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1. We Shall Die, is a religious organization based in Davao City.

One of their religious practice is

that, every 1st day of Sunday of every month, they sacrifice a live chicken in their church altar.
For purpose of expanding their organization in other provinces the leaders decided to establish
a church in Cotabato City. We Shall Live, a religious organization in Cotabato learned about this
and would wanted to prevent the expansion of We Shall Die in Cotabato. Eliano Pormado, a
member of We Shall Live, who is also a Mayor of the Cotabato City, approved and passed an
ordinance woch made it illegal to kill animals for purposes other than for food consumption. Bro.
Mikey Villarderama, the leader of We Shall Die, filed a cases declaring the ordinance to be
unconstitutional. Is the said ordinance unconstitutional?
2. Holy Cross International University, located in Global City, Tabuig, is a University which caters
to foreigners and Filipinos. By this reason, the University has local-hire professors and foreign-
hire professors. It is a policy of the University, given that the foreigners live outside of the country,
to give some special treatment to foreign professors. The University gives free board and lodging
to the foreigners considering that they have to stay in the country while they teach in the
University representing the local hired professors file a case against the University claiming that
their policy violates the equal protection of the law. He claims that the University should made it
mandatory for foreign to be a member of the labor union and that the local professors should be
also be given the benefits extended to the foreign professors. Is Andres correct?
3. Mr. Rizal A. Langhinahon, a congressman, is tired of the news of the reclamation being made
by China in the islands which the Philippines has also a claim. Because of this Mr. Langhinahon
sponsored a bill which will allow the President of the Philippines is authorized to make a military
strike against any country who will forcibly take the islands within the sovereign territory of the
Philippines or who will make an artificial island with the Philippine without the latter’s concent.
Can such bill be passed?
4. Mr. Jojo Ayawdumalo, the president, feels that he is being harassed by the Senate because of
their constant inquiry in the aid of legislation. Because of this he made Executive Order No.1
which requires his cabinet members to secure his consent before they appear in either Senate of
Congress inquiry. Is the E.O. correct?
5. What do you think is the best way to prepare for the bar examinations?

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