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1) Pass the sentences in a negative and interrogative way.

a)She is a boyfriend.
Forma negativa:__________________________________________________________________
Forma interrogativa:______________________________________________________________
b)The teacher is a red car. FRASE 2:
Forma negativa:__________________________________________________________________
Forma interrogativa:______________________________________________________________
c)They are much money.
Forma negativa:__________________________________________________________________
Forma interrogativa:______________________________________________________________
d)We are many friends.
Forma negativa:__________________________________________________________________
Forma interrogativa:______________________________________________________________
2) Relate personal pronouns to your right form in english:
3) Complete the phrases with the verb to be in the present:
a. I ________ well today.
b. She _________ a student.
c. We _________ late.
d. You ________ a good student.
4) Check the alternative that contains the most appropriate undefined articles to complete the sentences
Regina is …..... teacher. She works in …..... big university in London. Her husband is ….... engineer and he
is building …..... house in …......... farm.
a) a – an – a – an – a
b) a – a – an – a – a
c) an – an – a – a – an
d) an – a – a – an – a
5) On the use of the verb TO BE, identify the sentence that was WRITTEN PROPERLY:
a) Marcos are tired.
b) My parentes is very old.
c) The student is very intelligent.
d) Ana and I am cousins.
6) According to the rules studied on the interrogative form of the verb TO BE, mark the alternative
CORRETA:a) Are you my teacher?
b) She is my mother?
c) The is cat mine?
d) Is you sick?
7) Guto is in Bali. Complete this e-mail to his school friends using the correct form of the verb to be.
Hi, everyone!
Guess where I _______? Yes, Bali. I ________ here for a few days. It ______ hot and sunny like
_________ every day here. The food _____ great – lots of fish and seafood. But the waves ________ the
best thing of all. They ________ up to 3 meters high. And you, guys? _______ you OK?

8) Complete the sentences with he, she or it.
1. Is _______ your boyfriend?
2. Is Janice your sister? No, ___________is my cousin.
3. What’s this? _______ is a sharpener.
4. _______ is Peter Mathews.
5. The notebook is on the table. _______ is blue.

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