts in Gaza
02 Clear the Way
By Mr. Lucas Winter
By Colonel Kevin S. Brown (Interim
Commandant) 33 The Army Engineer Officer Brand

04 Lead the Way By Major Gaetano K. Simeti

By Command Sergeant Major Trevor C. 35 Constructing Forward Landing Strip Warhorse

Walker By Captain Joseph T. Barnhill
06 Show the Way 38 Incorporating Electronic Attack in Breaching Operations
By Chief Warrant Officer Five Jerome L. By Major Michael P. Carvelli
40 Truck Bombs and Standoff: Using Blast Modeling for Installation
28 Engineer Doctrine Update Threat Management
By Lieutenant Colonel Clarence B. Kemper III
46 Book Review: Sappers in the Wire
5HYLHZHGE\6WD௺6HUJHDQW'DYLG$OOHQ 45 Best Practices for Engineers: A Blackhorse Perspective
By Captain Dominic A. Senteno
47 Book Review: U.S. Combat Engineer
1941–45 49 Mobility and Survivability in World War I
Reviewed by Mr. James E. McCarthy By Second Lieutenant Robert A. Fisher
52 Sustainability for Defense
By Mr. Nathaniel L. Whelan and Mr. Jeroen Rottink
56 A Case for Korea: Life in the Army’s Only Combined Division
By Captain Hemanth Nalamothu and Captain Sungmin Ahn
58 Are U-Smart? Keeping Track of Survey Control Points
By Mr. James K. Garster and Mr. George H. Ohanian
60 The Mobile Assault Bridge
By Captain Monica I. Rosario and Mr. Troy D. Morgan

September–December 2017 Engineer 1

By Lieutenant Colonel Clarence B. Kemper III

t may be an unpleasant reality, but a search point is flow directly adjacent to an installation perimeter. Enemies
also a kill zone. Whenever an improvised explosive choose where to attack. They probe to find the weaknesses.
device (IED) is discovered—in a vest or a vehicle—that The U.S. Marine Corps barracks area in Beirut, Lebanon,
is where someone will try to detonate it. Entry control points was destroyed by a 20,000-pound trinitrotoluene (TNT)-
(ECPs) and other checkpoints must be located and designed equivalent blast in 1983 after a truck crashed through a
as part of a comprehensive defensive perimeter and must be checkpoint. In 1996, the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia,
adapted as threats change. There are numerous examples housing U.S. military, was hit with 22,000 pounds of explo-
of ECPs that were designed to accommodate traffic flow, sives that were detonated from an access road. The perim-
assure the comfort of the searchers, improve the lighting, eter of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, was breached in
reduce the overall footprint of the site, or meet any number 2005 by a garbage truck smashing through concrete barriers,
of secondary design criteria but neglect the primary func- then detonating to kill three and wound 30. In 2013, a truck
tion: to detect a large explosive weapon and prevent it from bomb breached the perimeter at Forward Operating Base
entering the perimeter. (FOB) Ghazni, Afghanistan, opening the way for a dozen
The enemy analyzes a base and its defenses. Any location enemy fighters to attack. Domestically, we have a history
outside the secured perimeter is a threat. A long, serpentine of vehicle bombs that stretches back from the Wall Street
approach to the ECP is irrelevant if there is a regular traffic bombing in 1920, which killed 38 and injured 143 in New

Refueling facilities for helicopters like the UH-60 Blackhawk above were part of the expansion that made

40 Engineer September–December 2017

York City; the World Trade Center attack in 1993; to the Standoff distance is critical with explosive hazards. It is
1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in not just the size of the shot that creates danger; distance
Oklahoma City. Intelligence shows that these events are from the shot is also crucial. Blast effects decrease at the
studied by our present-day adversaries. rate of the distance squared. For example, blast effects are
Sometimes the defenders get lucky. In November 2013, a reduced to one-quarter if the distance between blast and tar-
truck transporting 61,500 pounds of liquid homemade explo- get is doubled. Double that distance again, and the effects
sives was intercepted by Afghan security forces in Paktia are reduced to one-sixteenth. The advantage of blast as a
Province, making international news. The driver attempted weapon is that it goes over and around barriers and inside
to detonate the explosive but was shot and wounded. The buildings. Blast can also cause injury and death through
target was Gardez City. The estimated potential explosive secondary effects, such as building collapse or the genera-
yield was 40,000 pounds of TNT. After reviewing the roads tion of window shards.
near the regional bases, FOB Gardez was quickly closed
Blast fragments, on the other hand, travel until they
because it was only 20 to 50 meters from a four-lane civil-
strike something. The maxim is, “If you can see the shot, the
ian highway. Blast analysis showed that the proximity to
fragments can see you.” In cased explosives such as artillery
the road endangered the majority of the FOB personnel and
shells, 10 to 15 percent of the overall weight is typically used
facilities. The FOB was eventually razed.
for explosives in order to maximize shrapnel, which is the
Getting Left of the Boom most efficient casualty-producing mechanism. Suicide vests

orm dictates function. Design matters. And design are often augmented with nails or other items to expand the
determines the engagement area. Successful security lethal range of the blast. Primary fragments are those that
becomes progressively detailed. In the notional FOBs are part of the shell or device. Secondary fragments consist
in Figures 1, 2, and 3 (pages 44-45), the location of the outer of gravel, concrete, glass, and other objects propelled by the
ECP is based on the design threat. It’s where defenders pre- blast, and they can be as deadly as shrapnel. The threat is
fer an IED go off rather than inside the base. Similarly, the normally calculated in terms of blast and fragment radii.
cooldown yard is situated for the design threat. While it is However, it can also be estimated in terms of volume of
impossible to absolutely prevent weapons or explosives from explosives. That volume becomes a critical size for search
being smuggled in, searches at ECPs reduce the threat (see crews to look for.
Figure 1).

Not to Scale

Figure 1. FOB 1

September–December 2017 Engineer 41

An effective ECP can be constructed after calculating the officer can work with the PDC to learn how to use those bet-
largest shot that can be concealed at that point in the secu- ter tools or provide enough detailed engineering information
rity process. Initial searches take place outside the perimeter to the PDC for reachback assistance with the tools.
where larger threats are sought. Searchers at each succes- One of these tools is ConWep, a collection of conven-
sive point look for progressively smaller threats. When the tional weapons effects calculations that allows users to
net explosive weight (without casing, packaging, or projec- calculate blast effects and ballistic penetration for specific
tiles) is less than or equal to the ECP design threat explosive materials and thicknesses. It can model specific artillery
weight, the blast and fragments created by suicide vests or shells, uncased explosives, and specific bullets and veloci-
vehicle-borne IEDs can be stopped by protective structures ties. Another is Antiterrorist Planner for Bridges©, which
such as HESCO Bastion Concertainers® or concrete T-walls. assists in bridge-specific protection and assessment. The
If the protective structure design of an ECP cannot withstand most advanced tool associated with the PDC is the U.S.
a shot based on the volume allowed in the previous search, Government program Vulnerability Assessment and Protec-
either the ECP or the search needs to be revised. Searches at tion Option (VAPO). The program requires gaining access
the final ECP are the last chance to detect and stop a mass- through the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. It allows
casualty threat so that it does not enter the base. users to model large, complex buildings and small, simple
structures such as Southeast Asia huts and tents. It accounts
Using Better Tools, Achieving Better
for structural shielding such as blast walls and bunkers and
Solutions has a primary fragment program. Terrain files, which can be

last analysis is the key tool in determining the critical in places such as Afghanistan, can also be imported.
critical size of the shot with respect to the termi-
Commercial packages are available. Most are designed for
nal effects, or how much damage a specific weight
commercial blasting needs and do not translate well to force
of explosives can create given the location, structures, and
protection applications, but some apply to military situations
explosive materials. The critical size is the threshold weight
as well as blast events in industrial facilities. 3D Blast© from
of explosive in a given location that overcomes the specific
Applied Research Associates can evaluate 3D blast effects on
protective measures. The critical size, in turn, is used to
nine preset building designs. ExDam®, by Breeze Software,
determine the critical volume of the explosive device. If the
models blast and effects on structures. Breeze Software has
explosive weight of the shot is known, the density of the
related software that models fire, fuel-vapor explosions, and
explosive material dictates how much space it occupies. The
chemical releases.
critical volume refers to the physical dimensions the explo-
sive material must occupy in order to be a critical shot. The Addressing Design Hazards

same explosive material in the same location in a smaller
ngineers use building codes to systematically develop
package has less explosive weight and cannot overcome the
safe and reliable structures. Codes require address-
protective measures. These figures set up the necessary
ing design hazards such as wind and snow loads.
search parameters. A decade ago, computer programs only
They are assessed based on historical data. The design
calculated the doughnuts of death, or the circles of various
threat is also determined based on historical data. Ideally,
hazard severity, based on theoretical blast effects on a flat,
the assumed threat is communicated to the FOB mayor cell.
open field. They did not address the way that protective
structures or terrain change blast effects or describe the In Figure 1, the blast design threat is shown by the red
vulnerability of specific structures and construction types. circles. Fragments can be stopped by structures, but standoff
The programs could not determine the effectiveness of pro- is needed to mitigate blast. Standoff requirements are used
tective structures and the resulting reduction in casualties. to position the cooldown yard and determine the distance
They were intended to provide a fast, simple hazard distance needed between the outer and inner ECPs. Enemy threat,
to troops who have no engineering experience. however, is adaptive. Once the walls are set, the enemy can
attempt to gauge what is needed to breach them. The loca-
Better tools are available. The U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
tions of the ECPs are the same—the first checkpoint leads
neers Protective Design Center (PDC) provides references,
software tools, instructional information, and training for either into the FOB or into the cooldown yard. The enemy
engineering issues concerning protective structures, blast task is to determine the size of the shot needed to defeat the
mitigation, designs to protect from indirect fire, entry con- existing standoff. This is explained in Figure 2.
trol point design, and other issues.1 These tools require Establishing a new checkpoint farther from the FOB can
detailed input. push out the first enemy contact and reduce the subsequent
As with any hazard assessment, site analysis is critical. threat. Progressing toward the FOB, each checkpoint fea-
Gathering data for blast analysis is similar to an engineer tures more detailed searches and increased use of technol-
reconnaissance of a minefield; combat engineers return with ogy and resources.
full composition, breach sites, and bypasses, while nonen- Figure 3 shows three checkpoints. The purposes of the first
gineers come back with a vague circle labeled “minefield.” are to divert traffic to the cooldown yard and conduct a quick
An analysis is only as accurate as the data input. An expe- inspection for large items. This is followed by searches at the
rienced construction commissioned or noncommissioned outer and inner ECPs. The initial checkpoint is intended to

42 Engineer September–December 2017


Not to Scale

Figure 2. FOB 2

Not to Scale

Figure 3. FOB 3

September–December 2017 Engineer 43

reduce the residual threat to the original design parameters. Bases evolve over time in response to mission require-
The friendly task is to properly place the checkpoints with ments and enemy threats. A lot of information goes into base
appropriate search criteria and resources, especially if the camp development. Communicating engineering constraints
outer checkpoints are controlled by host nation or third-nation and force protection vulnerabilities is important. Military
troops. No matter how many checkpoints are established, the engineers can support the process by translating the key
first will engage the largest, most dangerous threat. engineering aspects to friendly forces information require-
ments and commander’s critical information requirements
Getting Inside the Decision Cycle for the mayor’s cell, the base defense operations center, the

ctions at FOB Gardez revealed how to get ahead of operational environment owner, and others as appropriate.
the enemy decision cycle. Blast analysis showed that This is the warn aspect of risk mitigation—warn the user
.FOB Gardez needed to be closed in response to the of the residual risks that cannot be eliminated by design. It
new threat. The original intent of FOB Gardez was to serve is not possible to eliminate all risks, particularly in a combat
as a small provincial reconstruction team base. These are zone. For protection from truck bombs, the terrain around a
typically intended to be austere and in close proximity to a base, together with barriers and ECPs, constrains vehicular
city to build relations with the community. This makes the approaches. Blast analysis determines the threshold dis-
location inherently unsafe with respect to a vehicle-borne tance for the payload volume of a given size of vehicle. This
becomes a defensive planning factor, which can be calculated
for protecting purpose-built bases and existing facilities.
“Blast analysis is the key tool
Expeditionary operations require the assumption of
in determining the critical size risks. Whether considering the rapid occupation of existing
of the shot with respect to the facilities or the development of purpose-built basing, engi-
terminal effects, or how much neering is needed to proactively determine the various vul-
nerabilities present and develop mitigations for them. Blast
damage a specific weight of analysis is just one tool to develop these mitigations. Failing
explosives can create . . .” to mitigate blast-related threats can be catastrophic to the
people on the base and the missions the base supports.
IED attack. Higher risk is often assumed in such cases since Endnotes:
a major attack would only harm those assisting the local 1
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PDC, <https://pdc.usace
area. The loss of the base would not directly impact the secu->, accessed on 2 August 2017.
rity of United Nations forces. 2
Henry Petroski, Design Paradigms: Case Histories of Error
Years after the base was constructed, the provincial and Judgment in Engineering, Cambridge University Press,
reconstruction team was gone and the base had expanded Cambridge, United Kingdom, 27 May 1994.
in size and intent. The assets included artillery; intelli-
gence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets; helicopter Lieutenant Colonel Kemper is the commander of the 475th
refueling facilities; a mail office; and even a small post Engineer Detachment, a U.S. Army Reserves explosive hazards
exchange. It had become a more significant target and was coordination cell with the 412th Theater Engineer Command.
less connected to the local population. While the restricted He is a professional engineer, a consulting professional engineer,
and a board-certified forensic engineer. His practice includes
approach to other bases gave some measure of warning, a
modeling blasts and predicting structural response.
truck bomb on the highway close to FOB Gardez would pro-
vide no warning.
(“Lead the Way,” continued from page 5)
In engineering terms, this would be a “single mode fail-
ure,” where only one thing must go wrong to create cata- Finally, I look forward to visiting as many units as possi-
strophic effects with no opportunity to mitigate the results. ble in the next few months to see what great things are hap-
In this case, it was a truck bomb on a main supply route pening out there in support of the rest of the military force.
that could take out the region’s quick-reaction force, artil- Essayons!
lery overwatch, and a rotary-wing refueling point. Henry
Petroski’s book, Design Paradigms: Case Histories of Error Endnotes:
and Judgment in Engineering, explains this common failure Army Regulation 600-82, The U.S. Army Regimental Sys-

mechanism evolution from “safe” to “unsafe.”2 An original tem, 5 June 1990. (Status: Inactive.)
design is heavily analyzed and well understood. The design Army Regulation 870-21, The U.S. Army Regimental Sys-

is modified over time; and subsequent changes are made, tem, 13 April 2017.
assuming that reevaluation is not needed. The original 3
Army Regulation 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uni-
assumptions and constraints are not passed forward. Even- forms and Insignia, 25 May 2017.
tually, the new design extends past the original assump- 4
Department of the Army Pamphlet 670-1, Guide to the Wear
tions and fails. Fortunately, the lesson of FOB Gardez was and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia, 25 May 2017.
paid for only in treasure—not blood.

44 Engineer September–December 2017

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