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Subject : English Language

Year : 4 Mahsuri

Enrolment : 30 students

Date/Day : 11th August 2018 (Tuesday)

Time : 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 a.m. (60 minutes)

Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends.

Topic : Unity in Diversity (Unit 10)

Focused Skill(s) : Listening and Speaking

Integrated Skill : Language arts

Previous Knowledge : Students have seen the multiracial country of Malaysia in their
daily life.

Content Standard : 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts.

2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly.

Learning Standard : 1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on a

range of familiar topics.
2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements.

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Able to list out at least 3 races in Malaysia.

2. Able to identify 3 traditional costumes around them.

3. Able to describe a traditional costume in a form of

simple sentence.

Vocabulary : Traditional, costume, unity, multiracial.

Educational Emphasis : Contextual learning, ICT.

Moral Values : We must respect each other.

Thinking Skills : Understanding, Analyzing, Applying.

Multiple Intelligences : Inter-personal and intra-personal, visual-spatial, verbal.

Habits of Mind : Thinking Flexibly, Thinking About Our Thinking, Questioning

And Posing Problems, Applying Past Knowledge To New
Situations, Gathering Data To All Senses.

Resources/Teaching Aids : Video entitled ‘Malaysia Truly Asia’, worksheet ‘i-think Map’,
blank sheet, popsicle sticks, Worksheet 1 & 2, Poem entitled
‘The Crayon Box That Talked’ by Shane DeRolf.

Model of Teaching Theory : Problem Based Learning Model.

Phase(s)/Time Content Activities Remarks

1. To bring students’ 1. Teacher shows students a

Set Induction Instructional Language:
focus for today’s video entitled Malaysia
(5 minutes) lesson. Truly Asia.
1. Do you know the
2. Students need to list out
different races in
Teaching aids: their prior knowledge
1. Video entitled about the different races
2. Do you have friends
‘Malaysia Truly Asia’. in Malaysia in the form of
or neighbour from
2. Worksheet ‘I-think i-think map.
different races?
Map’. 3. Teacher introduces the
Educational Emphasis topic of today’s lesson.
Learning strategy/

1. Contextual learning

2. Whole class

Multiple Intelligences:
1. Interpersonal
2. Visual-spatial
3. Music

1. Teacher gives students BASED LEARNING
Presentation 1. To introduce the new the question : MODEL
vocabulary to
(10 minutes) ‘ Orkid wants to help Jason to
students. 1. Clarify
know the three different races
2. Define
in Malaysia through traditional
2. To enhance students’
costumes. How to do so?’ –
listening and
(problem statement)
speaking skills.
Instructional Language:

3. To make learning fun, 2. Students read through

1. Do you understand
meaningful and the problem, then identify
the question?
purposeful. and clarify any words or
2. Do you know what
concepts that they do not
traditional costume
Educational Emphasis is?

Learning strategy/ 3. Teacher needs to act as

technique/approach: facilitator by explaining
the question if the
1. Whole class students do not
approach understand.

Multiple Intelligences:
1. Interpersonal

1. Teacher asks students to

1. To enhance students’ Assessment for
Practice sit in groups of threes.
understanding learning objective
(25 minutes) through application. (1,2&3)
2. Each group needs to
2. To offer opportunities
analyse the problem and STEPS IN PROBLEM
for cooperative
list out the solution. BASED LEARNING
3. To develop students’
listening and 3. Students gather 3. Analyse
speaking skills. information from different
4. Review
4. To develop students’ sources about the
reading and writing 5. Identify learning
skill. objectives
4. Each group needs to
present the information in 6. Self-study

a form of art. For
example, stick puppet.

Instructional Language:
Manual instruction:
Teaching aids:
1. Each group needs to
1. Blank sheet 1. Now I want you to
draw at least 3
2. Popsicle sticks sit in groups.
traditional costumes
2. You can ask your
in a piece of paper.
friends or search
2. After that, students
through books
need to cut and paste
about the traditional
on the popsicle stick.
Educational Emphasis costumes.
3. You can draw the
Learning strategy/
costumes in a piece
1. Group work of paper. Then,
paste it on the
Multiple Intelligences:
popsicle stick to
1. Interpersonal
make a puppet.
4. Each group will
present their work
in front of the class.

1. To develop students’ 1. Each group needs to

Production understanding. STEPS IN PROBLEM
present their work in front
2. To develop students’ BASED LEARNING
(15 minutes) of the class.
listening and MODEL

speaking skills. 2. Teacher guides students 7. Report

to check the answer
Instructional Language:
Educational Emphasis together.
1. Write one simple
Learning strategy/ sentence to
Enrichment activity
technique/approach: describe the
1. Teacher distributes traditional
1. Student-centered costumes based on
‘worksheet 1’ for students
approach the picture given.
who understand the
content of the lesson.

Multiple Intelligence: 2. Students need to 2. Change your
1. Verbal write a simple sentence to worksheet with your
2. Visual-spatial describe about the
traditional costumes.

Remedial activity
1. Teacher distributes
‘worksheet 2’ for
students who did not
understand the
content of the lesson.
2. Students need to read
and match the
traditional costumes
with the picture given.

1. To recap the lesson. 1. Teacher summarises the

Closure Instructional Language:
2. To instil moral activities that has been
(5 minutes) values. conducted. 1. Everyone did a
very good job
Teaching aids: 2. Students recite the poem today.
‘The Crayon Box That 2. Each and every
1. Poem entitled ‘The
Talked’ by Shane DeRolf. one of you must
Crayon Box That
respect others.
Talked’ by Shane
3. Teacher tells students to
respect others.

Educational Emphasis
Learning strategy/
1. Whole class
Multiple Intelligence:

1. Verbal


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