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Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 1 st Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Growth and Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Observing growth and development in plants.
Basic Competency :
To plan experiment the effect of outside factors to plant growth.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Understanding the Analyzing skills inquirer Worksheet
mechanism of growth Communication skills Cooperative Presentation
and develop in organism.



During the learning process, learners try to figure out the difference between growth and development,
and also the factors that influence to growth and development in plants. Learning process along tutorial,
discussion and observation to some seed plants.


“…dan Dia (menundukkan pula) apa yang Dia ciptakan untuk kamu di bumi ini dengan berlain-lainan
macamnya. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi
kaum yang mengambil pelajaran.” (Q.S an-Nahl, 16 : 13)

Harun Yahya, 2003. Pesona Keajaiban Alam Semesta.
Biologi 3. Penerbit Esis
Buku paket Biologi.

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 2nd Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Growth and Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Observing growth and development in plants.
Basic Competency :
To plan experiment the effect of outside factors to plant growth.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Understanding the Analyzing skills inquirer Worksheet
mechanism of growth Communication skills Cooperative Presentation
and develop in organism.



During the learning process, still in process of understanding of Growth and Development in Plant,
learners doing an observation to the growth of some seed plants for few days, and find out the result
and present it in front of other learners.


(Yang memiliki sifat-sifat yang) demikian itu ialah Allah, Tuhan kamu; tidak ada Tuhan selain Dia;
Pencipta segala sesuatu, maka sembahlah Dia; dan Dia adalah Pemelihara segala sesuatu.
(Q.S. al-An’aam, 6 : 102)

Biologi 3, Penerbit Esis.Yuni Yuniati, 2011
Ensiklopedia Biologi.

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 1 st Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Metabolism Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the importance of metabolism in organism.
Basic Competency :
To describe the functions of enzyme in metabolism process.
To describe catabolism and anabolism of carbohydrates.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the mechanism of Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
enzyme in metabolism Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
and understand to Cooperative Presentation
describe the process of
catabolism and
Poster Presentation


Along this lesson, learners discuss about the mechanism of enzyme, and analyze stages of catabolism
and anabolism process. To fulfill this learning process, learners observe glucose fermentation through
working group.

(Cell Respiration)

Hai manusia, apakah yang telah memperdayakan kamu (berbnuat durhaka) terhadap Tuhanmu Yang
Maha Pemurah. Yang telah menciptakan kamu lalu menyempurnakan kejadianmu dan menjadikanmu
(susunan tubuh)mu seimbang, dalam bentuk apa saja yang Dia kehendaki, Dia menyusun tubuh-mu.
(Q.S. al-Infithar, 82: 6-8).


Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School

Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 2nd (two) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Metabolism Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the importance of metabolism in organism.
Basic Competency :
To describe the functions of enzyme in metabolism process.
To describe catabolism and anabolism of carbohydrates.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the mechanism of Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
enzyme in metabolism Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
and understand to Cooperative Presentation
describe the process of
catabolism and
Poster Presentation


Along this lesson, learners discuss about stages of catabolism and anabolism process through charts and
also observe photosynthesize through Ingenhouz experiment.

(Photosynthesize and Chemosynthesize)

Hai manusia, apakah yang telah memperdayakan kamu (berbnuat durhaka) terhadap Tuhanmu Yang
Maha Pemurah. Yang telah menciptakan kamu lalu menyempurnakan kejadianmu dan menjadikanmu
(susunan tubuh)mu seimbang, dalam bentuk apa saja yang Dia kehendaki, Dia menyusun tubuh-mu.
(Q.S. al-Infithar, 82: 6-8).


Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 3rd (third) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Metabolism Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the importance of metabolism in organism.
Basic Competency :
To describe the functions of enzyme in metabolism process.
To describe catabolism and anabolism of carbohydrates.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the difference Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
process of Cell Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
Respiration, Cooperative Presentation
Photosynthesize and
Individual trivia Quiz.


In this session, learners review their understanding about metabolism and try to solve the problem
through some question. (Quiz)


Hai manusia, apakah yang telah memperdayakan kamu (berbuat durhaka) terhadap Tuhanmu Yang
Maha Pemurah. Yang telah menciptakan kamu lalu menyempurnakan kejadianmu dan menjadikanmu
(susunan tubuh)mu seimbang, dalam bentuk apa saja yang Dia kehendaki, Dia menyusun tubuh-mu.
(Q.S. al-Infithar, 82: 6-8).


Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 4th (fourth) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Metabolism Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the importance of metabolism in organism.
Basic Competency :
To describe the functions of enzyme in metabolism process.
To describe catabolism and anabolism of carbohydrates.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the mechanism of Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
enzymes, and Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
understanding the Cooperative Presentation
difference process of
Cell Respiration,
Photosynthesize and
Chemosynthesize. Worksheet


In this session, learners review their understanding about metabolism and try to solve the problem
through some question. (Formative)


Hai manusia, apakah yang telah memperdayakan kamu (berbuat durhaka) terhadap Tuhanmu Yang
Maha Pemurah. Yang telah menciptakan kamu lalu menyempurnakan kejadianmu dan menjadikanmu
(susunan tubuh)mu seimbang, dalam bentuk apa saja yang Dia kehendaki, Dia menyusun tubuh-mu.
(Q.S. al-Infithar, 82: 6-8).


Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 1st (first) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Genetics Substances Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the concepts and principals of heredity and it implications to life.
Basic Competency :
To describe genes, DNA and chromosomes concepts.
To describe connection between DNA and RNA- Polipeptides and Protein Synthesize.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the structures Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
and function of DNA, Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
RNA, genes and Cooperative Presentation

In this session, learners use charts to recognize the shape of DNA and RNA to know the difference among
it, and also to figure out the position of genes and chromosomes. At the end of session learners able to
define the difference between chromosomes, gene and DNA/RNA.


Katakanlah : “ Kalau sekiranya lautan menjadi tinta untuk (menulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, sungguh
habislah lautan itu sebelum habis (ditulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan
sebanyak itu (pula)”. (Q.S. al-Kahfi, 18:109).

Buku Biologi Paket.
Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 2nd (second) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Genetics Substances Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the concepts and principals of heredity and it implications to life.
Basic Competency :
To describe genes, DNA and chromosomes concepts.
To describe connection between DNA and RNA- Polypeptide and Protein Synthesize.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the connections Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
of DNA-RNA-Polypeptide Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
Cooperative Presentation



In this session, learners use charts to recognize the shape of DNA and RNA to know the difference among
it, and also to figure out the position of genes and chromosomes. At the end of session learners able to
define the connection between DNA-RNA-Polypeptide.


Katakanlah : “ Kalau sekiranya lautan menjadi tinta untuk (menulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, sungguh
habislah lautan itu sebelum habis (ditulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan
sebanyak itu (pula)”. (Q.S. al-Kahfi, 18:109).


Buku Biologi 12.

Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 3rd (third) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Genetics Substances Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the concepts and principals of heredity and it implications to life.
Basic Competency :
To describe genes, DNA and chromosomes concepts.
To describe connection between DNA and RNA- Polypeptide and Protein Synthesize.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the connections Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
of DNA-RNA-Polypeptide Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
Cooperative Presentation

Individual trivia Quiz


In this session, learners review all the mearning process in 1st and 2nd session through trivia Quiz.


Katakanlah : “ Kalau sekiranya lautan menjadi tinta untuk (menulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, sungguh
habislah lautan itu sebelum habis (ditulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan
sebanyak itu (pula)”. (Q.S. al-Kahfi, 18:109).


Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 1st (fourth) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Mutation Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the concepts and principals of heredity and it implications to life.
Basic Competency :
To describe mutation and the implication to life.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the typical of Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
mutation and the Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
effects. Cooperative Presentation

Individual trivia Quiz


Through this lesson learners doing some literacy study (books, internet), analyzing mutation in
chromosomes using pictures or documentary movie.


Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan kepada Bani Israel Al Kitab (Taurat), kekuasaan dan kenabian dan
Kami berikan kepada mereka rezeki-rezeki yang baik dan Kami lebihkan mereka atas bangsa-bangsa
(pada masanya). (Q.S. Al-Jaatsiyah : 16)


Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 2nd (second) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Mutation Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the concepts and principals of heredity and it implications to life.
Basic Competency :
To describe mutation and the implication to life.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the typical of Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
mutation and the Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
effects. Cooperative Presentation



In the second session of Mutation, learners find out the advantage and disadvantage of mutation that
already done by human.


Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan kepada Bani Israel Al Kitab (Taurat), kekuasaan dan kenabian dan
Kami berikan kepada mereka rezeki-rezeki yang baik dan Kami lebihkan mereka atas bangsa-bangsa
(pada masanya). (Q.S. Al-Jaatsiyah : 16)


Biologi 3, Penerbit Esis.

Documentary movies. (

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School


Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 1st (First) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Biotechnology Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the concepts and principals of biotechnology to life.

Basic Competency :
To describe biotechnology and the implication to life.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
biotechnology concepts Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
and the effects to life. Cooperative Presentation



Discussion about everything that related to biotechnology, start from ancient times until now.
(brainstorming session – core – simple action) and also discuss about the hyperbolic way of human style
in using technology.


Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan kepada Bani Israel Al Kitab (Taurat), kekuasaan dan kenabian dan
Kami berikan kepada mereka rezeki-rezeki yang baik dan Kami lebihkan mereka atas bangsa-bangsa
(pada masanya). (Q.S. Al-Jaatsiyah : 16)

Yuni Yuniati, 2011
Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School

Level 12 (twelve)
Term : 2nd (Second) Year academic: 2011/2012

SMA Mutiara Bunda

Lesson: Subject: Duration: Teacher:

Biotechnology Biology (2 x 45 menit) Yuni Yuniati

Standard Competency :
Understanding the concepts and principals of biotechnology to life.

Basic Competency :
To describe biotechnology and the implication to life.
Students' achievement :
Knowledge Skill Attitude Assessment
Knows the Analyzing skills Tolerant Worksheet
biotechnology concepts Communication skills Open-minded Quiz
and the effects to life. Cooperative Presentation



Discussion about everything that related to biotechnology, start from ancient times until now.
(brainstorming session – core – simple action) and also discuss about the hyperbolic way of human style
in using technology.


Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan kepada Bani Israel Al Kitab (Taurat), kekuasaan dan kenabian dan
Kami berikan kepada mereka rezeki-rezeki yang baik dan Kami lebihkan mereka atas bangsa-bangsa
(pada masanya). (Q.S. Al-Jaatsiyah : 16)

Yuni Yuniati, 2011
Amazing of Biology, 2010

Subject Teachers Bandung, … 2011

In Acknowledgement

(……………………….) Head of School

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