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The Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches

It is only in the early 500s that sources start talking was used until the late 1500s when they did not
about some powerful people in the Lake Mälar want to admit a too inconvenient Danish decision.
area, with the exception of Tacitus Sitones whom Instead they explained that the seal had been lost.
he considers degenerated as they were ruled by a On paper the Gotlandic Merchant Republic exists
woman. until the early 1600s, but is progressively abolished.
1st. Prokopios tells us about the Heruls who in 512 Important here is a Danish decree in connection
settled in Thule next to a powerful tribe they call with the rettertings commission in 1618, when the
Gauti. Landsdomare Thøger Kärne from Burs is deposed
2nd. Snorri Sturlusson talks about the Asia men and imprisoned. After 1679 Gotland was incorpo-
who introduce a new religion and settle in Sigtuna. rated into Sweden and a prolonged Swedification
Excavations at Old Sigtuna reveal major changes process began.
in the early 500s with large increase in people and The Gotlanders counted their birth and social class
horses. higher than the burghers and peasants in other
3rd. The Beowulf epos speaks about conditions in countries. The difference can be explained naturally,
the Baltic Sea area and the antagonism between the that they were aware that they had a higher form of
immigrant new rulers in the Lake Mälar area and freedom. They were free from sovereignty and tax-
the Gotlanders. ation. The Gotlandic community before the 1600s
The real name of the island in the Baltic Sea is Gut- was considered an “ethnie,” i.e. a group with a per-
land. In trade agreements from the 1100s it is called ceived common origin, language and history.
the ‘Gotlandic Coast’, and the people are called
Gutar. The Curonians called the Gotlanders Gudi.
Arabic writers call the Gotlanders al Rus’. Jordanes
tells about Gothiscandza that by linguists has been Gotlandic trading Emporiums
translated to the ‘Gutnish coast’, or the coast where
the Gotlandic trading colonies were located on the Already in the Bronze Age and early Iron Age there
southern shores of the Baltic Sea. are signs of Gotlandic trading Emporiums on the
The word Scandza just means coast, later the ‘Got- east coast of the Baltic Sea and all the way to the
landic coast’, which is the island Gotland. The word river Volga. The Achmulova grave field in the Vol-
Gotland is a Latin form that alludes to the Roman ga region shows more than 1000 Gotlandic graves
name for the Goths. The Goths called themselves dating back to 800-500 BCE. That is the same time
Guthiuda and Gutans. as the Greeks colonize Grecia Magna.
The Gotlanders were independent until the late Trade, especially amber trade, experiences in the
1300s and then self-governing under pirates, includ- Bronze Age a large bloom. The Gotlanders seem
ing removed foreign kings, and for a short time the to have controlled the northern end of the amber
Teutonic Knights. From 1530-1645 Gotland was a trade with trading Emporiums in the Vistula area.
vassal state under the Danish king. The entire time The extensive trade relations conveyed influenc-
the Gotlandic Merchant Republic functions de jure. es from outside. From southern cultural centers,
The Gotlanders selected Things Judges and the Egypt, Crete, Mycenae, spiritual impulses stretched
great Gotlandic national seal with the proud Ewe their effects also to the Baltic Sea region and Got-

Tore Gannholm

land. The filigree technique, i.e. the method to or- Strabain of Alva parish. He made the first peace
ganize twisted wires and grains of precious metals with the ‘suja kunung’ (king of the Svear).”
in regular patterns, became extremely popular and The Trade Treaty between the Gotlanders and
was practiced with impressive skill by Gotlandic the Svear, probably from second half of the 500s,
goldsmiths. Splendid bracelets of gold and silver means that the Gotlanders could freely trade on the
were produced as were probably the three famous new kingdom in the Lake Mälar area and its con-
gold collars from Ålleberg, Färjestaden and Möne. quered lands east of the Baltic Sea.
Nothing surpasses this artistic and technological Instead of paying customs duty every time they
quality in Scandinavian Iron Age and Migration Pe- passed the border they paid a fixed amount every
riod jewellery. year and could then trade freely in all areas con-
The Gotlanders had also trading emporiums in trolled by the Svear. There were large Gotlandic
the Vistula area when the ‘Gothic Association’ was trading Emporiums, i. a. in Grobina (Latvia) ca 650-
formed, and thus, even if small, they were the senior 850 CE, with over 1000 Gotlandic graves, an area at
people in the area. According to Jared Diamond, that time conquered by the Svear.
‘Guns, Germs, and Steel, The Fates of Human So- As can be seen above, the Guta saga written down
cieties’, it is quite natural that the new federation about 1220, states that the Gotlanders had never
will have the Gotlanders’ name and language. They been beaten by a foreign power.
called themselves Gutans and Guthiuda. Therefore 1361 must be the first time the Gotlandic
The immigration of the Herul Royal family (Svear) Merchant Republic is beaten by a foreign power.
to the Lake Mälar area in the early 500s, when they Roman gold coins known as solidi have been found
bring a new ruling dynasty and a new religion to on the three Baltic Sea islands: Bornholm 150,
the area, what we today know as the Ynglinga dy- Öland 298, Gotland 270 + 47 on the market place
nasty and the Æsir religion, is mentioned in several Helgö in Mälaren. The latter have been intended as
sources. Their entrance on the stage changes the raw material and are according to the researchers
situation in the Baltic Sea region. The wars between most likely derived from Gotland. It is obvious here
the Skilfings (Svear) and the Gotlanders are men- to see Helgö and then Birka as trading venues with
tioned in the Beowulf epos and the Guta Saga. No large Gotlandic influence, as implied by the archae-
traces of Æsir religion is discernible on Gotland. ological sources. E.g. writes Adam of Bremen in
The eight-legged horse that can be seen on three his history, Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pon-
Gotlandic picture stones is a Shaman horse that the tificum, that “Birka is a Gotlandic (Gothia) town lo-
Gotlanders came in contact with in Khazaria. An cated in the middle of the country of the Sveoner.”
eight-legged horse is not known in Scandinavia. Professor Nerman believes that stage two in Pavik-
The Guta Saga tells that the Gotlanders always kept en is the prototype for Grobina. Even the Gotland-
the victory and their right: “Many kings fought ic tombs are similar in both locations. The remains
against Gutland while it was heathen. The Gotland- of the ancient Gotlandic city facility at Grobina
ers, however, always held the victory and constant- are also similar in style to Sliesthorp (Haithabu) in
ly protected their rights. Later the Gotlanders sent Denmark, Birka in the Lake Mälar area and as men-
a large number of messengers to ‘suiarikis’ (Svear), tioned stage two in Paviken on Gotland. In a semi-
but none of them could make peace before Avair circle around the old town area lie the cemeteries

The Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches

and, like Birka, it also has had a stronghold as sup- Scandinavian peninsula (THULE), except Tacitus
port point. Kiev that was conquered by the Gotlan- Sitonens in the Lake Mälar area, is Prokopios who
dic Varangians in 882 follows the same pattern. wrote in the 500s.
A new way of burial appears in the Lake Mälar area With the discovery that the Beowulf epos is about
in the 500s, as well as the introduction of the Ro- the Gotlanders in combination with the Herul im-
man calendar. If we accept that the Heruli settle in migration to the Lake Mälar area we have been able
the Lake Mälar area at this time, as mentioned by to shed new light on the Gotlandic history. Indeed
Procopius, it explains a lot. Actually this in fact ex- the history of the whole Baltic Sea region has come
plains the rise of the Vendel era. The Vendel era is in a whole new light. We now have a link between
an indigenous Baltic Sea culture. In the Lake Mälar the Beowulf epos, Guta Saga and the archaeologi-
area it starts middle of the 500s and continues until cal finds from the 400s and 500s. Gotland’s impor-
the beginning of the Middle Ages. tance for trade and culture in the Baltic Sea region
On Gotland the Vendel era starts about 50 years during the first millennium can also be illustrated by
earlier and is explained by the Gotlanders’ close the coin finds in the present-day Swedish soil. The
contacts with Theoderic’s Gothic kingdom. table shows the Gotlandic finds in relation to the
The first writer to mention some people on the total coin finds in present-day Sweden.
Type Total number Sweden of which Gotland % Gotland
Roman silver denarii 7756 6578 84.8
Sasanian Empire (500-651) 182 78 42.9
Islamic Caliphate (698-1013) 85 585 67 260 78.6
Byzantine coins 576 491 85.2
Swedish coins (1013-1050) 781 423 54.2
German Coins (950-1140) 92890 62144 66.9
English coins 41525 25785 62.1

The Russian rivers

chants from the island in the Baltic Sea region.
Nearly 80% of all coins from the Islamic Caliphate They are in these sources called al-Rus’, Rhos and
found in present day Sweden have been found on Varangians.
Gotland. In the areas of the Svear no silver treasure Al-Rus’ / Rhos comes from the Old Norse word
from the Islamic Caliphate has been found. Ro∂r meaning rowing fleets. The Arab writers say
From the 500s until the 1000s the Gotlanders have, that it is merchants from the island in the Baltic Sea
according to Swedish researchers, been considered who came rowing on the Russian rivers. From there
rarely to be mentioned in ancient sources. The Got- comes later the name Russia.
landic history was uninteresting from a Swedish These Varangians emerged not only as slave hunters,
perspective. but were primarily known as merchants. Ibn Khor-
However, the Gotlanders were in Arabic and Byz- dadhbeh (c. 820 – 912): ‘The al-Rus’ come from the
antine sources from the 800 well known as mer- farthest corners of the Slav’s country. They travel

Tore Gannholm

over the Roman Sea to Constantinople and sell their Varangians

goods, furs of beaver, black fox and swords’.
Ibn Rustah’s description: ‘What the al-Rus’ concern, The word Varangian was used by Greeks, Arabs and
they live on an island, surrounded by a lake. This Kievan Rus’ for merchants from the island in the
island, on which they live, have an extent of three Baltic Sea (Gotlanders). It probably comes from
days’ journey.’ His information on the non-Islam- the Old Norse word ‘var’, which means ‘union by
ic peoples of Europe and Inner Asia makes him promise’, and was used by a group of men to keep
a useful source for these obscure regions. He was them together in a union, and under oath observe
even aware of the existence of the British Isles and certain obligations to support each other in good
of the Heptarchy of Anglo-Saxon England and the faith and to share the resulting profits. It was a com-
prehistory of the Turks and other steppe peoples. mon word when Gotlandic merchants conducted
Ibn Rustah travelled to Novgorod with the al-Rus’, their trading voyages on the Russian rivers.
and compiled books relating to his own travels, as They signed a commercial agreement and promised
well as second-hand knowledge of the Khazars, to defend each other.
Magyars, Slavs, Bulgars, and other peoples. We know from written sources that Gotlandic mer-
His impression of the al-Rus’ is very favourable: chants in 838 travelled along one of Eastern Eu-
‘They carry clean clothes and the men adorn them- rope’s rivers to Miklagarðr and said they were called
selves with bracelets of gold. They treat their slaves Rhos, and came from the Baltic Sea region (‘com-
well and they also carry exquisite clothes, because perit eos gentis esse Sueonum’). Photius in his writ-
they put great effort in trade. They have many ings in 867 calls them Rhos.
towns. They have a most friendly attitude towards The word Varangian became later the synonym for
foreigners and strangers who seek refuge.’ the Gotlanders who acted as mercenaries to the rul-
See also the picture stones from the 800s that prob- ers of Khazaria, Miklagarðr and Garðaríki.
ably tell about the Gotlanders’ contacts with Khaz- The word Viking does not exist in the Baltic Sea
aria and the Islamic Caliphate. region. Vikings were warriors from Denmark, west-
Khazaria converted to Judaism and became the ern Sweden and Norway. The Viking Age begins
world’s largest Jewish kingdom. It is estimated to- with the attack on Lindisfarne in 793. In the Baltic
day that 80% of those in the world who confess to Sea area there are only Varangians, i.e. Gotlandic
the Jewish religion are descended from there. They merchants and the Baltic Sea culture goes under
are also called the ‘13th tribe’. the name of the ‘Vendel Period’ and is a coherent
In Khazaria the main languages were Turkish, var- cultural expression from the early 500s to the early
ious Slavic languages and Gothic. If you mix these Middle Ages.
languages you get Jiddish. There is a clear line in the river Elbe between the
When the Swedes a couple of hundred years later word Viking and Varangian. East of the River Elbe
forcibly Christenized Finland and Estonia they also are no Vikings, just Varangians.
came with rowing fleets and are called Ruotsi and In the Baltic Sea region the Gotlanders, after the
Rootsi. But it has nothing to do with the Arabic signing of the trade and peace treaty in the 550s
writers much earlier name for the Gotlandic rowing with the Svear, could make themselves part of the
merchants al-Rus’ and the Byzantines’ Rhos to do. economic boom, that is now emerging in the Svea

The Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches

home lands around the Lake Mälar, and in the areas On them it is always Baghdad’s Arabic name, Madi-
that the Suja kunung will conquer on the other side nat al-Salam, or ‘City of Peace’. This is the Islamic
of the Baltic Sea, among others Grobina. Caliphate’s premier coining place.
At the end of the 700s, when the Islamic Caliphate, From the first part of the 800s the find material
Särkland, discovered rich silver deposits in the east, bear evidence of the Gotlandic merchants long-dis-
the Gotlanders went on the Russian rivers all the tance connections between the Baltic Sea and the
way to the Volga River, the Caspian Sea and all the Volga river all the way to the Caspian Sea. Baghdad
way to Baghdad. is the most common place for minting from the
Baghdad was established on the Tigris River in 762, Spillings’ treasure. Abbasid coins dominate in all
and from that time we have the first Abbasid coins. 800s treasures.

Fig 1. The Rus’ Khaganate is the name applied by modern historians to a polity that was postulated to exist during a poorly documented period in the history
of Eastern Europe, roughly the late 700s and early-to-mid-800s.
It is suggested that the Rus’ Khaganate was a state, or a cluster of city-states, set up by a people in Arabic sources called al-Rus’.

Tore Gannholm

The Rus’ Khaganate late 700s to about 860 when the Gotlanders were
thrown out.
The Gotlandic merchants, as mentioned earlier, ‘The tributaries to the Varangians drove them back
were in the Arabic sources on the Russian rivers beyond the sea and, refusing them further tribute,
called al-Rus’, expeditions of rowing boats, and set out to govern themselves’.
Wareng i.e. Varangians. Lyubsha is an archaeological site situated on the
By the 800s groups of Gotlandic Varangians had right bank of the Volkhov, about 1,500 metres
developed a powerful warrior-merchant system. downstream from Aldeigjuborg. The 1993 exca-
They began probing south down the waterways vations established that Lyubsha is the site for the
controlled by the Khazars. They were in pursuit earliest Varangian fort in Russia, established in the
of the Arabic silver which flowed north through first half of the 700s, thus predating Aldeigjuborg.
the Khazarian-Volga Bulgarian trading zones. The The fortress was destroyed by fire towards the end
silver coins were obtained as payment for among of the 800s. Constantine Zuckerman connects its
other things slaves, furs and swords. Gotlandic mer- destruction with a conflict, Vadim’s uprising, that
cantile fleets passing Atil on the Volga were tithed, marked the downfall of the Rus’ Khaganate.
as they were at Byzantine Cherson. Immediately north of Lyubsha lies the village of
The Gotlandic Varangians settled inside the East Gorchakovshchina, which used to be a trading post
Slavic area. They forced their subordinates to feed at the head of navigation on the Volkhov, near its
them and obtain merchant goods. ancient entry into Lake Ladoga. Dmitry Machinsky
There have been excavated a number of Gotlandic ranks Gorchakovshchina, along with Aldeigjuborg
bases from end 700s to the 800s in present day Be- and Alaborg, among the most important centres of
larus and all the way to the Volga. the Rus’ Khaganate.
The early phase of this loosely structured Gotlandic It is estimated that between 90 to 95% of all coins
Rus’ dominion is sometimes called the Rus’ Khaga- from the Islamic Caliphate found in Gotland have
nate. The Rus’ Khaganate was a cluster of city-forts, passed through Aldeigjuborg. Tellingly, the old-
set up by the Gotlandic merchants. est Islamic coin in Europe was unearthed in Al-
The regions along the Russian rivers were the places deigjuborg. Dendrochronology suggests that Al-
of operation for these adventurers and merchants. deigjuborg was founded about 753, about the same
The population, where the al-Rus’, Gotlandic mer- time as Bagdad that was founded on 30 July 762 by
chants, founded their bases, was at that time com- the new Muslin Abbasid dynasty.
posed of Baltic, Slavic, Finnic and Turkic peoples. Gotlandic merchant vessels sailed from the Baltic
The pattern with Gotlandic trading places from the Sea through Aldeigjuborg to the Caspian Sea and
Bronze Age seems to be repeated. later also to Miklagarðr.
The Gotlandic picture stones from that time tell us Other centres that have been excavated are
of long distance travelling by the Gotlandic mer- Holmgar∂r, Sarskoye Gorodishche, Gnezdovo at
chants on the Russian rivers. Smolensk and Timerevo in Yaroslavl. Typical for
The Rus’ Khaganate period marked the genesis of these centers is that they are located on waterways,
a distinct Rus’ ethnos. It was a polity that flourished and that craft and trade is well developed, and the
in what is today northern Russia, roughly from the material culture is international.

The Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches

According to contemporary sources, the popula- According to Davidan the activities of the Varang-
tion centers of the region were under the rule of ians were mainly linked to the proto urban centers
a chief using the Old Turkic title Khagan. The Rus’ of Eastern Europe and those that emerged along
Khaganate period marked the genesis of a distinct the Volga river trail.
Rhos ethnos. It was succeded by Kievan Rus’ and As mentioned Rhos (Rus’) comes from old Norse
later states from which modern Russia, Belarus, and ro∂r meaning ‘expedition of rowing ships’. They
Ukraine evolved. called their leader Khacanus.

Tore Gannholm

Kingdom of Khazaria The Christian time before Church

building on Gotland
Around the Volga north of the Caspian Sea was a
Turkish empire called Khazaria. They had become When did Christianity or other related religions
very rich by controlling the trade between China gain footing on Gotland? We know nothing about
and Europe. it. However, we know that the Gotlanders were tol-
The early al-Rus’ traded extensively with Khazaria. erant against dissident religions.
The Gotlandic merchants came on the Volga trade We must be aware that the Gotlanders had experi-
route to the Khazar capital of Atil, and then to the ence of several Christian and non-Christian beliefs.
southern shores of the Caspian Sea, all the way to Their tribal kindred, the Goths, were early Arian
Baghdad. The Gotlanders dominated this trade on Christians and we have several examples of early
the Russian rivers from the second half of the 700s Christian symbolism on Gotland and in southern
and travelled all the way to the Volga, paying du- Scandinavia. Åke Ohlmarks, among others, believes
ties to the Khazars and to the ports of Gorgan and that there is evidence of Arian Christian graves on
Abaskun on the southern shore of the Caspian Sea. Gotland as early as the 500s. Gotlandic merchants
On occasion they travelled as far as Baghdad. Most have surely met with Christians on their trading
Islamic coins in the Spillings’ treasure are minted in voyages to the South already in the 300s and came
Baghdad. very early in contact with different types of Chris-
Ibn Khordadbeh wrote in the ‘Book of Roads and tianity. However there are no traces of Æsir belief
Kingdoms’ that ‘they go via the Slavic River, the on Gotland.
Don, to Khamlidj, a city of the Khazars, where the This view is supported by the simple and factual
latter’s ruler collects the tithe from them.’ Khaz- story in Guta Saga: “Prior to that time, and for a
aria had a Nature Shamanistic religion, Tengriism, long time afterwards, people believed in groves and
where the eight-legged horse figures. It is depicted grave howes, holy places and ancient sites, and in
on three Gotlandic picture stones. It has nothing heathen idols. They sacrificed their sons, daughters,
to do with Æsir-belief and there are no signs of and cattle, together with food and ale. They did that
Æsir-belief on Gotland. The eight-legged horse is in accordance with their ignorance of the true faith.
unknown on the Scandinavian peninsula. The whole island held the highest sacrifice on its
Khazaria converted in the early 800s to Judaism and own account, with human victims, otherwise each
became the world’s largest empire that professed to third held its own. But smaller assemblies held a
the Jewish faith, the ‘13th tribe’. lesser sacrifice with cattle, food, and drink. Those
A coin from 837/838, which instead of Muham- involved were called ‘cook-companions’, because
mad as the profet of god says Moses is the prophet they all cooked their sacrificial meals together.”
of god, was found in the Spillings’ treasure. Christianity, in some areas on Gotland may have
Later we find decendants to these Khazarians pro- come from England. The English saint name Bot-
fessing to the Jewish religion in Russia, Ukraine, ulf, in its Gotlandic form Båtel, which is highly un-
Poland and Lithuania. It is estimated that 80% of usual in Scandinavia, is numerously represented on
those who today profess to the Jewish religion orig- Gotland, both in place names as well as personal
inate from the 13th tribe.

The Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches

names. boat and the direction in which the skeleton lay.

The name has a special concentration to areas According to Professor Birger Nerman, A Christian
around Burgsvik and Fröjel. There are the two main mission on Gotland p 38:
harbours of entry from Sliaswich in the southwest “Gotland has during the hole Vendel Period, as in
to the west coast of Gotland. some other parts of the Iron Age been the center
It is in this context illuminating that both Öja for the Baltic Sea trade, and undoubtedly has been
Church, in whose parish Burgsvik lies, like Fröjel the leading Nordic area in the arts and crafts. In the
Church next to Ridanäs harbour are consecrated to second half of this period can on Gotland stronger
English saints. Botulf who died around 680 was an than elsewhere be observed relations with countries
English abbot and saint. He is the patron saint of from which the Christian mission was emanated to
travellers and various aspects of farming. His feast the non-Christian peoples of the North Sea and
day is celebrated either on 17 June in England or 25 the Baltic Sea. In the late 600s, and during the first
June in Scotland. half of the 700s there is strong Irish influence, pri-
To understand the earliest Christianity one must marily resulting in rich band and knot ornaments.
also answer the question why there are no Christian During the second half of the 700s come strong
churches at that time. The answer is very simple. influences from the Carolingian area, which bring
The original Arian Christian church had no church with them the earliest wave of Carolingian art. This
buildings, clergy or a Pope. All this is a compromise wave, which is characterized by medallion subdivi-
in areas where old traditions with cult buildings and sion of the surfaces, the naturalistic ‘lion figures’
an autocratic clergy had to be given up. From this and bird images, has so far only been found copied
time we find in Gotland and Sweden burial grave on Gotland. Under such circumstances it would be
orbs with carved patterns which clearly go back very natural if a Christian missionary soon found its
to Capernaum, that in 381 is mentioned as an im- way to Gotland.”
portant pilgrimage. Later Syrian stonemasons were The peoples along the Baltic Sea coasts were within
fetched to Ravenna for the construction of The- the orbit of the Iro-Scottish mission in the 700s.
oderic the Great’s grave mausoleum. Characteristic The Anglo-Saxon church historian Bede Venerabi-
features of the decoration of the mausoleum are lis (673-735) mentions that even the Irish mission-
found on jewelry in the Nordic countries from the ary Egbert, a precursor to the Frisian missionary
same time. Features of the Baltic Sea region art, and Willibrord, at the end of the 600s, had the intention
archaeological findings, suggest that in the 600s to visit these peoples. The idea was apparently to
there were trade relations between the British Isles carry out missionary work and get these peoples to
and the Baltic Sea region, mainly Gotland. trading partners. From the sources we can see that
On Gotland there were different ideas about the Willibrord also visited the ‘savage pagans’ of Den-
dead man’s journey into the kingdom of death, mark and tried to convert them, probably about the
heaven. There was not needed much outside influ- year 700. Assuming that it was a pretty strong Chris-
ence for a change in form of burial. We find differ- tian influence from England in southern Scandina-
ent types of graves, cremations and skeleton graves, via, Gotland and central Sweden during the 700s, it
abundant food for the journey and equipment and is much easier to explain the cultural development
almost no equipment at all, a boat, a symbol of the during the same time.

Tore Gannholm

In the 700s there were at Broa in Halla a work-

shop that produced gilded bronze crosses as com-
ponents to horse head ornaments. From this it is,
however, impossible to determine whether Christi-
anity gained some successes at that time. However,
one can detect northwest European elements in the
artistic design. Willibrord represents a style with a
braided pattern, which among other things is found
around several of the Gotlandic picture stones.
This woven pattern is later known from the Lindis-
farne Gospels, an illuminated Latin manuscript of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the British Li-
brary. The manuscript was produced in Lindisfarne
medieval Russian icon.
in Northumbria in the late 600s or early 700s, and
is generally regarded as the finest example of the This usually means that Christians were buried, be-
kingdom’s unique style of religious art, a style that cause it is a non-Christian custom to add items to
combined Anglo-Saxon and Celtic themes, what is the dead.
now called Hiberno-Saxon art, or Insular art. Since If finds occur, mostly simple jewelry, they some-
Willibrord’s braided pattern style has been so per- times have Christian motifs. These jewelry come
vasive, it is likely that a number of missionaries ap- from all the countries with Christian traditions with
peared simultaneously. which the Gotlanders in those days could come
There are many graves without finds on Gotland into contact. One can thus detect both Irish, Frank-
from the end of the 700s and throughout the 800s. ish-Carolingian and Orthodox influence. A cist
stone from Ire in Hellvi, which is dated to after 600
can be interpreted as a representation of Christ’s
resurrection (fig. 3). Even this one is surrounded by
a border with the ‘braided pattern style’.
The archaeological finds accept the premise that
there has been a period of overwhelming Western
Christian influence in the 800s, which may have be-
gun as early as the end of the 700s.
Using the Guta Saga, treasures and grave finds, the
Christianizing sequence can be outlined thus. About
the year 800 the Christian idea is permanently root-
ed in Gotland, mediated by missionaries and those
who the Gotlanders encountered in their interna-
tional relations. The Christian minority is believed
to take the actions it is able to secure for their salva-
tion, e.g. earth free funeral.

The Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches

The Gotlanders massive presence in Miklagarðr and

the Gotlandic Varangian Ingr’s daughter becoming
Empress in 867 must have contributed to the for-
mation on an independent Gotlandic Church that
during the first 300 years was purely Byzantine in
its outlook.
In the 900s we know of 55 wooden churches and
most population in the upper layer is believed to
have become Christians.
From the beginning of the 1000s the churches are
built in stone after the Armenian model.

against a warrior

for Constantinople their leader was known as Chacanus, the Latin word
for “Khagan”, and that they lived far to the north.
The first documented visit by a delegation of Got- Ibn Khordadhbeh (c. 820 – 912) depicts that also
landic merchants, Rhos, Varangians, to Miklagarðr probably about the year 846 al-Rus’ merchants vis-
is in 838. It is documented by three written sources ited Miklagarðr and Baghdad.
and also a coin has been found in the Spillings’ trea- However some Gotlandic Varangians remained in
sure with Emperor Theophilos’ name (829-842). Mikagar∂r in 838 and joined the Emperor’s service
One of the references related to the Rus’ khaga- and took Byzantine wives.
nate comes from the Frankish Annals of St. Bertin, So did the Gotlandic Varangian Ingr who married
which refer to a group of Norsemen who called a Martiniakoi, a distant relative to the imperial fam-
themselves Rhos, “qui se, id est gentem suam, ily. In 840 a daughter Eudokia Ingerina (Greek:
Rhos vocari dicebant”, and visited Constantinople Ευδοκία Ιγγερίνα) (c. 840 – c. 882) was borne.
around the year 838. On June 18, 860, at sunset, a fleet of about 200 Rhos
They were fearful of returning home via the steppes, vessels sailed into the Bosporus and started pillag-
that would leave them vulnerable to attacks by the ing the suburbs of Constantinople, Miklagarðr. The
Magyars. Around 830, a rebellion had broken out attackers were setting homes on fire, drowning and
in the Khazar khaganate. As a result, three Kabar stabbing the residents. The attack took the Greeks
tribes of the Khazars joined the Hungarians and by surprise, ‘like a thunderbolt from heaven’.
moved to what the Hungarians call the Etelköz. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Pho-
Therefore these Rhos got permission to accom- tius (858-867 and 877-886) says that it came suddenly
pany Greek ambassadors from the Byzantine em- and unexpectedly, ‘like a swarm of wasps’. Unable
peror Theophilus, who were travelling through the to do anything to repel the invaders, Patriarch Pho-
Frankish Empire to the Frankish Emperor Louis tius urged his flock to implore the Theotokos to
the Pious at Ingelheim. When questioned by the save the city.
Frankish Emperor Louis the Pious they stated that Emperor Michael III and the Imperial Army, in-

Tore Gannholm

cluding the troops normally stationed closest to the procession which has been described with many de-
capital, and the dreaded fleet which discouraged tails and which, according to later local tradition led
with the deadly Greek Fire, fought against the Ar- to the final cease of the siege by the Rhos.
abs in Asia Minor. Since the yearly performance of the Acathistus was
The exceptional time of the attack when the Rhos, fixed for March 22, we may consider this date as the
Gotlandic Varangians, caught Constantinople un- day when the solemn procession with the sacred
prepared suggests that the Rhos had information vestment of the Holy Virgin took place. In other
about the city’s weaknesses. It shows that the Rhos words, at the close of March 861 the Rhos were
trade and communication with Miklagarðr contin- already withdrawing from under the walls of Con-
ued into the 840s and 850s. We don’t know how stantinople. Their invasion left so deep an impres-
many Gotlanders took service in the Imperial sion on the minds of the people that the Acathistus
Guard in 838 and if they were involved from in- has remained permanently fixed in the ritual of the
side. Still, the attack by the Rhos in 860 came as a Greek-Orhodox Church. Without doubt some of
surprise. the most impressive moments during the invasion
The Rhos–Byzantine War of 860-861 was the only of 860-861 were those of the solemn processions
major military expedition from the Rus’ Khaga- headed by the Patriarch Photius, when the pre-
nate recorded in Byzantine and Western European cious garment of the Virgin Mary, preserved in the
sources. Chruch of the Virgin at Blanchernae, was borne
At the same time all the centres of the Rus’ Kha- round the walls of the city.
ganate in North-Western Russia were destroyed by It was not the first time that this venerated relic
fire. Archaeologists have found convincing evidence was used during a critical experience for the capi-
that Aldeigjuborg, Alaborg, Holmgard, Izborsk and tal. The best known occasion was during the siege
other local centres were burnt to the ground in the of the city by Avars, Scythians and Persians in 626
860s. Some of these settlements were permanently when, according to a legendary tradition, the rel-
abandoned after the conflagration. ic had saved the capital. Doubtless such religious
The Primary Chronicle describes the uprising of performances deeply impressed the superstitious
the pagan Slavs and Chudes, Finnic peoples, against populace and furnished them real consolation and
the Gotlandic Varangians. comfort.
Accounts vary regarding the events that took place It is a very interesting question whether the Gotlan-
around Constantinople. There are discrepancies dic Rhos invasion of 860-861 ended in a definite
between contemporary and later sources, and the agreement with the Byzanatine government or not.
exact outcome is unknown. This event gave rise to Theophanes’ Continuator writes that shortly after
a later Orthodox Christian tradition, which ascribed the Rhos withdrawal a Rhos embassy came to Con-
the deliverance of Constantinople to a miraculous stantinople beseeching to be converted to Christian-
intervention by the Theotokos, mother of God. ity, and that this conversion indeed took place. We
The Rhos campaign of 860-861 lasted ten months can probably conclude that negotiations initiated by
at least and ended some time in 861. the Rhos took place at once after the campaign of
Evidently the hymn Acathistus was composed and 860-861 and ended in a friendly agreement.
first performed in commemoration of the solemn Photius writings provide the earliest example of

The Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches

use of the name Rhos by the Byzantines. He also

mentions the foresaid contact in 838 between the
Byzantine Empire and the Rhos. the Gotlandic Varangians
Previously, the inhabitants of the countries north
of the Black Sea had been called ‘archaic’ or ‘Tau- The most authoritative source on the first official
roscyths’. The learned patriarch reports that the Christianization of the Rhos is an encyclical letter
Rhos has no supreme ruler and live in some remote from the Patriarch Photius, datable to early 867.
northern country. Photius called them ‘unknown Refering to the Rhos-Byzantine War of 860-861
people’, although some historians prefer to trans- Photius informs the Oriental patriarchs and bish-
late the phrase with ‘obscure people’. ops that, after the Bulgars turned to Christ in 864,
About the year 864 Eudokia Ingerina became the the Rhos followed suit so zealously that he found it
mistress of the Emperor Michael III, who thus in- prudent to send to their land a bishop (fig. 183).
curred the anger of his mother Theodora and the This fits very well with Guta Saga that says:
powerful minister Theoktistos. Because Ingerina’s “Although the Gotlanders were heathen, they nev-
family was iconoclastic, the Empress Mother Theo- ertheless sailed on trading voyages to all countries,
dora strongly disapproved of them. both Christian and heathen. The merchants saw
Unable to risk a major scandal by leaving his wife, Christian customs in Christian countries. Some
Michael married away Eudokia to his friend Basil of them allowed themselves to be baptised, and
but continued his relationship with her. Basil was brought priests to Gotland. Botair of Akebäck was
compensated with the emperor’s sister Thekla as the name of the one who first built a church in that
his own mistress. place which is now called Kulstäde”.
Ingerina Eudokia gave birth to a son, Leo, in Sep- If we can link those two notices, the first church on
tember 866 and another, Stephen, in November Gotland was built in the late 860s or 870s.
867. They were officially Basil’s children, but this Photius remembers the invasion upon the Empire
paternity was questioned, apparently even by Basil by the race which in cruelty and bloodthirstiness
himself. left all other peoples far behind, the so-called Rhos,
The strange promotion of Basil to co-emperor in and adds that now indeed, even they have changed
May 867 lends some support to the possibility that their Hellenic and godless religion for the pure and
at least Leo was actually Michael III’s illegitimate unadultered faith of the Christians, and have placed
son. The parentage of Ingerina’s younger children themselves under the protection of the Empire,
is not a subject of dispute, as Michael III was mur- becoming good friends instead of continuing their
dered in September 867, when Basil became Em- recent robbery and daring adventures.
peror Basil I and Eudokia Ingerina became Em- Photius’ letter allows us to fix more exactly the time
press Consort of the Byzantine Empire. of the appeal by the Rhos to Byzantium. He men-
The Gotlandic Ingr’s daughter Eudokia Ingerina tions Rhos’ affairs just after stating that the Bulgar-
was the wife of the Byzantine emperor Basil I, the ians adopted Christianity. The baptism of the Bul-
mistress of his predecessor Michael III, and the garian King Boris took place in 864, but his envoys
mother to both the Emperors Leo VI and Alexan- had already been baptized in Constantinople at the
der and Patriarch Stephen I of Constantinople. end of the year 863. According to Photius’ letter

Tore Gannholm

the Rhos appeal and the new conditions which were The Macedonian Renaissance made a deep impres-
established between Byzantium and the Gotlandic sion on the Gotlandic school of art. It is obvious
Rhos, Varangians, occurred between 864 and the from what remains of the early wooden and Ro-
spring or summer of 867, when Photius encyclical manesque stone churches in Gotland.
letter was written and dispatched.
It is interesting to note that at that time the Got-
landic Varangian Ingr’s daughter Indrina becomes
the mistress of Emperor Michael III and married
to future Emperor Basil I. On 19 September 866 A very interesting point in Gotlandic Rhos-Byzan-
Michael and Indrina had a son Leo, the later Leo VI. tine relations at the second half of the 800s and the
According to Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos, beginning of the 900s may be connected with the
grandson to Indrina, (905-959), who wrote a biog- treaty concluded after the siege of 860-861.
raphy of his grandfather, Basil I the Macedonian In the year 911 a document was signed between the
(867-886), it was his ancestor who persuaded the Byzantine Emperor Leo VI and the Gotlandic Va-
Rhos to abandon their pagan ways. He narrates how rangians: Karl, Ingjald, Farulf, Vermund, Hrollaf,
the Byzantines galvanized the Rhos into conversion Gunnar, Harold, Kami, Frithleif, Hroarr, Angantyr,
by their persuasive words and rich presents, includ- Throand, Leithulf, Fast, and Steinvith.
ing gold, silver, and precious tissues. He also repeats One of the aims of the treaty was to maintain and
a traditional story that the pagans were particularly proclaim the amity which for many years had joined
impressed by a miracle. A gospel book was thrown Christians, i.e, Greeks, and Rhos, Gotlanders. This
by the archbishop into an oven and was not dam- statement very well explains the peaceful relations
aged. between the two countries that began in 861 or
Although Byzantine sources provide the most de- shortly thereafter.
tailed account of the Christianization of the Got- It is known that in the treaty of 911 there is a spe-
landic Rhos in the 800s, even the contemporary cial clause which allows the Gotlandic Rhos who
Muslim authors seem to corroborate this evidence. desire honoring the Emperor to come at any time
Ibn Khordadhbeh, when describing al-Rus’ in the and to remain in his service. They shall be permit-
880s, notes that “they style themselves as Chris- ted in this respect to act according to their desire.
tians”. We must not forget that Leo VI was the grandson
We must not overlook the fact that the Gotland- of the Gotlandic Varangian Ingr and was well aware
ic Varangian Ingr’s daughter Eudokia Ingerina be- of Gotlandic conditions.
comes part of the Imperial family and Empress Leo’s son Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos writes
consort of the Byzantine Empire. that the Krivichs and other tribes transported hol-
The Gotlanders are accordingly present in lowed-out sailboats, or monoxyla, which could ac-
Miklagarðr from the beginning of the Macedonian commodate thirty to forty people, to places along
Renaissance, that resulted in the Macedonian art, a the rivers. These sailboats were then transported
period in Byzantine developement of art which be- along the Dnieper to Kiev. There they were sold to
gan following the death of Emperor Theophilus in the Varangians who re-equipped them and loaded
842 and the lifting of the ban on icons, iconoclasm. them with merchandise.

The Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches

Places named include Smolensk (Μιλινισκα), Li- al they were enregistered by the imperial authorities
ubech (Τελιουτζα), Chernihiv (Τζερνιγωγα), in order to be supplied with food and monthly ali-
Vyshhorod (Βουσεγραδε), Vytachiv (Vitichev, mentation in the space of half a year.
Βιτετζεβη), and Kiev (Κια[ο]βα). Some of these Because they could not go back on the rivers the
cities had alternate names in Old Norse, and same year, they must stay over winter in Miklagarðr.
Constantine quotes some of them: So Novgorod The text says that the Rhos, Gotlanders, were set-
(Νεμογαρδα) is the same as Hólmgarðr (‘Island tled in the area of Saint Mamas. It was a district
Enclosure’) and Nýgarðr (‘New Enclosure’); Kiev is outside the Theodosian Walls, to the west of the
called Kœnugarðr (‘Boatyard’) or Σαμβατας, which historic city.
might derive from Norse Sandbakki-áss (‘Sandbank From 902 it is recorded that they served as mer-
Ridge’). The runestone N 62 from 1050-1100 pre- cenaries to the emperor. In 910 the great naval ex-
serves the name Vitaholmr (‘demarcation islet’) for pedition against the Eastern and Cretan Arabs was
Vytachiv. organized with Himerius at its head. Constantine
On the Dnieper the Varangians had to portage their Porphyrogenitus speaks of the presence of 700
ships round seven rapids, where they had to be on Rhos.
guard for Pecheneg nomads. The rapids began be- In 988 we read that Emperor Basil II could not trust
low Dniepropetrovsk where the river turns south anyone other than these Varangians. Therefore he
and fell 50 meters in 66 kilometers. formed a personal body-guard, the Varangian guard,
Sof eigi, ‘Don’t Sleep’ from these mercenaries. Later the Varangian Guard
Holmfors, ‘Island-Waterfall’ (Ουλβορσι) was joined by Scandinavians and in the 1200s even
Gellandi, ‘Roaring’ (Γελανδρι) English mercenaries. In 1034 came Harald the
Eyforr, ‘ever violent’ (Αειφορ) half-brother of St. Olaf there after he had to flee
Bárufors, ‘wave-waterfall’ (Βαρουφορος) from Norway after the defeat at Sticklastad in 1030.
Hlæjandi, ‘laughing’ (Λεαντι) He eventually became head of the Varangian Guard
Strukum, ‘[at the] rapids’ (Στρουκουν) and later King of Norway and was killed in 1066 at
Bury writes in 1912 : “The treaty which was con- Stamford Bridge when he tried to invade England.
cluded between 860 and 866 led probably to oth- Al-Marwazi, reports in 912 that the al-Rus’, the
er consequences. We may surmise that it led to the Gotlandic merchants, had abandoned their wild
admission of Norse mercenaries into the Imperial pagan ways and embraced the Christian faith and
fleet - a notable event, because it was the beginning Christianity does appear to be well established in
of the famous Varangian service in Constantinople.” Gotland. As the Gotlanders adopted Christianity
The Treaty was very detailed and regulates the sta- in Miklagarðr it was obviously the Byzantine doc-
tus of the Varangians i.e. the Gotlandic merchants trine that is the base for the early Gotlandic Church
in Constantinople. and we can also find it in the Byzantine paintings
They were to enter Miklagar∂r through a certain in the early churches. There are signs of 55 Got-
gate without weapons, accompanied by the imperi- landic wooden churches. Most of them are built in
al guard, not more than 50 persons at a time, which the 900s and wooden churches are latest from 1029
means there must have been quite a few Gotlanders replaced by Romanesque stone churches.
in Constantinople over the winter. Upon their arriv- Ibn Rustah travelled to Novgorod with the al-Rus’,

Tore Gannholm

and compiled books relating to his own travels. His nies of her formal reception in Constantinople
impression of the al-Rus’ is very favourable. He says were minutely described by Emperor Constantine
that they carry clean exquisite clothes and the men VII in his book De Ceremoniis.
adorn themselves with bracelets of gold, because However, she failed to convert her son Svyatoslav,
they put great effort in trade. They have a most and it was left to her grandson and pupil Vladimir I
friendly attitude towards foreigners and strangers to make Christianity the Kievan Rus’ religion.
who seek refuge. Svyatoslav I (945-972) achieved the first major expan-
sion of Kievan Rus’ territorial control, fighting a
war of conquest against the Khazar Empire. Vlad-
Kievan Rus’ imir the Great (980–1015) introduced Christianity
with his own baptism in 988. Kievan Rus’ reached
Around the year 700 travelling Radhanites, later its greatest extent under Yaroslav I (1019–1054). His
known as Jewish merchants, from Khazaria had sons assembled and issued its first written legal
founded Kiev, Turkish for ‘beach settlement’, on code, the Rus’ Justice, shortly after his death.
the Dnieper River. The place was during the 700s According to Davidson, Kiev is a striking parallel
and 800s an outpost for the Khazar Khaganate. to Grobina, regarding the description professor
As Kiev became an important station for the Got- Nerman has on the development there, which in
landic Varangians on the trade route between the its turn is a parallel to Paviken on the west coast
Baltic Sea and Miklagarðr, it was seized by the Got- of Gotland. There are many notes in the Byzantine
landic Varangians in 882 and became under Varang- and Arabic literature about the Varangians as mer-
ian rule Garðaríki, the Kievan Rus’ capital. chants in Eastern Europe.
Garðaríki, Kievan Rus’, was after that ruled by a res-
ident Varangian nobility, that became the nucleus
of the Kievan Rus’ polity, whose ‘Golden Age’ was Primary Chronicle
from late 800s to mid 1200s, when it disintegrated
after the Mongol invasion (1237–1240). They are re- According to the ’Primary Chronicle’, the earliest
ferred to as Kievan Rus’. chronicle of the territory of the future Kievan
As mentioned above the Kievan Rus’ empire be- Rus’ state, it was divided between Varangians and
gins in 882, when the Varangians took the Slavic Khazars. The Laurentian Codex says: In the year
city Kiev from Khazar supremacy and put it under 859: Varangians from over the sea imposed tribute
the rule of Prince Oleg (882–912), who extended his upon the Chuds, the Slavs, the Merias, the Veses
control from Holmgarðr south along the Dnieper and Krivichs, but the Khazars imposed it upon the
river valley in order to protect trade from Khazar Polians, the Sieverians and Vyatichs.
incursions from the east. However, in 860- 862, “The tributaries of the Va-
Saint Olga (Old Church Slavonic: Ольга, born c. rangians drove them back beyond the sea and, re-
890 died 11 July 969) was ruler of Kievan Rus’ as fusing them further tribute, set out to govern them-
regent (945–c. 963) for her son, Svyatoslav. selves. There was no law among them, but tribe rose
Olga was the first ruler of Kievan Rus’ to convert against tribe. Discord thus ensued among them, and
to Christianity, in either 945 or 957. The ceremo- they began to make war one against the other. They


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